Secrets Behind Closed Doors

Chapter 1

Eleanor sat on the edge of her bed, staring blankly at the wall, her mind a chaotic whirlwind of thoughts. She never imagined her first meeting with her cousin's fiancé would happen like this—confined to a bedroom, entangled in a situation she could hardly comprehend.

And worse still, she had slept with Matilda's fiancé. The embarrassment and confusion rushed back as she remembered the way things spiraled out of control just moments ago. To add fuel to the fire, Matilda Baker and her fiancé, William Knight, had barged in like a storm, followed closely by a pack of reporters, turning an already chaotic scene into a nightmare.

Eleanor finally managed to disengage from the mess, stealing a glance at William, who stood calmly, an amused smile playing on his lips. “I should head back to the Baker estate,” she said, forcing a semblance of cheerfulness into her voice.

“I'll have someone drive you,” Edward offered, his brow arched in curiosity.


As Eleanor climbed into the waiting car, she could feel William's gaze lingering on her, a mix of mischief and intrigue written all over his face.

“Should we send someone after her?” William Gray hesitated, eyeing his friend.

William waved him off, a smirk creeping in. “It’s just a rabbit. No need.”

Half an hour later, Eleanor arrived back at Baker estate, escorted by William’s team.

“Miss! You’re back!” the butler exclaimed, his eyes wide with surprise.

As she opened her mouth to respond, Matilda stormed out, fury etched on her face. Before Eleanor could utter a word, Matilda's hand connected hard with her face. The slap stung, both physically and emotionally.

“Eleanor!” shouted Isabella Wood, rushing to shield her sister. “Matilda! What are you doing? She’s just come back!”

Matilda shot a glare at them, holding up her phone like a weapon. “What am I doing? Ask her! Just look at this! My dear sister, what a delightful surprise you’ve given me! Truly, you’re the best sister ever!”

Isabella snatched the phone, her eyes going wide with disbelief. “Oh my god! What happened?”

“Tell her, Eleanor! Tell her it was William Knight who forced you!” Matilda spat, her cold smile a stark reminder of how quickly things had escalated.

Eleanor was taken aback. She couldn't believe Isabella would assume the worst. “Isabella, no—”

“Mom! Are you out of your mind? It’s your daughter’s fiancé who’s been compromised!” Matilda yelled, anger boiling over as she pulled Eleanor, dragging her toward the staircase.

“Matilda, stop!” Robert Baker's voice cut through the tension, heavy with authority. Eleanor met her uncle's gaze, shame flooding her system.

Looking back at Matilda, Eleanor felt her throat tighten. “I’ll make this right, I promise,” she choked out, desperately wanting to fix this.

As she rushed out of Baker Manor, Matilda’s taunts followed her, making her feel smaller with each step.

Eleanor ran for what felt like ages, her heart racing. Ten minutes later, a car pulled up, and a tall, dapper Edward stepped out. “Miss Baker, William Knight requests your presence.”

Eleanor hesitated, swiping at her tears. This was a mess she needed to understand. She nodded, wordlessly stepping into the car.

Half an hour later, they arrived at The Falcon Inn, the very place her tumultuous evening had begun. Edward guided her to a familiar room, and a mix of anxiety and determination surged through her.

“Miss Baker, he’s inside,” Edward said gently.

Taking a deep breath, she steadied herself. William had summoned her once more; she needed answers now more than ever.

Eleanor knocked lightly on the door, and it opened almost immediately. William leaned against the frame, an enigmatic smile dancing on his lips. “Miss Baker, we meet again.”

Chapter 2

I Have a Thing for Torturing My Wife

“Marry me, and you can spit that out in their faces.”

Running with wolves wasn’t the best choice, but it sure beat being alone, surrounded by predators.

Eleanor dropped her gaze, gripping her legs tighter as anxiety gnawed at her. After a moment, she lifted her chin, her expression hardening with a grim resolve. “Alright.”

He had mentioned that he liked smart women, and she was nothing if not clever. A little intelligence could keep her neck out of the noose.

“I like straightforward people,” he said, flashing a grin that didn’t quite reach his dark eyes.

Eleanor studied him closely. “Henry, why did Robert marry me off to you?”

