The Sexy Hockey Captain

#Chapter 1

The night of my coming-of-age party shimmered with the promise of something monumental. My heart raced, not just from the anticipation of the celebration but because tonight, Cohen would finally declare himself as my boyfriend.

For months, Cohen and I had been a secret. He was the epitome of campus allure—handsome, popular, and a star on the hockey team. While I longed to flaunt our relationship, he insisted we wait for the perfect moment. 

“I want to save announcing our relationship for a special night, baby,” he’d said, his voice like honey. His words had become a mantra I clung to, believing it meant he truly cherished me.

As I stood before the mirror, my reflection confirmed my hopes. Tonight would be the night. Beneath my outfit, a sexy red lingerie set—chosen with care days before—hinted at my readiness for us to finally take that intimate step. I was prepared to lose my virginity.

My attire was a departure from my usual jeans and hoodies. A short, tight skirt showcased my thighs, paired with a pink crop top and heels. Red lipstick and black eyeliner completed the look, making me feel both vulnerable and powerful. Nerissa and Pandora, my roommates, had insisted on this transformation.

The only constant was my hair—black with bangs and two long braids. Some called it childish, but to me, it was cute and practical, an anchor in a sea of change.

“You look so hot, Madison!” Nerissa exclaimed as I emerged from my room. “The guys are gonna be all over you!”

I smiled but kept silent about Cohen. Even my closest friends had no idea about our secret romance.Pandora glanced at her phone, taking another swig of her beer. "Everyone should be here any minute," she murmured in her low, sultry voice. Pandora was the quintessential goth girl on campus—dark eyeliner, black attire, and an air of mystery that contrasted sharply with Nerissa's bubbly nature and my studious demeanor. Despite our differences, we were inseparable.

Just then, the door swung open with a bang, and the first wave of guests poured in. Laughter and shouts filled the room as they carried cases of beer, their excitement palpable. With a grin, Nerissa cranked up the music, her energy infectious as she greeted everyone who walked in. I stood awkwardly in the middle of the chaos, feeling out of place. Pandora sauntered over to the couch, her attention already back on her phone. She was here for the booze and the weed, nothing more.

The suite soon brimmed with people. LED lights flickered red, green, and blue, casting vibrant hues across faces while the music thumped loudly. The beer pong table quickly became the center of attention, with boys competing as if their lives depended on it. Others lounged around the seating area, played drinking games, or smoked on the balcony.

An hour into the party, Cohen finally arrived. My heart skipped a beat, but instead of coming over to me, he made a beeline for the beer pong table, joining the game without a second glance in my direction.

During a lull in the game, I sent Cohen a text: "Well? Are we gonna announce it?"

I watched from the corner as he pulled out his phone, read the message, then pocketed it again. He glanced at me, shrugged nonchalantly, and returned to his game as though I didn't exist.

"Are you okay?" Nerissa asked, appearing beside me with an extra beer in hand.

I shrugged, finishing off my drink. "I'm just not much of a partier, that's all."

Nerissa pursed her lips, concern etched on her face. She handed me the other beer. "Here, maybe this will help," she said softly.

I took the beer, appreciating her attempt to lift my spirits. "Thanks, Nerissa," I replied, forcing a smile. 

She wrapped an arm around my shoulder, pulling me into a side hug. "Come on, let's try to have some fun tonight. You deserve it."

I nodded, trying to shake off the disappointment. Maybe tonight would turn around, or maybe it wouldn't. Either way, I was grateful for friends like Nerissa and Pandora, who stood by me no matter what."You just need a little liquid courage, that’s all!" Nerissa's laughter rang out as she clinked her bottle against mine, taking a hearty swig. Her confidence was infectious, but I stared down at my beer, feeling its inadequacy in the face of Cohen's cold demeanor tonight.

"Maybe vodka?" I suggested, hoping for something stronger to drown my turmoil. Nerissa's eyes sparkled with mischief. She spun around, hands cupped to her mouth.

"Hey everyone! The birthday girl wants shots!" she hollered, and the room erupted in cheers.

By the seventh shot, the room began to tilt and blur. I staggered down the hall, barely making it to the bathroom in time to retch into the toilet. 

Once the nausea subsided, I splashed cold water on my face, staring at my reflection. Smudged makeup and disheveled hair stared back at me. Tears welled up as I thought about Cohen. Just days ago, we were wrapped in each other's arms behind the hockey rink, and now he acted like I was invisible. Was he scared to go public, or was there something deeper?

Determined, I wiped my tears and took a deep breath. I needed answers. 

I stepped out of the bathroom, scanning the room for Cohen. "Have you seen Cohen?" I asked a nearby partygoer. She shrugged and pointed towards my bedroom. Maybe he needed some space, a quiet moment away from the chaos.

I weaved through the crowd, my steps unsteady. As I opened the door to my room, a wave of regret washed over me. 

Cohen was there, but he wasn’t alone. Daphne, the cheerleading captain with her unmistakable platinum blonde hair, was entangled with him. Both half-undressed, their betrayal stark against the backdrop of my bed.

