Unexpected Vows

Chapter One

The doors of the Sugar Shack swung shut behind Harmony Ramirez, and she let out a sigh of relief as she escaped the blinding morning sunshine. Her body ached all over, and she had a slight headache, but her brain was too numb to be certain.

A deep chuckle erupted from her right, and she turned slowly to face Maverick King's grinning face. She closed her eyes and fought to stay upright. "Oh damn, you're here already."

Maverick wrapped an arm around her waist, guiding her to a cozy chair tucked away in the darkest corner of the café. It provided some respite from the bright light pouring through the floor-to-ceiling windows. He settled her into the chair and offered a glass of water. She eagerly gulped it down.

If only he would wipe that silly grin off his face, she might consider thanking him, despite the ungodly hour. Checking her watch required more effort than she could muster, but it had to be well before her intended wake-up time of two in the afternoon. This was far too early to be up the morning after her final big bender.

"I'll get us some coffee. I'm assuming you don't want anything else with it."

Flashing her middle finger was tempting, but she lacked the energy. He laughed again and walked away, his well-worn jeans emphasizing the flex of his backside. Not that she noticed. She had sworn years ago not to notice anything sexual about him.

She sighed. Even with her head pounding, there was no denying the truth. He had grown into a handsome man. But she still wasn't interested.


Harmony leaned back in the high-winged chair and took slow, deep breaths. Maybe if she didn't move for a week, her head would return to its normal state. The café was peaceful, filled with quiet conversations and the delightful aroma of dark roast coffee.

Maverick returned with two steaming cups of coffee, placing one on the table at six o'clock. "Drink up. We'll talk once you've found peace with the universe."

"Very funny." Her head throbbed too much for amusement.

He settled into the chair opposite her, his face in profile. She picked up her coffee and drank it down, hoping to erase the lingering effects of her excessive drinking.

Last night had been all about pushing the limits. She rarely drank that much. Her head throbbed, and even her eyelashes felt heavy.

As the hot liquid slid down her throat, she sank deeper into the chair, letting it cradle her. Movement caught her eye as Maverick stretched out his legs and leaned back. She casually observed him, taking stock. Faded jeans with slight scuffs at the knees, a white button-down shirt. The edge of a pale-blue T-shirt peeked from the open neckline. He had cut his dark hair shorter than usual in the past week. The new style suited him and made him look older than the twenty-four-year-old baby she remembered.

At the table to their right, a couple of young women openly admired Maverick. Harmony forced herself to relax. When the girls glanced in her direction and whispered to each other, she recited calming mantras. This was definitely not a good morning. She was tired, cranky, and there wasn't enough caffeine in all of Thompson to deal with the impending headache once the alcohol completely faded from her system.

She placed her cup back on the table and rested her chin in her palm, leaning heavily on her elbow. The cool surface soothed her. Oh yeah, the coffee needed to kick in fast. Maverick turned to face her directly, holding his mug in one hand.

Harmony cleared her throat. "I'm confused. My alarm, which I swear I didn't set, went off this morning. Then the phone rang—it was you—leaving a message reminding me to show up on time." She paused, embarrassed to admit her confusion. "I don't remember planning to meet today. Did we really make plans?"

He nodded. "Did you take a cab?"

As if she would drive. She was probably still over the legal limit. "Of course. Look, I'm sure there's a good reason why we need to talk, but I'd appreciate it if we could reschedule for tomorrow. I was out late last night."

"I know."

She growled at him, stopping when the sound intensified her headache. "Then you should understand that I don't want to be upright."

A spark ignited in his eyes as he looked her up and down. "You don't have to be. If you want me to help you get horizontal, I'm all for it."

A surge of lust coursed through her, but she quickly suppressed it. "Stop that."

He shrugged innocently and took another sip of his coffee, ignoring her request to stop flirting, just as he always did. When had she lost control of him? "I'm not changing my mind. I won't date you, so if you're hoping to catch me in a moment of weakness..."

"Weakness, like when you're hungover from tying one on? Happy birthday, by the way. I have a present for you, but I won't give it to you until you're sober."


He tsked softly. "Now now, that's not true. My parents were married when I was conceived. Although I'm not sure about my sister."

Her head spun. For as long as she had known him, he spoke in riddles. Usually, she found it amusing to watch others try to decipher his meaning, but at the moment, when she wasn't at her best, she understood why people found him annoying.

"You're twins."

"Right. Good to know you're a little more coherent than you were last night."

She stared at him in confusion. "Last night? You weren't there."

"Sure I was. I was the designated driver for the evening. Or don't you remember Marigold calling me? By the time you all had a few rounds of tequila shooters, you convinced her to drink as well. No one was sober enough to drive."

"You drove us home?"

"Every single one of you."

Harmony finished her mug of coffee and peered into the empty cup, contemplating whether she dared have another. She needed to be alert to keep up with Maverick. She had no recollection of him driving her anywhere. There had been lots of singing, she remembered that much, but him?

The thought of another cup of the Sugar Shack's strong coffee tempted her. If she stuck to her schedule, this would be her last day for coffee.

Maverick held out his hand, awaiting her response.Reluctantly, she handed over her cup, a sense of unease settling in as he seemed to know more than he should about her plans. As he strolled back to the counter to get her a refill, she wracked her brain for any hint of what had transpired the night before. All she could remember was hitting the bar with her friend Maverickilila and a few other girls. Her birthday had seemed like the perfect occasion for one last hurrah before getting her act together and going dry for as long as it took.

She had named it Operation Baby, a race against time before she hit that dreaded age of thirty-five and turned into a pumpkin or something equally absurd. The ticking clock had become an ever-present reminder, taunting her every month as the dream of starting a family grew more distant.

The sunlight flashed off the tabletop, causing her temples to throb in response. The thought of being responsible for anyone other than herself right now was frightening, and the idea of crawling back into bed and sleeping until Monday seemed tempting.

It was a brilliant plan, one she intended to put into action as soon as possible. But first, she needed to figure out how to ditch Maverick.

Maverick returned to the table, adding extra cream and sugar to her coffee cup. He knew she wouldn't have much of an appetite, but at least this way she'd consume a few calories. Balancing their cups, he made his way back to the table where she sat, her head resting against the side wing of the oversized chair. Her pale skin contrasted with her dark hair, and it was clear she had a headache the size of California. But he wasn't about to let this opportunity slip away. For the past four years, he had been waiting for the right moment. And now, Harmony Ramirez was going to be his. No more running away. If he had to take advantage of the situation, so be it.

Her nose twitched as he placed the cup in front of her, and he couldn't help but laugh. "I don't understand how you think you're going to survive without coffee. You're practically addicted to the stuff."