“His company hit a rough patch and he’s desperate for cash. Did you not hear?”

She was aware that Robert’s firm was in trouble, but the details escaped her.

William’s gaze turned condescending, the smirk on his lips sharp. “Miss, perhaps you’re not fully aware, but his company is a knockoff of Mr. Chu’s operation. Most of Mr. Chu’s resources are funneled into their business. I have a penchant for intelligent women, and I believe your next move is crystal clear.”

Eleanor knew Robert had started a company three years ago, but the specifics were murky. She never imagined Robert would pull such a stunt behind her back.

Anger surged through her, and she looked back at William, her voice cold. “I can marry you. But—"

She paused for effect, “I’m usually quite petty. Knowing Robert’s done me dirty so many times, the last thing I want is to see him thrive.”

“Funny, I feel the same way.”

His eyebrow arched and a genuine smile broke through, revealing the amusement beneath.

Eleanor blinked, feeling the gears in her mind shift. “Since Henry and I are aligned, I assume the next steps will be straightforward?”

“I do love a smart and beautiful woman.”

Eleanor pressed her lips together. “Baker still hasn’t caught wind of my knowledge about Robert’s scheming. I wonder if you’d be willing to play along with me?”

“What are you suggesting, fiancée?”

Perhaps she was imagining things, but when William called her fiancée, there was a hint of mockery in his tone.

Her cheeks flushed slightly, but she quickly regained her composure. She laid out her plan in a measured voice, “I want to watch them crash from the top.”

“Ah, Miss, you certainly know how to whet my appetite.”

Eleanor had intended to keep it serious, but his comment caught her off guard, leaving a hint of warmth creeping across her face.

He leaned in closer, his breath brushing against her skin. “Oh, by the way, I have a thing for torturing my wife. You’ve heard about that, right?”

With him so close, Eleanor felt a shiver run through her. She didn’t flinch, meeting his gaze, her lips pressed together. “I trust Henry wouldn’t put me in harm’s way.”

“Now that’s debatable.”

His hand shot up suddenly, brushing lightly across her cheek with a warm fingertip. Her heart raced like it was preparing for a sprint.

Eleanor froze, caught off guard, but he instantly leaned back, glancing at her knowingly. “You have something on your face.”

Startled, she raised her hand to touch her cheek, heat flooding her face as if she were an awkward teenager again.

Chapter 3

Eleanor Baker knew the whole truth now.

After stepping out of The Falcon Inn, she took a cab straight back to Baker Estate, her heart pounding with a mix of dread and determination.

As soon as she pushed the door open, there was Matilda, her sister, standing in the grand foyer, fury radiating off her. Without a word, Matilda grabbed a nearby vase and hurled it at Eleanor. She ducked just in time, barely managing to keep her composure as she approached Matilda, lips pressed tightly together.

"Look, I’m sorry, okay? I know it sounds ridiculous, but I swear, I’m telling you the truth. I didn’t mean for any of this to happen! I’m a victim too here!" Eleanor exclaimed, trying to keep her voice steady.

Matilda's scornful laugh cut through the air like a knife. "A victim? Have you seen what everyone online is saying about us? What you've done jeopardizes everything for the Baker family!"

Eleanor couldn’t help but admire Matilda’s performance; if she didn’t know their true nature, those words might’ve pierced her heart. But she was in on the secret now, and nothing could take that away from her.

She played along with their little charade, knowing Isabella Wood would step in to mediate. Eventually, Matilda sunk into the couch, tears streaming down her face.

Ugh, it was all so nauseating, but the show must go on.

"I really am sorry! Honestly! I wanted to come back weeks ahead of time to help you make your wedding dress. I never expected any of this!" Eleanor's voice broke as she, too, began to weep, her pent-up emotions bursting forth.

For the last two days, she had kept everything bottled up inside, desperately trying to appease them. They had always been her closest family, but was that ever reciprocated? At just twenty-two, she was naïve in love, having never even held hands with Edward Taylor. But that night? That night had changed everything.

Now, she was forced to stifle her feelings, playing her part, and meticulously navigating her alliance with William Knight.

Matilda seemed to collect herself, her sobs tapering off as she leaned against the couch, her eyes watery with feigned sadness.

