Behind Closed Doors of Stardom

Chapter 1

Geoffrey Quinn had always been the golden boy of Hollywood, reigning as the best actor for several years. Now, he found himself reluctantly teaching at Cineverse Academy, a prestigious film school. The award-winning star was frustrated; being reduced to lecturing young hopefuls felt like a bitter pill to swallow. But things took an unexpected turn when he laid eyes on a charming girl in his class.

Lydia Fairchild, a soft-spoken and stunningly beautiful aspiring actress, was smitten by Geoffrey. She admired the dashing, suave superstar from a distance, completely captivated by his talent. Yet, as she got closer, she realized that behind the handsome façade, he was a bit of a hothead with a sprinkling of eccentricities and an undeniable reputation as a ladies' man.

Their interactions sparked a playful dynamic. Geoffrey, trying to keep his cool professor demeanor, found it increasingly difficult to resist Lydia’s alluring innocence. With her breezy humor and warm smile, she brought a refreshing vibe into his otherwise dull routine.

Geoffrey’s temper was notorious, and he was quite demanding, but Lydia didn’t seem to mind. Instead, she took his teasing in stride, throwing back witty comebacks that seemed to irk him even more, though Geoffrey secretly admired her boldness. What began as a teacher-student relationship soon blossomed into a game of wit, featuring undeniable chemistry and unexpected attractions.

The classroom became a battleground of charm and humor, where Geoffrey found himself torn between maintaining his authority and indulging in the magnetic pull he felt towards Lydia. She became his guilty pleasure, an element in his life that brought excitement and unpredictability.

Meanwhile, the rest of the staff at Cineverse Academy couldn't help but notice the evolving dynamic between their star instructor and the standout student. Whispers filled the hallways, gossip fueled by the palpable tension whenever the two were in proximity. Lydia’s friends, particularly Sophie Melrose, kept nudging her to make a move; she needed to seize the moment while she had the chance.

As their playful banter began to blur the lines of professionalism, Geoffrey found himself grappling with feelings he hadn’t anticipated. He secretly relished the way Lydia made him feel, as if he were alive again, free from the weight of his celebrity status. But a fear lurked within him — could he really let someone in?

The campus buzzed as news of an upcoming film project circulated, one that would need local talent. Lydia, with her passion and determination, was determined to audition, hoping it would be a pivotal moment in her budding career. Geoffrey, recognizing her ambition, decided to take a personal interest in her preparation, although navigating this teacher-mentor territory was proving quite complicated.

Their entanglements culminated in one electrifying moment while rehearsing lines that left both breathless — a moment that might just shatter the barriers they'd built around their hearts. With each stolen glance and lingering touch, the boundaries of their relationship began to blur. Was this just harmless flirtation, or something deeper waiting to unfold?

Ultimately, this tale is one of playful seduction between a renowned superstar and a sweet, bravehearted girl, filled with laughter, trials, and the journey of love amidst the glitz of the entertainment world.

Thus, the whimsical adventure of Geoffrey Quinn and Lydia Fairchild continues, a story where teasing and being teased interplay at every twist and turn.

Chapter 2

The Masked Movie Star

“Quinn, take a look at these new girls in the boy band. Some of them have potential. Let me know if any catch your eye, and I'll set things up,” said the girl group’s manager, a hint of eagerness in her voice. She knew how it worked—if the stars above her didn’t approve, she wouldn’t get a chance to use these fresh faces.

“Sure. Let’s see the photos,” Geoffrey Quinn replied, raising an eyebrow. He didn’t mind finding a little fun when boredom hit. Plus, it was safer to mingle within the company. No worries about getting caught in public scandals meant he could indulge without a second thought.

“What are you staring at? You’re in hot water this time, Quinn.” William Hunt, Geoffrey’s gold-plated manager, looked at the man sitting across from him with an ice-cold gaze.

Though July scorched the city outside, the inside of the Skyline Productions office felt like a freezer.

“Quinn, just keep your image in check. Do you really want me worried sick at my age?” one of the company’s shareholders commented. Recently, Geoffrey’s name had been making headlines almost daily, often paired with a different movie star. His playboy reputation wasn’t something he desired, especially with too many women fluttering around him.

“It’s all ancient history,” Geoffrey shrugged, adjusting the large Brendan 'B' O’Connor glasses perched on his nose. It obscured his eyes, but he was beginning to question how all those photos had leaked.

“You have to follow our plan this time. I’ve already set you up as a guest instructor at Mystic Play for a semester,” William explained. Having been Geoffrey’s manager for five years, he understood his character like few cared to.

“What?” Geoffrey removed his glasses and glared at William. William simply smiled and repeated, “You’re going to be a guest instructor at Mystic Play; I’ve got it all arranged.”

