Between Silent Hearts and Hidden Truths

Chapter 1

**Chapter Title: His Silent Heartbreak After Twelve Years**
Edmund Hawthorne was among the first openly gay men to obtain a marriage license in the country; unfortunately, what he received in terms of acceptance did not last.
In a dramatic twist, a decade-long relationship ended abruptly, severed without warning.
Only Tobias Stroud met the shocking news of Edmund's divorce with equanimity. He neither acted too distant nor overly affectionate, simply offering a calm smile as he referred to him as “Edmund.”
Just like always.
Edmund was resistant to affection, weary of romantic pursuits, finding refuge only in Tobias's presence—a stolen moment of peace in a chaotic life. Yet, it was only when he was deeply ensnared in it that he realized—
Tobias was not as innocent as he seemed.
He was simply good at bearing the weight of unexpressed feelings.
On the edge of his life, just one glance had Tobias silently pining for Edmund for twelve long years.
When the news of the divorce hit him, sleepless nights turned into wild weeds in his heart.
Adopting a new persona, he drew closer with intent, weaving lies to gain trust, quietly tightening his grip.
But love is the hardest emotion to conceal.
When everything was laid bare, he felt like a thief caught in the act, staring at the truths he'd hidden for so long, forced to admit—
“I’ve loved you, for many years.”
Edmund often pondered how starkly contrasting ex-lovers could be.
Resolute and mature. Dignified, with an undeniable presence. Accomplished in his career.
Then there was Tobias—a charming perpetual child.
Before they got together—
Dominant: “We’re going to the hospital.”
Supportive: “You’re fine, really.”
Dependable: “I’m Tobias.”
After they got together—
Affectionate: “I want to sleep with you.”
Sweetly pleading: “Are you sure we can't?”
Edmund chuckled softly, his tone gentle: “No.”
A devoted, alpha-type CEO paired with an erotic, reserved jewelry designer.
Tobias * Edmund
Aged 25 * 32, younger partner, happy ending
Note: The recipient has ten years of normal relationship experience, where he has always been in the receptive position. The recipient goes for a second marriage, while the pursuer is a first love.
Dual perspective narrative, with a focus on the recipient. Set in a modern backdrop with legalized same-sex marriage.
This story also carries the alternate titles: “First Love vs. Second Marriage,” “I Consider You a Friend, But You Want More,” “Guide to Successfully Capturing Your Wife’s Heart,” “Experiencing a Mature Partner’s Seamless Shift from Childishness to Tenderness,” “From a Puppy-Like Young Man to a Canine-Inspired Husband.”
Content tags: Strong-Strong, Younger Partner, Urban Romance, Devoted Love
Keywords: Main characters: Edmund, Tobias ┃ Supporting characters: Weibo @Meizi Tangtangovo ┃ Others:
Summary: A sweet, innocent guide to pursuing your wife.
“Edmund got divorced.”
Tobias jerked awake, suddenly alert, the fatigue from sleepless nights and the rare peaceful nap interrupted all at once: “What happened to Edmund? Who did he divorce?”
After several "hellos" with no response, the voice on the other end of the line finally snapped, frustration evident, “Who else would it be but Aldric Wainwright?”
“Hang on a sec.”
Tobias tossed his phone aside, rubbing his face. Half-asleep, he struggled to process the overwhelming news. A splash of cold water to his face in the bathroom helped bring clarity. He grabbed his phone again, “When did this happen? How did you find out?”
“Ah, so the brain is switching back on.”
Ignoring the jest, Tobias awaited the continuation.
“This morning. I was at the courthouse for some paperwork and ran into him. After finishing up, I asked around, thinking there might be an issue with your idol. Turns out he was there to file for divorce. Aldric didn’t even show up. Apparently, Edmund filed for separation over a year ago, and today he brought his lawyer along with evidence. The judge ruled right on the spot.”
It took several heartbeats before he could formulate a reaction. The weight of it settled heavily in his chest as he realized he had been holding his breath.
Edmund was divorced.
Separated for a year.
The midday sun hung bright overhead, not a breeze stirring, yet Tobias felt utterly unsettled.
