Blood Oath of the Divine Kin

Chapter 1

“I pledge my blood to bind us together in a blood bond. Your pain shall be my pain; your desires, my desires; your enemies, my enemies; through countless lifetimes, let this vow remain unbroken.”

A chilly autumn rain fell lightly as September turned drizzly, sending a shiver through King Aric of Eldoria. Students who had been leisurely wandering the Academy Grounds quickened their pace as the weather turned unexpectedly sour.

“What terrible weather to kick off Senior Year! I can’t imagine how those freshmen must feel,” Seraphina Evernight thought, listening to the chatter of her peers. Now a fourth-year student, she’d transitioned from the fresh perspective of a newbie to the seasoned status of an upperclassman. The concerns of new students no longer weighed on her mind.

“Evernight, do you have any plans now that you’re a Senior? Are you looking for a job or considering graduate school?” one of her classmates asked.

“Not yet,” Seraphina replied, a hint of weariness in her voice. Strangely, this seemed to be the only topic of conversation among her peers since starting their final year.

“Considering our major’s high graduate school acceptance rate, it might be smart to apply to grad school. There aren’t many suitable jobs out there anyway, and Senior roles tend to offer great benefits,” her friend pointed out.

Seraphina nodded thoughtfully. “If everyone else is pursuing grad school, I guess I can follow suit. If I get in, I'll study; if not, I can search for a job then. Besides, isn’t there still the civil service exam? It’s worth a shot, right?”

“Exactly! Last year, we had three successful candidates from our program for the exam.” With that, her classmates buzzed with excitement. For students at Evelyn Academy, it was nothing short of a miracle for three from their department to pass the national civil service examination, sparking hope and anticipation for future candidates.

“Evernight!” Seraphina turned slowly, spotting Lydia Brightwood, a familiar face from the Student Guild approaching her. She suddenly remembered her duties there.

“Lydia Brightwood, what’s up?” she asked.

"Honestly, I didn’t plan on asking you for help today, but with the rain, I’m a bit underprepared. Can you…” Lydia replied with an apologetic smile.

“No problem. I can definitely help with the freshmen reception; it’ll be a busy day but I have no classes. Where’s the reception desk? We can go together," Seraphina offered kindly. Although she was now a Senior, she hadn’t resigned from her Student Guild responsibilities; it was part of her commitment.

“I just need you to take this student to the Knight's Quarters,” Lydia explained, pointing to a newcomer standing by the road, holding an umbrella in one hand and a suitcase in the other.

“Got it, no problem! You can count on me,” she reassured.

“Thanks a ton! I have to run. Take care!” With that, Lydia hurried off.

“Evernight, do you need any help?” a friendly classmate asked.

“I’m fine, really. I might need to grab that suitcase for the freshman, just showing him the way. You all head back,” Seraphina waved, saying goodbye to her peers before heading towards the new arrival.

“Excuse me, which dorm are you headed to?” Seraphina asked, adopting a friendly tone.

The freshman adjusted his umbrella slightly to gauge her before responding flatly, “Dorm Five.”

Seraphina frowned slightly at the uninviting demeanor but brushed it off. As a Senior Scholar, she simply had to maintain her professionalism. “Then follow me,” she replied coolly, leading the way.

Chapter 2

The path from the Knight's Quarters to the Great Gate of the Academy was only fifteen minutes long, a brief journey that Seraphina Evernight had hoped would give her a chance to lighten the mood with some casual conversation. However, the intense gaze of Evelyn Moonshadow beside her left her feeling unsettled. The way Evelyn's eyes sparkled with both curiosity and a hint of challenge reflected something unsettling—an ambiguity that was equally hostile and friendly. Yet, what truly unnerved Seraphina was the distinct feeling of being watched from behind, as if the Hunter Yi had King Malakar’s piercing eyes fixed sharply on her back. Each time she glanced over her shoulder, she could only see Evelyn's face obscured by her umbrella.

"We're almost there, Senior Scholar," Evelyn finally broke the silence, her voice a little too lively for Seraphina’s taste.

His persistent, strange gaze had worn on her throughout the journey, and only when they arrived at the Great Gate did she feel a moment’s relief. She had no interest in formality. All she wanted was to create some distance from Evelyn's probing eyes.

"Where should we go eat after this? And where do we get our uniforms? Senior Scholar, would you take me with you?" Evelyn asked, lowering the umbrella slightly to flash a bright smile that radiated a color reminiscent of the Fairwind.

With her tousled hair, fair skin, and slightly chubby cheeks framed by those bright eyes, she looked like a young Fairwind. It struck Seraphina as ironic that she had overlooked Evelyn's strangely intense presence, reminiscent of a middle-aged man on a burning quest.