Eleanor shot a glance at her, then smirked under her breath. "Don't worry, sis. I’m heading back to America tomorrow. I won’t be a burden."

Matilda's eyes widened in panic. "Wait, you're really not doing this on purpose?"

"Eleanor, I’ve been in another country since I graduated high school. I’ve missed four years! How on earth would I know Henry Knight? Someone plotted this against us! And Henry’s just as much a victim here as I am. Can you get his contact for me? He must know what's really going on."

Matilda's heart raced at Eleanor's words. If William Knight truly dug into this, they’d all be in serious trouble! Up until now, she'd intended to make Eleanor's life harder for a few more days. But with this sudden change, she found herself torn between fear of Eleanor leaving and dread of the truth coming out. "You’ve been away! You don’t understand how things are here! Marrying William Knight? It was a huge step up for me. After all this happened, there’s no way I could ask him to investigate anything. He might think I’m ashamed of him and put on a show!"

Eleanor simply chuckled inside, masking her smirk with a façade of innocence. "Why would it be like that? I mean, the truth always rises to the surface, right? I believe we can sort this out clearly."

Matilda’s expression faltered ever so slightly before she smoothed it back down. "Eleanor, this doesn’t concern you. I promise I’ll get to the bottom of this and report back to you."

In that moment, Eleanor realized everything William had told her up until now had to have been real.

Chapter 4

Eleanor Baker stepped out of Baker Manor, the sprawling family villa that felt less like home with every passing minute, and flagged down a taxi.

The tension from the events of the previous night still coiled tightly in her chest as she settled into the back seat. The twenty-minute ride to City Center was half a lifetime in an atmosphere thick with unspoken words and looming uncertainty.

Once they arrived, she exhaled slowly, relief washing over her as she paid the driver and stepped out onto the bustling street.

It had been years since she last set foot in Westbridge, and everything felt foreign. She’d left for college abroad right after high school, and over time, her once-close friendships had faded. Her only remaining connections were a couple of friends scattered halfway across the globe, which left her feeling more alone than ever in this transformed city.

Westbridge had changed dramatically, and Eleanor felt like a ghost wandering through her own memories. With no one to turn to, she pulled out her phone to search for nearby hotels, following the directions listed on the screen.

After checking in and tossing her bags aside, only then did she get a moment to think about last night’s upheaval.

She had come back without a word to Matilda Baker and had told only a couple of friends—Lawrence and her roommate. There was no way the locals could trace her international flight. The possibility that the leak had come from someone overseas nagged at her thoughts.

After pacing the room for a bit, Eleanor dialed her friend back in the States, desperate to get to the bottom of this mystery.

When the call ended, it struck her how little time it took for her movements to ripple across continents. She stood by the window for several minutes, watching the dying light of the day slip away, before finally deciding to grab a bite to eat downstairs.

That night, sleep eluded her, her mind replaying the mess of the morning. Edward’s odd demeanor, Matilda’s hysterical accusations, and the swirling scandals dominating social media haunted her dreams.

Her phone rang, jolting her awake. She squinted at the screen, seeing it was her friend. Worry knotted her stomach as she answered, listening to the disappointing news that not much could be found out—everyone seemed to know she was back in town.

As the first hints of dawn broke through her window, Eleanor knew it would be nearly impossible to trace the source of the leak. Someone had been plotting against her for some time, and the implications hit hard. The Baker family had been dragged into this mess, as had the Knights, revealing a nefarious intent that set her nerves on edge.

After changing into more suitable clothes, she decided to head to the taxi company. She remembered the license plate number clearly, a detail embedded in her mind.

Stepping outside the hotel, she spotted a sleek black sedan pulling up. To her surprise, a young man named Edward—a familiar face from yesterday—exited the passenger seat. “Miss Baker, William Knight requests your presence.”

Caught off guard, Eleanor’s heart raced. She’d seen him just this morning, and his smirk, devoid of warmth, did nothing to ease her apprehension. After a brief hesitation, she climbed into the car, apprehension tightening her chest.

When they arrived, she glanced at the hotel that looked all too familiar, a frown etching across her brow.

