Behind Closed Doors and Lonely Hearts

Chapter 1

Julian Woods stepped out of the classroom and noticed the snow falling gently around her. A thick layer blanketed the ground, transforming the landscape into a winter wonderland.

Her friend, Lydia Bright, sighed as she walked beside her. “Want to grab a bite to eat?”

Julian pulled out her phone, checked for messages, and then nodded in agreement as they headed to the cafeteria. After claiming a table, they approached the counter to order. A steaming bowl of beef soup was set in front of Julian. Just as she took her first sip, her phone buzzed from her pocket.

“Looks like you have a message,” Lydia remarked, one hand expertly tapping on her own phone. She glanced at Julian and then returned to her meal.

Julian mumbled a half-hearted acknowledgment, quickly reading the text before slipping her phone back into her pocket. Halfway through her soup, she pushed it aside. Noting Lydia typing away, she said, “You don’t have to wait for me. I’d like to grab some bubble tea later.”

After finishing her text, Julian nodded, “Alright, I’ll see you later.”

“Are we still on for shopping tomorrow?” Lydia asked, hopeful.

Julian shook her head, “Let’s see. I’m planning to sleep in.”

Lydia chuckled and waved goodbye as they parted ways.


When she got home, it was barely six o’clock. Julian tidied up the books scattered across the living room, stacked them neatly, and changed the bed linens in the guest room. She opened the fridge, double-checking for bottled water. After ensuring everything was in order, she swept through the living room again and retrieved a pair of slippers from the closet, placing them at the door. But then she second-guessed herself, thinking it was too formal; she put them back and decided to wait until he arrived to set them out.

Once everything was tidied up, she stepped out onto the balcony to take in the scene below. The snow was still falling, and the house was enveloped in a peaceful silence. After a moment of reflection, Julian turned back inside when her phone buzzed on the sofa.

She picked it up to check the notification.

“Don’t wait up.”

It was a simple five-word message.

She bit her lip, replying quickly, “Okay, Mr. Stone.”

Settling her phone down, she gathered a few books and took them to her bedroom, grabbing her pajamas and heading for the shower. When she finished, she stood in front of the mirror, inspecting her reflection.

The woman staring back at her was striking. She placed her hands on her hips, admiring her figure—curvy with a flattering silhouette. Her chest was still youthful, although it seemed a little droopy. She sighed, lamenting the inevitable effects of gravity. Leaning closer to the mirror, she assessed her face. With each glance, she felt more satisfied. She smiled, her lips curling, creating two lovely dimples in her cheeks; she still had plenty of youth in her features.

After towel-drying her hair and allowing it to dry some, she slipped into her nightgown before settling back on her bed with a book. After a while, she closed it and pulled back the covers, slipping into the wardrobe to grab a bra. Once dressed, she settled back comfortably on the bed.

At ten o’clock, Julian placed her book on the nightstand and reached for her phone to check for notifications, responding to a few messages from classmates and scrolling through her social media.

Still no texts from William.

She got up and turned off the lights, placing her phone on the nightstand.


At twenty minutes past eleven, William Stone stood outside the door, rifling through his keys to unlock it.

The house was dark, silent, and devoid of the familiar warmth of Julian’s presence. He sighed softly as he stepped inside and instinctively made his way toward the closet to fetch his slippers.

Chapter 2

He casually tossed his coat onto the couch, turning on the bathroom light before stepping into Julian Woods' bedroom. He moved quietly, as if searching for something.

"William... Mr. Stone," Julian murmured, propping herself up and rubbing her eyes as she turned on the bedside lamp.

"Sorry to wake you." Seeing her awake, William Stone approached her, brushing the back of his hand against her cheek. "The Narrator's pajamas, where did you put them?"

His hand was a little cold, and after a brief touch, he pulled it back.

Julian lifted the covers. "They're in The Narrator's closet. I thought you were coming, so I didn't hang them up."

He nodded in response. When she handed him the pajamas she had found, he disappeared into the bathroom.

When William emerged from the bathroom, Julian had already brought in a glass of lemonade. He took a few sips, gently placing the glass back on the nightstand before switching off the light.

The bedroom was shrouded in darkness, not entirely pitch black, but a hazy gray, the contours of two figures merging into one as they huddled together.