In June, the searing sun filtered through lush green leaves, striking his face with its intensity, too blinding to bear. The long drone of cicadas mixed with the laughter from a crowd, hard to distinguish its source.
Everywhere he looked, people donned graduation gowns. He stood beside a sycamore, focusing solely on one person in the throng.
The mere whisper of that name sent a tremor to a deep-rooted place in his heart where longing had long been dormant.
The light pink collar of Edmund’s gown paired with the crisp white shirt beneath brought him back in time, the smile he wore reminiscent of their first meeting years ago.
As those taking the graduation photo dispersed, Edmund lingered behind with his classmates and teachers for a few more pictures before finally walking away alone.
He felt a pull—a chance to play it off as a casual encounter, find a reason to strike up a chat. If he could just ask for a quick photo together, there's no way he could refuse that.
Yet even if he did, it was enough to just say a few words.
If he missed this moment, the opportunity to see him again might vanish forever.
Taking a turn, he noticed Edmund remove his graduation cap, holding it in hand, the black tassel fluttering with each stride.
As he prepared to round the next corner, he told himself he would sprint to catch up.
Be sure to smile nicely.
The flowering gardenia trees shed petals in a serene cascade. One delicate bloom drifted down, brushing against Edmund's shoulder, then floated past his hand and gently landed on the pavement.
He dashed forward to catch it but as he straightened up, through the leaves, he spotted Edmund halting, engaged in a passionate kiss with someone by his side.
Tobias gradually opened his eyes, detaching himself from the remnants of his dream.
The curtains hadn’t been drawn tightly, allowing a sliver of outside light to seep in—a dim glow at best. He utilized it to rise, finding his feet bare on the floor as he made his way to get a glass of cold water.
It was early autumn; the chill of the water slid down his throat, bringing a slight calm to his racing heart.
Lately, he had been dreaming frequently, often waking in the middle of the night, an unsettling routine forming.

Chapter 2

Since learning about Edmund Hawthorne's divorce nearly a month ago, Tobias Stroud hasn't had a single restful night.
The feelings he'd buried for so long exploded like weeds suddenly watered—restless, manic, and nearly overwhelming.
On the same day that he successfully filed for divorce, Edmund Hawthorne flew off to Bruges to attend the awards ceremony for an international jewelry design competition as the only Chinese contestant to be recognized independently.
He hadn't returned yet, whether delayed by the event or otherwise remained a mystery.
The accolades he received were noteworthy both domestically and internationally, yet Edmund's social media reflected only a modest two-sentence thank you. Beneath it, countless comments swirled with enthusiasm. He replied to a handful of official accounts then shifted back to posting scenic photos as though winning an award had never happened; they were the same as always.
In the early hours, the chilly air carried a dampness as Tobias stood by the open window, lost in thought.
About Edmund's sudden divorce.
A divorce that had left everyone who knew them utterly astonished.
Edmund had been in love with Aldric Wainwright since college. After graduating, he furthered his studies in Florence, Italy. During this time, same-sex marriage was officially legalized in their home country, and on the very next day after Edmund’s studies concluded, he flew back across the globe without hesitation to register his marriage with Aldric at the Town Hall.
When accounting for Edmund’s initial divorce filing, they had been in a relationship for five years and married for five years.
A whole decade.
From a time when society was largely unaccepting of homosexuality to now when most people embraced same-sex marriage, they had almost been witnesses to the transformation of LGBTQ+ rights in their country.
Many remarked that Edmund Hawthorne and Aldric Wainwright were destined for each other, their names a sign of fate.
Tobias had long since accepted that he was unlikely to end up with the person he loved in this lifetime.
Acceptance didn’t mean he had ever given up on his feelings; it had never been about a notion of “what goes around comes around” or a futile hope of persistent love. He loved simply because he loved, a deep-rooted feeling that could never be extinguished.
He never imagined a day like today would come.
Edmund would get a divorce.
And it wasn’t just any divorce, but rather one initiated unilaterally by Edmund after a year of separation.
