Between the Spotlight and Shadows

Chapter 1

Edward Hawthorne, the reigning king of Hollywood, had a secret. He was married—though no one knew it. His wife was an Omega from a prestigious background; their marriage was one he couldn't flaunt, not if he wanted to maintain a semblance of his public persona. So, he kept his distance, always polite but emotionally cautious.

But life had a way of complicating things. As days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, feelings stirred in the depths of his heart. The longer they lived this façade of a platonic relationship, the harder it became to ignore the connection that grew silently between them. It was easy to tie the knot, but untangling their lives? Now that was a different story altogether.

As fate would have it, Edward found himself cornered at a lavish movie premiere—his world under the spotlight, facing the relentless pressure from his family, the illustrious House of Hawthorne, to settle down. At that moment, he crossed paths with Ethan Fletcher, a prince born into privilege, juggling his own pressures and family expectations concerning marriage.

Their eyes met amidst the flashing cameras and excited whispers; both men could read the burden in each other’s gaze. When Edward shared his own dilemma, Ethan’s response was like a breath of fresh air—so spontaneous it felt right. “Why don’t we pretend to be a couple? It’ll throw our families off our backs,” he suggested with a charming smirk, the kind that made girls swoon and gossip columns buzz.

The plan seemed foolproof until their families jumped the gun, sealing their fate with an engagement before either could catch their breath. So, under the pressure of familial expectations, they were bound together in a reluctant agreement to marry.

But once they signed the dotted line, Edward quickly learned that Ethan was far more complex than he had imagined. The charming demeanor masked a mind that processed everything with razor-sharp precision. Inside that well-mannered exterior lurked a crafty strategist—one who played the long game.

On the surface, it seemed they were two different worlds colliding; Edward embodied the essence of a kind-hearted, honest Alpha while Ethan operated with the cleverness of a seasoned player navigating an intricate chess game.

As they settled into married life, their days became a delightful dance, each step leading them deeper into each other’s hearts. Edward found solace in their partnership, respect blossoming into something warmer, and in turn, Ethan revealed layers of kindness and strength. Ethereal moments of tenderness interspersed with playful banter made their connection real, impossible to ignore.

Here, in this tangled web of expectations and secrets, they discovered something exquisite—an unexpected love, that ignited in the shared laughter, the late-night conversations, and the quiet support they provided each other. Each day, they dug deeper, unraveling the threads of their hearts in a way that felt beautifully effortless as if they had known each other forever.

But in the shadows of their new life together, tension simmered. Both men had plans, secrets hidden even from one another. Would their love survive the storms on the horizon? Would Edward and Ethan become more than just a socially acceptable arrangement? The journey was just beginning, and the path ahead shimmered with both promise and uncertainty.

Chapter 2

On a winter afternoon, Ethan Fletcher, the second prince, reclined in a plush chair at the Third Floor Library, engrossed in a novel. Since childhood, he had been a voracious reader, devouring everything from historical epics to war literature, as well as popular genres like detective fiction, sci-fi, and romance. The book in his hands, *The Simulacrum Project*, was a best-seller that had swept the literary world in the past couple of years.

The narrative unfolded around the story of genetically engineered soldiers, where the protagonist secretly extracts DNA to create five clones, each deployed on a covert assassination mission. The twists and turns of the plot kept Ethan on the edge of his seat, and the characters were richly drawn, leading to an emotionally charged conclusion.

As sunlight streamed through the window, Ethan sighed after finishing the last chapter. He set the book aside and glanced at his personal holo-screen for the day’s news. A headline caught his eye—*The Simulacrum Project* was set to premiere on November 11th.

The movie rights for the hot-selling novel had been announced the year prior, but the initial buzz had been less than positive. As a dedicated fan, Ethan shared the common worry: a film adaptation would likely butcher the original story—after all, how could anyone convincingly portray five distinct personalities?

Fans were hotly debating online. “Will they use AI for the modeling?” “3D characters lack the emotions and nuances that real actors bring—let’s hope they choose live performers.” “Who would dare take on five roles? Can one actor even handle that?” “It’s gonna be a disaster; I’d rather reread the book."

Ethan noted the prevailing skepticism among fans, and he too decided to refrain from following the updates. To his surprise, the movie seemed to have wrapped up filming successfully. Intrigued, he delved into the promotional material, only to discover the director’s name: Julian Forester—his uncle Gareth Westbrook’s pseudonym.

With a royal family teeming with members, Gareth stood out. An Omega who had shattered typical expectations, he was known for his fierce temperament and unmatched physical prowess in fights against Alphas. It took him nearly thirty years to marry, but he had since transitioned into the entertainment industry as a director. Keeping his royal lineage under wraps, he had taken the name Julian Forester, a name well-recognized in the industry.

