Between Hearts a Child Speaks

Chapter 1

In the late hours of the night, Dr. Eleanor Sinclair hurried to her office floor, only to be startled by the scene that awaited her outside.
The once spacious hospital corridor was now crowded with nearly ten tall men clad in black suits and sunglasses, their tense expressions indicating a serious situation.
When the on-duty nurses and doctors saw Eleanor approaching, relief washed over their faces, and one nearly burst into tears. “Dr. Sinclair, you made it!”
Eleanor nodded to them, then turned to the group blocking her path. “Could everyone please wait in the designated area? It’s too noisy here and it's affecting the staff's ability to work.”
With that, she didn’t wait for a response and stepped into her office.
Inside, the chaos was immediately evident.
Potted plants, case files, pens, notepads, and cups lay scattered across the floor, tea and coffee stains staining the carpet.
The only tidy item was a small sofa, where a child sat with his back turned to her.
Eleanor didn’t need to guess how the mess had come about; irritation bubbled up inside her. She felt a strong urge to scold the mischievous child.
However, taking into account the men waiting outside, she quickly composed her expression and asked gently, “Hello there. What’s your name, and where does it hurt?”
The child slowly turned his head to face her.
Eleanor was taken aback by his delicate, cherubic features. A sudden rush of affection washed over her, quelling her annoyance in an instant.
The child simply stared at her in silence, his bright black eyes sparkling like two shiny grapes.
As Eleanor discreetly assessed him, she noticed his chubby little hands curled into fists against his stomach.
She offered her warmest smile. “Sweetheart, I can’t tell from your face where you’re in pain. If you’re too shy to speak, you can point to where it hurts, okay?”
She kept looking at him with a smile.
The office fell into a hush.
Just when Eleanor thought he wouldn’t respond, the child slowly raised his pudgy little hand and pointed to his midsection.
Following his gesture, Eleanor placed her hand gently on the spot over his shirt and gave it a couple of light presses. “So, it’s your tummy that hurts.”
The child looked at Eleanor, then at her hand resting on his stomach, and nodded slowly.
Eleanor rose to her feet; before he could react, she scooped him up in her arms and carried him to the examination table for a thorough check-up.
Startled, the child remained still, stunned by her sudden movement, his delicate face a mask of surprise.
At the doorway stood Winston the Steward, peeking in. When he saw the little boy cuddled in Eleanor’s embrace, his eyes widened in shock.
Their little master had only ever been close to family; he had never shown such trust to anyone else. Even Winston, who had cared for him for five years, had never had a chance to hold him.
In the empty hospital parking lot, a brand-new Maserati pulled in sharply, and Winston hurriedly made his way over. “Sir Geoffrey!”
Shortly after, a distinguished man emerged from the driver’s seat, his elegant attire complemented by a look of discontent on his face.
Oliver Fairfax’s voice was icy as he asked, “Where’s Bobby?”
“Little master is sleeping in Dr. Sinclair’s office,” Winston replied, a hint of excitement in his tone.
“Dr. Sinclair?” Oliver echoed, perplexed, as he strode forward.
“She’s a female doctor here at the hospital. The little master didn’t resist when she picked him up,” Winston added, feeling the tension lift.
Oliver’s brow furrowed slightly as he quickened his pace.

