Bound by Genes and Stars

Chapter 1

In an unexpected twist of fate, Isabella Fairwind, a half-demon and daughter of the notorious Flower Warrior, finds herself transported to a futuristic universe amidst the stars. Through an imperial genetic matching system, she is bound to marry the legendary warrior, Godric the Warbringer.
But Isabella soon learns that this universe is none other than a storyline crafted by the ambitious Evelyn Swiftfoot, who is notorious for her conquests. In Evelyn's narrative, Isabella occupies the role of Godric's weak and ultimately deceased human wife, cast aside to allow Lady Seraphina, an enchanting elvish being, to step in and create a perfect love story.
Godric embodies strength, being part of the galaxy's fiercest species—a relentless fighter focused solely on battles and training, dismissing everything else as mere distractions.
Isabella, a mere human with a short lifespan, meets her unfortunate end in a terrible accident, clearing the path for Lady Seraphina and Godric's epic romance.
But Isabella has no intention of succumbing to such a fate. One morning, when she awakens to find Godric holding her close, she impulsively kicks him out of bed, declaring to take charge of her destiny rather than waiting for Evelyn’s machinations.
In her fervor, she announces her decision to divorce Godric, intending to free him to pursue his heroic path with Lady Seraphina without the need for Evelyn’s interference.
Godric, bewildered by this sudden turn of events, stands there in shock. "What just happened? Why is my wife leaving me? Did I do something wrong?"
Isabella is determined to rewrite her fate. With her unique heritage as a half-demon and human, she is poised to challenge her anticipated demise and work tirelessly towards becoming a formidable Genetic Warrior. She is not just a supporting character in someone else's tale; she's here to forge her own legend among the stars.
With boundless energy, Isabella vows to uncover the mysteries of the vast universe, thwart Evelyn's schemes, and seize control of her own story. This is a narrative filled with trials, triumphs, and the relentless pursuit of a brighter future, showcasing how one can bravely take the reins of their destiny in a world where strength is revered and the possibilities are infinite.

Chapter 2

Isabella Fairwind was jolted from her train of thought by a notification from her light brain, a thin, silver ring encircling her wrist. It flickered to life, displaying a bright message against the sleek surface of her desk, where a virtual book had just been projected.
“Hello, Miss Isabella Fairwind. You successfully registered your genetic information at the Auston Empire Gene Information Center ten days ago. Based on your genetic profile, we have selected the most suitable spouse for you. Please arrive at the Hall of Unions on the Imperial Capital planet at 10:00 AM on July 3rd, Auston time, to meet your genetic match.”
The message felt surreal, and Isabella’s heart raced. The Auston Empire had a powerful system for arranging marriages based on genetic compatibility, a concept still shocking to her since she had only crossed into this world half a month ago. She had barely acclimated, and now she faced the prospect of an arranged marriage?
Her curiosity about the message momentarily overpowered her confusion. With a shaky finger, she activated the voice feature, and a smooth, melodic voice filled the air around her.
“Hello, Miss Isabella Fairwind. You registered your genetic information ten days ago…”
Isabella listened closely, relief washing over her as she confirmed her understanding. After only a month of learning Galactic Standard Language, she could manage simple comprehension—an achievement, though one that left her more dazed than before.
Feeling overwhelmed, she switched off the projected book and exited the reading room. The library was quiet, with rows of holographic books flickering in the dim light. Most of the patrons were younglings from various races, diligently studying prescribed materials, while adults like herself were a rare sight. Luckily, her youthful appearance allowed her to blend in seamlessly.
She headed towards the librarian, Miss Tamsin, a striking figure with long, flowing brown hair, pointed ears, and luminous green skin, draped elegantly in a soft gown that accentuated her graceful form. Tamsin looked up as Isabella approached, her warm smile lighting up the otherwise sterile space.
“Dear, have you completed your assignments for today?” she asked, her tone both kind and encouraging.
Isabella’s cheeks warmed with a shy smile, revealing a delicate dimple on her right cheek. The bright lights of the library made her long black hair shine like silk against her fair complexion. Exuding a natural elegance, with red lips and white teeth, it was easy to see why Tamsin’s gaze softened further as she admired Isabella’s youthful radiance.
In spite of their different backgrounds and appearances, there was an unspoken connection between them—a recognition of shared experiences of being overwhelmed in this vast empire. Miss Tamsin, especially compassionate towards young women like Isabella who had recently endured hardships, understood her tumultuous emotions beneath the surface.
As they spoke, winds of change and challenges darkened the horizon of Isabella’s heart. What lay ahead in this empire? The thought of an arranged marriage made her pulse quicken.

