Behind the Schoolyard Secrets

Chapter 1

Early spring in Merrick was bright and sunny, casting a golden glow over the basketball court as if it had been coated in gold dust. A gentle breeze tousled the hair of Evelyn Rowan, who was perched on the bleachers, watching the activity unfold below.

Dressed in a knee-length black boyfriend-style coat and baggy cargo pants, her long, dark hair flowed freely, exuding a chic yet confident aura. She tossed her hair back, jumped off the bleachers, and adjusted her coat before turning to the remaining spectators. "When’s that guy showing up?" she asked, impatience evident in her voice.

"You’re getting antsy," someone teased, a smirk on their face.

"Don’t worry, I’m not going to lose to you," Evelyn shot back, her confidence unwavering. With a deft leap, she returned to her previous spot, plopped down, and absentmindedly tapped her feet against the ground as she waited, chin resting in her hand.

Before long, a group of guys clad in basketball jerseys arrived, ball in hand, and took their positions, ready to start the game.

"See him? That one," her friend pointed towards the crowd of players.

Evelyn followed the direction; all the guys looked pretty similar—tall and athletic. "I’m terrible with faces," she replied, a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"They mean the one who just scored," the friend clarified.

Evelyn finally spotted a tall, graceful guy who had just made a basket. He celebrated with his teammates, giving high fives before racing back into the action. From a distance, he seemed both strikingly handsome and shockingly skilled, always positioned at the center of the court, shining like the star he was.

Evelyn furrowed her brow. He looked the type who could be trouble, but she didn’t believe he was unmanageable.

"He's the student council president, pretty formidable. You sure about betting on this?" her friend warned.

With a sly grin and a glimmer of mischief in her eyes, Evelyn tossed aside the grass she'd been chewing on. "Oh, just wait. I’ll be the one taking him to bed."


Ten days earlier.

"Alright, spill it. What are we betting on?" Evelyn perched her leg on the edge of their table, eyeing Cedric Merrick with a mixture of skepticism and curiosity.

"I'm tired of the same old bets. This time, let’s do something fresh and exciting..." Cedric’s tone hinted at something intriguing.

Evelyn sat up, intrigued. "Like what?"

"You have to see if you can seduce our school's golden boy."

Evelyn raised an eyebrow. "Who exactly?"

"Julian Ashford."

She knew exactly what Cedric meant by "seduce," and it gave her pause. But Evelyn Rowan had never backed down from a challenge. "Just watch me."

Thus began the whirlwind of Cedric leading Evelyn to the basketball court to size up her target.

Word was that this guy was not only the student council president but also smart and athletic. Evelyn, however, had little respect for that reputation. So, as far as she was concerned, Julian Ashford could just sit tight and prepare to be swept off his feet.


After hearing details from Cedric, Evelyn dashed toward Julian Ashford's usual hangout. He was studying alone? What a weirdo. She remembered the dizzying feeling of homework and rolled her eyes as she stepped into the Scholars' Tower.

It took a few wrong turns but she eventually found the Quiet Study Room.

Evelyn tested the waters by listening in at the door, hearing the faint scratch of pen on paper. A smirk curled on her lips. She wasn’t going to sneak in; she barged through the door, causing some noise and instantly capturing the attention of those inside.

With a dramatic strut, she flicked her fingers to draw attention before stopping directly in front of Julian, who was focused intently on his notes at a nearby desk.

Usually, a sudden presence would provoke suspicion, but not for Julian. He continued writing, seemingly unbothered by her entrance.

Feeling challenged, Evelyn leaned over his desk, looming like a storm cloud. "You’re Julian Ashford, right?" she boomed.


Evelyn felt an internal rage build; she leaned in closer and thumped her hands on the edge of the desk, raising her voice, "Listen up! I’m here to sleep with you."

At last, those words got a reaction. Julian paused, lifted his gaze, and blinked slowly as if assessing her.

At close range, her jaw dropped for a second. He was undeniably striking—fair skin, sharp features, and a calm demeanor that was disarming, not to mention a face that could easily grace magazine covers.

But instead of flattery, he casually remarked, "You bought that bra in the wrong size."


Julian Ashford was usually a laid-back player who only stepped up during key moments. But today was different; he was aggressive, securing the first points of the game with an impressive shot and high-fiving his teammates.

"Julian! You’re on fire today!" someone shouted from the sidelines, and he turned to catch a glimpse of Evelyn in the bleachers. "Make sure you pass me the ball later!"

Chapter 2


Evelyn Rowan's face flushed instantly, her mind spiraling into chaos, and she completely forgot the words she had intended to say. She quickly got up, clutching at her collar, and hurried to the window, gasping for fresh air to steady her racing heart. Damn it... her first encounter had gone horribly wrong.

