the Academy

Chapter 1

“Stop right there!” Lydia Fairchild shouted as she chased after the Trickster who had just snatched her wallet on the first day of school.

“Ah!” a startled voice called out behind her. Lydia turned to see Seraphina Bright seated on the ground, “Don’t worry about me, Fairchild! Just catch him!” she urged.

By the time Lydia rounded the corner, she found a guy pinning the Trickster to the ground. Out of breath, she approached them just as the Trickster was desperately struggling against his captor. “I’m a good guy! Please let me go!” he pleaded.

“Yeah right! You think you can take our money on the first day of school and just walk away?” the boy replied, a look of disgust on his face.

Together, they brought the Trickster to the City Guardhouse; after filing the report, Lydia stepped outside into the darkening evening.

“Thanks so much! I owe you one! Dinner’s on me!” Lydia exclaimed, her eyes sparkling as she gazed at the guy before her. She had thought he was cute before, but now, up close, he seemed almost stunning! Maybe she could use this chance to get to know him better, and then…

“No thanks,” the boy replied indifferently, hoisting his backpack over his shoulder and walking away without another word, leaving Lydia standing there in the chilly night air, feeling defeated.

The next day, Lydia and Seraphina strolled toward the Great Hall, chatting about the events from the night before.

“I think I may have experienced love at first sight,” Lydia mused dramatically. Seraphina rolled her eyes at her friend’s sentimentality. They had met in the freshman group and had clicked right away, deciding to room together at the Lodge. Yet, she had never realized Lydia could be so clueless about boys.


“Ooh! There he is!” Lydia interrupted, excitement bursting from her as she pointed ahead. Seraphina followed her gaze and was stunned to see the tall, handsome figure they had encountered the previous day.

“Yes, that’s definitely him…” Lydia whispered enthusiastically, pulling Seraphina closer.

“Hi!” The boy was caught off guard while drinking water, managing to fumble as he nearly spilled it. He wiped the spilled liquid off his shirt with an impassive expression, glancing between the two girls. Seraphina could immediately sense his displeasure.

“Um...sorry! Maybe I could help you clean that?” Lydia suggested, moving to take action, but Seraphina grabbed her arm, shaking her head vigorously. “No way! You’re being way too obvious!”

“Thanks, but that’s not necessary,” he said, barely looking at them, his body shifting as if he was ready to leave. In fact, more students were approaching him, entirely oblivious to Lydia's dramatic overtures.

Ignoring Seraphina’s warning, Lydia clung to his shirt. “You helped us yesterday! We feel bad for what happened! Let me at least clean your shirt!”

He recognized them now and, with a hint of annoyance, handed her his shirt. “You can keep it.”

Lydia opened her mouth to protest, but he cut her off. “Sorry, but I really have to run.”

As soon as his figure melted away into the crowd, Seraphina poked Lydia in the forehead, scolding her. “What were you thinking? You scared him off!”

“But he gave me his shirt!” Lydia protested, feeling somewhat justified.

“Right, like that makes up for everything. Do you even know anything about him?” Seraphina sighed, shaking her head in disbelief.

With newfound determination, Lydia cleaned the shirt carefully but sadly realized she didn’t know anything about the guy – not even his name. It hit her hard, like a breath of cold air.

Seraphina, who had been pulling a reluctant Lydia along, sighed. “It’s just a guy. If you miss the opening ceremony, you’ll be in real trouble.”

When they reached the Assembly Chamber, Lydia picked up a stack of brochures on the table. “Who’s Gideon Blackwood?” she asked curiously.

“Don’t know,” Seraphina replied.

Lydia frowned, continuing her search through the papers. “Who does this guy think he is, speaking at the opening ceremony?”

“No idea,” Seraphina shrugged.

“Do you think I’ll run into him again?” Lydia asked hopefully.

“Don’t know,” Seraphina sighed.

Lydia was left staring into space, feeling a mix of indignation and longing.

