Promises in the Shadows

Chapter 1

**Long Time No See**


The operating room door creaked open once more.

"Family! Where's the family?"

A man abruptly jolted forward, eyes wide with panic. "How is she?"

Eliza Hawthorne was on edge, her expression taut with worry. "Are you family?"

“...No!” The man’s voice wavered, confusion clouding his face. "I'm her friend!"

"Get the family here, pronto! The patient's heart just stopped, and we're in a code red situation. This is the prognosis—prepare yourselves!"

“What, what…?” The man felt cold dread wash over him like ice water, rushing to his very core.

“Hurry! Call someone! We don't have time!”

After hesitating for a heartbeat, he snatched the document from her, scrawling his name—Edward Fairfax—across the page.

“Hey, why did you sign?!”

Breath hitching painfully, Edward Fairfax sank down against the wall, fatigue wrapping around him like a heavy cloak.

With his chin down, he collapsed under the weight of his sorrow, shoulders rounded—a silence so weighted it felt like gravity was pulling him down. A tear slipped away, crashing to the ground like a fallen star.

“She’s the one I love.”



Late at night, a taxi zipped along the nearly deserted elevated highway.

“Miss, those cars behind us… they’ve been trailing us for a while now.”

Eliza Greenwood, who had been drifting toward sleep, jolted back to attention. She turned to see a convoy of black SUVs closing in on them.

“Step on it! Head to the nearest precinct, now!”

“Miss, but I…”

“Don’t freak out, driver. It’s the city; they won’t do anything crazy. I’m a lawyer.”

Her words barely left her lips when the driver slammed the brakes. The SUVs had already formed a tight circle around them.

Windows slipped down, revealing dark, piercing eyes—sharply defined and cold—as if they could slice through her.

An icy wave of trepidation washed over Eliza. She fumbled for her phone, tapping in the three digits—911.

Suddenly, the doors of the SUVs flew open.

A tall figure stepped out, draped in a black trench coat that whispered of cool detachment.


A lighter flicked on, casting an eerie blue flame.

The man took his time lighting a cigarette, casually tapping the side of the taxi with a long finger as his gaze drifted toward Eliza.

The driver stammered, “Miss, what do we do now? Maybe you should get out; I'm not in a good situation here…"

But Eliza didn’t hear him. Her heart raced as the man strolled closer, his features sharpening into focus.

His face was strikingly aggressive, with hard angles and a confidently clean-shaven jaw. Thin lips and deep, dark eyes that seemed to hold shadows of violence.

Eliza felt her heart pound in her chest like a war drum.

He snuffed out the cigarette, flicking the remnants away. Then he opened the car door like it was the most casual thing in the world.

“Eliza Greenwood, long time no see.”

His voice was dark, a smooth baritone tinged with sin, cool as ice. Even colder was the gaze that locked onto hers—void of warmth, clouded with an unmistakable rage directed her way.

She swallowed hard, stepping out of the car with her bag clutched tightly, instinctively shifting to create distance. “Long time no see, Edward Fairfax.”

If her memory served her, it had been eight years since they last crossed paths. The last time, she was just a naive kid prepping for standardized tests, completely unaware of life’s complexities. And he… well, he had transformed into someone who emanated danger with every movement.

Thinking of danger made Eliza grip her phone tighter.

Suddenly, pain jolted through her hand.

Her phone soared from her grasp, spiraling into Edward Fairfax’s awaiting hand. He seized her wrist with an iron grip, yanking her closer to him.

The move caught her off guard. Before she could react, Eliza found herself pressed against the cold metal of the car, his heated breath brushing against her cheek, the scent of smoke heavy in the air.

“What do you want?” he murmured, his lips almost brushing her skin.

“What do you think?” she growled back defiantly, ready to fight.

Edward’s cool facade cracked slightly as he smirked. “That’s rich coming from you.”

The night had taken an unexpected turn, and neither of them seemed ready for what lay ahead.

Chapter 2

The Show is Just Beginning

The smug tone in his voice made Eliza Greenwood’s stomach churn.

Turning away, the movement felt like it drew an invisible line between them, marking the boundaries of a world she no longer wanted to inhabit.

“Uncle, have you forgotten your place?”

“Uncle?” A fiery glint sparked in Edward Fairfax's eyes, his lazy smirk only deepening.

He gave her a long, searching look that felt like an eternity, finally reaching out to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear. The gesture was supposed to be tender, but it only sent a cold shiver down Eliza's spine.

“It's not like we haven't crossed lines before.”

The slap echoed in the night, sharp and jolting, making Eliza's heart race.

