Between Love and Shadows

Chapter 1

Elysia Sterling had always been timid, her greatest fear being supernatural creatures that lurked in the shadows. On the eve of her eighteenth birthday, she found herself inexplicably transported into the pages of a novel, becoming a beloved princess — only to discover she was doomed to be the ill-fated fiancée of the male lead, destined to perish as his unattainable dream.

She arrived amidst a chaotic scene where ghostly figures, bereft of hope, were vying for her hand in a grotesque display. Meanwhile, the male lead, a legendary figure known for basking in power and darkness, was preparing to claim her with the sinister help of the High Sage Elowen, a formidable rival with a penchant for the shadows. Queen Isolde, desperate to save her only daughter, ordered Elysia's loyal maid, Amara Nightingale, to replace her at the altar and hastily arranged for Elysia to escape the Capital City of Eldoria.

The journey out of the city was perilous. Elysia soon learned that the original princess had met her end in a carriage accident — a tragedy that changed the fate of those around her. If Elysia hadn’t arrived, the plot would have effortlessly shifted toward Amara, the maid who would delve into a torturously romantic imperfect duplicate life as the princess.

But Elysia's presence altered everything. Somewhere along the way, the carriage veered off course and lost its escort. With her heart pounding, Elysia had no choice but to step out and confront the unknown. What she saw left her frozen in fear: the ground was littered with bodies. A gathering of wretched spirits surrounded the legendary male lead as he slaughtered foes left and right, unfazed by the chaos around him. The High Sage, who was meant to be on his way to marry her, was amidst this grisly affair.

As panic threatened to overwhelm her senses, Elysia couldn’t help but be drawn to the morbid spectacle. Assessing the situation, she instinctively fled toward the High Sage, a figure shrouded in enigma and allure, that commanded respect and dread among the spirits.

“Dear husband, you don’t need to come for me—I’ve delivered myself right to your door!” she exclaimed, her voice trembling yet bold.

Glancing back at her with a hint of surprise, the High Sage raised an eyebrow. “Is this a development I should be pleased about?”

Their unexpected bond formed a remarkable contrast: the delicate, timid princess seeking refuge with the shadowy lord who walked a treacherously dark path.

**CP: The Sweetly Cowardly Princess & The Strikingly Mysterious Lord of Shadows**

In this enchanted land filled with intrigue and danger, Elysia Sterling wasn't just surviving—she was about to create her own destiny, wielding the power of her new reality to change everything around her.

As her adventure unfolded, the lines between love and danger blurred, and she discovered that sometimes, taking a leap of faith could lead you to places you never even dreamed of.

Chapter 2

As twilight descended, the opulent palace, shaped from shimmering jade and gold, flickered to life with splendid lanterns. In the heart of the palace, Princess Elysia Sterling’s quarters glimmered like daylight.

A handful of maids guarded the entrance to her chambers, where vibrant peonies—flowers that didn’t belong to the season—bloomed under the Emperor's command. These celestial blooms, cultivated by the realm's high sage for Elysia’s delight, appeared to thrive forever, a testament to the deep affection the royal family held for their beloved daughter.

Yet, within the chamber, Elysia was far from enchanted by the beauty surrounding her. The news delivered by her maid sent chills coursing through her. Her legs trembled as fear gripped her.

“Princess, be careful!”

Seraphina, her devoted attendant since childhood, rushed to support her, concern etched across her face. Elysia had always treated her well, never as just a servant, bestowing her with precious gifts. But for Seraphina, those treasures paled in comparison to the bond they shared.

Seeing what awaited her, Seraphina's expression softened with compassion. “It would be wise to at least look. Your parents love you dearly; they’d never truly force you to marry that... that Lord Morwenna.”

Seraphina hesitated, unable to voice the dark creature that had been rumored, the Lord of Shadows who had driven even an immortal sage to flee in terror.

Elysia’s eyes shimmered with unshed tears as she bit her lip. “Even if my father loves me, he is still the Emperor. What does a single princess matter compared to the safety of the entire realm?”

“Don’t despair, Princess,” Seraphina urged, trying to comfort her friend, but Elysia pressed her hand down.

