Bound by the Secrets We Share

Chapter 1

**The White Fox**

“Now on your left, you’ll see the highest military district of the Dog Clan. The designer, V.B., intended the building to be imposing. He believed only a color that matched the Dog Clan could suit their military, resulting in this ominous structure…”

The tour guide stood by the bus, microphone in hand, while Winston Blackwood and a group of tourists leaned eagerly against the glass, attempting to catch a glimpse of the striking building. Its grand design was intimidating, evoking feelings of both awe and distance, as if it shared the same cold detachment Winston felt staring back at it.

“Tomorrow, there’s a parade slated to take place right outside this building. While it’s called a parade, it’s really more of a ceremony for a transition of power, as the old general will officially retire, passing the mantle to his son, Liam Hart.”

At the mention of Liam Hart, Winston’s heart raced, but her excitement was soon deflated when the guide added, “Unfortunately, as tourists, we won’t be allowed to attend the parade.”

Five years earlier, a peace treaty had been signed between the Fox Guild and the Dog Clan, fostering collaboration between the two factions and boosting the tourism industry. As a noble from the Fox Guild, Winston had secretly joined this tour with hopes of witnessing a glimpse of Liam Hart during the event. Now, hearing that she couldn’t attend felt like a heavy weight of disappointment settling in her chest.

Winston had fallen for Liam the day the peace treaty was signed. She had been hiding behind a door, watching her brother and Liam negotiate the agreement. The moment Liam had flashed a charismatic smile, she had been captivated. Unlike the refined men of her own guild, Liam’s rugged features, sharp angles, and the way he wore his dark suit emitted an aura of unyielding strength. While her brother lounged about with a Wolfe by his side, Liam had meticulously reviewed every page of the agreement, his demeanor serious as he inked his name beneath the terms.

At that time, Winston hadn’t recognized her growing feelings; it was only in the years that followed that she found herself often reminiscing about him, actively seeking out military news from the Dog Clan to catch a glimpse of him on screen. As she matured, her longing for him only clarified her heart’s desires, which led her to this trip.

As the tour bus rolled past, disappointment flooded her as she turned her head to sneak another look, but the impressive structure was already fading in the distance.

That evening, Winston approached the tour guide, almost pleading, claiming she had relatives nearby and would be departing from the group to explore independently. The guide, fearful of repercussions, initially refused but reluctantly relented when Winston insisted on signing a waiver stating, “I will take full responsibility for any incidents that may occur.”

In February, when spring still felt a little too far away, Winston decided to wear a bright yellow skirt paired with knee-high white socks for her clandestine excursion. It felt bold for the chilly weather, but seeing Liam was worth it. Luckily, the day was sunny, and the warmth of the sun chased the cold away.

Soon, Winston arrived at the viewing area for the parade, where a sea of people had already gathered. At her height, she struggled to see over the crowd, her anxiety rising as she shuffled around the venue. Wandering near the restroom, she noticed a small window beside the sink that offered a view of the parade grounds. Determined, she claimed that spot and waited eagerly for the ceremony to commence.

Chapter 2

Liam Hart sat in a rugged SUV, flanked by a seemingly endless convoy that crept forward. Today, he wore a sharp military uniform. His cropped hair added to his fierce demeanor, giving him an air of authority.

Winston Blackwood watched this unfold from her perch in the tall building, her heart racing as she gripped the binoculars tightly. Wherever he commanded the troops, her gaze followed. She marveled at him as he conducted the parade—saluting the soldiers and waving the Dog Clan flag—he looked incredible. She patted her chest, feeling her heartbeat spike. Calm down, she thought, calm down.

The parade lasted nearly three hours, and she didn’t budge from her spot. Only when Liam Hart’s vehicle finally drove away did she reluctantly put down the binoculars and stretch her legs. Her feet were sore, and she quickly ducked into a nearby restroom. Thankfully, it was clean; a perk of being in a military compound.

