Between Lessons and Royal Hearts

Chapter 1

Evelyn Fairchild, a seasoned early childhood educator, finds herself unexpectedly transported to the World of Orcs, where she assumes the role of a teacher at the Noble Academy. Surrounded by a gaggle of adorable little furballs, her mind is reeling with the challenges of her new teaching career.
However, her struggles intensify as she contends with His Majesty the King, who playfully interrupts her work while flaunting his adorable nephew to catch her attention.
This story could also be titled: *Royal House Revelations: One Night Tales*, *Prince Teachings of the Empire: A Daily Dose of Flirting*, *There’s Always a King Wanting Me to Bear His Children*, and *An Educator Who Can’t Help a Three-Year-Old Prince Rebel Isn’t a Good Queen*.
**Important Notes:**
Evelyn Fairchild’s daily life at the Noble Academy revolves around guiding her students, while also navigating the flirtatious advances of His Majesty the King. She juggles lesson plans with the complex dynamics of royal interactions.
As the tale unfolds, Evelyn’s interactions with the King deepen, creating a rich blend of work and personal life. Amidst the chaos caused by her playful charges, her world becomes an adventure filled with growth and unexpected romance.
Every day at Noble Academy, Evelyn engages her students with creativity, nurturing not just their minds, but their spirits. Sometimes, the stories she shares in the classroom leave her little angels buzzing with excitement long after the bell rings.
Conversely, His Majesty the King constantly seeks moments to steal away with Evelyn, his charm laced with mischief igniting both her attraction and annoyance. Though he pursues her fervently, Evelyn maintains her resolve, convinced that she isn't just a prize to be won easily.
With each passing chapter, their complex relationship challenges Evelyn further, deepening the narrative's emotional stakes. How does she find equilibrium between her role as a teacher and the budding romance? What transformations await her in this remarkable adventure?
As Evelyn navigates this enchanting yet daunting starry realm, her destiny unfolds, revealing thrilling twists and turns that keep her future shrouded in delightful mystery.

Chapter 2

In the Empire of Talarvia, nestled in the corner of the Imperial Star, lies the Royal Military Academy, specifically its associated Noble Academy.
The sun shone brightly, casting a warm glow over the campus. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the peace trees, their fan-shaped foliage whispering sweet, calming scents that lightened the heart.
During this perfect time of year, the Royal Military Academy had completed its only enrollment, and the adjoining kindergarten had just celebrated a successful opening.
Noble Academy, as its name suggests, was home to the offspring of the empire’s elite. Children of noble lineage, known affectionately as the “younglings,” were sent here to begin their education at the tender age of three. In this galaxy, both males and females remained in their animal forms until the age of six. Upon turning six, male cubs could shift between human and animal forms, while females completely transitioned into human shape. They would then move to the neighboring campus for a rigorous, structured military education. The kindergarten’s adaptive period served as a crucial foundation for their development.
Evelyn Fairchild waited eagerly at the entrance, having just received a notification from the Headmaster. A temporary black panther student was set to join his class, and the Headmaster had insisted he be there to greet the arrival. It was evident that this new student would come from an extraordinary background. With five minutes left before the gates closed, Evelyn spotted a silver Flying Vessel hurtling toward him, starkly unmarked.
The vessel steadied above him, and its hatch opened. A sleek, black-eyed ocelot descended with a small black panther in its grasp, gracefully leaping down from over ten feet in the air. The powerful lines of its body radiated strength. Its glossy black coat shimmered with a golden hue under the sunlight, and its muscular frame was astonishingly larger than that of an average panther.
As the panther's golden eyes locked onto Evelyn, they momentarily narrowed with curiosity. Evelyn, with his stunning dark hair and penetrating dark eyes, felt an unusual intensity in the gaze of the adult panther, a sense that something was concealed beneath that sleek fur, yet there was no clarity to discern what it could be.
In a leisurely motion, the adult panther tossed the small black panther to Evelyn, as if it were a mere toy. Caught off guard by the panther's casualness in handling a young one, Evelyn barely had time to react before the little one, seemingly light yet surprisingly pudgy, launched off him. The cub sped away in a flash.
However, just as it seemed the young panther might escape, the adult swiftly pawed down, pinning the little creature to the ground, all four limbs spread in surrender, save for its tail which swayed defiantly. The little panther exposed its teeth, calling out in a high-pitched voice, "I don't want to go to school. Don’t tell the teacher. Teachers are just ugly old men!"
Wesley Blackwood, the imposing adult, hoisted his nephew up and gave him a shake, fluffing his fur before handing him to Evelyn. His voice resonated like a cello—deep, cool, and alluringly magnetic. As he looked at Evelyn, his expression was unreadable. "This one isn’t ugly; he has a decent face."
Evelyn took no offense, still squinting playfully. His own dark hair and eyes added to his allure; they seemed almost to pull viewers in when he smiled, creating an intense magnetism. Standing there quietly was reminiscent of an ancient ink painting—subtle yet impossible to ignore.
The little panther instinctively glanced at him, momentarily stunned before puffing out its chest and defiantly declaring, "Not good-looking!" Yet, despite its bravado, it showed no inclination to run away.
"Evelyn Fairchild, I’m the teacher assigned to Darius," Evelyn interjected, his voice imbued with the gentle elegance typical of the Jiangnan region, soothing and warm. "You must be Darius's father."
The young panther, feeling comforted by Evelyn’s pure aura, gradually settled down in his arms. The little one sniffed the air curiously; it was clear that Evelyn was different from the usual sycophants—someone who genuinely caught its interest and not just another elder trying to impose rules.

