Between Heartbeats and Secrets

Chapter 1

The large screen flickered with the latest hit teen drama, while Evelyn Whitmore, six months pregnant, lounged comfortably on the settee, enjoying her show and playfully toying with a plum pit in her mouth.

On the coffee table sat a wicker basket, neatly filled with snacks, while a half-empty bag of preserved plums lay within reach of her hand.

After reluctantly spitting out the tasteless pit into the trash can, she picked up another sweet plum, glancing towards the open door of the bathing room.

From her position, she could only see a wall, but she knew Derek was in there.

Evelyn returned her focus to the plum, her mouth watering at the thought.

She hesitated between indulging in another treat and holding back.

Now that she was pregnant, she couldn't just eat as she pleased—too many sweets wouldn’t be good for the baby.

Plus, her teeth wouldn’t tolerate that much sugar either.

Thanks to Derek's vigilance, he kept a close eye on how many plums she consumed.

The last time she had sneaked a few when she thought he wouldn't notice, Derek had caught her out in an instant. He had glanced at the bag and, with a bemused expression, remarked, "Four fewer plums? You didn’t eat them all, did you?"

Evelyn had been stunned; she never imagined he would be keeping count.

Under Derek's knowing gaze, she had sheepishly admitted her slip-up, and she had been "punished" quite thoroughly for it.

Suddenly, her thoughts drifted; in truth, that kind of punishment was not so bad…

But if she made the same mistake again, Derek would undoubtedly want to deliver a different kind of punishment.

That wouldn't do; she couldn’t let him see how tempted she was. After all, she considered herself a modest girl.

Just as she was about to painfully set the plum down in the basket, she spotted a tall figure entering her line of sight.

It was Derek.

He walked toward her, carrying a foot soak basin.

Evelyn glanced down at the basin, recalling the excitement she’d felt when she first learned that soaking one’s feet every night was good for one’s health. Enthusiastically, she placed an order online, determined that once the basin arrived, she would soak every night without fail.

However, when the basin finally got there, she managed to stick to it for only a few days before her motivation fizzled away.

Laziness, plain and simple.

Yet as soon as she decided to give it up, Derek quietly took it upon himself to fill the basin with warm water and bring it to the bathing room. Shortly thereafter, the hot basin was placed at Evelyn's feet.

All she had to do was lift her feet to enjoy it; completely effortless on her part.

As she slipped her pale, delicate feet into the warm water, she looked up at Derek, her expression softening into a sweet smile. "Thank you, honey."

Even though Derek had been helping her soak her feet for nearly a year, Evelyn always felt compelled to express her gratitude.

It was her little way of making sure he continued to do things for her—even when it was something she didn’t want to do.

Derek caught her smile and felt a warmth spread within him.

He really was in love.

Despite seeing it every day, the sight made his heart flutter, every time reaffirming the connection they shared.

He covered the basin with a towel draped over his arm, resting his hands on either side of her, leaning closer to inspect her as he spoke.

Chapter 2

Evelyn Whitmore felt a flutter in her chest as Derek Westwood's gaze lingered on her. "What’s wrong?" she asked, her heart racing.

It was a deadly combination.

Her husband was simply too handsome.

Even after two years of dating and a year of marriage, Evelyn was still not immune to his charm. She couldn’t help but blush at times, her heart quickening as a result.

"You look a bit better," Derek remarked, a teasing smile on his face. "Looks like that foot soak is working."

Evelyn touched her cheeks and, regardless of its effectiveness, seized the moment to praise him. "It's all thanks to you, darling. Without you, I wouldn’t be who I am today."

Derek’s gaze fell on her rosy lips, tightening his throat. He leaned in and kissed her.

Heat surged through Evelyn, rushing to fill her mind as her arms instinctively wrapped around Derek's neck. She opened her mouth to welcome him, their tongues entwining as the kiss deepened.

Derek's hands roamed to support her back, his palm resting against her nape as they kissed passionately.

Evelyn couldn’t hold back her soft moans, her mind dizzy, her delicate tongue exploring inside Derek’s mouth with eager tenderness.

Derek, always in control, altered his pace at times to match her rhythm.

When their lips finally parted, Evelyn melted into him, her swollen lips slightly parted as she gasped for breath, her face and neck aflame.

Derek’s hand remained at her neck, his dark eyes fixed on her. "With this two-pronged approach, it looks like your complexion has improved even more."

