Behind the Masks We Wear

Chapter 1

Edmund Starling had traversed through The Turbulent Age, fighting for half a lifetime. Finally, he emerged victorious, holding positions of great power and prestige. Yet, he found himself inexplicably transported back to modern times, just as he was about to graduate from college.
Now weary from his tumultuous journey, Edmund Starling thought, "Living a simple life is what truly matters."
As he approached graduation, Edmund was the black sheep of the House of Starling, wasting time and indulging in troublemaking. Everyone eagerly awaited the chaos he would unleash on his family—a few of his less friendly acquaintances had even gone as far as introducing him to the humble Cecilia White, a girl with no identity or social standing.
However, to everyone's astonishment, Edmund found himself quite taken with this seemingly earnest girl.
"She seems like someone who can lead a settled life. It'll be fine; I can manage this," he mused.
For two decades, Cecilia White had played the part of a simpleton, but soon she decided enough was enough. Introduced to the local elite, modern-day playboys, she resolved to drop her façade.
Then, out of nowhere, Cecilia thought, "This isn't so bad after all; maybe I can carry on with this act for another couple of years."
People whispered in hushed tones, eager to witness a spectacle involving Edmund Starling.
Weeks passed, and they marveled, "Cecilia White is playing the fool but devouring the competition."
Months later, the chatter evolved, "Edmund Starling turns out to be the real menace."
Edmund had initially envisioned a quiet retiree lifestyle with his “earnest” girl, but he soon found out that this so-called simple girl was anything but sincere, especially towards him.
Reluctantly, the war god who wanted to rest was forced to rise again.
Cecilia, originally aiming to nurture her dashing playboy, discovered that this playboy not only had charm but also the skills to match her ambitions.
“Oh dear, I actually like him more,” she thought ruefully.
Those around them could hardly believe it—what had begun as mere relationship drama was evolving into something more profound.
Edmund Starling was put to the test.
As summer rolled in, the sweltering heat was almost unbearable.
The concrete jungle of Lynwood City felt like a massive steam kettle, the stifling air pervading every corner.
In a prestigious old villa neighborhood of Lynwood City, shaded by rows of trees, the chirping of crickets disturbed the sleepy afternoon.
Lucius Starling walked through the front yard with a serious expression, approaching the living room when a servant opened the door, unleashing a rush of intense cool air that hit him like a wall.
The stark temperature change made Lucius shudder involuntarily, as he braced himself for what awaited inside.
Once he stepped into the living room, his expression darkened further as he took in the scene.
Next to the ornate sandalwood furniture, a recliner had appeared seemingly from nowhere. There sprawled Edmund Starling, looking every bit like a disillusioned slacker, his body slumped across the cushions.
His left arm was in a cast, bandaged and secured to his chest.
Under normal circumstances, such an injury would elicit some sympathy.
However, Edmund’s antics rarely inspired compassion from anyone.
Beside him, on a small table, sat a plate of fruit and some snacks—everything within arm’s reach.
As Lucius entered, he caught Edmund contentedly munching on a slice of watermelon, blissfully savoring the moment with his eyes squinted and a satisfied smile.
Then, without missing a beat, he fished out his phone—still plugged into its charger—and began scrolling single-handedly.
His determination could not be questioned.
Lucius stared in disbelief.
Upon closer inspection, he noticed the faint shadows of worry under Edmund's eyes, the pallor of his face hinting at restless nights.
Merely relying on his instinct about his son, Lucius deduced that this weariness was likely the result of sleepless nights.
Yet Edmund seemed unfazed, even sporting a subtle grin; surprisingly, he emanated an air of tranquility.
As those words flashed in his mind, Lucius couldn’t help but let out a snort.
Those descriptors had no business being associated with his good-for-nothing son.
The House of Starling held a prominent place in Lynwood City's elite business world. As Lucius Starling, the only daughter of Elder Eldred Starling, raised Edmund on her own, her busy work schedule meant the young lord spent much of his childhood in the shadow of his grandfather.
Eldred, having devoted most of his life to business, lavished all his affection onto Edmund in his twilight years, pampering him mercifully.
Once Lucius snapped back to reality, it was apparent that Edmund had established himself as one of the most infamous playboys in Lynwood City.
By the current standards of the younger generation, even among the most troublesome heirs, Edmund had snagged the coveted spotlight.
His days were filled with engaging antics, stirring trouble here and there. How he had managed to survive this long was a testament to the substantial fortune of the House of Starling.
Yet, even with the family's financial backing, he couldn't escape the consequences of his reckless actions.
A few days prior, this reckless young man had engaged in a street race on a whim, egged on by his friends, leading to a car accident that knocked him out cold.
Upon reaching the hospital, the doctors diagnosed him with a minor fracture in his left hand—nothing life-threatening. Still, for reasons unknown, Edmund remained unresponsive for days.
Three days passed, and just as Lucius was considering seeking out a specialist, Edmund finally regained consciousness.
After awakening, he settled back into his routine quickly, discharged from the hospital, and returned home to recoup.