"What the fuck!" I screamed, my voice breaking with a mix of rage and heartbreak.The party plunged into an eerie silence, the music abruptly cut off as if someone yanked the plug on a heartbeat. 

Cohen and Daphne scrambled to sit upright on my bed. Cohen’s eyes were glassy, his movements sluggish with the weight of too much alcohol and whatever else he’d consumed. Yet, the moment he saw me, he leapt up, fumbling to pull his pants back on.

"Madison, wait! It’s not what it looks like," he slurred, stumbling toward me. Daphne, on the other hand, moved with infuriating nonchalance. She slipped into her panties, smoothed down her skirt, and strutted out of the room, brushing past me with a smug grin that made my blood boil.

Cohen stammered, words tripping over each other. "I'm so sorry, I—"

“Cohen,” I cut him off, my voice trembling but resolute. “We. Are. Done.”

I didn’t wait for his response. Spinning on my heel, I stormed out of the suite, Nerissa and Pandora’s voices trailing after me in concern. The cool spring air hit me like a slap, but I welcomed it, needing something to ground me as my world spun wildly out of control.

I wandered aimlessly, anger and disbelief my only companions, until I found myself outside a dimly lit bar. Pushing open the door, I made a beeline for the counter. The bartender, sensing my need for something strong, handed me a rum and coke without a word. I nodded in gratitude, taking a long, burning sip.

My phone buzzed incessantly with missed calls and frantic texts from Nerissa and Pandora. Ignoring them, I tossed the device onto the bar, focusing instead on the dark liquid in my glass.

"Yeah, I hate my phone, too," came a voice beside me. I glanced over to see a guy settling onto a barstool a few seats away. He wore a red flannel shirt, his curly brown hair framing a chiseled jawline. Muscular, confident—he was hard to miss.

“I hate everything right now,” I muttered, swirling my drink with the straw.

He turned to face me, curiosity in his eyes. “What happened?”

It was then that recognition dawned. This was Micah, the star hockey captain, the school’s golden boy. And here he was, in this quiet dive, striking up a conversation with me.

“Let’s just say I caught my boyfriend in bed with someone else,” I said, my voice bitter.

Micah's expression softened, sympathy replacing curiosity. “That’s rough. Want to talk about it?”

For a moment, I hesitated. But then, the words came tumbling out, fueled by hurt and the need to be heard. As I spoke, Micah listened intently, his presence unexpectedly comforting.

#Chapter 2

Micah's eyes twinkled with recognition, a smirk playing on his lips as he extended a napkin toward me. 

"Your makeup's smudged," he noted, his voice carrying a hint of amusement.

Heat crept up my cheeks as I took the napkin, dabbing at the smeared mascara. Micah's gaze never wavered, making the task both mortifying and oddly thrilling.

"Rough night?" he asked once I had cleaned up, his tone softer now.

"You could say that," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady.

His deep brown eyes locked onto mine, a spark of curiosity flickering within them. "You know," he said slowly, "you look better without makeup." The compliment caught me off guard, sending another wave of blush across my face. What were the odds? Here was the hockey captain, hitting on me right after my boyfriend had shattered my heart on my birthday.

"Do you treat all the girls like this?" I blurted out, the alcohol loosening my tongue more than I intended.

Micah chuckled, finishing his drink with a casual grace. He leaned in, brushing a stray lock of hair from my face. "If you're so interested in how I treat girls, why not find out for yourself? Dorm B, fourth floor, Room 409." His voice was a low, enticing murmur, drawing me closer despite myself.

I pulled back, shaking my head. "No way," I said firmly, crossing my arms. "I know your reputation. You're a player."

"So what if I am?" Micah's voice was a seductive whisper. "It's your call. My room is open all night. No need to knock."

With that, he tossed some bills on the bar. "I'll cover her drink," he told the bartender, then slung his jacket over his shoulder and strolled out, leaving me with a whirlwind of thoughts and a racing heart.I swirled the last of my drink, lost in the whirlwind of Micah's unexpected proposition. Micah, the campus Adonis with a reputation as a heartbreaker, had become quite the legend since his breakup with Daphne—the cheerleader who had stolen my boyfriend. His dorm room had turned into a revolving door of stunning women, each leaving the next morning with smudged lipstick and tousled hair. None ever returned; Micah was strictly a one-night stand kind of guy.

One-night stands never appealed to me. In high school, I was the awkward nerd, invisible to boys. The one time I thought I had a shot was when the football quarterback asked me to prom. Ecstatic, I arrived in my blue dress, only to be tripped on the dance floor amidst the laughter of my peers.

“Why would I want you?” he sneered, pointing at me. “Ugly Madison will never have a boyfriend!”

That humiliation cemented my resolve to focus solely on my studies. College was different; I blossomed out of my ugly duckling phase, and suddenly, boys were interested. But I wasn’t. If I was going to let someone interrupt my academic pursuits, he had to be perfect—someone worth sharing my body with.