Chapter 2

As Gideon Blackwood walked into the Assembly Chamber, a hush fell over the room. The boys calmly made their way to the stage, putting down their notes, as Gideon's deep voice resonated throughout the spacious hall.

"Is that the guy in the coat?"

"Gideon Blackwood." Seraphina Bright and Lydia Fairchild exchanged glances, eyebrows raised in surprise.

After the ceremony wrapped up, Lydia Fairchild, pushing through the crowd, finally managed to reach Gideon. "Gideon Blackwood."

At this point, Gideon had noticed her, glancing at her with curiosity. Under the envious eyes of the audience, Lydia felt a swell of pride as she spoke. "So, about that jacket of yours—when can I return it?"

"Um, maybe tomorrow? The Keeper of Tomes' office?"

"Sounds good!"

Watching Gideon leave, surrounded by a throng of admirers, Lydia let out a satisfied sigh. "I think I’ve finally made it in life."

"Seriously, Fairchild," Seraphina Bright said solemnly.


"My mom used to say I was foolish—I think it’s because she’s never met you. When we go home for the break, you should join me; maybe then my mom will cut me some slack." As Seraphina spoke, she began walking ahead, with Lydia snapping back to reality after a moment and shouting after her.

The Academy’s convenience store.

Lydia once again gazed up at the top shelf where the tomato-flavored chips sat, reaching up with all her might. Just as she thought she was about to grab them, her heart sank as she watched a pale hand effortlessly snatch the last bag away. Following the hand's trail, she was met with a smug grin from Isabella North.

Isabella North grinned mischievously at the Trickster who was now pouting while holding an empty snack bag. Just moments ago, he had been trying all sorts of angles and positions to retrieve that bag of chips, displaying a resilience that was more astounding than one might expect.

"Want these chips?" Isabella teased, waving the bag in front of Lydia.

"I saw them first!" Lydia shot back, sounding less convincing than she hoped.

"But this is the very last pack," Isabella pretended to contemplate. "Since you really want it so much—" Lydia's eyes widened, "I'm just going to eat them myself!" Isabella laughed as she turned and headed to the checkout.

The drama continued in the Academy, with everyone witnessing the peculiar scene unfold. Isabella walked away munching on the chips while Lydia followed with a death stare, grumbling under her breath.

"Fine, here you go," Isabella said, offering the bag of chips to Lydia. Lydia, indignant, turned her face away.

"Looks like someone’s a bit off in the logic department," Isabella remarked. "You know you lost your friend when you ran after me, right?" It was evident that she had seen Lydia enter the store with someone else.

"I…” Lydia dramatically pointed at Isabella with her fingers shaped like a gun. "You immature man! Whatever, I won't hold it against you for that bag of chips." With that, she spun on her heel, realizing she had completely forgotten about Seraphina.

Isabella shrugged and popped a chip into her mouth, watching Lydia stomp away with an amused expression. “What a charming little Trickster,” she thought to herself.

"Hey! I’m Isabella North!" she called out to Lydia, but Lydia waved her off without looking back.

Chapter 3

Lydia Fairchild cautiously stepped into the Library of Elders, her heart racing with anticipation. She couldn't help but glance at the Trickster emblem, an emblem that represented the playful spirit within her. The librarian, glancing over at her, interjected, “Excuse me, you just need your student card to enter. There’s really no need to be so… overwhelmed.”

Overwhelmed? Lydia felt she understood the librarian's tone; she was just a bit anxious, after all. The world seemed unnecessarily unfriendly sometimes. Shooting a glare at the chuckling crowd surrounding her, Lydia straightened her back, confidently swiping her student card and making her way to the second floor. But after just three seconds, she found herself slipping right back into her anxious demeanor.

Gideon Blackwood was sitting in a quiet nook beside the shelves, absorbed in a book. The afternoon sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow on his neat hair. His soft shirt glowed like a beacon of warmth and gentleness, and as he turned the pages with elegant, slender fingers, Lydia could have sworn she heard her heart bloom in response.

With quiet steps, she inched closer, trying to surprise him. Gideon glanced up, slightly exasperated. “You...”

