Behind the Spotlight

Chapter 1

“You're really crossing the line here! Even if he's just an extra, he's only four or five years old! What if he gets hurt?!"

The Filming Grounds looked like a disaster zone. In the distance, a wooden chair had toppled over and lay on the ground as the crew moved around frantically. In the middle of the chaos, Elena Winterbourne cradled the shivering little boy in her arms, glaring at the visibly embarrassed up-and-coming star, Fiona Evernight.

“When that chair fell, it was entirely your fault for not paying attention to the script, Roderick! Luckily, the boy wasn’t hurt, but I demand that you apologize to him right now!”

“Shut up! You’re just a newbie in this business. Who do you think you are? How dare you ask me for an apology?”

Fiona Evernight, used to being treated like a queen, was indignant. “Besides, it’s just a chair! It didn’t kill him! That kid is lucky to even be acting alongside me!”

“Don’t get too deep into the character. Just because you’re playing the role of his mother doesn’t mean you own him! For all we know, his dad probably thinks you’re terrible anyway!”

Furious at Fiona’s cruelty, Elena’s face flushed red, but instead of lashing out in anger like Fiona, she knelt down beside the trembling child and gently soothed his frightened face.

“Hey, Oliver, did that scare you? Are you hurt anywhere?”

“Mama! I was so scared!”

The little actor, clearly too immersed in his role, clung to Elena and buried his face into her shoulder, making Elena’s heart ache. Over these past few days, she had grown fond of the boy named Oliver, and she could tell he didn’t have a real mother. He was already so pitiful, and now Fiona’s thoughtless actions had left him shaken.

Any decent person couldn’t just stand by and watch this happen!

Wiping Oliver's tears away, Elena took his hand and walked intentionally toward Fiona, grabbing a steaming cup of coffee from the Tavern Keeper’s table and pouring it over Fiona's head.


The rich aroma of coffee spread through the air as Fiona screamed, her outrage spilling over. “You little brat! Are you trying to scald me? Do you know who I am? Do you know how valuable my face is?! You’ll regret this; I’ll have you blacklisted!”

“It’s just a little coffee spill; you’re not going to die from it. Evernight, why are you making such a fuss?”

Calmly, Elena watched as Fiona struggled to contain her rage, throwing her icy stare at Elena while clutching ice packs to her face and angrily signaling her manager.

The crew, well aware of Fiona’s notorious attitude, shifted uncomfortably; they had long endured her arrogance during filming. Still, they couldn’t help but admire Elena, the new girl, for having the guts to stand up to Fiona in such a bold manner.

With that thought in mind, Elena remained unfazed, staring right back at Fiona. She knew that if they couldn’t get this production back on track soon, they would never finish the shoot.

“Let it go, Fiona. People in this industry are tired of your tantrums. Maybe instead of berating others, you should focus on your own performance!”

Fiona’s eyes narrowed dangerously as she leveled an intense glare at Elena, her lips curled into an ominous smile that promised trouble.

Chapter 2

“Annabelle Silver, what are you waiting for? Get in there and smack that loser in the face! Let’s see how she survives in the entertainment industry after this!”

“Fiona Evernight, calm down! You can’t just go hitting people!”

Fiona’s manager, Annabelle Silver, was a gentle and somewhat timid woman, yet she had enough decency not to hit Elena Winterbourne. Instead, she was desperately trying to reason with Fiona Evernight.

Around them, the crew members began to chime in, advising her to back off, but this only fueled Fiona’s rage.

Elena Winterbourne was just a pretty face with slightly better acting skills. Why should this upstart be able to rally so many people against her? Fiona was determined to make this little nobody disappear from the industry for good!

“If you won’t fight, then I’ll do it myself! Elena Winterbourne, you shameless little brat!”

With her hand raised high, Fiona was about to land a slap on Elena. Considering her hold on Oliver, Elena knew she had to dodge this attack, so she shut her eyes and braced herself for the blow.