Evelyn blinked, her eyes glistening with a mix of surprise and delight. It took a moment for her thoughts to catch up, and when they did, her cheeks flushed again. She looked away, momentarily shy, secretly pleased with the effectiveness of “this approach.”

Not because it improved her complexion, but because of the kiss itself...

Derek got up to refill her foot soak, heading into the kitchen.

In the Great Hall, Evelyn turned her attention to the TV, though her mind wasn’t really in it.

It had been a while since she and Derek had been intimate.

She silently counted - was it a week already?

Evelyn patted her belly, contemplating how before the pregnancy, unless it was “that time of the month,” they hardly ever had a moment of rest.

Thinking back, the child's arrival had actually been unexpected.

Evelyn remembered it well; not long after she and Derek had solidified their relationship, they had crossed that line, and from that moment on, desire seemed unlimited.

Derek had always been careful, never letting her get pregnant, but sometimes, their passionate intimacy led to moments where precautions failed.

And sure enough, just four months into their marriage, Evelyn found herself unexpectedly pregnant.

When Derek returned, carrying a glass of milk and a sliced apple, she quickly composed her expression.

An elegant woman shouldn’t look too unsatisfied.

He set the milk and plate on the coffee table and sat beside her, expertly offering her a piece of apple with a fork.

Evelyn, distracted by her feelings of unmet desire, instinctively opened her mouth wide, almost ready to swallow it whole, but at the last second, she bit into the apple delicately.

That was a close call.

She nearly broke her poised facade.

Just as she felt relieved, she caught the hint of a smile in Derek’s eyes, fleeting but unmistakable.

After finishing a slice of apple together, Evelyn lifted up the empty plate and offered, “Honey, you should have some too.”

Derek took a bite just to humor her, but soon enough, he was feeding her the rest.

Evelyn leaned back into the settee, satisfied, stroking her round belly. She felt as if she were living in a dream.

In her old home, although she was the cherished only child, no one had ever peeled and sliced an apple for her. The most she got was someone washing her fruit.

After marrying Derek Westwood, her life had become effortlessly refined.

If it had been someone else, she might’ve struggled to adapt, but for the somewhat lazy Evelyn, as long as she didn’t have to lift a finger, she was more than okay with it.

Once she finished her milk, Derek took the empty plate and cup back to the kitchen.

Evelyn yawned, suddenly feeling a wave of fatigue wash over her.

With sleepy eyes, she gazed at the television, waiting for Derek to finish up in the kitchen so they could retreat to their bedroom together.

Chapter 3

Derek Westwood was not just a loving husband; he was also a devoted figure in Evelyn Whitmore's life.

When not away on business trips, he made it a routine to read bedtime stories to the baby growing in Evelyn's belly every night, and tonight was no different.

Evelyn lay against her plush pillows in their cozy bedroom as Derek sat cross-legged beside her, one hand gently caressing her pregnant belly while the other held a colorful storybook.

Evelyn had been feeling sleepy, but as she listened to Derek’s soothing voice reading the story, her mind wandered, and sleep eluded her. She glanced at him, his voice naturally deep, but now softened intentionally, making it even more mesmerizing and causing her thoughts to drift into more enticing territory.

Realizing her wayward thoughts, Evelyn quickly averted her gaze, half-lidding her eyes, contemplating ways to coax Derek into indulging some of her more provocative ideas.

After a moment, she found herself increasingly aroused by her fantasies, and her legs instinctively pressed together, lightly rubbing against one another.

Derek caught a glimpse of her subtle movement, momentarily pausing his reading.

Evelyn, sensing the change in atmosphere, asked, “Are you done reading already?” Usually, he would read for at least half an hour, but it felt like he had barely started.

“No more reading,” Derek said, placing his hand on her belly before leaning closer, locking eyes with her. “The baby is so quiet tonight; I think he misses me.”

Evelyn's thoughts wandered as she tried to connect the dots. Before she could fully grasp it, Derek leaned in closer, whispering, “I need to meet him to keep him from causing a stir.”

“Meet him? How?” she replied, slightly bewildered.

“Indeed, how are we going to do that?” Derek murmured against her lips, moving his hand from her belly to rest on her full chest. “Evelyn, think quickly! We can’t keep our baby waiting.”

