Between Business and Forbidden Desires

Chapter 1

**One-Night Marriage** *(originally titled: First Share the Bed, Then Talk Love)*
Though this marriage is clearly a transactional one,
it's hard to believe that two adults sharing a bed
would only be talking all night, right?
Stealing a kiss shouldn’t be such a big deal,
just worry it might become a habit...
Isabella Everhart sighed as she glanced at the clock, its hands edging toward midnight. The soft glow from the bedside lamp barely illuminated Avery Manor's opulent bedroom. She turned to her husband, Thomas Avery, who lay on his side, the sheets carefully pulled up around him, leaving an impenetrable barrier of silence.
They had been married for just over a week, but it felt like they were still strangers. A marriage of convenience, arranged more for business than for love. Given their lack of emotional connection, their nights often spiraled into awkward moments, the silence sometimes louder than words.
Isabella was no stranger to the formalities of their situation, yet each night spent in the same bed stirred something untamed within her. Just once, could they allow themselves a moment beyond the rigid boundaries of their arrangement? The thought was reckless, but exciting all the same.
As she peered at Thomas's peaceful expression—the defined jawline and the sweep of his dark hair—she felt a playful urge rise within her. What was one little kiss? A brief moment that would not shatter the rigid walls built around their relationship, would it?
With her heart racing, she leaned in, tentatively brushing her lips against his cheek—a fluttering, soft touch that lingered in the air. It felt electrifying, and she couldn’t help but secretly wish for more.
But before she could pull away, Thomas stirred, his eyes opening slowly to meet hers, confusion and surprise shadowing his features.
“What are you doing, Isabella?” His voice was groggy, but there was a hint of something sharper, an edge that made her heart skip a beat.
“Just... testing the waters,” she replied quickly, her cheeks flushing. She had crossed a line, and yet, the thrill of it made her giddy.
Thomas studied her for a moment longer, his expression unreadable. Finally, he propped himself up on one elbow, the sheets slipping down slightly, revealing a glimpse of his well-defined torso. “You should be careful. Relationships like ours aren't built on spontaneity.”
“Maybe that’s the problem,” Isabella challenged, suddenly emboldened. “Maybe we should explore a little… spontaneity.”
Thomas continued to watch her, and for a moment, it felt as if the air between them had shifted—thick with tension and unspoken possibilities. A flicker of a smile ghosted across his lips, only to vanish as quickly as it appeared.
“I don’t think this is a good idea,” he said, his voice low, filled with a mixture of caution and intrigue.
“Might be the best idea we've had yet,” she murmured, daring to lean closer, her heart pounding in her chest.
With that, the lines that had once defined their relationship began to blur. What started as a tentative little game of intimacy bubbled beneath the surface, threatening to spill over into something entirely new. Isabella could only hope they wouldn’t lose themselves in the process.
She wasn’t afraid of the thrill, whether it would lead to addiction or heartbreak. All she knew was that for a fleeting moment in the stillness of the night, the notion of love began to feel more real than ever before.