Edward stepped out and opened the door for her with a curt smile. “Miss Baker, William Knight is in Room 1606.”

“Thanks,” she replied, already feeling the weight of the moment pressing down on her. Without waiting for him, she walked into the hotel and up to the room.

Knocking lightly, her heart pounded in her chest. What could William possibly want to discuss here? Her thoughts were racing until the door swung open almost immediately.

William stood there, surveying her with a raised brow. Without welcoming her inside, he turned and walked back into the room, leaving her no choice but to follow. “Come in.”

She hesitated for a fraction of a second, her gaze darting to the freshly made bed—the remnants of yesterday’s chaos still vivid in her mind. What a difference a day had made.

“Take a look at this first," he said, tossing a stack of documents onto the coffee table in front of her.

Eleanor moved to the sofa across from him, her palms clammy. William lounged nonchalantly on the adjacent sofa, his interest apparently elsewhere as she reluctantly picked up the documents. What had he gotten himself into this time?

Chapter 5

The audacity of the Taylor family!

Eleanor Baker woke up early the next morning to the sound of her sister, Matilda, calling her name.

Eleanor had spent last night piecing together everything that had happened over the years, and the more she reflected, the more alarmed she felt.

At least Robert Baker hadn’t completely abandoned her—he had let her grow up in some semblance of safety.

“Eleanor! Are you awake? The Taylors are here! Hurry up and get down here!” Matilda urged from the hallway.

Eleanor jolted awake, the weight of the news crashing down on her. She had suspected that John Taylor would call off the engagement, but she hadn’t expected him to act so quickly.

She smirked bitterly, but deep down, she felt a mix of dread and anticipation. “I’ll be right there!” she called back, hastily throwing off the covers and getting ready.

Once close friends, Geoffrey Baker and Alice Taylor had weathered many storms together, but after Geoffrey’s death, Eleanor drifted apart from the Taylor family. She wondered if Alice even remembered the bond they once shared.

Eleanor splashed cold water on her face, pulled on a knitted cardigan, and steeled herself for what was to come.

As she descended the stairs, Isabella Wood’s voice rang out. “Eleanor! Come quickly! Your uncle and aunt are here!”

Eleanor followed Isabella’s gaze to the living room, where Alice and John Taylor sat on the sofa. The moment John looked up, she instinctively lowered her eyes, feigning guilt as she walked towards them.

“Uncle, it’s been a while,” she greeted, keeping her tone neutral.

Alice looked at her with a hint of nostalgia. “Eleanor, it’s been too long. I can hardly believe how grown up you are now!”

Eleanor pursed her lips, holding back a wave of emotions.

Alice's gaze turned sharp as she remembered Geoffrey and realized how Eleanor's past decisions had complicated the present. Given the situation, it was clear to Alice that Matilda would be a much better fit for the Taylor family.

With a firm resolve, Alice spoke, “Eleanor, I know you're a good girl, but you also know how stubborn your cousin John can be. I'm getting older and I can’t reign him in anymore.”

Eleanor feigned confusion, tilting her head slightly. “What do you mean, Uncle?”

Before Alice could answer, John snorted derisively. “Eleanor, you think you can still play innocent? After what you did? The Taylor family doesn’t need a daughter-in-law like you! I’m here to cancel our engagement.”

As John’s words hung heavy in the air, both Isabella and Matilda jumped in, scolding John for his harshness.

Eleanor watched them, almost amused.

Wow, what a show!

“Since this was your mistake, you can consider your dowry forfeited. The Taylor family won’t be returning it!” John added, his voice dripping with disdain. “I can’t believe I was ever so blind as to see something in a woman like you!”

Eleanor’s hands trembled with anger. Years ago, her father had gifted her shares in Alice’s company as part of her dowry, a safety net that now felt precarious.

She gazed at John, incredulous. “Are you really saying that since we’re not married yet, my dowry belongs to your family now?”

“Absolutely,” John replied with smug arrogance. “Your actions have already tarnished our family’s name. That bit of dowry will have to compensate for the damage you’ve done.”

“Wow, this is a first. I didn’t realize an engagement automatically gave you rights to my dowry,” Eleanor retorted, incredulous.

Before she could say more, a male voice cut through the tension.

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