Must-Read Classic Fairies Novels for 2024?

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Must-Read Classic Fairies Novels for 2024?

Pet and the troika

  1 . Pet and the troika

  Don't get too close to humans. That's rule number one. Well, it is if you're an emotionally constipated fae lord. As far as I'm concerned, the vampire could do a better job of keeping his distance, but he's never been that good at following the rules. G'day. I'm Pet. Schrödinger's Pet, these days; depends who's asking. I'm human, but when you hang around with enough Behindkind, it starts getting dangerous for the other humans around you. Humans like my friend Morgana. I tried to stay away, but now she needs my help and don't get too close to humans isn't exactly gunna cut it anymore. I've got the feeling I'm about to find out why it's such a bad idea.

Val & her tiger

  2 . Val & her tiger

  Dealing with dragons is hard. Dealing with a teenage daughter is even harder. My new mission involves both. Weird things are happening in Northern Idaho, and my boss is sending me to investigate. Unfortunately, my daughter and ex-husband are vacationing in the town that’s at the center of the trouble. Coincidence? Or is someone targeting them to get at me? I’m a wanted woman right now. Not only by the criminal werewolves, orcs, and trolls that I’m often hired to kill. But by the Dragon Justice Court. An organization full of arrogant, powerful dragons is exactly as horrible as it sounds. They’re the last beings you’d want after your family. If I can’t get to the bottom of the mystery and convince the dragons I’m not their enemy, I stand to lose far more than my own life.

Save Greg

  3 . Save Greg

  For Cursed Mates, it’s kill or be killed. Unless we find a way out. There’s no other way to say it: I’m up a creek without a paddle. Sure, some things are going great. My supernatural sleuth business is up and running, and I’ve got a group of fab friends. On the other hand, I’m one half of a cursed mate bond, and we’re reaching the end of the line. Grey, who I’ve grown to care too much for, is going to kill me. Or he’s going to die. Fate will ensure we take one of those two terrible paths. Though we’ve tried, it’s been impossible to break the bond. Then I discover a mystery that pulls me in deep. My past is not as it seems, and there may be answers that that can help me save Grey and myself. No matter how dangerous, I’m going to follow the clues until it’s all over—for better or worse.

The Spoiled Withch

  4 . The Spoiled Withch

  Want to know my secret? Probably not as much as I do.It seems like everybody knows what the hell I am but me.Apparently, I'm only half the witch I thought I was. Literally. I'd spent my entire life thinking my father was a witch like my mother. I should have known better. Nobody could be that big of a witch. Now, to figure out who and what he is, I get to travel the known realms in search of answers. Unfortunately, sometimes ignorance truly is bliss.Answers are never easy, especially when the entire universe is working against you. The angels want to stop me, my mother loves to play stupid (it's a natural talent in this family), and the ones who do want to help me end up passing out whenever they try to clue me in. It's driving me insane. Insane to the point of becoming a jealous, sarcastic, obnoxious pain in the ass. Okay, maybe that's just normal me, but the secrets aren't helping any, either.But now I have goals, and goals are good. Find my elf and find my father. A witch has to start somewhere, and maybe if I find them, I'll find me.Fifth Essence is an adult novel intended for mature audiences only. It contains graphic language and sexual situations. 18+ readers only! This is a medium burn reverse harem where the girl gets all the guys. Why Choose?

Engagement protocols for Zav

  5 . Engagement protocols for Zav

  After helping my steady dragon Zav with his family problems, I thought life would get back to normal. As normal as it can be when you’re a hit woman responsible for hunting down bad guys. That was before a strange artifact showed up in a bog and turned my ancient dwarven sword into a magical beacon. Now my enemies can sense it from hundreds of miles away. More than that, every club-toting, over-muscled orc, ogre, and troll who would like a magic sword can sense it. Usually, fighting off opportunists wouldn’t be a problem (they don’t call me Ruin Bringer without reason), but even I can only handle so many attacks at a time. And Zav isn’t as much help as you’d think, since he’s busy on a quest for a ring. No, it’s not a Lord of the Rings kind of quest. My boss put it in Zav's head that since we’re mated in the dragon way, we should also be married in the human way. Now, he’s off to find the perfect engagement ring. Given his taste in human footwear, I may be in trouble for more reasons than my marked sword. Not only is there no chance of my life getting back to normal any time soon, but if I can’t figure out how to fix my sword, I’ll be dead long before I can get married.