Gareth had directed several blockbuster hits that enjoyed critical acclaim and box office success, launching the careers of many actors. He was fiercely dedicated to using live talent, shunning CGI and digital modeling—his reputation in the industry was stellar, which made investors eager to work with him, though he rarely accepted projects. His decision to direct *The Simulacrum Project* clearly indicated he saw something special in the book.

Curious about the lead actor, Ethan looked up Edward Hawthorne—a name he hadn’t encountered much.

Edward Hawthorne was a 28-year-old male Alpha with an impressive track record; nearly every flick he starred in had raked in big bucks. With over fifty million followers on social media, he was a megastar, even if public opinion on him was divided. His fans adored him, and he was inundated with endorsement deals, yet he had never won a significant award. Critics often dismissed him as merely a pretty face lacking in genuine talent.

Taking on the role of five personalities in *The Simulacrum Project* raised a question for Ethan—could he pull it off? Doubtful, he typed a message to Gareth: “Uncle, I saw the news about the movie premiere. As director, what do you think of Edward Hawthorne’s acting skills?”

Almost instantly, Gareth replied, “What’s got you so interested in the entertainment biz all of a sudden?”

Ethan responded, “I’m a huge fan of the book—read it five times! I just don’t want my favorite characters ruined.”

Gareth sent a smiley face emoji. “Relax. I picked him personally, and I trust him.”

Despite his initial skepticism, Ethan felt a flicker of excitement at his uncle’s endorsement. No matter the external criticisms, Gareth's skills as a director were well established; surely, Edward must have something worthwhile to bring to the table.


On November 11th, Ethan asked Gareth for a ticket to the premiere, piloting his mech to the Grand Theatre of Aldoria. He had slipped away from the regal confines of Regal Keep unnoticed, wanting to keep his identity as a prince under wraps. Donning casual clothes, he disguised his mech as a run-of-the-mill hover car.

In this digital age, most people preferred to stream films from home, experiencing them in virtual 4D cinemas. Yet, premiere nights still drew the cast, crew, and special guests together for a live viewing.

Ethan wove through the crowd to the VIP section, spotting a familiar face—Gareth.

His uncle’s bright smile lit up the room as he waved Ethan over. “Come sit over here!”

Ethan settled into the seat beside him, glancing at the scruffy-looking man beside Gareth. “This is Edward Langford, the original author of *The Simulacrum Project* and the film's special screenwriter. And this is my nephew.”

Ethan offered a polite nod, excitement tingling in his chest. The air hummed with anticipation—this was only the beginning.

Chapter 3

Ethan Fletcher couldn't help but feel a bit let down. Here he was, expecting to meet the charming author behind the whimsical pen name "Mr. Cake," and instead, he found himself face to face with a grizzled old man sporting a bushy beard and a face lined with age. "So much for the whole cute author trope," Ethan thought, suppressing a sigh. He plastered on a polite smile. "Hello, I’ve read your book at least five times. It’s absolutely brilliant."

The older man chuckled, stroking his stubble. "Thanks! Charles—your nephew is quite the looker. He’d make a killing in television."

Gareth Westbrook, Ethan’s uncle, glanced at Ethan with a hint of resignation. "My nephew prefers books over movies. He’s only here because he’s a fan of your novel." He shrugged, a teasing grin on his lips. "Acting? Not his thing."

Ethan nodded vigorously. "Exactly. I’m here just to see the film adaptation of your story."

The man beamed, rubbing his beard with a smirk. "Is that so? I’ll have to send you a few signed copies then."

Before the conversation could continue, a tall figure approached them, standing attentively before Gareth. "Director," the man said, a hint of respect in his tone.

Gareth gestured toward Ethan. "Edward Hawthorne, this is my nephew—a diehard fan of ‘The Simulacrum Project.’"

Ethan looked up at the newcomer, and his breath caught in his throat. Edward Hawthorne was undeniably striking, with chiseled features that could have been carved from stone. Unlike the popular boyish stars with their overdone looks and fluffy personas, Edward was tall and muscular, his sharp, dark features exuding an air of raw intensity. His single-lidded eyes were narrow and mysterious, pulling Ethan in like a magnet.

Despite the cool demeanor, Edward was polite, nodding at Ethan before extending his hand. "Hey there."

Ethan shook his hand, feeling the warmth and strength of his grip wrap completely around his own. A jolt of electricity shot through him, making his heart race wildly—was it the allure of being near such an Alpha presence?

