Between Love and Legacy

Chapter 1

Alexander Bright fell head over heels for Sebastian Alden the moment he laid eyes on him.
The young man was strikingly handsome, a picture of elegance seated by the window at The Golden Griffin Café, perched behind a pair of stylish gold-rimmed glasses, both refined and aloof.
For an entire year, Alexander shamelessly pursued Sebastian, enduring teasing from friends who mocked him for being a wealthy heir reduced to a lovesick puppy.
But everything changed dramatically at home. Before Alexander could make one last plea, they left to start a new chapter abroad—Sebastian not even bothering to call him back.
Years later, Alexander returned to find Sebastian in his prime, reigning as the formidable head of the Alden family, while Alexander himself had fallen from grace, his family name now synonymous with ruin. Neither would acknowledge their past; nobody suspected their history.
When news of their arranged marriage sent shockwaves through high society, whispers circulated that Alexander was merely a trophy, clinging to Sebastian’s success.
At a lavish gala, surrounded by onlookers, Alexander calmly proclaimed, “It’s just a marriage of convenience.”
“Yeah, he was my ex—now, we have no relationship left.”
Once the crowd dispersed, Sebastian, with a steely glare, replied, “I never said it was over.”
“Ah, my bad,” Alexander shot back, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. “I thought I ended things.”
Years ago in college, Sebastian had been the target of Alexander’s affections—sweet, clingy, even a bit spoiled. But when Alexander inexplicably vanished from his life, Sebastian was left with an aching void, regret gnawing at him.
Now, seeing the man he once adored, Sebastian was furious to find that the love evident in Alexander's eyes had been extinguished.
Dealing with a heavy heart, he faced the man he was bound to—Alexander. He needed to strategize his return to a more prominent place in Alexander's life, to retrieve what he feared was lost.
One night, at a party that spiraled into revelry, a tipsy Alexander, cheeks flushed and eyes moist, looked up with a teary gaze. “Why didn’t you ever come looking for me?”
Sebastian, flustered, hurriedly brought Alexander into his embrace. “It’s all my fault,” he murmured, filled with an urgent need to mend what had been broken.
#Heated Emotions Resurge in a Bitter-Sweet Reunion#
**Themes**: Second Chances, Unexpected Love, Sweet Romance
**Tagline**: Passion reignited, love difficult to forsake.
**Motive**: To become a better version of oneself, to cherish those present in one’s life.

Chapter 2

The white cabin sliced through the soft billows of white clouds, the vast blue sky stretching endlessly above. Mid-flight, the passengers in economy class were either asleep or quietly immersed in reading or watching screens.
Alexander Bright, who had dozed off the moment the plane took off, felt a bit stuffy. He lifted his hand to pull his jacket off his face.
The sudden motion startled the young man beside him, who quickly grabbed the tablet on his tray table displaying a movie.
"Sorry," came an unfamiliar accent. Sunlight streamed in, causing Alexander's doe-like eyes to squint. He reached for the water bottle on the tray.
Reginald Mercer shook his head in surprise, gazing curiously at the young man next to him. Alexander looked to be in his early twenties, with slightly long, black hair softly framing his handsome, composed face. He had a tranquil demeanor; a red mark etched onto his left cheek from resting against the seat.
“I’m watching a movie,” Alexander replied casually.
It was the latest sci-fi blockbuster, which Alexander had coincidentally watched three days prior, so he was somewhat familiar with it.
They exchanged a few sentences about the plot, quickly becoming comfortable with each other. Reginald hesitated for a moment and asked in Mandarin, “Are you from China?”
Alexander paused. “Yes.”
He hadn’t spoken Chinese in ages; his one-word response came out stiff and awkward.
“Me too! I’m Reginald Mercer.” Reginald’s face brightened. “So why are we using a foreign language?”
The young man was taken aback for a moment, then a faint smile tugged at his lips, animating his otherwise subdued features. His doe eyes twinkled with the affluence of his background.
Having spent nearly two decades speaking Chinese, Alexander, although he had lived abroad for five years, still found it natural to converse in his mother tongue. He spoke slowly, listening more than talking throughout the lengthy flight, while it was mostly Reginald doing the talking.
Reginald Mercer had graduated from university and went abroad for studies. Since he had mostly completed his courses and had no classes to attend, he decided to return home to job hunt.
Reginald asked, “What about you? Did you also study abroad?”
“No, I’ve been working abroad,” Alexander replied, his tone laid-back. “But now that the country has developed well, it’s also a great option.”
Reginald took the conversation in another direction. “Yeah, I thought about it and realized it's better to be close to home.”
Alexander only raised his eyebrows, not replying. He pulled out his phone; after a moment, he turned with a cheerful smile, asking, “Young man, can you use WeChat?”
Having learned how to use WeChat just before the plane landed, Alexander added his old friend Oliver Edwards and sent him a message.
Reginald had family waiting to pick him up and was eager to leave the moment they landed, but he turned back to ask Alexander one last thing: “You really haven’t come back in five years?”
Alexander smiled. “Goodbye.”
Disembarking, there were plenty of passengers. Alexander formed a queue, wearing his headphones, when Oliver Edwards’ voice crackled through: “I’m on my way, just bought a new car, should be there in five.”
Alexander chuckled lightly, resting his elbow on his luggage trolley, his gaze drifting. “Who’s ‘your old man’? Get a grip.”
Oliver Edwards didn’t address his joke: “Man, traffic’s a mess. Why are there so many people around here?”
Alexander glanced up at the slow-moving crowd and realized he’d be waiting a while.
Oliver Edwards was a childhood friend of Alexander’s, their families having been affluent neighbors. Growing up as wealthy kids, their social circle wasn’t vast, at least not in Velvetshire, where only a few families stood out.
Though Alexander and Oliver got along well, it was mostly about enjoying each other’s company. Alexander had always been the kind of person to form friendships based on comfort—if someone looked appealing, he’d befriend them; otherwise, he wouldn’t bother with them.
Oliver often joked that he had a bit of a spoiled brat attitude.
However, things were different now, and as Alexander reflected on the many people he once knew, he found himself only messaging Oliver.
Oliver instructed his bodyguard to liaise ahead as he sank back into his seat and asked, “What made you suddenly think of coming back?”