Cohen seemed like that someone. Sweet, kind, genuine—or so I thought. His betrayal left me vowing never to fall in love again.

"Sorry to say this, young lady, but the bar’s closing soon," the bartender's voice cut through my reverie. I nodded, downed the last of my drink, and slid off the stool. The idea of going home made my stomach churn. 

Just as I stepped outside, the cool night air hit me, and I fished for my phone. Maybe a walk would clear my head. As I wandered aimlessly, memories of Cohen and the quarterback's cruel prank intertwined, creating a tapestry of heartbreak and resilience.

A text notification broke my thoughts. It was from Micah. "Hey, you still up? Wanna talk?"

I hesitated, thumb hovering over the screen. Maybe, just maybe, I didn’t have to go home tonight.


I found myself standing outside Micah’s door, the cool night air prickling my skin. Part of me wanted to turn back, to preserve what little dignity I had left. But here I was, draped in an elegant dress and adorned with expensive lingerie, all thanks to Cohen and Daphne’s betrayal. What better way to reclaim my power than this?

Steeling myself, I turned the knob and stepped into Micah’s dorm.

He lounged on the couch, as if he'd been expecting me. His eyes flickered with a mix of surprise and amusement as he stood and approached. The scent of his cologne, musky and intoxicating, hit me like a wave, making my pulse quicken.

“Changed your mind, huh?” he remarked, his voice smooth and teasing. He towered over me, his muscular frame casting a shadow that felt both menacing and thrilling.

“Maybe I needed some comfort,” I replied, my voice barely above a whisper.

Without another word, he cupped my chin and kissed me, his tongue exploring my mouth with a fervor Cohen never had. His kiss was demanding, consuming, and I found myself melting into it.

Micah's arms wrapped around my waist, lifting me effortlessly. Instinctively, I wrapped my legs around him as he carried me toward the bedroom. Our lips never parted, the kiss deepening, growing more urgent. I bit his lower lip, eliciting a groan that sent shivers down my spine. 

The bedroom was dimly lit, casting shadows that danced along the walls. He kicked the door shut behind us and laid me gently on the bed. Despite the intensity, there was a surprising tenderness in his touch, a contrast to his rugged exterior.

As he leaned over me, sliding his fingers down my panties, I realized how wrong my assumptions had been. His touch was skilled, considerate, sending waves of pleasure through my body. He kissed and licked my neck, his fingers expertly finding my clit, drawing soft moans from my lips.

His fingers moved with a rhythm that was both soothing and electrifying. My body responded eagerly, arching toward him, desperate for more. Micah's kisses trailed down my neck, each one leaving a burning imprint on my skin. I tangled my fingers in his hair, pulling him closer, needing to feel every inch of him against me.

In that moment, all thoughts of Cohen and Daphne faded away. There was only Micah, his touch, and the intoxicating promise of what was to come.Micah's fingers retreated briefly, and he offered them to me, allowing me to taste myself. The intimacy of the moment made my heart pound. But just as he was about to enter me with his fingers again, I grasped his wrist, stopping him.

"I need to tell you something," I whispered, my voice barely audible. "I'm a virgin."

For a heartbeat, silence hung between us, heavy and uncertain. I feared this revelation might change everything. But then, a slow, knowing smirk spread across Micah's face.

"I had a feeling," he murmured, his breath warm against my ear. "I'll be gentle."

The promise in his words sent a shiver through me. I moaned loudly as his long, thick fingers slid inside me, each movement deliberate and intoxicating. He quickened his pace, and I could feel every nerve in my body igniting. My back arched, and I clung to him, kissing and biting his neck, my moans mingling with his soft groans.

When he finally withdrew his hand, I was trembling—partly from nerves, partly from the lingering pleasure coursing through me. His eyes locked onto mine, intense and searching, as he began to unbutton my skirt.

"Nice choice of lingerie," he teased, amusement dancing in his voice as he noticed my lacy panties. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks. "Since you went to all that trouble, why don't you give me a show?"

Despite my blush, I stood and began to undress, my movements hesitant but determined. First, I removed my top, revealing my breasts that strained against my bra. Then, with trembling hands, I slipped off my skirt, exposing my waist and thighs. Micah's eyes darkened with desire, his erection pressing against the fabric of his gray sweatpants.

Seeing the raw hunger in his gaze, a boldness surged within me. I sauntered over to the bed, pushing him gently onto the mattress. With a newfound confidence, I straddled him, feeling the heat of his body beneath me.As my fingers traced the outline of his hardness through the fabric, I felt a rush of heat. Slowly, I slid my hand inside, feeling the warmth and girth of him in my palm.

Micah let out a low groan as I stroked him, his breath hitching with each movement. I pulled my hand away, easing his sweatpants down to reveal him fully.

The sheer size of him made my eyes widen. Micah noticed my reaction and chuckled, propping himself up on his elbows. 

"Scared?" he teased, a playful glint in his eyes.