"Sorry, I have other plans. You can ask some of the other freshmen." Seraphina coldly turned down Evelyn's request, feeling a rush of anxiety she couldn't fully explain.

"What a pity," Evelyn sighed, her cheerful demeanor evaporating the moment Seraphina made her exit. She stood there, a frown replacing her earlier cheerful mask, as if she had become a frozen reflection of her once happy self.

What was wrong today? Ever since she saw Evelyn, something about her had been strangely captivating. Even her initial bravado to study in the Study Chamber had fizzled out and taken her back to her own Chamber. Perhaps lying down for a bit would help ease her swirling thoughts. Seraphina reminded herself that it was just Evelyn, after all—nothing extraordinary. Maybe her sleepless night was catching up with her. With that thought, she snuggled under her blanket, closed her eyes, and hoped for a peaceful sleep.

Darkness enveloped her, an endless abyss without a beginning or end, wrapped in a fog that had no dampness yet felt oddly comforting. A soft rustling sound grew louder, drawing closer, as though something was scratching against the ground. Through the haze, she sensed it parting slightly, revealing an indistinct figure that swayed eerily.

"What is that?" she wondered, squinting toward the solitary source of light shimmering from somewhere. The further she looked, the more the light seemed to pulse, magnifying until a pair of eerie, dark eyes flashed into view right in her line of sight.

“Ah!” Seraphina jolted awake from the dreamscape, gasping, her heart racing with fear. Those eyes—they were unmistakably Evelyn's, a haunting reminder of their earlier encounter. Suddenly, she understood why Evelyn's gaze had felt so peculiar. It was predatory, reminiscent of a hawk sizing up its next catch, calculating and fierce. And she realized, instinctively, her own reaction to that gaze had been one of deep unease.

Chapter 3

"Could that Eve be from the Demon Clan?" The thought slammed into Seraphina Evernight's mind, fraying her nerves. A middle-aged man, the notion of a Demon Clan seemed utterly foreign yet frighteningly possible. If such a mysterious being existed, then what else in this world defied explanation? The sensation of fear gripped Seraphina like nothing she’d ever experienced. If he was truly from the Demon Clan, she couldn't fathom how to define this bizarre occurrence. Meeting him here, in the sacred Woodswalker sanctuary, sent shivers down her spine.

"He must be hunting!" she pondered, terror dancing across her thoughts. "Demon Clans don’t seek ordinary prey. Only those strong enough to challenge them, like the Serpent King, are of interest. Could he be seeing me as a target?" The realization shook her to her core. What if she had been chosen as prey? Since the awakening of her powers, oddities had plagued her days, but being targeted by a Demon Clan? This was new territory. Did they truly have reasons to fear her, a Divine Kin? Yet here she was, on the brink of becoming their hunting ground. All thoughts raced through her mind as she struggled to wrap her head around the demon presence—what form this Mirror Demon might take and how she could counter it.

She felt her powers were barely awakened, and even if they were, she had no idea how to wield them! What now? Her hands tangled in her hair, desperately searching her mind for snippets of knowledge she’d learned. All she could recall were a couple of spells: Water Manipulation and the Spirit Binding Spell. There was also one other spell, but it seemed too insignificant to rely on.

"That old sage said I was a Water Deity," she muttered in frustration. "One of the six Divine Kin that are Woodswalkers, steeped in ancient arts. Four years since awakening, and I can hardly sense my powers, let alone protect myself from becoming demon fodder. That sage was all talk, claiming a great legacy to uphold but only passing on a single Spirit Binding Spell to me? So unfair!"

"Evernight, what's got you so distracted?" called her roommate, Lydia Brightwood, as she entered their shared space and found Seraphina buried in her blankets, lost in thought.

"Just... practicing my English," Seraphina replied, a mere hint of embarrassment washing over her.

"Right," Lydia said with a teasing smile, "Well, I just heard from a member of the Student Guild that they're organizing a motivational rally tonight to inspire new students to join. You should come along!"

"Got it, thanks!" Seraphina replied absentmindedly, her mind still swirling with thoughts of how to deal with the Mirror Demon. She shrugged off the idea of the Student Guild meeting, her focus fixed solely on her fear.

The lengthy speeches during the gathering fell on deaf ears for Seraphina. All she could conjure up was anxiety, wishing desperately that everything about that Eve was merely a misconception. The idea that he really was a Demon Clan member loomed heavily over her. There was no escaping that a likelihood of about ninety-nine point nine percent confirmed it—if he saw her, it was only as prey.

