Beyond the Shadows of Elysium

Chapter 1

Elysium was one of the outermost planets in the Empire of Eldoria.
However, due to the war that had ravaged the galaxy a century ago, tourists flocked to this once desolate location, creating a bustling environment unlike other remote planets. Isabella Langley stepped off her shuttle, joining a group of travelers who gathered at the highest peak to gaze down into a chasm known as Grim Hollow.
This was the very site where the legendary war hero, Cedric Hawke, had met his fate over a hundred years prior.
A courageous alpha warrior, his image depicted in records was strikingly handsome, but no one knew the full extent of his abilities. All agreed, however, that Cedric Hawke was one of the strongest alphas in history. After all, he had faced the mother of the insectoid horde single-handedly, and even in that battle to the death, he left behind a massive depression in the ground, a testament to his incredible psychic force, which remained undiminished after a hundred years.
Isabella blinked, reaching out her hand tentatively to touch the edge of the psychic disturbance.
The energy left by the war hero was so intense that no equipment or researcher had been able to investigate further into the center; the pain it caused prohibited any attempts at more in-depth exploration. Many travelers nearby shared her curiosity, but those who dared to stretch out their hands grimaced at the backlash and quickly retreated.
Isabella had braced herself for pain as well. As a delicate omega, she was used to her psychic abilities being woefully inadequate, limited to nurturing her plants. Yet when she made contact with this ancient force, she didn’t feel any discomfort; rather, a gentle trace of energy enveloped her finger, almost as if it was inviting her further in. Her eyes widened with surprise, and she nearly allowed herself to be pulled deeper, but the presence of other tourists reminded her to withdraw her hand and remain still.
Yet, a profound curiosity began to swell within her.
Abandoned by her own family due to her omega status, she had long since run from a life dictated by her stepmother’s plans for marriage. She had come to this isolated planet hoping to live incognito. Education, social interactions, everything felt as distant as the Imperial Citadel. Though she dreamed of opening Isabella's Confectionery one day, for now, she was unoccupied and free.
Isabella opened her backpack and pulled out a biography of General Cedric Hawke.
She flipped to the last chapter, tracing her fingers lightly over the words. Upon reaching the phrase "to perish together," she looked up at the great pit once more. She lingered for just a moment before dropping a few coins into the donation box and rejoining the tour group, leaving the viewpoint behind.
However, upon reaching the valley floor, she felt an urge and chose to skip the next designated viewing area.
The little omega adjusted the neck device that concealed her scent glands and securely fastened her backpack before allowing herself some peace of mind as she navigated the map toward the site of the great general's demise. A nagging feeling inside told her she needed to see this place, even though no one had been able to venture inside for centuries. For some reason, she believed she could succeed.
After all, the energy had never rejected her.
Elysium wasn’t particularly lush; it was rather barren, though the last few years had seen efforts by the Royal Council to plant trees and cultivate greenery, making the planet look significantly better. Yet near Grim Hollow, the powerful psychic energy had rendered vegetation nearly impossible to sustain. As Isabella took another cautious step forward, a gust of gritty wind whipped her hair and made her squint uncomfortably. Despite being an unvalued omega from a prominent family, her body remained fragile.
Her pale skin quickly turned rosy in the sudden wind.
But she pressed on, the psychic energy intensifying, and in the distance, she could see a shimmering barrier separating her from the darkness. Isabella squinted, wanting to smile at the sight, but then an unexpected tempest crashed against her, knocking her to the ground. The petite omega fell hard onto the dusty earth, striking her backpack. The neck device slipped from her grasp, and she hurriedly reached for it, grasping only a corner as that fierce wind ripped it from her fingers and dragged her into the depths of the hollow.

