Binding Promises Across Time

Chapter 1

Landon Blackwood had been deceived by his own brother, forced into an unbearable marriage with Gregory Stone as a mere stand-in. For three long years, he navigated a world filled with manipulation and exploitation, receiving numerous “benefits” from Gregory while threatening the very foundation of the Stone family. But after uncovering the schemes surrounding him, Landon decided to take control of his life and signed the divorce papers, effectively putting an end to this absurd relationship.
Then, a startling event—a massive fire—sent him back twenty years into the past. Upon this miraculous rebirth, Landon vowed to live life correctly, open his eyes wider, and rid himself of deceitful people. He promised to treat Gregory with kindness and never again deceive him.
As fate would have it, this time around, the stand-in role transformed into that of a legitimate partner, and the two began to forge a genuinely happy life together. It felt so right.
In this new reality, love blossomed as both Landon and Gregory cherished one another. What evolved was a beautiful relationship where both parties held deep, mutual affection—a dynamic that kept them closer than ever. Landon was a romantic at heart, truly devoted to Gregory, and Gregory found himself fiercely possessive of his partner, igniting a sweet but passionate bond.
The atmosphere was light-hearted and sweet, filled with charming moments that occasionally dipped into mild angst, but overall, the tone remained uplifting and free of overwhelming heartbreak.
Set in a backdrop reminiscent of modern America, the narrative unfolds in a world where gay marriage is not just permitted in major cities but also embraced by society. Though it occasionally veers into cliché territory, the themes of reconciliation and love are hard to resist—with enough depth to avoid any truly disappointing endings.
Landon smiled to himself as he adjusted to this second chance, cherishing every moment spent building a life where love flourished effortlessly. After all, happiness had never tasted so sweet.

Chapter 2

Landon Blackwood woke up in agony, his entire body screaming with pain. He grimaced as he shifted, a searing ache tearing through his torn flesh, and he gasped softly, muttering, "Damn it, where the hell am I?"
His last clear memory was from the previous night, leaning against the sidewalk, downing an entire case of beer, while the city’s hot, stale wind mingled with his regrets about Gareth Stone.
Earlier that day, they had finalized their divorce, ending three tumultuous years of marriage.
The more he remembered, the sadder he felt; the sadder he got, the more he drank. Bottle after bottle of 600ml beer, he drank until he was sick, then he drank some more, pushing through until his calves cramped, the details of what happened next faded into a hazy blur.
As Landon shifted slightly, he realized he was tied to an iron post, his feet bound as well, in an old warehouse that reeked of gasoline and rust. A draft forced its way through the high windows, rattling them as it whistled eerily.
Damn Quintus Ashford for being so deceptive. Promising to let him go was all a lie, true to form—deceitful as ever. Landon still felt the effects of the booze; his head throbbed painfully, but he knew that only Quintus could orchestrate something like this.
Quintus was his half-brother, both illegitimate sons of the Ashford family. Quintus had been the lucky one, picked up by the Ashford patriarch and brought into the family, while Landon had been left behind, a stray picked up off the street.
The two had lived separate lives; Landon in the North and Quintus in the South, even sharing a bloodline couldn’t bridge the chasm of their different realities—until suddenly Quintus had shown up in his life.
Landon recalled their first meeting vividly.
Quintus was everything Landon wasn’t. While Landon spent his days in the same oversized shorts and a long-sleevek T-shirt in winter, always looking bedraggled, Quintus appeared polished and elegant in every detail. He carried himself with a grace that commanded attention, a gentle smile always curving his lips. Despite their similar features, Quintus exuded a charm, intelligence, politeness, and wit that made Landon’s own rough edges seem dull in comparison.
Quintus traveled hundreds of miles to the small Northern town, arriving unkempt but with a fragile vulnerability in his eyes as he softly wept, "Bro, Dad is gone. You’re all I have left."
Landon, who had no family left, couldn’t possibly turn him away—especially with the instinctual bond twins often share.
“Bro, the Ashfords want me to marry into the Stone family, but I can’t stand Gregory Stone. I love someone else. Can you do me a favor? Marry him in my place,” Quintus pleaded.
Landon, who valued loyalty and family, was easily swayed. He’d nearly taken a beating for Quintus once; it was more than enough for Landon to believe in him wholeheartedly, willing to do anything for the brother he felt he could depend on in such a cruel world.
Looking back now, he realized how naive he had been...
Memories flooded back—Landon’s concern for Quintus became a bitter reminder of his current disappointment and anger toward him.
Suddenly, the door to the warehouse swung open, and several figures made their way inside. The face appearing before him was almost identical to his own. Landon couldn’t help but burst out laughing upon seeing Quintus.
Quintus frowned slightly, his perfectly groomed eyebrows inching together, and with his usual calm demeanor, he asked softly, “Landon Blackwood, what’s so funny?”
“I’m laughing at you,” Landon scoffed. “Quintus, how can anyone be so hypocritical? What more do you want from me?”

