Bound by Silence and Secrets

Chapter 1

Edmund Leafstone had been married to Jasper Nightshade for three years, joining two prominent families in a union that stirred conversations in all the right circles.
Both men were the eligible heirs of their families, and the wedding proceeded without a hitch. On the surface, their life together seemed perfectly orchestrated. They dutifully visited parents on the weekends, played the part of the loving couple to their relatives, and engaged in the polite rituals expected of a married pair. However, upon arriving home, they found themselves engaged in a delicate dance of deference over who would enter the house first—an unmistakable sign that their relationship lacked true intimacy.
In their professional lives, they maintained a respectful distance, neither interfering in the other's work. Their days melded into a monotonous rhythm, devoid of passion or connection. They were simply two men sharing a space, each living with their own aspirations while existing as mere roommates behind closed doors.
Edmund had come to the conclusion that the dullness of their marriage had brought them to the brink; both were contemplating an end to this emotionally barren arrangement. Just as Edmund was devising a gentle way to broach the subject of divorce, Jasper beat him to it.
One crisp morning, Jasper stood before him impeccably dressed in a tailored suit. His strikingly handsome face bore a stern expression, devoid of warmth as he declared flatly, “Edmund Leafstone, let’s get a divorce.”
Relieved to avoid delaying Jasper's desire for freedom, Edmund nodded in agreement without hesitation.
On their first attempt at the Bureau of Civil Affairs, their private car broke down halfway. The second trip was thwarted when they found their documentation incomplete and were turned away. On the third visit, a food poisoning incident sent Edmund to the hospital instead.
With each failed attempt, a nagging suspicion crept into Edmund's mind—was life conspired against them?
That night, a wary Jasper returned home reeking of alcohol. He leaned heavily on Edmund's shoulder and spoke earnestly, “Edmund, can we put off the divorce?”
Edmund couldn’t help but smile softly. “But Jasper, it was you who wanted this.”
In a drunken display of frustration, Jasper shoved him away, stating coldly, “If you want to go, just go.”
A few days later, Edmund found himself waiting outside the Bureau once more. Jasper arrived as promised, but instead of the necessary paperwork, he tossed a pregnancy test result into Edmund's hands and declared, “I’m pregnant.”
Edmund was left momentarily speechless.
Nobody had mentioned this little twist during their vows.
Jasper, the ever-elusive heir of the Nightshade Empire, had layers yet to be unraveled. At that instant, Edmund felt an unprecedented pull of intrigue. It was his time to peel back these layers and discover the man hidden beneath the chaos.
On the morning of their next visit to Leafstone Manor, the sun was rising over the mountains, casting a golden hue over the landscape—an ironic contrast to the turmoil brewing in Edmund’s heart.
He had slept the day away, roused only by the messages flooding his phone. One from Jasper stood out, simple yet urgent: *"I’ve arrived."*
Edmund's mind fumbled as he remembered their plans for the weekend. It was the last Saturday in April, which meant a visit to family, something he almost overlooked amidst his clouded thoughts.
As he slipped into his jacket and dashed out of the office into the cool evening air, the hustle of the day behind him seemed to evaporate, replaced by flickering streetlights and the sleek black silhouette of Jasper’s car parked at the curb.
When he entered, Jasper, with his elegant charm and reserved demeanor, greeted him. “No problem, I just got here myself,” Jasper replied, his gaze sweeping over Edmund’s attire, pausing briefly on the ring nestled on Edmund’s finger.
“You’re late today,” Jasper remarked, his voice lowering with mock irritation.
“I lost track of time,” Edmund admitted, quickly brushing aside any anxiety with a smile.
As the black car glided through the streets toward The Old Leafstone Hall, the tension eased momentarily, replaced by an unspoken agreement between them. They stepped out hand-in-hand, greeted with familiarity and warmth by Grandfather Thornton.
The evening went as expected; smiles and pleasantries exchanged around the dining table. Edmund’s heart, however, was elsewhere, torn between the facade of their life together and the emotional distance that lay beneath it.
His own mother, a specter in his life, had left early on, and all he cultivated was a relationship with his grandfather and Uncle Leonard, who provided stability in a life otherwise shaped by absent figures.
Thus, the evening swept on, the still waters of their lives filled with unvoiced longings and dreams yet to be realized, both eager and anxious as they stepped deeper into the complexities of family ties and the unexpected paths ahead of them.

