Between Shadows and Secrets

Chapter 1

**Setting**: The Enchanted Realm has long existed as a world where three genders coexist: male, female, and intersex. For centuries, intersex individuals were viewed as little more than breeding machines, a perception that only began to change with a pivotal reform a century ago, which brought equality for all genders into the public discourse.
Lady Evelyn Brightwood and Alaric Hastings grew up side by side, their families united by a deep friendship. Alaric, who identifies as intersex, possesses a striking appearance that leans more masculine among the typically androgynous intersex populace. From a young age, he has never been fond of his betrothed, Lady Evelyn, seeing her as frivolous and overly capricious. He bears the weight of familial responsibilities on his shoulders alone and, while he doesn’t believe his life is incomplete without a partner, he strives to maintain civility with Evelyn for the sake of his father’s peace of mind.
Lady Evelyn herself feels little affection for Alaric. Her views on intersex people are marred by prejudice, as she finds herself more attracted to women than men. To her, Alaric represents an obligation rather than a true partnership, and her duty as his fiancée weighs heavily upon her heart.
In the wake of the movement for gender equality, institutions across the realm began to establish intersex academies, separate from their male and female counterparts. The primary focus of these academies lies in understanding one’s own body and identity. As part of her role as Alaric’s fiancée, Lady Evelyn is expected to assist him in practice when he needs guidance, offering her body for his education during these intimate sessions.
As they transition through their tangled lives, each grapples with their perceptions of one another and the expectations that tether them together. Alaric seeks personal understanding and acceptance, while Evelyn wrestles with her own biases, all set against the backdrop of a society that still struggles to redefine what equality truly means.
Despite the weight of responsibility and the boundaries imposed on them, their story unfolds in a whirlwind of unspoken feelings and the desire for freedom—both from societal expectations and from the confines of their own hearts.

Chapter 2

In the afternoon, the room felt stuffy as the chatter of the upcoming gathering buzzed in the air.
“Hey, Alaric!” a petite figure chirped, waving at Alaric with a bright smile.
Alaric Hastings, with his lofty height of 6'1", had a persona that leaned decidedly masculine amidst the eclectic crowd at the Academy of Diverse Kin. His cool demeanor often kept others at a distance, making him something of a lone wolf. Therefore, when he heard that cheerful greeting, he immediately recalled her name—Seraphina Frost.
“I thought you wouldn’t make it to this gathering,” Seraphina teased, giving him a playful nudge. At 5'3", she seemed almost to be leaning into him, her small frame looking delicate next to his.
Instinctively protective, Alaric felt a twinge of anxiety about her fragility. He’d always lacked companions growing up, too conscious of his own overly masculine natural gifts to connect easily with others. He gently grasped Seraphina's shoulder, replying, “I never miss it. I’m here every year without exception.”
“Oh, I forgot you were the model student,” Seraphina said with a teasing lilt, her cheeks flushing slightly as she stepped back away from him. “Alaric, why are you so tall? I felt like I was being hugged by a guy!”
Alaric bore an unusual patience for Seraphina’s playful banter. After a moment's thought, he responded, “I take after my father. If you think I’m tall, it’s only because you’re so petite.”
“Hey!” Seraphina pouted, crossing her arms in mock annoyance. “Just because I skew the average height doesn’t mean you can call me short. Being in your arms was really comforting. I wish you weren’t a Scholar of Quests.”
In a dim corner of the Great Hall of Revelry, awash in the grandeur of fairy-tale-like lights, Alaric didn’t feel any particular stirring at her words. He acknowledged his outward appearance often caused confusion but grew up inherently understanding his identity as a person of unique distinction—he had no romantic inclinations towards either gender.
Unfazed by his silence, Seraphina bounded away to fetch two glasses of juice. “Come on! After we finish these, let’s head over. I’d be so embarrassed if I got stuck alone!”
“Sure,” Alaric murmured, chewing his straw and staring blankly ahead. The thought of being left out was daunting. It was likely he would make a fool of himself tonight.
The gathering was an established tradition at the Academy of Diverse Kin, a celebration held by faculty just before the second semester commenced. Over a century ago, this venerable institution embraced parity among all genders in response to the Council’s call, birthing a unique program for those who identified as gender diverse. The notion of understanding one’s own body had become an essential focus, illustrating the importance of sexual education to empower students with choices and knowledge as they ventured into society.
As time yielded a deeper acceptance of this equality, the Academy continued to mold curriculum aimed at equipping students with the tools for a wider variety of life paths. Notably, it was often still expected for students, particularly those of mixed gender identities, to utilize their advantages in securing romantic partnerships after graduation. The gathering itself held an underlying tone of courtship, setting the stage for budding connections.
As the evening progressed and the gathering reached its height, Seraphina caught the attention of several attendees. She ultimately selected a gentle-looking young man, linking arms with him before dipping away into the crowd.
Alaric sighed quietly, claiming a seat on a lavish sofa while contemplating the “assignments” awaiting him when classes resumed.
“Alaric, come here!”
His name jolted him awake, and he quickly composed himself, turning to see Evelyn Brightwood nearing him with an expectant look. It wasn’t that he was reluctant. Alaric felt confused about what this invitation entailed.

