Chasing Shadows in College

Chapter 1

Edgar was feeling a bit bored. Aside from attending classes, he found himself wondering how to pass the time. After a year of living the college life alongside his roommate Sir Cedric, Edgar finally understood why so many people were determined to become part of the university's elite social circles—it was all about enjoyment.

"College is where you learn how to live," Sir Cedric often said, his voice dripping with wisdom and just a hint of mischief. Aside from being slightly awkward-looking and harboring a few morally ambiguous tendencies, Sir Cedric was a decent guy.

"Seen any beautiful girls?" Edgar asked, rolling his eyes as he tried to avoid looking directly at Sir Cedric.

"They're all pretty average, except for that one girl over there—she seems interesting," Sir Cedric replied, his gaze drifting off elsewhere.

As the evening approached and students began flocking towards their elective classes, the Academy of Learning grew increasingly crowded. The sea of students moved like fish in a current, while Sir Cedric swam through the throng like a shark on the hunt for a target.

Sir Cedric had signed up for a dance class, and as his roommate, Edgar was acutely aware of his motives. This was a perfect opportunity for Sir Cedric to get closer to the ladies. He heard rumors that several organizations were merging this year, including the College of Healing Arts and the School of Law and Justice, promising an influx of students—and hopefully, more women. This was just the way Sir Cedric liked it.

"I've heard that the merging of the College of Healing Arts and the Law School means even more chances for Alden and the others," Sir Cedric chirped happily, his eyes scanning the crowd.

"You’re ahead of the game, huh? Maybe once you have some experience, you can help a brother out," Edgar replied, trying to mask his own insecurities.

To be honest, navigating love was all about experience, and Edgar, the somewhat standoffish nerd who buried himself in books during high school, was decidedly out of his depth now. He couldn't charm a girl to save his life or even afford flashy gifts like some. By his second year, he hadn’t even made a single close female friend.

Sir Cedric had it a bit better. Sure, he was far from handsome, but he was good at sweet-talking girls and came from a family with a bit of wealth, allowing him to socialize more freely.

"Don't worry, I'll hook you up, man," Sir Cedric assured him with confidence.

Edgar lacked the boldness of his roommate. The thought of taking a dance class was enough to make him squirm. The embarrassment of even brushing hands with a girl sent his cheeks burning. Instead, he decided to sign up for a film appreciation class, fully aware that Sir Cedric would tease him about it. But he shrugged it off, pretending he was just waiting for true love.

After dawdling a bit longer with Sir Cedric, they arrived at the Learning Chamber, only to find they were late. The lights were dimmed, and a film flickered on the screen, with a few scattered students occupying various seats. Edgar quietly slipped in through the back door, finding a spot in the last row.

The film being shown was Akira Kurosawa's "Gates of Misfortune." Edgar squinted at the screen, half-understanding the unfolding story. It was undoubtedly a bit heavy, and he struggled to keep up with the plot until it became too abstract, leaving him bewildered by the end.

Surprisingly, most students seemed uninterested and were leaning back, practically lying down, as they gradually lost focus on the film. The atmosphere became quiet, save for the dialogue of actors playing out on the screen. Edgar felt his eyelids growing heavy, and he fought against the urge to doze off.

Suddenly, the scene shifted to one showcasing Lady Elinor. The lighting brightened momentarily, highlighting her distinctive silhouette amid the slouched figures around her. Edgar's attention was instantly captivated.

She appeared deeply engrossed in the film, her posture perfectly upright, as if frozen in time. Edgar couldn't catch a glimpse of her profile yet, and it left him feeling an exciting mix of anticipation and curiosity.

She seemed to have a delicate figure, with flowing hair framing her face, accentuating her graceful neck. Her hair was pulled back with a sparkly clip that twinkled under the screen's glow.

With the instincts of a true romantic, Edgar felt she was definitely the type of girl he could be drawn to. He desperately hoped she'd turn her head, even just for a moment.