Chapter 2

The phone on the nightstand began to ring, its sound gradually escalating from soft beeps to a more insistent series of alerts. Wrapped snugly in her silk duvet, Isabella Everhart could only turn over in annoyance, extending a delicate hand to silence the ruckus. The pale skin of her arm contrasted starkly against the deep blue duvet cover, strikingly beautiful in the morning light.
Finally peeking out from beneath the covers, Isabella blinked sleepily at the unfamiliar ceiling, her blurry vision gradually sharpening as she shook off the remnants of sleep. Reaching over to grab a small planner from the other side of her pillow, she tapped it open to check her schedule, sent over by her assistant. After glancing through it briefly, she tossed the planner back onto the bed, enjoying the plush comfort of the oversized bed all to herself. As long as she was content, she could leave anything where it landed.
After stretching luxuriously, Isabella rolled out of bed. A notorious late sleeper, she loved nothing more than to linger in bed on a comfortable early summer morning. If it weren't for the growing weight of her responsibilities, she might spend the entire day nestled beneath the covers. A solid night’s sleep had become a rare luxury, making the notion of lounging in bed seem almost fantastical as she faced her daily realities.
Slipping into a comfortable outfit and pulling on her fluffy slippers, she made her way to the floor-to-ceiling windows. Upon parting the curtains, her serene features turned into a frown.
Beyond the expansive windows, the sky was a dull gray, with low-hanging clouds complementing the chill of a steady drizzle.
Isabella’s room faced south, and on sunny days, the view of the nearby hills merging with the lush greenery of the Avery Estate was breathtaking. It had been the very reason she chose this room as her master suite. However, under the current dim, drizzly skies, even the scenery that usually brought her joy felt desolate and melancholic.
For reasons she could not discern, Isabella found rain-soaked days utterly depressing. While poets might find beauty in the soft, melancholic sound of rain, it only cast a shadow on her heart, causing a growing sense of dissatisfaction.
Just as she turned away from the window, intending to wash her face and shake off her mood, she heard a light knock at the door. It was Aunt Mildred inquiring whether she preferred her breakfast served in her room or down in the dining area. After mulling it over, Isabella replied she’d rather eat downstairs. Aunt Mildred, normally quick to scurry away, lingered at the door unusually.
“Duke Frederick Moore is back,” Mildred said with a gentle smile. “He’s working out in the gym. He asked for you to join him after breakfast.”
Isabella paused briefly, her brow furrowing instinctively. “I understand. Please, go ahead with your tasks.”
Looking once more outside, her irritation resurfaced. Rainy days really did put her in a foul mood.
Having married into the Avery family six months prior, Isabella felt she had managed to navigate the initial chaos of adjustment fairly well. Life, while still a bit chaotic, seemed to fall into a routine. But every time she faced the man Aunt Mildred referred to as “Duke,” she was still gripped by an uncomfortable awkwardness.
After a grand wedding thrust her into a partnership with him, the months that had passed hadn’t done much to familiarize her with Frederick. Not that she didn’t want to know him; there simply hadn’t been any opportunities for that.
But then again, did it really matter? From the moment she decided to marry into the Avery family, she hadn’t envisioned staying here for too long. Anyone who knew Isabella Everhart was aware that she was a hopeless romantic; love was an essential part of her life. Although her past relationships were typically disappointing and often ended in heartbreak, they never deterred her from pursuing the warmth and joy love could bring. There was no way a contract-based marriage without emotional connection would hold her captive forever—it was simply ludicrous to think that way.