Clearing her throat a couple of times to compose herself, Evelyn adjusted her clothes and strode out of the room.

Julian Ashford watched her retreating figure, a slight smile tugging at the corners of his mouth before he returned to scribbling in his notebook.

"Hey, Evelyn Rowan, what's with that look in your eyes?" Cedric Merrick asked, staring at her as she narrowed her eyes, radiating tension.

Even after taking a hit from Julian Ashford, she seemed to be overreacting. When she didn’t respond, Cedric patted her shoulder, only to have her swat his hand away.

"Don't mess with me."

"I told you it wouldn't work. Yet you still insisted..." Cedric continued to challenge her abilities, which fueled Evelyn's anger. She stood up and stormed out.

"Evelyn, where are you going?"

Without looking back, she replied, "To confront that jerk."

Word around campus was that Julian Ashford was an economics major, always buried in classes. Evelyn found herself leaning against the walls for an hour, waiting for the school bell to ring.

When the students finally poured out, she realized she had missed catching sight of the one person she was looking for. Biting her lip, she tapped her fingers on the wall in annoyance, wondering if he was the kind of guy who would bury himself in studies until nightfall.

As the crowd thinned, she finally spotted his tall silhouette. Huffing, she squatted by the wall that led to the Great Hall, determined that Julian Ashford would surely pass by.

As expected, Julian made his way toward her. Evelyn counted silently, readying herself, and at just the right moment, she grabbed his arm and pushed him against the wall.

With his back against the wall, Julian straightened up, looking at her, his dark eyes gleaming with amusement at her fierce stance.

Evelyn noticed he showed no signs of resisting or trying to escape, which made her feel a bit less impulsive. She dusted off her palms and shot him a glance just as he smiled at her.

His smile curved into a handsome arch, and the sunlight filtering through the leaves created a halo around him, making him look all the more striking.

Caught off guard, Evelyn froze for a moment before quickly turning her head away. "Stop smiling," she ordered, her voice sounding unreasonable even to her own ears.

Julian's smile deepened, and he asked playfully, "Why shouldn't I smile?"

She scrambled for a response, finally stammering, "Because it hurts my eyes!"

Glancing at him again, she suddenly stepped closer, placing her left hand against the wall beside him. With her right hand clenched in a fist, she shouted angrily, "You better stop laughing!"

Julian simply reached over and gently lowered her hand, his expression now calm.

It was then that Evelyn realized her stance looked embarrassingly like... one of those wall pinning moves. No, she definitely hadn’t meant to pin him!

As she tried to step back, Julian grabbed her wrist, and Evelyn—standing at an impressive height herself—was startled to find he was significantly taller, leaving her momentarily at a loss.

Shaking her head, she stood tall, trying to project confidence, but it seemed Julian was oblivious to her intentions. He merely studied her for a moment before casually remarking, "This feels just right."

Evelyn’s eyes widened in surprise as she figured out where his gaze had landed.

"You arrogant creep!"

She clutched her chest, backing away, her fury boiling over as she gritted her teeth.

Taking a step closer, Julian said, "If you don’t need anything, I’ll be on my way."

Finally remembering her purpose for being there, Evelyn quickly dashed in front of him, declaring, "You better watch yourself out there. I meant what I said about wanting to sleep with you!"

Julian chuckled softly, bypassing her without another word.

The words she hadn’t quite finished saying stuck in her throat as he walked away, leaving her feeling as though her punches had only landed against a soft surface.

No way, she had to regain her dignity.


Julian Ashford lowered his gaze back to his notebook, writing at the bottom of the page:

March 16, 2019, she spoke to me.


*Author's Note*

Author: "Julian Ashford, how could you let Evelyn Rowan push you against the wall so easily?"

Julian Ashford: "I let her."

Author: "Well... okay then."


Chapter 3

After encountering roadblocks twice with Julian Ashford, Evelyn Rowan was in a state of barely contained frustration. Cedric Merrick, hoping to spare himself from her irritation, kindly offered a suggestion.

“Hey, Evelyn Rowan, if you want to tame him, wouldn’t it be better to infiltrate from within?” Cedric said, casting a wary glance at the fiery Evelyn.

Evelyn shot him a look, recognizing that this was some sort of gamble between them, and his suggestion likely came with ulterior motives.

“What do you mean?” she shot back.

“I heard the position of head of the Athletic Department is open and they're looking for candidates for the student council, why don’t you give it a shot…” Cedric paused for effect before adding, “If you do get it, at least you’ll have a title. So when I skip class to go mess around, you can help me out, right?”