Chapter 2

Despite its ominous name, Grim Hollow was surprisingly expansive and not nearly as steep as Isabella Langley had imagined.
Crouched on the ground, Isabella felt a twinge of discomfort as she assessed her scrapes from the fall. Dazed, she looked around and noticed a serene atmosphere enveloping her, like being cradled in warm water. Blinking, she slowly got to her feet and surveyed her surroundings—she had truly stepped into Grim Hollow.
The small omega adjusted her clothes, a hint of excitement bubbling within her as she made her way toward the heart of the hollow.
A surge of mental energy still wreaked havoc in the area, but the moment it brushed against her, it turned gentle, as if a comforting hand were caressing her. For a fleeting moment, she imagined that it was Marshal Cedric Hawke himself touching her, a warmth creeping up her ears. Her gland, unshielded by the usual suppressors, instinctively released a hint of pheromones. They weren’t nearly as strong as during her heat, but enough to sweeten the air around her. Isabella pulled out the biography she had brought along, thumbing through its pages as she walked deeper into the hollow.
At the heart of the devastation, nothing remained.
No artifacts, no weapons from the battles that once raged, only a barren expanse and telltale scars that shimmered like meteors on the ground. A hundred years washed over it, yet the remnants felt like hills, and Isabella found herself shuddering at the thought of what horrors had unfolded here. Her heart sank slightly, frustration enveloping her as she ventured further inward.
“Marshal Cedric…” she whispered, slowly sinking to her knees.
This spot seemed to be the epicenter of the mental storm; the sand here lay tranquil, resistant to the chaos elsewhere. She gently scooped up a handful of sand, but it slipped through her fingers as if it were determined to elude her grasp. Dropping her gaze, Isabella murmured the name of her idol, Cedric Hawke, feeling a pang of sadness well up inside her. She looked around, her heart aching.
While many honored and praised Cedric Hawke’s bravery, no one truly mourned him.
After all, this formidable alpha had never had a mate.
Isabella lowered her head, burying her hands in the soft sand.
With no offerings for a memorial, she found herself standing helplessly at the place where the marshal had perished. As a wave of sorrow washed over her, her fingertips brushed against something rough. Startled, she hesitated but felt a surge of hope—a living plant seed nestled within the sands. Isabella blinked and quickly thrust her hand deeper, pulling out the little object.
It wasn’t so little, after all.
The seed was round, covered in intricate markings, about the size of her fist. Isabella examined it closely, convinced it resembled a flowering plant, though she had never seen anything quite like it before. Caution compelled her to hold it gently. Glancing at her watch, she realized time was slipping away, and resolved to head back. It would be cumbersome to carry the seed, so she carefully stowed it away in her backpack alongside Cedric Hawke's biography.
With her suppressor reaffixed and her belongings secured, she took each step back to civilization thoughtfully.
However, by the time she returned to her residence, it was late.
She had rented a small apartment above a store on the ground floor, and after unlocking the door with a key, she scanned her surroundings before slamming the heavy door shut. Flipping the lights on, she retrieved a piece of cake she had baked the day before. With a small appetite, she nibbled on the treat, grateful for the sweetness, though her thirst was more pressing than hunger. After a glass of water, she rummaged through her backpack for the peculiar seed, curious if she could connect with it mentally.
“What do you need… should I soak you in water?” she asked softly.
The seed remained silent, its life force seeming feeble.
Isabella bit her lip, recalling her usual routine. She fetched a cup of cool water and carefully placed the seed inside to revive it.
Though she had a knack for nurturing plants, the fragile seed filled her with doubt about its survival. After a quick rinse, she took the cup to her bedroom, setting it on her nightstand for a closer look before bed. Contemplating whether she should buy specialized plant nutrients, she fell asleep with those thoughts swirling in her mind. When dawn broke, she awoke in shock to find the seed had blossomed into vibrant flowers overnight.
“Wow…” the little omega gasped at this unprecedented rapid growth marvel.
The flower resembled a rose, exuding a delicate fragrance that nearly brushed against her face. Hastily, she sat up, still in her pajamas, and carried the cup to find a larger vase, eager to plant the now-flourishing seed. She gently misted the base and sprinkled water over its leaves, watching in awe as it blossomed brilliantly, even the inner stamen visible.
Unable to resist, she gently poked at it.
“Honestly, I thought you wouldn’t make it…” Isabella mused, the sweet mix of her pheromones mingling with the rose’s subtle scent, filling her room with an irresistible aroma, “This is wonderful.”
The flower trembled slightly, blooming ever more vibrantly.