After a brief rest, she realized her heart was still racing, and an unsettling warmth spread through her body, almost like she was getting sick. In her entire life, she had never felt this sudden illness. She stood up, intent on rushing back to The Inn, but as she reached the door, she suddenly collapsed, gasping for breath.

The cold floor was grounding, and she pressed her head against the cool metal door frame, hoping to cool down and collect herself. She wished for someone to come and help her. But time ticked by without any sign of assistance, and soon her mind began to blur. She gripped the doorknob, thinking it was her last lifeline.

“Hey, miss! Wake up...” a security guard said, gently patting Winston Blackwood’s face, but she didn’t respond. Just as he considered lifting her, he spotted the new general coming to inspect the area. The guard immediately stood at attention, saluting. “General, sir!”

Liam Hart’s gaze was drawn to Winston Blackwood lying on the floor. “What happened?”

It was late evening, and the buildings surrounding the military compound were required to be emptied. With so many people attending the parade, as the newly appointed general, Liam made it a point to walk through every building, checking in on the security staff and night watchmen.

“Sir, while I was patrolling the area, I found this girl unconscious here. I was about to take her to the hospital,” the guard explained, a hint of excitement in his voice upon seeing the new general.

Liam crouched down to assess the unconscious girl, concerned about her condition and whether she needed immediate medical attention. As he drew closer, a familiar scent hit him—it was from the Fox Guild. However, there was a distinct note that made him uneasy.

“Call an ambulance immediately,” the guard urged, pulling out his phone.

“No, we’ll take her in a military vehicle. It’ll be faster,” Liam decided, already lifting her off the ground. He cradled her in his arms, feeling her cold skin against his wrist. She was shockingly frigid and appeared to have been there for quite a while, dressed far too lightly for the weather.

Winston stirred slightly at the warmth, groggily opening her eyes to call out, “Dad,” before immediately curling up closer to him, instinctively transforming into her fox form. In her memories, only her father had ever held her like this.

The guard stumbled back, taken aback by Winston’s sudden shift. “What in the world...?” he stammered.

Liam looked down at the fluffy, soft bundle in his arms, determined and steady in his stride as he headed towards the parking lot, the weight of the situation heavy in the air around him.

Chapter 3

In a moment of urgency, Liam Hart sped through the city streets in a black SUV, his mind focused solely on the situation at hand. There was a crisis within the Fox Guild, and if it escalated, it could jeopardize relations between the Dog Clan and the guild. He arrived at the hospital, carrying a small white fox cradled in his arms, rushing into the emergency room.

The doctors recognized him immediately; even the chief of staff was called to attend the unusual emergency. They had expected a significant incident involving a high-profile member of the Dog Clan, only to find themselves gathered around the general and his precious pet. Given Liam's stature, there was little they could say as he held the fox, the best doctors ready to assist.

Inside the cramped examination room, the white fox let out soft whines, each one tugging at the hearts of the men present. They could sense her distress, but respect for the general kept them from moving out of line.

"General, it seems this white fox is... in heat," one of the Dog Clan's veterinarians said tentatively.

"In heat?" Liam Hart echoed, clearly perplexed. In the Dog Clan, the males did not experience such cycles, leaving him unfamiliar with the implications.

"Our females have heats twice a year, lasting anywhere from ten to thirty days," the vet explained.

Liam cut him off, urgency edging his voice. "Administer a suppressant." Although they belonged to different clans, Liam was well aware that the hormonal changes in a female during heat could undoubtedly influence males. It was crucial to act before the situation spiraled further out of control.

"We only have suppressants intended for our own kind. I can't guarantee it will work for a Fox Guild member; there could be side effects," the veterinarian emphasized, stressing 'side effects' out of concern for the general’s beloved pet.

"Are there any other options?" Liam asked, his heart aching as he stroked the fox's head gently. Winston Blackwood nudged against his touch, clearly reassured by his presence. The vet grinned awkwardly at the scene unfolding before him. "Well, there’s always... mating."