I shook my head, my lips curling into a smile. "Can I taste it?" I whispered, my voice barely audible.

He nodded, his dark eyes never leaving mine. I leaned forward, taking him into my mouth, my movements tentative at first. The sounds he made, deep and guttural, encouraged me. Despite my inexperience, it seemed I was doing something right.

Later, we lay entwined beneath the sheets, our bodies warm and close. Micah spit into his hand, rubbing it along his shaft before pressing against me.

I flinched, my body tense, but he leaned in, his breath hot against my neck. "I'll be gentle. I promise," he murmured, his voice a soothing balm to my nerves.


When it was over, we lay there for a moment, the room filled with the sound of our breathing. Micah got up first, pulling on his underwear. I sat up slowly, feeling a confusing mix of elation and shame, and reached for my panties.

Something had shifted in Micah. His posture was more assertive, almost predatory. When he looked at me, his pupils were dilated, his eyes darker than before. He smiled, revealing sharp, glistening teeth that sent a shiver down my spine.

My heart pounded as I dressed quickly. "See you around," I said, my voice trembling.

Before Micah could respond, I fled the room, my mind racing. What was that look he gave me? Why did he seem so... feral?

Outside, the cool air hit my face, but it did little to calm the storm inside me. I couldn't shake the feeling that something fundamental had changed between us, and I wasn't sure if it was for better or worse.

#Chapter 3

The clock's hands crept toward four in the morning as I stumbled back into my dorm. The suite was shrouded in quiet darkness, with Nerissa and Pandora already lost to their dreams. The aftermath of the party lay strewn around like the remnants of a storm, but exhaustion and the dull throb of a hangover dulled my senses. One thing stood out amidst the chaos—my bed, freshly made. Nerissa and Pandora must have changed the sheets, sparing me from the grim reminder of Cohen and Daphne’s betrayal. I’d have to thank them later.

As I sank into the bed, sleep eluded me, chased away by a relentless tide of regret. Had I really given my virginity to Micah, a near-stranger with a reputation for being a playboy, just to spite Cohen and Daphne? I had never been one to act on such reckless impulses, especially when it came to matters of the heart. The shame gnawed at me, making me wish I could erase the night from my memory. Micah was undeniably attractive, and the sex had been intoxicating, but right now, all I craved was oblivion.

Morning arrived with a vengeance, bringing a pounding headache and a queasy stomach. Groaning, I dragged myself out of bed, not caring about my disheveled appearance. All I needed was coffee. I shuffled into the kitchen, clad in an oversized t-shirt and shorts, hoping to find some solace in a cup of caffeine.

“You know, you could’ve at least told us where you went last night,” Pandora’s voice cut through the silence. She was perched at the kitchen island, a cup of coffee in hand, engrossed in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.

“I’m sorry,” I mumbled, my cheeks burning with the memory of the night’s events. “I just needed to get out.”

“Why didn’t you tell us that you and Cohen were a thing?” Nerissa’s voice chimed in as she emerged from her room, a towel wrapped around her hair, wearing a fluffy pink robe and bunny slippers.

I stared at her, feeling cornered. “It wasn’t... It’s complicated,” I stammered. “Cohen and I, we weren’t really a thing. Not officially.”

Pandora raised an eyebrow. “So, what happened? Why did you disappear with Micah?”

The memory of Micah’s smirk and the way he’d made me feel both desired and disposable flashed through my mind. “I don’t know. I was hurt and angry. I wanted to forget about Cohen and Daphne, and Micah was... there.”

Nerissa sighed, shaking her head. “Madison, you’re better than this. You shouldn’t let them push you into doing something you’ll regret.”

I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat. “I know. It was stupid. I just... I don’t know what I was thinking.”

Pandora set her book down and looked at me with a mix of concern and determination. “Well, what’s done is done. Let’s focus on cleaning up this place and getting through today. We can figure out the rest later.”

As we started tidying up the remnants of the party, I couldn’t help but feel a flicker of hope. Maybe, just maybe, with friends like Pandora and Nerissa by my side, I could find a way to navigate through this mess.She folded her arms, her eyes narrowing into a glare. Her lower lip jutted out in a pout that could have melted steel.

I hung my head, the weight of the coffee cup in my hand suddenly unbearable. Tears blurred my vision, and I futilely tried to blink them away. Nerissa's arms enveloped me in an instant, her embrace warm and comforting. Pandora stood nearby, her expression softened by sympathy.

“I’m sorry,” I managed to choke out between sobs. “H-He said he wanted to wait for the right time to go public with our relationship. I thought he was just being considerate.”

Pandora rolled her eyes, her voice dripping with disdain. “Men are trash,” she declared. “Most of them, anyway. Don’t beat yourself up over it. You deserve way better than Cohen Thurlow.”

Nerissa nodded vigorously, her hand rubbing soothing circles on my back. “Yeah,” she agreed. “Forget about boys. You’re smart, you’re hot, and you’re going to be a doctor! Who needs boys? Let’s go get some breakfast.”