His intentions were certainly questionable. Still, he was right—if she could worm her way into the student council, it would surely give her more opportunities to confront Julian Ashford.

“Fine, I’ll go for the interview,” she declared.


Evelyn never brought notes to her interview, just like she didn’t bring textbooks to exams.

The Antechamber already held a handful of candidates, and after taking a quick scan, she realized it was mostly girls, all dressed to the nines. Was there really that much interest in the head of the Athletic Department? Shaking her head in disbelief, she soon grew discouraged by the competition and pulled out her phone to play games.

Half an hour passed before her name was finally called. Stuffing her phone into her pocket, she entered the interview room.

As soon as she walked in, one familiar figure made her sensors go off.

Julian Ashford. She had never heard of a student council president personally conducting interviews.

Suddenly, she understood why those impeccably dressed girls were here. Still, what could Julian Ashford do to her? Worst-case scenario, she could roll her eyes at him, and he would probably get flustered enough not to ask her a single question.

Amused by the thought, Evelyn chuckled to herself and stepped forward to face the panel of interviewers.

There were three interviewers: Julian Ashford, a girl, and a crew-cut guy, all dressed sharply in formal attire, lending an air of ceremony to the proceedings.

After a brief self-introduction, Evelyn braced herself for the questions. She glanced at Julian, neat and composed in the center, his head bowed as if he were not even paying her any attention.

Pfft, pretending not to know her? He’s such a piece of work…

As she scratched her head, she noticed Julian lift his gaze toward her. Feeling unexpectedly shy, she looked up at the ceiling.

“Evelyn Rowan…” Julian said, seemingly reviewing her application materials intently. “What are your interests?”

Evelyn paused, surprised. Interests? Didn’t she just mention them in her introduction? Guess she has to reiterate.

“Martial arts, tennis, and…”

“Wrong answer.”

Before she could even finish her thought, Julian interrupted her with a puzzling statement.

Interests have right and wrong answers? Seriously? Julian Ashford must be out of his mind…

The other two interviewers exchanged amused glances, clearly thinking the president was joking, before continuing their questioning.

Even though Evelyn thought the interview went reasonably well, she still figured she wouldn’t make the cut.

So when she received the news at lunchtime that she had actually been selected as the head of the Athletic Department, she was completely taken aback and immediately marched off to find Julian Ashford.

During lunch hour, the Scholars’ Tower was nearly empty. Julian leaned against the wall, engrossed in a book, when suddenly a loud noise interrupted the silence.

Evelyn burst onto the roof, threw her bag dramatically to the ground, and confronted him. “Julian Ashford, are you pulling some shady strings here? What’s your angle?”

Chapter 4

"Purpose. You're the one with a purpose, right?" Evelyn Rowan snapped, not hearing his explanation.

Julian Ashford set down his book, noticing the girl storming toward him. "You have no idea what you’re talking about! What you’re doing isn’t fair to anyone else, you know?"

If word got out that she had been unfairly made head of the Department of Athletic Pursuits, all her authority would be gone.

"Who says I don’t understand you?" Julian Ashford cleverly sidestepped the issue, provoking Evelyn's ire.

"Clarify yourself first…"

Before Evelyn could finish, Julian cut her off. "You, Evelyn Rowan, from the Department of Ancient Tongues, approximately 5'6", B cup, a bit hot-tempered, not really into fashion, and probably lacking in romantic experience..."

"Damn it. Shut up." Evelyn was taken aback; he was almost spot-on with his observations. Was his analytical thinking really that impressive? But she absolutely could not let him know she lacked romantic experience—she couldn't allow him to look down on her.

"Look, I— I've been through the wringer. I’m experienced...battle-tested. They’re the ones chasing after me!"

Julian's gaze deepened, raising an eyebrow. "Oh? Battle-tested."

Evelyn was firm in her lie, nodding with exaggerated confidence. Little did she know, Julian wanted to test the truth of her claims.

With a swift movement, Julian pulled her in close, disregarding her protests, pinning her against the wall.

The boy, towering over her, cast a shadow that made Evelyn acutely aware of his proximity. She instinctively felt a wave of tension as she struggled to escape his hold.

"Looks like the tables have turned; this time, it's me holding you captive..."

What a ridiculous line.

"Julian Ashford, don’t get too smug! I let my guard down this time. If you have what it takes, let’s settle this for real."

After she said that, she noticed a strange expression on Julian's face. Initially confused about what she had said wrong, it all clicked when he replied, "You genuinely want to settle this?"

"Julian Ashford, what the hell are you doing?" Evelyn intended to unleash a barrage of insults, but Julian’s sudden advance startled her.

