Title Rewriting Arics Story

Chapter 1

Lady Daelia Questrion first encountered Sir Aric Xandor in the Library of Lore. He was seated in the corner on a plush sofa, deeply engrossed in a comic book. A steaming cup of coffee rested beside him, and every now and then, a smile would flicker across his face, or his brow would furrow in concentration.

Their second meeting happened at the Cafe of the Commons, where Daelia noticed Aric sitting by the wall, his head downcast and his hands fidgeting nervously. Beside him was a dance partner who knew her mother well, making the scene all the more familiar.

The third time she crossed paths with Aric was at her graphic novel signing event. He stood in the far corner, waving at her with a shy smile, just as they were starting to explore a romantic relationship aimed at marriage.

The last meeting took place at Old Alley, where Aric greeted her with a warm smile, leaving Daelia feeling a bittersweet sting of nostalgia. She used to believe that it didn’t matter what had happened in Aric’s past; after all, they had a long future ahead of them. Whether or not he had mild autism or potential mental health issues didn’t faze her.

However, when she found herself inexplicably transported back fifteen years in time, she realized—the past mattered!

Aric was an extraordinary and intelligent young man who didn’t deserve to shoulder the burden of cruel taunts, accusations, and bullying. His life shouldn’t be confined to a tiny room in front of a computer. Daelia longed to rewrite his history, to infuse vibrant colors into his life. Yet, she only knew he attended Central Academy of Scholars, while she was just starting her second year of middle school.

“Auntie Daelia, you’ve sighed for the fifteenth time today,” Aldric Larkspur said as he exited the Chamber of Lessons, glancing back at her with a puzzled expression. “Are you okay?”

Daelia, feeling lethargic, rested her head on her desk. “I’m fine, just… nothing happening here.” The truth was, she had woken up to find Aldric’s intense stare earlier, frightening her.

Cassandra Stone, her deskmate, hesitated before speaking. “Don’t be too upset; there are plenty of fish in the sea. You’re still a beautiful flower. If one doesn’t work out, just move on to the next!”

Daelia blinked. Sure, she felt a bit down, especially since just as her relationship with Aric was starting to deepen, she found herself thrown back into the past. But Cassandra’s sayings perplexed her.

Seeing her confusion, Cassandra rushed to conclusions. “I thought you were sad because you were turned down by Perry. But clearly, you've climbed someone else's wall!” Cassandra’s certainty brought a hint of indignation. “If you’re suddenly close to a handsome boy and don’t tell me, are we still friends?!”

“…” Daelia thought it over. While she certainly had “climbed a wall,” that felt vague and distant. “Wait, what Perry? Who did I climb?” She couldn’t fathom where this idea came from, considering she had been single for twenty-eight years.

Cassandra gazed wild-eyed, as if Daelia had lost her mind. “You don’t remember?”

“What?” Daelia asked, genuinely puzzled.

Cassandra’s jaw dropped in shock. “Lord Gareth Larkspur! Just two days ago, you were claiming you were going to chase after him, and now suddenly, you’ve forgotten?”

“!!!” Daelia’s heart raced. Thankfully, it was during break time, and the noise level in the Chamber had receded. If it had been any louder, her exclamation would have echoed through the hall.

Thanks to Cassandra’s reminder, Daelia finally dredged up that memory from her mind’s abyss.

Chapter 2

At the heart of the lush, sprawling campus of the Ninth Noble Academy, a young woman named Lady Daelia Questrion was caught up in the whirlwind of adolescent intrigue. The son of their mathematics teacher, Lord Gareth Larkspur, was the quintessential heartthrob—tall, strikingly handsome, his fair skin and sharp features setting him apart from the crowd. Daelia, the quintessential beauty enthusiast, had spent her freshman year swooning over dozens of crushes, only to finally take a leap of courage and approach Gareth days ago. She even penned a love letter, though she ultimately decided against sending it.

As she finished pondering her romantic feelings, Daelia calmly instructed her best friend, Cassandra Stone, "We're still young, and love is just a distraction. We can't let it derail our studies."

Cassandra opened her mouth to retort but was interrupted by a voice from the front row. "Lady Daelia Questrion! There's a boy looking for you!"

At thirteen, Daelia might have blushed and stammered in embarrassment, but at twenty-eight, she simply raised an eyebrow, curiosity dancing in her smile, and stepped outside the Classroom of Learning.