“I’m fine,” she breathed deeply. “You’re right. If I don't see for myself, I can't truly let go.”

Perhaps it wouldn’t come to that.

She hadn’t planned to marry anyone else; even though her parents deemed her betrothed beneath her, Elysia's heart remained steadfast.

“Let’s go see,” she finally declared, gathering her resolve.

With a determined grip, she held onto Seraphina as they walked toward the grand hall. Hope still flickered within her. However, upon entering the vast chamber, her last glimmer of hope extinguished.

Elysia stood transfixed, her gaze locked onto a disturbing spectacle beside lavish wedding gifts: skeletal remains and ghastly figures staring back at her...

There were not just a handful but hundreds of them.

The scene was one of mortified horror as the spectral figures sought to demand her hand, the princess, nurtured in luxury and isolation, had never witnessed anything like this. Overcome, she fainted, her maid Seraphina the only beacon of steadiness, holding her tightly while the chaos swirled around them.

“Elysia...” King Alaric's heart fractured as he witnessed his precious daughter nearly paralyzed with fear. Once, he had considered appeasing his daughter’s predicament; now, his resolve hardened.

He grimaced, wishing he had betrothed her to the exiled Prince Cedric, despite the risk that came with aiding him in reclaiming his lost kingdom. Anything was better than this monstrous union.

What, he wondered, had drawn the legendary Lord Morwenna—the name that made even the bravest tremble—to choose his daughter? The realm of mortals held many nations, and surely, Cedric’s empire was not the wealthiest.

Queen Isolde wept quietly, her sobs echoing in the turmoil. As Alaric fumbled for words, a figure emerged before the skeletal throng—a man draped in dark fabric and a mask that obscured his features, speaking without emotion.

“The auspicious time has come.”

The gathered spirits had awaited this moment, growing restless until now.

Chapter 3

A chilling command echoed in the air, and the gaunt spirits, heedless of anyone's consent, swiftly brought forth an ominous red wooden box that seemed to pulse with a sinister energy.

Queen Isolde stared at the gathering of spirits, her heart heavy. Though the number was impressive and could charm the world in bridal finery, the venture of marrying her daughter to this dark entity was utterly unacceptable to her.

“At this hour tomorrow, the Sovereign will come to the Realm of Cedric for the wedding,” the veiled figure announced, not lingering even a moment longer. With a wave, he and his sinister entourage vanished into the shadows.

King Alaric released a breath he hadn't realized he was holding, but his relief was short-lived. Above him, the golden characters glinted menacingly—a reminder of his humiliation and the unthinkable pressure he was under.

As king, revered by his people, he had never been subjected to such coercion.

The timescale left by the figure hung over him like a death sentence, an ever-looming deadline that weighed heavily on his soul.

“What are we going to do?” Queen Isolde cried, “We cannot allow Elysia to be wed to that dark spirit! She has never been away from us! If she goes to such a dreadful place, she’ll be torn apart!”

King Alaric shared her despair. He had no intention of offering his daughter to a supernatural being. But crafting a plan felt just as impossible. The High Sage Elowen seldom visited the Common Realm and avoided interaction with mortals, wary of forming ties that could bind her with fate. Yet, Lord Morwenna was well-known for defying convention.

Gazing at the corner where his daughter lay, unconscious in Seraphina's embrace, an idea sparked. Seraphina, her loyal handmaiden, was not only familiar with Elysia’s essence but also someone who had resisted the spirits' allure.

“No tears now, Seraphina,” he commanded, his voice low but steady. “I have a plan.”

Her tear-filled eyes looked up at him, bewildered. “What plan could there be? Even our brightest minds have fled in fear. What hope do we have?”

King Alaric rose, draped in royal garments, and made his way down the steps towards them. He regarded the girl whom Seraphina cradled and then leaned closer. “You have been unwaveringly loyal to Elysia.”

Seraphina’s heart raced. “It’s my duty to serve the princess.”

“Exactly,” King Alaric nodded. “You’ve been by her side for a decade, correct?”

With a quivering voice, she replied, “Yes, my lord. Since I was seven, this is my tenth year.”

