The Last Night Before Forever

Chapter 1

Elena Bright was three cocktails deep and wasn’t sure if she was laughing or crying. The neon lights of Falcon's Rest Tavern blinked around her like a bad dream, and the walls pulsed with some generic pop music that only added to her hangover before she’d even started.

“Hey there, pretty lady. It’s no fun drinking alone. Let’s have some fun together,” a blonde guy leaned over, flashing an eager smile.

“Fun?” Elena raised an eyebrow, eyeing Blake Goldsmith with a mix of disinterest and annoyance. Who did he think he was?

Nobody could top the fun her fiancé offered, and that was saying something. Her fiancé, the guy she’d never even met, had a revolving door policy when it came to women. It was like he thought relationships were a fresh pair of jeans—quick in, quick out. Ugh, and tomorrow they were getting married. She felt the bitter bile rise in her throat at the thought of stepping into that unfamiliar grave.

With a determined drink-swipe, she downed the last of her whiskey and then raised her hand, tilting Blake’s chin up. “Let’s play. What’s your game?”

“Too loud in here. Let’s find somewhere quieter,” he suggested, a spark of excitement in his dark blue eyes.

The bartender sighed, watching Elena stumble out of the bar with the blonde. This was an everyday event, a predictable script—pretty girl lured away by the wrong kind of guy. But Elena stood out among the crowd, her pallid skin and sharp features a stark contrast to the drunks and trouble-makers that filled the place. It was genuinely a shame.

Just as the bartender shook his head, a ruckus at the door brought everyone's attention. A group of tall, black-suited bodyguards parted the sea of patrons, and amidst them strode a tall, striking man who could command a room without breaking a sweat.

William Gray. The name floated through the air like an omen. The bar lights danced off him, casting long shadows and making it difficult to discern his expression. But despite the dimness, his presence loomed like a thundercloud.

Blake froze as if the air had shifted around him, halting against the chill emanating from William, who met him with a cold, scanning gaze that pierced right through to his flimsy bravado.

“Give it to me,” William’s voice rolled out low and edged, but there was no room for negotiation—the chill in the air intensified.

Blake, suddenly terrified, shoved Elena away and bolted.

William caught her as she swayed sideways, caught in a daze of alcohol and confusion. The bodyguard beside him nodded and gave chase after Blake, who was clearly not ready for a game with someone like William.

“Whoa, hey!” Elena blinked blearily, the world shifting as she felt herself leaning against a wall that was all too solid. She looked up and saw William, but his face was obscured by shadows.

“Did I really just run into a wall?” Her thoughts fuzzed together like a poorly-tuned radio. She nudged against him, her eyelids drooping, and succumbed to the warmth of his side as she passed out.

William frowned, draping his dark, tailored jacket over her shoulders as he hoisted her up and carried her away from the chaos of the tavern.

“Man, is that seriously Gray?” someone whispered outside the bar to their friend.

“He’s supposed to avoid women. He’d never,” another voice chimed in.

William ignored the murmurs, glancing down at Elena resting against him. She was a wildcard, and he’d just walked into a loaded game.

“Where to, BOSS?” his driver, Lily Young, blinked wide-eyed at the sight of him with a woman in his arms. The gossip wheels were going to spin out of control.

“Seabreeze Manor,” he replied, voice smooth but clipped.

“Got it.”

Lily pressed her foot to the gas, speeding away, leaving in her wake a spectacle that felt more unreal than any headline.

The speed of the car jostled Elena, stirring her stomach. She hadn’t eaten dinner, and her body reacted with a couple of dry heaves that served no relief. But to her surprise, there was William’s hand, gently patting her back in a surprisingly soothing gesture.

“Easy there,” his voice was low and almost tender, though the look he shot Lily from the front seat was like ice.

“Not like this,” he muttered under his breath, pinching the bridge of his nose. She was too reckless, too much of a distraction.

Elena squirmed, her hangover making her restless as she tried to find a comfortable position, only to discover she’d sprawled across his lap.

