Eldergrove Academy Adventures

Chapter 1

“Wow, this is the legendary Eldergrove Academy! It's definitely way more luxurious than my little village back home!” Isolde Fairweather exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

“Hey, I know you’re tall and all, but we’re the only two from Windmere Village who got in here. You’re acting so young; it’s kind of embarrassing,” Cecilia Bright remarked, giving a skeptical look to her companion.

“Okay, okay! I get it. But can you blame me? We’re finally going to study at this fancy Eldergrove Academy! Just thinking about it feels amazing,” Isolde responded with wide eyes, throwing her arm around Cecilia’s shoulders like an older sibling would. “Let’s go check in!”

In Lord Alaric's office.

“So, you two are Cecilia Bright and Isolde Fairweather?” Lord Alaric, a middle-aged man with glasses, exuded a mixture of authority and charm that made it hard to resist his presence.

“Yes, that’s us! We just got here from Windmere Village,” Isolde giggled, instantly transforming from her usual wild self into a polite, smiling girl in front of the headmaster.

That was quite a transformation, indeed.

“Well, starting today, both of you are officially students of Eldergrove Academy. Classes begin tomorrow, so don’t be late. Your dormitory is in Knight's Quarters B, room 305 on the third floor. Got it?” Lord Alaric said, shuffling through some paperwork.

“Got it! Thanks! We'll head to our dorm now, Mistress Elowen!” Isolde chirped, already grabbing her bags and standing by the door, barely able to contain her excitement.

“Off you go,” Lord Alaric said, still focused on his task.

“Ha ha! I can’t believe I, Isolde Fairweather, am finally a student here! Ha ha!” she shouted, causing Cecilia to shake her head in disbelief.

“Seriously, can you be quiet for a second? There are other people around, you know. If you weren’t my best friend since childhood, I might just kick you,” Cecilia said, her patience wearing thin as she firmly tugged at Isolde’s arm.

“Ouch! Okay, okay, I’ll tone it down!” Isolde winced, clutching her arm where Cecilia had pulled.

“Wow, look over there! Is that Lord Jasper?” one girl suddenly exclaimed.

“Wait, is that really Jasper Fairweather? He’s here for classes today too?” another girl whispered in awe.

“Is he really the legendary Lord Jasper Fairweather? What’s he doing here?” someone else murmured.

“I heard his sister just came back from abroad and dragged him along. He’s been training in Taekwondo, so I guess she insisted he start school. How lucky for us; we’ll see him every day!” an admirer said dreamily.

“He’s the son of that extremely wealthy family, right? I heard they’re the richest here!” a friend chimed in.

“Absolutely! And he’s so handsome!”

Cecilia and Isolde turned to look, and there he was: Lord Jasper, with short, sun-kissed hair, walking cheerfully through the school yard. His angular face radiated charm, and he had that effortlessly cool expression that made him stand out.

“Wow, he’s really something!” Cecilia gushed, her eyes sparkling like stars. She clasped her hands by her cheeks, practically swooning. “He’s just so incredibly handsome!”

Chapter 2

“Ugh, what’s the big deal? Just because he’s good-looking doesn’t mean anything. Handsome and young can’t fill your stomach.” Isolde Fairweather scoffed as she watched the increasingly popular heir, Jasper Fairweather, from a distance. Growing up in the humble Windmere Village, Isolde had always found the privileged children insufferable. To her, they were nothing more than pampered kids who had everything handed to them. As she continued to watch him, her disdain only deepened. “He’s not even that good-looking! My dog has better fur than he does,” she added with a dramatic flair.

Her words echoed like a thunderclap throughout Lord's Garden, freezing everyone in place as they turned to look at this “young know-it-all” making waves.

Jasper paused, his eyes narrowing on the girl before him.

Isolde hadn’t expected her voice to carry so far, but now, with all those eyes on her, she couldn’t back down. Steeling her resolve, she planted her hands on her hips, striking a pose like a boss.

“Were you talking about me?” Jasper asked, looking at her with a bemused expression. It struck him as funny; he didn’t even know who this girl was, yet she had the audacity to “insult” him. Even more ridiculous was how this village girl, clad in the most dowdy floral dress featuring sunflowers—hair in braids, and a pair of bright green shoes—dared to challenge him.