Why did they suddenly feel like they were conspiring in something mischievous?

“Hey, I brought your shirt back!” Lydia's big, expressive eyes stayed fixed on Gideon, unblinking.

“Thanks, but I’ll just see you later,” he said politely, looking away while trying to stand firm. However, Lydia had no intention of budging from her spot.

Gideon took a resigned breath—this girl seemed to have a remarkable ability to tune out the world around her, ignoring all the looks and words directed her way.

Gideon decided to give up his reading for the moment, closing his book and focusing on the girl beside him. “So, you really want to hang out with me?”

“Uh-huh!” she nodded eagerly.


“Because you helped me out so much the first time we met. I owe you big time!”

“Honestly, I’d have helped anyone,” he replied, waving it off.

“But it was just me and Seraphina who were having issues, remember? You were there for us, so I have to show my gratitude!” Lydia's tone was cheerful, almost proud to be the only one he saved.

Gideon was left speechless.

As he stepped into the elevator, a boisterous classmate squeezed in beside him. Standing at 5’5”, Lydia looked minuscule compared to the towering figure of 6’2” Gideon.

“Ding!” The elevator chimed, and Gideon turned to Lydia, who gave him a puzzled look. “What are you pointing at?” he asked.

"Um, is it just me, or are we getting heavier?” she joked awkwardly, glancing at the display panel.

“Don’t look at me; this isn’t about my weight. The elevator must be broken…”

As if to back her statement, the lights flickered and the elevator came to a sudden stop with a heavy thud.

Gideon pressed the open button repeatedly, but nothing happened. In an instant, Lydia screamed and flung herself into his arms, grasping tightly. Gideon, slightly bewildered, patted the top of her head out of instinct, choosing to overlook her sudden invasion of personal space.

“Uh, hey… This elevator’s having some trouble…” he awkwardly explained into his phone after contacting maintenance. “Yes, we need assistance… There’s a girl here with a Trickster aura… Yes, thank you.”

From the folds of his shirt, Lydia’s muffled voice broke through, “Gideon, I’m scared…”

After another few moments of pushing aimlessly against the doors, Gideon tried to reassure her, “It’s okay, help will be here soon.”

A thick silence filled the confined space until Lydia whimpered, “I’m still young! I don’t wanna die here, woe is me…”

“If I don’t get my chips from Isabella North, I’ll never forgive myself…” she continued, her voice wavering.

Gideon felt warmth radiating from Lydia, her distress palpable. He pulled her closer, softly stroking her hair to calm her.

Just then, the elevator made a loud ‘ding’ and the doors slid open. Standing outside were the Keeper of Tomes and a few curious students who began to check on them.

“Are you both alright? Is everything okay?” they asked, concerned.

“Yeah, we’re okay! The door’s open now!” Gideon announced, attempting to peel himself away from Lydia. She looked up at him with those pitiful, tear-filled eyes.

“But Gideon, I feel a little weak…” she sniffled, tears rolling down her cheeks, making her look helpless. It reminded him of the time he’d cared for an injured kitten that gave him the same look.

As the outside crowd gawked at their embrace, Gideon felt a strong urge to escape. With a swift turn of resolve, he scooped Lydia up into his arms and began to stride out. This was a first, carrying a girl in front of an audience, and it felt utterly surreal…

Chapter 4

Lydia Fairchild couldn't help but smile as she thought back to how she’d come to laugh her way through the day, jolted awake from her dreamy thoughts by the sudden realization that the library's elevator, known as The Lift, had given her a golden opportunity to get close to her crush. Seraphina Bright, her roommate, had other ideas though. With a hint of annoyance, she interrupted Lydia's dazed expression. “Lydia, you've been on a break for a whole week now because of that ‘trauma’—this is getting ridiculous.”

“But what should I do?” Lydia replied, tapping her chin as she reminisced about her crush’s warm embrace. “Every time I think of him, I lose my motivation.”