As his anticipation built, time flew by. The film came to a close, and Professor Hargrove began to provide commentary from up at the podium. The chatter among the students grew louder, but Edgar kept his eyes fixed on his target.

Yet, Lady Elinor never turned around. Perhaps it was because he was seated so far back? He reassured himself, telling himself he could catch her on the way out.

Finally, as the class ended and she stood up to leave, Edgar's heart raced in tandem with his increasing excitement.

Chapter 2

Incredibly, it was her—Lady Isabella.

Mistress Isabella spotted Edgar first, paused for a moment in surprise, then smiled softly as she approached him.

“Thaddeus, fancy seeing you here. Did you sign up for this class too?”

“Yeah, I did,” Edgar replied, half-heartedly engaging in the conversation.

She was alone, clearly attending by herself. Even though Lady Isabella was someone Edgar knew from high school, he felt no connection. Tonight seemed like a waste of time for him.

Lady Isabella had been a standout at their high school, the High Academy. She was sharp, had top grades, and could’ve had any guy after her—Edgar included. But after hearing rumors that her boyfriend, Tristan, was from a prestigious institution in the city, he quickly shifted his affections elsewhere. Back then, he thought the world of beautiful girls was vast, but now that he roamed this metaphorical forest, he felt lost.

While Edgar was lost in thought, Lady Isabella beamed with enthusiasm, chatting about their shared memories from high school.

It had been a while since their graduating class had gathered together after the High Academy. Only a handful of them made it to Castle Academia, and now, running into Lady Isabella in this big university felt like a serendipitous twist of fate.

“Thaddeus, I bet you don’t have any girlfriends yet, do you?” she teased, hitting a sore spot.

“Who says I don’t?” Edgar shot back defiantly, a hint of irritation in his tone.

“Bring her out one of these days, and we should all hang out!” Lady Isabella seemed genuinely excited.

“Sure, no problem.” Edgar dismissed the thought, telling himself he would come up with an excuse if he had to. Better to keep things simple.

As they entered the Dormitory Hall, they could hear Sir Cedric among the others, boasting about Edgar’s dance partner. If it wasn’t for his embarrassment, he would have joined the banter openly.

“Hey, man!” Sir Cedric exclaimed, spotting Edgar as they pushed through the door. “Any romance brewing tonight?”

Edgar, already aware that his grandfather had spilled some details, didn’t feel like sharing anything. “Just ran into a lovely lady,” he shrugged.

Sir Cedric leaned in with intrigue, prodding Edgar for more. “I can’t wait to hear more juicy details!”

“Someday, you might get a chance to meet her,” Edgar teased, trying to keep his friend guessing.

Cedric rolled his eyes, not buying it but continuing to chatter about his own “encounters” that evening.

Edgar, or Young Alistair as he sometimes went by, had fallen back into his old habits—attending a few classes here and there, skipping others, and basically enjoying his freedom. He had all the time in the world to engage in activities he missed out on in high school, aside from finding a girlfriend.

At Castle Academia, there were various clubs and guilds to join, but Edgar had little interest, a habit he clung to from his high school days. Most of his time was spent either in his dorm or the Tavern of Bytes gaming with friends.

“You are absolutely such a hermit!” Sir Cedric often teased him.

Edgar wasn’t quite sure if that was true, but he did feel a little trapped.

He occasionally attended elective classes where Isabella was a standout, still stunning as ever. She often chatted him up when they crossed paths, saying it reminded her of their carefree days at the High Academy. In those moments, a hint of nostalgia sparkled in her eyes, and he could see she missed those times too. After graduation, everyone had scattered to different places, and he sometimes found himself reminiscing about those days.

“Is that guy you dated still around?” Edgar blurted out, an awkward question that he didn’t know how to frame. He wondered if they had split. It seemed odd that she always appeared solo.

“Oh, he’s attending a university in the province,” she replied with a casual smile, “but he comes by to visit me quite often.”

If Edgar were to say he had someone as beautiful as Lady Isabella in his life, he’d probably have pursued similar options at the university. But truthfully, his track record with girls in high school hadn’t fared any better. Two years into college and still no luck. Frustration set in; he shook his head at himself for letting it bother him so much.