“Watch your mouth...”

She barely managed the words through clenched teeth before he suddenly seized her slender neck with a fierce grip.

The air turned thick and suffocating.

Eliza’s face drained of color. She had no doubt this man, in his heated rage, would snap her neck without a second thought.

Edward leaned closer, his lips brushing against her ear—an intimate act that made her skin crawl.

“Eliza, things are different now. Eight years ago, if you slapped me, I'd have opened my heart for you. Now? I’d relish the chance to kill you.”

Eliza met his gaze, unflinching. “Go ahead, then. If you think you can.”

“You think I won’t?” Edward's eyes darkened with fury, squeezing her throat a little tighter.

The last fragments of breathable air vanished between them, yet Eliza held her ground, forcing out each word. “If what you did to me eight years ago wasn’t enough to quench your thirst for vengeance, then do it now!”

He flinched as if her words had struck a nerve, releasing his grip violently. “You want to die? Not happening that easily!”

He paused, a vicious glint in his gaze. “This is only the beginning. I’ll exact every last ounce of what you owe me from eight years ago, Eliza.”

With that, he threw her aside, hurling his phone to the ground like it was trash, before striding off into the darkness.

The roar of his SUV filled the night, quickly fading into nothingness. As Eliza stood on the shadowy street, she felt her body start to crumble.

If he hadn’t nearly dislocated her jaw with his grip, she might have convinced herself none of this was real.

“Miss, are you okay?” Gregory Carver rushed over, his voice shaky. “Should I call 911?”

“I’m fine. Don’t call anyone.”

Eliza picked up her phone, her fingers trembling as she dialed. “Eleanor Stone, it’s Edward... he’s back.”

“I tried calling you earlier. I wanted to warn you. He’s returned!”

“When did this happen?”

“Three days ago.”

Three days and he was already hunting her down. Eliza couldn’t help but let out a bitter laugh. “What a reunion. Just my luck to stumble across an old enemy.”

“Eliza, Edward has a wild streak, and your past isn’t exactly friendly. If you see him around, just steer clear.”

Eliza stared into the endless night, her form subtly trembling. “Is avoiding him really going to help?”


The following day.

William Hartford Law Firm.

As Eliza stepped off the elevator, William Hartford waved her into his office.

They had both studied under the same mentor. After spending several years in the system, he had built a network and then jumped into private practice, managing to make a name for himself in Kingston.

“Hey, little sis, we need to head out soon.”

“Where to?”

“Fairfax Pharmaceuticals.”

“What’s on the agenda with Fairfax?”

William couldn’t hide his smug expression. “Big shakeup in the Fairfax family. The younger heir is back in play. When the new king takes the throne, the old guard gets the boot. I landed this case, and it’s a huge deal. How’s that for impressive?”

Chapter 3

It’s a safe bet that not everyone knows the Fairfax Family, but damn near everyone has heard of Fairfax Pharmaceuticals.

Founded in the 1980s, it was among the pioneers of biotechnology in the country and has clawed its way to the top, developing and distributing medications widely used for treating viral infections, bacterial illnesses, and cancer.

When it hit the American stock market in the early 2000s, it jumped straight into the Fortune 500, leaving few domestic rivals in its dust. With a population of over a billion, it’s estimated that at least half of the country has taken a Fairfax drug at some point.

Such immense wealth inevitably breeds fierce internal strife, leading to an endless cycle of power struggles among potential heirs. Recent whispers have taken on a life of their own, suggesting an enigmatic figure known as Heir Apparent Number Two would soon swoop in to take over the company, a name no one seemed to recognize.


William Hartford's law office at Hartford & Associates mainly handled criminal and civil cases. Though two of his associates dabbled in corporate law, none had the chops to tackle a giant like Fairfax.

Eliza Greenwood frowned, her brow furrowing. “When did this happen? You never mentioned it.”

“Just last night it was finalized,” William replied casually, flashing a confident smile. “But I made five trips to America beforehand, selling my soul to persuade them.”

“William, my expertise is nowhere near this business,” Eliza shot back, half exasperated.

He shot her a sideways glance. “I’m not asking you to run Fairfax. Today is Heir Apparent's first day on the job, and it's our first major partnership. I need your killer looks to help me make a splash.”

“That’s it?” she asked, wide-eyed.

“What were you hoping for?”


The Fairfax Pharmaceuticals headquarters loomed over Kingston’s business district—an entire skyscraper reaching for the clouds.

As they stepped inside the building and announced themselves, the receptionist ushered them to the 38th floor, the executive suite that gleamed with opulence.

