Bound by Blood and Desire

Chapter 1


In the depths of her confusion, Elowen barely managed to open her eyes. Through her blurred vision, she could make out Alfred, a palace servant, methodically unfastening her gown. Each layer of fabric fell away, leaving her vulnerable. She wanted to resist, but discovered she had no strength to fight back, her limbs felt as soft as cotton, and the humiliation pressed upon her like a weight, pushing tears from her eyes.

She couldn't discern the face of the Man at Arms, only catching a glimpse of Alfred's tall figure draped in a dark robe. As he drew closer, a strange scent, reminiscent of herbs and something sweet, reached her senses.

A sickening mixture of aromas that left her feeling even more uneasy.

His fingers were cool as they glided over her delicate form, undeterred by the curves that adorned her. He grasped her ankles, gently pulling them apart, his cold gaze assessing her most private parts.

Tears streamed from the corners of Elowen's eyes like sparkling pearls, and her soft, cherry lips gasped for breath, yet she couldn't muster a word to protest.

“You've entered this place, and now you cannot leave; stay here and help me test this new poison.”

His voice was rich and melodic, ringing like a chime in the stillness—a captivating sound that made her hear each word vividly.

Poison? Even in her dazed state, Elowen came to understand the danger she was in. Upon entering Mossy Vale, she had heard whispers of how the palace servants, like Alfred, were obsessed with potion-making, often using unsuspecting souls for their experiments, devoid of morality.

She had only ventured into the mountains on behalf of King Reginald, seeking a legendary herb, but a momentary lapse had caused her to slip from the path and tumble down, leading her to this forbidden place.

What should I do?!

The Man at Arms leaned down, scooping her trembling form from her disheveled garments. Noticing the tears in her vacant gaze, a rare flicker appeared in his otherwise stoic features.

“Afraid of dying? ... The poison I have should spare your life this time.”

In his arms, Elowen possessed an exquisite beauty, especially the delicate treasure nestled between her legs, perfect for testing this particular poison.

He thought his words a source of comfort, yet her shivers only intensified, her smooth, soft skin trembling against him, more enticing than when she was clothed.

“I am High Priest Aldric of the Holy Order, and I assure you, I do not lie.”

With that, he cradled her naked, light frame and began to carry her toward the dimly lit corridor of the Great Hall.

Her raven locks spilled freely over his arm, swaying gently as he moved, unable to conceal her vulnerability.

Chapter 2

Elowen's consciousness gradually began to return. The corridor, known as the Path of Explorers, was lined with niches housing delicate silk lanterns. The flickering light danced eerily, allowing her to catch a fleeting glimpse of the young man known as High Priest Aldric.

He was exceptionally young, his sharp features starkly contrasting the gentleness of palace servant Alfred. His high nose and deep-set eyes exuded a lordly grace, but his expression remained chillingly devoid of emotion—his gaze as indifferent as the cold stone surrounding them.

The corridor stretched interminably ahead, its dimness transformed into an unsettling shadowland by the flickering flames. The architecture of the Mossy Vale palace was entirely alien to Elowen, with murals depicting strange beasts and elongated creatures. Terrified, she shut her eyes tightly, trembling uncontrollably.

A sturdy man-at-arms moved with deliberation, eventually halting before an ornate door. As he stepped inside, the door swung shut behind him, and in an instant, the once oppressive darkness of the chamber brightened dramatically.

Elowen gasped, taken aback by the sudden change. The temperature plummeted; initial fear had given way to icy dread, causing her to shiver uncontrollably.

He carried her to a circular dais adorned with intricately carved wooden beams, saturated with an aroma reminiscent of sandalwood. As he placed her down, her trembling limbs gained a semblance of strength, only for him to bind her slowly with leather straps. The long iron chains that fell from her wrists clanked ominously.

"You're the first female servant to arrive here. What is your name?" His voice was flat, free of any inflection.

Her wrists were hoisted above her head, forcing her to balance precariously on her cold toes. The iron bindings holding her legs apart made her feel vulnerable, a wave of anxiety washing over her as the fear coursed through her slender frame.

Elowen's mind reeled at the embarrassing position she found herself in. In her upbringing, a steward's daughter was taught the utmost importance of chastity. She was not yet married, and now, exposed before this unfamiliar young man, she feared the torture that may follow.