Suddenly gripped by a memory of his last fib about having a girlfriend, he hurriedly switched topics.

Notably, since he was at Castle Academia, he did keep some contact with Lady Isabella now and then. Especially during prominent activities at the Academy of Learning, their paths seemed to cross frequently, making him feel closer to her than during their high school days. Yet, Edgar continued to maintain some distance, unsure of how to bridge the gap.

Chapter 3

Edgar looked down at Lady Isabella as she slept, a pang of tenderness washing over him. Seeing her cry earlier had tugged at his heart; it was obvious that she was truly distressed, and Edgar couldn’t stand to see her like that.

The clock struck midnight, and the air inside the Tavern of Bytes was thick with smoke. As Edgar glanced over at the overflowing ashtray next to Sir Cedric's computer, he decided to take a break and splash some water on his face. He didn’t smoke, so this was the only way to shake off the haze in his head.

Passing by Sir Cedric's table, he caught a glimpse of the action film playing on the screen—a flick from the Isle of Wonders. Sir Cedric noticed him and grinned, asking, “So, what do you think of that beauty, Mistress Roland?” Edgar shrugged, “She’s alright, I guess.”

Then, leaning in closer, Sir Cedric whispered, “Are you really going to let her spend the night here at the Tavern?” He gestured toward the sleeping Lady Isabella. Edgar hesitated; honestly, this was his first time out all night with her. It had never crossed his mind that he might need to arrange for her to stay the night.

Before he could gather his thoughts, Sir Cedric pulled out something wrapped in what looked like tinfoil, asking if Edgar wanted it. At first, Edgar thought it might be chewing gum, but as he took a closer look, he realized it was a condom. Edgar quickly shook his head, “No, no need for that.”

After washing his face, Edgar felt refreshingly alert. He considered the possibility of taking Lady Isabella to the Inn of the Wistful Dream for the night, feeling guilty about her spending the night in the Tavern. After all, she was his High Academy classmate, and it would be quite a scandal if word got out.

Back then, things had been tough for Edgar. Coming from a modest background, his family only managed to give him $75 a month for expenses—a meager amount. Even though a night at the Inn would only set him back about $15, he was still short on cash. Reluctantly, he had borrowed $22 from Sir Cedric.

He gently woke Lady Isabella and together they stepped out of the Tavern, the chill of the early morning air enveloping them as they walked down the Cobblestone Path. The streets were quiet, occasionally interrupted by the distant sound of cyclists whizzing by, glancing curiously at the two of them. Despite the cold, he felt more alert, more alive.

“Do your friends know about me?” Lady Isabella asked, breaking the silence.

“Huh?” Edgar replied, taken aback.

“I heard you have a lady friend. Does she know you have a sister in the High Academy here?”

“Um, she doesn’t know about you. Why?” Edgar felt the heat of embarrassment wash over him as he desperately tried to recall his offhanded comment about a lady friend. Thankfully, he was quick on his feet, otherwise, the situation might have turned awkward. Why was she suddenly so curious? Did she not believe him? Was she concerned? Unexpected emotions began to swirl in Edgar’s mind, leaving him bewildered.

“Do you not want her to know?”

“Well, it’s not that. It’s just better if she didn’t know about what happened tonight. You know how ladies can be—always guessing and assuming. I’d rather she not think too much about it.”

It seemed Lady Isabella had accepted the existence of his lady friend. A surge of satisfaction coursed through Edgar, like he had successfully pulled off a clever deception.

As they left the Tavern, Edgar hadn’t mentioned anything about getting a room yet. Now, he mulled over how to phrase such a suggestion comfortably. If he told her directly that he wanted to book a room, how would she react? Would it be awkward? They were classmates, yes, but they weren’t exactly best friends, and despite the late-night stroll, it felt like their connection was still rather formal.