Trouble in Cedar Falls

  6 . Trouble in Cedar Falls

  You inherit a lot of things from your parents. Eye color, hair color, bits and snippets of your personality. Some things you want to inherit. Good looks, metabolism. Their vast fortune when they die. Unfortunately, there are those things you don't want to inherit. Diabetes, addictions. Your father's godly powers...Trust me when I say to you, that last one is the worst. I would rather have ended up with my mother's ass. That, I might be able to control.I thought things were calming down and getting back to normal. After a foray into the elven lands to rescue my friend from the nefarious clutches of the dark elves, I'd been looking forward to spending a nice quiet holiday in Cedar Falls with the people I love. Especially the guys. We deserved a break and some alone time. But I should have known better than that. Instead of Jingle Bells, spiked eggnog, and date nights, I'm faced with angry ghosts, rotten zombies, witch-hating locals, a pissed off vampire lord, and a partridge in a pear tree.Now it's up to the witch to save Christmas, Yule, and the town. I would have been happy just keeping everyone from getting eaten by one thing or another, but since most (maybe all) of it was my fault...I might as well go for the Christmas miracle.Sixth Sense is an adult novel intended for mature audiences only. It contains graphic language and sexual situations. 18+ readers only! This is a medium burn reverse harem where the girl gets all the guys. Why Choose?

Coming Storm

  7 . Coming Storm

  If there is one lesson I’ve been taught in my life, it’s that fairies are the absolute worst. Finding a fledgling succubus in Faerie is like locating a needle inside a realm-sized haystack. With a guide I can’t trust and a goal more ephemeral than smoke, my odds of success are tenuous at best. Not to mention, as the last Elemental in existence, I have a giant target painted on my back. Because one half of Faerie wants me dead, and the other half wants to use me as a sacrifice to open the gates to Earth. But I swore I would find my quarry, and I will. Even if I have to rip the entire realm apart to do it. There is a storm coming to Faerie. And that storm is me.

The warriors

  8 . The warriors

  Ari Lionhart is the youngest warrior in Èire Danu, yet despite his lack of years, he is trusted by the queen’s consort Brennus to act as the unit leader for every unit in the fae city. He works hard at balancing his life between being a unit warrior and being a Lionhart, and secretly fears he is failing at both. With a genius politician for a father and two older brothers that are shining examples of what it means to be a warrior and an Elder, how can he possibly try to do both with any degree of success. When their city unexpectedly faces tragedy after tragedy, and a vote of No Confidence is brought before the queen on how these things are being handled, and Ari finds himself facing his greatest fear, failure. Brie Wilson has been a Deputy Sheriff in Monroe for years. She loves the small town of her birth and the laid back atmosphere that makes it a wonderful and safe place to live. But even small towns have their own quirks and problems. Outside a few exceptions at the station, she pushes daily for her efforts to be recognized by the men on the force. Still smarting over her last break up where her ex likened her to a man, she decides the safest route is to stick to herself and never get her heart broken again. When these two selfless warriors find one another can they learn to lean on one another before the body count escalates? What does it say about them when it’s easier to face murder than the deepening feelings they have for one another.

Girl Gang

  9 . Girl Gang

  Year Three at the Academy. The year of Aqua. Maddison has been fighting the gods from the first moment she found out they existed. Those arrogant and power hungry deities have a plan ... a plan that includes destroying everything she holds dear, and she fears that one day soon, they're going to succeed. When new information is dropped in her lap, a way to end the gods once and for all, Maddison jumps at the chance. That's until she finds out that the path to her prize is through a maze of challenges that have stumped all who've attempted them before. Luckily she won't go alone. She's been recruited into a girl gang, and with Jessa, Mischa, and Ilia by her side, they might actually have a shot at succeeding. Of course, they didn't factor in on their mates storming the keep to track them down. Dragon shifters, Atlantean gods, and a chance to find the ultimate weapon. Year of aqua ... bring it on.

After the dark elves

  10 . After the dark elves

  I never thought I would date a dragon, or feed him chicken strips late at night, but life has gotten interesting. My steady dragon—you may know him as Lord Zavryd’nokquetal, but I get to call him Zav—is offering to take me to the elven homeland to meet my father and learn to harness the magic in my blood. Sure, I’m wary about his plans to force the elves to train me, but I need every advantage I can get. Especially when vampire attacks start cropping up all over Seattle, and my friend and business partner, Dimitri, disappears. Unfortunately, my training will have to wait. If I don’t find my friend in time, I may never see him alive again.

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