Chapter 3

“Miss Tamsin, I just received some news,” Isabella Fairwind said, her voice quivering with a mixture of anticipation and anxiety.
As she opened her holo-screen, she set the message to speaker mode, allowing everyone present to hear.
When Miss Tamsin’s eyes scanned the content of the message, astonishment crossed her face. “Oh my goodness, dear! It seems your genetic information has matched with a lucky individual… Wow, this is incredible! Your compatibility score must be quite high, otherwise, the Imperial Gene Information Center wouldn’t notify you so quickly. I wonder who that fortunate person is!”
It was widely acknowledged that if two individuals’ genetic compatibility surpasses 80%, they receive notification from the Imperial Gene Information Center. A score over 90% attracts even more urgency—they’d get a message sooner.
Just ten days ago, Isabella had registered her genetic information in the Gene Hub of the Kingdom of Auston. It was a vital step in her journey to officially become a citizen of the empire, shedding her previous identity as a space wanderer.
The swiftness of this notification made it clear how seriously the Empire regarded such matches.
Miss Tamsin kept expressing her surprise, her reactions almost theatrical.
Isabella couldn’t help but feel a twitch of anxiety. Was this good news or bad? “Miss Tamsin, I really don’t understand the laws of the Kingdom of Auston. How am I supposed to handle this information?”
“Of course, you should go to the Hall of Unions on Planet Norland as instructed,” Miss Tamsin replied without hesitation. “Let’s see… tomorrow is the 3rd of July, right? Yup, that’s when you need to be there.”
Isabella blinked, still absorbing the news. “So, marriage matches in the Kingdom of Auston are mandatory?”
The implication hung in the air—did the empire really enforce something so archaic?
“Oh, not exactly,” Miss Tamsin said, finally understanding her shock. “In the Kingdom of Auston, when citizens are born, their genetic information is entered into the Empire’s database. Once they come of age, the database suggests the best genetic matches for them…”
The so-called “best” match meant a compatibility score over 80%. These scores indicated a mutual attraction of genetic information, almost like a fateful connection that would produce extraordinarily capable offspring.
Yet, whether in the Kingdom of Auston or any other nations, there are rarely optimal matches identified each year. Sometimes, it could take years before a suitable pair emerges.
Therefore, whenever a compatibility score exceeds 80%, the Gene Information Center takes notice and sends notifications to both parties, advising them to consider marriage.
Isabella’s confusion lifted a little. “So that’s how it works—promoting favorable genetics for future generations.”
“Um…” Miss Tamsin chuckled softly, “It’s not just about breeding good stock. The attraction between genetic information is mysterious—it can provoke soul-stirring feelings, emotional connections, and an instinctive possessiveness… You’ll understand once you meet your match.” A smile lit her face. “It’s been ten years since the Gene Center sent out notifications. Who’d have thought you’d arrive here and connect with someone so quickly?”
However, Isabella remained unsettled. “What if… what if I already like someone before the database suggests a match?”
The idea of having to abandon her own feelings for the sake of genetic compatibility felt bitter.
“Of course, you can refuse,” Miss Tamsin assured her. “The compatibility score is just a data reference you can choose to disregard. If it doesn’t sit well with you, just go to the Hall of Unions on the specified date, complete the registration process, and you can request to withdraw your information from their records.”
This was a surprisingly humane aspect.
Not every individual can accept marrying someone assigned by a database while being in love with someone else. Plus, there are staunch singlehood advocates who wouldn’t accept such cold, mechanical arrangements.
Many simply cannot handle the thought of sharing their life with a stranger…
In short, the reasons for refusal are abundant, leaving it up to personal choice.
Because of this, the matching scores are often just a guideline; the Empire cannot compel a genetically compatible pair to marry.
Miss Tamsin turned her gaze back to Isabella. “Sweetheart, are you not happy about this?”
Isabella shook her head. “This is the first time I’ve heard of such a thing. Plus, I don’t even know who the person I'm matched with is.”
The Gene Center strategically keeps the identity and score of the match under wraps until the parties meet at the Hall.
Once you’re there and see your match, the possibilities are endless.
For the long-term benefit of the Empire, there’s an encouragement for the top genetic matches to wed. Thus, this scenario is often referred to as a government-assisted matchmaking endeavor. If the pairing is successful, it results in happiness, and if not, well, it’s just like meeting a new acquaintance.
Having recently arrived, Isabella was unaware of these details, and anxiety gnawed at her. What if her match looked utterly bizarre?
While her aesthetic preference leaned towards human features, her observations over the past few weeks revealed a staggering variety of alien races, many appearing strange beyond her imagination. In her clumsiness, she wouldn’t be surprised if she mistook the gender or age of her assigned match.
Getting someone’s gender wrong could be embarrassing.
“I doubt it’ll be that bad,” Miss Tamsin continued, oblivious to Isabella’s worries. “Generally, individuals with higher compatibility scores possess outstanding genetics, meaning those capable of producing exceptional offspring tend to be better matched.”
As she said this, Miss Tamsin hesitated.
Isabella Fairwind, despite being purely human, had no shapeshifting abilities or special traits. They performed various tests on her and found her combat prowess to be weak. A child born in the Empire could easily beat her in strength.