Chapter 3

After settling in her new friend, Isabella Langley headed downstairs to set up her yet-to-be-opened confectionery shop.
Using a fake identity, she had purchased the store and had registered with the Royal Council last week. However, the place still resembled a storage room more than a shop, requiring at least another week of cleaning and stocking. The diligent young Omega made sure to pack away all her isolation gear, before scooping up a flowerpot, determined to take it downstairs for some sunlight.
Although Elysium didn’t have a star like the sun in the solar system, the artificial satellites orbiting the planet emitted light, creating a day-and-night cycle akin to the Imperial Citadel back on Earth.
She opened the front door of the shop and placed the flowerpot outside. Then, grabbing a broom and some rags, she began the tedious task of cleaning.
Dust had settled in the long-abandoned store, with each swipe of the rag causing her to cough as the particles were disturbed. Yet, Isabella persisted, organizing the various odds and ends left by the former owner according to her own needs. After an entire morning of scrubbing the little over twenty-square-meter space, it was finally presentable enough to be seen. It was only then that Isabella realized she hadn’t even had time for breakfast. She carried the pot of roses back inside, locked the door, and headed upstairs again.
She cooked a small meal, simply stirring up some vegetables, and sat down alone at the table to eat.
Originally, the roses had been placed facing the sunlight, but inexplicably, they had turned toward her, as if they were sunflowers, nudging their vibrant red petals against her cheek. Isabella chuckled, rubbing the soft petals and gently teasing the leaves nearby with her fingers, as if playing with an affectionate friend. She came to Elysborough alone, driven by nothing more than her admiration for the ambitious founding general, and though her spirit soared, she sometimes felt loneliness and fear creeping in. But with this lovely plant to touch and cuddle, her mood lifted significantly.
Just as she set down her chopsticks, a familiar flush of heat began to spread from the back of her neck to her limbs.
Isabella Langley was a fully grown Omega, one who had gone through her first heat and maturation, and she certainly understood what that warmth signified. A light pink hue rose quickly to her fair cheeks as she gasped, pushing back her chair and rushing to the bedside. She dug out a particularly heavy box from under her bed. Once she removed the isolation device from her neck, a rich, sweet pheromone enveloped her, perhaps the sweetest Omega scent in all of the Empire of Eldoria. Yet, there was no pride swelling in her chest. Instead, she bit her lip, hastily retrieving a syringe of suppressants and slowly injected it into her arm’s vein.
Unbeknownst to her, the roses on the table opened up a little more in her absence.
The forced suppression of her heat wasn’t pleasant. As the medication coursed through her, a chilling pain started radiating from deep within, abruptly stifling the release of her sweet pheromones. The once-pervasive floral aroma in the air faded, filtering away through the ventilation system. The roses drooped slightly, seeming upset, almost vibrating in disappointment. But Isabella was entirely unaware of what was happening behind her and merely leaned against the bedframe, gasping for breath.
She sat on the floor for over half an hour before she finally gathered enough strength to stand upright.
Isabella carefully tidied away her medication, but she lacked the energy to clean up her meal remnants. Instead, she picked up her rose plant, which appeared to have grown a little, and set it down on her nightstand before crawling into bed, too tired even to change into her nightgown. The body of an Omega was quite delicate; even the physiological processes of heat and its suppression could leave her utterly drained. She subconsciously accepted that she wouldn’t be able to focus on organizing the shop downstairs that afternoon, curling up under the covers with her pillow, and drifting into a deep sleep.
However, a vine peeked out from the soil of the flowerpot.
It followed the last traces of her pheromones, curling up into the air before brushing Isabella Langley’s soft cheek. The once-rough tendril moved with surprising gentleness, caressing her face before gliding down her cheek and sliding into her collar. The tender skin of her neck brushed against the vine, giving her a slight tickle. In her dream state, Isabella frowned, mumbling softly in her sleep.