King Alaric’s gaze pierced into her. “That means you know her better than anyone else in this realm, aside from Queen Isolde and me.”

Seraphina's eyes widened as realization dawned upon her.

“I ask you this: would you take Elysia’s place and marry Lord Morwenna?”

Stunned silence enveloped her; fear gripped her throat, leaving her momentarily speechless.

“Your silence is affirmation,” King Alaric stated with an unyielding tone. “I’ll ensure your family receives a fortune of gold. Any of your kin wishing to pursue a career will find opportunity under my reign.”

He lifted a hand towards the guards, "Take the princess to her chambers for rest." Fixing his gaze back on Seraphina, he added, “And you, prepare to marry him tomorrow.”

King Alaric’s intent was less a question than a decree. Seraphina had no choice but to comply. Watching as her beloved princess was carried away, an emptiness washed over her. With her heart pounding, she bit her lip, torn between bitter resignation and a sense of destiny.

She had always wanted to be the best servant she could be, even facing the possibility of leaving the palace behind one day.

Chapter 4

She loved the princess, who had been kind to her and was her benefactor. However, in her heart, there was already someone she cherished. Though it was a love that could never be realized, she couldn't bear the thought of giving herself to anyone else but him.

Yet, she felt she had no choice.

Seraphina’s face was clouded with despair as she was led away, feeling like a lifeless porcelain doll, dressed and polished, yet devoid of will.


When Elysia Sterling woke up, her head throbbed as if it might split open. She instinctively touched her left temple and winced as her fingers met a wound—red and raw, the blood seeping beneath her touch.

Wait a minute, she thought. She remembered taking a stab to the abdomen during a brave act; it wasn’t supposed to be her head that hurt.

Opening her eyes, she looked around, feeling unsteady as the motion rocked her—she was in a carriage.

Elysia stared blankly as unfamiliar memories flooded her mind, revealing a scene that left her utterly shocked.

Inside a resplendent palace, skeletal figures adorned in golden ceremonial robes with auspicious symbols emblazoned on their chests floated weightlessly. They were surrounded by an endless array of wedding offerings, offering their hand in marriage to “her.”

The moment she pictured this grotesque marriage proposal from the skeletal figures, panic gripped her, and she nearly fainted—but managed, just barely, to grip the carriage wall.

Today marked Elysia Sterling's eighteenth birthday. In all her life, she had never feared anything—she could confront robbers without a second thought, even if it meant risking her life. But there was one thing that struck terror into her heart: ghosts.

This fear stemmed from her parents.

Both her father and mother were renowned archaeologists. When her mother was eight months pregnant with Elysia, they unearthed a thousand-year-old tomb near their home. Unable to resist the allure, her mother ventured into the site. That fateful decision stirred such excitement that Elysia was born right there among ancient relics.

Though born under extraordinary circumstances, Elysia did not inherit her mother’s courage. Instead, she grew exceedingly fearful of the supernatural, which kept her from following her parents' path in archaeology.

Her parents were progressive thinkers who supported Elysia wholeheartedly, but tragedy struck too soon—both passed away while she was still a teenager.

Despite this loss, Elysia did not feel alone in her upbringing. She was nurtured by the kindness of those in her community, surrounded by love as she grew into adulthood.

Because of the compassion she received, she longed to give back. On her birthday night, when she saw a child in trouble, she impulsively jumped in to help, drawing from the self-defense training she’d practiced.

The child was unharmed, but...

This brought her to this very moment.

The pain in her forehead was real—she couldn’t convince herself that she was dreaming. So... she had really found herself in another world.

As the plot unfolded in her mind, she recognized the characters: the maid Seraphina and Princess Elysia Sterling. This was the over-the-top fantasy novel she had read not long ago.

Now sitting in this carriage... with a head injury... she was supposed to be dead.

The runaway princess had taken a fatal fall in her escape, and thereafter, the maid Seraphina had assumed her identity, stepping into the role of the princess and engaging in a painful love story with Prince Cedric Jasper Blackwood, the noble hero destined to undergo trials and tribulations. Each twist and turn of fate was particularly thrilling.

