The Weight of Unfinished Dreams

The Weight of Unfinished Dreams

Hiroko Zinser

1,421,311 Words



Evelyn Fairborne's life takes an unexpected turn when she graduates from college, only to find herself facing the harsh realities of adulthood. With her dormitory lease about to expire and job searche s stealing the joy from her expected celebration, she finally secures a graphic design position at The Herald Press. Just as her luck seems to change, a freak accident sends her careening into the magical Everlight Kingdom, where she becomes a side character in an opulent but suffocating world of aristocracy. Here, Evelyn is no longer just a college graduate seeking stability; she is now a lowly secondary daughter burdened by expectations of perfection—including mastering various arts by the age of thirteen. As she navigates this new reality, her real struggles are just beginning. The kingdom is steeped in tension as political machinations unfold, including a plot involving the royal court and an assassination that threatens to unravel the very fabric of its society. As Evelyn acclimatizes to her role, she grapples with a painful truth: her family's financial crises back in her original world mirror the intrigues of the Everlight Kingdom. Her parents, once stable, are plunged into severe hardship following unexpected layoffs, forcing her brother to take desperate measures to support them. Simultaneously, Evelyn learns that her new powers, particularly her embroidery skills derived from her past life, might hold the key to not just her future but also to protecting the fragile peace in this enchanting realm. Caught between two worlds, Evelyn must confront her identity and the choices she’s faced with—does she step up to become a pivotal player in this fantastical society, or will she find a way to return home, where her family’s struggles loom large? With time running out and chaos clawing at the edges of both lives, the ultimate question remains: can Evelyn embrace her destiny and alter the course of fate itself, or will she remain trapped in the shadows of both her former life and her newfound reality?