Shadows Among the Bright Lights

Chapter 1

William Bright had decided against going back to Windsor Manor. For some reason, just the thought of facing them again filled him with dread. Every time they met, it ended in arguments and unresolved tensions. Less contact meant fewer conflicts, fewer heartaches.

After Grace Green left, he sprawled out on the couch, scrolling through his phone. A video of Stella Blackwood appeared; she was painting, completely absorbed in her work.

His phone buzzed again. He saw the caller ID and hesitated, sensing her reluctance to answer. She let it ring twice, then finally picked it up, a frown etching her brow.

“Edgar Fairchild,” she snapped on the other end. “I told you not to call me anymore. I’m busy.”

“Look, I know the Harvest Moon Festival is in two days, and yes, I know it’s Isabella White’s birthday… Just don’t book tickets for us. I can’t come, and I don’t want to come. It’s fine; Isabella can celebrate at home without making it a big deal. You should go celebrate with your family.”

She paused, exasperated, “Really, Edgar? I’ve outgrown all that teasing and nonsense. I'm not going to fall for you; I promise. Even if every other man in the world disappeared, it wouldn’t make a difference. I just can't stand you rich kids anymore. We can be friends, but only as regular friends... no more of those outrageous jokes."

With a swift motion, Stella hung up, shaking her head in disbelief, a small smile creeping across her face as she returned to her painting.

She hadn’t expected to smile like that, especially when alone—though it was the same radiant smile she would offer him in their early days together.

It made him wonder if he had ever been that carefree. Just seeing her smile through the screen lifted his spirits immensely.

Two days from now was the Harvest Moon Festival, also Isabella's birthday. He felt a twinge of guilt; without overhearing that call, he wouldn't have even remembered his daughter's birthday.

What kind of father didn’t know their child’s birthday? And he, a father new to the scene, was somehow the only one holding onto this detail... Edgar Fairchild, who barely knew Isabella, had managed to recall her birthday.

Maybe it was time he did something about that name: Isabella White. It had a nice ring to it, a gentle grace he admired, but she couldn’t go through life as just Isabella. Surely, she needed to carry his last name in some form. That made sense, right? William Bright's daughter shouldn’t be stuck with a surname she might outgrow. Isabella White seemed fitting enough, a blend of their identities, practically inescapable.

He just wished she could stop breaking his heart like this.

Brightwick Holdings was hosting a routine board meeting. Arthur Bright and Evelyn Goldman were absent, leaving Edward Bright to lead the proceedings. William hadn’t made an appearance at the headquarters in ages since publicly launching his online business, opting for evasive maneuvers to avoid potential drama. He simply needed to show his face now and then, a silent assertion that he hadn’t washed his hands of them entirely.

On the day of the Harvest Moon Festival, the company was holding a new product launch, inviting numerous press members and business partners. The festive air even turned the launch into a grand thank-you event. They had also invited their brand ambassador, Emily Stone, and various entertainment celebs to spice things up.

William was set to deliver a speech.

As they discussed the details in the conference room, his phone buzzed. He had a strict rule against phone calls during meetings, but when he saw the name on the screen, something compelled him to answer. He gave Samuel Fairchild a nod, signaling him to continue while he picked up.

It was Stella.

“Hey, it’s me,” he said simply when he picked up.

“What’s up?”

“Just wanted to remind you today is Isabella’s birthday,” she said. “The caregivers, Richard Thompson, and the nutritionist have all gone home for the Harvest Moon Festival, so I was thinking about taking Isabella out for a bit. Just me and her… oh, and Henry’s coming along.”

“Where are you planning to go?” William asked softly, surprised at how gentle his voice sounded.

Grace Green shot him an inquisitive look, inching closer, caught off guard by the softening of his features.

“Not far, just over by Windsor Manor at Silvergrove Market. Sophia Stone is coming over later to celebrate with Isabella, but I want to take her to pick up snacks for the day.”

“Did you order a cake?”

“Yeah, Sophia’s bringing one. I just need some vegetables and meat. Since the nutritionist isn’t around today, I want to cook her favorite meal. Henry said he won’t let us go unless you agree.”