She narrowed her eyes at him, her dark brown irises locking onto his. "That's the second time you've mentioned me giving up coffee. How do you know what I have planned?"

"You told me," he replied, giving her a serious nod while keeping his amusement hidden. "Last night, when I helped you up to your apartment."

"I...you helped me?" Her eyes clouded over for a moment before she shook her head, wincing in pain. She took a sip of her coffee, and he let a smile escape.

"There were quite a few interesting revelations last night. Like how you weren't embarrassed about having a good time with your friends because it was your last night drinking for a while. And then there's the coffee you're giving up, along with any kind of tea except herbal."

Two red circles appeared on her cheeks, and she stuttered for a moment before taking a deep breath and regaining her composure. The embarrassed, hungover woman vanished, replaced by a perfectly in-control persona.

"Well, it seems you've found out about my new health regimen. Part of getting older, you know. Time to take care of the body a little better."

Damn, she was good. If he didn't know her so well, he might have fallen for the cool and collected act she was putting on.

Leaning forward, she stared at him intently. "Was there something specific you wanted? The message on my answering machine mentioned a business proposal."

"That's right," he replied, taking a sip of his coffee to buy himself some time. Last night, she had been far more emotional and hot-blooded, and he wouldn't hold it against her. Instead, he would use it to his advantage.

As he waited for her breathing to steady, he pulled out the file folder he had prepared after tucking her into bed last night. He wasn't about to tell her that part, not yet. Even though the memory of her soft skin made him ache, he had resisted the temptation to take advantage of the situation. Giving in and sleeping with her while she was drunk was no way to start a lasting relationship.

He handed her the portfolio.

Harmony accepted it reluctantly, pulling it towards her. "What's this? I'm not in the mood for any games today, okay?"

"No games," he assured her. "Take your time, read through it."

She rubbed her eyes and let out a deep sigh before opening the file. Humoring him, no doubt. Her gaze darted over the page, and slowly her brow furrowed.

"Maverick, I think you gave me the wrong papers. These are your health records."

He smiled. "That's right. I had a full physical last month, and all the paperwork is up to date. I thought you'd appreciate that."

She snorted. "Oh yeah, thank you. Just what I need to see after drinking myself into oblivion. Good for you." She scrolled down the page with her finger. "Nice blood pressure. And your BMI is amazing. You should be proud."

Maverick chuckled. "I love your sense of humor."

Harmony leaned back and sighed. "Look, I don't feel well. Get to the point. I know you're smarter than anyone else, so use small words and I'll try to understand."

"Turn the page. I think you'll get the picture."

She rolled her eyes, wincing in pain, and he wiped his mouth to hide his grin. While he felt for her, he was grateful that the liquor from last night had loosened her lips. At least enough for her to spill the beans about her plan to get pregnant.

Which happened to align perfectly with his own agenda.

She turned the page and froze, her mouth hanging open as she stared at the ring taped to the page below the note written in capital letters.


Chapter Two

Her temples throbbed with the constant pulse of blood, a rhythm that seemed to amplify as she sat across from Preston in the coffee shop. His incessant grinning only heightened her frustration, and she entertained the idea of removing his tonsils with a spoon if he didn't start talking soon.

"Pretty clear, right? No fancy words, just plain and simple like you asked," he said, motioning towards the file. "Go ahead, read it."

Her eyes fixated on the silver ring, shining against the stark white background of the paper. Maverick's neat handwriting continued below where the ring hung.

In light of your desire to start a family it seems—

An icy chill washed over her as she tore her gaze from the page to stare at Preston. "How did you find out I wanted to start a family?"

She hadn't confided in anyone about her deepest desires, not even her closest friend.

"You told me. Last night. While you were getting undressed you—"

Getting undressed? She raised a hand to interrupt him, feeling the weight of the conversation pressing down on her. Laughter and conversations swirled around them, but this was not the place for such a discussion. Not where they could be overheard.

They had things to discuss, important things.

"Drive me home," she demanded.

Preston stood up and offered his hand. If she had been more steady on her feet, she might have ignored the gesture, but stumbling and falling would only add to her embarrassment. They walked outside in silence, where she rummaged through her purse for her sunglasses.

Maverick opened the car door, and she sank into the cool leather seat. The dark-toned interior and shaded windows provided some solace. He crouched beside her, reaching across her body to fasten her seatbelt. The spicy scent of his aftershave made her mouth water as her face nestled into the crook of his neck.

She pushed him away, attempting to hide her reaction. "I can do that myself."

He moved deliberately, his hands lingering over the strap, and her pulse quickened. "I know you can, but I want to help. Just relax. I'll take you home, and then we can talk."

Harmony rubbed her temples as he closed her door and walked around to the driver's side. His posture was confident, his shoulders squared. She noticed that his arms looked stronger than she remembered, as if he had been working out.

No, she couldn't let herself wonder about that. She wasn't interested in ogling his body or questioning why he had the audacity to propose. Her focus needed to be on last night, on what else she might have revealed. Her idea of a farewell drink had backfired in more ways than one. Now she felt terrible and had a major problem to face.

Maverick King had been pursuing her for years. Since he issued his first ridiculous invitation as a seventeen-year-old boy, she had made it clear that she wasn't interested. Of course, she had lied, especially about not being physically attracted to him. But there was no way she would get involved with him. A friend's much younger cousin? She had already experienced enough deceitful men who were only after one thing. She didn't need them, not for anything. Spending time with Maverick as a friend, especially around his family, was feasible. He was decent enough, as long as they didn't cross that line into romance. Anything more would be a trap she refused to fall into again.

He drove slowly, the windows rolled down to let in the fresh autumn air. Soft rock music played in the background, and she closed her eyes, seeking a brief respite before figuring out how to navigate this absurd situation.

She jolted awake as the car came to a stop. She must have dozed off, caught between sleep and the remnants of last night's alcohol. Perhaps Maverick would agree to postpone the rest of their discussion until she had fully recovered her senses.

Harmony fumbled for the seatbelt release as he opened her door. She didn't want his hands on her again, thank you very much. She had made up her mind. No more men in her life. No more defending her heart. Just because her body reacted didn't mean she had to give in.

She reluctantly accepted his hand as he helped her out of the vehicle, only to find herself confused. "Why are we...? Maverick, you brought me to my building site. I asked you to take me home."

"And I will. But this is one of your homes, so technically, I did as you asked," he replied, his grin returning.

He opened the trunk and retrieved two lawn chairs. "Come on, let's talk."

She followed him as he walked towards the skeleton frame of what would soon be her home. After years of working for others, she finally had the chance to turn her dreams into reality. Her architectural designs were slowly taking shape. The foundation was laid, the backfill and weeping tile completed. The framers were hard at work, with most of the outer walls already standing. It was starting to resemble a house.