As investors and other actors filled up the front rows, Edward settled down right next to Ethan. The proximity was intoxicating, and Ethan’s gaze was drawn to Edward's handsome profile. His heart raced, and he wasn't sure why; this wasn’t a typical reaction for him.

Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Ethan managed a smile. "Edward, as a fan, I know this project is a huge undertaking for you. Juggling five characters? That takes guts."

Edward replied calmly, "Exactly. That’s why I wanted to challenge myself."

His voice was steady, not overly enthusiastic, but there was a warmth to it that put Ethan somewhat at ease. The brief exchange kindled a spark between them, and Ethan couldn’t help but sneak glances at the screen, eager to see how Edward would bring the story to life.

As the film began, the opening scene unfolded in a sterile laboratory, capturing the chilling moment the protagonist’s DNA was used to create clones. Written by the same author, the adaptation bore a striking resemblance to the novel, immediately immersing Ethan in the sci-fi world he adored.

The movie rushed through several early plot points, but what followed was a series of action-packed sequences that showcased Edward’s talent. He effortlessly portrayed each of the clones, embodying their distinct personalities so convincingly that Ethan often forgot he was watching the same actor. In one moment, Edward would be a cold, calculating assassin, and in the next, he’d shatter into emotion at the loss of a comrade. It was astonishing.

The climactic moment arrived when the last remaining clone sought vengeance against a ruthless scientist. It was intense, Edward physically commanding the action on screen, showcasing not just his strength but a stunning display of martial skill. Ethan found himself gripping his seat as Edward delivered a fluid punch that broke the scientist’s nose, and cheers erupted in the theater from the captivated audience.

But just as compelling was the film’s heartbreaking twist as the clone resolved to destroy his own existence. Bloodied but resolute, he whispered to the dying scientist, “I have no family, no friends, not even a name. I’m merely a monster you created. I shouldn't have thoughts of my own—or I’ll end up just like this… but I don’t regret it because after tonight, creatures like me will cease to exist.”

The room erupted in silence as the clone pressed a button, igniting raging flames around him. The movie ended with a haunting shot of him standing amidst the fire, a faint smile gracing his lips.

As the somber end credits rolled, Ethan felt his eyes prick with tears he fought to hold back. It hit hard—seeing "Clone Five" portrayed so poignantly on screen. Edward's performance captured every nuance, especially that final smile that crushed hearts.

As the applause thundered around him, Ethan wiped his eyes, overwhelmed by the emotional whirlwind he had just experienced.

After the premiere, Gareth invited everyone out for a meal, and Ethan, riding the high of the evening, was thrilled to tag along. Leaning closer to Gareth, he whispered, "Uncle, is there any chance I could get Edward Hawthorne's contact information?"

Gareth raised an eyebrow. "What for?"

Ethan flashed a disarming smile. "I loved his performance and want to be friends!"

Gareth chuckled, "Edward tends to keep to himself and focus on his work. I could give you his number, but he might not be thrilled. Why don't you just ask him yourself—that way, you can charm him?"

Ethan grinned at his uncle’s teasing. "Thanks for the vote of confidence."

Gathering his courage, he strode right up to Edward, beaming as he extended his hand. "Edward Hawthorne! I’m a huge fan of your film! From this day forward, add one more to your growing fanbase."

Edward’s smile was disarming, and his polite acknowledgment was genuine. "Thank you, it’s a pleasure."

Ethan placed his number in Edward's palm. “Can we be friends?”

A mix of exhilaration and nervousness washed over Ethan. Was this more than just admiration for Edward’s talent? Perhaps, against all odds, he was actually falling for someone he barely knew—a thought both thrilling and terrifying in equal measure.

Chapter 4

After the dinner party wrapped up, Ethan Fletcher slipped back into Regal Keep, expecting to go unnoticed. But as soon as he stepped through the door, he was intercepted by a group of Royal Paladins. At the front of the pack stood his older brother, Sophia Fletcher, his face etched with concern and annoyance. “Where have you been out so late?” he demanded.

Sophia was Ethan’s twin, born moments before him. Growing up, they had been inseparable, but since Sophia’s marriage and ascension to more demanding royal duties, their time together had dwindled. Ethan didn’t mind. He had a never-ending stack of engrossing novels to keep him entertained.

Seeing the storm brewing on Sophia’s brow, Ethan stepped forward to explain, “I went to a movie premiere.”

Sophia’s skepticism was palpable. “A movie? Since when have you been into that?”

“It’s directed by Uncle Gareth,” Ethan replied, his enthusiasm bubbling. “It’s called *The Simulacrum Project*, and I’m a huge fan of the book, so I begged him for a ticket to the premiere.”