“Elowen…” she whimpered, her voice tremulous, a soft plea that echoed her despair.

The man-at-arms stealthily reached beneath her, his probing fingers taking advantage of her exposed position, brushing against her sensitive skin. A gasp escaped her lips, a mixture of embarrassment and fright tingeing her pale face with crimson. Her body trembled, her youthful form betraying her with every jolt.

It was Aldric's first foray into temptation, something he had long resisted. Yet this delicate girl stirred within him an inexplicable surge of desire.

"Where do you come from?" he asked coldly, leaning closer to inspect her with scrutiny.

His fingers explored her with an unsettling gentleness, and after a brief but agonizing manipulation, Elowen's strength nearly vanished in the face of his intrusion.

“Please, please…” she managed to stammer amid her mounting fear, "Sister! Sister Yvonne, help!"

Suddenly, he crouched down, the intricate black robes pooling on the floor around him. His cold gaze meticulously examined the tender contours before him, as if weighing some hidden thought, the heat of his examination sending chills racing down Elowen’s spine.

“Wh-what do you want from me?” she stammered, her heart pounding in her chest.

Chapter 3

In his hand, he held a delicate crystal bowl, his long, pale fingers delicately pinching a high, white, and flawless silk insect from within. The insect, motionless and pristine, lay there on his fingertip. As he brought it closer toward her midsection, Elowen’s legs trembled in fear.

“Please, no. Don’t do this.”

Her body was frail, and her smooth, flat stomach writhed in desperation, yet her limbs were bound tightly, leaving her helpless to stop him. She watched in horror as he placed the insect on her navel, and within moments, it vanished inside her.

“Ah!” Just a fleeting itch followed by an unnerving numbness. Elowen’s gasps echoed around her, the panic rising as the realization settled in that something was now inside her, recalling the gruesome tale that the king told of the palace servant Alfred meeting a grim fate after being poisoned by a similar insect—she thought she was surely doomed.

Perhaps thinking her cries were too loud, High Priest Aldric pressed a finger gently over her lips, shushing her softly.

Her once rosy cheeks, now drained of color and bereft of blood, were filled with tears of despair. The expression was so pitiful that even palace servant Alfred felt his heart ache for her. Cedric took his finger from her delicate mouth, trailing it along her slender neck down to her collarbone, finally reaching her chest.

The soft, smooth skin glowed with a hint of pink, awakening his interest. His hand began to knead and caress her gently, transforming her coolness into warmth, the subtle hues of her skin transitioning to a rosy tint.

Elowen furrowed her brow; tears threatened to spill from her reddened eyes as she bit her lip, trying to stifle any sound. What should have been a simple touch ignited a feeling of fullness and itchiness in her chest, and a strange warmth radiated deep within her abdomen. She gazed at him timidly, confused about what was happening to her.


"This is a lust insect," he replied, his demeanor calm and collected. "If it awakens desire within you, it will escalate uncontrollably. It feeds on your longing until it burgeons. You must only survive until it matures and call upon it—only then will it be deadly to someone like Alfred."

With that, he sat back down, picking up a bamboo tablet and examining her previous notes.

At that moment, Elowen finally grasped the true nature of the desire surging through her. Within a brief span, the fullness in her bosom and the heat in her belly mixed with an overwhelming sensation of longing and yearning. Her heart raced frantically, while her bare, cold feet curled into tight knots against the chilly floor. Her thighs trembled with insatiable need, as if she were parched and longing for something far beyond arm's reach.

Cedric had a perfect view of her every reaction; the delicate petals of her lips glistened with moisture as they quivered. He took his time writing on the tablet, letting the words flow: “Blossoms of desire begin to open; spring waters flow unceasingly.”

Elowen felt utterly lost, grappling with sensations invading every part of her being, overwhelming her senses. What had only been mild caresses ignited an insatiable urge from within her core that made her writhe helplessly.

“Ah~ it’s unbearable inside…~”

Her cheeks flushed crimson as her intimate area, untouched by Alfred until this moment, constricted and pulsated with a feverish heat. Warm moisture flowed uncontrollably from her quivering body as she felt overwhelmed.