Maverick unfolded the lawn chairs in what would be the future living room and gestured for her to sit. She shook her head, preferring to stand, especially as he settled his long limbs into one of the chairs.Wasn't it refreshing for her to finally have the upper hand? Being taller than him, even if just for a moment?

"I told you so," she blurted out. Well, that wasn't exactly the epitome of control and dignity. He raised an eyebrow and grinned wider, causing her to bite back a clever retort. "I mean, tell me what happened last night, please."

Maverick crossed his ankles, propping his elbows on the armrests. He looked far too relaxed and comfortable, not suffering nearly as much as she was.

"You educated me on the stupidity of men, and I couldn't help but agree, especially when you shared stories about the idiots you've dated over the past few years," he said. "Then you enlightened me about how we live in a modern world where finding a Prince Charming is unnecessary." He made quote-unquote motions with his fingers, his dark eyes fixed on hers. "I also agreed with you on that one, in case you're interested."

"I thought you enjoyed arguing with me."

"Only when you're wrong. But most of your revelations last night were surprisingly accurate."

She moved the second lawn chair further away from him and collapsed into it. "Last night... umm, what else did I say? Or do? Because I was too intoxicated for you to take me seriously. It must have been the alcohol talking."

He tapped his fingers together as he pondered. "No, the alcohol-induced moment came when you stripped off your clothes right after we walked in the door."

Oh dear Lord, no. "You're joking, right?"

Maverick took a deep breath. "There's no easy way to say this, so I'll just say it. You were three sheets to the wind, very talkative, and extremely affectionate. Don't worry, nothing physical happened between us. I carried you to your room, convinced you to put on your pajamas, and tucked you into bed. I did not accept your offer to engage in sexual activities."

Harmony opened her mouth, but her vocal cords froze. She couldn't have. Maverick moved his chair back to its original position and took hold of her hand. His thumb traced slow circles on her knuckles, igniting a flutter of desire that she had suppressed for years.

He spoke softly, his deep tone smoothing over her like butter on warm toast. "You insisted that you don't usually get drunk, and that's true. I've never seen you lose control like that before."

"And I never will again." God, she was mortified. A tingling sensation crept up her arm from where he caressed her skin. He had turned her hand over to rub the tender inside of her wrist, sending waves of desire coursing through her nerves.

She pulled her fingers free. "Stop that."

He shrugged and leaned back, crossing his arms over his chest. Yes, he definitely had larger muscles—broader across the... No. She couldn't admire the man. She needed to uncover the bottom of this puzzle so that the insanity could end.


"You told me about Operation Baby."

Harmony gasped for air. "No. Way."

"Yes. Now is as good a time as any. You believe there are plenty of opportunities for a woman like you to successfully raise a child alone. You refuse to wait any longer for the right man to come along. Artificial insemination seems like a viable option."

She buried her head in her hands, moaning as he repeated verbatim all the arguments she had been having with herself over the past year. Shit, shit, shit. She had told him everything, while completely naked. What had come over her, and how could she possibly explain it away? Her face burned with embarrassment.

Confusion flooded her already overwhelmed mind as she stared at him in dismay. No matter how clueless she had been, that still didn't explain the ring he had offered.

"Let me get this straight. I undressed in front of you and shared my plans to get pregnant before I turned thirty-five. And your response was to set my alarm clock, give me your health records, and propose?" Harmony rubbed her temples in frustration. This couldn't be happening. She gripped the armrests of the lawn chair so tightly they creaked. "Maverick, I may be a foolish drunk, but what's your excuse? You were sober and you're acting more insane than me."

"You've rejected me for a long time." His dark eyes captured hers, holding her in place. A strand of his hair fell across his forehead, untamed as he gazed intently at her. "Now that I've finally found something I can offer you, I wanted to make sure you listened."

"That you can offer me... Wait a minute." No. Freaking. Way. He was out of his mind. "Your health records? Are you offering to impregnate me? Because, buddy, that's—"

He laughed, the sound light and joyous, filling the room with its infectiousness. "I'm offering more than that, but it's a damn good place to start. You think you're getting old enough that you need to start a family immediately. Personally, I don't believe there's any rush, but if it's important to you, fine. But why go with an anonymous donor for artificial insemination? Regardless of how good the charts are, you have no guarantees. I, on the other hand, can provide complete health records and a family history with no inherent health risks. Long-lived grandparents, and a decent chance of having an incredibly attractive child." Maverick waggled his eyebrows, causing her to groan.

He was serious. Harmony shot to her feet, ignoring the stabbing pain it caused, and paced away from him. Her fingers twitched with the need to tear something apart.

"You forgot to mention the occasional bouts of insanity. Maverick, you proposed to me. And now you're offering to get me pregnant? Maybe I'm still too hungover to connect all the dots, but none of this makes any sense."

"You want the long version or the short?"

"Short, damn it," she snapped. "Give me the condensed version and be done with it already."Maverick released a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. If Harmony was going to reject him, she would have done so already. She had plenty of chances to end the conversation back at the café, but instead, she had engaged in their discussion. It was his turn to state his case.

"I have a list," he began, trying to keep it concise. "First, you want a baby. Second, you genuinely care about my family. And third, you believe that long-term relationships should be a choice, not just driven by emotions or hormones."

Harmony snorted. "Your unbelievable memory is going to get you into trouble one day."

He grinned. "I'm eagerly awaiting that day. So, did I hit the mark with those three truths?"

She narrowed her gaze and nodded reluctantly. "Why do I feel like this is some kind of setup?"

"Maybe because you're almost as smart as me?" Harmony flipped him off, and he couldn't help but chuckle. "Look, maybe I'm crossing a line here, but we've been friends for a long time. You've been a part of my family for years, attending all the events and hanging out with us. Can I be blunt?"

"And you aren't usually?"

"No, I'm usually too polite and laid back."

"Oh, just get on with it, for God's sake."

Maverick stood up and approached her. "I think every child deserves to have both a mother and a father to love and care for them."

"If it's possible," she retorted. "But I'm single."

"Not if we get married."

She ran her hands through her hair in frustration. "This can't be happening. It must be some tequila-induced hallucination."

He moved closer, not giving her a chance to protest further. Last night, he had shown remarkable self-control, but today, his restraint was wavering. "My family adores you and they would love to be involved in raising your child. It's not the main reason to marry me, but it's an added bonus."

"Like a prize in a cereal box?"

Maverick burst into laughter, her sarcastic attitude driving him wild. "You're so cocky, I love it. And that's precisely why this makes sense. I would choose to be in a long-term relationship with you."