But the next moment, a strong pair of arms pulled her into a warm embrace, and a deep, rich voice whispered in her ear, “Are you okay?”

What on earth was happening?

As she opened her eyes and caught a glimpse of the tall, handsome man before her, Elena felt a wave of dizziness wash over her, as if something had just flickered through her mind, bringing a rush of pain.

She couldn’t help but groan softly, her body going weak as she leaned against him. Fortunately, the man sensed her distress and tightened his grip, urgently asking, “What’s wrong? Are you in pain? Is it your head?”

“I-I’m fine!”

Elena quickly realized how inappropriate it was for a lady actress to be so close to a stranger in broad daylight. She awkwardly wriggled free from his grasp and offered an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry for the trouble. I had a serious illness five years ago, and sometimes I get headaches. Thank you for helping me!”

Five years ago…

Sebastian Blackwood watched the enchanting young woman in front of him, his heart aching with deep sorrow. He had been searching for her for five long years, convinced he was ready to be forgotten and start anew.

But why, in that split second of seeing her unfamiliar gaze, did he feel such an overwhelming pain in his heart?

“Sebastian Blackwood! What a surprise! Please let the secretary know next time you plan to visit. We’d love to prepare a proper welcome for you!”

Roderick, visibly nervous, broke the awkward tension. Everyone at the filming site, including Elena Winterbourne and Fiona Evernight, stood frozen in shock.

Sebastian Blackwood? Could this striking man really be the legendary Sebastian Blackwood, the backer of this film, known for his cold demeanor and ruthless business acumen? The name itself evoked thoughts of a man so wealthy he could rival nations, accompanied by a slew of imposing adjectives—handsome, merciless, and fiercely intelligent.

Sebastian, once a scholarship kid from the Jade Orphanage, had fought his way up to Harvard’s Business School. By twenty, he had built his own empire from scratch. At just twenty-two, he made headlines with a major acquisition that placed him at the top of the Asian billionaire list.

What was someone like him doing at a filming site?

Elena, taken aback by the name “Sebastian Blackwood” and his presence, felt a sharp pang in her chest. Inhaling deeply, she forced herself to compose. She was just a new actress, and now a major investor was on set—she could not afford to lose her composure!

In stark contrast to Elena’s struggle to stay calm, Fiona Evernight seemed to thrive on the attention. She quickly wiped the remnants of coffee from her face and hurried to fix her makeup. With practiced ease, she walked right up to Sebastian Blackwood, preparing to flatter him, but before she could speak, Oliver dashed over to Sebastian, his tiny finger pointed at Fiona.

“Winterbourne, this mean lady bullied me and Willa!”

Chapter 3


Elena Winterbourne stood frozen, staring at Oliver, who had just revealed that the Little Boy she thought she had been acting alongside for days was actually Sebastian Blackwood's five-year-old son, John. The shock rippled through the room like an electric jolt. She was astounded, her mind racing as she processed the implications of what this meant for her and the others present.

Everyone knew that the notoriously aloof Sebastian, a solitary figure in the industry, had a young son, but no one had guessed that little John would end up mingling among the crowd here at The Acting Company. To think he had almost been injured here—what a disaster!

Roderick, the director, looked ghostly pale, bowing repeatedly in apology, while Fiona Evernight trembled, her fear palpable as she attempted to speak. But it was Sebastian Blackwood who cut through the chaos, his voice cold and steady as he grasped Elena's hand.

“Good to know I wasn’t here today. Otherwise, I wouldn't have realized my lady and son were being bullied!” he declared, ice in his tone.

What on earth was happening?!

Feeling the collective gaze of the room shift toward her, Elena instinctively opened her mouth to explain. But one glance into Sebastian's deep, piercing eyes made her understand. He was protective; he felt strongly for his boy and seemed eager to defend his honor—even at the expense of this junior actress.