The two remained entangled for some time. Julian gripped the pillow beneath her head while he held her waist. Their breaths grew heavier, and suddenly she tensed, pulling herself closer to him, letting out a drawn-out sigh. William responded with a low groan, pushing deeper into her. After a few thrusts, he relaxed and withdrew. Julian lay there for a moment, catching her breath, thinking he must have had enough now, when she was suddenly pulled back down.

"William," she gasped as he guided her back into his embrace, looking up at him.

William discarded the used condom, reaching into the nightstand for another, quickly rolling it on and giving her waist a gentle pat. "Turn over."

This was not a good sign.

Julian complied, adjusting herself as he requested. He reached underneath her and, pushing two fingers apart, guided himself back inside her. After a few thrusts, he leaned down, his hands moving to her chest, and realized she was still wearing a bra. He straightened, unhooking it as he instructed, "Lift your arms." He nudged her, tugging at her nightgown and skirt to pull them off. Julian bit her lip and raised her arms, and he yanked her clothes down in one swift motion.

He pressed her back down, his hands exploring her curves.

After a while, Julian began to lose her strength, trying to pull his hands away from her chest. "William, Mr. Stone... are you done yet..."

William stayed silent, keeping his lips pressed together as he continued.

"Almost." He shoved her hands aside, gripping her firmly for several moments.

When he finally finished, panting as he withdrew from her, Julian collapsed softly onto the bed.

William sat there for a moment, then asked, "Want to wash up together?" He slid off the bed, giving her thigh a pat.

Julian shook her head; even though she felt sticky beneath her, she summoned her strength.

The bedroom door was open, with light from the bathroom spilling in. Hearing the water shut off, Julian got up from the bed and slipped into her nightgown, running into William at the bathroom door. She smiled at him.

William was momentarily taken aback by her smile, noticing her flushed cheeks and messy hair. He reached out, gently smoothing her hair back, his tone neutral. "You should get some rest."

Chapter 3

The next day, William Stone woke to the soft glimmer of deep blue morning light seeping through the gap in the curtains. He reached for the watch on his bedside table and noted it was 7:35 AM, five minutes later than usual.

Stepping out of the guest room, he noticed the lights were on in the living room. In the kitchen, Doctor Aria, her long hair tied back, was busy chopping vegetables. He paused to observe her for a moment; she seemed lost in her task. Feeling a sudden urge for privacy, he slipped into the bathroom to freshen up.

The bathroom was well-stocked with his toothbrush, toothpaste, and even a razor, laid out as if he had been using them every day. Once he finished washing up, he found Julian Woods had already set a pot of porridge on the dining table.

Upon seeing him awake, she flashed a charming smile and asked, "Did you sleep well last night?" William nodded, and as she approached, she continued, “I’ve picked out some clothes for you.”

He had left a few suits here previously, initially delivered by Young Zane, but now they were simply stored for his convenience.

Julian expertly handled his tie, waiting for him to finish buttoning his jacket before handing it to him. They stood facing each other in silence, a shared understanding passing between them.

As he took the tie from her, he couldn't help but sneak a glance at her. She wore a light blue slip dress, the thin straps resting delicately on her shoulders. Her skin was fair; he had always kept a respectful distance, ensuring he didn’t overstep. However, something felt different this morning—perhaps it was the effect of last night’s drink—that made him feel unexpectedly at ease with her.

Life was certainly becoming more complicated.

Julian watched intently as he tied his tie, mesmerized by the elegance of his long, slender fingers as they maneuvered the fabric. A soft sigh escaped from him, drawing her gaze upward. She noticed his brows furrowed, casting shadows under his thick eyelashes, his lips pressed tight, and his damp hair hanging loosely, revealing an unexpected look of annoyance.

Julian was captivated by his striking features and this rare display of emotion. It was out of character for him to appear anything but composed, often treating their interactions like a business meeting. She recalled the only time he had shown such unguarded joy was in bed, lost in bliss.

Suddenly, her thoughts drifted to her inquiry last night about his well-being, causing heat to rush to her cheeks. She lowered her gaze to hide her embarrassment, whispering, “I’ll go help The Narrator with your coat.”

He grunted a reply, not quite paying attention to her blush.

By the time he was dressed and made his way to the living room, Julian was busy straightening his coat, which he had draped over the couch the night before. Once she noticed him, she set her tasks aside and entered the kitchen to prepare breakfast for him.