Chapter 2

Lucius Starling thought that, after this incident, Edmund Starling would at least take a break for a few days. But looking at the situation now, it seemed impossible to get the eldest son to calm down. Even with one hand, he couldn’t stop burning the midnight oil, living it up as if nothing had happened.
Thinking about it made Lucius even more frustrated. He spoke in a low voice, “Looks like you’re in a good mood.”
Edmund had noticed the commotion when Lucius walked in, but he assumed it was the housekeeper and didn’t pay much attention. It wasn’t until he heard Lucius's voice that he looked up.
Seeing Lucius, a wide grin spread across his face. “Hey, Mom!”
But Lucius wasn’t swayed by that show of filial piety. If anything, it made him angrier. “How can you still be smiling?”
“…Uh.” The smile froze on Edmund’s face. Before he could collect his thoughts, Lucius launched into a full-blown lecture.
“Look at you, acting like you’ve got it all figured out. Just messing around with guys isn’t enough; now you’re dragging in that kid from the Peirce family and making a mess of things.
Seriously, Alaric has never said a word about liking guys, and now the whole town is buzzing. The Peirce family is demanding answers. How am I supposed to explain this to them?
You’ve completely embarrassed the Starling name…”
As Lucius's frustrated rant echoed through the room, Edmund finally started piecing together events he should have remembered but almost forgot.
It was absurd.
This wasn’t about his thick-headedness; it was just too bizarre to wrap his mind around.
This whole mess traced back to over a decade ago... no, in his current timeline, just a few days prior.
Edmund was quite the spoiled rich kid in Lynwood City, always getting his way. Even when he came out, his family only put up a token resistance before giving in.
With his good looks and family wealth, he had no shortage of admirers, despite his well-known temper. He was already notorious for his reckless escapades when he inexplicably set his sights on Alaric Peirce, another wealthy heir from Lynwood City.
Without caring whether Alaric was attracted to guys, Edmund pursued him with his usual flair and fervor.
Then, just days ago, at a party, he found himself unexpectedly competing against another suitor for Alaric's attention. Egged on by friends, the two ended up racing away from the event, and while trying to impress Alaric, Edmund crashed his car into the landscaping.
The onlookers were stunned, their hearts in their throats.
And Edmund? He experienced a literal soul departure.
—He transcended time and space.
What a wild story that was, and no one would believe it if he told them.
The three days Edmund spent in a coma were anything but ordinary; he found himself in a historical era that didn’t even exist in any textbook.
Having been raised in luxury, where only imported fruits met his standards and only designer clothing was fit for his wardrobe, his most strenuous experience had been military training during college.
So, being plopped into a world with no air conditioning or internet during a time of turmoil was a culture shock to say the least.
For the first time in twenty years, he understood what it was to struggle just to survive.
He brushed past death on more than one occasion.
But human potential is limitless. Not only did Edmund manage to survive, but he also slowly adapted to the chaos surrounding him.
Eventually, by sheer chance, he joined the Insurgent Forces, learned martial arts, and with his modern knowledge, fought his way up the ranks, earning the title of "God of War.”
After more than ten years of struggle, he finally helped the leader of the Insurgent Forces stabilize the country, naming it the Grand Era.
As one of the founding generals of the Grand Era, Edmund was awarded high honors and a noble title.
But just when he thought he could enjoy some peace after all that, while traveling to the palace one day, his carriage was involved in another accident. He was thrown back across time and found himself waking up in modern times—exactly three days after his initial accident.
When Edmund opened his eyes in the hospital, the scent of antiseptic hit him, and he couldn’t hold back the tears of joy. He could hardly believe his luck.
Although he held a lofty position in the Grand Era, his quality of life in modern times was unparalleled. The emperor of Grand Era wouldn't even match the comfort offered to an average American citizen today.
Not to mention the conveniences like appliances and especially the internet; it made Edmund long for the modern lifestyle.
During his time in the Grand Era, he often ended up in heated debates with courtiers. If it weren’t face-to-face, it was letters, and by the time he received a reply, he would struggle to remember what he had written.
Such a frustrating experience.
Forget entertainment like movies, games, or international travel.
And as for the power he'd fought hard to achieve in the Grand Era? He felt no attachment to it.
Years of turmoil had drained him, and all he wanted was to retire and lead a comfortable, uneventful life.
In fact, he was on his way to submit his resignation to the emperor when fate intervened.
Edmund was satisfied with this outcome.
When he returned, everyone else thought he had merely been in a coma for three days. In truth, he had lived through more than a decade.
If it weren’t for the half of a royal token still clutched in his hand, a remnant of his time-travel, he'd think it was all just an elaborate dream.
After so much hardship, he had gained wisdom and perspective.
Once he was released from the hospital and returned home, he decided his first order of business would be to unwind—by playing on his phone.
He was determined to lose sleep over gaming, and not even the fact that he had one hand would stop him.
And the air conditioning? He planned to crank it to the max. The only thing more irritating than waiting days for a reply was the lack of climate control.