Standing there was a familiar yet fuzzy figure—Sir Thorne Yahn, his casual stance and disarming grin hinting at his confidence. While his charm was undeniable, Daelia, having encountered countless attractive personalities over the years, felt little more than friendly amusement at his boyish face. In truth, the age gap was daunting—fifteen years and counting—yet she regarded him fondly like a younger brother.

"Do you need something, Lord Gareth?" she asked with a polite smile.

Gareth hesitated, his expression faltering before quickly snapping back into his laid-back demeanor. "What’s wrong? Forgotten me already after only two days?"

"Uh?" Daelia blinked in confusion.

Then, Gareth pulled a crumpled note from his pocket and presented it to her with a glint of mischief in his eyes. "I accepted your letter, by the way."

Daelia froze. "What?! That wasn't what you think!"

She scrambled for an explanation. "You must have misunderstood! I never sent you anything, and our exams are right around the corner. We need to focus on serious matters, not fleeting crushes!"

Her words were sincere—she was just a standard student hoping to get accepted into either the Central Academy of Scholars or the Second Citadel of Learning, the city's top two high schools. Though her grades were decent, they weren’t stellar enough to secure her a spot unless she paid a hefty fee, something her average-income parents, the common folk, couldn't afford.

"Who are you trying to fool?" Gareth shot back, astounded by her reaction. He had come to see the girl supposedly infatuated with him only to hear this? What’s more, how could she dismiss this as a trivial teenage matter? He stifled his frustration, saying, "Even if your grades aren’t top-tier, getting direct admission is a total lock, really."

Being part of the Ninth Noble Academy's unified system, many students with average or low grades opted for the easy route of direct admission. Daelia had been one of those before, eager to glide into high school with ease. But her aspirations had shifted. "What’s the point of going in straight if it’s not to the very best?" she shrugged, her determination flickering in her gaze as she spoke of chasing dreams rather than settling for second-best.

Chapter 3

Lord Gareth Larkspur squinted slightly, intrigued by Thorne Yahn’s lack of flinching or blushing under his intense gaze. Instead, Thorne maintained eye contact without a hint of discomfort, which was rather interesting. Gareth, feeling unusually amiable, broke into a light chuckle, “Alright then, let’s both put some effort in.” He tossed a letter directly at Lady Daelia Questrion.

Lady Daelia instinctively caught it, hearing Gareth call back, “See you at noon.” Before she could inquire further, Thorne had turned on his heel and left her standing there, feeling slightly bewildered.

The letter felt like a hot potato in her hands; she considered tossing it aside but thought better of it, given the atmosphere in the Chamber of Lessons was likely charged with gossip. So, she took her time before entering.

She couldn’t understand why she had come back to this year, especially since it had nothing to do with Gareth Larkspur. To avoid a butterfly effect from changing too much—like missing her chance with Sir Aric Xandor—she decided that outside of working harder in her studies, she wouldn’t alter any other course in her life. She resolved to keep her distance from Gareth Larkspur, minimizing their interactions whenever possible.

Lady Daelia remained lost in thought at her grandfather’s desk until the class bell rang, signaling it was time for her to enter the Chamber of Lessons. She consciously ignored her classmates' burning gazes and returned to her seat with impressive composure.

She had forgotten that her seatmate was known as the most nosy and well-informed student in their class. The moment she sat down, Cassandra StoneYoung exclaimed, “Wow! Did Lord Larkspur just confess to you? What did you say? Are we officially off the market now? I can’t believe you went from single to taken in the blink of an eye...”

Cassandra had been a close friend before Daelia's previous life changed everything. During their middle school years, they were inseparable. However, when it came time for high school, Cassandra’s average grades limited her to the regular track, and their communications dwindled. It was only after Daelia returned from Citadel B that they reconnected, with Cassandra now a high-powered executive at Zhou of the Market.

Having grown accustomed to the mature and charming Cassandra, Lady Daelia almost forgot that Thorne Yahn had once been gossip’s reigning champion in their school days. To prevent Cassandra from spiraling further with her speculation, Daelia came out with, “Aldric Larkspur is walking in.”

Cassandra glanced at the entrance and reluctantly halted her dialogue about Lord Larkspur’s intentions. The following classes were math, and for the first time, Daelia found herself waiting for Master Aldric Larkspur to finish his lesson without annoyance. She was relieved when he wrapped up, and before Cassandra could pry further into the day’s earlier events, class resumed.

Thanks to a drawn-out break, the school day ended more or less on time. As soon as the bell rang, Daelia bolted from the classroom, dragging Cassandra towards the Hall of Feasts at a sprint.