Chapter 4

Despite her doubts about the Empire’s genetic matching system, Isabella Fairwind chose not to question it.
Her friend, Tamsin, was clearly worried about her. “Darling, I really think you should at least check out your match at the marriage bureau tomorrow. Who knows? They might be perfect for you. After all, you’re single right now.”
Isabella gave a compliant nod. “Okay, I’ll go tomorrow.”
The notification was mandatory; not attending meant a hefty fine she couldn’t afford. The Imperial Genetic Center didn’t enforce marriage on both parties, but it was required to show up at the specified time once notified, or else it would be viewed as a violation of Imperial law, leading to punishment.
If anything came up that prevented her from attending, she could coordinate another time, but she still had to meet her match.
Tamsin smiled brightly. “Your match is likely nearby in Imperial City. You’ll get to meet tomorrow!”
Tamsin didn’t allow Isabella to linger longer; she insisted on her returning home to rest so she’d be in top form for their trip to the Hall of Betrothals in the Imperial City.
“Sweetheart, I’ll pick you up tomorrow. Make sure to dress nicely!”
Isabella agreed, the obedience evident in her demeanor, prompting Tamsin to affectionately ruffle her soft black hair.
Once outside the Quarter Library, Isabella waited by the roadside for about three minutes before boarding a hovering vehicle.
The hovercar was an intergalactic bus of sorts with fifty seats, but it was lightly occupied, with only a few scattered passengers aboard. The occupants varied from blue-skinned to red-skinned, with pointy ears, resembling but also distinctly different from pure humans.
Isabella glanced around politely before averting her gaze, leaning against the window.
The hovercar lifted off, gliding along suspended tracks in midair, flanked by futuristic skyscrapers, while overhead loomed the majestic Sky Castle, partially hidden within a veil of clouds, teasing onlookers below.
Ten minutes later, the hovercar arrived at her stop, and Isabella stepped out into the bustling streets of Imperial City, home to her modest fifty-square-foot apartment in Wayfarer’s Refuge.
Though small, it was comfortably furnished, featuring a quaint balcony. From there, she could see the iconic Star Tower nearby, its exterior glimmering with hues that changed from day to night, recognized as the symbol of Imperial City.
It was said that every planet had a similar Wayfarer’s Refuge, and she was currently staying in the one located in the Auston Empire's Imperial City.
Isabella had landed in this new world just two weeks ago, which was quite the twist of fate. She had unceremoniously appeared aboard a smuggler’s starship being hunted down by the Imperial Army, mistaken for an indigenous human abducted from a remote planet. The ship was filled with various kidnapped species, facing the unsettling prospect of being sold into the Dark Galaxy by the time the Imperial Army intervened.
As a freshly transported human in a bustling future interstellar society, Isabella was bewildered. She couldn’t understand the language and had no knowledge of this new world—everyone’s conversations were a blur of confusion for her.
Fortunately, a translation device allowed her to communicate, but her widely lacking knowledge led to her being branded as an illegal merchant trafficked from a backward planet with no identity or origin, rendering her a planetless drifter.
After a few days of transfers, she was brought to Imperial City by the Imperial Army, where she awaited the Empire’s decision on her fate.
Tamsin was a worker at the Imperial City’s refuge and had been her guide. She was responsible for caring for Isabella, helping her adapt to the customs of the Auston Empire and learn the universal interstellar language, ensuring she could live normally in the Empire afterward.
To facilitate teaching, Tamsin had recently switched roles to become a temporary librarian at Quarter Library.
During their time together, Isabella learned the interstellar language and quickly absorbed knowledge about the Empire, making her days fulfilling.
As the most prosperous and well-guarded planet of the Auston Empire, Imperial City was not an ideal home for someone like Isabella, with no power, influence, or special abilities. However, there were many habitable planets surrounding it, and once she adjusted, arrangements could be made to relocate her.
She had thought all she needed to do was wait for the Empire’s notification.
Little did she expect to suddenly receive news from the Imperial Genetic Center about a match for marriage.
Concerned, Isabella quickly shook her head. Like Tamsin had said, if she didn’t like it, she could refuse; this was not a forced marriage. There was also a chance her match wouldn’t want to participate in such a cold, calculated pairing process either.
There was nothing she needed to do; the other party could refuse first. Tomorrow, she would simply go through the process of submitting an application and deregistering her matching information with the genetic database.
Near the capital of the Auston Empire, Imperial City, on Planet Norland.
“Captain, there’s a message from the Imperial Gene Information Center,” a young man named Ronan Redleaf, clad in a silver combat uniform, called out.
The captain was preoccupied, currently grappling with an intruder, brutally blasting half of their body apart while the remaining limbs twitched helplessly before going still.
A few nearby warriors were busy monitoring the space rift using their equipment.
One of them kindly warned, “Lord Hawthorne, no need to shout; the Captain can’t hear you right now.”
Hawthorne rubbed his forehead in frustration. “The Imperial Gene Information Center sent a message. The Captain needs to return to Imperial City by ten tomorrow morning.”
“Why?” the others asked in confusion. “What mess have they created now concerning the Captain’s genetic sequence?”
“Not that.” Hawthorne said slowly, a strange expression crossing his face, “This time they found a matching partner for the Captain, and it’s likely a very high compatibility rate. They want him to meet his match.”
Instantly, everyone on the battlefield forgot the chaos around them, converging around Hawthorne.