Mating. Under normal circumstances, this wouldn’t raise eyebrows in their world, where the lines between human and beast blurred, and many clans treated such unions as mere pleasures. However, the implication of forcing a foreign creature to mate in a strange environment tripped alarms in Liam's mind. Not only could it damage the reputation of the Dog Clan, but the young creature in his arms looked barely old enough to understand what was happening.

"Can we let her regain some awareness first?" Liam insisted, feeling a wave of responsibility wash over him. He couldn't let something like this happen without giving her a chance to choose.

"Let's try a small spray of suppressant; a low dose should be fine," the vet suggested, visibly shaken by Liam’s seriousness.

A nurse swiftly directed the spray toward the fox’s snout. Liam held her upright, his deep gaze locked onto hers, waiting for her to open her eyes.

As Winston Blackwood inhaled the suppressant, the heat coursing through her diminished. Slowly, she blinked awake, and to her astonishment, she found herself mere inches away from the face she dreamt of constantly. Panic surged, and she instinctively flailed, only to realize she was cradled in his arms… still in her fox form. She willed herself to transform back into her human shape, but it was futile.

“Listen to me,” Liam spoke slowly, enunciating each word carefully. “You’re in heat. The Dog Clan doesn’t have an adequate suppressant for you. Right now, you have two options: one, bear it for a while, and I’ll get you back to the Fox Guild tonight. Or two, find a man to help you.”

Winston felt a mix of confusion and a strange sense of fulfillment at being cradled by Liam. Tears fell unbidden, though not from sorrow—they were a reflex to the overwhelming sensations stirring within her. She was content in his arms, his voice soothing, even if she barely understood his words.

“Answer me, which will you choose?” Liam pressed.

In a daze, Winston clamped her teeth gently around the fabric of Liam’s shirt. She wanted to remain in his embrace—the warmth, his scent—everything felt perfect. Eventually, she slipped back into unconsciousness.

Liam, uncertain, glanced at the veterinarian. The doctor could only shake his head in disbelief.

Although he didn’t hear her verbal response, Liam made a decision in his heart—he would choose the first option for her. As he leaned down to lay her back carefully, he noticed she wasn’t letting go of his clothing. He gently gripped her jaw, attempting to coax her to release her hold, only to find her body burning hot against his palm.

“Check her again. She seems worse,” he urged as the veterinarian approached, conducting another examination.

After a few moments of examination, the doctor grimly reported that the suppressant had backfired; the condition seemed to have worsened. It was likely that Winston wouldn't be able to hold out until they reached the Fox Guild.

The implication was clear, and although it pained him to consider it, Liam realized that mating was the only option left.

He gazed down at the small white fox in his arms, her youthful features dancing in his mind, and firmly directed the others in the room, “You all need to leave. Now.”

Chapter 4

**The Tail**

Everyone filed out of the room, making sure to close the door behind them. Inside, only Liam Hart, clad in a crisp military uniform, remained, holding a fluffy white fox that seemed out of place but hinted at an unexpected tenderness amidst his cool demeanor.

Liam looked down at the white fox in his arms. He had never been one to get close to women, and even now, with a girl in dire need of help, he hesitated to extend himself—even just a finger. After a long pause, he spoke to the unconscious creature: "It’s the only way I can help you. I hope you won’t hold it against me." Just as he finished, a sleek, furry tail unexpectedly emerged behind him, reaching under the fox.

In that moment, he was grateful the girl had transformed back into her fox form; otherwise, facing a little girl in a bright yellow dress, he would have surely hesitated.

The soft fur around the fox's belly had grown damp. Liam closed his eyes and avoided looking, letting his agile tail explore until it found its destination. The sensation of the pulse there stirred something deep within him, a forbidden thrill he struggled to suppress.

Liam never expected that his tail, usually a weapon meant for combat, could invoke such responses as he felt now. He had only ever wielded it to inflict pain, yet here he was, wrapping it around the unconscious fox. Could there be a more bizarre turn to his efforts to save her?