Realizing she had no reason to get involved in their business, she silenced herself, holding Oliver’s hand, standing quietly to the side. The atmosphere went flat, every person in the room suddenly afraid to speak.

Fiona, her face as pale as a sheet, unexpectedly seized Elena's arm, tears brimming in her eyes as she bowed her head in desperation. “Elena, please! I—I was wrong! You’re such a big star, renowned and all. I’ll never dare to cross you again! Please spare me this once!”

Elena had a mind to scoff, thinking how ridiculous this was. It felt as if she were the bully here, but she couldn’t deny how much Fiona's dramatic show made her stomach turn.

She managed a cold smile and responded slowly, “What’s this business about 'crossing' lines? Ms. Evernight, you’re the biggest star in the industry. You could easily have my career crushed. Now, you’re apologizing to Oliver and me because Sebastian was here—and if it wasn't for him, you'd still think it's okay to push us around, wouldn't you?”

Her words struck deep; Fiona’s complexion sank into despair, and her anxious eyes darted toward Sebastian, whose brow knitted in contemplation yet offered no reassurance. Instead, he turned his cold gaze back toward Roderick and the production team.

“Let’s hear it. What kind of compensation are you prepared to give me for this incident?”

The tone made it clear he was leaving the door open for negotiations.

Exchanging worried looks, the production team and Roderick fought to mask their relief. They knew Sebastian was granting them a reprieve solely because of Elena and Oliver's presence in the play. They bravely approached, speaking with a synchronized mixture of trepidation and eagerness.

“Mr. Blackwood, we can’t tell you how stunningly talented Elena is. We’ve recognized her potential from the beginning. Considering this situation, we would like to formally invite Elena to take on the role of Lady Isabella in our upcoming series. Mr. Blackwood, would you and Ms. Winterbourne do us the honor of accepting it?”

Elena’s heart raced. Was this actually happening? Had fate really dropped this golden opportunity into her lap?

Chapter 4

Elena Winterbourne stood frozen in place, a mix of anxiety and confusion swirling in her mind. Just then, Sebastian Blackwood took her hand, his voice soothing yet commanding.

"So, what do you think? Are you interested in playing the role of Lady Isabella?"

His deep, magnetic voice and the intensity in his eyes sent a chill down her spine. Elena forced herself to gather her thoughts. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a newcomer like her to star as Lady Isabella in a prestigious television drama. But could she say yes?

There was an old adage about "forcing success drawing down wrath," and Elena was all too aware of the industry’s hidden treachery. Right now, she was just a rookie—fresh off the bus as they say—and landing such a prominent role could invite jealousy and resentment from others in the business.

To make things more complicated, she had done her research: Lady Isabella might be the sweet, innocent character everyone loved, but Elena felt that her current role, the gritty single mother Willa, offered far more room for her to showcase her skills. Plus, if she switched characters now, it would waste the entire crew's hard work. That was a loss she simply could not afford!

And there was something bigger at stake—she cared too deeply for Oliver, her friend who had been so supportive.

Looking at Sebastian's handsome yet aloof profile, she slightly lowered her gaze. She felt their complicated connection—he was her colleague but also likely motivated by his own reasons to support her as a favor to Oliver.

Determined not to take advantage of that bond, she thought about Lady Isabella's charisma, and that made her chuckle lightly. Then, turning to the bewildered Fiona Evernight, she said calmly, "Thank you for the offer, Sebastian. I really enjoy my current role, and I want to continue working with Oliver, so I’d prefer to stick with it for now."

It was her instinct, as familiar as breathing.

Sebastian Blackwood's gaze lingered on Elena's delicate features, a sigh barely audible in his chest. When he first approached her, he remembered how she stood up for a bullied junior at the Academy—her intelligence always shone through, always considerate and thoughtful of others. Back then, she was known as the confident Windrider Elena, untouchable to most. But now, having fallen for so many young beauties in the business, here she was, being pushed around.