While there were provisions in the law for a divorce to be finalized after a year of separation, proving that fact, especially without the presence of both parties, was no small feat.
Reflecting back on their last year, there hadn’t been a single occasion where Edmund and Aldric appeared together in public. Tobias, however, vividly recalled attending Master Solomon’s golden anniversary last year, where they had stood side by side, their every glance and gesture signaling a deep, unspoken understanding.
That was never the kind of connection that could be faked.
So what had caused Edmund to abruptly decide on a divorce?
With negotiations failing and no resolution in sight, was it possible that he had gathered enough evidence during their separation to solidify his case for divorce without exception?
Feeling a sudden shift toward a highly definitive breakup fueled Tobias's imagination with a single possibility: infidelity.
But Edmund Hawthorne would never cheat.
Aldric Wainwright? Even with Edmund in his life, would he consider straying? It seemed completely implausible.
Unable to conjure a reasonable explanation, Tobias abandoned the line of thought.
Yet, as Edmund had worked meticulously to prepare for a swift divorce, and with a year already behind them living apart, did this mean… their separation was not a moment of impulse or a minor disturbance? Was it a genuine “irretrievable breakdown” with no chance for reconciliation?
Every fiber of Tobias's being raced with anxiety—the mere thought sent his heart racing faster.
As long as he was busy with work throughout the day, he held it together, but in his solitude, every dream was tethered to thoughts of Edmund Hawthorne.
Edmund, Edmund.
Yet, as he lingered on those thoughts, the fervent agitation would gradually simmer down, only to be replaced by an overwhelming tide of conflicting emotions.
A decade of love shattered in an instant; how could one find solace in such heartache…
Bruges's architecture was striking, exuding retro charm with a medieval Gothic flair. Edmund drifted along the canal until noon before returning to Clara’s Abode.
He downed a few beers while watching a recommended live soccer match, and somewhere along the way, succumbed to sleep. It was the incessant buzzing of his phone that roused him, darkness reigning outside.
Edmund stretched his stiff neck, clicked on the bedside lamp, and squinted at the clock. He had napped from early afternoon to four the next morning, yet fatigue still clung to him.
Perhaps the drinks contributed to his deep slumber, as Aldric Wainwright's previous calls had failed to wake him.
Before long, his phone vibrated again. Edmund picked it up: "Hello?"
"You're sleeping."
"The lawyer is here with the divorce settlement paperwork for you to sign. You seem quite comfortable."
Back home, it was just past ten in the morning, and the lawyer had undoubtedly been at Aldric's office for a while. Edmund felt drained, setting his phone to speaker mode, "Yeah, what’s up?"
"Edmund Hawthorne." He could hear the sound of a door slamming. Aldric likely slammed the door to his office shut before continuing, his voice now steady, holding back frustration. "When are you coming back? We need to talk face to face."
"Anything that needs discussing can go through the lawyer."
"I'm not interested in talking about the settlement."
“Other than that, there’s really nothing left for us to discuss.”
“It’s been a year, Edmund, over a year. I’ve apologized countless times this past year; shouldn’t you be getting over it by now? I gave you space; if you needed solitude, I respected that. And in return? You just send me a divorce decree. You managed to focus on creating award-winning designs this past year. I suppose that American guy who likes you was there at the awards too, right? Do you honestly think you need a divorce because I messed up or because you’ve just grown tired of me?”
Edmund moved to the bathroom, turning on the faucet to wash his hands. Suddenly, he bent over the sink, feeling a wave of discomfort wash over him. He pressed a damp hand against his stomach, the water soaking through the fabric to touch warm skin, creating a stark contrast.

Chapter 3

Edmund Hawthorne was taken aback by the seemingly sound reasoning presented to him. After a moment of silence, he could hear Aldric Wainwright insisting he respond.
He was reluctant to say a word, desperate to hang up the phone. But as he moved his hand away from his stomach, a sharp pain surged through him. The lack of food after drinking only a few beers had sent his stomach into turmoil.
There must be something to eat in this room, he thought vaguely, when suddenly he realized he hadn’t ended the call.
