Between Love and Old Flames

Chapter 1

Alden Blackwood just married a man who was previously divorced, and soon after, he became part of that same narrative himself.
When Alden's friends found out he was getting hitched to a divorced guy, they thought he must have lost his mind.
“You’re so young, you just graduated from the University of Eldoria, and you’re gorgeous—why would you want to marry an old man, especially when he’s already 35?”
In their fresh graduate bubble, they had naïvely dubbed 35 as “old,” as if they’d never reach that age themselves. But when they saw a picture of Edmund Verity, the “old man” in question, their opinions flipped.
“Wow, you’re so lucky! Is he single? Does he have any siblings or colleagues?”
Edmund Verity worked as the deputy chief orthopedic surgeon at the Royal Infirmary—a position that promised a bright future.
When Alden first heard his name, he couldn't help but laugh. The irony struck him: a man with such a regal name, yet he was running a relentless schedule as a doctor, practically chained to the hospital.
It was only later that Alden learned Edmund's name came from a poem about balancing ambition with the need for respite—an idea not often realized in Edmund’s constant hustle.
Their meeting was quite a spectacle. Alden, eager to dine out, found every restaurant packed and waited forever for a table. As disappointment mounted, the waitstaff finally suggested he share a table.
His dining companion? None other than charming Edmund.
When Alden first laid eyes on him, he thought, *Wow, this is one good-looking guy.* Far more sophisticated than the usual crowd his age.
He couldn't help but steal glances at Edmund while they shared the table. But Edmund hardly seemed to notice him, except for a brief acknowledgment when Alden sat down.
Then, just as Edmund prepared to settle the bill, panic surged within Alden, leading to an impulsive blunder—he accidentally spilt juice all over Edmund’s shirt. As he apologized and offered to pay for the cleaning, he also seized the moment to get his WeChat information.
From then on, Alden couldn’t resist pestering Edmund whenever he could. Despite Edmund's hectic schedule—he rarely responded—Alden was relentless.
After figuring out which hospital Edmund worked at, Alden soon learned about Edmund’s hours and found ways to sweeten their encounters with thoughtful gifts—afternoon teas, late-night snacks, and even umbrellas on rainy days.
Before long, the hospital staff buzzed with tales of a charming young man trying to win over their handsome colleague.
Through the months of pursuit, Alden discovered more about Edmund’s past—specifically, that he’d been married before, but the marriage had ended two years back, coinciding with Edmund’s rise to deputy chief. Apparently, they had grown apart under the weight of busy lives.
Alden winced at this news, but quickly reassured himself: for someone as impressive as Edmund, it made sense that he had a past. Both men were now solidly single, and Alden felt a rush of hope.
After half a year of courtship, Alden and Edmund finally went on their first official date. By their fifth outing, they became a couple, and before the year was through, they tied the knot.
In the marriage certificate photo, Alden beamed with a grin so large it barely contained itself, whereas Edmund maintained his distant demeanor.
But Alden relished that aloofness; it only fueled his attraction to Edmund’s cool, composed nature. As stony as he could be, he was anything but in the intimacy of their bedroom.
Alden felt the delightful strain of love in their marriage, reveling in the bliss of being wed during that first year.
However, he never anticipated that just a year into their marriage, he would begin feeling overwhelming jealousy towards Edmund’s past.
“Why do you have to check on him when he’s sick? Doesn't he have friends or family? Edmund, you can’t go see him.”
The “him” in question was Edmund’s ex-husband.
Edmund pinched the bridge of his nose, exuding weariness as he tried to reason with Alden. “Alden, don’t throw a tantrum. He’s from out of town, has no family or friends here. I just want to see how he’s doing.”
Alden stood defiantly at the door, his demeanor darkening. “I don’t care! You’re not going to see him today.”
Before he could utter another protest, Edmund scooped him up playfully, and in that moment of fury, Alden sought to scratch Edmund’s cheek but hesitated, opting instead to nip at his face.
The playful bite, however, only served to irritate Edmund further, who effortlessly tossed Alden onto their plush bed, striding away without a backward glance.
Alden heard the door open and shut, and in that instant, regretted his choice to marry a divorced man.
Edmund returned before dinner, proving that he hadn’t been at the hospital long, but Alden remained in a huff. Pouting, he sprawled out on the sofa, intentionally playing his video game without headphones, flinging obscenities into the air.
Edmund glanced over at him a couple of times before going to shower and change, then headed to prepare dinner.
Whether it was a doctor thing or simply his nature, Edmund was very particular about hygiene; every time he came home, his first course of action was to wash his hands and shower—not to mention, he had strict rules against lounging about in his outside clothes.
Alden had known this from the beginning of their relationship; it was always something Edmund had made abundantly clear.
Caught up in infatuation, Alden had readily complied. Yet sometimes, amid the whirlwind of love, he’d slip up.
One evening, exhausted beyond belief, he climbed into bed still dressed, only to be caught red-handed by Edmund coming back from a shift.
That day, he found himself without clothes on the bed, banished instead to the floor, enduring a lesson on decorum.