Finally fed up, Seraphina snapped. “You can’t just sit here indefinitely, feeling sorry for yourself!Get moving!” She practically wrestled Lydia out of her cozy blanket, prompting her to scramble toward the bathroom. “You’ve got to get yourself together, eat something, and come to class with me. Otherwise…”

Lydia quickly shot to the bathroom as Seraphina squeezed her fingers threateningly. “Alright, alright, I’m going!”

After a short while, Lydia emerged, feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety as she noticed the stark changes around her. With a sense of bewilderment, she muttered, “Wow, it feels like I’ve missed a lifetime of news in just a few days.”

“Honestly, being your friend is a full-time job,” Seraphina remarked dryly, her head shaking in disbelief.

Isabella North, another friend, chimed in. “Yeah, it can be quite exhausting keeping up with you, Lydia.” She held out a bag of chips, revealing the delightful smell of tomato-flavored snacks. Lydia's eyes lit up instantly.

Since that legendary chip incident, every time Lydia saw Isabella, their playful banter ignited. “This is my third bag of chips I’ve bought for you! At this rate, I might as well just eat them myself,” Isabella teased dramatically.

“Seriously, I don’t understand why guys love snacks so much,” Lydia retorted playfully as she rolled her eyes.

“Hey, look!” Seraphina nudged Lydia, pointing to Gideon Blackwood, who was waving goodbye to a friend across the Great Hall. “Your crush is leaving!”

“Ahhh! My hero!” Lydia squealed, racing towards him without a second thought, leaving Seraphina frozen in shock. “Why did I even remind her?”

“I’m going to go see this so-called ‘hero’ for myself,” Isabella sighed, following in pursuit.

Gideon had just finished his errands in the Great Hall when Lydia invaded his space with her enthusiasm. “Gideon! Thanks again for being so kind to me. Today, I insist on treating you to lunch, no exceptions!”

“What do you want to eat?” She waved her meal card excitedly, offering him the freedom to choose.

Gideon scratched his head, slightly overwhelmed. “Uh, just get whatever you want; I’m easy to please.”

Seraphina and Isabella arrived just in time to catch Lydia juggling her responsibilities, chanting, “Only a real prince would be this easy to please.”

“Hey, is there any? I want this!” Isabella shouted, quickly pointing to a dish. “Most boys love this kind of food!”

“Really?” Lydia replied enthusiastically.

“Absolutely! Just trust me. And grab this, too!” Isabella added, excitedly listing off more options.

“Got it!” Lydia called, almost skipping as she collected their meals. Meanwhile, Seraphina observed with a raised eyebrow, thinking, “This girl is treating him to lunch, but can she seriously claim to be in love?”

As they settled down to eat, the trio bounced between laughter and conversations, the air filled with the casual chatter of student life. While Isabella occasionally evaluated Gideon with a scrutinizing gaze, Lydia’s focus never shifted from him.

Once Gideon finished his meal, Lydia bounced up, saying, “I’ll grab us some drinks. Be right back!”

“Bright, why don’t you go with her?” Isabella encouraged.

“Sure!” Seraphina agreed, recognizing Isabella’s intent to speak with Gideon alone.

With the two girls gone, the mood suddenly shifted. “So, do you like Lydia?” Isabella finally cut to the chase, her voice steady.

“Not really,” Gideon replied, still giving her an oblivious glance.

“She was into me first,” Isabella said, her eyes locking onto his. “So if you can’t see how great she is, then you'd better keep your distance. I’m interested.”

Gideon shrugged and replied, “Whatever you wish.” He started to leave just as Lydia returned with a bottle in each hand, beaming. “What happened to Gideon?” she asked, scanning around.

“He thought you were taking too long and left.” Isabella smirked, eyeing the drinks. “Ah, perfect! You brought my favorites. Hand them over!”

Lydia handed over the bottles, her heart sinking as she watched Gideon vanish down the hall. “Why did he leave so soon?” she wondered aloud.

“Ah, come on. Let’s go enjoy those chips!” Isabella laughed, linking her arms with Lydia and guiding her away.

