The Secrets We Keep Between Us

Chapter 1

“Lucas, why are you being such a jerk? When are you going to break it off with Ethan Smith? I can’t keep sneaking around like this.”

“Alright, my little treasure, as soon as she has the baby, I’ll dump her. She’s just yesterday’s news, not worth comparing to my Emily.”


The sound of apples crashing to the floor startled Liam Johnson and Emily Smith, who were caught up in their embrace. They turned as one, only to face Ethan standing at the door, her complexion ashen.

Ethan’s expression shifted from confusion to disbelief—the father of her child was wrapped up with her sister, and yet...

“Lucas, you...”

“Ethan, wait, it’s not what you think,” Emily interjected, rushing over to grasp Ethan's wrist tightly. “Liam and I are not what you imagine.”

As Emily spoke, she noticed the staircase behind Ethan, and a sudden idea struck her.

With a shove from Emily...


Accompanied by Ethan’s frightened screams, her pregnant body tumbled down the stairs.

When she hit the floor, a warm sensation rapidly spread down her thigh.

Her baby—no.

When Ethan finally awoke in the hospital, the doctor delivered the news with brutal honesty, “I’m sorry, Miss Smith, your baby didn’t survive due to premature labor.” The color drained from Ethan’s already pale face, her vacant eyes whispering, “The baby is gone. It’s gone.”

It was Emily.

Emily had pushed her down the stairs.

The door swung open again, and in strutted Emily, her heels clicking confidently against the tile, a smirk etched on her face as if she’d just won a prize.

“Emily, you killed my baby.”

“Yep, and? But Liam thinks you fell down the stairs by accident,” Emily responded with a giggle, a note of triumph in her voice.

“That was my baby and Liam’s. Aren't you afraid he’ll hate you for this?” Ethan’s expression reflected pure shock.

This person before her, her sister who had always doted on her—how could she say something so cruel?

Seeing the disbelief flicker in Ethan’s eyes, Emily continued with smug satisfaction.

“Oh, my naive sister, do you really think you were carrying Lucas’s baby? Get real. You didn’t even see what the guy looked like! I told you he was Lucas; you believed it—just a random guy I set you up with. At your coming-of-age party, I slipped something in your drink, and believe it or not, that guy was so skilled he knocked you up in one night.”

That man...

The night was a blur of darkness and drunkenness; she hadn’t seen the man’s face.

She only remembered his powerful physique, nothing like Liam’s usual build, but she had thought little of it, assuming Liam was just like that underneath.

“Why did you do this? I’m your sister!” Ethan shouted, her voice trembling with outrage.

“Half-sister! Why should you always be the golden child? You have better grades, are prettier, and you took the guy I liked. If it weren't for your mother and that cheap woman, I wouldn’t have grown up without a dad, getting bullied by everyone—it’s all your fault.”

“Hahaha, and now Liam is mine; he’s been mine for a while now. You’re just a speed bump in our love story, just like your mother—a shameless harlot.”

Emily’s growing enthusiasm warped her features into a twisted grin that bore little resemblance to the refined woman she was known to be.

The door creaked open once more, revealing none other than Liam, the man Emily was so fond of. He walked in, arms around her, leaning down to press a kiss to her lips.

In that single moment, the last flicker of hope in Ethan’s heart was snuffed out.

Ethan bit her lip hard enough to draw blood, but it paled in comparison to the agony clawing at her heart.

“Ethan, I need to tell you something—the child you were carrying isn’t mine. I was scared you’d do something drastic, so Emily told me to say it was mine. The truth is, I’ve always loved Emily. I can’t keep lying to myself; she’s done so much for me. I can’t let her down.”

“That night, Emily was the one who drugged me. Did you know about it?” Ethan managed to ask through the haze of pain.

At her words, Liam’s brow furrowed, instinctively positioning himself between her and Emily. “I always knew, but Emily didn’t mean to do it. She’s still young; you can’t blame her.”

Ethan smiled, a bitter mix of despair and mockery.

What does it mean that Emily is still ‘young’? Who’s the real younger one here? Just because you say she didn’t mean it, does that eraser of the pain she’s caused me?

“Get out. Just leave this place.”

“Sister, I swear I didn’t mean it! Please forgive me! Liam and I truly love each other; let us just be together.”

Chapter 2

Emily Smith suddenly lunged at Ethan Smith's bedside, her eyes wide with desperation as she grasped his arm. She wore the expression of someone victimized, as if she were the one in this twisted love triangle.

