Between Shadows and Secrets

Chapter 1

It was just an ordinary day. Eleanor Waverly laced up her white sneakers, shouldered her backpack, and prepared to head off to school. A junior in high school, she was an average student with decent grades and a middle-class upbringing—just another typical girl. If there was anything that stood out, it was her striking beauty. At her young age, Eleanor had already developed an impressive figure, with curves that would make anyone take a second glance. Her smile was sweet, complete with adorable dimples, and her long hair framed her face perfectly.

Eleanor was well-liked among her peers, especially the girls at The Academy of Scholars, but she had little interest in dealing with the boys. She had overheard some of them refer to her as “the busty girl” and compare her clothing to that of a cow, which left her feeling frustrated. She didn’t want to have such a large bust—it was a hassle. When she wore tight clothes, some critiqued her as attention-seeking; loose clothing made her look heavier, and, to top it off, running felt like a workout for her chest. Teenage boys could be so infuriating!

“Waverly! Did you finish your homework yesterday? Hurry up, I still have two big problems left to solve! Olden the Scribe is going to be here any minute, and if she finds out I didn’t finish, I’m toast!”

As they arrived in the classroom, the usual chaos ensued—students either scarfing down breakfast or scrambling to copy homework. Eleanor's desk partner and best friend, Mirabel Fairchild, was no exception.

Mirabel was infamous for not completing her assignments, often claiming she didn’t understand the material, but in reality, she was just lazy. When the homework had complicated steps, she simply brushed them off—after all, she had Eleanor to rely on for answers every morning.

“Mirabel, you didn’t finish your homework again…”

Eleanor pulled her assignment out. “I need to explain to you why we do it this way; you cannot let your grades drop.”

Eleanor looked earnestly at Mirabel, who nodded along, her eyes drooping from the morning daze.

Ugh, at her age, she felt like a mini teacher! Mirabel thought with a pout, mentally grumbling as she tried to wrap her head around the complicated problems.

Then Olden the Scribe walked in, and shockingly, instead of collecting homework, she announced something shocking.

“From now on, we’re rearranging seating! Those with good grades will be paired with those who are struggling. Waverly, I really don’t want to be separated from you!”

Eleanor exchanged glances with Mirabel, who looked upset. She shared her friend’s reluctance—Mirabel was her closest ally, and they had always sat next to each other. The thought of switching desks made her uneasy. What if her new partner was someone difficult to deal with?

“Trust me, I don’t want to be apart either, but we have to listen to Olden. All we can do is hope for a classmate with a good attitude,” Eleanor replied, clasping her hands together as she silently prayed.

But then it came—the name that sent her into a state of utter disbelief.

“Gideon Ashford.”

Eleanor froze as she caught sight of her new desk partner. Gideon Ashford was a well-known figure in their junior class—not for good reasons. He was the most notorious slacker in the entire high school, a reputed bully who flaunted his wealth like a badge of honor. His carefree attitude and loyalty had earned him a crowd of friends, but to Eleanor, he was just another reckless kid who cared little about the value of education and dreamed of a life outside the classroom.

Chapter 2

Eleanor Waverly bit her lip, feeling a bit cornered. She really didn't want to sit with Gideon Ashford—what was she supposed to do about it? She sighed internally.

Gideon studied Eleanor, whose distressed expression stirred memories within him. So, she wasn't pleased to sit with him, was she? In a previous life, he couldn't resist that tender, vulnerable look on her face, and all it had done was lead him to watch helplessly as she married another man.

But now? He couldn't help but think she'd have been better off with him—sure, he wasn’t as gentle as that other guy, but at least he was loyal.

Taking a deep breath, Gideon reminded himself that he was determined to get it right this time. No more losing his temper. This time, he was going to pursue her more carefully; after graduation, they would marry. He’d be damned if he let anything bad happen to her again.

“Waverly, from now on, we’re desk partners. Just tell everyone I’m keeping an eye out for you,” he said, casually draping an arm over her shoulder. The warmth of her presence filled him with old memories he had thought he’d buried. It had been so long since she'd left this world….

“Uh, hi…” Eleanor shifted slightly, caught off guard by his forwardness. He was getting way too cozy too fast. He seemed nice enough, but his grades were dreadful. Olden the Scribe had mentioned rearranging the seating to pair high-achieving students with those struggling, so she would have to help him out more than she’d anticipated.

“What kind of perfume are you wearing? It smells so sweet!” He leaned in closer, his breath brushing against her skin. Eleanor’s cheeks flared with heat, and she quickly pushed him away.

“I... I’m not wearing any perfume. I don’t smell like anything.”

Ugh! That was too intimate! Looking at his handsome face and those deep-set eyes made her heart flutter unexpectedly. She coughed awkwardly and replied, “Gideon, we should keep a bit of distance even though we’re desk partners.”