With thoughts of pity, guilt, regret, and anger battling within him, he forced himself to stay calm. Finally, he replied, "Alright, if you want to carry on in that role, let's keep it that way. But I’d like to add a new scene before we proceed.”

Roderick Fields, the director, and the entire crew fluttered around him, eager to please. “Of course, Sebastian! Just tell us which scene to add!”

Sebastian coldly replied, “You can figure that out yourself. I just want to see the end result.” He motioned to Fiona, who wore a look of utter despair. “We’ll add a slap scene where she gets to act alongside Winterbourne.”

It was clear as day who was going to slap whom. Elena felt that felt a bit over-the-top, and just as she was about to voice her concern, Roderick and the team were already hurriedly scribbling down the new scene, handing the script to her like it was a prized possession.

“Elena, just let us know when you’re ready, and we can start shooting!”

With the pressure mounting, openness was cast aside as a new sense of resolve took over her. It was time to prove herself, no matter how daunting the shadow of Sebastian's influence felt over her burgeoning career.

Chapter 5


With Roderick's booming command, the cameras started rolling, and all eyes immediately turned to Elena Winterbourne and Fiona Evernight. The lighting crew had clearly prioritized Elena's spot, casting her in a far better light than Fiona.

Goodness, what a lesson in the entertainment industry! Today, she realized the reality behind the glitz and glamour typically reserved for stars like Marcus Stone—only to find herself, a little-known newcomer, basking in the same treatment!

Suppressing her internal critique, Elena focused entirely on Fiona, locking eyes with her to deliver a scripted line they had improvised on the fly: “You’re the one who hurt my son, John, aren’t you?”

Fiona's heart boiled with jealousy and resentment, yet she found herself unable to react accordingly. But the moment she met Elena’s gaze, she froze.

Those eyes held a piercing accusation and sorrow that could tug at anyone's heartstrings. Elena's performance was so compelling that it captivated everyone on set!

Roderick and the crew were awed by Elena's capabilities, while Fiona, begrudgingly embracing her role, replied, “I’m sorry… I didn’t think it would turn out this way. I really… didn’t mean it.”

A sharp, resounding "slap" cut through the air as Elena’s delicate hand brushed against Fiona's cheek—not striking her, but a swift motion that echoed the emotional weight of the moment. Her sorrowful smile broke hearts all around, as she declared, “I won’t hit you because you’re John’s mother too—but make no mistake, you’ve hurt him deeply. From now on, we are no longer friends; consider us sworn enemies!”

The set fell silent. Nearly everyone was enraptured by Elena's poignant performance. A few crew members who played the roles of mothers were even seen wiping away tears. Roderick exchanged a glance with the screenwriter, both trembling with excitement.

Once again, they discovered yet another prodigious talent following the genius of Marcus Stone!

And unlike Marcus, Elena brought her own prowess in screenwriting to the table. During that powerful scene, instead of resorting to slapping Fiona, she had truly tapped into the essence of her character and created a perfect moment—gaining applause and acclaim without raising a hand.


Roderick’s voice shattered the tense atmosphere, and the venue erupted into thunderous applause. Every face was illuminated with heartfelt admiration for Elena.

Among all, Oliver's applause was the loudest as he dashed over to her, practically bursting with excitement. “You were incredible! You're the best actress ever!”

“Thank you, Oliver. Hearing that from you makes me happier than winning an award!” Elena replied, deciding not to let his feelings down. She lovingly ruffled his hair before turning her gaze to a thoughtful Sebastian Blackwood, who couldn’t help but feel a warm sensation bloom in his heart.

At that moment, he realized his instincts were indeed accurate. Even with her burgeoning fame, Elena Winterbourne still felt an innate closeness to their son John. As long as he remained by her side and allowed her to grow closer to him, he hoped that one day, he could win her heart back entirely. There would be more opportunities ahead for him to redeem himself in her life.

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