“Lust blooms where innocence grows; the spring waters do not cease,” he noted, putting down his brush for a new, untouched instrument, a fine pen. With a gentle touch, he began to explore her most private places. In mere moments, she was left dripping, blissfully surrendering to the sensations washing over her.


Her bare form shivered uncontrollably as she leaned forward, desperately seeking relief. Her heaving chest swelled with every gasp, unhelpfully quaking under his gaze. Elowen felt entirely vulnerable and alarmed as the Man at Arms probed her intimately with his brush.

“Don’t shrink away. I must see inside.”

His soft bristle nudged her shyly as it slipped past the entrance. Almost immediately, she felt it become soaked with her warmth, a stream of warmth flowing unchecked as her body betrayed her in a torrent of lust, the insect writhing with chaos inside as if sensing her submission.

In that moment, Elowen comprehended the sheer power of the insect—a force potent enough to turn her clear, innocent form into that of a sensuous woman, thirsting for the very essence of sensation.

Meanwhile, the Man at Arms remained impassive, yet deep in the shadow of his piercing dark eyes, one could catch the flicker of something wild and forbidden.

Chapter 4

The tip of the goat's hairbrush was fine and soft, and as it touched her entrance, Elowen felt a mixture of embarrassment and an overwhelming urge to push it deeper. The countless bristles teased her tender flesh, making her feel both itchy and euphoric. She could hardly care about modesty anymore, obsessed with the unique sensation it brought.

"Ohhh~" she whimpered, her breathing chaotic, her cries blending into the air of the chamber.

High Priest Aldric's hands glided over her legs, admiring the pristine white skin. He started from her feet, moving upwards with gentle, caressing strokes. Her slender legs quivered under his touch, the iron chains clinking softly. He observed her body blush in a soft, rose hue, suggesting that her sensitivity had peaked.

He carefully handled the hairbrush embedded within her, and with a damp hand, began to move it ever so slowly.

Elowen's body tensed as he reached a sensitive spot, and she arched her back, her face crimson with shame. She cried out in fragmented, breathless pleas, "No... please, stop... ohhh..."

The hairbrush, no thicker than a finger, subtly penetrated her, the bristles scraping against her delicate walls, sending intense waves of sensation that held her breath. She twisted her body, desperate to break free from her restraints.

Internally, the gu worm stirred, inflaming her desire in a relentless, wave-like inferno from head to toe.

"Ah ah..."

She was overwhelmed, unsure of what to do, except every time the High Priest Aldric pushed the brush inside, the hazy sensation left her mind in disarray. An unbearable emptiness drove her to tighten herself around the stiff object, seeking relief despite its size.

Tears slipped from her delicate chin as her body shivered unknowingly.

Cedric pushed the soaked brush deeper before withdrawing and continued to observe her movements with a hint of a cold smile. He resumed his notes in the bamboo scroll nearby. "Desire breeds from within, every inch of flesh alive with need."

Droplets of liquid fell from his fingertips onto the scroll, seeping into the fresh ink, leaving a peculiar, faint scent.

Elowen, left to her devices, could only make her situation worse, making the worm inside her even more aggressive. She cried out in frustration, her entire body burning hot as she gazed blurrily at the High Priest lying beside her. Her sounds grew increasingly desperate.

"Ohhh~ High Priest Aldric... please, I can't take it..."

She yearned, her carnal needs clawing at her, for something thicker, something hotter to quell the turmoil in her belly, and she longed for cleansing relief.

Her plaintive wails, though laced with undeniable innocence, were a product of the worm's cruel influence. Absent such extreme circumstances, the demure and beautiful Elowen would never utter such sounds. Fortunately, Cedric's patience was waning as he calmly began to disrobe from his black robe.

"High-born women cherish purity. I am no exception. After tonight, you'll never leave this place." His words held a cryptic promise.

It was the first time he had personally exorcised the worm, revealing a muscled chest amidst the licentious atmosphere. Finally, he discarded the last bit of clothing, exposing an impressive, imposing manhood, which seemed more terrifying with each step he took towards her.

Tears filled Elowen's eyes as she saw the heaving member approaching, feeling its danger and arousing a primal fear.

Cedric took his time to walk over and adjust the mechanism binding her left leg, lifting it higher. Exposing the dripping, glistening pink entrance.