Chapter 2

Winston, the steward, guided Oliver Fairfax to Lady Evelyn's study.
As they reached the floor where the study was located, Oliver held up a hand to signal a stop.
Oliver approached the open door, taking in the scene within.
His breath caught in his throat.
In the office sat two figures, one large and one small, their heads close together in peaceful slumber.
Bobby resembled a delicate doll as he nestled quietly in Lady Evelyn's embrace, his cherubic face free of worry.
When Oliver's gaze landed on Lady Evelyn, a flicker of surprise crossed his features.
Lady Evelyn, typically a light sleeper, sensed someone watching and instantly roused from her sleep.
Upon seeing the man in front of her, she momentarily froze.
She blinked a few times, realizing that Oliver was still there.
Lady Evelyn recognized Oliver Fairfax not because of any particular interest in finance or news.
The nurses and doctors at the hospital practically worshipped the name "Oliver Fairfax," discussing him daily as if he were a celebrity.
It was impossible not to know about him.
The name Oliver Fairfax, in many ways, represented the highest echelons of wealth and status within Sinclair Castle. With Fairfax's influence, a mere stamp of his foot could make the entire Sinclair Castle tremble.
Bobby stirred as if sensing Lady Evelyn’s emotions, slowly waking up and blinking blearily at his surroundings.
Upon spotting Oliver, he extended his chubby little arms toward him with a sleepy smile.
Oliver scooped him up effortlessly, asking softly, “How’s your tummy feeling?”
Bobby nodded silently, burrowing his small head into Oliver's shoulder.
Oliver's strong hand gently patted Bobby's tiny back.
His obsidian eyes lingered on Lady Evelyn’s face.
Shaking off her surprise, Lady Evelyn cleared her throat and instructed, “It’s late now, and the pharmacy staff aren't on duty. We can't dispense any medication at the moment. You should head home and monitor him tonight; if he feels unwell tomorrow, I’ll write a prescription to stabilize things.”
Oliver nodded lightly, indicating he understood.
Without another glance, he walked away.
Lady Evelyn watched the empty office, rolling her eyes.
"What's the big deal about having a bit of money?" she thought, feeling a flicker of irritation. “Why act so important?”
She turned off the study lights and headed home to bed.
The next day.
As the afternoon clock neared the end of the business day, a phone call rang out from Lady Evelyn's desk.
“Hello, this is Lady Evelyn from Yardley Hospital,” she answered after picking up the receiver.
Silence echoed from the other end.
Furrowing her brow in confusion, Lady Evelyn almost hung up.
Just before she could disconnect, she heard a couple of soft knocks.
Pausing, she brought the receiver back to her ear.
This time, a faint sound of breathing reached her—childlike.
Bobby's image flashed in her mind, prompting her to soften her tone. “Is this the little patient who visited last night?”
A gentle knock came through the line.
“My tummy still hurts,” came the voice through two more knocks.
A smile crept onto Lady Evelyn's lips. Remembering who Bobby’s father was nearly extinguished her warmth.
“That's good to hear. You’re quite healthy; please keep it that way and don’t end up in the hospital too often.”
Another knock resonated on the line.

Chapter 3

Eleanor Sinclair couldn’t figure out how to continue her conversation with Bobby.
Ansel walked in, juggling a stack of medical cases. “Eleanor, here are the files you requested.”
“Just set them down for now.”
Eleanor was about to say goodbye to Bobby when she realized the call had already ended.
Ansel noticed Eleanor's momentary dazed expression. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, just put those cases aside for now. I want to check on the patients in my ward. Want to join me?”
Eleanor and Ansel entered the ward she oversaw, where they diligently inquired about several patients’ conditions.
Ansel carefully observed Eleanor's way of communicating with the patients.
She noticed that Eleanor had a special presence.
Just by standing there, Eleanor exuded trustworthiness without feeling distant.
Her calm, assured, and professional demeanor commanded the respect of even those doctors with over a decade of experience.
Ansel secretly wondered if she could ever develop that same reassuring aura with patients.
As Eleanor left the ward, she playfully tapped Ansel on the head with her pen. “Daydreaming again?”
“Not at all! I’m just waiting for you to take me under your wing, Eleanor!” Ansel exclaimed, dramatically wrapping his arms around her waist.
“Get out of here! With a silly apprentice like you, I'd shorten my life by ten years.”
“No way! Not unless you walk over my dead body!”
“Why did I even let you in here in the first place?”
“Because I’m adorable.”
Eleanor was momentarily stunned by Ansel’s shamelessness. “I think I need to clock out. At this rate, I might commit a crime after spending another minute with you.”
Ansel let go of her, chuckling.
Though Eleanor might seem cold, Ansel was never intimidated by her and often cracked jokes.
There’s a huge difference between a frosty exterior and a frosty heart.
Eleanor was definitely the former.
“Eleanor, have you thought about reaching out to Rowena Bright? I heard there was some chaos in the OB-GYN department yesterday, and she might’ve been in the middle of it. She’s probably getting an earful from her boss today.”
“Shut up. Who told you to organize my life after hours?” Eleanor replied without looking back.
Ansel relished the teasing and happily went back to sorting the files.
**At the Café.**
Eleanor stirred her coffee with a delicate spoon, occasionally listening to Rowena’s endless complaints.
“Eleanor, I envy you so much. If I had your presence, life would be a lot less complicated. But when I see my patients and their families getting all worked up, my mind just blanks out. Sometimes I wonder if I’m cut out to be a doctor since I can’t seem to handle the pressure,” Rowena said, a look of longing in her eyes.
“Don’t sell yourself short. Your skills are solid, and you’re gentle and attentive. There’s no need to overthink just because of a few setbacks.”
“Do you really think so?”
“Absolutely. If all the doctors in this hospital were like me, no patients would show up. Speaking of which, it's getting late. Let me drive you home; you’ve got work tomorrow, right?”
“And you?”
“I have some surgeries lined up for next week, so I’m taking the weekend to relax.”
“I’m so jealous. I haven’t had a weekend in ages.”
“I only get a weekend occasionally. All residents slog through this phase,” Eleanor laughed.
Noticing Eleanor’s lack of resentment or bitterness, Rowena suddenly asked, “Eleanor, do you ever regret your choices over the years?”
“Regret what?”
“Regret giving up your chance to study abroad to Zachary Hawthorne? With your expertise and practical experience, if you had pursued both a master’s and a doctorate, you’d be coming back as an associate chief physician instead of trudging through the ranks from resident.”
Eleanor paused her stirring, smiling as she replied, “Studying abroad doesn’t guarantee success; without the capability, you won’t make it, no matter where you are.”
“I get that some don’t have the capability, but I can’t fathom you lacking it,” Rowena countered firmly.