Chapter 4

The vines caressed him patiently, gently coaxing him back to sleep before carefully retreating towards the glands at his back.
The gland, forced into dormancy by medication, shimmered a pitiful red, its most vulnerable state. The vine circled slowly, then nestled itself over the tormented gland, its delicate filaments brushing softly. Isabella Langley felt a flicker of discomfort, her eyes tightly shut as two tears slipped from the corners. Perhaps it was a memory of being dragged by his father for a pheromone matching test that caused his legs to curl inwards, pressing tightly against his abdomen.
“Why is it that my pheromones match so perfectly with an alpha?” he wondered. He wished he could simply be a beta.
The vine seemed to sense his unease, and its movements gradually slowed.
It enveloped the poor omega's tender gland, absorbing every bit of pheromone, not allowing a single sweet scent to escape. At the same time, more vines extended from the stem of the rose, like a gentle hand, slowly reaching under the covers. Unbeknownst to Isabella, the vine took hold of his hands, wrapping daintily around his arms. He felt no discomfort; instead, a warmth spread through him, as if he were soaking in a hot spring.
The small omega finally relaxed.
After sleeping through the afternoon, he awoke to the gentle brush of rose buds against his cheek, the clock reading four o'clock. Isabella chuckled and poked the flower before climbing out of bed. He touched the back of his neck, noting some swelling but nothing alarming. He sighed in relief, grateful to have safely passed through his estrus cycle this month.
“It’s getting late…” Isabella glanced out the window and picked up the rose he had nurtured. “I’ll clean up tomorrow.”
“But I’m not really hungry…” He touched his flat stomach, “Maybe I’ll just read a bit today.”
He cradled the rose and made his way to the study.
The room was filled with books he had purchased on Elysium—besides a few guides issued by the Royal Council for new residents, the rest detailed the life and exploits of General Cedric Hawke. He set the flowerpot in front of him and took out a biography he hadn’t read much of yet, flipping to where he had last left off. The illustration depicted a solitary photo of the esteemed general from a century ago, clad in tailored military garb, his deep gaze fixed ahead. Isabella almost felt as if he were being watched, hastily turning the page.
The rose remained pressed against his cheek.
For days, the little omega found comfort in his home.
Though he often felt lonely on his own, he was no longer entirely alone with the rose brushing against his face—it had become a companion. He would often converse with the flower. Beyond the mundane aspects of his day-to-day life, he discussed Cedric Hawke’s legendary tales with it. Despite being merely a century old, the stories surrounding the general were filled with heroic feats and fabrications that made it hard for Isabella to discern fact from fiction. Today, he was reading a book that speculated on why the founding general had never married, and he couldn’t help but chuckle at the bizarre theories presented.
“Some say the general fell for a married omega, while others claim he had a secret alpha lover… But I think it might be that his pheromones were so unique he just couldn’t find a match,” Isabella mused aloud as he whipped cream, “I mean… pheromone compatibility is key… Otherwise, a powerful alpha like him should have had several omegas by now.”
The rose snuggled against his arm, quietly rubbing against the nape of his neck.
As he carefully donned his pheromone blocker, even if he emitted his scent, it would be minimal and nearly undetectable. He had managed to clean up the first floor yesterday, rearranging some tables and chairs to create a simple sales counter. The little omega expertly spread cream over the freshly baked cake layers, smoothing everything out, then used a piping bag to decorate them with soft pink icing rosettes.
“Stop it,” Isabella laughed, trying to shoo away the tickling sensation at his neck, “I’ll give you some attention later, not right now…”
The rose obediently settled down.
He had long realized his rose enjoyed rubbing against his glands, perhaps drawn by the sweet pheromones that even aided in its growth. The small omega leaned down and planted a kiss on a petal, then returned to his tasks. Today was the grand opening of his shop, so he had only prepared about ten different sweets as a trial run. As soon as the warm chiffon cakes were out of the oven, he placed them right at the storefront, their creamy scent wafting through the air, enticing passersby.
Isabella nervously hung the “Buy One, Get One Free” sign.
A new shop was always an attraction, especially one with such freshly baked, mouth-watering cakes. His pricing was reasonable, and soon neighbors and tourists began to flock in to buy. The little omega busily took payments while also cutting and icing more cakes, hardly taking a moment to sit down. Yet, he still remembered to let his rose bask in the sunlight, carrying it to the front of the shop.
With the excitement of a first-time shop owner came nerves; he greeted customers with big smiles, leaving him little time to relax. It wasn’t until he sold the last piece of cake that Isabella took a breath of relief, taking down the “Open” sign, intending to close up and tally the day’s earnings. Though the rose had been placed in the sun, it looked slightly dazed. He gently stroked its petals, murmuring “I’m sorry,” before picking up the pot, locking the door, and carrying the cash upstairs.
“I didn’t get to tend to you well today…” Once up in his room, he removed the pheromone blocker, exposing his soft glands, “Do you like my pheromones? Can I share a little with you?”
The rose pressed against his cheek, as if nodding.
Isabella smiled and released his pheromones.
Once, he had lamented his pheromones, sweet yet troublesome, leading him to ponder removing his glands more than once. But now, he felt a sense of purpose in using them to nurture his first friend on Elysium, giving his glands newfound significance. The air filled with a sweet, not overly cloying fragrance, though it quickly was absorbed by the rose, hardly reaching the ventilation system. The little omega began to sort through the day’s earnings, unaware that a green vine was creeping up his neck, closely wrapping around his gland once more.
“Fifty…twenty…here’s a hundred…” he organized the bills, estimating his total. “For the first day, after costs… I made four hundred twenty-five dollars.”
Isabella’s eyes narrowed in delight as he turned to his friend, “I can’t believe we made this much on the first day…Things are bound to get better from here.”
The rose carefully withdrew its vine, then snuggled up to his face once more.