“Don’t move,” he commanded, irritation creeping into his tone.

That only made her frown and shift again, mumbling sleepily, “Where am I? I want my bed.”

William's expression darkened further. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

It was only then that he remembered how intent he had been on keeping her away from Blake. If he hadn’t been watching her...No telling what trouble she might’ve found herself in.

They finally reached Seabreeze Manor, and he swung her out of the car with a swift movement, pacing through the grand entryway before tossing her onto the plush bed with a barely-concealed grunt.

“Ow,” she protested as the world jumped back into focus. Rubbing her head, she looked up to see Blake standing there, his handsome features illuminated by the soft lamp light, but his face was as frigid as ice.

“I...What just happened?” she asked, disoriented and still tipsy.

“Tell me something.” His voice was flat and cool as he observed her.

Elena stepped gingerly onto the soft bedspread, voice a little too innocent as her lip curled in charm, “Blake, you're so gorgeous. Can I kiss you?”

Each word dripped with alcohol-laced boldness as she moved closer.

He turned sharply, avoiding her like she was poison. But even as her lips brushed against his cheek, he felt the heat spreading, infuriating him.

“Don’t be so stingy,” she pouted, trying to pull him close again.

“I’m getting married tomorrow, this is my last chance to let loose!”

He nearly sighed. She was relentless on this point, and while part of him wanted to let her revel in her freedom, another part was screaming to get her out of here—before she said something he wouldn’t be able to ignore.

But a part of him couldn’t help but feel a flicker of something deeper, a temptation that bubbled under the surface.

“Enough with the games, what do you really want?”

Elena nestled deeper against him, brushing lightly against that icy exterior. “I don’t love him, and after tomorrow? I’ll do whatever I want. So, let me kiss you one last time.”

And there it was—the way her words unfurled, promising a whirlwind of consequences and feelings left unsaid, swirling in the electrified air between them.

Chapter 2

"What did you just call me?"

“Elena Bright,” William Gray said coldly, his lips pressing into a thin line. Suddenly, he pushed her away, and the temperature in the room seemed to drop sharply.

“No kiss? How stingy of you,” Elena Bright replied, tumbling onto the bed with an innocent look on her face. Clutching the comforter, she settled into a cozy position and closed her eyes, effectively silencing herself.

William frowned slightly, letting out a soft sigh.

What was he doing, arguing with a drunk at this hour?

With that thought, he turned and strode into the bathroom.

The next morning.

Elena's head throbbed painfully as she rubbed her temples, slowly prying her eyes open.

Wait a minute—

With a sudden jolt, she sat up.

This wasn’t her hotel room.

It was much nicer than where she stayed.

Her mind raced back to last night.

She had thrown herself a pre-wedding party at a bar, all by herself. The bartender had mixed her a drink called “Three Drinks and No Return.”

She had scoffed at the name but downed three glasses like a champ, and after that, everything faded into darkness.

As she looked down at her clothes, she found them intact. No signs of discomfort either.

Looks like some kind stranger had come to her rescue.

To her side, neatly folded clothes awaited her, even undergarments, all in her size.

She caught a whiff of alcohol on her own skin.

Well, she’d accept that; after all, she was getting married today.

After showering, she left a note for her mystery savior.

Stepping out of the hotel, she hopped into a cab and headed straight for city hall.

She had an appointment for ten, but Elena Bright arrived at nine-thirty.

The sun was shining bright, perfect for a wedding.

Couples strolled hand in hand, shooting her sympathetic glances.

They probably thought she was waiting for her husband to bail on her.

But Elena didn’t mind. Instead, she took out her phone and started searching for gossip on her future husband.

Know thy enemy, and all that jazz.

Elena still couldn’t make sense of why a family as lofty as the Graystones would want to marry her.

If her grandfather were alive, the Bright family could’ve held a candle to Graystone. It wasn’t impossible, then.

But after that accident three years ago, she had plummeted from princess to orphan in the blink of an eye.