"Is the Senior Scholar alright? You seem troubled," chimed a melodious voice from beside her. Startled, Seraphina turned to see Eve the Wanderer quietly observing her. How she hadn’t noticed him before fled her comprehension.

"What do you want?" she demanded, putting on a brave face even as her heart raced.

"Just checking in, Senior Scholar," he replied, his tone unbothered. "It’s only natural to look out for acquaintances."

"I’m fine," Seraphina replied coolly, attempting to put distance between them.

"Why don't we move somewhere else? It's quieter and not so... public here," he continued, an insistent gleam in his eyes.

Seraphina eyed him warily, weighing her options, but already feeling the walls of her world closing in. Could she outmaneuver this Demon? Would her abilities ever awaken in time?

Chapter 4

“Let’s skip the mystery, I don’t have time for games.” Seraphina Evernight's irritation was palpable as she longed to leave this place, which felt more like a trap every second. The little spirit seemed to know just how to play her cards; could it be that in a place without King Aric, Seraphina would end up devoured by her own dread?

“Senior Scholar, are you sure you want to provoke King Aric like this?” Evelyn Moonshadow asked with a saccharine smile, her face the picture of innocence. Yet, Seraphina sensed an underlying menace in Eve’s words, a warning that if she agreed, it could lead to consequences she would deeply regret.

The thoughts spiraling through Seraphina were jumbled with fear. “I’m certain,” she replied defiantly, “and I’d much rather see you try to take a bite out of me over there, in the Maiden’s Vale!”

Evelyn's countenance shifted instantly, her smile replaced by a frigid glare. “Do you think this will stop me?” Her voice dripped with icy disdain. It was then that Seraphina noticed the area around them pulsing with energy—a barrier, an Enclosure.

“I won’t let go of my prey that easily,” Evelyn declared, forcing a sinister smile. “But don’t worry, I won’t consume you entirely. I’ll merely extract the magic from your body, and you won’t feel a thing. You’ll continue living your mundane life, just like any average person.”

With that, Evelyn lunged toward Seraphina, her hand reaching for her chest. Seraphina reacted on instinct, leaping back and raising her arms to guard her head, maintaining a distance of about ten feet between them.

“Who are you, really?” Seraphina demanded, trying to mask her fear.

“Lucius Fairwind, from the Demon Clan.” His demeanor was cold as frost as he advanced. Clearly frustrated that Seraphina evaded his attack, he took his vengeance out on her. With a series of swift strikes, Seraphina found herself struggling to counter his relentless assault, her energy waning rapidly.

“Your legacy just awakened, isn’t it?” Lucius sneered, landing blow after blow. “Surviving ten strikes is no small feat. But I won’t give you another chance to dodge.”

As he finished speaking, a dark armored gauntlet enveloped his arm, and with a ferocious force that stirred the air, he struck again. This time, Seraphina’s reflexes did not respond in time. Instinctively, she protected her head, bracing herself for what she feared would be a lethal hit.

“Evernight! Evernight!” voices from outside the barrier broke through the tension. At that moment, Lucius halted his attack, frowning in irritation. “It seems the King’s presence has disturbed the Enclosure. You won’t be so lucky next time.”

With that, Lucius vanished from the Enclosure, and the scene around Seraphina returned to its boring norm, her body still tingling from adrenaline as she remained outside, still aware of the imminent danger.

“Evernight, are you okay? I’ve been calling your name!” Lydia Brightwood’s voice cut through her thoughts.

“I’m fine, I’m fine! Just lost in thought. What were we talking about?” Seraphina replied, feigning nonchalance.

“What were we discussing? Elder Sage wants us to go get some late-night snacks. Are you in?”

“Count me in!” Seraphina nodded eagerly, her stomach grumbling. After the harrowing encounter she just experienced, she needed some comfort food—or maybe a snack to recharge. Plus, she had to figure out the best way to dodge Lucius Fairwind again.

As for Lucius, she could sense he was no ordinary foe. What if he were a serpent in disguise? If only the Serpent King’s poison could finish him off. Though then again, the Serpent was deadly, and a bite from him could very well seal her fate. Still, a fluffy companion could be helpful; she chuckled to herself, envisioning the whimsical little cat she carried everywhere, a perfect distraction. Lucius wouldn’t stand a chance!

Seraphina shook her head, trying to dispel her chaotic thoughts. What was she even thinking? Surely Hugo could offer advice on the matter! Worrying wasn't going to help her; she needed to stay alert for the next trap Lucius might lay.

“Evernight, what’s with that heavy frown? You look like you’ve just seen a ghost,” came Lydia's teasing voice, pulling her back from the brink of anxiety.