Chapter 2

Alden Blackwood cried bitterly, while Edmund Verity remained cold and unresponsive. Instead of offering comfort, he ordered Alden to change the bed linens and clean the floors.
Changing the linens made sense, but why the insistence on scrubbing the floor too?
Alden's knees throbbed with pain; they would likely be bruised by morning.
But the detached Edmund simply stated, "My belongings are in the suite; everything on the floor belongs to you."
Alden's face flushed with indignation. Ultimately, he complied, cleaning the floor with a rag while muttering curses under his breath directed at Edmund. He was swiftly caught, however, and received a sharp slap to his lower back as a reprimand.
Edmund Verity was a man of profound authority, in every sense of the word.
Alden deliberately played video games in front of him, venting his frustration and hoping to provoke a fight, which he then intended to escalate into accusations regarding Edmund's detestable visits to his ex-wife.
People often say that a good ex knows how to play dead.
But why did Edmund's ex-wife choose to rise from the dead like some specter from a bygone era? It was clear she had ulterior motives; perhaps regret had set in, and she sought to rekindle their past.
However, Edmund refused to give Alden any opportunity for confrontation. He calmly prepared food and called others to join him for dinner. Even when Alden, resembling a petulant kitten, took only a couple of bites before returning to his game, Edmund said nothing.
To Alden, this silence felt like a sign of guilt on Edmund’s part.
Fuming, Alden decided he would not share a bed with Edmund that night.
But when morning came, he found himself back in the main bedroom, nestled in Edmund's embrace.
Edmund, that old fool, began his "unharmonious exercises" early. Alden hadn’t eaten much the night before and felt starved, his cries of hunger spilling out before he could contain them.
Edmund sighed and stepped out to make breakfast.
Lying in bed, Alden felt surprisingly content. He pulled the pillow from behind his lower back to cradle it closer. The old man still cared for him; his ex-wife was nothing to fear.
Just as that thought crossed his mind, reality landed a hard slap on his face.
Later that day, Alden watched Edmund come home from work and prepare a meal, pulling out a thermos that didn’t look brand new.
A sense of dread gnawed at Alden. "What’s in the thermos?"
Edmund replied honestly, "I'm taking food to the hospital. The cafeteria’s meals are too greasy for his recovery."
Noticing the anger seeping into Alden, Edmund paused. "I won’t visit him today; I ordered delivery instead."
Alden knew he shouldn't lose his temper like this, but the anger consumed him, leaving him unable to eat his own dinner. He bit his lipas he glared down at his plate.
He resolved to confront this ex-wife of Edmund's.
Edmund’s ex-wife was a strikingly handsome man. Alden silently compared himself to the other man.
Clearly, he was the better-looking one now.
However, Edmund’s ex-wife was already 35, twelve years Alden's senior, and now ill. What would happen when Alden reached 35? Would he still outshine the man if he too fell ill by then?
Finding the hospital and room where Edmund's ex-wife was staying was a breeze; after all, Edmund's phone allowed Alden quick access, complete with his fingerprint.
Seizing the opportunity while Edmund was in the shower, Alden unlocked Edmund's phone, scrolling through the chat history until he found the detailed address.
Edmund’s ex-wife was named Sophie Lark.
Realizing this, Alden felt the heat of anger rise again.
“Zhi Xiu, Yu Zhi,” what a fitting pair they were.
It was said they had been childhood friends, bonding over years of camaraderie. Sophie came from a wealthy family, but when his parents rejected his choice to marry a man, he left everything behind to follow Edmund to a new life.
Alden already knew about Sophie’s surgery—thyroid cancer removal. He'd done his research, and it was a relatively minor procedure; many patients left the hospital the very next day.
But Sophie clung stubbornly to the hospital bed, and that raised a huge red flag in Alden’s mind.
When Alden finally met Edmund’s ex-wife, he was struck by how Sophie struggled to speak due to the surgery. They communicated instead by texting.
"Hello, who are you?"
"I’m Edmund Verity's husband," Alden replied, a smug smile creeping onto his lips. "I heard he mentioned your surgery recently and thought I'd check in on you. By the way, are you hungry? I brought some soup that Edmund made. Well, I can’t finish it all by myself anyway."
Alden relished the chance to stir the pot; this was his forte.
Indeed, the moment those words left his mouth, Sophie’s already pale face turned even whiter. After a long delay, she finally replied, "Thank you, but I’m not hungry."
Unwilling to back down easily, Alden was determined to press for a reaction. When Sophie clearly expressed her disinterest, he insisted on sitting down to talk, even slicing an apple for her.
Sophie refused to eat it, but Alden insisted nonetheless.
Just then, Sophie’s phone lit up.
Alden caught a glimpse of the large word "Hubby" on the screen, accompanied by a picture of a gentle-looking Edmund in his twenties.
The apple dropped from Alden's hand, crashing to the floor and startling Sophie into a squeak that sounded like a distressed duck.
He shot Sophie a furious glare, snatching up the phone and answering, silently obsessing over how Edmund could possibly recognize his voice within seconds.
He couldn’t bring himself to meet Edmund’s gaze as the older man apologized to Sophie, instead standing meekly behind him. But Edmund, ever so ruthless, commanded Alden to apologize to Sophie personally.
"Apologize," Edmund said, his expression stone-cold as he fixed his gaze upon him.