Afterward, she’d cut ties with the Brights and focused on her studies.

The family had found the incident shameful and swept it under the rug.

The third daughter of the Bright family had disappeared from public view.

Then, out of nowhere, an old gentleman resurfaced, insisting that the Brights and Graystones had a betrothal agreement and demanding her to wed into the Graystone family.

She stared at a faded photo of her grandfather alongside the old man, a handwritten note confirming their agreement.

It was hard to argue with that.

Her search for gossip about her fiancé turned up nothing, but the news of his brother grabbed her attention instead.

【William Gray, the low-key CEO of Silvercrest, has returned to the country, spotted at a bar with a mysterious woman, sparking rumors of infidelity.】

A surprise, to say the least. It took her a moment to digest; so, her future husband’s brother was quite the celebrity himself.

The accompanying photo was blurry, but the woman seemed strangely familiar.

Next to it, though, was a clear shot of an undeniably handsome face.

Elena froze. That face felt evocative, like a ghost from the past.

Just then, a low-key yet impeccably sleek black Rolls Royce pulled up to the curb.

The driver stepped out, respectfully opening the rear door.

A pair of polished black shoes made contact with the pavement, followed by a tall, striking figure stepping out, coming directly into Elena’s line of sight.

In a dance of light and shadow, Thomas approached her with a calm, deliberate stride.

She found herself mesmerized, the fleeting sensation of familiarity brushing against her mind like a whisper.

It wasn't until he stopped just two paces away from her that she truly recognized him, that sensation of recognition crashing full force over her.

Thomas stood at around six-three, towering over her five-four frame.

His features were sharp and stunning—even a self-professed connoisseur of good-looking men like Elena couldn’t help but admire.

His sun-kissed skin was flawless, as smooth as polished marble.

With short, jet-black hair and intense brows framing eyes that seemed both piercing and calm, he exuded an innate regal allure that felt both thrilling and intimidating.

He wore a tailored black suit that clearly bore the mark of a master designer, each button of his collared shirt fastened just right.

That face alone could turn heads, leaving her heart racing.

And those long legs, the broad shoulders—a physique that radiated an air of sophistication and restraint.

Elena instinctively touched her own nose, relieved to find it wasn’t flushing in embarrassment.

But he seemed to be looking right at her. Did he recognize her?

She tilted her head, rifling through her memories, but the familiarity eluded her grasp.

Suddenly, realization hit her, and she smacked her forehead lightly. He was the face she’d seen on her phone just moments ago.

Her future husband’s brother.

What a coincidence, running into him here.

He must have been waiting for her to say something.

What should she call him?

Chapter 3

Elena Bright forced a smile, raising her chin as she addressed the tall, cold figure in front of her. “Mr. Gray,” she managed to say, though it came out more like a statement than a greeting.

William Gray's brow furrowed slightly, the irritation evident on his angular face. It was the kind of face that was made for magazine covers—chiseled and immovable, like a statue carved from ice.

“Excuse me?” His voice was low and smoky, but carried an edge sharp enough to cut.

Bright sunlight spilled over him, yet he seemed untouched, radiating an unsettling chill.

Before Elena could register the weight of his words, William Gray brushed past her, striding toward Civic Hall like he owned the place.

He paused a few steps ahead, glancing back only when it was clear she wasn't following. The air around him cooled perceptibly, making the summer heat feel abruptly intense.

“Miss Bright, you should head inside. The CEO has a crucial meeting shortly,” Ethan Frost, his assistant, nudged her gently, concern etched on his face.

Elena blinked, still disoriented. Wasn’t she here to marry Morgan Gray, William’s younger brother?

“Wait, go in? Get married?” she stammered, incredulous.

Ethan raised an eyebrow at her confusion but nodded. “Yes, that’s correct.”

Panic set in. She was marrying someone, right? Why was there a sudden shift to a man as daunting as William?

“I don’t want—” she started, but the sound of William's voice cutting through the heat of the day froze her in place.