“Yes, I was! What’s it to you?” Isolde replied, her bravado faltering slightly as she took in his emotionless face.

Around them, students watched, expecting this naïve girl to cower and apologize. Instead, they were treated to a rather bold display of defiance. A crowd began to gather, eager to witness the showdown between the “ugly duckling” and a handsome peer.

“Seriously? Did you forget to boil your brain this morning? You dressed up like this on purpose to catch my attention, didn’t you? This kind of nonsense is just to make sure I remember you!” Jasper smirked, his mouth curling into an amused grin.

“Pfft~” Isolde laughed uncontrollably at his words, fear momentarily forgotten. “You think I want to attract you? I’ve never met someone with such a high opinion of himself—this is too funny!”

Jasper stood there in shock as Isolde’s laughter rang out, catching him completely off guard. No one else had dared to mock him in this way before.

“Hey, hey, Isolde! Let’s go!” Cecilia Bright, her friend, said, trying to usher Isolde away as the students around them gawked in disbelief.

“Oh?” Isolde’s laughter faded as she glanced at the growing crowd. Realizing how much attention they attracted, she forced a smile and grabbed Cecilia’s hand, exclaiming, “Let’s run!” Before anyone could say another word, she sped off, dragging Cecilia toward the dormitory.

“You little troublemaker!” Jasper called after her, still reeling from the encounter. “Don’t let me catch you again, or I swear I’ll make you regret it!” But by then, Isolde was already a distant figure, racing away with her friend.

Chapter 3

“What's with the staring?!” Jasper Fairweather wiped the drool from his chin, puzzled as to why he sensed trouble when he woke up that morning. He never expected to run into someone as arrogant as Rowan.

“Close call! Did he follow us?” Isolde Fairweather plopped down onto her bed, panting heavily after making it back to their dorm.

“How could he? This is the girls’ dorm, after all,” Cecilia Bright replied, putting down Isolde’s laundry and shooting her a fierce look. “Why do you insist on being so reckless? If you get into trouble, it drags me down with you! You know what a hotshot Big Brother Cedric is. Why would you even mess with someone like that?”

“I know he’s handsome! But I can’t stand those type of guys. They strut around like they own the world, thinking money entitles them to be arrogant. Did you hear what he said? He accused me of flirting with him. Seriously, who does he think he is?” Isolde huffed, her frustration palpable.

“Ugh, I can’t even figure you out. Sure, he’s self-absorbed, but let’s be real, he's also incredibly good-looking. The charisma, the Alaric vibe, the family background—it’s kind of enviable,” Cecilia mused, dreaming a bit.

“Pfft~” Isolde scoffed at her love-struck friend. “You are hopeless. I need a nap.” With that, she sprawled out on her bed.

“Wait a second,” Cecilia suddenly said.

“Why are you yelling? Trying to summon spirits?” Isolde grumbled.

“What exactly did that Jasper Fairweather guy say back there?” Cecilia pressed on with urgency.

“Why do you care? I don’t remember every word, and frankly, I’m too exhausted to talk about it,” Isolde retorted, pulling her blanket over her head.

“I think I heard him say he doesn’t want to see you again, or else you might…” Cecilia continued, her eyes wide.

“Wait, what?” Isolde shot up from her bed. “What am I supposed to do about that?”

“Not much you can do. Just try not to cross paths. And if you do, make sure to avoid him,” Cecilia advised nonchalantly.

“Oh, my dear friend, you have to help me!” Isolde whined, nuzzling against Cecilia’s back.

“Stop being so mushy. I’ll do what I can to help you, but come on—pack up, we have classes tomorrow. Remember, Lord Alaric said we could be late!”

“Okay, nighty night!” Isolde called as she turned away.

“Good night.”

The next day...

“What?! Is it that late already?” Cecilia Bright bolted upright, hastily checking her phone. “No way! It’s 7:50 AM?” She raced over to Isolde Fairweather's bed and yanked the blanket off her.

“Ow! What’s the deal? It’s too early for this!” Isolde exclaimed, rubbing her red cheek, clearly annoyed.

“Look! It’s almost time for class! In ten minutes, we’ll be late!” Cecilia said, urgency tinging her voice.

“Seriously? Why didn’t you wake me up earlier? What should we do?” Isolde panicked.

“Quit talking and get dressed already!” Cecilia urged.