Their words started to sink in. They were right; boys were a distraction I didn't need. I changed into my usual jeans and hoodie, braided my hair with mechanical precision, and joined my roommates as we headed to the dining hall.

“Oh my god!” Nerissa’s voice pierced the air as we approached. She squealed, pointing excitedly at someone coming out the door. It was Micah.

Her excitement was contagious, and soon other girls nearby were squealing and waving too. I instinctively used my hair as a curtain to hide my face, wishing I could disappear. Of all times, why now? Why the morning after our one-night stand?

Micah walked towards us, his presence commanding attention. Even Pandora seemed a bit flustered, which was rare for her.

Did he remember our night together? Did he notice how awkwardly I was acting?

“Hi, Micah!” Nerissa greeted him, twirling a strand of her blonde hair around her finger with a flirtatious smile.

Micah’s eyes flicked between us, settling on me for a heartbeat longer than comfortable. “Hey, ladies,” he said, his tone light and friendly. “What’s up?”

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. "Nothing much," I mumbled, trying to muster a casual tone.

Nerissa nudged me playfully. "We were just heading for breakfast. Care to join us?"

Micah hesitated, glancing at me again. “Sure, why not,” he finally said.

Pandora shot me a knowing look, her lips curling into a mischievous grin. As we walked into the dining hall together, I couldn’t help but wonder what this day had in store.“Are you excited for the homecoming game today?” 

I kept my gaze fixed on the ground, letting my bangs fall into my face, but I could feel Micah’s stern gaze drilling into me.

“Yeah,” he replied, his voice steady. “Although, it’s not as exciting when we always know we’re gonna crush the other team. I hope they put up a good fight.”

Nerissa giggled like a giddy schoolgirl. I dared a glance upward, hoping to see Micah walking away. Instead, his strong gaze was still locked on me. The ferocity in his eyes from last night seemed absent now; perhaps it had been a trick of the light or the haze of alcohol.

Micah stood there, arms folded across his muscular chest, almost disapproving. Was he upset that I walked out on him last night? It hardly seemed likely, given his reputation, but my heart still ached a bit at the thought.

“You ready for practice, Micah?” another guy said, striding up to us. He gave Nerissa a once-over, his eyes lingering before flicking to me, then back to Micah.

Micah nodded, shoving his hands into his pockets, his brown eyes never leaving mine. “Yeah. Let’s go.”

Later that afternoon, after we had cleaned up the dorm, I was in my room, hunched over my biology textbook, trying to cram for an upcoming exam. The door swung open, and Nerissa barged in. She wore a pleated pink mini skirt, a fuzzy white sweater, and white sneakers with leg warmers. Her makeup was flawless, and her hair was curled perfectly.

“Oh my god, you’re not ready yet?” she exclaimed, storming over and snapping my book shut unceremoniously.

“Hey!” I protested, throwing my pen down. “I was studying.”

“Studying can wait,” Nerissa insisted. “Come on, let’s go to the hockey game! I heard some rumors that Micah is planning on using some new moves.”

My heart leapt into my throat. “I’m not going,” I said, reopening my book to the marked page. Nerissa clearly didn’t like my response; she stamped her foot on the ground angrily.

“Why not?” she demanded, crossing her arms. “You can't just hide away in here forever.”

“I’m not hiding,” I replied, though even I could hear the uncertainty in my voice. “I need to study.”

Nerissa sighed dramatically, throwing her hands up. “You’re hopeless. Micah's going to notice if you're not there, you know.”

I looked up at her, my resolve wavering. “Do you really think he cares?”

Nerissa scoffed. “Of course he does. You left him hanging last night. Trust me, he’s noticed.”

I swallowed hard, the memory of Micah’s piercing gaze flashing in my mind. “Fine,” I muttered, closing my book again. “Let’s go.”

Nerissa grinned triumphantly. “That’s more like it. Now, let’s get you looking fabulous.”"Aw, come on!” Nerissa implored, her voice tinged with desperation. “You’re not really gonna make me go alone, are you?”

I swallowed hard, my throat suddenly dry. How could I tell my best friend about last night? If Nerissa knew I had slept with Micah, her heart would shatter into a thousand irreparable pieces. She had adored him since our first semester, idolizing his every move. Micah, the star hockey player, never paid her much attention, but that didn’t deter her. She attended all his games, cheered him on with unwavering enthusiasm, and even watched every livestream of his tournaments. To her, Micah was a god among men, a genius with unparalleled physical prowess.

“Please?” Nerissa pleaded again, her eyes wide and shimmering. She batted her eyelashes and pushed out her lower lip in a pout that would melt the coldest of hearts.

With a heavy sigh, I closed my book and rubbed my tired eyes. “Alright,” I conceded, though all I wanted was to hide away in my room and avoid seeing Micah ever again. “I’ll go. But you owe me.”

