Between Dreams and Daring Choices

Chapter 1

**Book Synopsis:**

She always said he was obsessed.

Well, he truly is obsessed, and that’s why he won’t let her go.

Whether in dreams or in reality.


**Chapter One:**

Julian Everhart was a very normal girl, or at least, that’s what she often told herself. Surrounded by laughter and the everyday hustle of Scholars' Grove, she tried to blend in with the chorus of students exploring their future. But deep within her heart, there was a different rhythm, a longing she couldn't quite put into words.

Roderick Blackwood was anything but ordinary. A sharp, driven man from an elite background, his presence commanded attention in a way that was both magnetic and intimidating. To the world, he was a successful business magnate, the heir to a legacy steeped in wealth and power. But behind those confident blue eyes lay an intensifying obsession that was carefully hidden from those around him.

Their paths crossed unexpectedly at The Grand Library. Julian had merely been looking for a quiet corner to study, the worn pages of her textbooks spread out around her like a comfort blanket. Meanwhile, Roderick frequented the library not just for its resources, but for an entirely different reason—he had watched her from afar, fascinated by her unassuming grace.

"Are you always buried in books?" he asked one afternoon, leaning casually against a neighboring table.

Julian looked up, surprise mixing with annoyance. "Sometimes it feels that way. It’s a lot easier than dealing with people."

Her response was blunt, yet it intrigued Roderick. He couldn’t help but smile, a crack in his stern facade. "What if I told you that people could be interesting too?"

"I think you might be the exception to that rule," Julian shot back, her sarcasm a shield against the pressure he emanated.

Roderick stepped forward, crossing the invisible line of personal space. "What if I could change your mind? Show you a glimpse beyond your textbooks?"

Julian met his gaze, a wariness etching itself across her features. Little did she know that the closer they became, the more Roderick’s approach would often spiral into obsession, revealing layers she never anticipated. His sense of possession would grip her tightly, blurring the lines between admiration and fixation.

Meanwhile, the world around them moved on, unaware of the storm brewing just beneath the surface. For Julian, the thrill of new adventures beckoned; for Roderick, the idea of losing her was an unfathomable thought.

As day turned into night and their encounters grew more frequent, Julian couldn’t shake the feeling that this remarkable man was like a hurricane—beautiful yet destructive. There was danger in his desire, yet there was also a strange kind of allure that pulled her closer.

"Meet me at the Silver Screen Tavern after classes tomorrow," Roderick proposed one evening, his tone almost begging for her agreement.

Julian hesitated. "And why would you want to spend time with a 'very normal girl'?"

“Because,” he replied, his eyes locking onto hers with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine, “to me, you’re extraordinary.”

With those words, the boundaries of her world began to blur, as did the cautious lines she had drawn to protect her heart.

Unbeknownst to Julian, the choice of whether to embrace this enigmatic connection or retreat into her previously safe existence had already been made—for Roderick was not a man who accepted rejection.

And thus, their story began, a whirlwind of dreams and obsessions entwined in a dance that neither of them could control.

Chapter 2

1. The Bed

Julian Everhart had another vivid dream.

In this dream, she found herself completely overwhelmed by a strong, muscular man who pinned her down. His taste filled her mouth, and she could barely breathe. His scent consumed her senses.

The man showed no tenderness as he forcefully thrust into Julian Everhart. Thankfully, it was just a dream, and the pain was minimal.

In the dream world, her body was incredibly sensitive; even the slightest touch sent waves of pleasure coursing through her. Despite the man's roughness, she found herself swept away by a tidal wave of ecstasy.

The man was impressively well-endowed, and Julian's petite frame made everything feel even more intense. She could feel every inch as he filled her, stretching her in ways she had never felt before.

Every ridge and vein of him brushed against her inner walls, and the heat radiating off his body made her shudder. He was so warm and overwhelming that just the slightest pressure against her entrance made her quiver, causing a rush of fluid to flow out in anticipation of his arrival.

His physique was carved from stone, muscles rippling under her fingers as she explored his body. Even in her dream state, she couldn’t resist running her hands over him.

He tilted his head, drawn to a sensitive spot behind her ear, where he lavished kisses that sent shivers down her spine.

His breathing was ragged, punctuated by soft moans that tickled her ear…

The sound itself was the most potent aphrodisiac; just hearing it made Julian Everhart feel herself become incredibly aroused.