True love.

What about the decade-long relationship she had with Liam Johnson?

Ethan's face was a mask of cold indifference as he attempted to pull away from Emily’s grip. But then again, with the remnants of childbirth still weighing down on him, he found it impossible to free himself.

A low, threatening voice sliced through the tension like a knife.

"Ethan, you’ll never win this fight. You’re going to be crushed under my heel.”

Before he could respond, Emily stumbled backward, collapsing to the floor.

“Ethan, I know you’re upset. Feel free to hit me or yell—I just want you to let it out.” Her words dripped with mock sincerity.

“You’re really laying it on thick,” Ethan said, narrowing his eyes.


The sharp sound reverberated through the room; a bright red handprint blossomed across Emily’s pale cheek, stark against her skin. The pain radiated through Ethan’s body as he reached up, stunned, to cover his face.

“I told you about Jie Chu, why did you push Emily? As of today, we’re done,” Liam said coldly, his back to Ethan as he helped Emily to her feet, his gentleness infuriating. “Come on, Emily. Let’s go home.”

To Liam, it was all so simple: Ethan’s love had twisted into hatred, the irony not lost on him.

As they exited the room, Ethan felt a wave of nausea crest within him, realizing he had trusted the wrong person all along.

A dizzying rush enveloped him; the world around him blurred as darkness took hold.

Six years later—

Grandview Inn, downstairs in the banquet hall, a model audition was taking place.

“Come on! Contestants, get ready! Listen for your name to step forward.”

All around her, the room was filled with a spectrum of girls—innocent, sultry, aloof, and adorable.

Amidst the crowd, Ethan stood out—his recent return to the country had coincided with this golden opportunity. There was no way he’d let it slip away.

As he walked briskly, he turned the corner only to collide with a small bundle.

“Aiya!” The little girl tumbled to the ground, and Ethan couldn’t help but notice how adorable she looked; her two pigtails bobbing as she landed.

Ethan’s maternal instincts kicked in as he crouched down to help the girl. “Hey there, are you hurt? Does anything hurt?”

She stared up at him, wide-eyed, before bursting into tears, running to wrap her tiny arms around his legs. “Mommy! Mommy! Mia Smith missed you so much! Please don’t leave again!”

Ethan felt the weight of the world drop into his chest, now holding a chubby little cherub. He couldn’t help but crack a smile as he knelt down, ruffling Mia's hair affectionately.

Though she was undeniably cute, being mistaken for this child's mother left him feeling a bit off-kilter.

“I’m sorry, little one, but I’m not your mommy,” Ethan said gently.

“No, Mommy! You’re Mia Smith’s mommy! Is it because I was bad that you don’t want me?” Mia’s tiny, quivering lips spoke the words, while her big, tear-filled eyes shimmered with despair.

“Oh honey, please don’t cry! I’m really not your mommy. Did you get lost from your real mom? Let me help you find her, okay?”

Ethan soothed the girl, trying to piece together what had happened. She must have strayed from her family; perhaps she just mistook him for her mom because they resembled each other.

“Waaah~ Mommy! My brother said you'd come back for me.”

The idea of returning her to some brother made Ethan’s heart ache, but witnessing the girl’s tears left him feeling entirely unprepared. He had never cared for a child before; how was he supposed to console this one?

If only his own child hadn’t been lost because of Emily…

“Mommy, I really am your child,” another voice piped up, jolting Ethan from the dark reverie.

He glanced down to see another little darling standing before him, dressed in a crisp white shirt and dapper suspenders, his handsome face earnest and commanding presence undeniable.

Oh, wow. This pair was stunning—genetics must have been on their side, given how striking they were. They practically screamed “royalty,” and the siblings looked like they could’ve been twins.

“Are you the brother of this little angel?” Ethan asked, curiosity piqued.

“Yep, mommy!”

Again with the “mommy.”

Ethan’s plans to ask this brother to take the little girl home quickly evaporated.

“Listen, kiddos, I promise I’m not trying to trick you. I’m really not your mom!”

“Wah~ Mommy, did we do something wrong? Is that why you don’t want us?”

Each word laid heavy like a stone in Ethan's chest, the little one’s cries mirrored his own heartache.

Chapter 3

Ethan Smith couldn’t help but wince as the little girl bawled in her mother’s arms. It tugged at his heartstrings. He adored kids, especially these two, even if they had no ties to him. The scene outside Grandview Inn was chaotic, a steady current of people passing by, and the commotion drew a crowd of onlookers, all murmuring opinions on the helpless duo.