“I sometimes wonder if your feelings for me have faded, if there’s someone else. If you really loved me, why can’t you forgive me just this once? I swear I’ll change, I’ll never do it again. How can you be so cold, so harsh? After more than ten years, you can just cut ties like that. Edmund, who hasn’t made mistakes in life? I messed up this one time, and all those years of good are gone. Do you really take our decade of love to heart?”
The wave of nausea hit Edmund unexpectedly. He leaned against the bathroom sink, retching but producing nothing. Splashing some water on his face, he glanced in the mirror at his bloodshot, disheveled reflection, only to bend over again and vomit until the only substance left was bitter bile.
The person who had destroyed a ten-year relationship was questioning him about his feelings, suggesting that his inability to forgive meant he didn’t love enough. It was absurd—absolutely absurd.
“What’s wrong? Are you feeling unwell? Please just say something. Edmund, even if you want to yell or curse, say something. Don’t leave me worrying, please…”
“Stop,” Edmund interrupted, his voice hoarse and gravelly, yet strangely steady. “It should be me asking you, Aldric Wainwright,”—“I’m begging you, stop disgusting me.”
“Master Edgar,” Tobias Stroud greeted him a month later. This past two months had dulled the frantic emotions fueled by his confrontation with Aldric, allowing Tobias to appear composed and familiar when they finally met face to face.
“You just parked?” Edmund replied, moving closer to shake Tobias’ hand. “Good to see you, it’s rare for you to have time.”
Their interaction was brief, yet meaningful. As Tobias withdrew his hand, he could still feel the warmth and distinct texture left by Edmund’s touch.
Edmund’s hands were pale and delicate, the mark where a ring had once rested on his ring finger subtly visible if one looked closely. Tobias’ eyes lingered on that spot, a jolt of recognition pulsing through him as he replied, “I had a slow spell at work, just happened to get an invitation so I thought I’d come and clear my head.”
The two engaged in small talk as they walked side by side, effortless companions.
Tobias fell into step with Edmund, stealing glances at his left hand.
Thin, pale, straight, long—quite attractive.
But the ring finger was bare.
His fitted black wool coat revealed a thin bracelet of sandalwood beads around his wrist, more pronounced than before. Edmund typically preferred to wear accessories on that side, having only two piercings in his left ear.
Today, he sported a minimalist silver earring, a simple line visible from the front yet forming a rectangle when viewed from the side. The other hole showed only a faint indentation.
Tobias noted that few men around him wore superfluous accessories; he himself had no interest in jewelry. Watches, cufflinks, tie clips—just the essentials for special occasions.
In his mind, he thought only a few men could pull off flashy designs tastefully, and Edmund was the one who could wear anything without discord.
Diamonds, jade, gold, silver—whatever adornment draped over Edmund appeared harmonized and almost as if it existed solely for him.
“Walking to the front hall will take about half an hour. Why didn’t you take a car?” he asked.
“The scenery here is nice, I wanted to walk and let the reception staff go ahead,” Tobias replied, matching Edmund's pace, “Are you familiar with this place, Master Edgar?”
“I’ve been here a couple of times before; I know the layout.”
The estate sprawled across a mountain and a wide stretch of land, rumored to cover over 66 acres. The owner, Walter Thornfield, was a friend of Edmund’s—intelligent and fond of hosting various events which Edmund seldom missed.
“I’d better stick close to you then, wouldn’t want to get lost,” Tobias quipped lightly, an easy smile passing over his face that made Edmund chuckle.
“I have a heavy responsibility then,” Edmund shot back playfully.
“Don’t worry, I can take the blame if we get lost.”
A gentle breeze swept from Tobias’ side, carrying his faint, pleasant fragrance.
A woodsy scent mingled with hints of ebony and amber, finished with a touch of sandalwood. It was mature yet fresh, stable yet fun.
Edmund recognized the scent; he had been introduced to various fragrances when he took on the brand's ambassador role, and though Tobias wore one that wasn’t the most popular, it left a lasting impression.