“Then don’t,” he said, his back still turned but his tone glacial. “If you don’t love me, how can you be willing?”

Ethan, sensing the rising tension, leaned closer to Elena. “Miss Bright, it’s better if you go in now.”

Wavering between disbelief and confusion, she felt herself floundering. They had just met, and love was nowhere in the equation. Plus, wasn't he supposed to be his brother’s stand-in for this?

William’s demeanor shifted, and his fierce gaze pinned her in place like a hunter with his prey. “I won’t force you, but…” His eyes briefly flickered, darkness swirling within them, revealing a hint of vulnerability. Then, he moved away, strides long and purposeful, leaving her breathless beside Ethan.

A sudden impulse struck Elena, and she grasped his forearm, reckless curiosity wrapping around her heart. “Let’s just go inside,” she murmured, feeling the wild pulse of something inexplicable at the base of her throat.

“Security, clear the room!” came the command a moment later. Within ten minutes, she emerged holding the marriage certificate, visibly dazed.

The whole affair felt surreal. She remembered the photographer urging them to inch closer, to smile. Her stiff grin gazed back at her from the document, while next to her, William remained impassively stoic.

With a sigh buried deep in her chest, she watched as he slipped into a sleek Silverwind, speeding away before she could even catch her breath.

Was he marrying her to deflect rumors? Was there more beneath that icy surface?

“Madam.” Ethan’s respectful voice pulled her back. “The CEO asked me to escort you home.”

“Home?” she echoed, glancing down the empty street. “I live at Seabreeze Manor.”

“You don’t need to worry about that,” he replied with an air of professionalism. “The CEO has provided a wedding suite. First, we’ll grab your things, then I’ll take you back.”

“Okay.” The idea of living together post-wedding sat uneasily in her stomach, but she nodded all the same.

With time slipping away, Elena hastily packed a single suitcase, her mind reeling. Soon enough, Ethan whizzed her down the coastal highway, the waves crashing rhythmically against the rocks, toward a striking palace perched elegantly on the cliffs.

“Welcome to Silverbrook Palace,” Ethan announced as they pulled up. “The CEO instructed that you stay here.”

“Wow,” was all she could manage, staring up at the grandeur before her. The mountains loomed behind, the ocean gleamed seductively in front, a perfect postcard image. Even in its splendor, it felt foreign, as if she were wandering through someone else’s dream.

Ethan, easily reading her disconnection, withheld his questions. Most women would jump at the chance to move into such luxury. Yet, here stood the newlywed, engulfed in a cloud of uncertainty.

Silverbrook Palace—off-limits without the CEO’s permission. No one in the Graystone family dared to show up unannounced. Did that mean loneliness came with this opulent gilding?

James “Jamie”—the house manager—guided her through the vast home and offered her a few perks, then departed with a polite smile. Alone, Elena retreated to her room, overwhelmed and introspective.

“Not quite what I expected.” In the plush office of Silvercrest headquarters, William Gray's fingers drummed lightly against his desk, thoughts churning in private turmoil.

Ethan raised an eyebrow, taken aback at the sudden shift in his boss's mood. In his experience, such gestures were precursors to difficult decisions—just like the last time he had warned William against a risky merger.

Now, as an unsettling silence permeated the air, it was clear—whatever was happening now was only the beginning.

Chapter 4

**Wasted Chances**

“Too bad,” Ethan Frost muttered under his breath, glancing sideways at his boss, William Gray. Ethan had just reported that Mrs. Gray didn’t seem particularly fond of Silverbrook Palace, and William’s expression had darkened like a storm cloud.

“Cough, cough.” Ethan cleared his throat and ventured cautiously, “Boss, I think the news this morning might’ve rattled her.”

“What news?” William’s tone was clipped, his full attention shifting to his phone. After a few tense moments, his eyes narrowed, the casual aloofness morphing into a chilling glare.

“Shut down The Herald Press,” he snapped, tossing his phone aside as if it burned him.

“Yes, sir.”