Chapter 3

Evelyn Fairchild took a moment to focus, channeling her mental energy to calm the agitated little leopard in her arms. Darius Grey, the leopard, seemed to relax, licking his soft paws and taking note of Evelyn’s scent. He shook his fluffy ears and flicked his paw dismissively, saying, “That’s my uncle, not my dad. I’ll give him a piece of my mind someday.”
“Uncle,” Evelyn echoed, momentarily taken aback before apologizing, “Sorry! Normally, it's the fathers that bring their kids.”
“My fiancée went missing six years ago; I’m still unmarried,” Wesley Blackwood replied, his eyes resting thoughtfully on the elegant and soft-spoken boy in front of him. His gaze drifted to the small, reddish mole on the boy's earlobe. There was a depth of emotion hiding within his striking golden eyes—realization struck him about what his mentor had indicated by "surprise."
Evelyn felt the weight of Wesley's gaze, giving him an eerie impression of being stalked by a predator. The atmosphere grew tense, and he quickly added, “I didn’t mean to offend. I misspoke.”
With a slight flick of his ears, Wesley turned away, his departure marked by a gracefulness that contrasted with his stiff tail.
Evelyn was left confused by the encounter, shaking his head as he looked at the little leopard nestled in his arms and managed a wry smile: his class was already filled with oddities, and now he had another one.
While other classes consisted of groups numbering in the tens or even twenties, Evelyn's class had only seven younglings. Information on them was scarce—only their names, ages, preferences, and species were listed, omitting even their mental rankings. Moreover, the mix of species was baffling: a black panther, a lion, a white wolf, a panda, a domestic cat, a dog, and a hamster… Evelyn shook his head at the sheer randomness of it all. Such a blend did not adhere to typical classifications.
Classes usually grouped individuals by species or at least placed non-aggressive creatures together. Having three wild beasts in one class was unusual enough, but mixing cats and mice seemed particularly illogical. Nature dictated behavior, and contrasting instincts among these younglings could lead to chaos. The only logical conclusion was that these weren’t ordinary younglings; they all possessed heightened intelligence.
Six years ago, Evelyn had lost his life in an earthquake while trying to save his students, only to awaken reborn on a desolate planet inhabited by beastmen, now trapped in the female form without the ability to transform. Bereft of the original's memories, he had no idea who he had been. With no holographic computer, no identification, and no currency to his name, he had nothing but a set of clothes that looked surprisingly expensive. Famished and alone, his exquisite appearance almost landed him in the hands of someone wanting to adopt him as a 'child bride.'
His fortune turned when he crossed paths with the traveling headmaster, who unexpectedly took him under his wing. With a few swift moves, the headmaster knocked him unconscious and stowed him aboard his private starship. When he regained consciousness, he was now officially recognized as Evelyn Fairchild, complete with an identity and the need to adapt to his newfound situation. Little did he know, he would also gain a powerful guardian—dubbed “His Majesty's Martial Arts Instructor,” a figure who now played a fatherly role in his life.