A masterfull hair stylist—now in curly locks—once likened it to an English gentleman escorting you into a historic library, carefully pulling a slightly worn but treasured book from the shelf, then playfully presenting you with a dessert adorned with red cherries.
Edmund's own signature scent used this as a base.
This fragrance was selective, yet it felt casual and fitting on Tobias.
Surprisingly, Edmund found the atmosphere between them relaxed. He was not naturally talkative, but with Tobias, whom he would only classify as an acquaintance, conversation flowed effortlessly.
There was no forced small talk or one-sided conversations.
From fluctuating temperatures, to the morning news of an earthquake, they discussed ocean currents, geology, and even mining operations and types of gemstones.

Chapter 4

As the conversation turned toward jewelry, Tobias Stroud proved to have quite a depth of knowledge on the subject. Although he chuckled and implied he was out of his league, just a few sentences into their chat, Edmund Hawthorne realized that Tobias was far from a novice.
"When I invested, Master Wilhelm mentioned an interest in jewelry, and I thought he was just being polite," Tobias remarked, pushing aside a low-hanging branch with a gentle smile.
"That doesn't really fit your usual image," he added playfully. "Usually, I just talk about my interest in stocks."
Edmund couldn’t help but laugh along.
Being in this line of work for some time had trained him to gauge people’s tastes based on their accessories. To Edmund, Tobias had always seemed straightforward, traditional, and grounded. He assumed that Tobias's "interest" in jewelry was similar to most people's: just a focus on market trends and which categories were gaining value.
He quickly realized he was wrong.
“What sparked your interest in jewelry, Tobias?” Edmund asked.
Tobias paused, his footsteps faltering.
Before arriving, he'd felt a whirl of anxiety, but seeing Edmund had surprisingly relaxed him. He felt at ease, his mind quieting, as the worries that had plagued him day and night began to fade away.
But now, with Edmund's casual question, those feelings resurfaced, pushing through like a tide. Though there were countless rational answers he could easily provide, the word "you" lodged in his throat, refusing to come out.
Edmund, not catching his hesitation, turned to look at him.
Tobias maintained his usual calm facade, though he felt a subtle tightening in his throat. A series of harmless lies lined up in his mind, only to be interrupted from afar.
"Edmund, Tobias!" came the call.
At the sound, both men turned, and the conversation shifted seamlessly, leaving behind the topic of jewelry.
A car had stopped when its passengers noticed a rare, aged golden nanmu tree by the roadside. They jumped out, eager to admire it, and soon more passing cars had pulled over to join in. With the main building just around the corner, they decided to let their vehicles move on, opting to enjoy their conversation a bit longer.
Just as they were about to leave, they spotted Edmund and Tobias approaching from another path.
"Edmund's here! You know, Walter's got quite a pull if he could get Tobias out here," one of the group remarked.
"I just heard that Broadview Enterprises is rising fast, and Tobias is a shareholder. His foresight in investments is truly remarkable."
"Exactly! Even a tenfold investment wouldn't get you a fraction of what Tobias has managed."
As they neared, Tobias followed Edmund and shook hands with a few newcomers. "Thanks for that, but it’s mostly just luck on my part."
"Luck isn’t easy to come by. By the way, I haven't had a chance to congratulate you in person on your award, Edmund. Let's make a toast to your success tonight!"
"Hey, when I heard we were winning, I was overjoyed—enough to treat myself to an extra helping at dinner! My partner teased me for not being able to pick jewelry, but look at us! Knowing our own outshines those foreigners makes it all the more rewarding."
"Absolutely! You've struck gold with this one, and now it's your turn to bask in the spotlight. Get ready for a celebratory evening!"
While the others chatted, Tobias took a step back, feeling a little out of place at this casual gathering. Even among this crowd of those who seemed slick and poised, he picked up on the contrast of their words and his own formality with Edmund.
In terms of personal connections, he probably shared the most distant bond with Edmund among these people.
As the group walked and talked, Tobias fell a few paces behind, noting a particularly unusual stock price with some of the others while stealing glances at the poised figure of Edmund ahead.
He had grown accustomed to watching Edmund from behind.