“Such adorable kids! How could a mother walk away from them?” one woman exclaimed.

“Look at that little girl’s eyes—she’s the spitting image of her mother. They must be related,” another chimed in.

“Yeah! They look so sweet and well-behaved. This is outrageous. What kind of mom would abandon them?” another voice interjected, shaking her head disapprovingly.

“I swear, if she doesn’t want them, I’ll gladly take them home!” a man in the crowd joked, drawing laughter from others.

The whispers escalated, and Ethan felt the weight of their judgment as he glanced helplessly at the sobbing child and the other one, who kept stealing glances at him. He sighed, realizing he had little choice in the matter.

“All right, I’ll take you both home. But first, I’ve got a few things to take care of. Can you wait for me?”

“Yay! Mommy, you go do your thing! My brother and I will wait right here for you!” Lily Smith grinned, a complete transformation from her previous tear-streaked face. It was astounding how quickly she could shift from crying to beaming.

Ethan couldn’t suppress a chuckle at her infectious spirit. He playfully poked her nose. “How are you so full of surprises?”

Though he felt incredibly exasperated, Ethan ordered ice cream for the two little ones and led them over to a quiet spot in the bustling vicinity, finally getting them to settle down and enjoy their treat.

After making sure they were content, he strode into the audition space for the model competition. Just as he crossed the threshold, he heard someone call his name.

“Ethan Smith!”

He turned instinctively, and the sight of Emily Smith materialized before him. The resemblance was jarred, and Ethan’s stomach churned.

“Wow, look who finally came back home. You forgot we existed? I see you’re avoiding your dear sister,” she said, her tone thick with condescension.

Ethan’s brow furrowed as he replied coolly, “Do we know each other?” The tone was distant, almost icy.

Home? What home? It ceased to be hers the moment she lost her child, turning the house into a hollow shell of memories, devoid of love and warmth.

Emily stumbled for a moment, taken aback, before plastering a smile back on her face. “Stop joking, sis. Are you here for the model auditions too?”

Ethan noticed Emily’s gaze drop to the number tag pinned to her shirt, and he could practically see the gears turning in her mind. It was obvious she would relish the chance to eliminate him from the competition—after all, she’d always taken pleasure in putting him down.

“I think it’d be best for you to avoid mingling with the contestants, Emily. Wouldn’t want anyone accusing you of favoritism, right?” Ethan countered, her arrogance rubbing him the wrong way.

Today was critical. It wasn’t just about the audition; it was the first step toward carving her own path. A lot rode on this moment, and she wouldn’t let Emily sabotage her, not this time.

Seeing Ethan’s determination, Emily rolled her eyes, knowing that today she wielded the power as a judge while Ethan had nothing. Others in the panel respected her influence, and she was confident she could outright deny Ethan if she wished.

The model auditions primarily focused on assessing physical appearance and asking a few standard questions, so the process moved swiftly. Only two hours had passed before it was Ethan’s turn.

She took a deep breath and introduced herself. But before she could finish, a hefty male judge interrupted.

“Excuse me, don’t forget the age requirements. The model competition is for those aged eighteen to twenty-eight. You said you’re twenty-four—care to explain what’s not matching up?” he said, a smug look on his face.

Ethan’s voice was calm yet cutting. “Henry Williams, if that’s the case, why was I even asked to leave? You must think I’m clueless.”

Henry’s face turned an unsightly shade of red, furious that she’d challenged him in front of the group. “You’re questioning my authority? Do you even realize who you’re speaking to? I run this competition, and my word is final!”

Flames of anger flickered in his gaze. Ethan knew there must be a deeper reason behind his abrupt dismissal.

Emily, reveling in the chaos, added fuel to the fire. “Oh, Little Sis, you shouldn’t be talking back. Henry is the head judge; he knows the rules better than anyone. Making him look bad publicly is just rude.”

At Emily’s remark, Ethan simply smiled, feeling a wave of confidence wash through her.

Chapter 4

The girls stepping into the audition were the youngest, many barely eighteen or nineteen. Some had already breezed through earlier rounds, but when it got to her, it turned out her age didn’t match the requirements.

“Mr. Ethan Smith must have misunderstood. I was only asking why my age doesn’t qualify, not challenging Judge Liam Johnson,” she explained, trying to keep her composure.