Gideon ruffled her hair playfully, a dangerous glint in his eyes. He felt an overwhelming jealousy towards any guy who could hold her close, especially that other man who would share late-night embraces with her—those thoughts sickened him.

“Distance? What’s that? Waverly, we’re partners now! If you’re distant, I might get sad,” he replied with a feigned pout. He didn’t plan to back off; he intended to slowly dismantle her defenses until he could have her completely.

Gideon gave her a charming smile as he let his arm drop away.

Feeling flustered by his enthusiasm, Eleanor managed a shy smile of her own. “At first, I was nervous about being desk partners, unsure who I’d be stuck with, but you seem... decent enough. Let’s try to make this work, okay, partner?”

Damn. Why did she have to smile so sweetly? It only made things harder for him.

Chapter 3

As the school bell rang, Eleanor Waverly eagerly slung her small backpack over her shoulder. Time to head home for dinner!

“Hey, Gideon Ashford! School’s out! See you tomorrow!” Before leaving, Eleanor made sure to wave goodbye to her new desk mate. After spending the day together, she realized that Gideon wasn't as intimidating as everyone made him out to be. True, he was a bit too enthusiastic, but she was starting to get used to it.

“Wait a second…”

Gideon caught Eleanor by the arm, a glimmer of something unrelenting in his eyes. “I’ll give you a ride. I have a motorcycle.”

He wanted to see what that jerk of a neighbor looked like now, how shameless he could be after betraying someone as wonderful as Eleanor. The thought of her being hurt because of that guy made his heart ache, and he had to stifle the rising emotions in his chest as he led her forward. “No way I’m letting you refuse. We’re good friends now, right?”

Eleanor blinked in surprise, suddenly at a loss for words. Refusing didn’t really seem like an option.

“Well... okay then,” she replied, feeling a mix of shyness and excitement. She glanced at Gideon, still holding her hand, and tried to gently pull away. But he only tightened his grip.

“What are you doing? Just relax.” His voice was calm, not at all menacing, yet Eleanor found herself becoming obedient, an instinct telling her that there was something authoritative about him.

By the time she found herself on the motorcycle, Eleanor was a bit dazed. How did it escalate to this? Sitting in front of Gideon, the closeness made her heart race unexpectedly.

In no time at all, Gideon brought her to the doorstep of Waverly Manor. But he showed no sign of leaving; instead, he wrapped his arms around her, making it clear he wasn’t going anywhere.

“I’m home,” Eleanor reminded him again, expecting him to finally step away.

“Just wait a minute.”

That jerk was her neighbor, and Gideon was curious to see him—he wanted to understand how that guy could earn Eleanor's unwavering loyalty despite all the great guys who liked her. It was maddening how she seemed anchored to him, as if he was the only option.

At that moment, a striking guy in a white shirt approached them, the embodiment of every teenage girl’s dream. His gentle gaze could make any girl swoon, and the smile he wore had the potential to send fans into hysterics.


But when this handsome figure laid eyes on her, something shifted. His expression turned strange, a flicker of raw emotion appearing, prompting him to halt a meter away, torn between wanting to approach and being held back by something.


She watched him, puzzled. Cassandra Thorne lived right next door, and they’d been neighbors for a few years. However, he was two years older, currently studying at a university in town. Normally, he only came back when his brother Gideon was around. Why was he here today?

It felt odd. Though Cassandra was undeniably attractive and had been the heartthrob of her high school, Eleanor wasn’t the type to fawn over boys. She had only ever exchanged casual greetings with him.

So, why was he looking at her like that? With guilt, longing… it felt unsettling.

Eleanor couldn’t shake the discomfort that crept in as he gazed at her. She managed a strained smile.

“Cassandra, why are you back today?”

Chapter 4

Before Eleanor Waverly could speak, Gideon Ashford interrupted the staring match between her and Cassandra Thorne. With a possessive flair, he leaned closer to Eleanor and whispered in her ear, “Waverly, who’s this?”

“This is my neighbor's older brother. His name is Cassandra Thorne. He went to our high school too, and he was a senior when we were freshmen,” she replied, her tone light despite the weight of the introduction.

Seeing that Eleanor held no special feelings toward Cassandra Thorne, Gideon felt a surge of relief—it caught him off guard. He quickly straightened up, addressing Cassandra with a haughty gaze. “Oh, a neighbor, huh? Nice to meet you, I’m Waverly’s desk mate. What are you doing just standing there? Waverly, I think he’s looking at you a bit oddly; you should keep your distance.”

Although Gideon found Cassandra's demeanor unsettling, he dismissed it, thinking Cassandra might already have a crush on Eleanor. How pathetic. Just like the saying goes, 'a kid at an old cow's feast'.

Cassandra felt the anger rising within him. In a previous life, Gideon had clung to Eleanor like a leech, and no matter how many times Cassandra tried to shake him off, Gideon would always return. The thought of it had stirred countless frustrations inside him.