Chapter 3

"Come on, the opening dance is about to start!" Evelyn Brightwood stretched out his hand, waiting for Alaric Hastings to catch on and take it.
As they stepped into the dance floor, soft classical music began to play. Alaric, though familiar with social dancing, felt a mix of excitement and nerves; this was his first time dancing at such a formal event, and he worried about stepping on Evelyn's toes.
At six-foot-two, Evelyn towered over him, and as Alaric looked down, he could only see the back of his head. "Hey, lift your chin. Dancing requires confidence," Evelyn chided gently.
"I'm just worried about stepping on your feet," Alaric replied quietly, reclaiming his focus and glancing up—only to meet Evelyn's chin.
A chuckle slipped from Evelyn as he wrapped his arms around Alaric's waist and spun them both again, laughter lacing his voice. "Just follow my lead; there's no way I'd let you stomp on my toes."
Alaric playfully kicked him in the shin. "Shh! Not so loud," he hissed, realizing their banter was far too disruptive against the beautiful music and the crowd surrounding them.
Evelyn winced, shaking off the sudden pain, but quickly quieted down as they focused on the dance. Despite his occasionally annoying chatter, Alaric managed to keep up with Evelyn’s steps, completing the opening dance without a hitch. When the music finally stopped, Alaric made a beeline off the dance floor, but Evelyn took the opportunity to drape himself over Alaric's shoulder, teasingly pinching the back of his neck. "See? I told you I’d survive your clumsy dancing."
The unexpected intimacy made Alaric momentarily lose his balance, but Evelyn's grip kept him steady. He shut his eyes briefly, muttering a silent curse. Why did he find it impossible to completely dislike Evelyn?
"I thought you weren’t coming," Alaric said as he leaned against a nearby sofa, not even remotely interested in the next round of dancing.
Just two days prior to the gala, Alaric had asked Evelyn if he could join him for the evening, only to be met with a polite refusal. He’d come with few expectations, fully prepared for a letdown, yet here was Evelyn, right beside him.
"How could I miss out? My dad insisted I come to keep you company. He couldn’t bear the thought of you being alone," Evelyn rolled his eyes, a hint of annoyance creeping in. His father cared more about Alaric than Evelyn liked to admit, having forewarned him several times about the event. When Alaric had invited him, Evelyn had feigned reluctance, not expecting it to become a hard ‘no.’
Alaric peered at Evelyn, recognizing the cool facade masking his irritation; it was clear he wasn't going to extend any offers for help.
“What did you say? I ask for your company and you go all silent? I thought maybe you found someone else,” Evelyn nudged closer, tilting his head to scrutinize Alaric's face. "After all, you are my supposed fiancé!"
Alaric quirked an eyebrow, puzzled. "But you’re not a fan of me." So why should he be enthusiastic about their situation?
“Still, we've known each other forever. Your icy demeanor is a bit heartbreaking," Evelyn responded, flashing a bright smile that showcased his perfect teeth and subtly adorable canines. He reached out to ruffle Alaric’s hair, but met swift resistance as Alaric swatted his hand away.
They were seated in a spot that was hardly discreet, and it didn’t take long for others to start taking notice. Evelyn was strikingly handsome; even through his clothing, his well-defined physique could be detected, and he carried himself with an effortless charm that drew people in. His light tan skin radiated warmth, and his beaming smile could easily light up the dim hall, making socializing seem effortless. Nearly everyone in the room recognized him—great background, good looks, and remarkably approachable.
"Looks like he’s dancing with Alaric tonight," remarked a striking figure who lounged against the wall, their shirt casually unbuttoned low, showcasing a deep neckline that garnered numerous glances from onlookers.
“Right? And apparently, he was searching all over for Alaric when he arrived. Everyone assumed he was looking for someone specific—wonder who,” a friend murmured.
“Interesting taste, for sure.”

