Chasing Lord Charming

Chapter 1

The Greenfield Castle Dormitory.

A shaft of afternoon sunlight poured through the window, warming the room with a touch of lingering humidity from the rain.

“Peach Blossom, could you do me a favor and grab some ice cream from the Market Square by The Academy of Learning?” A girl, sprawled on her bed and absorbed in her phone, didn't look up as she addressed Cassandra Windthrope, who was perched at a desk applying her makeup.

Cassandra paused momentarily, glancing up at Lydia Evermore. “Hey, Lydia, are you planning to leave the dorm this weekend?”

Lydia tossed her phone aside after finishing her game, reaching for her Little Bear plushie and casting a playful smile at Cassandra. “Why leave? It's cozy here at the Castle Dormitory.”

“Sure, sure, you really are a homebody,” Cassandra mused, choosing not to tease her further. Once finished with her makeup, she stood up and walked over to Lydia's bed, nudging her gently. “You’ve been wearing those pajamas for ages, haven’t you?”

Lydia scratched her head sheepishly, caught off guard by the comment. She looked at Cassandra, who was now in a flowy white dress, and asked, “Are you heading somewhere? A date?”

Cassandra crossed her arms, a glint of mischief in her eyes. “Actually, I just broke up with a Lord I had been seeing for less than a week.”

“Cassandra, your turnaround with Lords is almost as fast as your outfit changes! How many have you gone through since school started?” Lydia giggled, recalling Cassandra's romantic escapades since the term began.

Cassandra smiled back. “Seems like being ‘just a Maid’ suits me.”

“I’m heading out. I'll bring you your ice cream later!” She slung her bag over her shoulder and left the Castle Dormitory, leaving Lydia along with her Little Bear.

Bored, Lydia browsed the forums of The Academy of Learning, but within minutes, she decided it was time to get ready to head out herself.

Emerging from the bathroom after changing, she was greeted by Cassandra's return. “Did you just go out?”

Cassandra dropped her bag with an exasperated sigh. “Don’t even ask! He totally stood me up!” Then her gaze settled on Lydia, who was dressed and ready. “Where are you off to?”

“I’m planning to hit up the Market Square for some snacks and catch up on my shows,” Lydia replied with a bright grin, only to be halted by Cassandra's hand grabbing her arm.

“Fine, I’ll go with you…”

Lydia nodded enthusiastically.

Flipping through her recent videos, she excitedly thrust her phone towards Cassandra. “Oh my gosh! Do you know who this is? His voice is amazing!”

Cassandra clicked on the video, watching it for a moment. “Lydia, if you stay cooped up in here, the one you're swooning over is our Academy's own Lord Charming.”

“Lord Charming!” Lydia's eyes sparkled at the mention of his name. Not only was his voice captivating, but he was also incredibly handsome.

Cassandra brought her back to reality almost instantly with a chuckle. “Yeah, good luck getting close to him. He’s a bit hard to reach, you know?”

Lydia pouted. “I’m not trying to get close! I just want to support him from afar.”

Cassandra playfully tapped Lydia on the head. “Alright, I’m rooting for you! Just go after it!”

“Let’s get going then!” Lydia pulled Cassandra’s hand as they exited the Castle Dormitory, chatting animatedly about the dashing Lord Charming.

Yet Cassandra couldn’t help but remind her, “Just remember, keep your distance! He’s not someone you can easily approach.”

“Okay, okay, I promise I'll keep my distance,” Lydia responded, nodding obediently. Although she thought a little peek wouldn't hurt.

Cassandra lightly tapped her on the head again. “I still know you too well.” With that, they left together, ready to embrace what the day had in store for them.

Chapter 2

Lydia Evermore exclaimed, “I... I'm just really interested in that dashing brother of yours!” In this day and age, who has time for ordinary friends when you could be admiring someone like him?

Cassandra Windthrope hadn’t gone far when she spotted Lord Greenfield approaching from the Training Ground. She immediately ducked behind Lydia, whispering, “I told you I’m not ready to deal with him.”

Lydia, curious, asked, “What’s wrong?” And just then, she caught sight of Lord Greenfield coming closer. She tugged at Cassandra’s sleeve and asked quietly, “He’s one of your many lordly friends, isn’t he?”