He came behind her, his cool hands stabilizing her soft waist, gradually climbing to cup her swollen breasts with a firm squeeze, making her moans rise in pitch.

He had no talent for seduction, but vaguely recalled Alfred's notes about how to touch a woman, seeking out her most sensitive spots to drive her mad with pleasure.

Elowen's body stiffened, her frame struggling not to collapse from the overwhelming sensation as something hot and solid pressed into her inner thigh...

Chapter 5

With one swift motion, the old quill slipped from the soaked cavity and fell onto the marble floor amidst a pool of glistening moisture. Cedric’s heated form soon took its place.

The unbearable heat stretching her open made Elowen cry out in rapture and pain. One hand forcefully held her down, preventing any movement, as his girthy presence pushed deeper inside. The sensation was a mix of fear and awe; he was terrifyingly thick.

"No... please, no more..." she whimpered.

Cedric was tense as well, unprepared for the profound pleasure that came with her resistance. The tight, wet muscles resisted his entry but amplified his desire, grinding against her tender walls. Every inch tormented his senses, drawing him in deeper, each move wetter, softer.

As the pain turned into a restless, thrilling excitement, it spread through Cedric's core. He'd always been restrained, but this moment completely destroyed his resolve, trapping him in ecstasy. The unique allure of her intimate warmth was captivating, too enticing to resist.

Naked and trembling, he enveloped Elowen's quivering form, keeping her still. The speed of his thrusts became urgent, each movement powerful and consuming. One cried in helpless sorrow, the other in silent ecstasy; their shared breaths filled the space, raw and heavy.

Elowen's head tilted back, eyes brimming with saline tears, unable to move while High Priest Aldric held her in an unyielding grip. All she could do was feel the burning invasion and the way Cedric's body dominated hers.

Her swollen lips paled, clinging tightly to the vast, hard shaft that filled her core. As her ample sweetness overflowed from her yearning body, she felt every squeeze, every push, urging her deeper into the experience.


Cedric's throat moved intensely as his tip pressed against a tender spot, sending tremors through his controlled frame. Instinct took over his movements, a feverish desire erupting from his depths. He couldn't help but respond to her tight heat, driving them both higher.

Sweat drenched Elowen's brow, her eyes filled with pained resignation, yet something in her gasped with mounting agitation. The previously composed Man at Arms was now a beast, moving with relentless vigor, filling her completely from behind. The unbearable itch in her insides found a thrilling release, mingling pleasure and chaos in breathtaking waves. Despite her fear, she couldn't help sinking deeper into the feeling.

His piercing gaze broke her, as his thrusts grew even hotter. Their souls felt like they would meld apart as the intense friction dragged them both down into a shared abyss.

Initially choked sobs in Elowen's throat transformed into involuntary moans of surrender. His fervent movements left her quivering walls powerless, tightening reflexively with each powerful stroke.

"Ah… ah...”

The wild sounds of their union became a symphony of primal satisfaction. Elowen’s voice was a mixture of sobs and exclamations, her reddened body shaking as Cedric’s relentless hold tightened. The noise of their impact, mingled with the clinking of metal, tickled some ancient longing within.

Her voice was strangled with uncontrollable lust, calling out as Cedric similarly was lost in the depth of the moment—each of her heated depths drawing him further, making his movements even more frenzied as they drove deeper into this primal dance. Flesh meeting flesh echoed through the space, a symphony of their combined fervor.

The pleasure surged like an unstoppable river, turning into a roaring storm of ecstasy.

Drip… drip…

The slick sounds of moisture spilling over filled the room, as she felt herself hanging on the edge of ruin. Elowen’s leg was lifted high, the other unable to find purchase as Cedric’s force drove her to the edge of collapse. She heard the sound of her body's welcome, the cries of her need, and the droplets of her own release hitting the marble floor.

"No more... please...”

The overwhelming fullness distorted her rhythm, with every sensitive fold being mercilessly rubbed and scraped, forcing her towards release. Her cries were sharp and high, but Aldric offered no comfort, just his unwavering focus on burying himself deeper, hitting her tender curves until they fit perfectly together, his hands then firmly clutching her waist.

“Do you desire this?”

His voice, though strained, remained cold and clear, a stark contrast to the burning chaos they created together.

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