He scolded himself silently, yearning to pull his tail back and put an end to this odd rescue. But the little white fox whimpered, crying out in need, making it all the more difficult to turn away. She was too uncomfortable, burning hot and parched, squirming as an unfamiliar ache gripped her.

Liam, who had never cared for kids or pets, found his heart softening upon hearing her cries. With a reluctant sigh, he opened his eyes, trying to comfort her with his gaze. But his eyes fell upon something he shouldn't have seen—hidden beneath the white fur, the pink folds barely peeking out, like a plum blossom ready to bloom amid snow, his dark tail was dangerously intertwined.

His hand hung near her face, fingers brushing against her heated skin. Suddenly, he felt her warm attention wrap around one of his fingers as her lips parted, pulling him into a mission he hadn’t prepared for. Her rough tongue explored greedily, drawing his finger into her warmth with eagerness, as if she craved to trap him inside her.

He froze, unsure how to react. In the books he had read, there weren’t any instructions for what to do when a finger was ensnared in such a manner.

Chapter 5

Breath came in heavy gasps, consciousness slipping from focus, willpower wavering. All sensations seemed to concentrate in Winston Blackwood's fingers and the tip of his tail. His fingers were completely enveloped, slick with the saliva of the white fox that dripped between them, every now and then a jolt of pain coursed through as her teeth grazed his knuckles. The damp tail flicked in the air, cool to the touch, though the very tip was locked in a tight grip, lacking something compared to what his fingers were experiencing. Slowly, a feeling of dissatisfaction arose, and the tail craved equal treatment…

A soft whimper escaped the white fox's throat, a sound of impatience and discontent, reminiscent of a child in need of attention. The moment Winston lost his concentration, the tail slipped into an equally warm place, ensnared tightly, filling the void in his heart.

At last, Winston felt the pent-up desire he had anticipated as it pushed inside him, a mild pain overshadowed by the relief as it went deeper and deeper, soothing the unbearable tension that had made him weep only moments before. Just as he felt a fleeting moment of satisfaction, that warmth suddenly began to withdraw, and he refused to let it go, tightening his hold to keep it inside him. It hesitated for a second, then thrust back inside forcefully, reaching the deepest parts of him, the hardened tip brushing against the delicate inner flesh, sending shudders through his entire being, as if a tidal wave surged within him, overwhelming him with pleasure.

Liam Hart watched the clear fluid spilling from the tail, dropping with a rhythm onto the floor below. The white fox’s most vulnerable parts were now claimed by his tail, and there was no sign of withdrawal. The intertwining of red and white before him stirred something primal, awakening desires that he could no longer suppress, a certain part of him hardening in response.


He cursed himself under his breath, drowned out by the echoes of the white fox’s pleased cries.

Using his tail to relieve her was initially his intent, but in that pivotal moment, he realized he had ruptured something—her innocence. Despite the knowledge that shutting everyone else out and locking himself in a room with a frenzied creature could be deemed scandalous to outsiders, he did it to protect her. The danger posed by a creature in heat in public was profound; others could take advantage of her, and he might not have been in love with her, but at least he had the capacity to be responsible. For her, that made him the best option available.

Yet, here they were. It was too late to pull back, and with the white fox cradled in his arms looking completely satisfied, he let out a sigh of relief.

His tail was about two fingers wide—not too thick, with a soft fur coat that felt gentle against her. For her first experience, it was quite suitable. Against his better judgment, he cast a glance at their joined bodies only to look away hastily; her entrance showed no signs of tearing. Thank goodness.

The heat of the moment couldn’t be countered with anything but release. Ultimately, it was only this intimate act that could quell such primal urges. Without the final release, those caught in the throes of passion would suffer endlessly, tormented by their desires. All he could do was keep the white fox reaching climax after climax, alleviating her symptoms until she awoke, when he would devise a plan.

The red tail began to move slowly inside her, the soft fur becoming drenched, intensifying every brush and touch as they intertwined with a rhythm of their own.

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