Cassandra didn’t respond, which was as good as a yes.

As Lord Greenfield walked past them, Cassandra held her breath, frozen in place. She hardly dared to move. “Peach Blossom, are you always this scared?” she heard Lydia whisper.

Cassandra chuckled nervously. Of course, she was scared! That Lord Greenfield kept pestering her, asking why they’d broken up didn’t help either.

“Come on, let’s get out of here,” she pushed back against Lydia’s arm.

“Okay!” Lydia replied, quickening her pace as they moved away from Lord Greenfield. Once they were a safe distance away, Cassandra reached up and patted her chest, letting out a sigh of relief.

Lydia glanced at Cassandra and nudged her elbow, muttering, “But you're gonna keep hiding, right? He’s from our Academy of Learning after all.”

Cassandra smiled but didn't reply. She took Lydia’s hand, steering them towards Market Square, reminding her, “I have a secret I need to tell you.”

“Really?” Lydia’s eyes sparkled with curiosity as she looked expectantly at Cassandra.

“Let’s go to Market Square first,” Cassandra said, leading Lydia along.

As they walked, Lydia pondered out loud, “I wonder what this secret could be?”

“Just keep your distance when I tell you!”

“Okay,” Lydia nodded.

Cassandra leaned in close to whisper a few words into her ear. Lydia gasped, her face lighting up, “Really? Lord Charming is coming to the Academy of Learning tomorrow?” Cassandra nodded affirmatively.

Lydia tapped her chin, deep in thought, until a light smack on her head from Cassandra interrupted her. “Forget that thought! You’ll probably end up following that advice anyway.”

Lydia looped her arm through Cassandra’s, asking, “What do you want to eat? It’s on me!”

“For real?” Cassandra questioned.

“Only if it’s within my budget!” Lydia clarified with a grin.

Cassandra couldn’t help but chuckle, shaking her head in bemusement. “Okay, I got it.” Lydia giggled, happy to share this moment.

They arrived at the little Market Square near the Academy of Learning.

When Cassandra approached Lydia, she saw her carrying a bunch of snacks. “Think you can finish all of that?”

“Oh come on! It’s extra snacks for the next few weeks. Buying a few more means I won’t have to venture out again anytime soon!” Lydia replied, justifying her laziness.

Cassandra sighed, “So, it’s really just because you’re lazy!”

“Peach Blossom, next time you go out, can you grab me some food from our favorite Spicy Pot Tavern? Grandma makes the best!” Lydia added, looking utterly adorable.

“Sure, I’ll get that for you! So, you’re heading out tomorrow?” Cassandra asked.

Lydia remembered the exciting news about Lord Charming coming to the Academy and nodded enthusiastically. “Yep, I can’t wait to see that handsome guy!”

Cassandra rolled her eyes at Lydia’s starry-eyed expression, giving her a gentle knock on the head. “Now, go pay for your snacks.” Lydia responded with a cheerful “Okay!” as she gathered her piles of goodies to the checkout.

Chapter 3

Cassandra Windthrope grabbed the snacks from Lydia Evermore’s hands and playfully tapped her head. “Buying all this—are you planning to hibernate in the Castle Dormitory?”

“Why go out? Staying in the Castle Dormitory is just fine!” Lydia replied as she pulled out her phone to scan a QR code. The shopkeeper handed her a bag filled with treats after placing her order.

Cassandra let it go for now. “So, did you meet that handsome guy you were talking about earlier?”

Lydia nodded vigorously, a giddy smile spreading across her face. “Oh my gosh, yes!”

Staying in might be easy, but meeting that charming guy was a must.

Cassandra sighed, poking Lydia’s forehead. “Are you really going to chase after him?”

Lydia placed a finger on her chin, deep in thought. “Of course! He has a lovely voice and he’s super handsome!”

“Lydia Evermore, aren’t you getting a bit too infatuated? Last time I saw you chasing a TV show, you were fantasizing about that character for an entire month,” Cassandra playfully called her out—Lydia was such a sucker for good looks! She poked Lydia’s forehead again.

Lydia chuckled. “Is he really that good-looking?”

Cassandra crossed her arms, an amused grin on her face. “Next time there’s another attractive guy, I’ll bet you’ll be head over heels just like before.”