This was her first meal since returning, and as she approached the bustling Hall of Feasts, Daelia felt a mix of nostalgia and excitement wash over her. The atmosphere was vibrant, reminiscent of family gatherings, and she shared a knowing smile with Jarek Wainwright as they grabbed their meals.

Finding a spot at an empty table, Cassandra stared at Daelia in disbelief. “Aren’t you the one who absolutely detests potatoes?”

Daelia stared blankly at her plate, which featured both potatoes and braised ribs, momentarily caught off guard. “Do I?” she mused.

Truthfully, she had detested them before she met Sir Aric Xandor, who had loved them. He often said that during his school days, he had potatoes for nearly every meal because they were cheap and frequently available.

The thought of Aric stirred a sense of sadness within her. What was he doing now? Was he being bullied? Was he eating well?

“Hey, are you okay? Is the potato really that bad?” Cassandra asked, noticing Daelia’s eyes glisten with unshed tears as she poked at her food.

Daelia sniffed and forced a smile. “No, no! They’re great!” She promptly piled a few more chunks onto her plate and took a hearty bite.

Completely unbothered by Daelia’s unusual behavior, Cassandra shrugged, returning to her meal. A while later, though, she remembered the morning’s chaotic event. “Oh! Hey, what were you looking at earlier?”

Daelia had been too preoccupied with her thoughts to focus on anything else and stared blankly at a spot behind Cassandra.

Following Daelia’s gaze, Cassandra scanned the room, spotting no handsome faces and only a few familiar classmates, but the spark of excitement in Daelia’s expression was unmistakable. She hesitated, repeating her question, “Who—are you looking at?”

Daelia’s eyes sparkled, and the corners of her mouth curled up into a sweet smile, her voice softened significantly, sending shivers down Cassandra’s spine. “Just my Jewel.”

And with that, a new chapter began.

Chapter 4

Lady Daelia Questrion spent her morning contemplating the many scenarios in which she might cross paths with Sir Aric Xandor. Perhaps it would be during the registration at Central Academy of Scholars, maybe at the class orientation, or even a chance encounter at the bustling market. She'd imagined their meeting unfolding in a romantic setting, under spring blossoms or amidst lively conversation at a cafe.

What she never anticipated was running into Sir Aric on her very first day back, of all places, in a packed Hall of Feasts. The moment was so ordinary, yet her heart raced at the sight of him, mostly because of the attachment she felt to his name. If she hadn’t known the significance of “Sir Aric Xandor,” she might have overlooked that he was in the same middle school as her.

Her memories of Sir Aric were vivid; his striking features were etched in her mind. Yet now, he seemed so different—pale-skinned, lanky, with a mop of hair that resembled a shaggy dog’s, and thick black glasses framing his face. The boy in front of her was worlds away from the debonair young man she knew would evolve in the coming years. She looked at this scruffy teenager and felt an unexpected mix of emotions—excitement stirred within her, coupled with a twinge of sadness for her grandfather, whose presence had faded but lingered in her heart. She felt a deep embarrassment for her previous superficial judgments.

Sir Aric was engrossed in his meal when suddenly a shadow fell over him. He glanced up, expecting the typical teasing from the bullies in his class. But as he waited for their usual jibes, he realized the shadow belonged to a girl from the adjacent class, and she was smiling at him. The expression was inviting, yet his stomach twisted in knots; he recognized her as Thorne Yahn.

Caught off guard, Sir Aric quickly looked down, wishing to disappear. He had almost forgotten that he had transferred to this new academy.

Lady Daelia snapped back to reality and took the seat directly across from him. Cassandra Stone followed suit, dropping her tray onto the table with disbelief at the scene before her. She couldn’t believe her eyes—Lady Daelia, the most popular girl, sitting across from... these two?

“Could it be?” Cassandra thought to herself, glancing nervously between the pair.

But Lady Daelia was too focused on Sir Aric to care what Cassandra was thinking. The thrill of seeing the young version of Sir Aric brought her joy. With the filter of time clouding her memories—years in which she had come to admire the older version of him—she looked at the boy with compassion rather than disdain. Spotting just a solitary potato on his plate, she eagerly pondered how to casually offer him some of her lunch without him noticing.

“What’s up? You need something?” The first to break the silence was Lucius Chen, the class representative from the adjacent class, whose serious demeanor contrasted with the light atmosphere. He was neat, clean-shaven, and every bit the model student—earning scholarships and keeping his classmates in check. His attention was sharper than usual, especially when girls lingered too long nearby.