Sophia’s expression softened. He knew Ethan was honest with him. Leading his brother into the palace, they settled into the Common Parlour. “I wanted to talk to you tonight on Father’s behalf. You’ve been cooped up in the palace for years since graduation, lost in those novels. Honestly, we’re starting to worry about you…”

Ethan jumped in, “You’re really worried about my love life, aren’t you?”

The jab hit home, and Sophia rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment before clearing his throat. “You’re the only Omega in the family. Ever since you graduated, there have been plenty of impressive Alphas asking for your hand. I’ve turned down numerous requests on your behalf, but it can’t go on like this. You’re twenty-five now, and spending all your time reading? Father’s getting anxious—he’s worried you’ll turn into a hermit.”

Ethan smiled lightly, pouring tea for Sophia as he replied, “There’s no law that says an Omega has to get married. Marriage is about freedom now, and as a prince, I should set an example. Maybe I’ll just stay single forever.”

“Single forever?” Sophia sighed, rubbing his forehead. “Do you really hate Alphas that much?”

Ethan shook his head. “It’s not that I hate them. I’ve just grown used to my freedom and don’t want anyone telling me what to do.”

Sophia scrutinized him for a long moment before sighing again. “I don’t want to pressure you, but I do think it might be nice for you to get out more, meet some people.”

“Get out and meet people.” The words sparked a fleeting image in Ethan’s mind—a striking face with deep, defined features, confident eyes that carried a sharp intensity. The lingering memory of Edward Hawthorne, standing heroically amid flames in the movie's climax, was hard to shake.

Ethan quickly snapped back to reality at his brother’s gentle shoulder tap. “What were you daydreaming about?”

“Just... nothing. You should head to bed, brother. I’ll think about your advice.”

Sophia gave him a pointed look. “I’ll hold off on telling Father for now, but you can’t just lock yourself away in the palace like this. Do you really want to be known as the Empire’s number one recluse Omega?”

Ethan nodded earnestly. “I know what I’m doing.”

As he watched Sophia leave, Ethan put down his teacup thoughtfully. “Elena Greyson, is my suppressor about to run out?”

“Elena Greyson,” his personal AI companion chirped back in a cheerful tone, “Your suppressor runs out on December 1. I’ll remind you when it’s time to inject.”

In just half a month, the suppressor would expire. That explained the uneasy flutter he felt after seeing Edward today—the effect of pheromones.

Ethan quickly rationalized it to himself, dismissing the notion that, among all the Alphas there, he only reacted to Edward with that racing heartbeat.


Meanwhile, at a villa on the outskirts of Eldoria.

Edward Hawthorne lounged comfortably on his sofa, dressed in casual home attire, flipping through the latest news on an ultra-thin smart screen. His manager, Victor Blackwood, stood nearby, practically buzzing with excitement. “Tonight’s premiere was a huge success! Your performance received high praise from the media, and the box office is sure to explode. You’re definitely on the radar for next month’s Best Actor nominations—we’re finally hitting our stride!”

Previously, a trending post on Dominion Gossip Circle had caught fire with over a billion views: “Does Edward Hawthorne Actually Have Talent?” The comments had mocked him, claiming that he had nothing but good looks to his name, his acting skills painfully lacking, with whispers of backdoor deals fueling his rise to stardom.

Chapter 5

Edward Blackwood had been losing sleep over it, dreaming of his star finally snagging a major award to showcase his talent. So, when whispers spread through the industry about the new script for “The Simulacrum Project,” he jumped on it. He arranged for Edward Hawthorne to audition, employing every trick in the book to secure the opportunity.

Looking back, it was a stroke of genius. Edward Hawthorne’s performance blew everyone away in this film; he was breathtakingly handsome. Edward could already envision the wave of fan adoration that would wash over Hawthorne once the movie hit theaters.

Deep in his daydream of a fan frenzy, a low, deep voice broke through. “What’s on the agenda for tomorrow?”

Edward blinked, frustrated at his artist’s nonchalance. “I’m talking about the film festival here. You might be walking away with the Best Actor award this year, and you’re not even a little bit excited?”

Hawthorne shrugged, setting down his tablet. “Just going with the flow. I’m not in this for the trophies.”

Edward rolled his eyes. “I know you’re a huge fan of the story. You’d probably act for free if you could.”

His artist had a curious approach to roles; he only took parts he liked. It didn’t matter how much they offered or what perks were on the table—if he wasn’t interested, it was a no-go. Conversely, if he fell in love with a story, he'd dive right in without payment. A sort of actor unicorn in the cutthroat entertainment world.