Chapter 5

Just then, a pale gray creature, sharply segmented and with twelve limbs, burst forth from the ground, oozing a foul, slimy drool as it charged at them like a gust of wind.
A silver-haired man in combat gear punched out, severing three of the creature's limbs in one blow.
“Get lost! We don't have time for you—Captain Alaric's situation is urgent.”
“Can you believe the Imperial Genetic Center pulled this off? I wonder what species Captain Alaric's match is… and what their genetic compatibility is.”
“It must be pretty high, or else the Empire wouldn’t have sent a message at all.”
“Exactly! They wouldn't dare disturb Captain Alaric if the compatibility wasn’t significant. They must feel pretty confident to have reached out so quickly.”
In the middle of their conversation, the creature lay dead at their feet, and the crowd continued to surround Hawthorne.
Hawthorne said, “The message they sent didn’t specify any details. We'll need to wait until Captain Alaric returns to the Hall of Unions to find out... It seems his match must already be in Imperial City.”
“What are we waiting for? We should hurry and get Captain Alaric back!”
“With a fast warship, we could make it from Planet Norland to Imperial City in six hours of continuous jumps. We need to move quickly, or he’ll be late. If his match is waiting, that would be incredibly embarrassing for him—and for us!”
Hawthorne replied curtly, “Yeah, but we need to bring him back first.”
He looked in the direction where Captain Alaric had disappeared—there was no trace, not even a silhouette.
They couldn't afford to waste time checking the Spatial Rift any further. They needed to find Captain Alaric and persuade him to return to Imperial City.
This was the first optimal match that the Imperial Gene Bank had found for Captain Alaric. No one knew what would come of it, but it offered some hope. The man was getting older—it was time he found someone to balance out his male pheromones, rather than bottling them up and turning... strange. Their loyalty would be tested if he ended up suffering because of it.
The next morning, Isabella Fairwind woke up early.
She had just popped a strawberry-flavored nutrient gel into her mouth when the doorbell rang. Upon opening the door, she was greeted by the buoyant face of Miss Tamsin.
“Darling, good morning!” Miss Tamsin said, bringing in several bags.
Isabella waved back, surprised to see her pull out a number of dresses—exactly the trendy styles that young women in the Empire had been raving about recently.
“Darling, it’s getting late. We need to get you dressed up!”
Isabella glanced at the time—it was still only seven. They had plenty of time before the ten o’clock appointment.
Miss Tamsin, bubbling with enthusiasm, pushed her toward the changing area while explaining the styles and advantages of the dresses. “You have such fair, porcelain-like skin. Everything will look stunning on you. Me? I have olive skin, and a lot of colors don’t suit me. I truly envy your complexion…”
“Miss Tamsin, that’s really not necessary,” she attempted to say, “I have some clothes…”