Chapter 4

“Thank you for thinking so highly of me! I promise I'll keep doing my best,” Eleanor Sinclair said with a bright smile.
“Stop joking around,” Rowena replied, her tone serious.
“I can’t help it; I’m just naturally funny,” Eleanor quipped, grinning.
“Get lost,” Rowena shot back.
“Hey, I know you’re beautiful and all, but could you be a little less rude?” Eleanor nudged playfully.
Rowena sighed, rolling her eyes. “I won’t sugarcoat things. Zachary Hawthorne and Evelyn Green are coming back next week, and the group chat is blowing up. Everyone insists on throwing a welcome party for them. Are you in or out?”
“Next weekend? I’m not sure; maybe I’ll swing by for a bit,” Eleanor replied thoughtfully.
“You might as well sit this one out. Everyone will just wait to see you embarrass yourself,” Rowena said, raising an eyebrow.
Eleanor finished her coffee and shrugged, “What’s there to see? I just gave my scholarship to my boyfriend so he could study abroad, then ended up covering his living expenses—all for him to turn into a heartbreaker when faced with reality. Seems like a plot twist from a show, right?”
Rowena stared in disbelief. “Is that really how you see it?”
“What else should I think?” Eleanor handed her a credit card to settle the bill, glancing back at Rowena, who was still deep in thought. “Come on, Doctor Bright. Let’s get out of here.”
As she stood, Eleanor felt something suddenly cling to her leg. She looked down to find Bobby, a little boy wearing a SpongeBob sweatshirt, peering up at her with big, sparkling eyes full of excitement.
His innocent joy was infectious, and she couldn’t help but return his smile. “Good evening, sweetheart! Did you come with your family?”
Bobby nodded eagerly, tightening his grip around her leg as if afraid she’d disappear.
“Hey there, little guy!” Rowena chimed in, bending down to greet Bobby.
But Bobby didn’t pay her any mind, keeping his focus on Eleanor. Rowena's hand hung awkwardly in the air as she felt a hint of embarrassment.
Eleanor chuckled, “His situation is a bit unique.”
Turning back to Bobby, she asked, “Are you here with Winston the Steward or your dad?”
Bobby pulled a mini tablet from his tiny backpack and typed out two characters: Dad.
Eleanor's stomach dropped at the thought of Oliver Fairfax’s icy demeanor. All of Bobby's earlier delight seemed to fade away.
After a moment of hesitation, she said gently, “I have some business with a friend first. Why don’t we head to the service desk so you can wait for your dad, okay?”
Bobby’s face clouded with disappointment, his little lips pressing together in a pout that broke Eleanor's heart a little.
Just as she was contemplating how to cheer him up, she heard a familiar voice behind her. “Bobby, don’t interrupt Doctor Sinclair and her friend.”
All eyes in the café turned to Oliver Fairfax as he approached, the embodiment of grace and power. The curiosity about who had captured the attention of such a remarkable man was palpable in the room.
Bobby, seeing Oliver, frantically clung to Eleanor’s leg like a lifeline, making Eleanor blush with embarrassment.