Hawthorne ignored the agitated agent and asked, “What’s on for tomorrow?”

Edward pulled out the schedule. “You need to swing by House Hawthorne. Your mother has been waiting for you.”

Hawthorne's response was instant. “No way.”

“That’s not an option. She specifically told me you have to be there for dinner.” Edward was torn between frustration and concern.

A pained look crossed Hawthorne’s face. “I’m betting she’s lining up some poor girl or boy for me to meet. This is getting ridiculous.”

Edward shrugged, unyielding, “Your mom’s just looking out for you. You’ve got a free three days ahead, so just humor her and go back for a bit. Otherwise, my phone is going to explode with her calls.”

“Fine, I’ll head back tonight.”


The following evening, as Hawthorne entered Hawthorne Manor, he was immediately met with the familiar aroma wafting from the kitchen. His mother was at it again, whipping up his favorite dishes. He slipped into his house shoes, and Aurora Langford beamed at him, leading him to the dining room. “Busy with your new movie, huh?”

“It’s manageable,” he replied.

“I heard from Edward that your filming wrapped on a few projects. Is that true?”

“Yeah, it is.”

“Then you’ve got some time off now, right?”

Hawthorne shot her a look. “Mom, just spit it out.”

Her smile deepened as she squeezed his hand. “I’ve found a few potential matches for you—great backgrounds, solid character, and looks that’ll knock your socks off. You’re 28 now and can’t just focus on acting forever. You should really consider it.”

Of course, his mom had turned this into a matchmaking session.

As her gentle suggestions piled up, he envisioned the agony of sitting through yet another blind date with someone he didn't know, and he was about to scramble for an excuse. Just then, his communicator lit up with a message from Julian Forester, the charming director’s nephew he had met at the premiere: “Mr. Hawthorne, I was wondering if you’re free tomorrow for lunch?”

Hawthorne leaned up and faced his mother. “Actually, I have a boyfriend now.”

Aurora’s eyes narrowed in suspicion. “You’re kidding me, right?”

“Not at all. He just texted me about lunch tomorrow.”

“Really?” Her expression transformed into sheer delight. “What’s he like? Is he good-looking? What do his parents do?”

Hawthorne felt an impending headache coming on. “We’re still seeing each other. When the time feels right, I’ll bring him home to meet you.”

“Fine, fine. I’m just glad you’re finally thinking about it. I’ll be waiting for that introduction.” Her smile could have lit up the room.

“Sure,” he muttered, relief flooding through him. His mother’s probing was deflected, thanks to Julian’s timely message.

His memory of Julian was fresh—though he wasn’t embedded in the entertainment industry, he carried himself with grace at the premiere. Flawlessly charming and always smiling, he had an air that made him totally approachable.

Lost in thought, he was jarred back to reality by his mother. “What’re you daydreaming about? Text him back! Remember, when your boyfriend sends a message, you’ve got ten seconds to reply if you’re not swamped.”

“Fine.” There was a protocol to this, apparently. He messaged back quickly, “I’m free tomorrow.”

“I know a great spot, The Hidden Hearth Bakery. Their pastries are to die for. I’ll take you there.”

“Sure thing.”

Truth be told, Hawthorne wasn’t fond of sweets, but with his mother writing on his responsive act, he plastered on a smile and shot a quick reply to Julian’s message.


Meanwhile, at Regal Keep.

Ethan Fletcher stared at his communicator, a grin spreading across his face. “I’ve heard Edward Hawthorne’s a bit of a lone wolf, hard to approach. I was sure he’d turn me down, but he said yes.”

Elena Greyson replied, earnest and serious, “Master, every star has a persona crafted by their PR teams. What you see isn’t always the reality. Mr. Hawthorne may not be as distant as the rumors suggest. Kind of like how I may sound like a seven-year-old but have the personality of a mature adult.”

Ethan snorted, suppressing a laugh. “True, you make a solid point.”

It seemed as though even the robots were getting sassy. But Elena’s words held truth. Ethan realized he didn’t know as much about Edward as he thought. All those impressive performances in “The Simulacrum Project” aside, he only had surface-level knowledge about him. His family background was a complete mystery, seemingly hidden for a reason.

But he didn’t mind; he could unravel the layers as time went on. He shot a message to Edward, setting their lunch plans in stone: “How about noon tomorrow? I’ll send you the address.”

“Sounds good, see you tomorrow!” Edward replied almost instantaneously.

Ethan couldn’t help but smile. There was a flutter of excitement in his chest—this was his first time taking the initiative to ask out an Alpha for lunch. Edward could very well become his first Alpha friend. The thought filled him with a mix of nervousness and thrill.

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