Chapter 2

Edmund Leafstone’s grandfather was in his seventies, a well-known entrepreneur in Sandridge, known for his down-to-earth demeanor. He dressed simply and looked like the typical old man you'd see in a farmer's market, with none of the grandeur of someone worth billions.
Edmund and his husband, Jasper Nightshade, accompanied Old Lord Leafstone for dinner, sharing light conversation in a relaxed atmosphere.
With a cheerful smile, Old Lord Leafstone announced, “Edmund, your mother and Leonard will be back tonight.”
Edmund's mother was Lady Eleanor, the daughter of the Leafstone family, and Leonard was her boyfriend from Franklin. Both were familiar figures in Edmund's life, but he didn’t show much reaction. “What time will they be back?” he asked casually.
“Oh, don't bother with them,” Old Lord Leafstone replied with a dismissive wave. “You two should get to bed early. It’s tough for young folks like you after a long day.”
Edmund chuckled and agreed, “Sure thing.”
As night fell and dinner wrapped up, the couple retreated to their private chambers, and the house fell into a peaceful quiet.
They took off their coats and loosened their ties, each focusing on their own routines, respectful of each other's space.
When they met at the bathroom door, their eyes locked momentarily, both pausing.
Being the gracious partner he was, Edmund stepped aside, “You go first.”
Jasper hesitated, his handsome face showing uncertainty as he looked at Edmund, wanting to say something but holding back.
“What’s on your mind?”
“Aren't we supposed to wait for Lady Eleanor and Uncle Leonard?” Jasper asked, clearly troubled by the thought of starting their night without them.
Edmund laughed lightly, “You know my mom. She doesn’t want to be treated like an elder; she thinks she’s eternally eighteen.”
Jasper pressed his lips together, still silent, his gaze drifting down from Edmund's eyes before shifting away altogether.
A strange awkwardness crept between them, thickening the air.
“Just go ahead,” Edmund offered, kindly motioning towards the bathroom once more. He turned to head back to their bedroom, and soon he heard the bathroom door click shut behind him.
He glanced back toward the bathroom, an unexpected emptiness swelling in his chest.
Despite being married for several years, Edmund felt the bond with Jasper growing increasingly distant. Initially, they had shared plenty of conversations, but over the past year, their dialogue had dwindled, often sitting together in uncomfortable silence.
After both had their showers, Edmund emerged to find Jasper seated on the bed, engrossed in his phone, seemingly sifting through documents shared by his subordinates.
Edmund rummaged through his backpack for a foreign book he had been wanting to read.
Jasper looked up, his intense gaze lingering on Edmund’s face for a few seconds. “Don’t go to the study tonight.”
Edmund paused mid-motion, standing straight, a faint smile playing on his lips in response.
“Why? Is Grandfather going to think we’re hiding something?”
Jasper’s discomfort flickered across his features. “He might get the wrong idea.”
Edmund couldn't help but smile wider, walking over to sit beside Jasper on the bed. He playfully opened the air conditioning blanket and said, “I’m not planning on going to the study. I thought I’d keep you company. You work, I read—no interruptions. Just tell me when you want to turn in, and I’ll turn off the light.”
His warm smile was like a spell, soothing and inviting.
That was just how he was – irresistibly gentle.
Jasper turned away, sliding down from the bed to place his phone on the pillow, murmuring, “I’d like to get some rest now.”
His voice was thick, carrying an unspoken weight.
Edmund chuckled softly, curious about what was off with Young Lord Jasper this time but decided not to pry. He set his book aside and leaned over to dim the lights.
The night passed quietly.
They lay in bed, positions unchanged, eyes closed, breaths steady.
In the middle of the night, Edmund woke up, turning away from Jasper, his thoughts drifting to the white walls of the room.
This stagnant routine wasn’t sustainable. Their marriage was turning into a slow-burning torment. Edmund could tolerate the monotony, the growing coolness, but could Jasper truly endure it?
Young Lord Jasper, still so young and handsome, from a refined family—could he handle such drudgery?
They didn’t seem like a couple; they were more like contractual partners—close when there were guests and distant when alone, avoiding unnecessary conflicts.
Sighing, Edmund shut his eyes again, deciding sleep was a better option.
The next morning, both Edmund and Jasper dressed and descended the stairs together.
Their ears caught the sound of Lady Eleanor's sweet, youthful laughter echoing from The Great Hall, mingled with a deep masculine voice.
“Uncle Leonard’s at it again,” Edmund mused as they entered.
“Oh, baby, my little heart.”
Lady Eleanor, with her stunning curls, caught sight of the two as they walked down from the second floor and immediately bolted toward them, shoving the foreign boyfriend aside joyously.
“Lady Eleanor! Uncle Leonard!” Jasper greeted first, beaming at the lovely lady.
Lady Eleanor rushed over, throwing an arm around Jasper’s shoulders, lifting herself on tiptoe to plant a kiss on his cheek. “Momma’s sweetheart! It’s been ages!”
“Lady Eleanor, please,” Edmund said, shaking his head in bemusement as he gently pulled the overly affectionate woman away from Jasper.
Lady Eleanor released her blushing falcon and shifted her attention to Edmund, her eyes glistening with warmth, quickly brimming with tears. “Sweetheart, you look thinner! It must be all the surgeries at the hospital wearing you out. I’m going to complain to your father-in-law!”
“No, please don’t joke about that.” Edmund glanced at Jasper, who looked slightly embarrassed, yet the polite smile remained plastered on his face.
Lady Eleanor embrace Edmund tightly, kissing his cheek. Her voice quivered with affection, “I’ve missed you so much! I've missed both of you, my dear boys.”