Chapter 5

Eleanor Sinclair sat in the back seat of Oliver Fairfax's Maserati, with a little kid named Bobby firmly perched on her lap, trying to recall how she and Rowena Bright had gotten into this situation.
Bobby clung to her as if she were his lifeline, refusing to budge even for a second.
Eleanor noticed Rowena eyeing her with an expression that mixed curiosity and confusion, but now was not the time for gossip.
Before long, they arrived at Rowena’s apartment. Eleanor gently set Bobby beside her, ready to climb out after Rowena, but Rowena slammed the door shut first. “What are you following me for? I don’t even have an extra room for you!”
In that moment, Eleanor felt an overwhelming urge to shake some sense into Rowena. Was her intelligence and common sense entirely absent?
Subtly, Eleanor glanced over at Oliver, only to find him watching her too, a teasing smirk playing at the corners of his mouth.
“Afraid of me?” Oliver’s voice was quiet, but there was a hint of amusement in it.
“Please,” she retorted, waving her hand dismissively. “You’re thinking too much.”
“Your home address,” he said, casually awaiting an answer.
Eleanor rolled her eyes, feeling annoyed but knowing better than to argue. She rattled off her address without hesitation and then shifted her gaze out the window.
Bobby had fallen asleep, his little head resting on her knee, oblivious to their banter.
Upon returning home later that night, Eleanor couldn’t shake the image of Oliver’s teasing gaze. She was angry, sure, but her heart raced with an unwelcome flutter.
Running into Oliver and Bobby tonight had to be a coincidence, right?
As it turned out, it wasn’t just a coincidence.
On the weekend, Eleanor finally managed a lazy morning, only to be jolted awake by relentless banging on her front door.
With a short sigh, she dragged herself out of bed, her hair a mess.
When she swung the door open, she found Aunt Mary from across the hall standing there, hands on her hips.
"I’m just saying, how can you call yourself a mother? Even if the kid made a mistake, you can’t just kick him out into the freezing cold! What if something happened? You’d regret it!" Aunt Mary fired off, her voice unrelenting.
Eleanor was momentarily taken aback. “Aunt Mary, hold on. What kid? Who are you talking about?”
Aunt Mary stepped aside, revealing a small figure in a thin home outfit, wearing fuzzy slippers.
It was Bobby, cheeks and nose pink from the cold, looking adorably pitiful.
Before Aunt Mary could say more, Eleanor scooped Bobby up swiftly. “Thank you so much, Aunt Mary. You’ve done enough.”
With that, she firmly closed the door, leaning against it for a moment to collect her thoughts.
Taking a few deep breaths, she finally turned back, smoothing her expression into a soft smile. "Hey there, buddy. You came here all by yourself?"
Bobby rubbed his hands together nervously, his head lowered, not saying a word.
Watching his shy demeanor, Eleanor was suddenly reminded of her own childhood. She bent down, gently picking him up and settling him on the sofa, wrapping him in a small blanket.
Bobby stared up at her with wide, sparkling eyes, a living doll in the warmth of her care.
That precious face held the power to melt anyone's heart.
Eleanor had planned to ask him how he knew her address and why he came over, but when her fingers brushed against his cold little cheeks, she lost all curiosity.
Making sure he was warm with the blanket tightly tucked around him, she smiled. “Are you hungry? How about I make you some breakfast?”
Bobby nodded silently, eyes brightening a bit at the mention of food.
“What do you feel like having?” she prompted.
Bobby’s small hands began to fidget beneath the blanket, searching for something.
Eleanor anticipated what he wanted and retrieved a notepad and a pen from a low drawer, handing them to Bobby.
With purpose, he scribbled something down and then held it out to her.
Eleanor took the note eagerly, and a grin broke across her face as she read the simple writing.
“Tomato Scrambled Eggs, Spicy Shredded Pork.”

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