She opened her mouth to respond but then shook her head in frustration, pacing towards an empty window. Planting her fists on her hips, she stared out into the backyard.

He waited patiently for her to gather her thoughts.

Finally, Harmony turned around and shook her head. "You can't possibly know that. You're too young to-"

"Don't." He refused to accept that argument. It infuriated him. He quickly crossed the room to stand beside her. "Don't you dare say something cliché like 'You're too young to know your own mind.' This is me, not some stranger off the street. We've spent countless hours together over the years."

"But never one-on-one, never in a romantic relationship."

"Because you never let us go there. I've always been your friend, helping you move and fixing your car. We've played games and watched terrible movies together. When I make a decision, I stick to it. If I say I want to be with you, trust me, I've thought about it extensively. Not only will I keep my commitment, but I'll also be the best damn father imaginable."

Her face grew redder as she waved her hands in the air, shouting at him. "You can't propose to me just because I want to have a baby!"

He stared at her in disbelief. "This coming from a woman who plans on raising a child alone, dealing with diapers and colic for the next twenty years? Don't talk to me as if I'm the only crazy person in the room."

They locked eyes, neither willing to back down. The wind blew in through the open window, tousling her hair around her face, and something inside him tightened. Was he in love with her? Absolutely. He had admired her for so long, both her body and her character, and love had naturally blossomed. But she wasn't ready to hear that yet, not after keeping him at arm's length for so long. He had to start somewhere they could agree. Maverick took a step closer, his gaze dropping to her lips. She nervously licked them, crossing her arms in front of her.

"What are you doing?" She shuffled backward until she hit the rough wood of a wall stud, using her hands to steady herself.

"I'm proving that there's physical attraction between us." He took another step, their feet moving in sync, their bodies brushing against each other, their hips nearly touching.

She pressed harder against the wall, her breasts rising and falling beneath her T-shirt as she tried to create more distance between them. But he refused to yield. "What does this have to do with- I mean, I don't understand what you're getting at."

Maverick gripped her dark hair, unable to contain his satisfaction as a low groan escaped his lips. He had wanted to do that for far too long, and last night, denying her advances had pushed him to his limits. He needed her desperately, his desire burning from within. He pulled her head gently until her face tilted towards him, the smooth curve of her cheek glowing in the morning sunlight. "Just in case you're considering accepting only part of my proposal. I don't want you to think for even a second that we'll use some turkey-baster method to get you pregnant."

Her eyes widened, and she opened her mouth, likely ready to scold him. Taking advantage of the opportunity, he closed the distance between their lips.

Chapter Three

Harmony's mind jolted back to life, her senses awakened by Maverick's kiss. It wasn't just any ordinary kiss, the kind that leaves you feeling warm and fuzzy. No, this was an inferno, consuming everything in its path. And without a second thought, Harmony surrendered herself to the flames.

Maverick's body pressed tightly against hers, sending a surge of desire coursing through her veins. The innocent peck on the cheek had transformed into something much more primal. His tongue explored the depths of her mouth, erasing any trace of coffee with his own intoxicating taste. The heat radiated from her core, spreading to every inch of her being. She couldn't remember why she had pushed him away all these years. 

His fingers curled around her neck, gripping her tightly as their connection deepened. Harmony responded eagerly, her lips and teeth joining in the passionate dance. She clung onto his shoulders, feeling the ripple of his muscles beneath her fingertips. The hunger in his touch only fueled her own desires. 

His hand snaked around her waist, slipping under her shirt to graze her bare skin. The warmth of his palm sent shivers down her spine as he pulled her closer, the hardness of his erection pressing against her belly. Her breasts were trapped between them, aching with need. Maverick devoured her tongue, sending waves of ecstasy crashing through her body. It had been so long since she had felt this kind of pleasure from a simple kiss. Her nails scraped down his back, and he broke away from her, groaning loudly. 

As air rushed back into her lungs, Harmony seized the opportunity to pull him closer, her hands firmly planted in his back pockets. Their legs entwined, creating a delicious friction between her thighs. The sensations overwhelmed her, threatening to consume her completely. 

Maverick's lips trailed along her jaw, planting kisses and nips on the sensitive skin beneath her ear. The need inside her grew, urging her to shed her clothes and give in to their desires right then and there. She was empty, aching for more. Their breathing filled the unfinished room, echoing through the empty spaces.

Returning to her lips, Maverick thrust his tongue into her mouth, mimicking the motion of his hips. Harmony whimpered, overwhelmed by the intensity of it all. It was both too much and not nearly enough. He released his grip on her hair, instead cupping her ass, lifting her up until she straddled his erection. Waves of pleasure washed over her as she rode the solid ridge, tingling sensations consuming her. She could feel herself edging closer to climax, rubbing against him like a cat.

Her left leg rose higher, hooked over his elbow, pressing her back hard against the wall. Spread open and defenseless, she surrendered to his grinding, feeling the seam line of her jeans teasing her clit through her thong. She panted heavily, so close to the edge.

"Give it to me. Let me see...you..." His words trailed off as he thrust again and again. Muttered words escaped his lips, his breath coming in gasps. With one final rotation of his hips, she closed her eyes and let the bliss consume her. Pleasure pulsed through her body, starting from the apex of her sex and radiating throughout her core. She couldn't help but purr with delight, savoring the orgasm and its lingering pleasure. Maverick slowed his thrusts, capturing her mouth once more, kissing her with a feverish intensity. Harmony leaned her head back, reveling in the aftershocks of her climax, basking in the attention he lavished upon her.

They clung to each other, their hands softening, their lips slowing their frantic contact. Time seemed to slip away, leaving them in a haze of satisfaction. A buzzing fly broke the spell, pulling Harmony back to reality.

Maverick broke off their kiss, gently lowering her until her feet touched the ground. He supported her, waiting for her to regain her balance. His chest rose and fell with shallow breaths, evidence of the effect their actions had on him. She looked down, noticing his erection still straining against his jeans. Regret and doubt washed over her. What had she done?

He lifted her chin, locking eyes with her. The darkness in his gaze, dilated pupils filled with lust, sent shivers down her spine. "You are so damn beautiful."

Maverick's hand cupped her neck once more, pulling her close to his chest. Guilt washed over her like a tidal wave. She listened to the steady beating of his heart, allowing reality to seep back in. She had dry humped someone she had promised herself not to get involved with sexually.

Someone who had proposed to her thirty minutes ago and expressed his desire to father her child.

As her mind protested vehemently, he cleared his throat. His voice, deeper than usual, carried a husky tone of lust. "I needed that."

It was madness. Pure madness. Harmony pressed her palms against his chest, attempting to create some distance between them. His arms tightened around her, refusing to let her go.