“Run, run! We have two minutes! Oh, dear God, help us!” Isolde shouted, rushing to get ready.

“Why do you always have to chatter? Can’t you see I’m running?” Cecilia snapped, already in motion.

“It’s only half a minute now!” Isolde cried.

“Is that our Learning Hall? Come on!” Spotting the building, Isolde felt a surge of hope and picked up her pace.

“Ten seconds left!”

“There’s the Classroom of Scholars right in front of me! We might make it!” Isolde beamed with excitement.

The door was right there, and they had three seconds to spare...

“Whoa! Who caught me in the eye like that? Ouch!” Just as Isolde was about to reach the Classroom of Scholars, someone stepped out and knocked her down. She glared up at the person who had disrupted her moment.

“It’s you?!”

“No way, it’s you?”

Chapter 4

“Great, no wonder today feels like I’m cursed, it's you!” Isolde Fairweather slowly pushed herself off the ground, dusting off her clothes, her eyes wide with disbelief.

“Perfect timing. Saves me the hassle of finding you,” Jasper Fairweather replied, removing his sunglasses and stepping closer to Isolde with a sly grin creeping across his face. He leaned in, causing her heart to race.

“Hey, what do you think you’re doing? Trying to get fresh with me?” Isolde shot back, feeling a chill despite it being summer. Instinctively, she crossed her arms over her chest.

Jasper continued his slow advance, inch by inch. Just as the tension reached its peak, a middle-aged woman with big black glasses cleared her throat, interrupting them. “Jasper Fairweather, it’s time for class.” It was Mistress Elowen.

“Oh?” Jasper turned, momentarily distracted from Isolde. He adjusted his sunglasses and, with a smirk, said, “Today’s the first day of school. I better leave a good impression on Mistress Elowen. Consider yourself lucky this time, Isolde. Next time we meet, fate might not be on your side.”

In truth, he wasn’t as concerned about impressing Mistress Elowen as he was about his sister’s pressure to behave at Eldergrove Academy.

“Hey, Mistress Elowen!” Isolde and Cecilia Bright suddenly realized, scrambling to greet their teacher.

“You must be Cecilia Bright and Isolde Fairweather, the new students who made it here with such stellar grades. I assume you know how to steer clear of trouble?” Mistress Elowen pushed her glasses up and gazed at the Classroom of Scholars. “You and Jasper seem to have had a rocky start. I suggest avoiding him if you want to keep things smooth. Now, let’s head inside for class.”

“Yes, ma’am.” They followed Mistress Elowen into the classroom.

“Listen up, everyone. From now on, these two will be your new classmates. Be sure to help them out,” Mistress Elowen announced.

“Hello, I’m Isolde Fairweather,” Isolde said.

“I’m Cecilia Bright,” Cecilia added.

“Wait, you’re Isolde Fairweather? The one who insulted Jasper Fairweather’s family yesterday? You still dare to show up here?” A girl dressed in a flamboyant style piped up, putting down her mirror and sneering.

“So it’s you? I thought you were some high-born lady. Turns out you look like you just crawled out of the sticks!” another girl chimed in, laughter rippling through the classroom.

“Stop it!” Mistress Elowen had been taken aback but maintained her authority. “If anyone speaks out again, I’ll have them out of my classroom immediately!”

Silence fell across the Classroom of Scholars.

“Alright, Cecilia Bright, Isolde Fairweather, you can sit there,” Mistress Elowen instructed, pointing to the two seats behind Jasper.

“Seriously? Why does he get to sit in the front? Ugh! Now I have to be behind him as a classmate! This is just great!” Isolde grumbled under her breath, clearly annoyed.

“Quit dawdling! Go sit down and get ready for class,” Mistress Elowen said firmly, eyeing Isolde.

“Oh, right. Okay,” Isolde muttered.

“Hey, Cecilia,” Isolde whispered to her friend sitting beside her.

“What? It's class time. We can chat after. Gotta make a good impression on Mistress Elowen today.”

“As long as we keep our heads down, we’ll be fine. But can you believe that Jasper sleeps through class and never gets into trouble?” Isolde scoffed, sneaking a glance at Jasper, who had already dozed off.

“What does it matter? His family’s loaded. He'll just coast through, while we have to actually hit the books and earn our keep,” Cecilia replied, her tone echoing frustration.