Lydia raised her hand in solemn oath. “I promise I’m only interested in this guy! By the way, what’s his name?”

“Sebastian Alden,” Cassandra answered with a roll of her eyes, knowing this would only fuel Lydia's infatuation.

Lydia whispered his name softly, clutching her bag of snacks tighter. “What a nice name…”

Cassandra hit her forehead in exasperation, realizing Lydia was truly hopeless. She tugged Lydia’s arm, reminding her, “Time to head back.”

Lydia responded with an “Oh!” and absentmindedly took a bite of her snack. “So what about you tomorrow? Any plans?”

“Not really. You want to go shopping with me?” Cassandra turned to her, narrowing her eyes playfully at the suddenly terrified Lydia.

“Shopping with you is like a horror movie!” Lydia gasped.

“Is it really that bad?” Cassandra teased.

“Absolutely terrifying!” Lydia reinforced, worried Cassandra might get mad. She quickly offered another snack to Cassandra with a smile. “Here, this one's for you.”

Cassandra glanced at the snack and handed it back. “I’m on a diet.”

“Okay,” Lydia said, trailing quietly behind her friend.


Back at the Castle Dormitory, Lydia’s phone buzzed. “Hey, what’s up?” she answered.

“Just checking in, Lydia. Do you really think a brother can’t call just because there’s nothing urgent?” Merlin Evermore replied softly.

Lydia giggled. “Oh, right! No worries!”

Listening to his sister, Merlin continued, “Do you have enough allowance? If not, just let me know.”

“I’m good! Thanks!” Lydia assured him, recalling how his last few allowances could last her for ages.

“Stop snacking all the time; you’re too lazy staying in the Castle Dormitory,” Merlin chided her.

Lydia muttered to herself, “Well, I’m just a little lazy!”

“Take care of yourself, alright? If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call, okay?” he added.

“Will do! Thanks, bro!” After chatting for a bit, they hung up.

As Cassandra finished her makeup routine, she turned to Lydia and asked, “Was that your brother again?”

“Yep,” Lydia nodded.

Cassandra sighed dramatically. “Why is it that your brother is not only good-looking but also so doting on you? It’s just unfair! I’m the only one here without a good-looking sibling.”

Lydia laughed, remaining silent but content.

When they were at The Manor, Merlin used to tease her mercilessly.

Chapter 4

Lydia Evermore stared at her reflection after removing her makeup. “Did your maid head out?”

“Yeah, of course, I took it all off. I even asked Grandma Agnes to help me when I was selling it,” Cassandra replied while still at the vanity, then added, “It’s just you and me at Castle Dormitory this weekend.”

One of them had gone home to The Manor, and the other was off on a date.

“Your weekend seems just as boring,” Lydia teased. Every time they went out, it left Lydia alone in the Castle Dormitory, binge-watching her favorite shows.

Cassandra Windthrope sighed, caught in the act! She stood up and glanced at Lydia, who was nestled in bed, busy with her phone. “The water's off,” Cassandra announced.

“What? How can that be?” Lydia exclaimed.

“It’ll probably be back on soon!” Cassandra sighed, considering it bad luck.

Lydia tossed some spicy snacks over to Cassandra. Cassandra caught them and chuckled helplessly, “You know I’m breaking out, right?”

“Uh-oh, then it looks like your diet is strictly greens now,” Lydia replied, plucking open the spicy snack package and munching on it.

“Make yourself some instant noodles. You can eat those,” Lydia encouraged.

“No mood for it,” Cassandra shook her head.

Lydia opened another noodles package, her curiosity piqued, “Do you think it’s okay for me to ask Lord Charming for his phone number tomorrow?”

“I think that’s unlikely!” Cassandra replied, knowing very well that Sebastian Alden, the epitome of a cool, aloof lord, wouldn’t just hand out his number easily.

Lydia’s face fell, “But I just want a phone number…”

Cassandra gently poked her forehead, encouraging her, “Well, good luck getting your Lord Charming’s number!”

“If he gives it to me, I can just give him mine back, right? How clever am I?” Lydia giggled, feeling a spark of excitement.

Cassandra sighed, unsure what else to say.

“Just be careful, alright? You know how people can be! If you really go ahead and confess to Sebastian Alden, those girls from Greenfield will definitely give you a hard time,” she warned.

