Behind Closed Doors of Blackwood Manor

Chapter 1

**The Children's Guild's Conclusion: The Sickly Beauty Files for Divorce**
Elena Weaver suddenly finds herself in an unfamiliar world, taking on the role of a calculated gold digger who marries into a wealthy family but soon resorts to mistreating her stepchildren, seeking affection elsewhere, and ultimately facing dire consequences as her misdeeds unravel, leading to her expulsion from the lavish life she coveted.
Elena Weaver wakes up on the morning after her wedding, realizing that most of her new aristocratic husband's family despises her, and her stepchildren have been adding salt to her medicine, a playful yet troubling sign of their disdain. Despite her challenging situation, the frail Elena approaches life with surprising calmness: just don’t disturb my recovery.
The problem is, her alter-ego is a minor celebrity who has planned an elaborate marketing scheme with her agent to achieve fame. Just minutes after Elena steps into this story, news breaks on social media about her marriage to the elite Blackwood Manor, and there are whispers about her appearing on a hot new reality show, "The Family Chronicles," where she and her stepchildren would showcase their glitzy life to the world.
Her unreliable agent enthusiastically informs her, “The show is really interested in you! I've already signed the contract on your behalf!”
With the breach of contract penalties weighing heavily on her, Elena is surprised when her husband, Sirius Blackwood, unexpectedly agrees to join the reality show. More out of financial necessity than desire, she resigns herself to the arrangement, thinking it might be a good change of scenery for her healing process while earning some cash. After all, holding onto money would make a divorce worry-free.
As the master of Blackwood Manor, Sirius Blackwood is known for his cold demeanor and had no intention of marrying or raising a family. A few years prior, he adopted a son and daughter to nurture as his heirs. Marrying a sickly Elena was just a means to alleviate his burdens, and agreeing to appear on a reality show was merely pragmatic.
Before the filming starts, Sirius and the children hope to show the world their true feelings toward Elena and clarify his authority within Blackwood Manor, ensuring she wouldn't leverage their marriage for gain in the future.
However, when filming begins, what was expected—a facade of marital bliss with affectionate parenting from Elena—never comes to fruition.
Instead, Elena chooses to disengage completely, ignoring everyone around her.
When Sirius suggests a shopping trip, she merely glances at the bright sunlight, then feigns illness, stating, “The fortune teller warned me I shouldn’t go out today.”
When her stepchildren whine about being hungry, Elena calmly points to Sirius, “Ask your real dad. My job isn’t to cook for you.”
The audience watches, mouths agape: Did she marry into wealth just to cut ties after the show? Was she hiding some secret power? How did she even marry into a family like this?
As time passes, the children begin to pamper Elena with massages while innocently chastising their father: “Dad, stop making step-dad work out at night! It makes him tired. He can exercise during the day, too!”
Sirius, unfazed, nods, “Alright, next time we’ll work out during the day.”
Elena can barely listen, her cheeks burning with embarrassment.
The audience sighs—innocent kids show up too. They want to see those two workout sessions streamed live. Little faces looking hopelessly confused.jpg
Once filming wraps, almost everyone believes that Elena and Sirius have developed a genuine romantic bond, even Sirius himself is convinced.
This belief shatters when Elena suddenly produces a divorce agreement out of nowhere.
Sirius grits his teeth, “All that time in bed—you were forced.”
Elena, taken aback, responds, “Not really. But how does that relate to our divorce?”
Sirius: “…”
#What do you do when your wife wants to sleep over and then leave?#
Elena has been sickly her entire life; merely walking requires effort, and a gentle breeze could break this fragile beauty. In a peaceful world, she needs diligent care; in a post-apocalyptic one, her future looks grim.
—On the third day of the apocalypse, Elena dies alone in her home, surrounded by dust and the stench of decay, her demise due to suffocation.
As she faces death, she doesn't think much, only nostalgia for fresh air.
Her consciousness fades, but suddenly, at a particular moment, it sharpens—perhaps a near-death fantasy. She thinks she genuinely inhales refreshing air, the stale scent dispersing in an instant.
Just as she revels in the oblivion, Elena suddenly jolts back to reality.
…No, wait.
This isn't right.
Elena opens her eyes, stunned.
Moments ago, she was in her own home, confined in a dust-choked space cut off from power, the night engulping her in darkness.
But now? Now she sits in a brightly lit, opulent living room, the despair and suffocation of moments prior feeling like a distant memory.
The surroundings are unfamiliar, and so are the two small children standing before her—their backpacks laden, their expressions impatient.
“Come on, drink up! We need to get to school! You don’t want to be late, do you?”
“Are you stalling on purpose? If you didn’t want to take us today, you shouldn’t have promised yesterday!”
Elena looks down at the table, where a bowl of flavorless herbal medicine sits. The kids’ eyes shift urgently between the bowl and her, pressing her to drink up.
She feels lost in this bizarre situation.
Gathering her thoughts, she prepares to speak, but suddenly becomes bombarded with flooding images—like memories, or perhaps prophecies.
Overwhelmed by this influx of information, Elena squeezes her eyes shut, hoping to ease the headache. Minutes later, she finally grasps the unbelievable truth before her—
She’s been transported into a book.
She has become the named villainess within its pages, a character who kidnapped her way into marrying the elite Sirius Blackwood, now the head of the illustrious Blackwood Manor.