Chapter 3

Yesterday, I confronted Gregory Stone. I told him I wasn’t Quintus Ashford; I was Landon Blackwood, and the divorce papers were already signed.
For a brief moment, Quintus Ashford's face twisted in confusion, but he quickly masked it with a practiced facade. He crouched down, tenderly touching the scars on my face, his voice laced with concern. “Brother, those wounds are a lesson. You shouldn't change your mind at such a crucial moment. Your influence over Gregory is profound. He would go to great lengths for you. Last night, Gregory was willing to risk everything to deal with me. Did you know that?”
As he spoke with increasing intensity, Quintus pressed harder on my wounds, his fingers jabbing painfully. The recently healed gash on my cheek tore open again, and I inhaled sharply. Suddenly, I turned my head and bit down hard on Quintus's hand. He was caught off guard, and his face shifted with pain as I took a generous chunk of flesh out with my teeth.
“Ugh,” I spat out the bloody morsel, my expression dripping with sarcasm. “You’ve beaten me to this point; I’d say this is a pretty meager payback.”
“True, it’s nothing.” Quintus wrapped a handkerchief around his wounded hand, jealousy flickering in his eyes. He sneered, “Landon Blackwood, I’ll show you someone, and then you won’t be so smug.”
He stepped aside, revealing Gideon Stone behind him.
Gideon was strikingly handsome with a perfectly chiseled face. Yet, his deep-set eyes were so chill-inducing that they sent shivers down my spine, radiating an aura of detachment that warned others to keep their distance. In the dim light of the Old Blackened Warehouse, the darkness partially shrouding Gideon’s face seemed to silently accuse me.
If Quintus's charm masked malice, I was no different. I had deceived Gregory with my own tricks, leading to his suffering.
My throat tightened as I tried to call out Gideon's name, but nothing came out. I turned my face away.
Quintus had wanted me to marry Gideon not for any real love but as part of his scheme to take control of Stone Enterprises. He had exploited my connections with Gregory, gaining immense benefits while crippling Stone’s foundation. It was a near-catastrophic blow that could have brought the Stone family down.
“Now that you’ve seen the guy, are you feeling more at ease?” Quintus asked casually.
“You claim you didn’t hurt him,” Gideon retorted, “so how did he get those injuries?”
“People who don’t comply with the rules should learn their lesson. I think you understand that well enough…”
Before he could finish, Gideon struck Quintus with a powerful punch that sent him crashing to the ground. Having trained in boxing, Gideon knew precisely how to inflict maximum pain; with that blow, he shattered Quintus's nose, blood pouring out in a steady stream.
I couldn't help but feel a rush of satisfaction at the sight.
The crowd behind Quintus began to move forward, ready to restrain Gideon. “Everyone, back off!” Quintus stumbled back to his feet, his face dark with rage. “Gideon, what’s the meaning of this? Don’t you want to discuss this deal?”
“Let’s talk,” Gideon replied coldly. “Now we can discuss this ‘fairly.’”
Quintus held his nose in silence, his body shaking with both anger and pain.
Gideon unbuttoned his cuffs and rolled his sleeves up to his elbows. He lowered himself to help me undo the ropes binding my wrists and ankles. His deep, piercing gaze radiated an unsettling danger, and no one dared to stop him.
“Does it hurt? Just hold on a little longer; we’re almost there,” Gideon said softly.
Stunned, I watched him, struggling to understand the situation.
Gideon’s hands intertwined with mine, his warmth enveloping me completely. His fingers intertwined with mine in a comforting grip, the tumultuous unease deep within me began to ebb away.