The headmaster claimed that Evelyn was his long-lost son whom he'd unknowingly misplaced, going so far as to write him into his family registry, declaring, “This is my son, the product of my 108th secret liaison. Anyone who disagrees can challenge me!”
No one was foolhardy enough to engage in conflict with a rogue boasting an S-rank in both mental and physical strength. And thus, Evelyn found himself part of a family, though perhaps not the most reliable one; coming from a lineage that once thrived but now faced ruin, this was life’s unique twist of fate.
Though trapped in a female body, Evelyn didn’t concern himself with gender issues. In this galaxy, even when females turned six and lost their capacity to shift into animal forms or participate in battle, they gained powerful mental abilities that allowed them to heal male warriors' injuries and soothe their chaotic mental states. With a calm heart, he resolved to make the best of his new life.
As his gaze fell on Darius Grey, he softened, realizing that the next three years would be spent alongside these innocent, naïve beings—pure angels without guile or malice.
Returning to the yard designated for his class, Evelyn gently set Darius down. “Go on, buddy, there are other kids inside who are just your size!”
To cultivate a nurturing environment for the children, each class was equipped with its own secure yard, filled with ample entertainment options. Even special trees for claw sharpening were plentifully planted.
It was evident just how much the Empire cared for the well-being and education of its younglings.
Darius Grey surveyed the surroundings, striding forward as if surveying his domain, chest puffed out and little feet pattering elegantly on the ground. Evelyn followed closely behind, thoroughly entertained by the little leopard’s regal demeanor.
Inside the classroom, little Victor Hart, a hamster, was sprawled on his back with all four paws in the air. The puppy, Miller Tate, and panda, Panda Hayes, were each pressing two paws onto him, while the lion, Archibald Stone, seemed intent on playing with Victor's miniature appendage as if testing its strength. Victor remained laid-back, his paws immobilized, yet he continued munching on food that he mustered from deep within his cheeks.
As Evelyn turned to behold this scene, he couldn't help but break into a frown, “Kids! What on earth is happening here? Where’s Master Harold?”
Apart from Victor, who could do nothing but lay still, all the children wagged their tails excitedly, vying for attention. Archibald, more eager than the rest, wagged his bright red tail and reported triumphantly, “Teacher, Victor has a bug in his belly, and we’re trying to pull it out!”
Darius Grey, observing the chaos, snorted, too sophisticated for this silliness, muttering coldly, “You’re all a bunch of fools.”
In the highest palace of the Empire, a tall figure stood at the window, gazing serenely into the distance. The specially crafted glass framed his chiseled features like a piece of art, not a single flaw discernible, especially in those solemn golden eyes that held an air of dignity and authority. Even in stillness, an undeniable aura radiated from him.
Lieutenant Crowe entered with a precise military salute, maintaining a steady voice, “Your Majesty, you called for me.”
Wesley Blackwood nodded quietly, still holding his stance, and stated coldly, “Look into Evelyn Fairchild’s background, especially what occurred six years ago.”