“Make sure you get enough. I’ll be back in time. Need anything else?”

“Not really… so you’re agreeing then?”

“Yeah, go ahead, and take care.”

“Thanks, William. Talk soon.”

Chapter 2

“I guess that’s that... I’ll hang up now, alright?”

She didn’t wait for a response before cutting the call, a thrill rushing through her. Just the act of dialing his number made her heart race. Still, there was a nagging regret; she wished she could have chatted with him a bit longer.

But it felt good. Samuel Harper had called her. Polite, cordial, just the way he was.

From now on, she realized, she had to set boundaries. If she wanted to go out, she needed to be the one to pick up the phone. No more waiting around for him to make the move; she would take control.

Hanging up, she noticed the odd looks from her colleagues in the conference room. What was their deal? She had kept her voice down—surely they hadn’t overheard anything.

“Hey, what’s up? Did I miss a meeting?” William Bright glanced at Edgar Fairchild, frowning.

“It’s Isabella White’s birthday. Today. Why the hell are you still here, man? Don’t you have a daughter to celebrate with?” Ethan Knight said quietly.

“I didn’t tell you I’m going later this afternoon?” William replied as he put his phone away, feeling a peculiar mix of gloom and lightness—was that contentment he felt?

The charity gala was running on schedule, and it marked the first public appearance for William since taking on a visible role in his father’s company. His speech earned resounding applause.

As the evening proceeded, the hall buzzed with energy—celebs were performing, and Emily Stone and William were seated together, drawing the attention of photographers like moths to a flame.

At their table was Clara Harding, there in a professional capacity, but visibly annoyed seeing Emily and William’s easy banter.

“I heard from Grace Bright that you’re related to Stella Blackwood—so that makes you and William kind of family, right? I mean, more directly, he’s your sister’s husband, isn’t he?” Clara said, glancing between Emily and William.

“Oh, you could say that. But I’m not really close with my cousin… It’s kind of surprising you brought that up,” Emily answered with a tight smile.

“Right, considering your social standings are miles apart... By the way, did you know that William is a dad now? Your cousin had a little princess, and you probably didn’t even hear about it,” Clara pressed on.

“Really? Well, congratulations, President Bright! What a young father! When are you throwing a party so we can meet your little girl?” Emily asked, deliberately avoiding the topic of her connection to Stella, steering the conversation back to William.

“That little princess is still your niece, you know. Why aren’t you more interested in your niece instead of getting chummy with her dad? Don’t forget, William’s your cousin-in-law now,” Clara quipped, eyebrows raised.

“I doubt I’ll be related much longer. I hear they’re on the verge of divorce,” Emily said nonchalantly. “But don’t think I’m gossiping; it’s just that I’ve been chatting with Edgar Fairchild. He’s working with me on an ad campaign, so we talk quite a bit.”

“Why the hell would you be happy about your cousin's divorce? You trying to wangle a date with William or something?” Clara shot back, her words making Emily’s face fall.

“Come on, Clara, that’s ridiculous. Emily and our boss are just colleagues. Besides, he’s still married, isn’t he?” Ethan Knight interjected hastily.

“Who cares if he’s still married? They've been separated for nearly three years. So really, it’s not much of a stretch to say they’re practically divorced,” Emily replied, and Ethan hesitated for a moment, then turned towards the quietly brooding William Bright. "It sounds like he’s just waiting for the right moment to break free."

“Isn’t Edgar busy at his own company, though? Why’s he doing ads with you?” William interjected, redirecting the conversation.

“He wants me as his spokesperson for his company’s campaign. It doesn’t conflict with what you guys are doing, so I went for it. He’s talented—designs and shoots everything himself. It’s pretty impressive,” Emily said with a smile.

“Just a shame my aunt keeps him from chasing his passion. Sometimes he reminds me of my younger self—full of rebellion without understanding the consequences. I hope he figures it out before it costs him too much,” William sighed, standing to greet other guests.

“When's he and Stella Blackwood finally going to file for divorce? Why haven’t they done anything yet?” Clara asked Ethan.