Chapter 3

On the plane, Alexander Bright remembered the enthusiastic and simple foreign student who had taught him how to download the trendy app. He casually opened Twitter, his eyelids heavy: "I can't stay abroad any longer."
Oliver Edwards chuckled, "Can't stay? It's already been five years. Can it really be as tough now as it was when you first arrived? You're in a peaceful place now, with plenty of money, and your life and job are stable here. Going back just sounds like trouble for yourself."
"Clearance is coming soon." Alexander fell silent for a moment before steering the conversation back. "I haven’t seen my dad in five years; if I don’t visit, I might give him a heart attack for being such a bad son."
Oliver Edwards’s expression sobered, and he stopped talking.
Alexander’s father died in a car accident when he was just nineteen, and he had gone abroad shortly afterward. Five years had indeed gone by too quickly. It was only right for him to return to pay his respects during the upcoming memorial.
"I think your dad's already forgiven you," Oliver said finally.
"What’s there to forgive? I never hated him." Alexander’s tone was flat. "I just want to see him."
As he stood in line, Alexander pulled out his ID and passport. The ID had been replaced once and still looked new.
The lady at the counter looked at the documents, then up at him. He was alone, youthful and good-looking, polite in his demeanor, which drew a smile from her. "Welcome home."
Alexander paused for a moment, but his expression remained unchanged as he accepted the paperwork. "Thank you."
Suddenly, Oliver's voice buzzed through his earpiece: "By the way, Sebastian Alden—do you want to see him? Have you contacted him at all during these five years?"
As he fumbled with his ID, it slipped from his fingers and rolled down into a nearby pile of brooms and garbage.
"Great, just great, Oliver Edwards. You're done for."
With Alexander apologizing to the people around him, Oliver sensed something was off and remarked, "Wow, I can't believe how polite you've gotten. Remember back in school? You were such a spoiled brat, so full of yourself."
"Shut up."
Once in the security area, it quickly became apparent that everything felt foreign to Alexander after five years away, leaving him unable to interpret even a single sign as he moved with the crowd.
Before long, he realized the throngs were getting thicker. Oliver finally pieced together what was happening. "Your luck really stinks. The next flight is for Gwendolyn Harper, and all these fans are here to support her. The security area is completely clogged."
"Who’s Gwendolyn Harper?" Alexander asked.
"Superstar! Just exploded in popularity. You really haven’t been keeping up with celebrity news, have you? Oh... right, you’ve been abroad."
Alexander wasn’t listening. He noticed a little girl, probably five or six years old, who had been jostled. She held tightly to her father's shirt while he also cradled a younger child, leaving little room for her attention.
As the girl stumbled, a strong arm reached out to steady her.
The crowd parted slightly to create some space.
Alexander reached down and gently ruffled the girl's hair. "Be careful now."
Her father, grateful, said, “Thanks, kid.”
"Hey, you might want to—"
Oliver's words were cut off abruptly. Alexander felt a sudden emptiness in his ears as his wireless earbuds slipped from sight and vanished in the crowd.
Instinctively, he bent to retrieve them.
In the chaos, this was a foolish and risky move. Just as he crouched down, someone bumped into him, knocking him off balance. His arm swung just shy of an upright suitcase handle, but strong hands grabbed his elbow to steady him.
The airport security swooped in as if on cue, clearing the crowd to let fresh air in. Alexander regained his footing and looked up to see a pair of familiar, deep brown eyes staring back at him.
The man before him wore a suit, handsome yet sporting a cool, distant demeanor that somehow made him even more appealing.
Alexander stood frozen, recognition crashing over him like a wave. Despite the changes he’d undergone in the last five years, he knew in an instant that it was Sebastian Alden.