Chapter 3

The sweltering summer day felt unbearably oppressive.
The tranquility that Lucius glimpsed on Edmund Starling's face was no illusion. As a retired military hero, he radiated more than peace; he exuded an almost serene acceptance of life.
The broad smile he directed at Lucius was genuinely heartfelt. After over a decade apart, he never imagined he would see his mother alive again. The joy of this unexpected reunion overwhelmed him.
To Lucius, however, this was a completely different story.
How could he smile so easily after causing such a mess? The audacity of this fool was maddening.
This time, she vowed never to indulge him again.
Lucius’s resolve, clear in her mind since before arriving, strengthened. The thought of the hardships this irresponsible son was bound to face brought her a measure of calm. She had already scolded him enough, so she decided to cut to the chase, asking, "Do you understand your mistake?"
It was a question thrown out without expectations for an answer. Lucius had little hope that Edmund would experience a sudden moment of clarity; this spoiled boy was every bit the troublemaker, never learning until it was far too late.
But to her shock, Edmund replied almost immediately, “I understand.”
Lucius blinked, taken aback. She raised her gaze, only to find Edmund sitting upright, his expression... sincere.
Such a look had never crossed his face before.
Lucius paused, her brow furrowing in disbelief as she asked, “What did you say?”
“I said I understand my mistake.” Edmund reiterated, the sincerity evident in his tone.
Before the upheaval, he would have never said such words. Back then, he was a brash youth, oblivious to reality, his pride towering above all else, certainly not one to bow and admit fault.
Now, however, he seemed like a new man.
Having scraped by through The Turbulent Age, he found little left to stand stubborn on.
Besides, he wasn’t wrong this time. Accepting the blame felt almost liberating.
He thought for a moment and added, “It won’t happen again.”
He felt exhausted, longing only to lead a simple, uneventful life from now on.
But Lucius didn’t feel relief at his words. Instead, she grew increasingly wary.
This reckless child must have devised a new tactic.
In mere moments, the realization struck her.
Edmund likely caught wind of the gravity of his misdeeds and was attempting to charm his way out of trouble by pretending to be contrite. Unfortunately for him, Lucius wasn’t swayed by that kind of act.
Understanding his game, she refrained from calling him out. Instead, she shot him a cool glance and said, “If you truly understand, then you need to reflect properly. I’m suspending your credit card, and you’re banned from driving. If you manage to stay out of trouble until graduation, I’ll reconsider this decision.”
Edmund was a senior in college, with just a year left before graduating.
Lucius settled back, anticipating his reactions, wondering just how he would respond to having his credit card and car taken away. For someone who had lived lavishly, this would feel like a death sentence.
But no matter what outrage he might express, Lucius had made up her mind. Not even Elder Eldred Starling could change that fact.
She braced herself for his inevitable meltdown, fully prepared with a sarcastic smirk on her face. Instead, she was taken aback when he simply nodded.
Just a suspension of his credit card? It didn’t mean he’d starve.
As long as he could keep eating, had access to air conditioning and his smartphone, he could endure this punishment for as long as it took.
Edmund’s reaction was surprisingly calm.
Lucius was flabbergasted.
Who was this person pretending to be her son?
Edmund’s quick acceptance threw Lucius off-balance, forcing her to swallow a slew of scolding remarks that had been hovering on the tip of her tongue.
In truth, she didn’t believe Edmund’s apparent remorse. His history had burned the bridge of trust long ago, and there was no opportunity left for reconstruction.
But it was a pleasant twist that he was finally playing along. Still, Lucius had no intention of exposing him yet; she had plenty of chances in the future to set him straight.
She couldn’t wait to see how long he could keep up the charade.
Now that she had clarity, she adopted an expression that was somewhat (and unsuccessfully) maternal, feigning a smile as best she could, she remarked, “It’s refreshing to see you act so responsibly. That puts my mind at ease. Now—”
She hesitated slightly, carefully choosing her words before steering the conversation to today’s main concern. “This incident has caused quite a stir; the whole town of Lynwood is buzzing, wondering if you’ve caused trouble for Alaric Peirce’s child. Alaric has been seeking answers from me, and I need to provide him with something concrete. Therefore, I’m announcing that you already have a suitable marriage prospect lined up... Once you’re feeling up to it, you’ll have to go on some blind dates. I’ve arranged everything for you.”
As she said this, Lucius couldn’t help but feel a twinge of guilt.
Despite his shortcomings, he was still her flesh and blood. If it weren’t for this mess, she wouldn’t have been forced to take such drastic measures.
Lucius was well aware of Edmund’s temperament; he often acted as though the world revolved around him. It was no wonder he’d pursued Alaric Peirce without considering all the facts, unaware of his orientation.
Now that a marriage was being arranged for him, it was only reasonable to expect a pushback.
The suspension of his credit card and car was merely a leverage for negotiations, but Lucius hadn’t anticipated he would even put on an act.
If he wanted to play the part, he might as well see it through.
Edmund was proving he could indeed play this game. He remained silent for a while, appearing to contemplate before nodding once more. “Alright, I’m in.”