With deep brown hair, a pale neck, broad shoulders, and an upright posture, Edmund exuded elegance. His long legs made walking effortless.
Tobias noticed how Edmund often had to lower his head to listen when others spoke, accentuating the bone structure of his nape. Occasionally, he would tilt his head to respond, revealing a stunning profile and long eyelashes.
As they approached the main building, Edmund's figure halted and momentarily turned back to face Tobias.
Instinctively, Tobias quickened his pace; the crowd was thinning out, and he was soon closing the distance between himself and Edmund.
Those around Edmund shifted a bit, but their natural motions caused a slight awkwardness, as a hand that had been resting on Edmund's back abruptly fell away. One of the men turned to Tobias with a friendly greeting, "What brings you out here, Tobias?"
Tobias's gaze flicked first to Edmund, who seemed distracted.
Though he wore his usual composure, his mind was in a frenzy at Edmund’s glance.
As he drew nearer, he realized Edmund hadn’t been looking at him in particular. Given their current relationship, it was unlikely he’d gesture towards him specifically.
Nonetheless, he had already committed to that path of conversation, falling back on his recent meeting with Benedict instead.
"Just happened to have some free time. I saw Benedict arrive early."
“I didn’t just get here; I was over there admiring some koi fish. When I spotted Edmund, I thought I should welcome him quickly.”
The group that had been alongside Edmund had already moved on. In the moment it took for them to speak, the others Tobias had been walking with came up beside them, exchanging pleasantries with Benedict.
The family group that Benedict belonged to was among the top in the area, accustomed to praise, and as they moved deeper into the venue, they hardly noticed anybody else.
With Edmund slowing a bit, Tobias focused solely on him, synchronizing their steps as they fell behind the throng.
"Edmund, Master Solomon," he called casually.
Edmund turned his head toward him.
This is what Tobias was most familiar with being referred to at events — a title he had grown accustomed to. But today, amidst all the back-and-forth mingling, he suddenly sensed a difference; it seemed he was the only business associate who consistently addressed Edmund like that.
It was hardly significant, but that subtle feeling vanished just as quickly, failing to catch Edmund's attention.
Though hardly adept at business or socializing, he had entrusted the management of his brand companies to professionals.
In contrast to the businesslike title "Edmund," Tobias's address felt far more personal and comfortable.

Chapter 5

Tobias Stroud smiled gently, his grace and composure unmistakable, yet there lingered a hint of shyness that felt almost misplaced. “When Professor Edmund Hawthorne has some time, could I ask him a few questions about jewelry design?”
Edmund Hawthorne paused, not immediately responding. He had heard countless similar requests before; most often, the offer to "ask questions" was more a pretext than a genuine inquiry.
“My sister is a junior this year and is really interested in jewelry design. She’s thinking of applying to programs related to it but lacks direction for her school and career choices,” Tobias explained earnestly, his eyes shining with an unexpected sincerity. “I don’t know much, so I was wondering if I could learn a bit from you, Professor Edmund. That way, I could help her figure things out.”
His tone was straightforward, yet his hopeful anticipation shimmered beneath the surface, as if he were a student summoning the courage to ask for guidance, patiently waiting for an answer.
Edmund blinked, taken aback. It was no wonder Tobias had dropped his usual icy demeanor; now it made sense.
Coming back to reality, Edmund realized he was caught slightly off guard. This was Tobias Stroud, after all. Even if he wasn't well-versed in finance, Edmund knew that in just a few short years, Tobias had turned his company into a leading venture capital firm amidst the complexities of Sanctuary City.
A man like him couldn't be shallow in any capacity—his skills, intelligence, guile, and depth were all impressive, and none of the descriptors that had just flitted through Edmund's mind seemed suitable to fit Tobias.
As he turned to ascend the steps to the main building, he spotted Walter Thornfield waving at him from across the gathering.
The background chatter grew louder, and Edmund leaned slightly toward Tobias, who had bowed his head slightly. Only then did he realize that Tobias was actually a bit taller than he was—something he hadn't immediately noted.