Chapter 4

Five years ago, Alexander Bright knew Sebastian Alden as just a student. He was handsome but still carried an air of youthful innocence. Now, Sebastian stood taller, his tailored suit emphasizing a newfound confidence and maturity.
Sebastian's striking eyes were slightly lowered as he focused intently on something, the intensity of his gaze exuding a formidable presence. Alexander held his breath, his grip tightening around the handle of his suitcase. He couldn't help but remember how less aggressive Sebastian had seemed back then.
It was nothing really—just the unfortunate circumstance of running into an ex-boyfriend on his first day back in town. After a moment, Alexander pulled his elbow away, but Sebastian simply maintained his stance.
"Are you okay?" Sebastian asked, his tone flat, almost devoid of emotion.
Alexander realized the crowd had thinned out considerably. He snapped back to reality. "I’m fine, thanks." His voice felt dry, and he forced a smile that felt out of reach. "Didn’t expect to bump into you here."
Having lived over twenty years, Alexander was a master at pretending and constructing lies, yet for the first time, faking a smile felt like a challenge. Sebastian frowned subtly, pressing his lips together before glancing towards the direction Alexander had come from.
With Sebastian silent, Alexander was uncertain whether it was his own dislike for the man or Sebastian's increasingly reserved demeanor over the years that left him disconcerted. He rubbed the bridge of his nose, speaking up. "Just got back, nothing much going on. I’ll be heading out."
He had already heard Oliver Edwards calling for him and followed the sound, moving at a brisk pace through the less crowded area.
Oliver caught up with him, glancing over his shoulder. "Whoa, Sebastian—what’s he doing here?"
"Who knows?" Alexander replied curtly.
“Did you talk to him?” Oliver inquired, confused at Alexander’s haste.
“I just spent ten hours on a plane. I’m starving. Let’s get to a restaurant.” Alexander urged.
“Right.” Oliver paused as if contemplating something. "He’s still watching you."
A quick glance back revealed Sebastian’s tall figure still lingering, seemingly in place.
Once outside the airport terminal, the end of March brought a sharp chill that made Alexander pull his overcoat tighter around himself. For reasons he couldn’t understand, the memory of Sebastian’s gaze lingered.
Sebastian’s eyes had always had a way of captivating him; each time they locked onto his, Alexander’s heart would race uncontrollably. The depth of Sebastian’s gaze held an intensity devoid of warmth, and he had caught the briefest hint of discontent plastered on his lips moments before.
Alexander tightened his grip on the suitcase’s handle, unable to shake his own thoughts: "Stay grounded, don’t indulge in any unrealistic dreams."
In his youth, he had often found himself lost in immense fantasies.
It was a sweltering early autumn day when he first encountered the man who would change everything. After racing with a group of friends back to campus, they were parched and craving something refreshing. Alexander decided to head to a nearby café.
There was a new place they had opened up recently.
A short trek led him to The Golden Griffin Café. As he arrived, he paused, lifting his gaze and spotting the sunlight spilling through the clean glass window, illuminating a figure inside.
The young man held a book, his slender fingers wrapping around the cover, and delicate gold-rimmed glasses perched on a straight nose. Alexander couldn’t help but notice how the sunlight caught the tip of his nose, making it shine.
He stepped into the cozy café and instinctively glanced back at the young man seated within. It was the first time he noticed Sebastian's neatly styled hair and sharply defined profile.
The young man was engrossed in reading, as if any interruption would disrupt his world.
“Mind if I borrow your glasses?” Alexander joked, adjusting a friend's oversized shades on his face, feeling slightly foolish yet determined to appear serious.
Oliver, busy ordering coffee, widened his eyes and exclaimed, “What are you doing? Where are you going? Hey!”
“Shut it.”
The prescription lenses brought the world into sharp focus for Alexander.
He moved to take a seat across from Sebastian, feeling a palpable, elegant air about him. He could see the deep, thoughtful eyes that had hidden behind the lenses, even counting the long lashes framing them.