Chapter 3

Alden Blackwood felt the guilt wash away in an instant. "I won’t apologize. Why should I?"
"Because you’re being thoughtless, disturbing a patient’s rest, stealing someone’s phone, invading their privacy, and possibly even trying to claim their property," Edmund Verity shot back bluntly.
Alden knew Edmund was always straightforward, but he hadn’t expected him to be this harsh in front of Sophie Lark. It felt like Edmund was choosing to defend his ex-wife instead of standing by him.
His eyes burned with anger, and his voice trembled. "You think I’m in the wrong, huh? What about your ex-wife? It’s been three years since the divorce, and you still have her saved as 'Wife' in your phone, with her picture as your wallpaper—how shameless!"
The last three words were directed at Sophie.
She looked almost translucent under the weight of his words, her face a blend of red and white in embarrassment.
Alden's anger only flared as he noticed the momentary surprise on Edmund’s face. In a fit of rage, he kicked Edmund hard and stormed out of the hospital room.
Not long after leaving the hospital, Alden turned off his phone. To him, this wasn’t just an argument; it was a full-blown war between him and Edmund's ex-wife. In this battle, Edmund had to pick a side, or else Alden would never forgive him.
He didn’t want to go home. His mind was a mess, and he considered reaching out to friends, but he didn’t want them to know how unhappy he was. That thought only deepened his embarrassment.
So, Alden found himself sitting alone in an internet café. At first, he thought about heading to a bar, but then he realized getting drunk and letting some stranger take advantage of him wasn’t wise.
No matter how mad he was at Edmund, he wasn’t about to gamble with his safety.
Alden had a slight gaming addiction; it was easy to get hooked if he started playing. This time was no different. He lost track of time, completely forgetting that his phone was off and that Edmund even existed.
He spent the entire night playing video games, caught up in the fantasy and excitement. It wasn’t until someone yanked him up by the collar that he realized he was done. He was still annoyed, thinking about how his character was about to win.
But when he saw Edmund, visibly exhausted and pale, having obviously pulled an all-nighter, his anger deflated like a punctured balloon.
On the way home, they walked in silence, each lost in their thoughts. Once they arrived, Alden noticed Edmund change clothes and prepare to leave again. Panic surged through him as he rushed forward to grab Edmund's arm.
"Where are you going?"
"Back to the hospital," Edmund replied coldly.
Oh right, he forgot Edmund had to go there every day.
"You look terrible. Can’t you take the day off?" Alden said, already thinking of what he could whip up in the kitchen to help Edmund rest—maybe some porridge.
But Edmund shrugged Alden's hand off and used an alcohol wipe to clean the spot where Alden had touched him. "I can’t take a day off. I've got surgeries scheduled. You should head to bed, take a shower, and eat breakfast before sleeping."
Alden realized then that Edmund was upset with him for spending the night at the internet café. Even though he was in the right, the argument left him feeling guilt-ridden and unsure of how to proceed.
As soon as Edmund left, Alden crumpled, tears spilling down his face.
When Alden finally awoke, he felt dizzy and sore. It was already late, and the house was eerily quiet. He assumed Edmund still hadn’t returned.
Would he come back?
Edmund could sleep in the hospital's on-call rooms if he was really tired.
The more Alden thought about it, the sadder he felt. He buried his face in his pillow, not hearing the soft footsteps that entered his room until he was suddenly lifted from the bed, startled as he fought to emerge from the covers.
The one carrying him was Edmund, the very person he had been worried about.
Wiping the tears from Alden's cheeks with a tissue, Edmund's voice was laced with exhaustion. "Why are you crying? Are you still mad at me?"
Alden's eyes grew wide, the indignation bubbling within him. But then Edmund softly kissed Alden’s ear and playfully nibbled on it, instantly calming him down.
Edmund gently stroked Alden’s back, his fingers tracing along his spine. Alden’s body relaxed under Edmund's touch, melting into pliability. There was an urge to clamp down, to make Edmund understand how much he needed him right now.
"I wanted you to apologize to Sophie last night because you were truly out of line—no interruptions, let me finish. It’s fine if you’re upset with me, but she’s a stranger to you. Confronting her was entirely unreasonable and embarrassing. You have no idea how many times I called you yesterday. I wore out your friends from worrying about you. I initially went to the bars, scouring half the city to find you, then to the internet café."
Alden dropped his gaze, quiet and gripping Edmund’s shirt tightly.
Edmund pinched Alden’s chin gently, tilting his head. "Now, apologize to me."
"I'm... I'm sorry."
This strange war Alden hadn’t even realized he had lost left him sobbing in Edmund's embrace.
But this skirmish was only the beginning; the real battle lay ahead.
Because of that night, nearly all of Alden's friends knew that he was at odds with Edmund. Yet, he stubbornly denied it, never admitting anything. After all, they had counseled him against marrying so soon, encouraging him to enjoy life a little longer.
He could have taken more time, but Edmund was getting older, no longer able to afford waiting.
In the days following the fight, Edmund remained extraordinarily busy. His ex-wife didn’t reappear, and life seemed to settle back into its old routine.
Then one day, Alden found his balance running low on his digital wallet and tried to borrow Edmund's phone, only to discover he couldn’t unlock it.
Puzzled, he set the phone back down. When Edmund stepped out of the kitchen, Alden looked up, his face betraying uncertainty. "Edmund, I’m out of funds on WeChat."