Chapter 4

After being thrust back into the midst of The Turbulent Age, Edmund Starling finally realized the value of a warm and ordinary home. Unfortunately, for years he had been struggling just to survive, leaving no time to build a family of his own.
Just as peace seemed to arrive, he was whisked away again. Now, he found himself lacking any real interest in Alaric Peirce; that youthful impulsiveness from over a decade ago felt long forgotten. If given the choice, he would prefer a partner with whom he could genuinely share his life.
The arrangement at home suited him unexpectedly well. Edmund couldn't help but smile in anticipation, urging, "Come on, make it happen. I can't wait too long."
Lucius Starling replied with a heavy silence.
"Who are you? What is your scheme?" Marcus White asked, tapping ash from his cigarette into the ashtray, wearing a satisfied grin. "Lucius’s assistant replied this morning, saying Lucius has agreed to set up a meeting between your cousin and Edmund in the next few days. With this favor, it'll be much easier to connect with the House of Starling on business."
"Fantastic," Philip White chimed in, the joy clear in his expression. "I suppose Cecilia White's uselessness finally amounts to something after all these years of raising him."
His tone dripped with disdain that he didn’t bother to mask, and though Marcus didn't object, he nodded in agreement, clearly sharing Philip's view.
The House of White had been thriving in recent years, becoming quite known in Lynwood City, although still a far cry from the prominence of the House of Starling. For a long time, Marcus White craved to forge a connection with House of Starling, but Lucius proved to be a formidable opponent, leaving him at a stalemate.
It seemed Lucius was as steadfast as ever, yet her son was riddled with flaws and had unknowingly caused a significant scandal by pursuing Alaric, which shoved Lucius to make a hasty engagement for Edmund.
Initially, Marcus hadn’t realized it was Philip who proposed using Cecilia White to make a goodwill gesture.
"Good job this time; once you’re in the family business, I believe you’ll do wonderfully," Marcus said, now appreciating his son’s initiative.
Philip patted himself on the back but played the role of the humble one. "It’s just luck. If House of Starling wasn't in such a hurry to find someone, I wouldn't even dare to send that loser Cecilia your way."
"It's luck, yes, but it's also your sharp thinking," Marcus continued, narrowing his gaze, "but what if Edmund genuinely takes a liking to him?"
He knew his son well; although Edmund could be a nuisance, he was backed by the powerful House of Starling. Philip would surely not want Cecilia to have a chance to climb that social ladder, yet he still insisted on offering Cecilia’s credentials to House of Starling, confident that Edmund wouldn’t be interested in his cousin.
Philip scoffed. "What’s there to be afraid of? If Edmund likes him, that’s on him, and it would only benefit our family."
He pretended to think of the broader picture but couldn’t stifle his glee any longer. "Edmund’s just a scoundrel with high expectations; he's got his eyes too far up in the sky. You know as well as I do, the fuss he made over Alaric. Cecilia White's background is laughably beneath his. If anything, he’ll think she doesn’t know her place and might just give her a piece of his mind."
As he spoke, his excitement grew, reveling in the thought of Cecilia's impending embarrassment.
This was the true Philip White. Over the years, having rubbed elbows with the elite, he had come to learn Edmund's ways all too well.
He was well aware that Edmund would never take a liking to someone like Cecilia. This maneuver to push her toward House of Starling was not just about impressing Lucius—Philip was eager to witness her downfall.
Marcus White shook his head, bemused. "Your patience is your weak point. Luckily for you, your cousin isn’t sharp enough to be your competition. If it were anyone else, you couldn’t be so blatant."
Philip shrugged, indifferent. "So what? That loser wouldn’t dare make a move."
Marcus shot him a look but chose not to argue further.
Cecilia was the only child of Marcus's brother, who had tragically passed away years ago, leaving his son under Marcus's care. Growing up, Cecilia had been molded into a lazy bum, always seeking Marcus's approval.
Philip had taken pleasure in his cousin's incapacity over the years, a trait Marcus had inadvertently encouraged. He wanted Cecilia to fear the House of White from the bottom of her heart, like a puppet dancing to his strings.
The only unforeseen factor was that despite failing everywhere else, Cecilia managed to excel academically and even got into a decent university.
However, that accomplishment was effectively neutralized; Cecilia was little more than a bookworm. After graduating, she barely managed to secure a job at a small startup with only a handful of employees—a position that didn’t come from her own merit but rather due to the kindness of an old high school friend who pitted her from pity.
Two years later, while the startup thrived, Cecilia stagnated, still working as an assistant to her former classmate. Her life seemed to be set on a trajectory of mediocrity.
Marcus couldn’t help but smile at that thought; keeping a useless person around had its perks.
Unlike Philip, who naively believed Edmund wouldn’t take interest in Cecilia, Marcus felt it was irrelevant; if Edmund did fancy her, it would only be temporary. Under pressure from Alaric, Lucius had to play along for appearances, but when the heat cooled down, let alone accessing the House of Starling, someone like Cecilia wouldn’t even get past the door.
Instead, Marcus saw this as an ideal opportunity for House of White to leverage and extract benefits from their connection to House of Starling.
As such, sending Cecilia for a blind date with Edmund would either yield success or failure, but either way, it was a win-win for House of White.
At that instant, a servant entered to announce, "Master Cecilia has arrived."