Chapter 5

For several days now, Lydia Fairchild had not seen Gideon Blackwood, and she found herself spiraling into a mix of aimlessness and worry. She had no idea that Gideon was trying his best to avoid public places on campus.

“Oh my gosh, that was magical!” exclaimed Seraphina Bright, her face lighting up as she emerged from an engrossing afternoon binge-watching a new series. “I wish I could time travel. I’d totally go back to the Sui Dynasty!”

“That era was chaotic,” Lydia pointed out, rolling her eyes.

“I know! I’d go hang out with Yang Guang and soak up all the luxury, then come back and tell everyone about it, haha!” Seraphina giggled with a certain wildness, prompting Lydia to smirk and shake her head. “What a goof.”

“And then I’d rush off to the Qin Dynasty to help Ying Zheng conquer the mountains!”


“After that, I’d visit the Shang Dynasty and have Emperor Xin pamper me! Can you imagine? It’d be fantastic!”


Seraphina was lost in her fantasies when Lydia’s voice dripped with sarcasm, “So the fall of those dynasties is all your doing, huh?”

“........” Well, the playful insults among best friends were always a source of joy.

“Whoa, look! A Blood Donation Wagon just rolled up to the Academy!” Seraphina announced excitedly as she scrolled through her phone.

Having never seen a Blood Donation Wagon before, Lydia felt equally intrigued. The pair made a beeline for the wagon, eager to check it out.

As they approached, Lydia noticed people getting off the wagon with bandaged arms. She turned to Seraphina, “I think this is a really meaningful event.”

“Yeah, we can help out.”

“Should we...go or not?” Lydia asked, her excitement mixing with a hint of trepidation.

“Let’s do it! We’ll just take a quick look,” Seraphina encouraged, her enthusiasm infectious as she pulled Lydia along.

In the bustling crowd, Lydia made out a familiar figure—there he was, Gideon Blackwood, the man she hadn’t seen in ages. A surge of relief washed over Lydia, feeling as though she had made the right decision.

“Fairchild, maybe we should just go...” Seraphina’s excitement dwindled, and her face became a little anxious.

But Lydia noticed Gideon had registered his information and was seated next to the Blood Donation Wagon, holding a cotton ball to his arm. Lydia’s resolve strengthened, “Bright, it’s fine. I really want to donate blood.”

Realizing she was on the same page as Lydia, Seraphina reluctantly accompanied her as they signed up and checked their blood types.

Once Lydia took her seat for the donation, she glanced at Gideon then shot Seraphina a look for support. Seraphina’s expression mirrored an ‘I can’t help you’ sentiment.

“Are you ready to begin?” the nurse asked, causing Lydia to nod, though her complexion paled as the needle approached.

When the dark red blood began to flow from her arm, everything started to blur, and Lydia felt herself swept away into unconsciousness.

“Is she okay?!”

“Lydia! Lydia!”

Moments later, Lydia awoke to the bright whiteness of the medical room ceiling. She could feel a dull ache in her arm, and as she turned her head, she discovered she was sprawled on a cot in the infirmary.

“Wow, you woke up pretty quickly!” Isabella North, her friend and dormmate, walked in. She leaned in closer, peering down at Lydia, “How are you feeling? Want to faint again?”

Lydia waved away her teasing, “Why am I here?”

“Oh wow, you seriously don’t know? The whole Academy is talking about it. One of the students fainted while donating blood! It scared the life out of the attendant—she almost thought about giving you a transfusion!”

‘You claimed to be scared and didn’t back out, but you ended up passing out. Way to go, huh?’ Isabella added, laughing at Lydia’s expense.

“......” Right now, all she wanted was some sympathy, not playful digs.

“Who brought me here?” Lydia asked, scanning the room for Gideon, but he was nowhere in sight.

“Who else would it be?” Isabella quipped back.

“Oh, never mind. Thanks,” Lydia muttered absentmindedly. Disappointment clouded her heart; she had finally seen Gideon after so long, only to embarrass herself in front of him.

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