Two rooms would definitely exceed what he had borrowed from Sir Cedric. If he shared a room with Lady Isabella, it would just heighten the awkwardness. Maybe he could let her sleep in the room while he returned to the Tavern to hang out online? But then, he would undoubtedly face endless teasing from Sir Cedric and the guys, something he couldn’t bear to endure.

What would be worse? The humiliation of facing his friends or the discomfort of sharing a room with Lady Isabella? He didn’t have to see her every day, but he would have to come face to face with Sir Cedric often, and the thought of being the butt of their jokes was unbearable.

Chapter 4

Edgar's mind was in turmoil as he faced the last question of his exam—one that should have been a gift, but the time was running out and he couldn’t come up with the answers. Yet, Grandma Winifred remained calm and composed, unfazed by his internal struggle.

Life had a way of throwing unexpected surprises when one least anticipated it. As Edgar walked along the cobblestone path, he suddenly realized that the Academy of Learning was flanked by an abundance of places: the Inn of the Wistful Dream, the Tavern of Bytes, and the café known as The Silken Goblet. Strangely, he hadn't visited any of them, except for the Tavern of Bytes. His mind raced with possibilities—would he have a chance to explore some of these charming spots later tonight?

"Thaddeus, let me treat you to some coffee!" Lady Isabella's voice pierced through his thoughts, snapping him back to reality. It turned out, they had already stopped outside the Inn of the Wistful Dream, with a delightful little café right next to it.

Edgar had been gazing thoughtfully at the Inn, while Lady Isabella assumed he was contemplating the café menu. In truth, Edgar had never tried coffee before—he figured it might taste somewhat like chocolate. Lady Isabella, on the other hand, was no stranger to it; she hailed from a privileged background but was certainly not the type to flaunt her wealth carelessly—at least her grades were impressive.

Uncertain of who initiated the entry, Edgar found himself stepping into the café. As he stood staring at the menu prices, he felt completely blindsided. Coffee could be this expensive? The cheapest cup was seventy dollars. His heart sank as he recalled that he only had 150 dollars in his pocket—was he even going to be able to order two cups?

Fortunately, the barista greeted them with utmost politeness, eager not to let them escape. Lady Isabella chose a cozy spot by the window, the neon lights casting a soft glow on her face. Edgar couldn’t help but notice how well she fit into the ambiance, while he stood out like a sore thumb, his anxiety building around whether he had enough money to settle the bill.

The café was mostly empty, aside from a couple at a distant table—a young man, Rogue Tristan, and his companion, who were engaged in hushed conversation. They certainly looked like a couple, or perhaps something more dubious.

“What would you like to drink, Thaddeus?” Lady Isabella asked with a smile, pulling him from his thoughts.

Edgar quickly scanned the menu and settled on the cheapest option—a cappuccino, opting to overlook the more exotic and expensive choices.

“Two cappuccinos, please,” Lady Isabella placed the order with a nod, and Edgar felt a weight lift off his shoulders. At least he wouldn’t have to awkwardly leave without ordering. Just as he was about to pull out his wallet, Lady Isabella stopped him.

“Edgar has a membership card,” she said, revealing a shimmering card and handing it to the barista.

Once the barista had disappeared to prepare their order, Lady Isabella explained to Edgar that their drinks would be complimentary because she held VIP status. Edgar couldn’t help but feel a mix of surprise and intrigue—so it turned out that even the rich could drink for free. In his mind, he pictured privileged kids tipping generously and insisting to leave extra money for their servers.

As the coffee arrived, Edgar was shocked once again—the cappuccino was hardly bigger than a soy sauce dish! He took a tentative sip, greeted by an overwhelming bitterness that spread across his palate. This was an entirely new experience for him.

The dim lights of the café made for a cozy atmosphere, and they chatted about random topics, though Edgar found it difficult to adapt to the oppressive taste of his drink. Lady Isabella watched him, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes—did she notice his struggle with the coffee? He couldn't quite ascertain.

“Thaddeus, do you want some sugar?” she asked, genuinely concerned.

Hearing her inquire about his needs struck a chord within him, rekindling a feeling of being cared for—a sensation he only came to understand deeply later. In that moment, he felt grateful to be accompanying this kind noble girl on a late-night adventure.