She cooked a dish of scrambled eggs with cucumbers, alongside some pickled radishes she had prepared and stored in the fridge for moments when William would stick around for breakfast.

Using a ladle, she stirred the porridge before setting it before him. William, seated at the dining table, accepted the bowl with a grateful nod and then looked at her, curious about her next move. “Finish your breakfast first,” he suggested, glancing at the second bowl of porridge she was tending to.

Julian nodded, putting away the steaming appliance and taking her seat across from him. She lowered her head and began to eat, both of them sharing the silence, an unspoken bond hanging comfortably in the air.

Chapter 4

Julian Woods was thinking about her to-do list before heading out. She needed to drop off the clothes she had changed out of yesterday at the dry cleaners, restock the fridge with some fresh fruits and vegetables, and check the supplies in her nightstand. She had already peeked inside this morning and found only one item left.

“Do you have class today?” William Stone suddenly asked.

Julian paused, slightly taken aback. “No, today’s a holiday,” she replied, her uncertainty evident.

William looked at her, a hint of surprise in his eyes, before shaking his head. “Wow, I really am getting old.”

“Not at all!” Julian replied, setting down the spatula and meeting his gaze. “Mr. Stone, you’re always so busy working that you hardly get a break… and you think you’re old?” As she spoke, she felt herself sounding increasingly youthful.

William chuckled at her comment, and Julian, feeling flustered by his laughter, silently cursed herself for being so careless with her words. By the time he left, she couldn’t even muster the courage to look him in the eye.

After she saw him out, Julian cleaned up the dining table and gave the floor a good sweep. She stripped the sheets and duvet covers from her bed and tossed them into the washing machine. Once she had finished cleaning up the clothes he’d left behind, she folded them neatly into a paper bag to take to the dry cleaners later.

Julian changed and, after letting her hair down and giving it a quick fix, prepared to head out. Before leaving, she checked her phone and noticed a transaction notification. It was from Lady Elisheva, sending her twenty thousand dollars.

Standing at the door with the bag in hand, she took a moment to collect her thoughts.

After stowing her phone away, she grabbed a scarf from the coat rack and wrapped it around her neck several times, covering most of her face, before she pushed the door open and headed downstairs.

The apartment she lived in was also rented by Lady Elisheva. William had suggested to Lady Elisheva that the place be close enough to school for convenience, but not so close that it would disrupt Julian’s everyday life.

Lady Elisheva had done an excellent job; she barely ran into her classmates in the neighborhood, and her commute on the subway only took two stops.

Julian had only met Lady Elisheva once. That was after she started following William Stone. He had asked Lady Elisheva to help her move out of the school dorms into this apartment. Lady Elisheva came over to assist with the move. With her sharp bob haircut and sophisticated attire, she radiated a sense of confidence and professionalism that left an impression. When her classmates asked her who Lady Elisheva was, Julian hesitated on how to respond, and Lady Elisheva simply smiled and said, “This is my cousin Amelia.”

Julian felt a wave of gratitude at that moment, but after transferring schools, Lady Elisheva had not spoken a word to her again.

Aside from handing her the keys to the apartment and wishing her “Good luck,” there hadn’t been much warmth in their interaction. Lady Elisheva’s smile in that moment was polite yet distant—just like how she always appeared to Julian.

Slowly, it dawned on her: Lady Elisheva didn’t actually like her.

Aside from the occasional money transfer, their relationship was strictly professional. That was how it was meant to be.

As Julian emerged from the dry cleaners, she kept her head down as she walked along the still snow-dusted sidewalk, headed toward the supermarket.

She often couldn’t help but wonder what her relationship with William Stone truly was. Whenever the thought crossed her mind, she chided herself for being foolish. What kind of relationship could it be? Was it really necessary to delineate it between mere transactions?

As she pondered this, she felt a surge of resentment toward Lady Elisheva. Just when she began to savor the seemingly harmonious and blissful connection with William Stone, Lady Elisheva would send a reminder through a transaction notification, reinforcing that she was, after all, part of a monetary arrangement.

“Sigh.” Julian sighed dishearteningly into her scarf as she leaned against the elevator rail heading toward the supermarket. Saturdays were busy, and she stood to the side in the elevator and slowly made her way after it opened.