“Are you messing with me, Hunt?” Geoffrey scoffed, ignoring the disapproving glances from the board members surrounding them. William patted Geoffrey on the shoulder, subtly glancing over at the other shareholders. Only then did Geoffrey simmer down and take a seat.

“This is a critical time. Just keep wearing your mask in front of the camera; I’ll take care of the rest,” William whispered, leaning closer.

Two days later, headlines blasted once again: “Geoffrey Quinn Takes on Teaching Role at Mystic Play: The Former Icon Turns Educator.”

Lydia Fairchild could hardly believe her eyes when she stumbled upon the entertainment news—Geoffrey Quinn, the man she admired, would be at the very school she was applying to. She had to prepare thoroughly for her final interview next month.

On the day of the interview, Lydia showed up in a simple white T-shirt, light blue denim shorts, and her hair pulled high into a ponytail. With a bare face, she hardly looked like someone heading to an audition at Mystic Play. But she reasoned, in this heat, any makeup would just run and make her look like a clown.

Lydia had a stepmother who was a star, a relationship that wasn’t exactly warm but decent enough. She could probably pull some strings to get into Mystic Play, but aiming to enter showbiz without talent would defeat the purpose.

When she was ten, her father had taken her to the set to visit a family friend. At that time, Geoffrey was just eighteen, his first film debut in which his talent was still budding. A crew member had been giving him a hard time, barking orders at the rookie, but Geoffrey held his ground with a warm smile, an expression that had etched itself into Lydia’s memory.

Fast forward eight years, Geoffrey again shone brightly, accumulating awards and proving his acting prowess without a hint of scandal, always philanthropic, friendly, and gentle with fans. In the public eye, he seemed to be the perfect boyfriend. Now, with him teaching at Mystic Play, Lydia felt more determined than ever to pursue her dreams.

In a dark corner of a stairwell, Geoffrey, dressed in a crisp white shirt and beige trousers, was nursing a cigarette, deep in thought: Damn it, why am I putting myself through this? Each day, he’d watch a bunch of fresh faces fumbling through their performances, and it was driving him up the wall.

Lost in frustration, he flicked the cigarette butt out of sight just as Lydia was climbing the stairs. The glowing ember barely missed her, but it brushed against her arm.

Chapter 3

**Flirting with the Judge**

“Ah, who is this fool….” Lydia Fairchild’s words trailed off as she noticed Geoffrey Quinn staring at her, surprise evident on his face.

Geoffrey hadn’t expected to run into a student in the stairwell. Quickly masking his gloomy expression, he smiled and apologized, “Hey there, I’m so sorry! My hand slipped. I hope I didn’t hurt you.”

The acclaimed actor Geoffrey Quinn was apologizing to her. Wow, what luck! Lydia Fairchild was speechless, completely enveloped by Geoffrey’s gentle and harmless smile.

Noticing the number on her audit slip, Geoffrey chuckled, opened the door, and stepped out of the stairwell before rolling his eyes: *Great, another starry-eyed fan.*

Once Geoffrey had left, Lydia managed to snap back to reality, feeling overwhelmed by his charm. He was even more handsome in person than on TV, but there was something slightly mischievous about him...

The auditions were scheduled in the school’s drama studio. As soon as Lydia entered the classroom, she saw judge Geoffrey Quinn laughing and chatting with fellow contestant Sophie Melrose. While she couldn’t overhear their conversation, Geoffrey looked genuinely engaged, and Sophie’s laughter echoed in the room.

Lydia instantly recognized Sophie Melrose, a stunning girl who had been spotted by a talent scout back in high school and had starred in two urban dramas, albeit as a supporting character. Now, here she was, cozying up to Geoffrey. Was she trying to find a shortcut?

Observing Lydia’s intense gaze, Geoffrey felt the heat of her stare. He couldn’t help but smile, signaling the end of his chat with Sophie. “Make sure to give it your all; I’m looking forward to your performance.”

Sophie beamed at him, her smile radiant, “Mr. Quinn, I promise I won’t let you down!”

*Another lovestruck girl.* Geoffrey maintained his smile, internally reinforcing that being a judge in this showbiz scene was going to be mind-numbingly dull.

The five-person performance lineup was about to begin. Beyond Lydia and Sophie, the group included Martha Sinclair, Jonathan Turner, and Benedict ‘B’ O’Connor. Martha was the last one to enter the classroom, sporting a neat bob cut and exquisite features, giving off an air of vitality. Her eyes sparkled—there was an intriguing allure about her. Although Lydia was meeting Martha for the first time, Martha, ever friendly, told Lydia to just relax, earning her an instant boost in Lydia’s favor.