Chapter 4

Edmund Verity said nothing as he picked up his phone and transferred two thousand dollars to Alden Blackwood.
Alden accepted the payment and rubbed his eyes. He didn't ask Edmund why he had deleted his fingerprint; the answer was clear enough. There was an unspoken understanding between them—Edmund was likely annoyed by Alden's intrusive behavior, feeling that he had overstepped boundaries of privacy.
On the day he met Sophie Lark, it became evident that Edmund's earlier reprimands were not solely in defense of Sophie. He must have been genuinely angry about Alden snooping through his phone.
Was distance really necessary even between spouses?
Alden began to reconsider whether he was being overly clingy.
He didn't find a definite answer, deciding instead to play the role of a supportive partner for a while.
Edmund had been swamped with work due to recent reviews in the health insurance department. Alden hadn’t told him that he was preparing a homemade meal as a surprise.
However, the surprise turned into a shock.
In Edmund's department, Alden spotted his ex-wife.
She was carrying a thermal lunchbox that looked exactly like the one he had seen back home.
Sophie stood at the nurse's station, oblivious to his presence, chatting with a doctor who was leaning against the counter.
"Hey, sis, I haven't seen that lunchbox in ages! I was wondering what happened to it. So, you’ve been using it to bring lunch to Edmund? You always packed plenty for us to enjoy too."
Sophie smiled gently, about to respond when Edmund stepped out of a nearby patient room. His eyes lit up, but just as he started to approach her, a whirlwind dashed past him and threw itself into Edmund’s arms.
Edmund frowned, trying to pry Alden off. This was a workplace, after all; he didn’t want to lose face in front of colleagues or patients who might question his professionalism.
But Alden was persistent, clinging like glue. "Honey, I brought you lunch! I made it myself, and it’s lunchtime now, right?"
Just as Edmund was about to reply, he heard Sophie call out.
“Alden!” she said, hastily hiding the lunchbox behind her.
Edmund glanced briefly at the lunchbox before nodding, then firmly took Alden by the wrist and led him into the staff room.
Once inside, Alden released Edmund's grip, exasperated. "I didn’t come here intentionally on the same day as her! I just wanted to surprise you since you’ve been working so hard. Who knew I’d run into her? What bad luck!"
Edmund removed his white coat and ushered Alden to wash their hands. After they were clean, he carefully wiped Alden’s face three times with a wet wipe before kissing him on the lips. "Hospitals are crawling with germs. This coat isn't exactly sanitary. Next time, wait until I change before you hug me."
Alden blinked, a hint of suspicion in his eyes as he looked at Edmund. "I just called your ex-wife out. Why aren’t you upset with me?"
"What’s there to be upset about? After all, I’d have to run the gauntlet again. I'll clinch another all-nighter."