A sharply-dressed assistant approached them. “I’m sorry, please wait in the lounge. Mr. Edward Fairfax is currently in a meeting. Would you prefer tea or coffee?”

“Tea, thank you,” Eliza replied, glancing around as the assistant left.

Once they were alone, William leaned in and lowered his voice. “Damn, these folks really know how to treat people. Check it out—serving top-shelf Longjing tea from the first flush, no less. The aroma’s out of this world.”

Eliza remained silent, a brow raised.

Shouldn’t the head honcho’s last name be Fairfax? Why was it Edward?

William rolled his eyes, annoyance creeping into his tone. “What’s with you? The heir’s taking the throne; act like it. We should look joyful, not grim. Put a smile on your face.”

Eliza flashed a smile that showed all eight teeth. “How’s this?”

“Fake!” he scoffed.

Just then, the door swung open, revealing a stylish young man surrounded by a throng of well-dressed associates.

Eliza's stomach dropped. No way, it can’t be—

“Mr. Liu, take care!” one of the associates called.

“Mr. Edward, please hold on!” another chimed in.

Though Edward Fairfax was busy exchanging pleasantries, he caught a glimpse of her. A knowing smile tugged at his lips as he turned and headed into his office.

Inside, a tumult of confusion and exhilaration churned within Eliza. She was struggling to catch her breath; her mind raced at the sight.

A few minutes later, his personal assistant, Thomas Blackwood, approached them. “Andrew Hartford, Lucas Greenwood—Mr. Edward is ready to see you now. Please, come in.”


William slicked back his hair and adjusted his tie, grinning as he stepped into the office, looking like he was trying to impress more than just their boss.

“Edward, my man! Good to see you again. Congrats on the new role!”

Edward leaned back in his leather chair, fingers laced, his gaze locked onto Eliza’s.

“And who might this be?” he inquired, genuinely intrigued.

Chapter 4

Familiar Faces

“She’s my mentee, Eliza Greenwood, a PhD student at Kingston College of Law. She’s doing an internship at my firm.”

“A female PhD, huh?”

Edward Fairfax's grin beamed as he rose from his chair, extending a hand toward Eliza. “Pleased to meet you!”

Eliza hesitated for a heartbeat, her palms clammy as she reached out. “Hi, Edward.”

Their hands connected, and though she maintained her composure, her heart raced like a drum. Edward’s grip was surprisingly warm—akin to a furnace, igniting an unexpected flush across her cheeks.

“Lucas Greenwood, he looks kind of familiar?”

Eliza tugged at her hand, but his grip held firm.

“You're joking, right?”

“Am I?”

Edward's expression hardened, darkening the room.

Eliza felt a jolt of anxiety coursing through her. What did he want? Just then, he released her hand as if it was too hot to handle. “Maybe I’m mistaken. What’s your area of research?”

Relieved, Eliza breathed a little easier. “I’m specializing in criminology and criminal psychology.”

A flicker of interest crossed Edward's face. “Eliza, you’re quite the looker. Not exactly the type I’d expect to delve into criminal minds. Had some intriguing experiences, I take it?”

Eliza’s fingers curled into fists resting in her lap, but she kept a gentle smile on her face. “You’re being playful, Edward.”

“Not entirely.”

Edward picked up a stack of papers and tossed them onto the table in front of her. “I’ve got a little situation that needs sorting. A batch of new pharmaceuticals from Fairfax Pharmaceuticals had an adverse reaction during trials. They’ve got a contract dispute with a client who isn’t satisfied with the settlement. They’re making waves around here. Since you’re interested in criminology, why don’t you tackle this one?”

“Getting paid to handle someone else's mess,” chimed in William Hartford, eager to please. “Edward, don’t worry; I’ll make sure it gets sorted out.”

“Since when did I ask you to handle this?”

Edward cut him off, pointing at Eliza with a steely gaze. “I’d like her to take this on. It’s not a problem for you, is it, Charles?”

Something primal twisted in Eliza’s chest. Her heart skipped a beat, and she realized it wasn’t overthinking making her anxious—it was the unmistakable expectation hanging in the air.

Swallowing her discomfort, Eliza glanced at William, who hesitated, his hand hovering over the file before retreating.

In her limited time around Edward, he had always struck her as someone who knew how to keep things professional. So why was he being so sharp-tongued today?

“Um, Edward, my mentee…”

“What’s wrong with your mentee? Can’t handle the assignment?”

Edward’s eyes turned to stone, icy and unyielding. “Fairfax Pharmaceuticals throws down millions a year in legal fees. Charles wouldn’t be nitpicking over pennies, right?”