"You're not planning on running away now, are you?"

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. Oh God, I can't believe I let--"

"Let it happen? Don't lie. You wanted it just as much as I did."

Well, shit. This had gone far enough. "Maverick..."

"Don't deny it. Don't regret it. Because I sure as hell don't."

Harmony trembled under the intensity of his gaze. She couldn't make some flippant remark and escape this time. Taking a deep breath, she exhaled slowly. "I won't deny that I enjoyed it, but we never should have started."

"But we wanted to."

She squirmed, and this time he released her. "Yeah, well, wanting and should aren't the same thing."

"You want to have a baby by yourself. Should you?"

Ice coursed through her veins, replacing the lingering heat. "That's not fair."

"Exactly my point."

Avoiding his gaze, Harmony watched as Maverick adjusted his erection, fighting the impulse to offer her assistance. No matter how angry his final words made her, the desire to touch his bare skin remained. He reached out, his hand gently touching her arm, pulling her back to face him. A tender touch beneath her chin brought their eyes back in line, and he smiled. One part trouble, three parts sin."I wanted to prove that we have an undeniable attraction, regardless of your denial. It may not be enough to build a relationship on, but it's not a bad starting point," he said earnestly.

Her fight drained away, leaving her empty and hollow. The weight of her uncertain future plans and past disappointments hung heavy in the air.

"This wasn't how I envisioned spending today," she confessed, her voice laced with weariness.

A mischievous grin danced across his face, a familiar sight from the King family gatherings. "I had planned on joining a gaming marathon, but this is far more exciting."

She fought the urge to roll her eyes. Him and his obsession with computers. "Sorry for tearing you away from your world domination."

"You know the Kings. There will always be another chance to play," he replied, releasing his grip on her arm and stepping back. A cool breeze passed between them, chilling her body and stirring an ache within her heart. She hadn't expected to long for someone to keep her warm. She thought she had moved past that.

Harmony gazed out at her future backyard, taking note of the big oak tree that the clearing crew had mercifully left untouched. One of its branches stretched out horizontally, the perfect spot for a tire swing. It would be a safe place for a child to play while she watched from the window or pushed them on the swing. Suddenly, her fantasy of the future became clearer, filling in the hazy details. She saw a child with dark hair, red highlights glimmering in the sunlight, and a mischievous smile. The image of a child who resembled Maverick took her breath away.

Her mind spun with the weight of it all. It was too much, too soon.

Maverick cleared his throat, interrupting her thoughts. She turned to find him standing by the front door, holding it open. She moved towards him, and they made their way back to his car in silence. Her mind was too chaotic for rational conversation, and small talk would have felt inappropriate.

During the thirty-minute ride from her new house in Frazer to her apartment in Thompson, Maverick drove while the radio provided a blur of background noise. The lack of sleep, the alcohol, and the stress merged into an overwhelming sensation. She abandoned any pretense of politeness and stared out the window, her mind craving nothing more than the solace of her bed.

From the parking lot to her apartment door, he paced beside her, adjusting his long stride to match hers. When she paused at her doorway to speak, he pressed a finger against her lips.

"You're tired and hungover. Go to bed. Think about this when you're well-rested," he advised, placing a folder in her hand before reaching for her. She held her breath, unsure of what he might do next. If he kissed her again, she didn't know how she would react. But something in her expression must have warned him that she was on the verge of breaking, because he froze. He cleared his throat and took a shaky breath before retreating to the elevator without a word.

The only thing she managed to do was stumble to her bed and collapse, still fully clothed. She tossed the folder onto her bedside table, where it haunted her thoughts for the brief two minutes it took for sleep to claim her.

Maverick leaned back in his car seat, trying to find a comfortable position. If he hadn't already achieved sainthood status, he was well on his way. Fuck, kissing Harmony, touching her, bringing her pleasure—it had all exceeded his wildest expectations. After years of fantasizing about her, this morning he had been tempted to throw her to the floor and let her ride him.

He adjusted his seat, desperate for more space. Shit, he was dying. He had been hard on and off since last night when he discovered that his mental image of her wasn't far from reality. From the moment she had surprised him by removing her dress, he couldn't tear his eyes away. Her breasts spilled out of her skimpy bra, and he had initially thought she wasn't wearing any panties. It wasn't until she had wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed his face between her breasts that he noticed the tiny piece of fabric pretending to be a thong. He had felt the warm, silky skin of her ass in his hands, her arms clinging to him.

"Fuck!" he swore, pounding his fist against the steering wheel. He turned the radio to the dirtiest, most explicit station he could find and cranked up the volume until the car vibrated around him.

Maverick thumped his cock hard, trying to relieve the ache in his jeans. But even when she told him she was horny, that hadn't been the worst part. The real challenge had been untangling himself from her and covering her up when all he wanted was to unzip his pants and thrust into her as deep as possible. That struggle had been easier than the demons he had to face when they reached her room.

She had told him everything. In the fifteen minutes it took to unlock her door and carry her nearly naked body to her bed—a memory that made his nuts tighten—she never stopped talking. She complained about her previous boyfriends, how they were terrible in bed and how she often found more pleasure in her own fingers. She confessed her desire for a baby.

And she had told him he smelled incredible, asking if he wanted to make her feel good. She even mentioned that she was up for a good, hard fuck.

Maverick slammed his fist into the steering wheel again, grinding his teeth together in frustration. Reliving every moment of last night in vivid detail wasn't helping. He had gone home and jerked off, desperate for release, but it hadn't worked. In the sleepless hours that followed, he had come up with his proposal.

He shifted his car into gear and headed home, making sure to set the cruise control because his mind was too consumed to drive safely. He had wanted Harmony for so long, and he was convinced they would be great together. But would she ever admit it? She was just as stubborn as he was, always pushing him away and keeping their relationship strictly platonic.

Thank God they had the time at the house. The memory of her lips on his, her nails digging into his back, made his mouth water. He longed to be naked, buried deep inside her, marked by her. He craved the sound of her moans as she approached climax.

Fuck. He needed a damn cold shower.

Harmony would probably sleep for most of the day, lost in a deep slumber. Then she would analyze and consider his offer from every angle before making a decision. He planned on providing the necessary guidance to sway her choice in the right direction. But for now, there was nothing more he could do. Maverick turned down the long driveway to his house, his heart heavy and his cock still throbbing.

Waiting was a goddamn torture.

Chapter Four

Maverick's heart sank when he saw his sister's car parked outside his house. The last thing he wanted was to have a forced social visit, even if he and his twin got along famously. He took a moment to compose himself, trying to calm the raging hard-on that had taken hold of him.

To his surprise, Maverickine was waiting for him on the front steps, wearing a wistful expression.