Lady Daelia just shot him a quick glance, then turned her gaze back toward Sir Aric, casually replying, “Oh, nothing important. Just hanging out.”

Lucius furrowed his brow at the unexpected warmth of her attention toward Sir Aric, suspicious of her intentions. Choosing not to engage further, he turned back to Aric with an air of authority, “Come on, Aric. You need to eat faster. We have those physics questions to tackle before lunch is over.”

Aric didn’t voice his thoughts, neither affirming nor denying, but he did pick up his pace somewhat, spurred on by Lucius’s urgency.

“Remember to chew your food properly; it’s good for your digestion,” Lady Daelia interjected, adding her gentle encouragement. “You’re so skinny—you need to take your time to absorb every bite.”

Though Aric remained silent, he slowed down his eating, clearly taking her words to heart.

Chapter 5

Lady Daelia Questrion watched with amusement as Jarek Wainwright's younger self—Sir Aric Xandor—looked incredibly adorable, and she had an overwhelming urge to ruffle his hair.

On the other hand, Sir Lucius Chen observed with irritation. “Eating is just that—eating! There’s no need for all this nonsense. We're in the eighth grade! Time is tight, and we need to make every second count!”

Lady Daelia chose not to respond to him, sensing that Sir Aric, despite being in no rush, was taking his time to enjoy his meal. Cassandra Stone, while equally curious about Lady Daelia's sudden presence, couldn't stand the way Sir Lucius expressed himself. Without hesitation, she retorted, “If you're in such a hurry, then why don’t you just leave? No one is forcing you to stay.”

“You!” Sir Lucius attempted to fire back, but with Sir Aric remaining silent and avoiding eye contact, his frustration mounted until his face turned red. He ended up storming off, throwing a parting shot towards Baron Zorlin and Sir Aric. “I’m leaving! If you want to follow him, go ahead—I’m not your babysitter!” That last comment hinted at who was really dragging whom down.

Cassandra's eyes flared with anger as Sir Lucius rushed out. “What does that jerk think he is?” She pointed at his retreating figure. “Does he think he’s so special just because of Aldric Larkspur?”

Lady Daelia nodded absentmindedly, though it was unclear whether she agreed with Cassandra’s first or second statement.

Turning her attention back to Sir Aric, she asked, “So, you’re in the Sixth Order too?”

This was more of a formality than an actual question. With his quiet demeanor, it was unlikely that Sir Aric would be outgoing or social, but since he was sitting with Sir Lucius, it indicated that he was at least in the same grade as Alcindor Dorrin.

Sure enough, Sir Aric gave a barely perceptible nod at her inquiry.

At Ninth Noble Academy, the middle school had its own separate four-story building, and only in the ninth grade could students move to the Upper Division's Hall of Studies. The eighth grade consisted of six classes occupying the third and fourth floors. The Fifth and Sixth Orders were the focus classes, the only two on the top floor, with a view of the Training Yard. They shared a corridor; while the Fifth Order’s hall led directly toward the front Training Yard and had access to the Academy’s Old Hall and Hall of Feasts, the Sixth Order’s corridor led to the back Training Yard, the Scholars’ Dormitory, and the Lavatory. With their schedules overlapping for most subjects taught by Master Aldric Larkspur, the students in both Orders were familiar with one another. This proximity reminded Lady Daelia of how vexed and ashamed she felt at her past oversight—never realizing that her current self had shared a wall with Sir Aric during middle school.

Thankfully, she had a second chance now—it wasn't too late. Quickly adjusting her attitude, she smiled brightly at Sir Aric. “By the way, I don’t think we’ve met properly. I’m Lady Daelia Questrion from the Fifth Order.”

Cassandra tugged at Lady Daelia’s sleeve under the table, trying to pull her back. In response, Lady Daelia shot her a calming look and turned her hopeful gaze back to Sir Aric.

Despite the weight of her anticipation, Sir Aric finally spoke, albeit without introducing himself. “I... I know you.”

Lady Daelia perked up instantly, setting down her chopsticks, her excitement palpable. “You know me?”

Sir Aric hesitated for a moment, then opted for honesty. “I—know of you.”

Her face lit up with joy. “How do you know me?”

In her mind, she began crafting a romantic narrative in which Sir Aric had been secretly in love with her since their school days. To her dismay, however, Sir Aric replied, “Lord Aldric Larkspur has us read your work, 'Chen Maiden.'”

The rush of disappointment washed over her, though Sir Aric pursed his lips, withholding another reason for why he was aware of her—her name had been circulating among the boys in their class lately.

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