The roles were determined by lottery, and Sophie was lucky enough to draw a wealthy heiress role. Martha was assigned the part of a matchmaker; the two guys were to play a lord and a servant, while poor Lydia ended up as the ugly maid next to the heiress.

*Had this lottery been rigged?* Lydia felt a pang of dissatisfaction, which she couldn’t quite hide on her face. As Martha prepped her makeup, she stuck on a large beauty mark for her character and applied vivid blush, completely losing any hint of her prior allure.

Martha flashed a comforting smile. “It’s these less glamorous roles that truly test your acting skills. I have faith in you!”

“Thanks,” Lydia replied, a bit nerves setting in. “I’m just a little anxious acting in front of Geoffrey Quinn.”

“What are you nervous about? You’ll have plenty of chances to work with him in the future,” Martha reassured.

In their group, Martha’s outstanding performance secured her a spot in the next round, while Sophie and Lydia remained undecided, and the two guys were outright cut.

Next was the talent showcase. Lydia had a range of skills—she could dance and play the piano, thanks to her talented aunt who supported her ambitions. However, now her only option was to dance. The sound technician’s voice crackled through the speakers, “Are you ready with your music?”

Lydia froze, realization washing over her—she hadn’t prepared any music. “I didn’t prepare any, so just play something random, and I’ll improvise,” she replied, trying to sound casual.

As the music started, Lydia’s heart sank. *Seriously?* The song was a lively folk tune she hadn’t prepared for. Gritting her teeth, she performed an impromptu dance, her face burning with embarrassment as she returned to the backstage area, catching a glimpse of Geoffrey Quinn’s amused expression while a couple of critiquing judges chuckled aloud.

As Martha finished up her makeup, she prepared to leave but paused when she saw Lydia’s downcast demeanor. Unable to resist, she offered some words of encouragement: “Lydia, if you don’t make it this round, just flirt with the judge! You’ve got the looks for it.”

Martha seemed to think Lydia's folk dance would definitely get her eliminated too…

Chapter 4

“Do you want to play the game?”

When the results were announced, Lydia Fairchild, unsurprisingly, was not moving forward in the competition. However, there was still a chance. Geoffrey Quinn smiled as he informed Lydia, “Your talent is quite special; the judges need to discuss a bit longer. Go grab some lunch and come back at one to hear the results.”

What’s so special about my talent? I must have been played by the sound engineer.

At lunch, Lydia had no appetite at all. She stepped out of the classroom and sank down onto the corridor floor, waiting impatiently for one o’clock to arrive.

“Old Wu, can you not make me so angry?” Geoffrey's voice was low, attempting to keep his cool, but there was a sharp chill glimmering in his eyes.

“I can’t shoot tomorrow without my assistant,” Lydia could not hear what the person on the other end said, but it was clear Geoffrey was facing trouble.

“I don’t care if he’s broken his leg. If he can’t, just find someone else. What? What’s wrong with my temper? You’d be grateful you’re not in front of me right now. Where am I supposed to find a second assistant who can handle me? Then just cancel everything. I’ll sleep in Charles’ hotel; it’ll save my sanity.” Geoffrey’s words were abundant and fierce. Lydia watched as he paced up and down the corridor, and finally, he threw his phone against the wall...

Ugh. Who even are these people? When Geoffrey noticed someone lurking in the corner, his mood darkened further. It seemed that all his carefully maintained image meant nothing in front of this girl… She caught him smoking and now witnessed his furious state—clearly, their fates were tied.

“Hey!” Lydia greeted Geoffrey with a smile, seemingly unbothered by his earlier outburst. All she could think about were the words of Martha Sinclair. Would buttering up Geoffrey count as playing the game as well?

Geoffrey couldn’t help but find her cheerful demeanor amusing, and there was no need for pretense anymore.

“Mr. Quinn, I grew up watching your movies. I’m a huge fan!” Lydia purred, her sincerity in her eyes made Geoffrey shiver.

“So... you’re looking to play the game?” He had encountered many women trying to climb the social ladder through him, inevitably flattering him when they wanted something. Lydia’s motives were painfully obvious, and he felt a tinge of disdain.

“Play the game? I guess... I heard your phone call just now.” Lydia pointed at the mangled phone lying on the floor.

This woman… is she trying to threaten him?

Geoffrey raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to elaborate. If she thought to leverage his hidden side against him, he’d ensure her downfall would be brutal.

“The impromptu dance was an accident… I hope you can give me another chance. I can dance well.” Lydia’s desperation was palpable.

“You mean that traditional dance?” Geoffrey couldn't help but laugh, recalling how ridiculous Lydia had looked earlier that day.