The implication landed, and Evelyn's face flushed crimson.

Without a shred of hesitation, she wrapped her arms around Derek's neck, her eyes shimmering with undeniable desire. Her mind raced with thoughts of him teasing her, stripping her bare, their bodies entwined.

Derek noticed the spark in her gaze, his heart racing. He leaned in to capture her lips gently in a kiss, his fingers toyed with her sensitive nipple, sending tremors through Evelyn's body.

She gasped softly, and in that moment, all coherent thoughts vanished.

As their kiss deepened, Derek's tongue slipped between her soft lips, exploring and stirring her senses.

Waves of pleasure cascaded through Evelyn's body, drowning her in a storm of sensation.

As they kissed fervently, the purple satin of her nightgown slipped more as Derek's hands roamed, revealing her soft, enticing curves.

Derek, captivated by the sight before him, could hardly conceal his excitement.

With a hungry gaze, he lowered his mouth to her sensitive nipple, savoring it as if it were a fine delicacy.

Evelyn's breath quickened, and she moaned, unable to hold back her pleasure, as her hands cradled the back of Derek's head, pulling him closer.

His nose nestled against her smooth skin, her nightgown pushed down to expose her luscious breasts to the cool air, her pink nipples perking up in anticipation.

Despite his many experiences, the sight ignited a fire within him, making him crave her more fiercely.

His fingers explored, finding their way under her skirt, pushing it up to expose her soft thighs.

“Derek…” Evelyn whispered, her breath hitching.

He felt the heat radiating from her, the longing that spoke volumes.

In one swift motion, he slid his finger between her moist folds, eliciting a gasp from her lips.

Evelyn's body responded instinctively, arching toward him, desperate for his touch.

As Derek's skilled fingers found their mark, Evelyn surrendered to the intoxicating waves of pleasure that washed over her, spiraling into a blissful haze.

Chapter 4

"Evelyn Whitmore cried because she was bullied at Homestead," Derek Westwood's fingers traced the mud-streaked entrance of her femininity, softly kissing her lips. "I've got you, babe."

His words carried a soothing power, as he slowly inserted his finger into her wet warmth, gradually pushing deeper until his entire digit was enveloped by Evelyn.

She moaned, instinctively bringing her legs together, her delicate inner muscles contracting around Derek's probing finger.

Her tightness and warmth were intoxicating. Derek's throat tightened, his breathing growing hot. "Spread your legs, honey," he whispered, his dark eyes locking onto Evelyn's.

"Let me make love to you."

Evelyn's body shivered, and she spread her legs, almost crying. Despite his gentleness under the same roof, Derek's dominant persona in bed drove her wild.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she opened her legs wider, allowing Derek more access.

Supporting himself with one hand by her head, Derek leaned forward, his fingers continuing their slow, deliberate motion inside her. His pace wasn't fast, but every movement hit her sensitive spots precisely.

Evelyn's eyes grew wetter, each moan more passionate than the last. "Oh, darling~ ah~ I love it~"

His fingers, now slick with her juices, moved smoothly in and out, but Evelyn still squeezed him tightly, sweat beading on his forehead.

He pushed his fingers deep inside her, his breath rough. "I saw our baby today," he murmured, pressing his forehead to hers, his voice low. "Our baby asked what Daddy was doing. Should I tell him that Daddy is making love to Mommy?"

"No~" Evelyn cried urgently.

It was so embarrassing.

Even though their baby couldn't understand the words, Evelyn's body turned crimson at Derek's suggestion. She shut her eyes tightly, her grip on Derek's arm tightening. Her chest rose and fell rapidly.

Seeing her embarrassment, a ticklish sensation spread in Derek's chest. He paused his movements inside her, using his thumb to rub the emerging red nub of her clitoris in slow circles.

"Sun's kisses make everything better," he gently nibbled on her nose.

The bedding beneath Evelyn was soaked now, her pleasure building with each of his touches, reaching a crescendo.

Her mind went blank, and she instinctively whispered, "Sun's."

Derek's thumb left her clitoris suddenly, and his fingers resumed their thrusting inside her.

"That's a good girl," he murmured, capturing her lower lip with his mouth, "I'm gonna take care of you."

Under his verbal and physical assault, Evelyn's body convulsed, releasing her juices.