“True, true. Books before boys, right?” Isolde said as they both shared a silent moment, contemplating their upcoming academic challenges.

Suddenly, Jasper spun around to glare at Isolde. “What’s your deal?”

“Me? I’m just sitting here, enjoying class. You keep sleeping while I take notes. Don't mind me!” Isolde replied, waving a pen in front of his face and pretending to scribble diligently.

“Seriously, what have I ever done to you? Why’d you kick my chair? Are you going nuts or something?” Jasper demanded, his annoyance visibly rising.

“Hey, I wasn’t kicking your chair! Just sitting quietly! You’re the one sleepwalking through class!” Isolde retorted, both defiant and amused.

“Cecilia, is she actually ignoring me?” Jasper turned, seething with frustration at Isolde’s blatant disregard.

Cecilia felt the tension building between the two, foreseeing an explosion about to break. “Isolde…”

Ignoring her plea, Isolde continued to focus on her notes, feigning innocence.

“Seriously?! You’re going to play games with me?” Jasper exclaimed, rising from his seat, ignoring Mistress Elowen's authoritative gaze. “I’m asking you a question. Answer me!”

Fear struck Isolde, realizing how unyielding Jasper was being in front of everyone. She stammered, “Uh, I…”

“Jasper Fairweather! What’s happening here?” Mistress Elowen stepped in, shocked at Jasper’s behavior. Despite his family’s influence, she maintained her composure and declared, “Both of you—Isolde Fairweather, Jasper Fairweather—go to the hallway for your lesson!”

“Geez!” Isolde shot a glare at Jasper, storming out of the Classroom of Scholars, frustration evident on her face.

“Whatever!” Jasper rolled his eyes at Isolde’s back before following her outside, both still fuming from their encounter.

Chapter 5

“Could you move over a bit? You’re in my way.” Isolde Fairweather glared at her brother, Jasper, with the same repulsion one might reserve for a vagrant. She felt even more disgusted than she would have at the sight of one on the streets.

“Ugh, who cares about you? Who do you think you are?” Jasper retorted, momentarily taken aback before shifting to the side, creating some distance from his sister.

“Who am I? Let me remind you: I’m Isolde Fairweather—Isolde Fairweather! Get that through your thick skull!” With her hands perched on her hips and her chest thrust out, she resembled a fierce warrior rather than an irritated sister.

“You!” Jasper had never encountered such a combative person. What made her think she could command him with her self-important declarations? “Whatever, let’s put this aside. We need to talk about something important.”

“Important? You think you’re the one who decides that? I don’t have time for your nonsense!” With that, Isolde covered her ears and blinked at him defiantly as if daring him to continue. “Go ahead, spit it out—see what happens!”

“You!” For a moment, Jasper was at a loss. He had never been backed into a corner by a girl before. His typically brazen demeanor faltered as he bit down on his irritation and stared at Isolde.

“What are you staring at? Never seen a beautiful girl before?” Isolde shot back, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

“Beautiful? You? You’re just a dinosaur!” Jasper sized her up, taking in her wild demeanor. Yesterday, she had sported two braids, but today her hair cascaded in a disheveled bob. The sunflower skirt was replaced with a plain white dress, and those eye-popping green shoes had transformed into a simple pair of black sandals. Despite being of average height, she gave off a vibe that was anything but.

How could she look so different from the day before?

“A dinosaur? Have you ever seen a dinosaur in a dress?” Isolde felt her temper flare. She had saved for ages to buy this outfit, a rare indulgence she had been saving for a long time. To her, it was a statement that she didn’t belong to the same class as many of the rich kids at Eldergrove Academy. After all, Isolde Fairweather was an eighteen-year-old girl who wanted to dress up a little—nothing wrong with that! It was infuriating to be called a dinosaur.

Time dragged on, and Jasper still hadn’t replied.

“Hey! Why aren’t you saying anything? Are you scared to call me a dinosaur to my face?” Isolde stepped closer, her eyes wide and nearly bulging with frustration.

“Uh, why are you shouting? Trying to scare me?” Jasper was taken aback by her sudden outburst.

“Let me ask you one last time—where do I look like a dinosaur?” Isolde held a fist in front of him, shaking it as if it were a weapon to drive her point home.

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