Chapter 3

Edmund Leafstone held Lady Eleanor Leafstone in his arms, gently patting her back with a helpless smile on his face.
At the breakfast table, the head of the Leafstone family was noticeably absent. Grandfather Thornton wasn’t present, leaving Edmund and Jasper Nightshade to accompany Lady Eleanor and Uncle Leonard Swift for the meal.
Edmund inquired with the butler about Grandfather Thornton's health. The butler informed him that there was nothing severe to worry about; the doctor was currently checking his blood pressure, and Sister Annabel had taken breakfast upstairs to avoid any interruptions.
When Edmund heard this, he immediately understood. Grandfather Thornton likely couldn't tolerate sharing a table with Lady Eleanor, especially with Uncle Leonard present.
Across the table, the two couples exchanged glances. Edmund and Jasper sat up straight, a faint smile playing on their lips as they patiently awaited the elders to begin.
Lady Eleanor's gaze flitted between the two men, a teasing laugh escaping her lips. Suddenly, she turned to face Uncle Leonard, playfully taking his chin in her delicate hands. With a youthful exuberance that defied her years, she leaned in for a passionate kiss that played out like a scene from a romantic film.
Instinctively, Uncle Leonard wrapped his arms around Lady Eleanor, returning the fervor of the kiss. The two were lost in their moment, kissing fervently with undeniable chemistry, occasionally making small sounds that demonstrated their deep affection. It was evident that this was a routine display of intimacy for them.
“Hmm, darling. Uhmm... ah,” Lady Eleanor murmured.
The kiss lingered for nearly two minutes, leaving Jasper Nightshade momentarily speechless. His mouth hung slightly open as he stole a glance at the composed Edmund, his thoughts swirling with surprise.
Lady Eleanor had spent most of her time living abroad, coming back rarely. Since their marriage, it was no exaggeration to say that Jasper had seen her just three times apart from their wedding day—she returned once a year, each time greeting him with enthusiastic affection as sweet as a long-lost treasure.
Typically, they would share meals alongside the Old Lord Leafstone, but this time was a refreshing break with Lady Eleanor and Uncle Leonard leading the way. It was a new experience, indeed.
Having left for Ypres at the age of twelve and immersed himself in ideas for nearly a decade, Jasper was relatively open-minded. If his peers were openly affectionate across a dinner table, he’d hardly blink an eye. Yet, witnessing such unabashed displays between a woman of experience and her partner was, in this context, quite unexpected.
After about five minutes of bliss, Lady Eleanor and Leonard finally began to part, though the excitement in the air lingered. With one hand resting under her chin, she looked eagerly at Edmund and Jasper, her eyes sparkling with youthful enthusiasm.
"Alright, my lovelies, it's your turn!" she declared with a playful tone.
Edmund and Jasper blinked simultaneously, shifting their necks as they exchanged puzzled glances, truly at a loss for words.
Jasper finally understood why Grandfather Thornton’s blood pressure had spiked suddenly.