Chapter 4

It was a rare occasion that His Majesty the King took an interest in a female, and Lieutenant Crowe did not hesitate to share everything he knew. “Evelyn Fairchild is the son of Henry Fairchild and is rumored to be the illegitimate child of a lover. He was brought back by you six years ago, and he’s known for being low-key and reserved. He’s been referred to as the most beautiful person in the Empire as he avoids noble balls and social events, so not many people really know him. It’s only been three months since he turned eighteen and is of age for courtship.”
Cyrus Oak paused before adding, “I heard that just a few days ago, the third son of Duke Sallow was bothering him, and the Headmaster, Evelyn, ended up breaking his leg. The Duke was quite displeased with the Headmaster for that.”
Wesley Blackwood raised an eyebrow. “You seem quite informed.”
Cyrus nodded, his expression serious. “It’s common knowledge among the young nobility in the Imperial Star, especially. By hierarchy, Evelyn Fairchild is your junior. Whether genuine or not, there are many nobles with interests in him. Recently, quite a few complaints have been lodged about Henry Fairchild, and those files are still sitting with the higher-ups in The Council.”
Wesley continued to gaze out the window, lost in thought. The vast room was silent except for the faint sound of breathing.
Cyrus Oak stood respectfully before him, head lowered, awaiting further instructions.
After a long pause, Wesley spoke in a low voice, “Those old nobles of the Imperial Star are getting bolder. It’s time to set them straight and remind them of their boundaries.”
With a voice tinged with an allure of authority, he instructed, “Arrange for it discreetly. Don’t let Darius Grey realize who he is.”
Darius Grey was the son of Prince Avis, his full-blooded brother.
Prince Avis and Duchess Sallow had perished ten years ago during a war, leaving behind Darius, still in his egg at the time. After suffering severe injuries during the conflict, Wesley had taken seven years to help his nephew break free from his shell. With no partner at his side, many had directed their affections towards the child, which meant Darius’s safety was a top priority.
As for the female chosen to care for Darius Grey suggested by the Headmaster…
Wesley furrowed his brow, the golden hue of his eyes darkening with concern.
He opened Cyrus Oak’s previous investigation report, looking at the photograph of the young female who smiled sweetly and looked stunningly beautiful. The familiar features were identical to those of his long-lost fiancée from six years ago.
He vividly recalled the tragic scene from that time, harrowing enough to feel like a descent into hell. Everyone believed that this unarmed and coddled female would be doomed for sure.
But who would have thought she had made her way to the capital and even changed her name and identity?
Yet, that was all mere speculation.
After contemplating for a while, Wesley commanded the attendant outside, “Tell the kitchen to prepare extra dishes; Henry Fairchild will be visiting this evening.”
At the Royal Kindergarten, where Evelyn Fairchild oversaw the Younglings Class, even the smallest matters could trigger what the cubs called a “duel” to uphold their male honor.
Darius Grey’s dismissive exclamation of “stupid” was the perfect spark to ignite their mischief.
In a moment of distraction, they found themselves in a feline fray.
Evelyn Fairchild watched as two furry balls tumbled from the room into the courtyard, unable to separate themselves from their playful brawl. He casually grabbed a large rectangular box and set it at the door to see how they would react.
Archibald Stone spotted the box with openings on both ends. Driven by the innate curiosity of a cat, he abandoned Darius Grey to squirm inside.
Darius’s instinct took over, and he couldn’t resist extending a paw to investigate, snorting in disdain, “Are you stupid?”
Evelyn bit back a smile and produced another box, playfully placing it over Darius Grey’s head while tossing in a soft ball.
Darius immediately lunged, clutching the ball as he joyously kicked and scratched at it with his hind legs, any previous sentiment of disdain now forgotten.
As one of the Empire’s most promising young cubs, nothing could make him falter, particularly not a creature as large and strong as himself.
Watching the two delightful cubs lost in joy, Evelyn turned his gaze away, unhurriedly tidying the mess they had made in the courtyard. He showed no worry that they would start fighting again.
Assistant Harold timely brought in a plate of cut fruits for when the children grew tired from their play. Evelyn nodded at him to set it on the table.
“Looks like Darius Grey is settling in well, already playing on his own,” he commented lightly.