“Come on, Edward, that’s not it! My mentor handed her over to me for just this reason. It’s a great opportunity for growth. Don’t you agree, Eliza?”

Eliza fixed her gaze on him, offering nothing but silence.

A trickle of sweat ran down William's back, and he shot Eliza a desperate look as if she was his lifeline.

Edward’s penetrating stare didn’t soften. “Seems like Charles Hartford’s reputation at the firm isn’t cutting it. Can’t even keep a handle on his own team? Eleanor?”


“Time to reassess the standing of the Hartford Law firm in this industry…”


Eliza interjected, their eyes locking in a tense standoff.

It felt like a knife slicing through the silence—tense, sharp, and merciless.

Finally, she bit down on her lip, forcing out, “Thank you, Edward, for this opportunity. I’ll do my best.”

Edward’s smile barely reached his eyes, a predator’s quiet smile before the kill.

“Eliza, I’ll be waiting.”

Chapter 5

Don't Mess with Money

Eliza Greenwood stormed out of the building, her eyes locked onto William Hartford, burning with indignation.

Yet for all the fury radiating from her, William stood firm, a mask of righteous calm plastered across his face.

Eliza turned sharply on her heel, and in that moment, William grasped the gravity of the situation.

“Little Sister, I messed up, I messed up! Just tell me, what’s it gonna take?”

“Seriously? You’re still calling me ‘Little Sister’?”

How could he still act like they had some brother-sister bond when he had practically sold her out for a fast buck? This was a betrayal, plain and simple.

“Come on, Little Sister. We’re talking about nearly ten million a year here. This is a big deal, a huge deal! We need to keep it going,” he pleaded, his voice dripping with desperation.

“Did you forget? I don’t work for free,” Eliza shot back, her voice icy.

“Look, I have family to support… kids….” William stammered, his bravado slipping.

“Kids? You’re not even married! Where are these kids coming from?” Eliza scoffed, her anger boiling over.

“Okay, okay, no kids right now, but that doesn’t mean I won’t have them someday! Besides, there’s the office rent, utilities, salaries... you think any of that pays for itself?”

William wore a pained expression. “Alright, fine. How about a thousand more? Just for you?”

Eliza arched an eyebrow, unimpressed.

“I'll give you two thousand,” he tried again.

She merely rolled her eyes in response.

“Three thousand! I can’t go any higher! If I do, it might as well be a noose around my neck!”

Her expression began to crack as the weight of his words sank in. The prospect of a lavish reward was hard to resist.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she ground out, “Deal!” Three thousand dollars would cover her cousin Ethan Bright’s grad school tuition, so that was worth it.

“Now we’re talking! Let’s not make this about money… this world—”


Eliza interrupted him, frustration rising. “There’s something I don’t understand!”

“Hit me with it!” he urged.

“The second Young Master—shouldn’t that be Darkmoor? Why is his last name Fairfax?”

“You’ve asked the right person!” William’s face lit up with enthusiasm. “The second Young Master was kidnapped as a kid and wasn’t found until he was older. Edward's brother raised him, so out of gratitude, he refused to change his last name. Isn’t that noble?”

“Noble? Spare me,” Eliza shot back.

What a joke!


After parting ways with William, Eliza hailed a cab. As she gave the driver the address, he turned to her, a quizzical look on his face. “Uh, miss, where are you headed?”

“I’m meeting someone.”

“You got an address?”


“Better get in and out fast; that area has a lot of sketchy characters. A girl like you should be careful,” he warned.

“C’mon, it’s broad daylight. What could happen?” Eliza replied, dismissing his concern.

But as she bent down to check her papers, she completely missed the driver’s apprehensive expression.

When they finally arrived, Eliza realized she had underestimated the place.

The streets were a tangled mess, wide in some parts and narrow in others, an urban maze.

Haphazard construction was everywhere; it seemed like every house had been slapped together with no regard for order. Even with an address, she was sure it would take hours to find her destination.

In the early summer heat, shirtless men lounged on sidewalks while women in loungewear ambled by.

A trio of young men with tattoos of dragons and tigers squatted on the curb, tossing a knife around like a toy, their stares burning into her as she passed by.

The air was thick with a musty scent, and two large mutts suddenly bounded out of nowhere.

Eliza shivered involuntarily, finally understanding what the driver had meant.

This was a gritty corner of the city, teeming with danger around every twist and turn. She swallowed hard, bending down to pick up a stone for protection.

Finally, she spotted House No. 66.

It was a pair of dilapidated bungalows, their doorways seeming menacingly dark, with pooled water in the corners emitting a foul odor that lingered.

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