Nerissa’s face lit up with a triumphant grin as she skipped out of the room, leaving me to get ready. I opted for a simple hoodie emblazoned with the university logo and a pair of jeans, hoping to blend into the crowd. Nerissa’s eyes flickered with mild disappointment at my choice, but she held her tongue as we made our way to the hockey arena.

The entire walk there, Nerissa chattered incessantly about Micah. “His body is just so perfect,” she gushed. “All those muscles make me want to bite him!”

Her words triggered a flood of memories from the previous night—Micah’s sculpted physique, the heat of his touch, the intensity of his kisses, the way he moved inside me. My body tingled with the recollection.

I fought to shake the thoughts from my mind as we joined the line to enter the arena, but the memory of Micah’s piercing gaze, his eyes locked onto mine as we lay entwined in bed, refused to fade.

I could only hope to get through this game unseen by Micah or Cohen.

#Chapter 4

We stepped into the arena, greeted by a cacophony of fervent students. Half the seats were draped in our university's burgundy and gold, while the other half shimmered in blue and black, representing the rival school.

"Let's snag a good spot," Nerissa suggested, her eyes scanning the packed stands. I trailed her up the steps, weaving through rows until we found two vacant seats. Settling down, I couldn't help but overhear snippets of conversations around us, all revolving around Micah.

"Think he'll lead us to victory again?"

"Absolutely! Micah never misses."

"We're so fortunate to be at the same university as him!"

I winced at their idolization, turning my attention to my phone, scrolling aimlessly as the anticipation built. Beside me, Nerissa whipped out a pair of binoculars, scrutinizing the ice rink with keen interest. The cheerleaders took the spotlight, gliding effortlessly on their skates in a pre-game performance. Daphne, at the forefront, dazzled in her tiny uniform, her tanned legs and platinum blonde hair tied up with a bow, twirling her pom-poms to ignite the crowd’s enthusiasm. My stomach churned at the sight of the girl who had stolen my boyfriend.

Though never a sports enthusiast, the electric atmosphere began to seep into my veins. The hockey players emerged, skating with practiced grace. Some made their way to cheerleaders—girlfriends, I assumed—and shared public kisses. Cohen and Daphne's silent exchange didn’t escape my notice.

Cohen had never invited me to his games, even during the months we dated. On the rare occasions I attended, he barely acknowledged me until the game was over.I once thought Cohen's aloofness was just shyness, but now I understood he simply didn't want Daphne to see us together.

“Forget about Cohen,” Nerissa said, passing me the binoculars. “He’s not worth your energy.”

Taking the binoculars, I scanned the arena, my eyes searching for Micah. I couldn’t explain why, but I felt a magnetic pull towards him.

And then, he found me.

Amid thousands of roaring students, his gaze locked onto mine with an uncanny precision. It was like he had a sixth sense, knowing exactly where I was without even trying. His eyes held that same wild intensity from the night before, a predatory glint that made my heart race.

Embarrassed, I quickly handed the binoculars back to Nerissa, my cheeks flushing crimson. Micah turned away and skated into the rink's center, circling and pumping his hockey stick triumphantly as the crowd erupted in cheers. Around me, girls screamed and swooned, while guys shouted and clapped.

The game began. I lost sight of the puck almost immediately, but kept my eyes on Micah. He flew across the ice, a blur of speed and grace, as if ice skates were an extension of his body. His deft maneuvers with the hockey stick left opponents bewildered, passing the puck through their legs to his teammates before darting away. His movements, impossibly swift, seemed almost supernatural. Yet, no one else appeared to notice, so I chalked it up to my imagination.

As the game intensified, the opposing players grew visibly frustrated and aggressive.One player in particular—clearly the captain of the opposing team—began shadowing Micah with a fierce intensity, trying to trip him up at every turn.

“C’mon, Micah!” Nerissa shouted, her voice slicing through the noise of the crowd.

“I hope he doesn’t get hurt,” murmured a girl beside me, leaning forward to peer over the heads in front of us.

Micah, with a burst of speed, scored a goal. The arena erupted in cheers, but then the opposing captain, in a fit of rage, hurled his stick and helmet onto the ice before tackling Micah. Gasps rippled through the stands as they grappled on the ice. The other player swung wildly, but Micah only blocked and dodged—clearly reluctant to retaliate.

For the first time, I truly grasped the immense pressure on Micah as the star player. My breath caught in my throat as I watched the brawl, fleeting memories of our intimate moments flashing before my eyes. I realized just how much I cared about him, enough to dread seeing him hurt. Cohen didn't even cross my mind.

The referee’s whistle pierced the air, breaking up the fight. The crowd roared as Micah stood, adjusting his helmet over his tousled curls. The aggressor was sent to the bench, penalized for his unsportsmanlike conduct, and the game resumed.

At halftime, the cheerleaders took to the rink, launching into their spirited routine.

“You hungry?” I asked Nerissa. She glanced at me briefly before returning to her animated conversation with another girl about how incredible Micah had looked while dodging punches. Nerissa had always effortlessly made friends, a social butterfly to my more introverted self. I appreciated her knack for handling social situations like these.