Chapter 3

Isabella Everhart leisurely finished her breakfast, moving at a pace that could easily be compared to that of a snail as she made her way to the gym. Logically, Isabella had been navigating the cutthroat world of business for years, honing her skills and resilience to a fine point. She had faced all sorts of challenges and emerged stronger, yet she understood that whenever she confronted Thomas Avery, a chilling sense of dread crept over her. Even though he spoke with an expressionless face, she couldn't shake the impression that he might suddenly morph into a monstrous figure and swallow her whole. While this notion seemed absurd, it was one she couldn’t suppress.
Passing by the study, Isabella raised an eyebrow and stepped inside. She rifled through a pile of documents, exhaling in relief when she found what she was looking for. That file felt like a talisman, restoring some of her confidence to face him.
The gym was expansive, and despite the rainy weather, the large floor-to-ceiling windows brought in ample light, preventing the space from feeling dreary. Though Isabella was now the lady of the Avery Household, many areas of the sprawling estate remained unfamiliar to her, the gym being one of them. Her only encounter with it was when Aunt Mildred had hastily shown her around Avery Manor, offering only a fleeting glimpse of the plethora of workout equipment that didn't pique her interest in the slightest.
At that moment, a tall man was jogging on the treadmill in front of the great windows. It was a late spring morning, and the temperature remained cool, enhanced by a refreshing breeze that slipped in through the partially opened window. The man on the treadmill was glistening with sweat, his damp shirt clinging to his muscular back, hinting at the strength he possessed.
In Kingston, most people knew about the Avery family, many recalling their former reign over the underworld, a shadowy past they had turned away from years ago. While they had since become respectable members of society, the lingering influence of their criminal legacy cast a long shadow, leading to a mixture of admiration and wariness whenever their immense wealth was discussed.
Thomas Avery was the eldest son of the Avery family. After Lord Nathaniel Avery announced his retirement last year, Thomas took control of all family businesses, both above and below board. Living most of his life overseas, few were familiar with this heir, and even fewer trusted him. However, within less than a year, he silenced any doubts, turning skepticism into submission.
Before marrying into the Avery family, Isabella had encountered Thomas a few times at various business functions, but only from a distance. She had heard whispers about his remarkable accomplishments and had simply regarded him as an impressive figure. She never imagined that one day she would be inexplicably tied to him as his wife. Life, it seemed, played like a magical tale filled with unexpected turns.
Noticing her presence, Thomas turned his head to look at her. His rugged face remained impassive, but his piercing gaze was enough to intimidate anyone who dared to meet his eyes.
Isabella had prepared herself mentally for a battle of wills, but as her gaze locked with his, all her carefully constructed courage crumbled as if it had been struck by a violent earthquake.
She couldn’t help but think: a man capable of assuming such a vast empire certainly carried an aura of power that was unmatched by ordinary individuals.

Chapter 4

Since their marriage, Thomas Avery had shown up at the Avery household only a handful of times, and the reasons were well-known. Isabella Everhart was thriving in the business world, and she was not oblivious to her husband’s background. Almost everyone who knew Thomas Avery was aware of his longstanding friendship with a woman who many thought would be his wife. To everyone’s surprise, after taking over his family’s business for less than six months, Thomas announced his intention to marry Isabella—someone without any notable background or reputation. The news sent shockwaves through society, and even Isabella herself found it hard to believe.
Those chaotic moments were something Isabella preferred to forget, but the look on her best friend Lily Bennett’s face when she heard the news would forever be ingrained in her memory.
Given Thomas's infrequent visits, when she heard that he wanted to see her, Isabella couldn’t help but wonder if something significant had happened recently that warranted his personal attention.
Was it related to the company? They had indeed landed a few major contracts recently, and while that was impressive, it hardly seemed like something that would require the busy Lord Alexander Avery to congratulate her in person. Or was it something at home? Ever since Lord Nathaniel Avery retired and took his wife globe-trotting, Isabella was the only one in charge of the Avery household, and everything had been running smoothly. So what could possibly have brought him here? Typically, if Isabella needed to speak with him, she had to schedule through Assistant Julian.
With these thoughts swirling in her mind, curiosity bubbled up within her.
“Mr. Thomas wants to see me,” she said, the words coming out a bit awkwardly. It had been months since their wedding, yet she still referred to her husband as Mr. Thomas. She found it almost amusing, as if others would find it ridiculous.
Thomas seemed unfazed by her formal address. He simply paused, stepped off the treadmill, grabbed a towel to wipe off his sweat, and motioned for Isabella to sit on the nearby sofa while he took a chair opposite her.
Isabella was tall with shoulder-length hair that gave her an aura of empowerment, but in the presence of the towering man across from her, she felt almost diminutive.
After taking a couple of sips from a bottle of chilled water, Thomas finally spoke, his voice deep and smooth, laced with a hint of masculinity that was appealing yet rarely appreciated, given his reserved nature. “How have you been?”
Isabella raised an eyebrow at his question, responding curtly, “All good,” while thinking to herself that Aunt Mildred and Catherine Frost were his most reliable information sources. What did he really not know? His question felt disingenuous.
“I heard you’re competing for that Endurance Co. project.” Thomas's gaze remained fixed on her, and despite her attempts to regain composure, Isabella felt intensely scrutinized.
His observation reminded Isabella of the folder she had been holding. She slapped her forehead lightly before offering the folder to him. “Here’s our proposal for Endurance. Take a look.” In these discussions about work, her confidence surged, and showcasing her work felt a bit like bragging.
However, despite her fervor, Thomas maintained his stoic demeanor. He took the folder, glanced through it, and soon handed it back to her. “This proposal won’t work. You should abandon it.” He stood up as he spoke, heading for the door.
“Abandon?” Isabella blurted out, springing to her feet to catch up with him. “Why? We haven’t even presented it yet! Why should we give up?”