Chapter 4

Alaric Hastings leaned back on the plush couch, his expression as impassive as the stone walls of Hastings Manor around him. He watched as Evelyn Brightwood chatted amiably with a group of friends, her laughter bright like the chandelier lights above them. Baldwin the Bold, a striking figure with a confident gait, approached their table, eyeing the harmonious duo.
"Come on, it’s not like being partners in anything means you can't date," Baldwin winked, rolling his eyes at Alaric. “If you’re interested, just go for it!”
Alaric merely shrugged, his gaze following Baldwin's approach with mixed feelings. “What did you think was going to happen?” He had never been one for frivolous banter.
Evelyn, known for her warm demeanor and magnetic charm, was immersed in her phone, responding to texts from her friends when she suddenly glanced back at Alaric. “Hey, I called you earlier. Why didn’t you pick up?”
“Not a good time,” Alaric replied, still scrutinizing Baldwin, who was now standing right in front of them.
“Let me introduce myself! I’m Alaric’s classmate, and you are?” Baldwin's shimmering eyes sparkled with intrigue as he smiled at Evelyn.
Evelyn casually slung an arm around Alaric’s shoulders. “I’m his fiancée, pleasure to meet you.” She shot Baldwin a genial smile.
“Oh, the fiancée, huh? Well, cherish that!” Baldwin raised his eyebrows, realizing he had misread the situation and retreated without further ado.
With the crowd around them dispersing, Alaric exhaled sharply, gradually pushing Evelyn off of him. “You really need to keep your hands to yourself next time.”
“Aw, come on! We’re engaged, remember? Why so cold?” Evelyn clutched theatrically at his arm, as if wounded.
Alaric narrowed his eyes, a faint annoyance creeping into his demeanor. “You're only using me to fend off any other advances, aren’t you?"
“Sure, but you know I’m into women.” Evelyn grinned, glancing around at the mingling guests. “And besides you, I have no interest in anyone else here.”
“Your choice,” Alaric muttered, feeling more fatigued than irritated. He had learned many lessons from Evelyn's antics, dismissing them as none of his business. “And please, stop calling me Alaric. It gives me the shivers.”
Evelyn chuckled, noticing his mild discomfort. “But it’s fun! Isn’t that what you like about it?” Alaric clenched his fists slightly, moving to a different sofa.
“Hey, don’t turn your back on me. I’m your beloved fiancée tonight!” Evelyn followed him, frustration evident in his shuffling feet. He had planned to be supportive of Alaric, only to have the distance thrown between them.
Alaric covered his ears playfully. “Just stop talking. It’s annoying.”
“Come on, just one kiss?” Evelyn leaned forward, giving Alaric a mischievous wink that only irritated him further.
Inwardly wrestling with his emotions, Alaric turned away, fighting a small smile. Beneath the moodiness lay a hint of affection—though he’d never admit that to Evelyn.
“Hey, I’m joking!” she called, waving her hand by his ear in an attempt to break through his silence. He remained unresponsive, entrenching himself further into a stubborn silence as friends mingled nearby, eager to chat.
The relationship between Evelyn and Alaric was one forged by their families long ago, a promise made when they were just kids. Neither of them asked for it, and both had little interest in each other. Despite their parents' close friendship, their friendship had never blossomed, merely existing in the realm of childhood acquaintances. Harmonious yet distant, Evelyn was charming and outgoing, while Alaric remained a mysterious introvert. Oftentimes, Evelyn wondered if he was even interested in the same relationships he seemingly rejected.
“Alaric.” Evelyn broke the silence, leaning casually against the armrest.
“What?” Alaric frowned, turning his icy gaze towards her.
“If I hadn’t come today, what were you planning to do?” Her curiosity sparked, brows raised.
“Just sit around,” Alaric replied flatly, raking a hand through his hair.
Evelyn looked incredulous. “Really? That’s all?”
“I don’t know many guys,” he further clarified, dismissing the topic. “Just drop it.”
Silence settled, and Evelyn felt an impulse to provoke a reaction from him, leaning in closer. “Just remember: you’re stuck with me as your fiancée. Don’t act all shy about it.”
“Of course. It’s your obligation.” Alaric felt a small sense of relief from the efforts of expressing his feelings, oddly appreciative of having this partnership he never sought after.