Chapter 4

The turn of events was a bit unexpected, but not so out of the blue that Edmund Leafstone felt the urge to hide under the table; after all, he had known his mother for over twenty years.
He was well acquainted with Lady Eleanor Leafstone’s temperament and had anticipated her potential antics before even sitting down, so he was somewhat prepared when she decided to make a scene.
“Lady Eleanor, let’s eat first,” Edmund said with a warm, diplomatic smile, hoping to brush past the moment lightly.
Clara Bright was not so easily dismissed. With her slender fingers twisting her shoulder-length curls, her sultry red lips formed a frustrated pout, looking utterly aggrieved. “No way. Step it up; it’s your turn!”
Leonard Swift, who didn’t understand a word of Chinese, immediately wrapped an arm around Lady Eleanor’s shoulder and spoke a few comforting words in a foreign language before flashing a friendly smile at the two younger men across the table, almost inviting them to join in the charade to cheer up his wife.
It was happening.
Edmund quickly tempered his smile and glanced at Jasper Nightshade, noting the discomfort etched across Jasper’s face.
“Come on, you two!” Lady Eleanor urged again, stubborn yet expectant, clearly intent on forcing her sons to publicly declare their affections.
Under the older generation’s encouragement, the couple exchanged glances, their eyes meeting momentarily, both wearing awkward yet polite smiles.
Edmund conceded in his mind; he wore a tender smile as he slowly leaned in and pressed a kiss against Jasper’s smooth, delicate cheek.
“Now, can we eat, Mom?” Edmund opened his hands, signaling the completion of their ‘task.’
Jasper, who’d just been kissed, lowered his head, thinking he had done his part as well, picking up his utensils and preparing to dive into his meal.
To their dismay, Clara was not satisfied. Looking utterly heartbroken, she stared at them. “Oh. My dears, what is going on with you? Was it awkward last night? Why are you two so distant? It’s just a pre-meal kiss—it symbolizes a beautiful day ahead! Leonard, I can’t accept this. My babies, what’s wrong with you?”
Edmund glanced at his watch.
If they didn’t manage to deliver a French-style kiss as Clara wished, none of them were leaving this restaurant today.
He sighed internally and reluctantly adjusted his body to face Jasper.
Jasper stiffened momentarily but soon relaxed and turned to him, slowly raising his shimmering eyes to meet Edmund's gaze.
They had been publicly displaying affection for three years, honing the skill of exchanging unspoken communication through their eyes, achieving a remarkable level of understanding in that respect.
After reaching a silent agreement, Edmund closed the distance, cradling Jasper’s chin gently with his palm. He slightly bowed his head, allowing his tender gaze to glide over Jasper’s brow and down the contour of his lips.
Closing his eyes, he sought the softness of Jasper’s lips, as though afraid to damage that sweet tenderness.
As their lips met, Jasper’s parted slightly, the invitation unmistakable.
Edmund hesitated for a moment but remembering Clara's watchful eyes, he decided to deepen the connection. He gently intruded into Jasper's personal space, softly stealing his breath.
Tasting Jasper’s distinctive flavor brought back memories—his last kiss had been in front of others, and it had the same mission.
Just a few months ago, he had gone to pick up Jasper for a reunion, surrounded by an audience of attractive classmates. Jasper had warmly embraced him and introduced him with a proud smile, leading Edmund to kiss him, earning cheers from their friends. He still vividly recalled how Jasper had grinned at him after, radiant and beautiful, but that was already three months ago.
Now, they were even closer than before, their breaths mingling, the gaps between them narrowing.
Yet deep down, they both understood it was merely a facade.
Lady Eleanor, however, was unaware of the nuance. She was so moved by their kiss that tears welled in her eyes; clutching Leonard's arm, she beamed, “Look at them! Such a perfect match, so happy!”
Leonard nodded, chuckling softly, “Indeed, dear.”
The kiss didn’t last long; no more than two minutes went by before Edmund pulled back, seamlessly grabbing a napkin to dab Jasper’s lips, all while turning to his mother. “Is that sufficient now, Lady Eleanor? Can we eat breakfast?”
Lady Eleanor responded with satisfaction, nuzzling against Leonard’s shoulder and cooing a few words in a foreign language.
What should have been a simple breakfast stretched on for forty minutes, the four of them parting ways afterward.
As Edmund and Jasper entered the waiting Maybach, both exhaled a sigh of relief the moment they settled into the car.
As they drove out of Leafstone Manor’s gates, Edmund remembered to ask Jasper if he needed to stop by his office.
Jasper glanced at him, his eyes glimmering, as if he hadn’t comprehended the question.
Edmund smiled, “If it’s not convenient, I can just call for a ride or have the Leafstone driver take me.”
“It's fine,” Jasper replied mildly, his voice soft as a stream. “I’ll take you back.”
Lacking a driver’s license, Edmund clasped his hands together, genuinely grateful. “Thank you, Jasper.”
Jasper's gaze lingered on him, something unspoken passing between them before he turned his attention back to the window, his expression growing increasingly thoughtful.
Edmund suspected Jasper was still uneasy over the morning's kiss, lamenting yet again how his mother always seemed to create a fuss whenever she visited, this time directing her antics toward Jasper, which felt quite awkward.
“I’m really sorry about earlier,” Edmund said softly, his eyes sincere and bright. “My mom has been spoiled by Grandfather Thornton; she has always done as she pleased, and she loves to tease me. I didn’t mean to drag you into this, and if it made you uncomfortable, I sincerely apologize on her behalf.”