Chapter 5

Edgar lived a quiet life since the last time he had drinks with Lady Isabella. It felt like ages since they'd seen each other. Sometimes he found himself missing her—perhaps "missing" was too strong a word, but given the sprawling grounds of Castle Academia, running into someone felt entirely up to chance.

Getting Lady Isabella to ask him out was unlikely; she had never once invited him before, and even if she did, there would be no good reason for it. Still, he wondered why she had been so upset the last time they had met. Perhaps the moment had passed, and if she wanted to discuss it, she would have brought it up then. Nonetheless, he thought it best to let it be.

One evening, as Edgar chatted with Sir Cedric in the Sleeping Quarters, his phone buzzed with a message. It was Lady Isabella, inviting him to The Jester's Hall for karaoke, claiming it was on her tab while others paid for their drinks.

Edgar was feeling a bit bored at the time. It only made sense since he had treated her to drinks last time. He eagerly accepted.

As he stepped outside, the sun had set, and the lanterns along the Castle Grounds flickered invitingly against the enveloping darkness. He couldn’t help but feel a sense of noble anticipation. They often said that one is influenced by their company, and given Lady Isabella’s beauty, he could only imagine her friends were equally lovely. Maybe tonight he'd even catch a glimpse of his first love, Elara.

Lost in those thoughts, he found himself at the entrance to the Ladies' Quarters, a bit dazed from his daydreaming. Lady Isabella was already waiting for him, her blue dress shimmering under the streetlight, the fitted vest accentuating her delicate frame. Her expression seemed a touch distant until she spotted him.

"Is it just you?" Edgar's heart sank; he feared the company of a crowd of ladies might be absent.

"Oh, they went ahead to reserve a private room. Just waiting for us to start singing," she replied softly.

That was fine—it meant they wouldn’t waste any time. Remembering Sir Cedric’s bravado about charm and humor at The Jester's Hall, Edgar rummaged his memory for a few jokes to break the ice as they walked. But the more he spoke, the less Lady Isabella seemed engaged. Her quiet demeanor hinted at something more serious, leaving Edgar feeling a bit defeated. Did she have impossibly high standards for humor, or was he really that bad?

Just as they neared the Academy of Learning, Lady Isabella suddenly asked him, "Do you think I look pretty tonight?"

"You’re beautiful, always," he replied sincerely.

She shot him a fleeting look, then lowered her gaze as they continued on.

The atmosphere at The Jester's Hall was electric as they stepped inside. The noise hit them immediately—laughter and singing blended together in a chaotic harmony. Isabella guided Edgar through the dimly lit corridor. When she opened the door to The Bard’s Chamber, Edgar was taken aback.

Where he had envisioned a lively gathering full of sparkling-eyed ladies, the reality was painfully stark. Inside, a couple of people sat alone, one of them wearing glasses—a guy Edgar didn’t recognize. From their interaction, it was clear they were comfortable together, singing intimately. At seeing Edgar and Isabella enter, the mood turned awkwardly muted, as if they'd stumbled into a private moment.

Lady Isabella rushed to introduce them, revealing the guy was Benedict, a student at a different college who had come specifically to visit her.

Benedict was laid-back and seemed to enjoy the moment. To ease the tension after Edgar’s awkward entrance, he suggested they play a drinking game with dice. Edgar, who hadn’t expected to meet his first love’s boyfriend tonight anyway, decided to let go and embrace the fun.

And so it went: two ladies sang joyously, while Edgar and Benedict tossed dice and took shots. Edgar was inexperienced at both games, and before long, they'd polished off several bottles of beer. He noticed Benedict starting to beam with delight as the evening progressed.

Lady Isabella sat close to him; he could almost feel the fabric of her blue dress against his arm. Suddenly, she leaned closer, whispering in his ear, "Thaddeus, maybe slow down on the drinks."

Edgar smiled, appreciating her concern even as the night’s laughter swirled around them, echoing toward the stars above.

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