Chapter 2

Sirius Blackwood was the central antagonist of this tale, a man whose demeanor was as cold and calculating as a finely-tuned machine. In both his personal life and his corporate dealings, he navigated through emotions with a logic that often bordered on heartlessness.
Sirius had never intended to marry or have children. However, six months ago he adopted two kids from The Haven Charitable Society to ensure the continuity of the Blackwood legacy—now standing before Elena Weaver, these were the very children who were urging him to take his medicine while toting their little backpacks.
In the narrative, Elena Weaver struggled to connect with her new stepchildren. Her earlier attempts at winning them over had flopped. Just days into her marriage to the Blackwood family, a burst of anger led her to secretly mistreat them—mainly because Sirius was seldom home and had no strong bond with his adopted kids.
Eventually, trapped in this superficial marriage and fueled by her boredom and loneliness, Elena began to stray outside her vows.
When she was caught in the act, the abuse she inflicted on her stepchildren came to light. After enduring a messy divorce, Elena, cast out from her opulent life, found herself struggling to survive, succumbing to alcoholism and dying alone in the biting cold of winter.
Realizing this tragic end, the new vessel that was Elena Weaver sighed deeply.
——Even in a new world, she couldn’t shake off this sickly, worn body.
With a clearer understanding of her situation, she opened her eyes to the two children, who were still watching her with a mix of confusion and frustration.
Despite their initial bravado, the children's defiance crumbled under her steady gaze, an unsettling awareness creeping in that pushed them to silent contemplation.
After a brief, tense silence, the tension shifted again—why should they be afraid of Elena Weaver? Who did she think she was?
“What... why are you staring? Hurry up and take your medicine. It's embarrassing to have little kids nag you like this,” the older boy, Cecilia Blackwood, snapped, a sharpness to his voice.
His sister, Adele Blackwood, chimed in, “Are you afraid it’ll taste bad? Pathetic.”
Elena Weaver merely blinked in response.
Those two little troublemakers.
She took stock of the time—they were just hours into her new life as Mrs. Blackwood, her second day in the household.
Just yesterday, she had moved into Blackwood Manor. While the original Elena was self-satisfied, she hadn’t yet grasped the dynamics at play. Eager to make a good impression, she had declared her intentions to take the kids to Little Scholars Academy that very morning.
The house staff, largely indifferent toward her, had barely a handful of supporters. Even Sirius, her legal spouse, hadn't been present for the wedding paperwork; the children, Cecilia and Adele, held nothing but disdain for their newly minted stepmother.
Subsequently, the siblings had secretly dumped half a jar of salt into her medicine bowl, now watching the impending spectacle with gleeful anticipation, pushing her to take it.
In the original story, the previous Elena found the tone of the siblings irksome but mistook their antagonism for a form of acceptance, and with the thought that they might actually want her to drive them, she took a big swig of the concoction, only to retch it back out violently. This moment marked the end of any pretense of good faith between her and the stepchildren.
Now, just moments into her new life, Elena cast another glance at the duo, then at the bowl before her. “You know, adding things to someone’s medicine can be really dangerous,” she said quietly.
The pair froze.
“What… what did you add?” Adele asked, swallowing hard.
Though they hailed from The Haven, they were still just kids, and the guilt quickly seeped through their bravado. Their pretty little faces were painted with a nervousness that belied their earlier confidence.
Cecilia, too, faltered, his eyes darting, his voice shaky, “We don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Elena’s demeanor was relaxed, but she had no interest in dragging the confrontation out, so she turned to the housekeeper standing by in the living room. “Please take them to The Stables and have the driver drop them off at school.”
Most of the staff at Blackwood Manor were not fond of Elena, yet those who worked there understood that personal feelings didn’t impact their duty to comply with their new mistress.
The housekeeper nodded, her tone cordial. “Of course, ma’am.”
Elena raised an eyebrow at the address—a bit startling.
“What…?” both Cecilia and Adele widened their eyes, “You’re not taking us?”
“Do you want me to take you?” Elena replied casually.
Cecilia scrunched his face, “Who wants you to take us? We don’t want to see you!”
Adele added equally displeased, “I don’t like you either! But… telling lies makes your nose grow long! You’re the one who said you’d take us, now you’re backtracking…”
“Admit it,” Cecilia piped up, “You really are a bad person.”
Elena held his gaze, giving an unfazed nod. “Yep, see you later.”
The siblings blinked, momentarily lost for words.
The house staff exchanged glances, taken aback. Had their new mistress dropped all pretenses so soon? Just two days into moving in, she wasn't attempting to adhere to any formalities?
Even if the siblings had tampered with her medicine, shouldn't she, as the new lady of the house, have at least put on a brave face? Or maybe a show of grievance? But no, she seemed to embrace this vicious persona.
Clearly, she had no plans to treat her stepchildren well.
Flustered and confused, the siblings walked alongside the housekeeper, glancing back over their shoulders.
“I get it now,” as they settled into the vehicle, Adele clutched her little bag defiantly, her voice firm, “She must want us to go tell on her, right? So then she can complain about us. She’s not sending us off like she said when we added salt to her medicine…”
Cecilia pondered for a moment, shaking his head, “But even if we don’t tell, wouldn’t Grandpa and Dad find out? She didn’t take us to school…”
The duo felt a blend of annoyance and dread toward their stepmother.
“Why did Dad even marry her? It’s clear he doesn’t even like her.”

