Beyond the Facade of Royal Gardens

Chapter 1

At Eastmore Airfield, a freshly landed plane brought in a surge of passengers, making the already bustling airport even more lively. A girl wearing sunglasses appeared at the exit. Her outfit was casual, consisting of sneakers, jeans, and a puffer jacket, but there was an effortless air about her. The sunglasses obscured most of her delicate face, making it hard to see her features, her skin fair and smooth.
She took off the sunglasses, revealing bright, expressive eyes, like morning stars glistening on a snow-capped mountain — clear yet warm, with a hint of mischief and indifference. These were unforgettable eyes.
Pulling the hood of her jacket over her head, she exited the terminal. Despite it being a winter night, there were plenty of taxis waiting outside. She casually hailed one and said with a soft, bright voice, “To Royal Gardens, please.”
The driver glanced back, but the girl had already lowered her head, her oversized hood completely enveloping her face, leaving her nearly invisible. With such ordinary attire, what could a young girl like her possibly want in the wealthy enclave of Royal Gardens, known in Eastmore for its opulent residents?
The car sped down the road as she gazed out the window. It had been four years; the city had changed so much. As a southern economic hub, Eastmore had seen remarkable growth in recent years. Were it not for the occasional familiar building that flashed by, she might have doubted if this was truly the place where she had grown up.
A familiar ringtone broke through her thoughts. She glanced at her phone before answering, “Hello? Yeah, I just landed. I’m on my way home now.”
“Is something wrong? Why are you rushing back?” a worried voice came from the other end.
“Nothing’s wrong. I just wanted to come back.” Her voice was light and melodic, yet her words were careless.
There was a brief silence on the line before the voice erupted in frustration, “Elena Fairchild! You idiot! You couldn’t at least give me a call to say goodbye? Do you have any idea how worried I was when I couldn’t reach you?”
Elena, now a young woman, moved her phone away a little, responding coolly, “You’ve known me long enough to know I’m not exactly the kind to panic. Why the drama?”
“Ugh! You heartless woman! What was I thinking, being concerned that something happened to you? That’s it! I’m cutting ties with you!” The irritation in that voice was unmistakable.
“Oh, is it one day or three this time?” Elena asked with an easy grin, clearly familiar with the other person’s temperament.
Another silence followed, and sensing what was to come, she once again held her phone at a distance. Almost on cue, the voice raged again, “This time, it’s forever. Goodbye!” The call ended emphatically, echoed by the sharp sound of a disconnect.
Looking at the darkened screen, Elena felt a small smile tug at her lips, easily imagining the fury she had just unleashed.
The car came to a halt, and Elena pulled out a couple of bills from her wallet, handing them to the driver. “Thanks, keep the change.”
She stood before a charming garden villa, her slender silhouette cast by the warm glow of the streetlights. Gazing at the familiar house, her expression turned complex, as hesitation washed over her, keeping her rooted in place.
As she wavered, the front door of the villa swung open. A woman stepped out, bright-eyed and fair-skinned with waist-long hair that looked both ethereal and fragile. She carried a bag, seemingly on her way out.
The moment the woman saw Elena, surprise flickered across her face, quickly replaced by joy as she rushed forward to wrap her arms around her. “Elena Fairchild! You’re back!”
Elena returned the embrace with a gentle smile, warmth filling her gaze, her earlier coolness and aloofness melting away. “Yeah, I’m back.”
“I thought you weren’t due back until the day after tomorrow! I was planning on picking you up from the airport!” The woman exclaimed, her voice bright and full of sisterly affection. Named Clarissa Nightvale, she was Elena’s twin sister, and despite their shared genetics, they couldn’t have been more different in both appearance and demeanor.