“Waverly, what exactly is your relationship with Gideon Ashford?” Cassandra questioned, unable to restrain himself.

“I told you, we’re just friends! Have you ever seen us do anything inappropriate? Meanwhile, your sisters call you when they're in trouble, when the power goes out, and even when they fight with their boyfriends. So who do you think you are, Cassandra Thorne?” Eleanor shot back, defensive.

Cassandra withdrew from his memories, clenching his fists. He knew he had let down Eleanor in the past. Now, with a chance to make things right, he vowed not to betray their bond again. He would take care of her, treating her with the love and respect she deserved, ensuring she would never feel pain from him again.

Eleanor bit her lip, aware that Gideon’s words were rather rude, yet she couldn’t shake the discomfort that came from Cassandra’s gaze. For some reason, she was more sensitive to it now than before. Why was that?

Was it really the way Cassandra looked at her that felt wrong?

“Cassandra, my desk mate can be a bit blunt. He didn’t mean anything by it. Please don’t take offense,” she quickly apologized when she noticed Cassandra’s expression darken.

“It’s fine; he’s your desk mate after all,” Cassandra replied, though inwardly he questioned how that could be. Shouldn’t Eleanor’s desk mate be Isolde Rainwater, the girl he had seen her with since school started?

Cassandra’s friendly smile was barely held together, and he felt a looming threat from Gideon’s challenging stare. Had Gideon been pining after Eleanor all those years in the past? Was he still doing so?

No way. Eleanor was his. She was his. He absolutely would not let anyone take her away from him.

“Gideon Ashford, let me go. I want to go home,” Eleanor insisted, her voice tinged with frustration. The day had been nothing short of bizarre—first, Olden the Scribe suggested a seating change, then she found herself with such an overly enthusiastic desk mate, and to top it off, her neighbor's older brother had been staring at her in an uncomfortable way.

All she wanted was to go home and find some peace.

Chapter 5

After meeting Cassandra Thorne, Gideon Ashford couldn't bear the thought of Eleanor Waverly and Cassandra sharing the same air. He released her and watched as she hurried inside. Yet, he didn’t leave; his gaze fixated on Cassandra.

"You have feelings for Waverly," he said, his voice laced with disdain. "Let me give you a piece of advice: stay away from her. Look at you—no money, no skills. What makes you think you deserve her? Your insincere smile makes me sick. Do you really think nobody can see through your facade?"

Gideon scoffed, recalling his previous life where, despite holding a management position earning only two to three thousand a month, he had a swarm of flings. The thought of Cassandra Thorne made him furious; he felt like he could lash out and obliterate her right then and there.

What a worthless, shameless man she was!

With frustration boiling inside him, Gideon wished he could shake Eleanor awake from her delusions. How could she, with her beauty and intelligence, have ever been attracted to someone like her? It was baffling.

Cassandra, seasoned in the ruthless game of corporate rivalry, smirked in response. "You’re just one of Waverly's classmates, aren’t you? What qualifies you to talk to me like that?"

Even with the crumbling foundation of his own family enterprise, Gideon realized he still couldn't compare to her. No way would Waverly choose him over this accomplished woman. No way in hell.

Cassandra quieted that inner doubt. "And what about the 'classmate' you’re so proud of? You're only an irrelevant neighbor."

The tension mounted, the air charged with animosity as the two men’s eyes locked in a silent battle of wills.

"Waverly..." Gideon thought, overwhelmed with a mix of jealousy and confusion. "What could you possibly see in Cassandra Thorne? She’s nothing special. Why won’t you love me instead? Why trade a whole world for that man?"

Once home, Gideon poured himself a drink after another, drowning in confusion. Why?

He had never been in love before. The only woman he ever felt a connection to was Eleanor Waverly. He couldn't grasp why a seemingly successful guy would attract her. Surely, he was more deserving.

Even in his past life, after Eleanor's death, he turned to alcohol for comfort, eventually succumbing to it. But then, something miraculous happened—he woke up, reborn.

His first thought, filled with excitement, had been to sit next to Eleanor in class this time. He aimed to easily earn her affection, but here he was again—still ignorant of women’s hearts, still facing the ever-elusive Eleanor.

Now, more determined than ever, he vowed to treat her right, giving her all his patience and passion, leaving Cassandra to wallow in defeat.

"Waverly… my Waverly…" he murmured as the alcohol took hold, pulling him into dreams where his face lit up with satisfaction, cradling his beloved as he called her name, over and over.

"Olden, I love you so much! Be gentle with me tonight…"

Her voice was sweet and inviting, and when she smiled, she radiated charm and beauty. He felt like he could get lost in her.

"Waverly, sweet girl, take off your clothes."

In this hazy moment between reality and dreams, he found himself intoxicated by the thought, completely lost to the bliss of it all.

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