Chapter 5

“Nothing, nothing! Just thinking about my paper!” Seraphina Evernight brushed off the comment and returned to more pressing matters. What had just happened with Lucius Fairwind? How on earth had she managed to get into his Enclosure?

Logically, if he was part of the Demon Clan, he would have immediately pulled her into the Enclosure upon discovering her. But Lucius had spent the entire morning with her and hadn’t made any moves. Was he merely confirming her identity? Mysterious Fairwind can take his time when checking identities. So maybe entering the Enclosure required specific conditions? Why else would he have said, “The Enclosure is broken,” when King shouted her name? How exactly could she have accessed it? Was it like a mental unlocking, requiring a certain level of focus or perhaps a glance into his eyes?

Lucius really did have those strange eyes; she hadn’t gotten a good look at them this morning when she sent him off. But now, having been so close, she could count every pore on his face. Surely, at that time, she must have looked into his eyes, and those strange eyes typical of the Demon Clan must have bewitched her! She felt sure of it! Evelyn had been bouncing around her mind all night, reinforcing her idea that all she needed to do was look into Lucius Fairwind's eyes as a Hunter would.

“Hey, Senior Scholar!” Lucius Fairwind's ghostly voice cut through her thoughts as Seraphina nearly knocked her tray off the table in surprise.

Focus, focus! she repeated to herself, pretending not to hear as she elegantly sidestepped around him. Just then, she caught sight of a fellow student from her Chamber waving her over. Without hesitation, she rushed toward them, breathing heavily as she set her tray down and took a seat. To her utter astonishment, Lucius Fairwind had appeared at the empty seat next to hers, greeting her coolly, “Hello, Seraphina, Senior Scholar!”

One of the older students in the Chamber shot an eyebrow up at the sight of Lucius beside her, a teasing smirk playing on their lips. “What’s this? Are you being pursued by the Sage?”

Seraphina’s answer was muffled as she focused intently on her food, quickly digging into her meal like a whirlwind, barely managing to touch her lips before sprinting away.

Even Lucius couldn’t hide his smile at her frantic escape. This girl’s wariness is amusing—but really, does she think I’m that easy to read?

Seraphina dashed back to her Chamber, taking a moment to catch her breath and drink some water while cursing under her breath, “Damn you, Lucius Fairwind, I’ve never eaten so quickly in my life! You’ll be the death of me!” The thought of being caught off guard by him was more frightening than being eaten alive! She needed composure. Right, just look into his eyes! Well, as long as I avoid him, it’s fine, right?

After reassuring herself, she finally calmed down and embraced her textbooks, heading off to study in peace. She was certain that as long as Lucius was watching her every move, she’d have plenty of time to focus on her First-Year coursework! Just as Seraphina started flipping through her notes, she realized someone had taken the seat right next to her. Who is this? Was there not a single space left in the Study Chamber? Annoyed, she turned to glance at him again, but of course, it was Lucius Fairwind. Why is he always here? Is the workload for first-year courses too overwhelming or something?

Lucius seemed to read her mind, leaning in close. “There might be a lot of classes, but if you really want to go, you’ll find a way.”

Seraphina clenched her teeth, muttering fiercely, “Just care about passing! Simple enough, right?”

“With a feast so lavish as Serpent before you? It’s not such a big deal. Besides, you could always make up the credits later,” Lucius leaned back, licking his lips in a way that made him seem every bit the part of a Malignant Demon. She could almost imagine him devouring her right there in the study.

Seraphina didn’t even need to turn to see his expression, and without further thought, she packed her bag and dashed out of the classroom. Lucius trailed behind, keeping pace beside her on the way to Duncan Hall. In a fit of frustration, she decided to sprint around the Academy Grounds, leaving him in the dust, but Lucius seemed to enjoy following her as she ran.

Seraphina picked up her pace, growing more annoyed with every step she took. She was determined to shake him off, even as she glanced back tiredly to see him standing beside her, grinning contentedly. Why on earth was he so undeterred? After all of that exercise, how could she still have him at her side? Seraphina turned to give him a fierce look, hands on her hips as she caught her breath. She realized with a sigh that even at this furious pace, she wouldn’t escape him.

“So, what is it that you want?” she panted, exasperated.

Lucius appeared unfazed, casually responding, “Oh, come on. You know exactly what I want.”

“Of course, it’s absolutely ridiculous!” She threw back draining sarcasm and took off running toward the Dormitory.

As Seraphina disappeared into the building, Lucius stood at the entrance, watching her retreat with a teasing smile. “We'll continue this tomorrow.”

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