Chapter 5

For this project, her team sacrificed their downtime, working tirelessly day and night to brainstorm and debate, only to have their hard work dismissed with a mere wave of his hand. Isabella Everhart was not known for her patience, and she quickly lost her temper.
Thomas Avery turned to look at Isabella Everhart, who was standing not far away, her face flushed with anger. He frowned slightly and spoke again, his tone a few degrees cooler than before. “I’ve already appointed Elias Woodfield to oversee this project. You need to step aside.”
Isabella was no stranger to the name Elias Woodfield. The Avery family had numerous businesses, with subsidiaries that were hard to count. Since Isabella married into the family, Thomas had placed her in charge of a sector, while also expecting her to manage some affairs from her father's company. Her plate was already full, and Elias Woodfield was one of Thomas Avery’s key aides. Like Isabella, he managed another sector of The Avery Family’s enterprises, technically making them colleagues at the same level.
Elias’s role was also a bit complicated; he was the brother of Clara Woodfield, Thomas Avery’s long-time confidante, which added another layer to their relationship dynamics.
Perhaps due to Clara’s influence, Elias often found it amusing to challenge Isabella, frequently belittling her and her team. Although Isabella had a fiery temper, being young she was fiercely competitive. They were in the same company, after all, and rivalries had to be kept beneath the surface. This engagement with Endurance Co. had made Isabella even more determined to outshine Elias. She had been fully aware that he was also vying for this project, driving her to give it her all. To hear Thomas call it off was a bitter pill for her to swallow.
Though her frustration was nearly overwhelming, Isabella knew that Thomas was a man of his word. Once he had made a decision, arguing against it was futile, especially since she didn’t have the courage to counter him at this moment.
Isabella stormed back to her room, packing her things, determined to leave for work despite her brooding mood. Passing through the living room, she saw Thomas, now clad in a sharp suit, sitting on the couch reading the newspaper, looking as relaxed as if this was just another ordinary day. Isabella rolled her eyes in annoyance; who wants to live with a stone wall like him every day? She had just been on the verge of exploding with anger.
Without holding back any politeness, she called out to Aunt Mildred, “I’m heading to work!” and left Avery Manor in haste, not bothering to look back.
Thomas Avery watched her storm out, his expression still as impassive as ever.
It wasn't until Isabella reached the garage that she remembered she had taken her car in for maintenance yesterday. She smacked her forehead in irritation, preparing to call The Avery Family’s driver when a sleek blue Porsche rolled up beside her, moving elegantly as it came to a stop.
“Beautiful lady, may I offer you a ride to work?” the window buzzed down to reveal a young, handsome face beaming at her.
Isabella raised an eyebrow, not in the mood to be polite. She opened the passenger door and climbed in, fastening her seatbelt before smirking back at him. “Aren’t you going to go in and at least say hi to your brother?”
The young driver paused for a moment, then quickly fired up the engine and peeled out of Avery Manor with an impressive driving skill that rivaled a professional racer.
Seeing his startled expression, Isabella couldn’t help but burst into laughter. This unexpected moment took the edge off her earlier frustrations, making her mood significantly lighter.

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