Chapter 4

The two men sat across from each other at the negotiation table. Quintus Ashford had a makeshift bandage on his nose and boldly declared, “Gareth Stone, I have evidence of the bribery involving Stone Enterprises, while you hold shares in Rhearth. Let's make a trade—one for one. It’s only fair.”
“I’m afraid what you have in hand won’t buy you Rhearth's shares, Mr. Ashford,” Gregory Stone replied coldly.
“Then add one of Ashford’s ancestral lands into the mix.”
“Ancestral land? If you're referring to that plot in the Eastern River area, it no longer bears the Ashford name.”
Quintus Ashford felt his heart sink; the last piece of leverage he had had been swallowed by Gregory Stone. His face turned pale, and without a second thought, he stood up, discarding all pretense of composure, and swept the teacup off the table, shattering it on the floor. He yelled, “Gregory, don’t push me too far. Right now, both of you are in my grasp. Do you want to gamble with your life or your shares?”
In response, Landon Blackwood immediately tensed up, eyeing Quintus Ashford warily. If a conflict broke out, he would do everything in his power to protect Gregory Stone.
Gregory Stone didn’t look up, but he squeezed Landon's hand under the table, gently rubbing his thumb over Landon’s fingers, calming him down.
A jolt of warmth shot through Landon Blackwood as he boldly tightened his grip on Gregory Stone’s hand.
“Mr. Ashford, you seem to have forgotten something,” Gregory said.
“What’s that?” Quintus snapped.
“You’ve forgotten our family’s origins.”
Suddenly, the warehouse door burst open, and numerous figures stormed in, surrounding them. Landon leaped to his feet, instinctively shielding Gregory Stone behind him, their hands never parting.
Quintus Ashford could hardly believe the turn of events, baffled as to how things escalated so quickly. He glanced at Landon with desperation, pleading, “Bro, please…”
“Don’t call me that. You don’t deserve it,” Landon retorted with a sneer, kicking a glass tumbler at his feet, shattering it against the wall. The sharp crack echoed through the room, plunging Quintus Ashford into utter despair.
Then, a sinister smile spread across Quintus Ashford’s face as he grabbed a lighter from the table. “Well then, let’s die together—” A small flame sparked to life, and he plunged the lighter into a barrel of gasoline.
In an instant, flames erupted and an explosion followed, sending a wave of heat that tossed Landon Blackwood backward, fire roaring and consuming them all.
The grip of warmth in his palm remained, never letting go.
As consciousness began to fade, Landon Blackwood's only thought was—
If he could start over, he would treat Gregory Stone better, never deceive him again.
“Hey, hey, hey, Leonard, I got it! I’ll handle everything; don’t worry, okay?”
A blurry voice broke the silence as Landon Blackwood struggled to open his eyes.
It was just before dawn, with no sign of life outside, save for crickets chirping endlessly. His head throbbed, heavy with fatigue, as he tried to make sense of the confusion swirling in his mind like a head full of mud.
Hearing a familiar voice called out, Landon Blackwood forced himself to sit up, unintentionally bumping into a teacup on the table.
The enamel cup clattered to the floor, the sharp noise followed by a shout from outside, “You little brat, why are you up so early? Get back to bed!” A commotion of water splashing accompanied the creaking of a rusty faucet. The voice continued, “I’m not home today, so go ask Grandma Willa for some food. Don’t mess with the gas; if I find out you got into trouble again, I’ll—”
The familiar voice and accent instantly jolted Landon awake.
That was Liam Blackwood, his dad.
Landon called excitedly, and Liam poked his head through the door, revealing a thin scar running down his cheek. In daylight, it wouldn’t be noticeable, but in the flickering light, it struck a scary figure. Landon used to be a little afraid of this imposing figure, but now he felt an overwhelming warmth, wanting to leap up and hug him tight.
He couldn’t fathom how his dad was here, perhaps reliving memories from the past. But looking down, he realized his body was smaller, his mind buzzing as it dawned on him—he had been reborn.
Now, Landon Blackwood was about six or seven years old. As memories from that age flooded back, he felt an electric thrill and hurried to climb out from under the covers, wrapping himself in a blanket that tangled him up, with his short limbs struggling to free themselves.
Darn, this blanket was annoying.
“Dad, where are you going? I want to come too!”
“To pick up someone from the train station. It’s freezing outside—you shouldn’t be a nuisance,” Liam replied, adjusting his shoes by the door.
“I won’t,” Landon shouted, bouncing off the bed.
Liam looked at his son in surprise as he stepped out, clearly puzzled that Landon was awake and eager. Typically, his son wouldn’t get up until the sun was high, groaning and demanding help to get dressed. Yet today, the boy was sprightly, confirming that he was indeed ready to go.
Kids could be fickle, and if he ended up falling asleep during the trip, Liam had every intention of carrying him back. Not wanting to dampen Landon’s enthusiasm, he warned jokingly, “If you cause any trouble along the way, I’ll smack you until you can’t sit straight.”
“I won’t!” Landon beamed, grabbing his dad’s hand tightly, not wanting to let go.
At this moment, Liam Blackwood was alive, his hand strong and warm, embodying the reassuring presence of a father.
Landon never expected to enjoy the gift of his father’s love again in this lifetime.
He couldn't afford to mess up this time.