The interview was taking place in a small room, just a few judges and Ethan Smith present. Meanwhile, in a corner that went unnoticed, two small figures hid behind the sunshade, peeking out.

“Look, Lucas! That’s our mommy! She’s so beautiful!” Lily Smith squealed, her excitement bubbling over as she tugged on her older brother’s arm, struggling to contain herself. If it weren't for Lucas, she might have dashed right out.

“Lily, stay calm. Mommy’s busy with the auditions. We’ll see her once she’s done,” Lucas soothed, trying to keep the excitement at bay.

“But I really want to be with Mommy right now!” She blinked her big, watery eyes at him, radiating a pleading innocence. Since the day she was born, she’d never seen her mother—now that they had finally found her, there was no way she’d let her slip away again.

As she thought, her eyes glistened with unshed tears, and it tugged at Lucas’s heart. His little sister, the pampered princess, was on the verge of crying. His normally stoic face softened, and he wrapped her in a comforting hug.

“Lily, trust me, okay? This time, Mommy will always be with us. If you cry, your pretty little face will get all red, and Mommy won’t like that,” he added, trying to comfort her.

Would Mommy really not like her? That couldn’t happen.

At his words, Lily stopped crying instantly, determinedly opening her eyes wide as if to say, Look! I’m not crying anymore.

She turned to stare eagerly at Ethan Smith, but her gaze collided with Emily Smith’s cool demeanor.

In that split second, Lily felt the whisper of thoughts brushing against her consciousness.

Bad woman, she thought, scrunching up her little nose.

“Lucas! That bad woman and that bad man are trying to bully Mommy! They don’t want her to pass the audition! You have to help her!” Lily pleaded, her voice urgent as she tugged on her brother’s hand.

Lucas had always known about Lily's unusual ability to hear people’s thoughts, so he trusted her words completely. The realization that someone was out to harm their mother darkened his expression.

With a quick determination, he pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

“Hey, you brat! Get back here with your sister now.”

As soon as the call connected, a deep voice answered, resonating with an air of authority.

“Daddy,” Lucas’s small voice rang out through the line.

Oliver Brown felt a flicker of surprise wash over him. Normally, his son wouldn’t dare address him in such a familiar way. The boy never used “Daddy” unless he needed something big. Today’s call was definitely out of the ordinary.

“What’s up?” Oliver responded, his tone slightly wary.

“I remember the modeling contest at Grandview Inn is backed by Blackwood Corporation. I want a woman named Ethan Smith to stay. Can you make that happen?” Lucas stated plainly.

Then came the silence of the disconnect.

Oliver blinked at the now-blank screen of his phone, a slow smile creeping on his lips. In all of Riverton, and even the larger Riverton Kingdom, no one dared to hang up on him like that—no one but his son.

That trademark smugness was definitely from him.

Unbeknownst to Oliver, his small grin made Clara Taylor, his assistant, break out in anxiety. The little master cut off his father’s call and lived to tell the tale? That was like cutting the bridge he stood on.

The moment she thought of Lucas’s cherubic face, she found herself bouncing nervously on her heels, pleading internally for him.

“Sir, I’m sure little master must have had a reason to hang up. He’s just a kid after all—there’s no need to hold it against him,” Clara said, attempting to ease the tension.

Oliver’s piercing gaze fell on her, deep enough to hide fathomless thoughts, but he remained silent. Did she just say that about him? Clara's mind raced with worry. This was the stoic Oliver Brown—the cold-faced Arthur of Riverton. One wrong move could send anyone from heaven to hell in moments.

After a prolonged silence, he finally broke it, his clipped tone cutting through the air.

“Make it clear—Ethan Smith must stay at today’s Grandview Inn model audition.” He paused, then added, “I want to know everything about this Ethan Smith.”

“Of course! I’ll get right on it!” Clara replied eagerly, eager to escape the tension. She grabbed her things in a hurry.

As she rushed off, Ethan was preparing to make her move when a middle-aged man in a smart suit walked in. Henry Williams, once so self-assured, immediately adopted a respectful demeanor.

“Good day! What’s brought our manager Clara Taylor in today?” he inquired, scanning for the woman in question.

“Is Miss Ethan Smith here?” Clara asked, getting straight to the point.

Ethan Smith? That must be about her.

Chapter 5

Emily Smith adjusted her skirt, a smile crossing her lips as she replied to the woman in front of her. “I’m Emily. What can I do for you?”