“Why file? They’ve got a kid in the middle. None of them want to budge… Their marriage is a tricky knot to untangle,” Ethan replied, following William to mingle with the guests.

Emily and Clara exchanged glances, then turned away, lost in their thoughts.

Chapter 3

William Bright stood vigil at the hospital bed, the sterile scent of antiseptic and the rhythmic beeping of machines creating an almost hypnotic backdrop. He hated every moment of it, especially knowing he had to navigate the funeral arrangements for Lucas Miller’s father, Derek Dawson. Reluctantly, he had entrusted Amelia Knight to the care of Sophia Stone and Andrew Harding.

That evening, William invited Sophia, Andrew, and Lucas to a nearby hotel for dinner. But Lucas insisted they bring Amelia along. “Today’s star is Amelia. We can’t leave her all alone in that stuffy hospital room,” he declared, a hint of defiance in his voice.

Andrew chimed in, “If Amelia doesn’t go, then I’m not going either. I skipped the Aldermere gala for this. I’ve spent all day here; if she stays behind, I might as well stay too.”

Lucas shot him a knowing glance. “I already made sure Derek’s son knows that he can come to the funeral. But I warned him not to cause any trouble. If he wants to stir things up, he can forget about bothering Amelia ever again.”

Amelia fidgeted with her hands, eyes cast down. “I’d like to go to Derek’s house,” she said quietly. “There are a couple of pictures of my mom and him that I want to collect.”

“Sure, after dinner we’ll swing by,” Lucas assured her.

William remained silent, feeling the invisible wall Amelia had built between them. It was as if they were in a void, surrounded by the others yet entirely detached from each other.

Amelia picked at her food, then winced. “I don’t feel too well. My stomach is acting up.”

“Probably because you haven’t eaten properly these last few days. Didn’t expect our Amelia to be so thin while living with George Bright, did we? It’s tough on George. Always fussing over everyone else but never checking if you’re okay. Have you even eaten enough? You’re almost withering away.” Sophia’s voice was concerned, but her tone was lighthearted, revealing the bond they shared.

“Stop it, Sophia. I’m just not hungry at the moment,” Amelia interrupted, her tone clipped.

“It’s all in your head? Or is it really your stomach? Look, if I weren’t tied to this job by that damn paycheck, I wouldn't leave you here tonight. Seriously, I worry about you.”

“I’m fine, really. Just a little shaky,” Amelia reassured her. “We had a deal to meet up soon. Don’t forget about that.”

Sophia sighed dramatically. “Alright, as long as you’re okay. Just promise me you’ll take care of yourself. I’ve been worrying about you non-stop since last night, and it’s wearing me out. I’m scared you’re going to collapse while I’m stuck here helpless. You’re mourning for Derek Dawson, but I’m mourning for you too. You might have people looking out for you, but I’ve got nobody but you. You’re like my only family now, Amelia.”

“Stop it! You have your friends, don’t you?” Amelia said, her voice rising slightly. “And you’ve got Lucas, and Andrew—”

“Those two? Hardly the same,” Sophia interrupted, rolling her eyes. “Lucas here seems to care more than anyone else. And Andrew—poor guy—caught in the middle of it all.”

Lucas looked between them, grinning. “You know, given how close we’ve become, I think you should just ditch Ethan Knight and let me be your big brother instead. Just think about it. He had his chance, now nobody’s trying to be my brother anymore! Here’s to our fraternal bond!” He raised his glass, the light glinting off it, inviting laughter.

“Don’t even mention that jerk’s name!” Sophia shot back, fists clenched in mock annoyance. “But fine, if I have to pick brothers, better you than him! Let’s toast to this inexplicable bond we’ve created.” She burst into laughter, her amusement contagious.

“Good luck with that! Half the celebrity world probably sees Ethan as their brother too,” William cut in dryly, rolling his eyes. “You really want to join that club? Good luck getting a spot.”

Lucas laughed heartily. “That’s not what I’m talking about! My sister is Amelia, and Sophia, you can be my honorary sister too. The more, the merrier!”