Ethan let out an internal groan. Given William's usual demeanor, he’d have expected him to shrug off the gossip and maybe demand a retraction; now, he was shutting the whole thing down. Reporters often took liberties when it came to William’s love life—after all, it wasn’t exactly a secret that he had a reputation for being unattached.

Then again, rumors of Isabella Peace—Briarwood’s most eligible debutante and William’s parents' pick for his future bride—had stirred the pot when she’d been found in his bed, only to be unceremoniously thrown out. It’d given way to speculation about his preferences, especially considering how stunning his newfound spouse was. Perhaps people just assumed he had high standards.

As dusk crept in, the opulent Master Chamber seemed to grow heavier with an uncomfortable tension. In the plush King’s Bed, Elena Bright was jolted awake by a stabbing pain in her abdomen. The familiar sensation made her scramble for her suitcase, desperate to grab clean clothes before dashing to the bathroom.

“Bam!” The bathroom door swung open wildly, startling both her and Thomas, who was blissfully unaware beneath the showerhead.

Their eyes locked, and as reality settled in, the dream-like haze faded for Elena.

“Ah!” A girlish scream erupted from her throat, and she quickly slammed her eyes shut, spinning away and racing out as if the house were on fire.

“Thud!” Her petite frame collided with the frosted glass door, sending her sprawling. Ignoring the ache, she bolted to the next room, slamming the door behind her and trying to catch her breath.

Meanwhile, William watched her frantic exit, a hint of confusion softening his usually cold demeanor.

After a moment, Elena felt the heat creeping off her face. How embarrassing. After all these years, still so impulsive. Her heart felt like it was about to leap out of her chest.

Did she just see former model perfection in the shower? She shook her head violently as if it would shake away the thought. The pain in her lower abdomen reminded her she had other issues to deal with; the infamous “visitors” had arrived a week early, catching her fresh off a hangover.

In the dining room, William was draped casually in homewear, lounging at the lavish dining table with a hand casually resting on the chair back. The Grace Maids stood stiffly around, their blank expressions barely hiding their discomfort in his presence.

“Call Mrs. Gray down for dinner,” William said, his tone as flat as the surface of a still lake.

“Yes, sir.” James Butler nodded and headed upstairs.

Elena was finally ready after a quick rinse. Just as she exited the bathroom, a knock sounded at her door, followed by James’s clipped voice, “Mrs. Gray, are you in there? It’s time for dinner.”

“Coming!” She opened the door, plastering on a polite smile and following James down the stairs.

“Please take a seat, Mrs. Gray.” James gestured to the chair beside William. Without a second thought, she sank into her place next to him.

“Mr. Gray, you’re back,” she said, her awkward smile feeling like a flaming beacon. Her mind flickered back to their earlier encounter and her cheeks flared with heat.

The atmosphere around William grew colder as he remained tight-lipped, his experience in the art of silence making every second more uncomfortable. Elena picked up her chopsticks, swirling rice, her mind racing to ease the tension.

“Mr. Gray, your home is beautiful. I assume it was designed by that famous French designer, Rachel? She’s my favorite,” she ventured, trying to break the ice.

“Mr. Gray, can we talk alone afterward?”

“Clatter!” The sound of William's chopsticks hitting the table echoed through the room, silencing her instantly.

Even the Grace Maids seemed to jerk at the noise, and James went pale, every muscle in his body tensing.

William’s icy gaze flicked towards her, a mix of emotions swirling within his intense stare that left Elena momentarily bewildered. It felt strangely familiar; it pierced through her, and before she could wrap her head around it, he rose, a statue of silence, and ascended the stairs without another word.

“Great,” Elena cursed in her head. “Is that how this is going to go?”

William Gray certainly had a way of making someone feel small.

Chapter 5

Even if she was just a trophy wife, purchased to cover up a secret, she deserved some respect, didn’t she?

James watched as Elena Bright fumed at the dinner table, and he quickly moved to comfort her. “Madam, Mr. Gray might not be used to sharing dinner with someone else. Try not to take it to heart.”