"Hey, Mavericky, what's up?" he greeted her.

She shrugged. "I'm supposed to meet Mom and some aunts for lunch, but I have some time to kill. Can I hang out with you?"

This was not what he had in mind, not with thoughts of Harmony still swirling in his mind. Even jerking off in the shower hadn't done much to alleviate his desire for her. But how could he turn his sister away when he had always made time for her before?

"Of course, you can stay for a visit. Why didn't you wait inside?"

"It's such a nice day."

He forced a laugh as he hugged her, carefully avoiding any hint of his current state. Together, they entered the small cottage he owned at the back of one of the estate homes. Maverickine went to get drinks while he opened the French doors to the deck. The cottage had once been the gardener's living quarters, and it provided just enough space for one person. It had been the perfect place for him when he returned from college and declared he would no longer live at home. He could still remember how his parents had protested, struggling to accept that he had finished high school at an accelerated rate. Coming back from college at seventeen was not the norm, but Maverick had insisted. He had his own business, he had the money he needed, and he was determined enough to usually get his way.

Except when it came to Harmony.

He needed a distraction, something to take his mind off the taste of her lips and the sounds she made when she climaxed. He mentally scrambled for a topic as he made sure Maverickine was listening. "I have another client lined up for the final test drive of the new software. Are you interested in being part of the presentation?"

She turned from the sink, beaming at him. "Are you serious?"

"Of course. I told you that if you improved your coding skills, I would consider you as a partner."

She handed him a glass of iced tea, shaking her head. "No, we've talked about this. I can't be a partner. I don't have any savings to invest in the business. I'm happy just working with you, so why don't you hire me?"

They moved to sit outside in the old rattan chairs he had bought at a garage sale. He had imagined relaxing here with Harmony, watching the sun set behind the trees. But he needed to focus on the present. "You keep saying that, but I think you have a lot to offer. I loved what you did with the graphics on the King Networking Team website. The TNT banner was really cool. How about this? I'll set you up as a partner based on a buy-in system. As you work on projects, you'll earn both a salary and partnership credit. Would that make you feel better?"

Maverickine nodded slowly. "Next year, when we turn twenty-five, part of the King legacy funding will come through, and I can contribute whatever the business needs as a full top-up."

He laughed. "What? You're actually planning on spending some of the Maverick money?"

"We deserve it. It's bad enough to share the same initials as all our cousins, but the same name?" She made a face. "Although I'm grateful that Mom and Dad came up with decent Maverick names to meet the requirements of the legacy fund. Auntie Maverickamule—I can't say her name without wanting to giggle."

"Maverickimilian isn't any better."

She wrinkled her nose. "Is it terrible that I don't really like our cousin?"

Maverick leaned back in his chair, letting the sun warm his face. Was Harmony thinking about his proposal? "He's a fake, that's why. You're too genuine to like someone who's a phony."

"I'm not that sweet."

He laughed. "Yes, you are."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

She narrowed her eyes at him, and he stuck his tongue out. "Oh, so mature."

They smiled at each other, their conversation devolving into twin-speak. Maverick looked at his sister as she sipped her tea. She was sweet and innocent, and he was glad to have her working with him.Maverickine Kings had always been the heart of the family, and Maverick, her brother, took it upon himself to watch over her. In a large and bustling family like the Kings, there was always something happening, and Maverickine was usually at the center of it all. He had learned to distance himself a bit from the constant demands of the clan, focusing on his own work with computers. Maverickine, on the other hand, never seemed to learn how to say no.

As he sat there, sipping his tea, Maverick contemplated telling Maverickine about Harmony. But he decided against it. Until he had something concrete to share, he would keep it to himself. And until Harmony made a decision, there was nothing to convey.

It felt strange to keep a secret from Maverickine. They were close, after all. She chatted about their younger cousins, and he listened as best he could, nodding along. But his thoughts kept drifting back to Harmony. He couldn't help but remember the soft touch of her skin when he kissed her, the taste of her lips. He eagerly anticipated making love to her.

"What do you think?" Maverickine asked, snapping him out of his daydream.

Startled, Maverick jerked upright. "Sorry, Mavericky. I lost my train of thought for a minute."

She laughed. "Didn't get much sleep last night, huh? I heard you ended up driving Cousin Marigold and her friends home. I thought I was the only one kind enough to get roped into that." She playfully batted her eyes, and he groaned.

"I didn't mind," he admitted. And he truly hadn't. It was one of the most self-serving acts of charity he had ever done.

He leaned back, refocusing his attention on Maverickine. Harmony wouldn't be calling anytime soon, and until then, his life would remain in limbo.

Harmony woke up with a pounding headache and an awful taste in her mouth. She rolled over, tossing a shoe to the floor, wincing as the sunlight stabbed her eyes. Definitely not the best way to start the day. Slowly, she sat up, afraid her head would spin or her stomach would churn.

But it was her heart that did backflips when she spotted the file folder on the side table.

Maverick Preston had proposed to her.

Confusion and anger surged within her, competing to rise higher. He hadn't meant to upset her, but damn it all, she had a plan. She was content with her decision to undergo artificial insemination. She had thought through all the arguments and convinced herself that she would be a fantastic mother. Any child that came along would be loved and cared for. But the idea of having a partner and extended family for her child was appealing as well.

Yet it wasn't possible. She had tried the traditional route of finding a partner, but it hadn't worked out. She couldn't find anyone she wanted to spend more than a year with, let alone raise a child.

I like Maverick.

Her mind raced, searching for a solution. It wasn't acceptable for him to come in and disrupt her world. Despite the intoxicating kisses and magical orgasms, she had to do what was right in the long run.

She poured herself into a hot shower, trying to wash away the stress. The headache from the previous night's indulgence had subsided, replaced by a dull ache of anxiety. She soaped her body, ignoring the tenderness between her legs from their intimate moments. It was too tempting to fantasize about what Maverick would do to her when they were alone. But she refused to let her mind wander. Harmony forced herself to focus on washing her breasts quickly, resisting the urge to linger as her nipples tightened.

Even when Maverick wasn't there, he haunted her thoughts.

She dried off and hastily put on track pants and a T-shirt before storming into the kitchen.

He had proposed to her.

After drinking three glasses of water and orange juice, Harmony sat on her balcony, closing her eyes and soaking in the sun. With each deep breath, she mentally released one of her concerns. She needed to make a decision, but being uptight and upset wouldn't help.

She grabbed a notepad from the nearby chair and began making another list.