Miss Tamsin raised an eyebrow, “Are you talking about that burlap work gear from Wayfarer's Refuge? My goodness! If you show up in that at the Hall of Unions, I’m sure you’ll steal the spotlight—for all the wrong reasons!”
Isabella could only hold her tongue; Tamsin meant well, and she didn't want to hurt her feelings.
Reluctantly, she tried on every piece Tamsin had brought.
Tamsin’s reactions were incredibly animated—she would scream with excitement each time Isabella donned something new, snapping pictures with her Light Brain, leaving Isabella feeling a bit overwhelmed.
“Darling, you look enchanting in everything! I just don’t know which one to choose!”
With too many options to consider, Miss Tamsin grew frustrated. Finally, as time ticked away and the fear of being late seeped in, Tamsin begrudgingly selected a pastel pink dress adorned with a huge bow.
It quickly became her favorite.
Isabella glanced at the frilly pink number and the oversized bow, then quietly stepped into the change room to put it on.
Her silky black hair tumbled over her shoulders, complemented by an ethereal, porcelain complexion, and her deep black eyes sparkled. The pink dress hugged her slender figure, radiating a mix of sweetness and innocence.
Miss Tamsin gasped, clutching her heart.
“Darling, you look so sweet! Your match is definitely going to be smitten!”
Isabella felt a blush creep up her cheeks, uncertain if her match would feel that way, but there was no doubting that Miss Tamsin was besotted.
With her hair arranged simply, both were finally set to leave.
Miss Tamsin piloted her own flying craft, whisking Isabella off to the Hall of Unions in Imperial City.
After half an hour, they arrived at the Hall, a specially designated place for newlyweds to register their marriage. Miss Tamsin couldn’t accompany her inside, repeatedly warning Isabella to be cautious and not let anything go wrong.
The first time Miss Tamsin had seen Isabella Fairwind, she had been in ragged clothes, curled up in a corner, looking like a lost cosmic wanderer.
Once she learned about Isabella’s traumatic past, her heart brimmed with both rage against the human traffickers and tenderness towards Isabella herself.
Especially when she realized that Isabella didn’t even speak the universal language and was unaware of basic tenets of the Empire—her heart ached even more, wondering if those monstrous traffickers had destroyed Isabella’s home planet, turning her into a drifter.
Saying goodbye to the overly worried Miss Tamsin, Isabella stepped into the marriage administration office.
The reception robot scanned her Light Brain identity, its red sensors blinking, then guided her through the door.
Today, the Hall of Unions was bustling with many couples arriving to register their marriages.
Isabella noticed that most were heading to the main registration hall, but the robot took a different route down a quieter corridor that led to a serene room adorned like an indoor garden, marrying a quaint elegance with a romantic vibe.
The robot informed her, “Miss Isabella Fairwind, your match has not yet arrived. Please wait a moment.”

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