Chapter 5

Elysia Sterling was all about the drama—just not the kind that involved being the doomed fiancée in some tragic love story. The thought of Jasper Blackwood—her fiancé and the story's hero—whispering her name while being intimate with Seraphina, the princess, was enough to make her cringe. She felt utterly humiliated, especially since he'd actually imagined her in those moments.

Suddenly, the carriage jolted to a stop. Elysia blinked in surprise, realizing they must have arrived at their destination.

Well, at least in the story, Seraphina’s lady-in-waiting was pulling off an excellent impersonation in the plot—no one was bound to discover her true identity anytime soon. And Jasper Blackwood, the male lead, was aware that she was merely the original's servant, yet he hadn't exposed her. The very idea of it could potentially lead to trouble for the original character, and he still held on to some notion that the original heroine was alive—dreaming of honing skills in the celestial realms to come back and reunite with her. Talk about a heart-wrenching love triangle.

Elysia Sterling was stuck right between them, making them both suffer. It was only after Jasper learned the truth—that she had died long ago—through a soul inquiry technique he had learned in the ghostly realm, that things began to shift. The kind-hearted Elysia smiled and resolved to let them go be happy together, bidding farewell to this realm before reincarnating. That, Elysia thought, was the saddest twist in their love story.

And Jasper Blackwood… That exiled prince from the fallen Kingdom of Cedric and Elysia Sterling’s childhood sweetheart. The man who had her heart even in death—she died yearning to see him one last time, only to discover he had already moved on.

As Elysia found herself in this strange version of the world, she wished only to escape it—far away from Jasper, living her own life. With some luck, maybe she could find her way back home.

After a long while with no one approaching, Elysia’s worry grew. She pulled back the curtain and stepped outside. As soon as her feet hit the ground, she almost lost her balance.

Great. Just great. Reading about terrifying situations in fiction was one thing, but experiencing it firsthand? Too intense!

She was now alone, with not a single guard or driver in sight. Around her loomed countless grotesque figures, surrounding a chilling scene on a mound of corpses was a young man, clad in white.

Gasping to keep from screaming, she watched as he fought ferociously, bloodied and battered. New attackers streamed in, but somehow they all met their end, transforming into menacing spirits that came for him too. It was incredible to see how he continued to stand his ground, defying all odds.

Then, as the moonlight glimmered above, she squinted, finally recognizing him—Jasper Blackwood.

The familiar features from the princess’s memories leaped into her mind—he was the hero of the story, Seraphina’s secret crush, and the beloved of the kingdom. Yet, after all this time, why did he look so… dark?

Taking a step back in surprise, Elysia noticed, not far from the battered young man, stood another figure. He looked striking but distant, difficult to make out. He was tall and elegantly clothed in white, accentuated with dark robes decorated with shimmering silver thread that resembled a vivid dragon. No ghastly spirit dared approach him; it was as though he existed within a pure, untouchable realm.

In a moment of panic, Elysia realized the gathering of spirits was closing in on her. Without thinking, she lifted her skirts and dashed towards the solitary figure.

That man—the one calmly observing Jasper’s fierce fights—finally noticed her. The light of the moon blended with the hellish tinge from the spirits, bathing her in a surreal glow. Clad in a delicate white gown with intricate designs and wearing an elaborate hairstyle adorned with gold, she seemed a princess amidst a deadly storm.

Her heart raced as trepidation filled her. Despite the chaos, her eyes didn’t fearfully dart away; instead, they locked onto his, conveying something almost like faith.

Oh wow.

He began to smile, a curious expression crossing his face.

This was new.

Instead of eliminating her from sight, he paused—his dark robes contrasting sharply against the lavish green of the backdrop as his lips quirked into a soft smirk.

Elysia dashed forward, but as she stumbled onto something unexpected—a corpse—her foot tripped, sending her sprawling against him.

Her knees hit the ground awkwardly, but she ended up clutching the man’s leg in a clumsy plea to steady herself.

While the cool fabric of his robe separated them, she could still feel the strength of his body beneath it.

Elysia’s face flushed bright red. “I… I’m so sorry!”

How could she explain this? It was purely a slip, not a gesture of submission or desperation to cling to him.

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