Chapter 5

Jasper Nightshade's eyes flickered as he recalled the sensation of shared intimacy, coupled with the soft fragrance that always seemed to linger in the air, a signature scent of Edmund Leafstone. As Edmund gazed out the window, controlling his tone to remain even, he said, "No need to apologize. Making our elders happy is what we ought to do."
"Just don’t dwell on it," Edmund replied, his expression relaxing as though a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.
Taking a deep breath, Jasper turned his head to say, "Oh, but I am dwelling on it."
Edmund paused, with a hint of surprise, his lips curving into a deeper smile. "Alright then, come home early tonight. I'll cook something special for you, sounds good?"
Jasper wasn't one to be easily swayed; still, he had a soft spot for Edmund's culinary talents. He swallowed hard and said softly, "We'll see."
Edmund nodded knowingly, delivering a couple of comforting pats on his shoulder.
“I have a meeting tonight,” Jasper added quietly, a note of regret mixed with the thrill that was already there.
"Excuse me?" Edmund leaned in closer, having not quite caught that.
The warmth in Edmund's eyes betrayed genuine concern, but Jasper was aware that it wasn't as deep as it seemed. Avoiding eye contact, he quietly replied, “It’s nothing. I’ll head home.”
“I’ll wait for you,” Edmund assured him. “I’ll make your favorite.”
“Thanks, Doctor Clara Hawthorne,” Jasper replied, half joking.
At times, Edmund found it baffling how polite they were with each other, so formal, especially when they had just spent the better part of their lives together. It was almost ironic; they were both well-acquainted with the indifference of love, but the warmth of friendship had also become a staple between the two.
In fact, at that moment, they stood hesitating over who would enter the house first, revealing just how far things had strayed from what they had once envisioned. While they might not be the passionate couple one would expect, they were certainly remarkable examples of amicable partners.
In the early days, they had both been pleased with this respectful distance; it felt easy and balanced. But as time passed, he found the silent treatment all too foreboding.
Edmund sighed, shaking his head sadly.
Three years ago, they had been far too young to grasp the full meaning of marriage.
As Jasper took out a file from the Library Chamber and headed out, Edmund stood at the three-story Villa of Serenity's window and caught sight of Jasper's Maybach as it glided out of the neighborhood.
Expressionless, he gazed in that direction, lost in thought.
A sense of foreboding had long since taken root in his heart. He believed it wasn't only him who felt this way; Jasper perhaps felt it even stronger.
The dull and uninspired marriage they were maintaining without emotional depth could very well be coming to an end, with Jasper's coldness and distance serving as the strongest silent accusation.
After three years of marriage, people still asked Edmund whether Jasper, the heir of the Nightshade family, was as aloof and hard to approach as rumored.
Edmund could honestly say that this had never been the case: "The Nightshade heir is anything but aloof."
That statement was sincere.
Not only was Jasper not standoffish, but Edmund also viewed him as an easygoing rich kid who occasionally displayed some spoiled behavior that was quite minor, mostly remaining very polite.