Just then, Sophia smirked, “As if it’s a competition, right? Today Amelia gets me as her sister instead of a guy.”

Amelia couldn’t help but chuckle, shaking her head at the absurdity. “Sophia, stop saying ridiculous things. You’re not a guy!”

“Who said I’m not? I’m just missing a few parts! If not, I’d totally rock the whole brother vibe!” Sophia exclaimed, her laughter almost spilling into a snort.

“Okay, you’ve definitely had too much to drink. Cut the nonsense,” Amelia cautioned as she leaned in, trying to reel Sophia in from her playful banter.

“Let her have her fun,” Lucas interjected with a grin. “I love her spirit. That’s the sister I chose!”

Chapter 4

“You two really are cut out to be brothers… No wonder Amelia Knight’s got a bit of a tough girl in her; it’s clearly rubbing off on her. Guess I’ll have to think of you as a brother from now on…” William Bright chuckled, a playful gleam in his eyes.

“Shut it. I wouldn't be caught dead sitting at the same table with someone like you if it weren’t for Amelia Knight marrying you. But hey, since we’re kindred spirits, I’ll roll with it. I’m trusting you to take care of her. If anyone messes with her while I’m gone, you better handle it for me. She has plenty of annoying brothers to keep track of; at least you can remember your brother’s sister. Once I’m outta Aldermere, she’s all yours. Just promise me you’ll keep her safe, okay?” Sophia Stone’s words made Lucas Miller burst into laughter. “So, your brotherhood pact is really about Amelia Knight. Don’t worry, she’s not just my little sister; she’s your sister too. Anyone who dares to bully her? Just wait and see if I don’t put them in their place… including you, William Bright. Better watch your back. I can turn on my own family for my brother.”

Andrew Harding had been quiet throughout the exchange. Although he didn’t plan on drinking tonight, he found himself nursing a glass of red wine at Sophia’s insistence.

William Bright, however, couldn’t shake the feeling of discomfort gnawing at him. Andrew’s gaze had been fixated on Stella Blackwood all evening, and he couldn’t help but see it as a challenge to his authority. After all, Stella was his wife.

Once dinner wrapped up, Sophia Stone prepared to head to the airport, repeatedly urging Lucas Miller to keep an eye on Stella. She didn’t trust anyone else in this crowd, except for her newly declared brother. She warned him to keep Stella away from the Dawson household; those people had zero boundaries. She might even find the place turned upside down when she gets there, so it was best to steer clear… better to protect herself than risk anything.

Stella, who had struggled with physical exhaustion, was grateful when Lucas volunteered to drop Sophia at the airport.

“My parents are in Aldermere waiting at my aunt’s,” Andrew Harding said. “I’ll see Stella tomorrow morning for goodbyes.”

Stella cut him off. “No need to come. Let’s just say goodbye now. Thanks for everything today, and please, take care of yourself once you reach your destination. I really hope you make your music dreams come true…”

Stella glanced at Andrew Harding, her heart heavy. It was harder to say goodbye to him than to Sophia; after all, she could see Sophia anytime she wanted. But Andrew was different. Who knew when they’d cross paths again—it could be years.

Andrew’s expression turned serious as he looked back at Stella, struggling for the right words. “You don’t have to thank me; you’ve taken care of me more than I can say. Just... please focus on getting better. I’m leaving to become stronger, hoping to come back and take care of you again—hoping you’ll be back to your old self… I, uh... I should go. Get some rest, okay?”

With that, he turned and walked away.

As the door clicked shut, Stella crumpled to the edge of the bed, feeling totally drained.

“You should head back too. I need some time alone…” she murmured to William Bright, who stood nearby.

“Just lie down and rest. We can talk later,” William replied, helpless to keep the concern from creeping into his voice.

Even with a torrent of emotions swirling inside him, he couldn’t show it. He was painfully aware that Andrew had given him a look as he left—almost as if he, too, doubted whether William could be trusted with Stella.

He tried to remind himself that whatever had passed between him and Stella was long gone. Even if she was turning to Andrew out of desperation, once that damn door closed behind his brother, everything would be over.