"Wait—" Alden could see the teasing glint in Edmund's eyes, and realizing he was being joked with, he laughed. "You’re really saying that was bad luck?"
Alden paused, stunned, before realizing Edmund was agreeing with him. In an instant, his face broke into a wide grin, and he jumped into Edmund’s lap, cupping his face. "Edmund, I love you so much!"
"Edmund" frowned slightly. "What did you just call me?"
Alden grinned mischievously. "‘Old Edmund.’" He then boldly squeezed Edmund’s handsome face. "You’re getting older, yet still have admirers. So annoying."
Edmund shot him a glare.
Though Alden was in high spirits, he decided to share his grievances. He tugged at Edmund's ear and recounted his earlier encounter at the nurse's station, making sure to mention the name of the talkative doctor to Edmund.
"Calling her 'sis'? That’s just ridiculous. I can’t believe she’s still clinging on to that."
Edmund fell quiet for a moment, an unusual occurrence for him. "I suppose she thinks you’re a bit too young for this."
"Ah..." Alden let that sink in, teasingly mimicking a baby voice as he called out to Edmund. He barely dodged a swat to his rear end that forced him to shut up.
After this awkward exchange, Alden realized that Sophie Lark clearly couldn’t move on, attempting to rekindle old flames.
Well, good luck with that; as long as Alden was around, Sophie was never going to get a foothold back in Edmund’s life.
Besides, it wasn’t exactly a second chance; it felt more like an attempt to break apart their marriage.
Alden unilaterally declared a war on the third party, though he had zero experience dealing with such issues. With that in mind, he turned to a friend who was well-versed in the treachery of relationships.
This friend wasn’t experienced due to his success; rather, it was thanks to the number of people who constantly wanted him, despite being together with Alden.
Alden would often call him a bad person.
His friend chuckled, "That’s an unreasonable accusation. It’s not like I’m the one tempting them. Plus, it’s not like I’m agreeing with them."
"Flies don’t buzz around a flawless egg. You definitely opened the door—how else would they want you?" Alden snapped.
"Okay, okay, I’m a bad person."
"A question for you: how can the original partner get rid of the mistress without making the husband angry?" Alden asked.
His friend replied, "Your doctor husband cheated."
"He’s the one who didn’t cheat! You’re insufferable," Alden retorted, about to explode but held back, knowing he needed advice. "It’s that ex-wife wanting to reunite—sending him to consult and bringing him lunch at work."
His friend pondered. "Ex-wives, huh? That’s tricky."
"Why's that?"
"Because feelings were involved. Alden, how long have you and your husband been married? And how long have they known each other? Besides, men can be predictable; they consider their exes as possessions. If she wants back in, even if he’s not cheating, he might still feel tempted. If his ex is struggling, he’ll want to swoop in and help. Alden, you might be in for a tough time."