The reasons they ended up together were twofold: family arrangement coupled with his acquaintance with Jasper's father.
Originating from a same-sex marriage family, Jasper had two well-known fathers. One was the chairman of the Nightshade Guild—one of the three richest men, and the other, the esteemed Sir Alaric Bright.
This couple had twin children, and rumors swirled with wild imaginings; some claimed adoption while others spoke of surrogacy.
In all the time they spent together, Edmund never pried into the details. He feared encroaching on sensitive territory and found his curiosity rather muted.
He had once been a physician, and by chance encountered the illustrious Sir Alaric Bright at a lecture, leading to a mutual rapport.
Because of that connection, when he learned the other party was the son of the school's director, he didn't hesitate to agree to the familial matchmaking.
Their first meeting took place at the Nightshade Inn, an establishment within the Nightshade Guild.
Doctor Clara Hawthorne, who rarely kept people waiting, had delayed by about ten minutes due to a last-minute surgery.
Led by the waiter into a lavishly spacious private room, he immediately spotted a young man in a charcoal gray tailored suit, slouched comfortably in a solid wooden armchair, legs crossed casually, resting his chin on one hand while idly paging through a magazine. Even from the side, it was clear he was strikingly handsome.
Once the waiter stepped out, the two were left alone.
No need to ask; he knew that the young man seated there was indeed Edmund Leafstone, Sir Alaric Bright's son.
Taking a couple of steps forward, he stood in front of the young man and offered an awkward bow, managing a faint smile tinged with apology, "I’m sorry to have kept you waiting."
His voice had a rich timbre, akin to a smooth whiskey, with an enticing warmth that could easily lure one in.
At first, Jasper blinked, slowly lifting his eyelashes, intriguing curiosity shining in his dark eyes.
It was no wonder Sir Alaric Bright could boast such a handsome son; this was undoubtedly the most stunning man he had ever encountered.
As they first met, such superficial thoughts briefly occupied Edmund's mind.
At that time, Jasper was just twenty-two, still radiating a youthful exuberance.
Seeing a guest arrive, Jasper quickly adjusted his posture, sitting up straighter and nodding politely towards Edmund. "Hello, Doctor Clara Hawthorne, I’m Jasper Nightshade, and Evelyn Bright is my father."
“Hello, Edmund Leafstone.”
Their hands touched briefly before withdrawing.
As Edmund settled in, he directed his gaze at the young man, once again giving an excuse for his tardiness. "I had an unexpected change in the surgery schedule. I apologize for leaving such a poor first impression."
With a billionaire father and a renowned academician as his other dad, Jasper had always lived in a household of professionals; his sister and aunt were also in medicine, and he had grown accustomed to waiting on people who were late for their appointments.
He lazily lifted an eyelid, exuding the charm of an alluring, villainous figure from a film, wild yet captivating. "No worries. Lord Cedric Bright often keeps me waiting. I’m used to it. I completely understand your dedication to your work, Doctor Clara Hawthorne."

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