Maverick had given her three reasons why they should be together. She neatly listed them in order and created two columns next to each for pros and cons. She knew she needed more information to reach a conclusion. And knowing Maverick, a simple yes or no wouldn't suffice. He would want to know why.Despite the gravity of the situation, a laugh escaped her lips. It was true that he had claimed she knew him better than to dismiss him on the grounds of youth. Truth be told, he had possessed a mature mindset since fifth grade. The man was practically a genius, his every move calculated and deliberate.

Harmony let out a slow breath, her mind made up. She had faced similar decisions before when she chose to become a single mother. Doing it again wouldn't be too much of a burden.

The first item on her list seemed like the easiest to tackle.

#1. Having a baby with Preston


His straightforwardness had made her smile, even amidst the chaos of their argument. Colic and diapers. She appreciated his honesty and directness.

She listed points under each category, contemplating every aspect. Writing down "financial security" made her cringe. Admitting that she was nervous about being a single mother financially was a bitter pill to swallow. Despite having a stable home business and some savings, what if something unexpected happened? She would have insurance, but still...

#2. Having a baby with the extended King family around

Oh boy. The lists grew longer, both for the pros and cons. Her own family was nonexistent. Her father had vanished years ago, and her mother was too preoccupied with her own life on the other side of the country to care. Harmony had settled on the west coast, forming a close bond with Marigold over the years. Maverick was right; she had attended countless gatherings with the King clan. She was no stranger to the joys and challenges of a large extended family. There were always eager hands to hold babies, wipe runny noses, and read stories.

But there were also unsolicited opinions and an invasion of privacy that came with the territory. She swirled the glass of juice in her hand, watching the ice cubes dance in the vibrant liquid. The thought of having everyone in town know every detail of her life made her hesitate, but it wasn't enough to scare her away.

#3. A long-term relationship with Maverick, by choice

Harmony set the pen down, unwilling to add anything to either side of the list right now. It felt like writing it in ink would make it more real.

Was Maverick someone she would choose to be with?

Physically, their connection was explosive. He had proven that beyond a shadow of a doubt, the memory of his commanding touch still making her body ache. Yet, she hesitated to list it as a positive. How long would that physical spark last? She had done her best to stay in shape, but at thirty-four, she couldn't rely on it as a guarantee for the future. Suddenly, the intense attraction between them seemed less significant in the grand scheme of things.

Mentally, there was not a single downside she could think of. Maverick was intelligent, possibly even more so than she was. Yet he didn't flaunt it like some people she knew who reveled in their superiority. He worked well with others and, in true King fashion, he used his intellect to support his family, making their lives easier.

But there was a nagging voice of doubt on the con side. It wasn't him per se, but the idea of a long-term relationship. What did that even mean to a twenty-four-year-old? She had dated thirty-year-olds whose idea of forever was "until they found someone better-looking." Coming home to find her partner in bed with another woman was an experience she never wanted to repeat. Being neglected or having a new job in a new location chosen over her? Maybe she had a terrible track record with men, but perhaps it was her fault. Even within her own small family, she saw no evidence of long-term love.

She knew she would be there for her child unconditionally and forever. A devoted family of two wasn't the worst thing to aim for. It might be physically and emotionally challenging, but it was better than having someone come in and out of her child's life sporadically.

Harmony gave up. She laced up her sneakers and headed out the door for a long, grueling run. If nothing else, it would purge the remaining alcohol from her system. Regardless of her decision, she was determined to move forward with her plans for having a baby this coming week.

The question lingered: would Maverick be a part of it?

Chapter Five

Three days had passed, and Maverick was growing increasingly restless. Each day felt longer than the last, as he anxiously waited for Harmony to make up her mind about his proposal. He couldn't help but feel caught between wanting her to give him an answer and fearing that one wrong move would push her towards a rejection.

The day after he had proposed, Maverick had gone to Harmony's apartment with a fresh herbal tea and a fruit smoothie. She had accepted them with a nod, but then ordered him to leave and wait for her call. He had respected her wishes, but the urge to ignore her command and show up at her office grew stronger as the day went on. He resisted the temptation, knowing that he needed to play by her rules if he wanted to win her over.

Unable to concentrate on his work, Maverick turned his attention to his pet project - a new and more interactive website for Harmony's architecture business. The old site was in desperate need of improvement, and he hoped that by sending her an email to check the draft site, he could ensure that he stayed on her mind.

As he worked on the website, Maverick received a notification for a game night from Marigold. It was an open invitation, and he knew that the chances of seeing Harmony there were high. Excited, he saved his work and called his sister to see if she wanted to join him.

To his surprise, his sister revealed that she already had a date for the night. Maverick couldn't help but tease her, but deep down, he still felt protective. After all, she was his sister. Despite his conflicting emotions, he promised to be a good big brother and let her enjoy her date.

As Maverick headed to Marigold's house, he couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat when he saw Harmony's car in the driveway. Whether she liked it or not, he was determined to remind her that he was waiting for her response. He rushed up the stairs and knocked on the door, eager to see her.

To his surprise, it was Preston who answered the door. The sight of Harmony's eyes, the ones that had haunted his dreams for years, made Maverick feel like a fool. He realized that his proposal had caught her off guard, leaving her unsure of how to turn him down.He hesitated for a moment, disappointment and disillusionment crashing over him like a tidal wave.

"Harmony," he stammered, his voice filled with a mix of excitement and uncertainty.

They stood there silently, their eyes locked in a meaningful gaze. Suddenly, he noticed a faint blush creeping up her cheeks, and a glimmer of hope sparked within him.

She quickly straightened herself, her words rushed. "Sorry, come on in." She swung open the door, allowing him to enter. He subtly brushed past her, trying to get as close as possible without drawing attention. He positioned himself by her side, taking a deep breath and inhaling the sweet scent of her perfume that swirled around him, making his head spin.

"How have you been?" Harmony asked softly as he scanned the room, observing the gathering crowd. The fact that she didn't run off to hide gave him a sliver of hope. At this point, he would take anything as a positive sign.

Optimist, that's what he was. Or maybe just a masochist.

"Anxious. Restless. Hopeful?" he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of desperation.

"Don't..." she began, her voice trailing off.

Maverick shrugged. "You asked. I was being polite and didn't even mention the physical reactions I've been experiencing." He gestured towards the kitchen. "Can I get you something?"

She let out a sigh and walked beside him. "It might sound pathetic, but nothing really sounds appealing to drink."

Ah, right. Her self-imposed Operation Baby, where she avoided chemicals and opted for all-natural, healthy options. His stomach churned in sympathy, and that protective and nurturing instinct within him surged forward. "Come on, let me help you."

Marigold's place was already bustling with nearly twenty people – family and friends who Maverick had spent countless nights with over the years. He waved and exchanged greetings as he guided Harmony forward. There was an odd expression on her face as he led her to a chair by the kitchen island.