Chapter 2

At the Nightvale Estate in Eastmore, a pair of twin sisters lived very different lives. The older sister, Clarissa Nightvale, was known among the high society of Eastmore, while her twin, Elena Fairchild, remained a mystery to all but a few. It was a strange dynamic, woven into the fabric of their family.
Clarissa released Elena from her embrace and scrutinized her sister, concern flickering in her eyes. “You've lost more weight. Mom and Dad are going to worry.”
Elena chuckled lightly and shot back playfully, “Are you worried, though?”
“Of course I am,” Clarissa replied with a weary smile. “Now come on, let’s get inside.” She wrapped an arm around Elena, guiding her toward the door. Elena's gaze fell upon the bag Clarissa was holding.
“Aren't you going out?” Elena asked, her curiosity piqued.
“I decided to stay in; you’re more important than any party,” Clarissa answered, prioritizing her sister over social obligations.
As they entered the well-lit villa, Elena felt the familiar warmth surround her. One of the servants, Luna Dawnstar, brightened at the sight of her. “Welcome back, Miss Fairchild!”
“Hi, Luna,” Elena replied with a smile, grateful for the warmth.
Luna took Elena's suitcase, then fetched a pair of slippers for her to change into. Elena stepped into the spacious living room where a striking woman sat, her elegance evident despite the years. Isabelle Greenleaf, their mother, regarded her daughters with a cool eye.
Upon seeing Elena, Isabelle furrowed her brow, her tone sharp but revealing a hint of annoyance. “Why are you back so early?”
Elena pressed her lips together, warmth in her expression deflating slightly. “I finished my studies and came home.” She slumped casually on the sofa, adopting a relaxed demeanor.
Isabelle’s frown deepened. “Did all those lessons in etiquette mean nothing? You’re supposed to carry yourself like a high-society daughter.”
The amusement in Elena's eyes dimmed as she stretched her leg across the coffee table, becoming even more casual. “I’ve always been this way,” she said defiantly, a spark of rebellion flashing in her gaze.
From the entryway, Clarissa sensed the tension and hurried to diffuse it. “Mom, Elena just got home and is probably tired. Let her take a break.” She exchanged a knowing glance with Elena, urging her to hold her tongue.
Isabelle turned her gaze back to Clarissa, her voice softening slightly. “Don’t speak for her, Clarissa.” But when her eyes met Elena's, that same softness quickly faded. “Now that you’re back, I expect you to rest tonight. Tomorrow, we’ll discuss your future at the company.”
As the chairwoman of Eastmore's leading enterprise, Lighthaven Company, Isabelle’s influence loomed large. She had come from humble beginnings, much like Elena, and built her empire from the ground up after marrying Evangeline Stormrider, the heir of the Nightvale family. Under her leadership, the company flourished, becoming a significant contributor to Eastmore’s economy, and turning Isabelle into a local legend.
Elena straightened up, placing her feet back on the floor. “I’m not going to work at the company.”
Isabelle’s expression hardened. “Then what do you plan to do?”
“I want to enlist in the military,” Elena stated plainly.
“No way.” Isabelle’s demeanor shifted to flat-out rejection, her voice icy. “This discussion is over. You’ll report to work at the company tomorrow.”
“I’m not asking for permission; I’m letting you know what I’m doing,” Elena countered, her calm facade masking a simmering determination. “Four years ago, you insisted I complete my MBA. I not only graduated but earned my doctorate as well; I’ve met your expectations. Now, it’s my turn to pursue what I want.”
“Last warning, Elena—there’s no room for negotiation. Enlisting is out of the question,” Isabelle stood tall, looking down at her daughter with an unyielding gaze.