The man’s assault was relentless, pinning Julian firmly to the bed as he wrapped his strong arms around her, holding her in place. She attempted to shift away, but it only spurred him on, his movements growing more fervent.

Her body rocked beneath him, the sensations building with an intensity that took her breath away. She instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him closer.

This only hastened the rhythm between them, his thrusts plunging deeper, faster.

Her body responded, slick and eager, fluids spilling out with every movement, mixing together until they formed a creamy concoction at their connection.

Julian Everhart was lost in the pleasure, her toes curling reflexively.

She felt like she could hardly catch her breath.

Almost there, almost there—

Just at the brink of her release, Julian Everhart opened her eyes.

She was drenched, as if she had just emerged from water. Blinking in the dim light, she saw only the starry pattern of her bedspread.

As she attempted to move, she realized the sheets had entangled her tightly.

Her lower half felt sticky and thoroughly soaked.

Taking a deep breath, Julian finally pulled herself out of the remnants of her dream.

This wasn’t the first dream like this she’d experienced. She was almost used to it now, slipping out of bed like a thief in the night to grab a fresh pair of underwear before darting to the bathroom.

Once she was refreshed and clean, she returned to her quarters in the dorm, where her roommate, Thomas the Scribe, was still fast asleep.

Checking the clock, she noted it was only seven in the morning. Being careful not to disturb him, she gathered her things and headed to the study room.


Julian Everhart was gearing up for her graduate school entrance exams.

At the start of her junior year, Julian impulsively decided to pursue further studies.

An ordinary college student at a mid-tier university, she led a mostly typical life in Briarwood Academy.

Chapter 3

Julian Everhart had always thought her life was meant to be ordinary and to flow naturally, until the day she encountered the new freshmen in her club.

The newcomers called her "sister" with a mix of humility and self-assurance. When they spoke, their eyes sparkled with anticipation and dreams, making them seem almost radiant.

Meanwhile, Julian glanced at her reflection in the mirror, her late nights and unhealthy eating habits causing pronounced dark circles under her eyes. Her skin was in bad shape, and her avoidance of exercise left her feeling a bit bloated.

She felt gloomy and listless, like a walking corpse.

The vibrant spirit of those freshmen struck Julian like a sharp jab.

She realized she could no longer continue in this way.

A surge of energy ignited within her.

Whether it was just an impulsive decision or a moment of heated recklessness, Julian decided to start preparing for graduate school entrance exams.

Even though she knew it wasn’t too late to begin now, she still felt like a complete waste of potential, squandering her youth on endless fun and sleep.

Thus, she immersed herself in her books, studying with an intensity that made her feel as if she could devour the pages.

She experienced confusion but marched forward nonetheless. She collected various study materials from online resources and borrowed a stack of books from The Grand Library, launching herself into self-study.

Her life as a mistress was monotonous and tedious, somewhat like a year of senior high school, yet also distinctly different. She had thought that the grind of high school would be the hardest she ever had, only to realize it was trivial compared to preparing for these entrance exams.

And then there were her spring dreams, which had become her greatest distraction during this grueling time.

At first, she could merely see the outline of the man in her dreams, but slowly, she began to have more contact with him. Even now, she had yet to experience a complete encounter.

Every time it felt like she was on the verge of something, Julian would wake up. Yet, she had grown accustomed to this feeling.

Initially, it had left her feeling despondent, but now she navigated it with ease.

She couldn’t explain it, but somehow she was convinced that it was the same man each time.

In fact, Julian found a sly joy in it—after all, she had unexpectedly scored a handsome man in her dreams.

Well… even if she had never seen his face.

Life continued monotonously and repetitively. Julian walked alone, appearing perfectly fine on the surface, while inside she was close to bursting with repressed emotions.

If one were to describe Julian Everhart in a straightforward manner, it would fit her perfectly. She wasn’t particularly smart or beautiful; she lacked any standout qualities.

Even when she claimed to love gaming, her skills in Battle Royale were more like a death wish, going 0/15/0.

The only compliment one could give was that Julian had a remarkable patience that allowed her to endure.

Despite feeling overwhelmed and strained inside, she never let it show on her face.

Her friends, who had been by her side for nearly three years, Gerald the Watcher and the rest, couldn’t possibly miss these signs. They were always worried about her; Eldric, the Matcher, often suggested she should loosen up a bit.