She recognized Clara Taylor, quite well known in Riverton’s elite circles as the right hand of the President of Blackwood Corporation. Being connected to someone of that stature meant powerful resources and opportunities, something Emily couldn't overlook.

“You’re Emily? Hope no one’s giving you a hard time today!” Clara’s tone was warm, a stark contrast to the atmosphere buzzing with tension.

“Not at all,” Emily replied, caught slightly off guard. Today, she was one of the judges for the Royal Pageant. Who would dare to challenge her? Well, there was Ethan Smith, who had been giving her unpleasant vibes, prompting her to shoot a playful glare in his direction.

“Good to hear! I’m here for a reason: as long as I’m around, you’re going to make it to the end of the Royal Pageant. You have my word.”

Clara’s assurance sent a thrill through Emily. Did she understand correctly? Clara was here to support her, representing Blackwood Corporation, and perhaps aligning herself with some influential figure.

“Thank you, Clara! Why don’t you stay and help me interview the remaining candidates?” Emily suggested with a cheerful tone.

“Sure! This will be a great opportunity for me to see how this all works,” Clara agreed thoughtfully, perhaps hoping to uncover who might’ve caused trouble for Emily. After all, there was potential leverage to be gained with connections.

Across the room, a sharp voice sliced through the air. “What are you still doing here? I told you, your age doesn’t meet the requirements! Get out and stop wasting our time!”

Henry Williams glared at Ethan Smith, who stood resolute, his expression unyielding.

“The Royal Pageant has a clear age criterion, and I fit right in. Why is Mr. Williams insisting otherwise? Am I being treated unfairly? I haven’t done anything to offend you, have I?” Ethan's calm demeanor contrasted sharply with the rising tension, but there was something about his presence that demanded attention.

“Come on, Ethan, stop causing trouble. Just go home with your sister, alright? Mr. Williams is right; you’re not qualified. Don’t make it harder for everyone,” Emily interjected, feigning concern, trying to sound like the reasonable one.

“Listen to me. As long as I’m here today, you’re not passing this selection, so scram!”

“Wait, what did you just say her name was?” Henry was abruptly cut off as Clara’s excitement sent rippling shockwaves through the room.

Ethan—a name Clara had just mentioned. Whatever it was, Clara was fixated on ensuring this person stayed.

“Ethan Smith—what’s wrong with that?” Clara’s voice quaked with a mix of curiosity and determination, startling Henry into silence.

“And who’s this?” Clara pointed towards Emily, admiration and rivalry coiling in her voice.

“Emily Smith, the daughter of the Smith family,” Henry answered, tension palpable in the air.

Ethan appeared confused, noticing Clara was clueless about her identity, yet her excitement was undeniable.

“Wrong person! The Emily I’m looking for is Ethan Smith.”

In an instant, all eyes turned toward Ethan, especially Emily, who shot daggers with her gaze from several feet away, brimming with jealousy.

“Ethan. I absolutely have to stay today. Mr. Williams has no objections, right?”

“No… no objections,” Henry stammered, realizing the weight of his position in the face of someone from Blackwood Corporation.

“We’ve already announced the selections. Changing it now could damage the show’s reputation,” Emily protested, frustration evident in every word.

“Reputation? I’ll handle that. You don’t need to worry about it,” Clara shot back, her tone now stern and uncompromising.

The atmosphere shifted so dramatically, Emily felt her composure cracking. “Clara, with all due respect, you must be mistaken. You came to see Emily—this can’t be right.” Henry, still hopeful, tried to push back.

“Are you questioning my capabilities?” Clara snapped, her irritation simmering beneath the surface.

“N-no! I would never think of it! I must’ve misspoken,” Henry rushed to clarify, realizing he may have just overstepped his boundaries.

The rapid turn of events left Ethan bewildered. “So what does that mean? Did I pass the selection?”

“Passed. You definitely passed,” Henry replied, reading the room and understanding Clara’s intentions. There was no way he could misinterpret the directive there.

Just like that—from being denied just moments before to suddenly being accepted. The abrupt shift in momentum was overwhelming.

In just seconds, she had what she came for. Ethan smiled, relief washing over her. Though she hadn’t maneuvered her way through by her own wit, at least she was moving forward in the competition, and that was something to celebrate.

With a simple wave of thanks, she exited, her mind already racing with decisions. She had just returned to the country after staying at a hotel, and the first order of business was to find a permanent home.

And of course, she couldn’t forget about the two adorable little girls who called her “Mommy.”

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