She started mulling over how Lady Elisheva perceived her. Was Lady Elisheva even surprised by her demeanor anymore? The first time they met, William wasn’t present. Lady Elisheva simply acknowledged her with, “You must be Julian Woods. It’s a pleasure to meet you; I’m Lady Elisheva, Mr. Stone’s assistant,” without a hint of surprise or scrutiny.

Pushing her shopping cart through the supermarket as she gathered fruits and vegetables, Julian kept thinking about Lady Elisheva's role in all of this. It was true—she should have known better from the start. William needed money, and he required a clean servant to accompany him. It was naturally a business transaction; they both needed something from each other, so there was an undeniable sense of fairness, wasn’t there?

After reflecting on the transfer she received, she realized she might even be the one benefiting from this arrangement.

She found an ironic amusement in her thoughts, chuckling softly despite herself.

After paying, she gathered her bags and was about to head out when she heard her name called.

“Julian Woods!” It was a bright, friendly voice.

She turned to see Marcus Hill, the class president. With a contagious smile, he was always cheerful, and everyone called him “President Marcus.”

“Hey, President Marcus,” she greeted with a friendly nod.

“Outside of school, please don’t call me that. It feels weird,” he said, scratching his head playfully. He pointed to her bags. “Stocking up on groceries, I see?”

Julian nodded, pulling down her scarf to show him her smile as she replied, “Yeah, I’ll see you around!”

Chapter 5

Nathaniel Stone was being dragged by his class president, Song, along with the president of the neighboring brother school's class, Marcus, to the supermarket to pick up supplies for their upcoming Evernight event. Nathaniel had wanted to go on his own, but Song insisted he had a car, which made transporting items much easier.

Once they arrived at the supermarket, before entering, Marcus walked over to greet a girl nearby. She wore a bright red scarf that covered almost half her face, leaving only her expressive eyes visible. When she glanced their way, there was a sense of casual indifference, and she curiously asked who they were.

As she pulled down her scarf to smile at Marcus, her eyes curved into crescent shapes, giving her an almost mischievous fox-like demeanor. Nathaniel and Song stood off to the side, watching as Marcus repeatedly invited her to join the festivities.

Later, Julian Woods returned home with groceries. Perhaps it was the brief exchange she had with the servant earlier, but her mood had noticeably lifted. After organizing the ingredients neatly in the fridge, she received a message from Marcus. They had rented a tabletop gaming bar near the school, and he mentioned that they should arrive around six.

At six, Julian dressed carefully and stole a glance at her phone before heading out—no texts. The gaming bar had two floors, and they had booked the entire second level. When she arrived, most of the group, including several familiar faces, had already settled in. After greeting her classmates, she quickly noticed the absence of her close friend, Song.

It was rare for Julian to join such gatherings, and even rarer for her to be wearing makeup. Her classmates cast side glances her way, complimenting her appearance. She responded bashfully to their praises, knowing all too well how to navigate a social event like this. When no one was talking to her, she busied herself with the snacks laid out on the table.

The second floor was lively with music and the television as the organizers prepared for games. Feeling warm, Julian decided to take off her puffy jacket to reveal her cozy, oversized sweater and form-fitting jeans, a style that was quite in line with her typical school attire.

After the television set-up was complete, the class presidents began to organize everyone for games. Julian joined in, clapping when everyone clapped, laughing at the jokes and antics. However, to her surprise, it wasn’t long before several students started bringing up beer.

Her familiar classmates raised their glasses, and despite wanting to decline, Julian forced a smile and joined them, clinking her glass too. The energy in the room buzzed as they gamely combined drinking with playful competition.

As Julian watched her classmates gradually pair off and engage with one another, she noticed Marcus had even grabbed the microphone to start singing. With a laugh, she excused herself to use the bathroom. Since she rarely drank, the two beers she had consumed began to push her toward the restroom.

The bathroom only had one stall for women and another for men, sharing a sink area. Julian waited for a moment, hoping the women's stall would clear up, but when nothing happened, she tentatively knocked. It was locked tight. The men's restroom, however, had been open all this time.

After weighing her options, she hesitated before deciding to take the plunge—a quick dart into the men's room. She finished her business and swung the door open, only to forget about the small step at the threshold. Fortunately, she caught herself on the door handle, narrowly avoiding a tumble.

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