After all, starting their married life with a fight wasn’t ideal.

Their new husband had finally tied the knot.

They were all hoping for a blissful marriage, too. Their lives would be a lot easier if things went smoothly.

“Is that so?” Elena Bright pondered for a moment, nodding as she picked up her chopsticks and continued to eat.

Rich people had their quirks, that was for sure.

Maybe it was best to stick to her role as a silent ornament.

Once dinner was over, despite James's persistent pleading, she reluctantly took a bowl of congee to the study for the big, icy figure.

“Cough cough cough!” The moment she stepped inside, the thick scent of smoke hit her and sent her into a coughing fit.

How long had Thomas been puffing away? The man practically had a black belt in karate with how he handled smoke.

William Gray sat at his desk with a cigarette in hand, a crystal chandelier overhead casting bright light that turned his strikingly handsome features into a captivating vision amidst the swirling smoke.

Hearing her cough, William calmly extinguished his freshly lit cigarette in the ashtray, his gaze locking onto her.

Elena placed the tray on the desk. “Mr. Gray, James mentioned your stomach isn’t great. You really should eat. Here, have the congee.”

Considering his mood, she thought it best to avoid any discussion for the time being. Besides, there was no point in stirring the pot when she could just back away.

As she turned to leave, the sound of a chair scraping against the floor stopped her. Suddenly, she felt herself lifted off the ground, and before she knew it, she was seated on the desk, his strong arms wrapped tightly around her waist.

Elena's heart raced as she looked up, a chilling sensation brushing against her forehead and coming to a stop just shy of her lips, their noses just a breath apart.

Her heartbeat quickened, an electric jolt coursing through her. Panic surged through her as she instinctively tried to wriggle free, but his grip tightened, pulling her closer still.

Grabbing onto his forearms, her breathing became erratic.

“So, where are we thinking about having the wedding? Emerald Haven or the Aegean Sea, hmm?”

His smooth, seductive voice broke through her thoughts, leaving her momentarily speechless.

This voice was deep and sultry, devoid of the previous chill, now carrying an inviting warmth.

Elena stared at him, and for a fleeting moment, she could have sworn she was seeing a softer side to the usually stoic man—a hint of familiarity, even affection.

Those two places meant the world to her; she’d always dreamed of one of them being the backdrop for her wedding when she grew up.

“Um, we don’t have to make a big deal out of it,” she managed to stammer, finally finding her words again.

Thomas was unnervingly unpredictable—one moment he could scare the living daylights out of you, and then the next, he was sweet as sugar. A classic case of ‘one slap, one candy’.

“Not a hassle. Whatever makes you happy,” he replied, reaching up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear. His warm breath tickled her cheeks, causing her to shiver involuntarily.

“Mr. Gray, really, it’s not necessary. I think keeping things low-key would be best.”

As soon as the words left her mouth, regret flooded in.

He married her precisely to create a facade; of course, the last thing he wanted was to downplay that.

“Low-key,” he echoed, the cold edge returning to his voice, sending a shiver down her spine.

“Mr. Gray, you seem to enjoy calling me that,” she said, utterly bewildered by the intensity in his gaze. Dark shadows flickered in his eyes, their depths impossible to decipher.

“Don’t worry, I won’t intrude on your life,” she promised earnestly, feeling as though she was about to swear an oath. “I’ll stick to my role. I’ll help keep your secret.”

“Protect what, exactly?” His brow furrowed, his icy demeanor tightening.

“Uh…” Elena ran a hand through her hair, realizing she was being more direct than she’d intended.

Before she could find a way to clarify, his chilling voice cut through the air.

“Regarding your responsibilities, Madam, you undoubtedly need to fulfill them.”

His intense stare bore down on her, his low voice laced with barely contained irritation.

“Elena Bright, you were the one who stirred things up first. If there’s torment to happen, it should go both ways.”

Before she could respond, he suddenly held her by the back of her neck, tilting her chin up, and crushed his lips against hers.

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