“Just give me one more chance, and I’ll be your assistant. You can use me however you want.” Lydia imagined herself as his assistant and figured it would be manageable; she would simply need to endure any hardships like a proper servant.

“Ah. Are you sure about that?” Geoffrey scrutinized Lydia, taking in her youthful figure. She probably didn’t even reach five and a half feet. Could those delicate arms handle heavy lifting?

“Trust me, I'm capable.” Lydia thumped her chest confidently, and Geoffrey found her oddly endearing. A few of the judges already regarded her as talented, but they seemed unready to accept her as just another character. They sent her packing to the next round after conspiring with the sound engineer to give her a shot at dancing, clearly wanting to see her squirm. While she performed that silly dance, they must have thought it would be easy to write off her chances. In truth, even though Lydia wasn’t standing before Geoffrey making her case, she would have passed regardless. However, it seemed that given the right exchange, this girl was well-cut out for the intricacies of the entertainment industry.

Chapter 5

"Are you afraid I'll eat you alive?"

“Alright then, meet me here at four in the morning tomorrow,” Geoffrey Quinn said, handing a slip with an address to Lydia Fairchild. With a lazy yawn, he ambled back to his office; in less than five minutes, it was all sorted out, and his spirits lifted considerably.

In the afternoon, it turned out there were quite a few students waiting for results alongside her, but only three had been accepted, and one of them was Lydia Fairchild.

She rushed to the school parking lot, determined to catch Geoffrey and thank him. At that moment, Geoffrey was already driving his Porsche out of the campus. "Old Wilfred has to be on set early tomorrow," he thought, "Better get back and catch some sleep."

Once home, Lydia couldn’t let herself rest a moment. She arrived at Moonlake Manor’s gates right at 4 a.m. After looking up the address online, she discovered that Moonlake was one of the most luxurious villa districts in Saint City.

Geoffrey Quinn lived there. The thought of being close to her idol filled her with joy.

At two in the morning, Lydia shouldered her backpack and hailed a cab. The streets were clear, and they sped along at over eighty miles per hour. The fare was high—over a hundred bucks—but she didn’t mind; it was worth every penny.

Standing in front of the manor waiting for Geoffrey, the night guard noticed her loitering at the gates. He approached her and asked, “Miss, what are you doing out here so late?"

“I’m just waiting for someone,” Lydia replied.

The guard, scratching his head, said, “Do you know the room number? I can ask someone.”

“We’re meeting at four, I just arrived early,” she assured him.

The guard nodded and went back to his station. Just when the clock struck four, a sleek black Porsche pulled up in front of Lydia.

“Hey there, you actually came,” Geoffrey said with a smirk. “Get in.”

As the car sped off, Lydia asked, “So, where are we going?”

“Relax,” Geoffrey replied playfully. “What, you think I’m going to eat you?”

“Whether you do or not, you have to tell me our destination, Geoffrey,” she shot back, teasing him.

It seemed he enjoyed their banter. Glancing at Lydia's fresh, lovely face, he thought it was a waste for her to be just an assistant.

“We’re heading to the filming location,” he said. They were nearing the end of filming for this movie, just a couple of weeks left, but he wondered if this assistant would manage to take care of his meals properly.

“Do you know how to drive?” he asked, perturbed by how tired he felt; he hated driving.

“Nope,” Lydia admitted, but mentally noted that she should get her driver’s license when she had time.

“Learn! I dislike driving, and don’t fall asleep while I’m behind the wheel, or I’ll doze off, too,” Geoffrey said, sounding casual as if forgetting that Lydia was only temporary help.

How could she possibly sleep in the car with her idol? Still, not long after, she did fall asleep…

"Can you believe this woman?" he thought in mild exasperation. Yet, when he saw the sunrise, he didn’t hesitate to wake her. “Wake up, look at the sunrise.”

As she opened her eyes to see Geoffrey first, it felt incredible. Through his profile, she saw the scenery beyond, but, comparing the two, she couldn't help but find his face even more captivating.

Upon reaching the temporary filming site, Lydia stepped out with her bag, while Geoffrey glanced at her empty hands, confused at why she brought nothing but a small backpack. His long fingers pointed towards the car’s trunk.

“Grab what’s in the trunk and come with me,” he instructed.

Lydia opened the trunk and froze—there were so many clothes. Was he preparing to go overseas?

Struggling to lift one of the four large suitcases, she said, “Geoffrey, can you take two? I can’t handle this…”

Her soft call caught his attention, but he simply raised an eyebrow and stuffed his hands into his pockets, a bright smile on his face. “My hands are busy too, posing for the spotlight."

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