Chapter 5

Evelyn Fairchild stood beside Harold Granger, sharing a moment of quiet observation.
“Yeah,” she agreed, a slight smile tugging at her lips, but a sense of unease flickered in her heart.
Among the children, Darius Grey posed the biggest challenge. He was the embodiment of an overly proud child—so conflicted, so aloof. His family dynamics seemed to leave him emotionally skewed, struggling to express his feelings correctly. The slightest disagreement sent him spiraling into a rage, mimicking rebellion that was too mature for his tender age. Kids like Darius often came from backgrounds lacking in warmth and affection, leading to disabilities in early emotional development. The ages of three to six were crucial for shaping a child's emotional intelligence and personality, and parental involvement was essential in guiding them. Evelyn couldn't help but wonder how Darius's parents perceived his behavior issues.
By noon, all the children were down for their naps. Evelyn seized the opportunity to compile the daily reports. With two kids absent from class, she was left with just five little treasures, and ample time on her hands.
As the school day wound down, Evelyn found herself seated on a bench beneath a sprawling tree, cradling Darius. Gently stroking the back of his neck, she shared glimpses of his day through the pictures in her mind. “Look at Darius today. You did brilliantly! No tears, and you even ate and slept all on your own.” In her memories, he resembled a small black panther, joyously leaping into a box for playtime, dozing off with his head resting on Evelyn's lap during nap time, and diligently cleaning himself, albeit with a fair bit of clumsiness.
Darius fixated on the photos, his initial pride rapidly morphing into fury. He pawed at the display, as if desperate to obliterate the evidence. “Delete it! That stupid cat doesn't look anything like me!”
Evelyn regarded his outburst as typical stubborn pride; those photos were too endearing not to share with his family. “Our Darius is simply too cute,” she thought, convinced he deserved all the love he could get.
When Darius was picked up after school, it was by his steward, a nondescript man in his forties whose presence radiated an unexpected warmth. Evelyn handed Darius over, passing a pre-prepared card to the steward, “Please give this to Darius’s family when you get back. I’ll send them some pictures and videos from school, so they won’t worry.”
Before the steward could accept the card, Darius swatted at it aggressively, leaving a few red prints on Evelyn's hand as he grumbled in abhorrence, “No way! I refuse to let that ugly striped monster see!” He was embarrassed at the thought of his family seeing him in such silly moments.
The steward scooped up the card, offering a look of apology. “I’m sorry. My young master just struggles to express himself.”
Evelyn chuckled lightly, fully recognizing Darius as a classic case of a child starved for affection, an emotional wildcat. “If he's got stripes,” she mused, “then he must have some zebra ancestors hidden in the family tree.”
Darius caught sight of the red marks on Evelyn’s hand and extended his small tongue to lick them a couple of times before turning away in silence.
Evelyn smiled and ruffled his hair, finding his little quirks absolutely endearing, even if he couldn’t muster an apology.
The steward courteously took his leave, reassuring Evelyn that he would pass the card along.
Once the children were on their way home, Evelyn checked the clock and headed straight for the principal’s office. A discussion with Darius's father was necessary; he needed to understand the situation regarding the recently added child.
Unfortunately, the assistant informed her that Henry Fairchild had already been called away.
Evelyn sighed, knowing it was likely due to yet another date with some striking young woman. Henry, a charming man with an eye for attention, was frequently the subject of affection among the ladies, regardless of their age or status—even the married noblewomen seemed enchanted by him. To this day, Evelyn still couldn't understand what those women saw in him.
Back in her assigned dorm, Evelyn rummaged through the fridge, whipping up a quick meal of sautéed vegetables and rice porridge, pairing it with some pickled veggies she had made herself.
She found the cafeteria meals insufferable, all nutritional value but lacking in taste. The robotic chef’s assembly of dishes tended to blur into one flavor and, at times, left them half-cooked in an attempt to maintain nutrition. He preferred to cook his meals from scratch—what comfort was there in eating something made without love?
After devouring her meal, Evelyn lay back on her bed. Rather than waiting for Henry to come home, she ended up sifting through parents' responses to her updates, diligently answering any questions with care.
Around ten at night, after all responses had been sent, Evelyn frowned at the chat log. Something nagged at her about Darius. His family hadn’t responded at all. Had he not shown them the updates? Or were they simply uninterested? As an unmarried uncle caring for a child, his inexperience showed in photos—he hadn't quite grasped the weight of his responsibilities.
Meanwhile, in a cold, high palace, Wesley Blackwood stared at a slew of photos featuring Darius. His expression softened as his gaze landed on one particular snapshot. Darius posed beside Evelyn, who was dressed in a blue uniform, seated gracefully on the grass with the child looking up at him. Darius's innocent face bore a look of sincere obedience Wesley had never seen before. The azure sky and fluffy white clouds framed the idyllic scene. Evelyn, lowering his head, cast exquisite shadows with his long lashes as his charming smile seemed to radiate warmth, reminiscent of autumn sunsets on a tranquil riverbank.
Watching Evelyn, Wesley felt an unexpected wave of restlessness. When had this former fluffy ball of chaos morphed into something so captivating? The overflowing words beneath the image faded into the background as his fingers tapped the screen, dismissively closing the image, muttering, “No matter how he grows, he’s still that cowardly little furball around me.”
As Evelyn prepared for bed, a flashing red light on her message board caught her eye, signaling a note from Darius. A grin broke across her face as she logged in, only for her expression to instantly falter.
The parental response crudely read: “Seen.”
The font struck her as both domineering and dismissively casual.

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