Chapter 5

Marcus White stubbed out his cigarette in the ashtray. “Send him in.”
After a moment, a tall young man stepped into the room.
Cecilia White inherited her mother’s stunning looks—striking features, a face that could light up a room. If it weren’t for her lineage, the Starling family would never have considered anyone like him for their pursuits.
As usual, he wore a neutral expression. Upon entering, he nodded politely at Marcus White. “Uncle, you wanted to see me?”
Philip White, his cousin, frowned at the sight of him. “You’re always walking around with that deadpan face. It’s a bad omen.”
Marcus White shrugged it off; he knew that while Cecilia once had some spine, that spirit needed strength to back it up.
Now, he was nothing but a shell of that potential. Over the years, whenever the House of White called him to do something, he never dared to refuse.
This time was no different. Marcus skipped the niceties and dove right into business. “I’ve got some good news for you.”
“You’re not getting any younger; working alone out there can be tough. It’s time to think about settling down. As your elder, it’s only right for me to look out for you. Fortunately, I still have some pull in Lynwood Town, and I’ve managed to secure a decent opportunity for you…”
Cecilia felt a flicker of apprehension rising in her chest. “I’m not currently considering any of that.”
Marcus shot her a glance. “What plans do you have? I’ll make plans for you.”
He gave Philip a subtle nod, and Philip jumped in enthusiastically, explaining the situation regarding Lucius Starling. He finished with a smug expression. “Cousin, they’ve treated you pretty well in our family. If it weren’t for my dad making the introduction, someone like you wouldn’t even dream of meeting someone like Edmund Starling in a million years—let alone being set up for a date…”
Despite having learned years of restraint, Cecilia felt her emotions bubbling beneath the surface.
She had never expected this father-son duo to be so shameless.
Marcus White had kept her from accomplishing anything over the years, constantly undermining her. When Cecilia first arrived at the House of White, she was young and vulnerable with no allies, so she had to endure and play along.
She had hoped that as she grew older, she would be seen as less of a threat, and Marcus would start to relax—but clearly, he felt secure enough to view her as a mere tool to be manipulated.
Lucius Starling was famous, but his well-known heir, Edmund Starling, was even more revered.
Cecilia had no connection to Lynwood Town's upper-class circle, yet she had overheard enough about Edmund’s impressive reputation.
If it weren’t for the legacy of Lucius Starling behind him, who would seek such a match? Marcus was willing to put her on display just to gain favor with Lucius Starling.
And he hadn’t even bothered to inquire about her orientation.
Cecilia's expression turned frigid. “I’m not interested in men.”
Not that she was particularly interested in women, either.