Chapter 5

The gala was drawing to a close, and Cyrus Montrose surveyed the harmonious crowd filling the Great Hall of Revelry, marveling at how far society had come. "Well, it seems we’re really making progress these days," he mused. He remembered when students from other academies had looked down on them, barely understanding the ambitions of these Scholars of Quests, their heads in the clouds. Now, the idea of dual-gender individuals having the right to choose was becoming a reality.
“Cyrus, it’s your turn to speak,” another instructor nudged him, glancing at the agenda.
The faculty members overseeing the gala were gathered in a side room, and tonight, everything had gone smoothly—no unexpected incidents, with the schedule perfectly timed. As the last part of the evening, Cyrus was set to give the closing remarks.
“As this evening comes to an end, I’d like to ask all students from the Academy of Diverse Kin to gather in the side chamber for a brief meeting,” he announced.
The music stopped, and the mingling dual-gender individuals quieted down before organizing themselves to move into the side room. Their departure marked the end of the gala; some chosen "partners" started to leave, while others lingered to chat and wait for their dual-gender companions to rejoin them.
Among the students, Alaric Hastings easily stood out due to his height and striking features, often sensing the subtle gazes directed at him, though he chose to ignore the attention. In the side chamber, many students had already taken seats toward the back, but he and Seraphina Frost walked to the front, eager to present themselves to the teachers and prepared to ask questions if they arose. With less than two hundred students in this cohort, it didn't take long for everyone to settle into their places, creating a hush in the room. Alaric's eyes fell on Cyrus at the front, who he guessed was their assigned instructor. When their eyes met, Cyrus offered a knowing smile.
Once everyone was seated, Cyrus motioned to a teacher near the door to shut it, cutting off the lively chatter from outside.
Upon entering the academy, students were fitted in tailor-made formal suits for such occasions, and tonight was no exception. In this small side room, all were dual-gender, yet no one could overshadow Cyrus. His enchanting appearance was striking; his bright eyes and slightly upward-tilted auburn-hued irises were captivating, complemented by a finely sculpted nose and rose-tinted lips against his alabaster skin, enhancing his allure. His hair, reflecting the same shade as his eyes, curled softly at the ends, brushing his neck, lending him a gentle elegance. Dressed impeccably, his suit clung to his well-defined chest, while his rear was perfectly outlined by his trousers. Cyrus embodied a harmonious blend of both masculine and feminine traits, exuding a tantalizing presence even amongst his own gender.
"Hello everyone, I'm Cyrus. For the upcoming semester, I'll be in charge of your major courses," he said, writing his name on the whiteboard. "Physiology class will commence in the second semester and will remain in your curriculum until graduation. Keep in mind that this subject will comprise half of your total grades. In other words, a significant portion of your time here will be spent with me."
A wave of relief surged through the dual-gender students at his introduction. They knew there were five instructors for the physiology course but felt reassured by the fact that this one didn’t seem overly stern.
“During class, I can be quite serious, so if you don’t pay attention, watch out for my disciplinary actions,” Cyrus replied with a playful smile, his eyes narrowing slightly as he grinned. “You all have made it into The First University, so you should hold yourselves to high standards no matter your field of study. Therefore, focus on your lessons, and please refrain from any distractions while I’m speaking.”
The atmosphere grew even quieter following his warning.
Alaric discreetly watched Cyrus as he spoke, entranced by his beauty, lost in admiration. Cyrus caught his gaze and pointed at him, teasingly asking, “Do you have a question, young man?”

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