Between Business and Forbidden Desires

Between Business and Forbidden Desires

Lynne Kuanoni

76,787 Words



In a world where love is a stranger, Isabella Everhart finds herself trapped in a marriage forged from necessity rather than passion. Just over a week into her union with Thomas Avery, the two have ba rely exchanged more than the most basic of pleasantries. Confined within the walls of Avery Manor, their relationship feels like a carefully calculated arrangement, with mutual solitude echoing through the silence that blankets their opulent bedroom. But as the hands of the clock inch toward midnight, Isabella is drawn to the allure of breaking the icy barrier between them. A solitary kiss—what harm could come from that? It’s a reckless thought, yet one that fills her with an exhilarating rush. However, the sudden intrusion of a ringing phone interrupts her moment of daring vulnerability, leaving her craving more than just stolen glances and procedural conversations. The storm outside mirrors the turbulence within, as she grapples with her growing attraction to her enigmatic husband, whose actions she cannot quite decipher. Why does he seem so distant, and what lies behind his curt demeanor? As Isabella navigates the complexities of her new life in the Avery family, she also battles an intriguing rivalry with Thomas's charming yet condescending aide, Elias Woodfield. Their contentious exchanges ignite a fire within her that both thrills and terrifies, leading her to question everything she thought she wanted. With each encounter, Isabella is torn between the allure of ambition and the impossibility of real intimacy. Can she unravel the secrets of Thomas’s heart and mend the chasm that stands between them? Or will the expectations of her new family and the world of business prove too insurmountable for any semblance of true connection? As the rain pours down in relentless sheets, Isabella’s heart races with the precarious excitement of chance and betrayal. What happens when a transactional marriage evolves into something more dangerously compelling, and is she ready to face the storms of love that may finally break through?