Chapter 3

Elena Fairchild’s defiance surged within her, propelling her to her feet. Standing eye-to-eye with her mother, Isabelle Greenleaf, the pressure that had weighed on her seemed to ease. She locked her gaze with her mother, determination radiating from her. "I've signed up. In a couple of days, I’ll undergo my physical exam. I know you wield considerable influence in Eastmore and could easily prevent me from enlisting, but that doesn’t matter. If Eastmore lets me down, I’ll enlist elsewhere. No one can stop me from pursuing what I want."
Isabelle Greenleaf raised her hand, prompting Elena to shut her eyes. The hand hung in the air, refusing to come down, and when Elena finally opened her eyes, she saw her sister blocking the way.
"Mom, can we just talk?" pleaded Clarissa Nightvale, her voice laced with worry as she confronted their mother.
Isabelle regarded her eldest daughter, noticing the pallor of her face, before lowering her hand. Her gaze shifted past Clarissa and settled on Elena, ice creeping into her eyes. "I’m giving you the night to reconsider. I expect to see you in my office tomorrow at nine." With that, she turned and ascended the stairs.
Elena lowered her head slightly, her hair obscuring her expression. Clarissa’s concern deepened as she watched her sister. "Elena."
Elena lifted her gaze and smiled faintly, warmth returning to her eyes. She shook her head gently. "I’m fine, sis. It's getting late; I’m going to get some rest. You should head to bed, too."
Clarissa's expression changed, worry creeping in. She was only twenty minutes older than Elena, having been born at eleven-forty at night, while Elena arrived just after midnight. Growing up, Elena had never liked calling her sister "Sis"—except during those emotionally charged moments.
"Alright," she said, tenderly running her fingers through Elena's hair. "Just remember, Mom really does care about you. She’s just…" Clarissa floundered, searching for the right words to mitigate their mother’s actions. Ultimately, she settled on, "Just get some good rest."
Elena smiled nonchalantly as she turned to head upstairs, her pace unhurried. Her hands slid into her pockets, embodying a carefree confidence as she ascended the staircase.
In the master bedroom on the second floor, Isabelle Greenleaf stood on the balcony, the door ajar, listening as the sound of footsteps on the stairs drew closer and then faded. Each step resonated softly against her heart, causing a slight sting.
Her gaze wandered to the room adjacent to hers, where a light flickered—the telltale sign of Elena’s presence. Moments later, the light extinguished.
Isabelle’s eyes darkened as she inhaled a long, soft sigh, a mixture of resignation and concern washing over her. Turning away, she stepped back inside, feeling a chill envelop her as she shut the door behind her and turned off the light in the room.

Chapter 4

The next morning, Isabelle Greenleaf headed downstairs and found only her eldest daughter, Clarissa Nightvale, in the dining room.
Isabelle smiled back, "Good morning. Where's Elena Fairchild?"
"She’s probably still asleep. She was on a flight for over ten hours and must be exhausted, especially with the time difference," Clarissa replied.
Isabelle remained silent, taking a seat and slowly enjoying her breakfast. Her movements were elegant, exuding the poise expected from someone of her social standing.
"Do you have classes today?" Isabelle asked her daughter.
Clarissa nodded, "I have a class this afternoon. Did you need me for something?"
Isabelle shook her head, "No, it’s fine. Just make sure to get some extra rest if you don’t have classes in the morning. Your health is important." Since childhood, Clarissa had often struggled with her health, and overexerting herself could wear her out even more.
Clarissa smiled gently, "I went to bed early last night, so I’m well-rested." She didn’t mention that Elena's return had her a bit excited, which had led her to wake up earlier than usual.
"Good to hear. I’m done with breakfast, so I’ll head to the office. When Elena wakes up, could you remind her to come by?"
Upon hearing her mother mention Elena, Clarissa hesitated for a moment before speaking, "Mom, Elena doesn’t want to work at the office. Maybe we should give her some time to adjust instead of pushing her right away."
Isabelle’s expression hardened, "Clarissa, this isn’t up for discussion. She needs to go to work."
"Mom, Elena can be quite stubborn. If you push her like this, it might backfire," Clarissa frowned, a hint of concern flitting through her eyes.
"If we let her keep avoiding responsibility, she’ll never change. Clarissa, if you really care about your sister, you’ll help me convince her that she needs to come to work," Isabelle was resolute in her decision and was not going to change her mind based on one comment from her daughter.
"Mom," Clarissa wanted to persuade her further, but Isabelle had already left the room, leaving only her retreating figure behind. Clarissa sighed deeply and turned to head upstairs.
Clarissa knocked on Elena's door, "Elena, are you awake?"
There was no response from within, and after glancing at the time, Clarissa realized that at this hour, Elena should have already been up. Had she been avoiding their mother?
"Elena, Mom has already gone to work. You can come out now," Clarissa said in a gentle tone.
Silence persisted, and after considering for a moment, she added, "I’m coming in."
She turned the doorknob, only to find the door unlatched. Pushing it open, she entered the room to find it empty. The bed was neatly made, indicating that the occupant had left some time ago.
Clarissa called Elena's phone, but it went unanswered. Frowning, she made her way downstairs, "Luna Dawnstar, have you seen Elena?"
Luna was tidying up the dining table when she heard Clarissa's question but didn’t look up, "Miss Elena left early this morning. Said she wanted to take a walk."
"Did she say where she was going?" Clarissa asked, already gathering her bag to leave.
"I’m not sure. Just mentioned she wanted to see how the city has changed," Luna replied.
With that information, Clarissa took her bag and headed out the door, "If Mom calls back, just say I’m with Elena and we’re running an errand together."
"Okay, Miss."
Clarissa drove to the Eastmore Public Library and headed straight to the rooftop, hoping to find her sister there.
"Elena," she called, spotting Elena and striding over.
Elena turned at her name, furrowing her brow, "What are you doing here?" She took off her scarf and wrapped it around Clarissa’s neck. "You shouldn’t go out dressed like this in such cold weather."
Though she sounded scolding, her concern was evident.
Clarissa smiled softly, "I got a bit anxious and forgot to dress warmly."
"Anxious about what? Do you think I would get upset over something so trivial?"
"Of course not. I’m just worried you might get lost. Eastmore has changed so much these past few years; sometimes I can’t even find my way around."
Elena scoffed, "You think I’m as helpless as you? I can navigate just fine."