“It doesn't matter if you’re interested or not; Edmund Starling is. And you need to understand, cousin, you need to have some self-awareness. Lucius Starling is not from a typical family. You’d be lucky to get his attention. If Edmund finds you even somewhat appealing, you could cut down on decades of struggle. An opportunity like this is rare—don’t act all high and mighty now.”
Cecilia regarded him coolly, responding blandly, “If it’s such a great opportunity, maybe you should try for it yourself. You seem eager enough.”
“Watch it,” Philip retorted.
“Enough, both of you,” Marcus snapped at Philip, his gaze turning serious as he faced Cecilia. “Cecilia, Alaric speaks harshly, but he's right. High-mindedness doesn’t pay the bills. I’m looking out for you—this chance is hard to come by. You need to prepare for it; I’ll give you the details soon. Make sure you make a good impression.”
Cecilia let out a cold laugh.
She had no expectation that Marcus would consider her feelings; she was well aware he would continue to treat her as he always had—like someone to be maneuvered without respect.
But she was no longer the helpless child she once was.
While she hadn’t openly confronted Marcus yet, it was one of two reasons: she was waiting for the right moment. But if he continued to corner her, she would have no choice but to strike back when the time was right… as soon as she wrapped up her current task.
For now, dealing with a mindless rich kid wasn’t much of a hassle.
In a couple of moments, Cecilia resolved her course of action. Looking up, an enigmatic smile graced her lips as she addressed the duo. “Fine, I’ll meet him.”
Philip laughed heartily. “I expected you’d have more backbone.”
Marcus furrowed his brows slightly.
For a brief moment, he felt that Cecilia’s demeanor had changed, reminiscent of the spirited person she had once been when she first arrived at the House of White.
But it must have been an illusion; Cecilia was merely a subdued a shadow of herself now, complying with his arrangements.
Marcus relaxed, a smile breaking through. “That’s the spirit!”
Meanwhile, in another part of Lynwood…
Ezekiel Done texted Edmund Starling: **[Edmund, you won’t believe what I heard at a gathering. Everyone's saying you’re on the dating scene! Hilarious!]**
**[Some contractor asked me to help link him to you, trying to set you up with his cousin. Ugh, don’t worry, I told him off! Like he thinks he can just push some random person your way.]**
**[People don’t know you like I do. You’re just humoring your family; if you’re serious about dating, I’ll eat my hat live on stream.]**
Edmund had just settled down with his phone when Ezekiel's flurry of messages popped up. He scrolled through quickly and replied calmly with one hand.
**[I am indeed dating; if you have something to say, say it.]**
**[If someone approaches you for an introduction, don’t dismiss it outright. A good proposal could be worth considering.]**
After sending the messages, he wondered if Ezekiel had missed them; there was a lengthy pause before new messages from him appeared.

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