One day, after returning to her dorm at Scholars' Grove, Julian found herself pulled into a conversation with her friends.

“Are we playing the battle royale tonight?”

“I’m in! Shall we duo up?”

“I want in too!”

“Let’s do a squad, and we can get Julian to join!”

Julian hesitated, “I don’t think I’ll play…”

“Come on! Just think of it as a way to relax. You’ve been studying so hard.”

“Exactly! Plus, it’s been ages since we gamed together.”

Despite their coaxing and her own eager fingers itching to join, Julian initially resisted. However, eventually, she found herself playing a round with them.

She dropped in and was instantly eliminated.

“Ah! No way, let’s try again!”

In the second match, Julian had better luck and made it to the final circle. She was the last one crouched in the grass, completely terrified.

“The supply drop is over there. Go grab it!”

“No way! I’m too scared!”

Julian’s eyes were glued to her phone screen, heart racing. Finally, she decided to go for the supply drop. Just as she took a step, she was shot in the head.

“Let’s go for another round!”

Eventually, they played into the early hours of the morning, nearly forgetting to turn off the lights.

The overindulgence had its consequences; Julian felt utterly exhausted the next day.

Summoning her willpower, she dragged herself out of bed and headed for The Grand Library.

Now, however—

Julian stared at the words on the page, her consciousness slowly fading away, her body instinctively collapsing onto the table.

If only she had known that playing with her friends would lead to this…

Chapter 4

Julian Everhart slowly blinked herself awake, only to find that she was ensconced in the warm, firm embrace of a man. She was straddling him, feeling the tension in his muscular thighs beneath her. His body radiated heat.

As Julian straightened up, she felt his hand tighten around her waist. He moved closer, his breath hot against her ear. He nuzzled the sensitive skin behind her ear and down her pale neck, sending a shiver through her body. His lips just brushed her skin, and Julian felt herself moisten in response.

It had been a while since she last had such a vivid dream. She squirmed slightly, seeking relief. She felt the vibration of his low chuckle against her chest. Irritated, she pinched his thigh, but his muscles were too solid to make much of an impact.

He guided his erection to her slick entrance and pushed inside just a bit before Julian's body instinctively responded, seeking more. The position made her feel incredibly tight, and he used one hand to part her folds, thrusting his hips to sink fully into her.

Julian leaned over the table, breathless, unable to form words. He gripped her waist and leaned back in the chair, thrusting with deliberate force. Julian's body was so weak with pleasure that without his steadying hands, she would have surely slipped off.

The table and the chair creaked under their passionate movements, books and papers sliding dangerously close to the edge. But at that moment, none of it mattered. Every sensory nerve in Julian’s body was focused on the pleasure between her legs. The intensity was overwhelming.

She bit her lip to stifle her moans, acutely aware that she was in The Grand Library, and this was a dream. The secretive nature of it all heightened her sensitivity. He seemed to sense this, and with a mischievous glint in his eye, he increased his pace, targeting her most sensitive spots with precision. His free hand found her clit, pinching it sharply.

Julian’s body jerked in response, her suppressed moans reverberating in her throat. With a soft groan, he pulled her closer, grasping her bouncing breasts with rough, eager hands. Their bodies moved together in a fierce, primal rhythm, the wet, slapping sounds of their union mingling with soft gasps and sighs.

His movements were rapid but shallow, and he held her thighs firmly against him, maximizing their connection. He sought out her most sensitive spots, driving her crazy with every thrust. One hand gently caressed her lower belly, a stark contrast to the wild roughness of their lovemaking.

Julian felt a pang of affection and turned her head to kiss him. He responded, cradling her jaw and returning the kiss with a fervor that belied a desire to consume her wholly. Despite the roughness, she thoroughly enjoyed it.

His hand wandered down from her belly, parting her slick lips to find her sensitive nub. She moaned softly as another wave of wetness flooded out, squeezing her thighs together in reflex. He responded with unwavering control, pinching her clit with decisive intention.

His fingers moved deftly, mimicking their lovemaking, a rhythm that Julian could hardly resist. She trembled under his touch, the dreamlike haze making the sensations all the more surreal and intense.

Chapter 5

The vibrations felt synchronized, sending a rush through Julian Everhart as she experienced a moment that felt almost otherworldly - as if she were entwined with two beings at once. Under this dual stimulation, she found herself surrendering, trembling as waves of pleasure surged through her.