Chapter 5

Liam Blackwood had a purpose for heading out, but for five-year-old Landon Blackwood, memories were flooding back like a clear stream. It was as if he had been granted a glimpse into his past—a time when everything seemed simpler and alive with wonder.
They were on their way to the train station in town to pick up Gregory Stone.
Gregory’s family was shrouded in a cloud of controversy that traced back to his grandfather’s shady dealings. Gideon Stone, Gregory’s father, had been determined to clean up the family name after his father’s passing, distancing himself from the dark legacy of Stone Enterprises. However, the shadows of their past loomed large, and reforming such a colossal family business was not without its risks. The slightest upheaval could lead to major fallout, and his family was concerned that little Gregory could become embroiled in it all. As a precaution, they sent him far away to stay with Liam Blackwood.
Liam’s connection with Gideon was simple—they’d crossed paths once before. In his younger days, Liam had been just another face in the crowd, an average hustler who wasn’t making headlines, the kind to just brandish a blade during street fights, empty and unremarkable.
But luck had come knocking one day when he’d helped Gideon, who was caught up in a tough spot. That act of kindness had elevated Liam to the rank of a small-time leader and brought him a little fortune. It wasn’t a huge favor, and both of them had brushed it off eventually.
Of course, with Liam’s newfound notoriety came danger. Every fight was a risk, and he bore the scars to prove it, each mark a reminder of the paths he had taken. With a brush with death behind him, he realized he couldn't keep living like that. He gave up his life in the streets, quit all his shady dealings, and returned home to a simpler life of farming.
He never expected that brief encounter with Gideon would lead to him being entrusted with Gideon's son, a distant relation brought to the safety of a small town far removed from the chaos of the big city.
Gideon’s influence was greatly felt in their city; a mere cough from him could send ripples through the entire community. So, when Gideon asked, it was hard for Liam to say no. With a mix of anxiety and resolve, he hopped onto a tractor with his son Landon, making the bumpy ride to the train station.
Nestled in the outskirts, Northvale required a plane ride to the state capital, followed by a bumpy train ride of over three hours to reach Tranquilshire, where the train station awaited.
As they trudged their way there, Landon bounced excitedly, enthusiasm spilling over as they rumbled across dirt roads. The early morning fog hung low, and the air was still as they approached the train station. The few souls around were either selling tickets or inhaling steaming pancakes.
“Hey, bro, wanna buy a ticket?” one ticket salesman asked, only to do a double-take as soon as he spotted Liam's intimidating face. The man nearly choked on his pancake.
Landon, carefree and oblivious, was hoisted onto Liam’s shoulders, his laughter echoing like chimes in the crisp air. “Doesn't my dad look scary?!” he teased, a cheeky grin spreading across his face. “Isn’t he scary?! Ha ha ha!”
Overflowing with excitement, Landon squeezed his father's neck, exhilarated by the thought of finally meeting Gregory, the kid he’d heard so much about. It felt like a second chance delivered right from the heavens.
With a swift swat on Landon's backside, Liam chuckled. “Settle down, or you’ll scare the poor kid.”
“Ow! Alright, alright!” Landon promised, his big eyes full of sincerity. “I won’t cause any trouble—I swear!”
With a roll of his eyes, Liam handed Landon a meat bun he had just bought. “Eat up. The train arrives in half an hour.”
The anticipation was palpable as they waited to welcome a new chapter into their lives.

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