Chapter 5

Anyone would be startled if someone suddenly appeared before them. Sebastian Alden pressed down the book in his hand and looked up at the young man across from him.
The boy was remarkably handsome, with rosy lips and a bright smile. However, his half-framed glasses obscured his sparkling eyes and somewhat dulled his striking features, giving him an awkward charm.
"There's no one else here, is there?" Alexander Bright asked.
Sebastian Alden replied, "No."
His voice was soft and clear, like a gentle spring. It made Alexander Bright's heart skip a beat, and for the first time, he thought that a man could possess such a captivating voice.
After a moment, Sebastian adjusted his book again, finally looking up to reveal deep, expressive eyes. His brow quirked slightly as he asked, "Why are you staring at me?"
Taken aback, Alexander instinctively pulled his feet back and sat up straighter. "Would you like a coffee? I’d like to treat you."
He tilted his head up, and because of his glasses, his bright eyes blinked rapidly, reminiscent of an eager child.
Sebastian observed him for a moment, seemingly entertained, before a small smile tugged at his lips. "No, thank you."
The faint smile softened his previously aloof demeanor, allowing his attractive features to appear much more inviting.
"Your lenses are dirty," Sebastian said as he stood. He grabbed a tissue and placed it on the table. "You should sit. The view here is quite nice."
With his book in hand, he stepped out of the café, basking in the delicate, yellow light of the sunset.
Alexander Bright stared at his retreating figure, awestruck by the calm confidence he exuded.
In the end, he couldn't even recall if he had finished his coffee. Oliver Edwards half-supported him out of the café. Alexander thought it must have been Sebastian Alden's charming smile that left him dizzy—a feeling like he was floating.
In reality, it was probably the prescription of those glasses that had him slightly disoriented; Alexander didn't need glasses himself, but it seemed he'd borrowed the confusion.
After returning the glasses, Alexander slipped the tissue into his pocket.
The car drove through the streets of Portsmouth. Alexander had no memory of this road; the towering buildings on either side shouted out the tremendous changes this bustling city had undergone in the past five years.
"What do you have planned once you get back home?" Oliver Edwards asked.
"I'll need to find a job first," Alexander replied casually.
Oliver looked surprised. "You? Working? Goodness! What happened to the Bright heir I knew?"
"What's wrong with working?" Alexander retorted with a chuckle. "I was in another country, teaching kindergarten."
"You? Seriously? Is it the same kindergarten I’m thinking about?"
Alexander raised an eyebrow with a playful smile. "Absolutely."
Oliver paused, his gaze scrutinizing Alexander. He seemed nearly unchanged in height since before going abroad, but his demeanor had changed drastically.
Once a flamboyant heir of the Bright family, Alexander now sat comfortably in the backseat, legs relaxed and casually confident, but undeniably humble.
Before going overseas, Alexander hadn’t graduated from college, leaving his records in his home country. He had to endure a tough period of uncertainty without a degree, connections, or family support. Had he not encountered a kind-hearted nursery manager who temporarily hired him, he might have ended up doing hard labor.
Eventually, things stabilized, leading him to a position at a kindergarten that he maintained until his return.
"You've really changed," Oliver remarked.
Alexander stared out the window, caught off guard by the comment as images of Sebastian Alden flashed in his mind—the piercing gaze, the mature aura.
"You’re not still thinking about the airport meeting, are you?" Oliver suddenly probed.
Snapping back to reality, Alexander asked, "What?"
"You are still thinking about Sebastian Alden, aren’t you? You can't just forget him."
A jolt of heat rose to Alexander's cheeks, recalling the mix of old grievances and new frustrations he felt at the airport. "Don’t jump to conclusions like that, Oliver!"
Oliver simply stared at him, bemused.
Oliver had scolded him many times before, the first being outside The Golden Griffin Café when he caught Alexander lost in thought, clutching a clean tissue. Oliver had sighed in exasperation, "Dude, you’re such a dork."

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