I stood, carefully making my way out of our row and down the bleachers toward the food stands. My stomach rumbled, and the enticing aroma of soft pretzels drew me in like a magnet."One soft pretzel, please," I said to the vendor, my voice barely above a whisper. "And a water, too."

I handed over my money and waited, feeling the city's hum around me. The crowd's chatter blended into a symphony of excitement and anticipation. Suddenly, a prickling sensation crawled up my spine. I turned, almost instinctively, and found myself locking eyes with Micah.

He stood with his teammates near the rink, casually sipping water. But his gaze was anything but casual. Those brown eyes, deep and intense, seemed to pierce right through me. My heart pounded in my chest, and I felt rooted to the spot, unable to look away.

"Miss? Hello?"

The vendor's voice snapped me back to reality. He held out my pretzel and water, a bemused look on his face.

"Oh... Sorry," I mumbled, taking the items. "Thank you."

When I glanced back, Micah had shifted his focus. He was laughing about something with his teammate, as if he hadn't just been staring into my soul moments before.

I considered returning to Nerissa, but the encounter had left me rattled. The idea of facing him again made my stomach churn. Nerissa had already made new friends; she wouldn’t miss me if I left early. She could catch me up on the game's outcome later.

I slipped out of the arena, tossing my untouched pretzel into the trash. The cool autumn air greeted me like an old friend, though it did little to calm my nerves. The sensation of being watched lingered, making each step back to the dorms feel heavy and deliberate.

How had Micah spotted me in that sea of faces? And why did his gaze always feel so predatory, so consuming? None of his other flings had ever mentioned anything like this. Maybe it was all in my head. It had to be.

But then, why did he seem like such a predator?

The questions spun in my mind, each one more unsettling than the last. By the time I reached the dorms, I felt drained, the day's events playing on a loop in my head. I needed answers, but part of me feared what those answers might reveal.

#Chapter 5

Just as I suspected, Nerissa burst through the door an hour later, a storm cloud shadowing her usually radiant face.

"Where did you go?" she demanded, her voice sharp enough to cut through the tension.

I glanced up from my book, feigning surprise. Thankfully, I'd rehearsed my excuse.

"My stomach started acting up," I explained, trying to sound sincere. "Probably from all the drinks last night. The crowd was too thick to get back to you, so I decided to head home."

Nerissa sighed, rubbing her temples as if to ward off a headache. She headed towards her room, but not before delivering her verdict.

"You better be feeling better because there's a party at the fire pit tonight. We won the game, and you're not skipping it! You need to put on something sexy and show Cohen what he's missing."

With that declaration, she vanished into her room, likely to prepare for the evening’s festivities. I pulled out my phone and shot Pandora a quick message.

"Where you at? You going to that party later?"

Her response came swiftly. "Yeah. I promised Jess."

I tucked my phone away, exhaling deeply as I closed my book. It was already seven o'clock, and the party would probably kick off in an hour or two. Time to shower and change.

As I got ready, I found myself caring about my appearance more than usual. But it wasn’t Cohen I wanted to impress.

I wanted to look good for Micah.

By nine o'clock, Nerissa, Pandora, and I were on our way to the party. It was held deep in the woods behind the school, at an old campground from the 1970s. The place had been cleaned up and repurposed by generations of students for their wild gatherings.

At the heart of the campground, a massive bonfire roared in a large fire pit, casting flickering shadows on the surrounding cabins. The air was thick with the scent of burning wood and the pounding rhythm of loud music. Boys cheered and tossed beer cans into the flames, while girls laughed and swayed to the beat.

"Let's find Jess," Pandora suggested, her eyes scanning the crowd.

Nerissa nudged me playfully. "Remember, we're here to have fun. And to remind Cohen of what he lost."

I nodded, though my thoughts were elsewhere. As we wove through the throng of students, I scanned the faces, searching for one in particular.

Micah."Like a bunch of monkeys," Pandora muttered under her breath, her voice barely audible over the thumping bass that reverberated through the night. She had buried her hands deep into the pockets of her oversized hoodie, the hood itself casting a shadow over her face. Almost as soon as we arrived, she had fished out a joint and slinked away to find solitude in the corner of the yard. Nerissa and I exchanged knowing glances; Pandora's desire for isolation was as much a part of her as the moon was to the night sky.

"You look amazing, by the way," Nerissa said, nudging me playfully with her elbow. Her eyes sparkled with genuine warmth. I had chosen a short black dress, complemented by tights and combat boots. A leather jacket completed the ensemble, giving me an edge I hadn't felt in a long time. My hair was still woven into braids, but tonight, I had dared to add a touch of eyeliner and lipstick. 

"Thanks," I replied, my voice tinged with both appreciation and uncertainty. "You too."