Meanwhile, outside on the boulevard, a sleek, limited-edition sports car sped past. Reclining in the backseat, Landon Archer suddenly opened his eyes and spoke to the driver upfront, "I'm making a stop. No need to wait for me."

The next moment, he vanished from the car, reappearing almost instantly inside a bedroom.

Before he could take in his surroundings, a soft, seductive voice captured his attention.

"Darling~ don't press there~ mmm."

On the bed, Evelyn Whitmore lay flat with her legs spread and held wide by Derek's strong hands, his rigid member thrusting deep within her.

Derek pushed forward further, his eyes on their joining. He tried, but couldn't fit all of himself inside.

Derek Westwood fondly remembered how freely they connected when she wasn't pregnant; he could thrust as deep as he pleased. Though initially, she couldn't take all of him, a few deep strokes would coax her body to accept his entirety.

Pulling back slightly, Derek gazed at Evelyn, who despite her pleas for him to go easy, wore an expression of pure bliss. His voice was deep as he said, "Evelyn, no more excuses."

"If I don't go all the way in, how will we connect with our baby?"

Chapter 5

Landon Archer stood not far behind Derek Westwood, his brow furrowing with discomfort as his senses reached out toward the man. He caught sight of the woman lying on the bed.

She was entirely naked, her body swollen with pregnancy.

His consciousness penetrated Evelyn Whitmore's belly, revealing a small life that stirred within.

Landon swiftly retracted that consciousness.

From the day he was born, he had lacked a soul.

For an ordinary person, missing a part of one's spirit would be deeply alarming, but Landon Archer was anything but ordinary. The absence of a soul didn't greatly affect his life. Neither he nor the Whitmores had ever made an effort to find that missing piece.

However, if it presented itself, he would certainly reclaim it.

Just moments ago, Landon had abruptly left his car because he sensed the loss of his soul.

But the situation he now faced left him momentarily speechless.

His soul had become a fully-fledged human and, shockingly, had gotten married. His wife was even pregnant.

“Evelyn must be hungry; come, dear, let me feed you,” Derek's voice rang out, intensifying Landon's discomfort.

He braced his forehead with one hand, his face flushing red as his tall, strong body trembled slightly as if hit by an unseen force.

He glanced down at himself, frowning at the midsection with an intensified expression.

This was still his soul, albeit housed in a different body, yet he could feel its emotions as if they were his own.

It was all too strange.

Experiencing this for the first time, Landon felt a complete sense of unease, but before he could fully process his feelings, the images from his earlier moment of consciousness surged back to him.

His face abruptly flushed with embarrassment, emotions awakening inside him that he couldn't quite understand. However, he felt that now wasn’t the time to delve deeper; he needed to leave before he lost control.

Casting one last glance toward the large bedroom, Landon vanished in an instant, but he did not reclaim his soul.

If he did, his soulless body would turn into a lifeless corpse.

That woman would be left without a husband.

Landon had seen women who lost their husbands on TV—crying and falling apart, visibly heartbroken.

Standing silently in the reception room of the homestead, he felt a strange twinge of discomfort amidst that odd surge of emotions.

He…didn’t want to see her sad, nor did he want her to cry.

“Boss, you’re back,” a burly man with a gentle demeanor remarked. “Are you hungry? Want a late-night snack?”

“No, it’s fine,” Landon replied, scanning the room. “Little Thomas is asleep.”

“Just fell asleep.” The man, Quentin Stone, offered a kind smile.

“You should go get some rest, too,” Landon added.

Quentin said goodnight and headed upstairs, opening a bedroom door.

Inside, there was a child’s bed and an adult’s bed.

Quentin made his way over to the child’s bed, bending down to lovingly stroke the boy’s head.

Downstairs, Landon relaxed back against the settee, but his features wore a mask of anxiety.

Since leaving the bedroom, his mind had been racing, replaying the moments he had just witnessed. It kept his body and spirit disquieted.

Still, Landon firmly believed that his current state of unrest came from his own thoughts, not the influence of his soulless state, for he had distanced himself from any such impact.

So, the busy thoughts that filled his mind were his own burden to carry.

After sitting quietly for a while in the reception room, trying to fend off the persistent images in his head, Landon finally stood up and began to ascend the stairs.

While he could teleport wherever he wished, he chose not to.

Though he wasn’t human, he enjoyed living life in a human way, using teleportation and spells only when absolutely necessary.

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