He understood – she was worried about people watching them.

"They're used to seeing us together. You don't need to worry," he whispered in her ear before turning to the cupboard to fetch two glasses. He poured orange juice and added a splash of sparkling water, then returned to her side.

"I wasn't worried." She accepted the glass he offered, but another sigh escaped her lips.

He raised an eyebrow and took a sip of his juice.

"Okay, stop that. I haven't made a decision yet, so yes, I am worried. I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea," she spoke quietly. Her fingers fumbled with the glass as another family member brushed past them to rummage through the fridge.

Maverick lightly patted her knee, a teasing gesture. "Relax." Her gaze darted around anxiously as people came and went from the kitchen, grabbing what they needed. "Seriously, no one thinks anything of us being together – watch this."

He turned to the couple leaning on the opposite side of the island. "Dave, Carole. Have you guys formed your team for the night?"

Dave grinned. "Are you offering to join us?"

Maverick winked. "Why not? My sister isn't here yet, so I might as well help you guys kick Marigold's butt." He stood up and fist-bumped Dave, purposely ignoring Harmony who now sat alone. He figured he only had to wait about five seconds.

Harmony struggled to suppress a frown. He had left her? Joined another team? The disappointment hit her like a sudden wave. She straightened herself, trying to figure out what to say.

Carole turned towards Maverick after giving him a warm hug. "Oh, hey, Harmony. Have you formed a team yet? You're welcome to join us too, if you'd like." Carole suddenly paused, as if realizing something. "If that's alright with you, Maverick. Do you already have another partner?"

Harmony looked across the room at Maverick's grinning face. The jerk arched an eyebrow and flashed a mischievous smile. "No partner. Harmony can join us. I don't mind."

Dave nodded. "I'll go grab us a spot, otherwise we'll be stuck on that damn broken couch again. The springs are enough to kill me." Carole grabbed their glasses, and the two of them hurried out of the room.

Maverick leaned against the island counter, his biceps straining against the fabric of his t-shirt. She forced her gaze to meet his eyes. Laughter twinkled in them.

She glanced around the room, ensuring no one was close enough to overhear their conversation. The kitchen had emptied out, with everyone else congregating in the adjacent room. "You're such a wise-ass, aren't you? Your point is that everyone is used to seeing us together, without assuming we're actually together."

He stared at her lips, and she resisted the urge to lick them. "That's the truth for now. I'd love for them to see us as a couple."

Harmony sat up straight in her seat. "Preston."

"I'm being honest. Moving this relationship forward is the right thing, Harmony. It's right for you, for me, and it's perfect for the baby you're going to—"

"Stop." He was driving her insane, absolutely driving her insane.Deep within her, conflicting desires waged war. One part of her longed to surrender herself to him, to accept his offer without hesitation. The other part yearned to flee, to put as much distance as possible between them. It was a battle of split personalities, tearing her apart from the inside. "Not tonight," she managed to say, her voice strained. "I'm here to unwind. Let's just go and have fun, and we can deal with this later."

His expression betrayed more than he intended. She wished she had an answer for him, but remaining undecided seemed far too comfortable. He guided her into the living room, his hand warm against her arm. They settled on the love seat, which Dave had already claimed, pressed close together. His thigh pressed tightly against hers, every brush and twitch sending shockwaves through her body. Her breath quickened, her heart pounded. As the game progressed, her ability to focus rapidly waned.

The laughter that filled the room rang hollow in her ears. She was too consumed by the warmth of his touch, by the way he leaned casually against her while laughing at Carole's attempts to play. Even as another team groaned over being caught cheating, she found herself acutely aware of him, wanting him to direct his considerable talents towards her.

But it was only physical attraction. Despite the tingling nerves, it wasn't enough to build a future upon.

Beside her, Maverick tensed when his sister arrived over an hour into the game, accompanied by her date. Harmony, along with the other girls in the room, couldn't help but do a double take.

"Oh my, where did Mavericky find him?" someone whispered.

The guy was stunning, with his longish blond hair and angelic face. Maverick's twin introduced him as Remy, and as they joined one of the groups, Maverick's gaze followed them closely.

Even with Maverick distracted, Harmony couldn't tear her attention away from his casual touch. Her mind raced, leaving her with an attention span so short she could barely focus on the game. Saying polite goodbyes as the game came to an end became a challenge. People moved around the room, heading towards the exit. And all the while, his distracting warmth lingered nearby.

It was as if her brain had transformed into a Maverick-tracking device, shutting out everything else. A trace of anger flickered within her.

He ran a hand down her arm, and she recoiled, deliberately stepping back to create some distance between them. Surprise flashed across his face.

"Can I walk you out?" he asked, his tone casual and friendly, just like always. No one around them seemed to notice, but Harmony held onto that spark of heat. She was angry at him, and at herself.

She couldn't make a decision based solely on the rush he gave her. It wasn't enough—there were too many single moms out there to prove that fireworks in bed didn't guarantee commitment.

"No thanks, I'm fine," she replied, turning her back on him purposefully and grabbing Marigold's attention. She pulled her friend away, bombarding her with impulsive questions.

Marigold regarded her with a strange look as the remaining gamers streamed out of the door.

"Alright, girlfriend. Enough already."

Harmony found herself dragged back into the kitchen once more, forced onto one of the bar stools. Her defensive instincts kicked in, and she began cleaning, stacking glasses within arm's reach.

"What's going on with you?" Marigold asked. "I've seen eight-year-olds more focused on Christmas Eve. Are you having trouble with a project or something? Because you're definitely not here right now."

Harmony shrugged, carrying a handful of glasses to the sink and wiping down the countertop. She seized onto the excuse Marigold offered. "I've got a couple of projects going on, so I guess they're distracting me. Sorry, I didn't think it was so obvious."

Marigold stared at her suspiciously. "Fine. Whatever it is, you'll tell me when you're ready, I suppose. Now, can I get your opinion on something truly intriguing?"

Had Marigold noticed the peculiar attention Harmony had received from Maverick throughout the evening? "What is it?"

"Where the hell did my cousin Mavericky find that guy, and do you think there are more like him out there? I'm not looking for anything serious, but for a one-night stand? Damn, he was hot."

A laugh escaped Harmony's lips. "He reminded me of a swashbuckling pirate."

They chatted briefly before Harmony managed to escape. The evening hadn't turned out to be the relaxing getaway she had hoped for. The long drive back to her apartment felt lonely and silent. The laughter from earlier dissipated like bubbles floating away on the wind.

As she checked her inbox one last time before bed, the reminder of her upcoming doctor's appointment sent a fresh wave of tension through her shoulders. Crying herself to sleep suddenly seemed like the appropriate response.

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