So close she could almost smell his cologne, Evelyn found herself momentarily disoriented, stunned by his unexpected movement.

His long fingers grabbed her arms, his knee pressing into her thigh.

What on earth was he doing?

“Julian Ashford, you better stop! I’m going to destroy you…ah…” Evelyn's furious shout fizzled into a low moan as the movement continued.

Julian’s knee rubbed against the sensitive area fleetingly, and the warmth of his breath brushed against her face, flushing her cheeks a bright red.

"If you’re really so experienced, why are you reacting like this?"

His tone was almost clinical, as if he were solving a math problem.

"I don't know… I… ah…”

Evelyn was losing her composure, her mind chaotic as she realized how he was teasing her, her body responding against her will.

"Stop it…" The last shred of her rational thought lingered in her voice, but it sounded foreign, a symphony of conflicted emotions.

Completely humiliated by the guy she had only met a few days ago, her cheeks burned with embarrassment. Finally, she pushed Julian away hard enough to create some space.

Evelyn leaned against the wall, panting heavily as she tried to regain her composure.

Damn it… this feeling was too strange…

With a fierce glare, she confronted the culprit. "You hypocritical jerk! I'm going to expose you. I will tell everyone you sexually harassed me!"

Chapter 5

“Do you really think anyone would believe you?” Julian Ashford mused, a sly grin tugging at the corners of his mouth as he looked at Evelyn Rowan, clearly enjoying her flustered reaction. Evelyn took a moment to think. Julian was strikingly handsome, with an air of refinement that made him seem as if he belonged to another world, while her own reputation was less than stellar. Clearing her throat, she thought it might be more accurate to say that her credibility was in question in this case.

“Still, I have to make people start to doubt you. After all, no one would joke about this sort of thing…”

Julian seemed to seriously ponder her words before he nodded, saying, “Sure, go ahead. Tell everyone I bullied you until your cheeks turned red, your whole body shook, and you—well, you wet yourself, soaking my pants…”

“You…” Evelyn felt a surge of anger and balled her fists, looking down to suppress her irritation. For now, she decided to swallow her pride. She shot Julian a fierce glance and declared, “Just wait, Julian Ashford. I’ll make sure this vendetta is settled.”

“Hmm, I’m certainly looking forward to it,” he replied, the light from the window catching his smile and making him almost glow, leaving Evelyn momentarily dizzy.

After a lengthy pause, Evelyn snapped back to reality. She muttered an expletive under her breath before she grabbed her bag and slung it over her shoulder as she headed downstairs. As she went, she felt the uncomfortable dampness between her legs and realized she needed to hurry back to her dorm to shower. Just then, her phone pinged with a message.

While still making her way down, she pulled out her phone to check and saw it was from an unfamiliar number.

“I didn’t blacklist you; the hiring decision was based on averages. You performed really well. —Julian Ashford”

She felt a bit relieved but then quickly realized something was off. How did Julian get her number in the first place? Oh right, she had provided it during the application process.

Great. He’d better not catch her off guard again.


After showering and changing, Evelyn ran into Cedric Merrick near the Falcon's Court. The moment he laid eyes on her, his brows shot up. “What’s with you, Evelyn? You’ve changed outfits already? Is there some guy you’re trying to impress?”

Evelyn remembered what had happened earlier on the roof of Scholars' Tower, and heat rushed to her cheeks. “Shut up, Cedric. By the way, I passed my interview.”

“Wow! Go, Evelyn! You’ll have to help me out when you’re in the position.”

Evelyn gave a noncommittal nod. She had heard that the responsibilities in the Guild of Scholars were easy and mostly quiet, confined to the athletic meets. This suited her just fine; it meant she’d have time for what was truly important.

Like plotting revenge on Julian Ashford, that cunning bastard.

Who would’ve thought there was a rogue lurking behind his composed facade? Evelyn realized she had a lot to learn about people.

“Hey, what are you lost in thought about?”

Cedric's voice pulled her back to the moment. “Let’s skip class together sometime. My treat.”

Feeling better after passing her interview, she thought they deserved to celebrate. The advanced math class in two days seemed like the perfect opportunity.

“Let’s do it. We’ll ditch that class and have a barbecue instead…”

Just then, Evelyn remembered she had to attend a handover meeting for the Guild of Scholars that afternoon. With a determined nod, she pulled out her phone and messaged Julian.

“I’m going to a barbecue with friends the day after tomorrow; let’s postpone the handover.”

There was no way her organizational duties were going to stop her from enjoying life. Besides, she hadn’t skipped class in a while, and it was about time she indulged in a little rebellion.

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