Nerissa's eyes flickered towards a cooler nearby, and she gave me a quick wink before sauntering off to flirt with a guy who was already three sheets to the wind. I made my way to the cooler, grabbed a beer, and took a hesitant sip as I surveyed the scene. The night was alive with laughter and music, but I stood at a crossroads—should I join the dancing throng or retreat into the comfort of my own thoughts?

As I lingered there, the sound of raised voices drifted from one of the cabins. Curiosity piqued, I pretended to check my phone while inching closer to the source of the commotion.

"Listen, I think I made it pretty fucking clear that I was just having fun!" Daphne's voice sliced through the air, sharp and unyielding.

I recognized it instantly. And the other voice—filled with hurt and frustration—belonged to Cohen.

"I broke up with my girlfriend for you! You said we would get together!" Cohen's words were raw, his pain palpable.

Daphne's laugh was devoid of warmth. "I never said that," she shot back. "Besides, you knew what you were getting into. Why would I make things exclusive with you when I could have any guy I wanted? Ugh, you're pathetic."

"Oh yeah? Any guy, huh?" Cohen retorted, his voice rising. "How about Micah, then? Everyone knows you're still pissed that he broke up with you. So why don't you go out there and ask him to dance, since you've apparently got the pick of the litter?"

A moment of silence hung in the air, followed by the heavy sound of footsteps approaching the door. It swung open with a creak, and there stood Daphne, her smirk etched with a mix of disdain and triumph.

She looked down at me from the top of the steps, her eyes glinting like a predator who had just cornered its prey.“If you’re gonna eavesdrop, at least don’t make it so damn obvious,” she snapped, her voice slicing through the humid night air. With a casual flick of her hair, she turned and jogged down the steps, her silhouette disappearing into the dim glow of the fire pit. I couldn't help but follow her with my gaze, where Micah stood, beer in hand, surrounded by a throng of admirers—Nerissa among them.

“Hey Micah,” Daphne called out in a sing-song tone, her ponytail bouncing as she approached him with an air of confidence. Most girls at this university wouldn't dare approach Micah so boldly, especially with his entourage around. But Daphne was different; their shared history gave her a certain audacity.

“Hey,” Micah responded, his eyes briefly flitting over Daphne’s shoulder to meet mine. For a fleeting moment, I felt as though he could see straight into my soul, but the connection broke as quickly as it had formed, leaving me breathless.

Daphne folded her arms across her chest, subtly pushing her breasts together, and rocked back on her heels. “Wanna dance?” she asked, her voice dripping with playful challenge. “I haven’t had a partner yet tonight.”

Micah frowned, taking a long swig of his beer as his eyes raked over her. Around them, conversations hushed as people tuned into the unfolding drama.

“We broke up ages ago, Daphne,” he said, his tone flat and unyielding.

Daphne's arms dropped to her sides, fists clenched in frustration. “Oh, come on!” she protested, gesturing to her cheerleader-clad body. “You can’t tell me you don’t miss this.”

Without missing a beat, Micah shrugged and turned back to the other girls, dismissing Daphne as if she were nothing more than a fleeting distraction. Humiliated, she stormed off, her face flushed with anger. 

But Micah’s eyes found me once more, lingering with an intensity that made my heart race. His gaze seemed almost to glow, casting an eerie light in the shadows. Panic surged through me, and I clumsily dropped my beer, the bottle shattering at my feet. Without thinking, I spun on my heel and hurried away, seeking refuge behind one of the deserted cabins.I needed just a few minutes to myself, a brief escape before I could return. Hopefully, by then, Micah’s attention would be diverted to another girl.

“Hi, Madison.”

Micah’s voice pierced through the solitude, making me jump. I spun around, facing him. His large frame blocked the firelight, casting an eerie shadow over his face.

A sudden realization struck me—when we met at the bar, names weren’t exchanged. How did he know mine?

Without a word, I attempted to sidestep him, eager to return to the warmth of the fire and the crowd. But Micah moved swiftly, folding his arms to block my path.

“Why are you avoiding me?” he asked, a hint of hurt in his voice.

I bit my lip, glancing past him to see Nerissa dancing with a new boy by the fire.

“I’m not avoiding you,” I replied.

Micah sighed, unfolding his arms. “It sure seems like it. You left so abruptly last night.”

I lowered my voice to a whisper, ensuring no one else could hear. “What do you want me to say? You had your one night stand with me. You never see girls more than once. You should be thanking me because I’m just making it easy for you.”

“Is that what you really think of me?” Micah didn’t bother to hide his voice.

Somehow, I felt bolder now. “Everyone knows you’re a playboy who only sleeps with girls once before moving on to the next,” I said, stepping around him. This time, he didn’t block me but turned, frowning.

“Well, you’re different,” he replied.

Was this some sort of cruel joke? The hockey captain, the star of the school, and a notorious playboy thought I was “different” enough to keep talking to me after our night together? I wondered if Daphne or Cohen had put him up to this, just to remind me that love was out of reach.

Micah stepped closer, gently brushing a strand of hair from my eyes. Lowering his voice to a whisper, he said, “I want to have a second time with you.”

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