Was this dream finally coming to an end?

In the split second before reaching ecstasy, Julian thought, closing her eyes tighter.

And then she woke up in the Grand Library.

The quiet sanctuary around her was punctuated only by the faint sound of pages turning. Beside her sat a girl, furiously scribbling notes.

Julian blinked, a melancholy sensation washing over her, mixed with a hint of shame.

Did she actually… scream?

She shifted uncomfortably, feeling the stiffness in her body, only to discover yet again that she was embarrassingly damp.

Internally cursing her wandering thoughts, Julian sighed. It looked like she would have to stay in the library until closing time… tentatively, she reached for her backpack and, to her dismay, found a small puddle forming beneath her.


Feigning nonchalance, she pulled out a tissue and dabbed discreetly at her hands before maneuvering the tissue beneath her. For heaven's sake, did she even have the focus to study anymore?


After a grueling and exhausting finals week, the students of Scholars' Grove were jubilant as they packed up to go home for summer break.

Julian Everhart decided to linger at school, hoping to catch up on her studies for a while longer. Her classmates, with their arms full of belongings, encouraged her as they made their way out.

The Thomas dormitory emptied quickly; everyone’s hearts were set on returning home.

Julian reveled in her freedom, spending the entire afternoon in the Thomas common room, until she remembered she'd need to check in with her father.

Calling home felt bittersweet; it served as a reminder that she was part of a single-parent household, with only Lord Alaric Everhart to lean on.

Her mother had passed away from illness years ago, leaving her father to juggle the roles of both dad and mom. Although they weren't wealthy, Lord Alaric managed to afford Julian's college tuition and graduate studies.

However, his health had taken a turn for the worse.

Long hours spent at work, along with smoking and drinking, had led to his declining condition; last year, he collapsed at home and was rushed to Saint Alaric's Hospice, where they discovered he was suffering from kidney failure.

Since then, he had begun a long and arduous treatment journey, requiring regular dialysis sessions. The expenses were daunting, but fortunately, insurance covered most of the costs.

With his current condition, it was impossible for Lord Alaric to work anymore.

Julian had once contemplated dropping out of graduate school, but her father insisted she persevere.

"Don't you worry about me. I’ll be fine—I've got plenty of fight left in me. You need to stay focused on your studies. The Crown's Favor can’t provide for you forever,” he had told her.

After his illness, Lord Alaric’s temperament had changed, becoming more short-tempered than ever, often snapping at Julian. She had spent many nights hiding in her room, crying quietly, afraid to confront the harsh words.

Yet, despite this, he made a point to cook her favorite meals as an apology, a gesture that brought back fond memories of simpler times.

"Hey, Julian," he would announce, knocking gently on her door to check in. At the dinner table, he would pile Julian's plate high with food, all her favorites.

After dinner, she would sneak back to her room to wipe away tears in solitude.

She loved her father deeply.

After several rings, the phone finally connected.

“Dad,” she breathed, relieved.

“Julian? It’s Cedric,” came the stern voice of her uncle, Sir Cedric Everhart.

Julian felt a wave of confusion wash over her. “Cedric?”

“Julian, when are you coming home? Alaric is in the hospital.”

Her world momentarily shattered at the words.

Without wasting a moment, Julian booked the earliest train home, arriving just before ten o'clock that night.

Rushing to the hospital, she learned that her father had been admitted for an entire week already.

Sir Cedric had been over for tea when her father suddenly collapsed. Despite being unable to resuscitate him, Cedric acted quickly and called for help, getting him to the hospital in time.

After emergency treatment, Lord Alaric regained consciousness, but the doctor advised him to stay for observation—a week-long stay it turned out to be.

Despite his condition, Lord Alaric had insisted that Cedric not inform Julian, wanting her to focus on her studies during finals. But Cedric had suspected Julian was nearly finished with her exams and felt it was necessary to relay the news, only to be interrupted by a call on Lord Alaric’s phone.

At that moment, Lord Alaric was still asleep.

Cedric had quietly taken the opportunity to answer the phone.

In the stark silence of the hospital staircase, Julian crouched down, tears streaming silently. She sobbed quietly, desperately hoping no one would hear her.

Thank goodness Cedric was there, otherwise, she wouldn’t have known what to do.

It took her a long time to calm down after a moment that felt like an eternity.

This kind of inhibited crying was exhausting; she didn't even remember when she finally fell asleep.

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