Chapter 5

Elena raised an eyebrow. "I thought you came to talk to me about working at Lighthaven Corporation."
Clarissa Nightvale chuckled softly. "I know you don't want to, but it’s been four years since we’ve seen each other. Now that you’re back, come on, let’s enjoy some time together!"
"Alright then," Elena replied, extending her hand. "Hand me the keys."
Clarissa tossed her the car keys. Elena caught them, shaking them playfully, prompting a laugh from Clarissa.
As they sped down the road, Elena took Clarissa straight to her university. Clarissa, glancing at her sister, questioned, "I thought we were just going for a drive—why are we at my school?"
"Your campus is known for its stunning views. I’ve been wanting to check it out," Elena said with a grin.
Walking through the campus, Elena watched students bustle past and nodded appreciatively. "I gotta say, you have some pretty good-looking guys here. I knew the South produced beauties, but wow, it’s also full of handsome guys."
Just then, a good-looking guy with chiseled features walked by. Elena couldn’t resist; she whistled at him. "Hey there, handsome!"
Clarissa quickly tugged on Elena’s arm. "Stop it."
The guy, noticing two lovely girls—one being the campus sweetheart—felt his ears flush red as he hesitated to approach, but Clarissa was already pulling Elena away.
"Slow down! Be careful about your health. If you end up in the hospital, Isabelle Greenleaf will come after me," Elena teased, yanking her sister back.
They reached the legendary Lovers’ Hill. Elena plopped down onto the grass without a second thought, despite its cleanliness. Clarissa hesitated at first.
Seeing her hesitation, Elena playfully yanked her down beside her. "Come on, stop worrying about cleanliness. Just sit!" Then, she lay back, hands behind her head, legs crossed in a relaxed pose.
The winter sun bathed them in warmth, and though it was chilly, Elena delightedly closed her eyes, fully content. Clarissa turned to her, taking in the sight of her younger sister. In the four years since she'd last seen Elena, she had blossomed into an even more beautiful young woman, shedding her youthful awkwardness and radiating vigor and vitality.
"Are you staring at me because you’ve fallen in love with me?" Elena joked, opening one eye.
Clarissa chuckled, brushing some grass off Elena's head. "You’re really something, you know that?"
"It’s not like I do this with just anyone; you should be flattered," Elena replied with a wink.
"Of course, it’s a rare honor to receive attention from the illustrious Miss Elena," Clarissa played along, which brought a smile to Elena's face.
Clarissa watched her sister with a warm expression, enjoying the vibrant spirit Elena exuded—so different from her own demeanor...
Then, with a hint of hesitation, she spoke up, "Elena, is there any chance you won’t join the military?"
Elena opened her eyes, meeting Clarissa’s gaze with seriousness. "No, I can't. You know that’s been my dream since I was a kid."

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