Stella was still his wife. No matter what thoughts pulsed through his mind, the fact remained: she belonged to him.

He figured it was best not to push her when she was vulnerable. After she calmed down, he’d tackle their issues. He was sure he could fix things, get things back to how they were… the way Stella used to be before everything went south.

Chapter 5

The morning sun poured into the courtyard of Stonegate Keep, casting long shadows as Robert Harrison waited anxiously by the entrance. Half a year had passed since William Bright, the prodigal heir of the Bright family, had vanished behind bars. Today, he was finally stepping back into the world.

The buzz of camera clicks and the murmur of reporters grew thicker, a swarm eager to capture the moment William was released. Robert felt a creeping unease settle in his stomach. He ducked into his car, dialing his colleague and confidant, Derek.

“Derek, what the hell do we do? There are reporters everywhere. They’re definitely here for William. Should we bring in some heavies to handle the press? It’s going to be a mess when he walks out.”

“Relax, Rob. Let the world see William stride out. This is a different game now. I’ll handle the media—trust me. The plan for William is already in motion. Just pick him up and take him straight to Eldershire Square. We’ll give him the welcome he deserves,” Derek replied, his tone calm and collected.

Robert hung up, glancing once more at the gathering throng outside. He couldn’t shake the thought that the past six months had been a nightmare for everyone in the Bright empire. Without their guiding star, the sprawling network had faltered, almost crumbling under a leadership vacuum. If it hadn’t been for Derek’s steadfast support and the loyalty of a few of William’s closest friends, the fallout from this scandal might’ve been far worse. Not only could it have cost William his place as the Bright family's chosen successor, but it could have completely obliterated everything he had built.

He sighed, reminding himself of how he came to be in this position. A year ago, he was just an assistant designated to a figurehead role at Brightwick Holdings, a place he had secretly loathed. William’s self-indulgent lifestyle—always wrapped up in distractions and petty amusements—had made him an easy target for Robert’s disdain. Tired of his lack of ambition, Robert had begun searching for opportunities elsewhere.

But then life ambushed him when his father, in a drunken haze, crashed his car into a three-wheeler, killing a couple on the spot. The fallout was catastrophic, leaving them facing insurmountable compensation fees. With no one to turn to and his father staring down the barrel of a prison sentence, Robert was at his wit's end.

That’s when William stepped in, unbeknownst to Robert, and quietly lent him the money for the damages, hiring a lawyer to keep his father from prison. It was a turning point for Robert, who had spent years resenting the man he now realized had a depth of character hidden beneath the surface.

So, while Robert had initially thrived on the notion of moving on, he found himself scrambling to rally around William after his release from custody. His respect for William had morphed into something more profound, more complex. What had once been barely concealed scorn was now an uneasy but undeniable loyalty.

But it wasn’t easy. In the public eye, William was a leper, shunned by most and overshadowed by the glitzy apologies and public relations stunts of Nathan Stone, the pop star embroiled in the same scandal. Nathan had escaped the incident relatively unscathed, his fame shielding him from the worst of the backlash, while the rest of the world pointed fingers at William as the spooky puppet master behind the curtain. Meanwhile, William, once so full of bravado, had surrendered, accepting his fate without any fight.

After that disastrous night—caught in a raid alongside the likes of Nathan Stone—the media storm had been relentless. William’s mom was overseas, and by the time the news reached her, the damage was done. All evidence suggested that William had orchestrated some twisted escapade, and even a woman from that night stepped forward to claim he had manipulated her into substance abuse.

William's fall from grace had been spectacular, dragging Robert along with him into the debris of Brightwick Holdings. When Edward Bright, William’s half-brother, took the helm of the family business after the incident, Robert had briefly contemplated resigning, especially when Edward relegated him to the back office. Yet Derek reached out, urging him to stay.

And now, here he was, ready to welcome William back into a world that had turned its back on him.

With the clamor outside reaching a fever pitch, Robert steadied himself and prepared to face whatever storm awaited them. He would help William reclaim his name, even if it meant braving the chaos head-on. Today was just the beginning.

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