“Of course,” Edmund replied, “I’ll stay for a few days, so just let me know what works for you.”
The estate had been set up over a month ago, but the invitation had been deliberately held until Edmund returned.
Walter Thornfield had exchanged pleasantries with Edmund upon his arrival, but soon got swept away in greeting the guests. It took him quite a while to find his way back to Edmund's side.
Edmund was deep in conversation with a few people when Walter finally approached, leaning in to hand him a glass of light wine. “How many people did you invite?” he asked.
“Pretty much everyone who would come at this time. Around... seventy or eighty,” Walter replied, glancing around.
Edmund raised an eyebrow. “That’s all?”
Walter Thornfield didn’t pretend otherwise; even at first glance, seventy or eighty people didn’t sound like much. However, excluding about a third for spouses and partners, each remaining individual was among the finest figures in Sanctuary City's business world—a hundred of them collectively wouldn’t be an exaggeration.
Walter was accustomed to high-profile events attended by hundreds or even thousands; his social network was vast and casual. Yet gatherings of significant gravitas like tonight's were rare.
He sipped his drink, then clinked it against Edmund’s glass. “It’s no small feat to bring together so many esteemed guests. You should take the opportunity to mingle a bit—you might find someone interesting.”
“Have you taken to matchmaking?”
“Just started. I’ll switch back to my regular job once you settle your lifelong affair.”
“You’re worried about me while already busy enough yourself,” Edmund chuckled. “No idea why you’re in such a rush.”
“Why wouldn’t I be? The fastest way to get over a heartache is to dive into something new—just look at me. You’re stagnant, brooding over something trivial and making it hard on yourself. Just listen to me: whether it’s a serious relationship or just passing the time, you need to take that first step to feel alive again.”
Walter had refrained from bringing this up while Edmund was focused on the competition, but now, it seemed he couldn’t help himself. Since the award ceremony, he’d been relentless in his attempts to persuade Edmund, almost as if trying to reprogram his mindset.
“You really would’ve made a killing if you were in multi-level marketing,” Edmund quipped, rolling his eyes while sharing a laugh. “I haven’t been hard on myself; I’ve moved on already. Right now, I just don’t feel like dealing with romance. You focus on your estate and chat with whoever you’d like. You won’t make any money hanging around with me.”
Walter clicked his tongue. “There’s no rush; we can talk about it later at the reception. I’ve been thinking of starting a winery and have invested almost everything into the estate. I could use this opportunity to scout for some investors.”
“Honestly, you’re something else,” Edmund told him with an amused shake of his head. “You’re never still for a moment.”
“Being still is boring. By the way, I’d bet at least half the guests here are trying to get closer to Benedict Hawthorne, who’s also here for you. If I manage to find an investor, isn’t that money you’ll earn indirectly?”
As two late arrivals came to say hello, Walter and Edmund exchanged polite small talk, and once those guests were turned toward others, Walter leaned closer and whispered, “You wouldn’t believe how many guys here keep looking your way. I could count at least ten all trying to strike up conversations—most of them are single and in their twenties to forties. You can’t possibly tell me that none of them pique your interest? It’s not like I’m suggesting you leap into bed with any of them—just make some friends, see where it leads.”
“Forget about the winery—you should open a dating service instead,” Edmund retorted while reaching for a passing server’s tray to swap his glass. Curiously, he asked, “Who’s twenty-five?”
Most attendees were around forty, making Edmund’s thirty-two seem young in this circle.
“Tobias Stroud,” Walter answered.
Edmund froze for a moment.
At first glance, Tobias didn’t seem only twenty-five; his calm and commanding presence stood strong among seasoned executives. Achieving such success at his age—even with support—was exceptionally rare.
Edmund remembered his cousin, also twenty-five, who resembled a child, emotions always on display, babbling about the pressures of academia and worries about his thesis—his demeanor and struggles were worlds away from Tobias’s calm assurance.
But knowing Tobias’s actual age shifted the initial surprise to a newfound understanding.
Those eyes were remarkable; when they locked onto you, they felt utterly transparent, a stark contrast to others who had thrived in the competitive world for years.

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