Chapter 5

Alden Blackwood's anger reached a boiling point as he pushed his friends away. Left alone, anxiety gnawed at him. The more he thought about Edmund Verity, the more his fear magnified. He nervously bit his fingers, his mind racing with thoughts about how deeply Edmund must have loved Sophie Lark. He had never seen Edmund smile so warmly and tenderly until now.
After all, they were once married—sharing a life, sharing a bed.
Alden felt a wave of nausea roll through him. He had known all along that Edmund was previously married; he was no prude. Yet, the pang of sadness struck harder than he expected. If only he had met Edmund first.
But Alden quickly regained his composure, bolstered by a sense of determination. If he had encountered Edmund first, perhaps he would have taken on the role of the ex-wife.
Now the one by Edmund's side was him, and Sophie Lark must be seething with jealousy.
If she wanted to play the victim, Alden would show her what real pity looked like.
That night, Alden placed his old phone on the windowsill and waited for Edmund to return to their room after finishing his research. Without a word, he climbed onto Edmund's waist.
Edmund had spent all day standing in the operating room, clearly exhausted. He paused at Alden's sudden movement, fully aware of his lover's fatigue. Leaning in, Alden pressed a kiss to Edmund's cheek. "Tonight, let me take care of things. You just lie back and relax."
He had made such offers before, but they usually devolved into half-hearted attempts. Tonight was no exception.
As the room fell silent, Edmund drifted off, despite not lying completely still. Alden's longing to be held was potent, but Edmund insisted that cuddling would only disturb their sleep—besides, if Alden rested his head on his arm for one night, he couldn’t expect to perform surgery the next day.
Though Alden understood, he couldn't help but complain, "You have no sense of romance."
“Wasn’t the intimacy before sleep enough?” Edmund replied, deadpan.
Alden felt his cheeks flush. “But I like it better when… after we’re done, you hold me. It makes me feel loved by you.”
Edmund scoffed. “That kind of affection will just make you sore in the morning, and then you’ll have to go in for therapy. You want that?”
Alden shook his head vigorously, though reluctance still lingered in his eyes. That was until Edmund handed him a credit card. “Alright, I need to head to work. If you get bored today, go shopping with your friends. Buy something nice—I enjoy seeing you in new clothes.”
The implication was clear: he should buy something sexy. Alden’s face turned crimson. Edmund grinned at his reaction, affectionately brushing Alden's cheek with his fingers.
Naturally, they didn't cuddle that night. Alden had too much on his mind to sleep, suppressing his restlessness until he was sure Edmund's breathing was steady. He quietly slipped out of bed and retrieved his phone. Stealthily, he made his way into the bathroom.
After a long while, he emerged.
Spying Edmund’s phone on the bedside table, Alden took a glance at his sleeping partner. Edmund lay there, shadows cast by his long lashes, appearing more approachable in slumber than ever before. Alden couldn't help but think that if only this old guy looked a bit worse, he would have no qualms about not wanting to compete.
Unlocking the phone with Edmund’s fingerprint, he forwarded a few pictures he had sent earlier to one of Edmund's other friends.
Once satisfied, he deleted the images and the chat history before slipping back into bed beside Edmund.
Despite having wrestled with himself for most of the night, the moment Edmund woke up the next morning, Alden stirred, eagerly opening his mouth for a kiss.
This time, Edmund was genuinely surprised. After they finished, he pulled Alden into his arms, wiping away the residual cough from his lover’s mouth. “Have you been up to something naughty recently?”
Alden felt a flicker of guilt but quickly shot back, “What? I saw how exhausted you’ve been lately, so I thought…”
His indignation was undermined by the blissful look on his face.
Edmund raised an eyebrow skeptically. “If you did something wrong, you should tell me now. I might go easy on you. Otherwise…” he smirked, “I will spank you until your bottom is sore.”
Alden huffed in irritation and playfully pushed him away, calling him a villain as he darted off. It wasn’t long before he was caught and pulled back into Edmund’s embrace, squirming and muttering, “You can’t go domestic violence on me, old Ed!”
With that proclamation came a swift smack to his backside—the title “old Ed” was not appreciated at all.
After receiving the swat, Alden feigned a dramatic cry, lamenting that his backside was ruined. Despite his act, genuine tears began to flow, and in a flurry of concern for being late, Edmund almost dashed out the door.
When Alden was finally laid down on the floor, exhausted from all the drama, he curled up and fell asleep, like a wilting flower.
Alden thought the mischief he had caused might be enough to scare off Edmund's ex-wife, unaware that it had instead handed her a potential weapon against him.
A week later, Alden returned home to find Edmund already there. His eyes lit up, and he rushed to hug his partner. As he closed in, he noticed Edmund was still dressed for outside.
Was he taking him out to dinner?
Alden’s smile widened as he wrapped his arms around Edmund's lean waist. “Didn’t you say you’d be late working on the patient discharge paperwork?”
Edmund’s eyes narrowed slightly as he looked down at his naive lover. “Some issues at home forced me back a little early.”
“What kind of issue?” Alden asked, scanning the surroundings. “Did something break?”
Edmund’s lips tugged up into a faint smile. “Nothing broke; rather, someone did. Alden Blackwood, what did you send from my phone last week?”

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