Lydia nodded fervently, “Don’t worry! I won’t let anyone bully me.”

Cassandra fretted, “That’d be best. If anyone gives you trouble, make sure to tell me!”

Lydia nodded again, a tender smile spreading across her face. “Peach Blossom, I’m so glad to have you.”

Cassandra laughed softly. “When have I ever been so nice to you? I’m the one who brings you breakfast, lunch, dinner, and all those snacks while you lay around here…”

“Which is precisely why you are the most beautiful, adorable, and clever little fairy out there!” Lydia grinned, looking at Cassandra with admiration.

Flattered by the compliment, Cassandra gently patted Lydia on the shoulder. “Just remember that.”

Lydia laughed again, grabbed two bags of snacks, and jumped back into bed to continue her binge-watching.

Cassandra glanced at Lydia with an amused smile before settling into a chair nearby, content to bask in the shared comfort of their friendship.

Chapter 5

Lydia Evermore was halfway through her latest binge-watch when she suddenly sat up in bed, glancing down at Cassandra Windthrope with a look of frustration. "What am I going to wear tomorrow?"

Cassandra blinked, taken aback. "Wait, are you seriously going to chase after Sebastian Alden?"

Cassandra propped herself against the wall and looked at Lydia. "Lydia, it's one thing to have a crush, but are you really going to pursue him?"

Lydia nodded vigorously, grabbing a little merchant-style tray from her bedside. "Hand me those instant noodles, Peach Blossom."

Cassandra sighed as she handed the noodles over, feeling a mix of amusement and concern. "Fine, but I'm sticking by your side tomorrow! I can't let you do anything crazy."

Lydia merely waved her off, lifting the lid of the steaming noodles. A mouthwatering aroma wafted into the air, causing Cassandra to swallow hard. "I should have known I’d come back to this…"

"Want some?" Lydia grinned, digging into her instant meal and pulling out a second pack to offer to Cassandra.

Cassandra raised an eyebrow, accepting the noodles reluctantly. "You think your brother knows you’re eating this junk and doesn't care?"

"Uh… that’s why I only dare eat it in the Castle Dormitory!" Lydia shrugged sheepishly. "If he finds out, I’ll never hear the end of it."

Cassandra chuckled, eyeing Lydia knowingly. She was half-worried that she’d actually have to physically drag her friend back if things got out of hand.

Just as they settled into their noodle feast, a loud voice burst in: "Ladies, I’m back!" The door swung open to reveal Clara Bellamy, her energy radiating from the doorway like sunshine.

Clara eyed the two of them, mock pouting. "Wow, is that how you greet me after I've been gone?"

Cassandra leaped up, wrapping Clara in a warm embrace. "You know we missed you, right?"

As Clara entered, her gaze fell on Lydia, still slumped on her bed. "Stay put! I brought tons of snacks." She set a grocery bag on the bed with a flourish.

Lydia put her chopsticks down, eyes lighting up. "What kind of snacks?"

"Only the best local treats!" Clara assured, her expression gleeful—she knew just how much Lydia loved them.

Lydia beamed. "You’re the best! I can’t thank you enough for this. Now we won’t just be stuck eating crappy noodles."

Cassandra nodded enthusiastically, "Exactly! With you around, we can always count on good food."

Clara squinted, suspicious. "You two didn’t only eat instant noodles while I was gone, did you?"

Cassandra exchanged a knowing glance with Lydia. "Well, um, we might have had our fair share..."

Clara reached into her bag, pulling out an array of snacks for them to share. "Why are you both here alone anyway? What happened to the others?"

"Out on a date," Cassandra explained, grabbing a piece of jerky from Clara's offerings.

Clara looked at Cassandra, mock seriousness in her eyes. "Isn’t your roommate supposed to be at Grandma’s house during this hour?"

Before Lydia could respond, Cassandra shushed her, eyeing the treats. "Nip that idea in the bud. More snacks, please!"

Clara laughed, placing more treats on the table. "Go ahead, dive in."

Lydia swept off her bedding as she hopped down. "Thanks, Clara! You're our savior!"

Just as she grabbed a handful of snacks, Cassandra turned to Lydia, her expression serious. "Are you really going to meet Lord Charming tomorrow?"

Lydia affirmed with a nod. "Absolutely."

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