Chapter 5

Isabella Langley had never doubted the rose she cared for.
In a world filled with humans, alien creatures, and a myriad of cosmic beings, this rose was surprisingly mundane. She chalked it up to her friend having been affected by the psychic storms within Grim Hollow, creating a few peculiarities in its behavior. The little omega felt particularly cheerful today; after having a light snack, she grabbed her pajamas and headed to the bathroom for a shower.
Earlier, she had worried about whether she could navigate life on the planet Elysium, but today’s promising start filled her with abundant hope.
She emerged from the bathroom, hair still damp, and crashed onto her bed.
Finally, the omega revealed a hint of childishness, laughing as she hugged her pillow and rolled around in delight. Sitting up, she leaned over to plant a kiss on the rose perched on her nightstand. Although it couldn't respond to her affection, Isabella loved chatting with her silent companion. After rolling around the bed a couple more times, she suddenly blinked, a faint pheromone wafting from her, and sat up on her knees to say to the rose, “Hmm... I haven't shown you my transformation yet. Would you like to see?”
The rose trembled in response to her pheromone.
A big smile spread across her face as she transformed into a small, delicate cat, shimmering in a silver light.
Isabella Langley squeezed into her clothes, struggling to wiggle out of the neckline before hurriedly licking her little paws. Her slender body was mostly silver, but she had patches of orange and gray on her head and back. Even in her transformed state, she couldn't shake off those feline habits; sitting on the bed, she meticulously groomed herself and softly washed her face with her fluffy paws. Her bright green cat eyes gazed affectionately at her rose friend, and she bounded over to the dresser, finding a comfortable spot to sit as she carefully raised her little paws.
“I won’t scratch… don’t be scared,” she murmured to herself, tenderly stroking the rose she had nurtured.
Despite its sharp thorns, the rose's stem softened under her gentle touch, not pricking her delicate paws at all. Squinting with delight, she jumped around for a moment before returning to the bed. Though she felt quite cozy as a cat, she decided she wanted to sleep in her human form. The little omega licked her paws again and transformed back.
Of course, she had no clothes on.
With her lean, fair, and soft body appearing amidst the flickers of light, it felt just like the two of them—her and the rose—were alone in the room, and Isabella Langley had no worries about being seen. She ran her hand through her damp hair before adjusting herself to pull her pajamas out from beneath her. The view between her creamy thighs was modestly exposed—beyond just a hint of pink, it almost looked like something more.
The rose's vines began to stir slightly.
But the omega quickly slipped on her robe, then secured her underwear under the sheets.
Having spent the day busily, it was now the perfect time to rest. She muttered a goodnight to the rose and snuggled under the covers to sleep. The bedroom light dimmed, plunging everything into darkness and serenity. However, from the pot's soil, a supple yet agile vine silently emerged. It had become adept at navigating, following the contour of the omega's pillow to gently brush against the gland on the back of her neck, seeming to claim its territory entirely. Another vine snuck up from the corner of the bedding, slipping beneath Isabella’s nightgown to trace along her delicately wrapped thighs and gently touch her rear.
The vine quivered slightly but made no further bold moves; it merely reveled in the softness of the little omega before wrapping around her wrist, holding her gently.
Isabella Langley slept soundly.
She felt embraced, warmth spreading through her despite the chilly night air, leaving her toes glowing with a healthy blush. The omega yawned and rose from bed, still longing for a few more moments of rest but knowing she needed to prepare for the cake shop opening. After brushing her teeth and getting ready, she carried her pot downstairs, preparing to bake a cake while placing the rose by the door to soak up the sunlight.

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