Chapter 3

“I don’t know. My grandparents don’t like Elena Weaver either, but they still let her move in with us…”
“Dad didn’t come home yesterday. Who knows when he’ll be back…”
“I haven’t seen Dad in so long… He never liked coming home before, and now that there’s this annoying intruder, he probably likes it even less.”
“Who knows… Sigh.”
As the car drove the siblings away from Blackwood Manor, Elena stepped out of the house and settled into the garden.
The sun was warm, a gentle breeze stirred the air, and the faint scent of flowers filled her lungs... Elena felt at ease.
In her original world, the apocalypse had hit with no warning, turning the familiar air into a rare treasure within hours, cutting off water, electricity, and all means of communication.
For her health, Elena was living in a remote area that official rescue efforts couldn’t reach quickly. Nearby private hospitals had ceased operations, and with her poor health, she couldn't even drive herself to a rescue point.
Now, although her situation was bizarre, at least she didn’t have trouble breathing.
As for the unexpected addition of a "husband," the entire Blackwood family basically disliked him, and the stepchildren had taken to throwing salt into his metaphorical wounds. The grim fate of the original plot didn’t concern her at this stage.
Elena gazed at a cluster of flowers swaying in the breeze, pondering the feasibility of a divorce.
Divorce itself shouldn’t be too difficult; once they knew he wanted out, the Blackwoods would probably celebrate his "capriciousness."
The tricky part was that he had nothing—his wallet empty as his health. If she left Blackwood, finding a suitable new place would be challenging… Although their marriage was barely a day old, it felt empty. But if she wanted any sort of alimony, the family might consider it.
She continued thinking when she abruptly heard footsteps approaching. Turning, she saw Martha, the family’s old maid, coming toward her.
Martha was one of the few in this house who still showed Elena any kindness.
“Elena, I just heard someone say that the children put something in your medicine. You didn’t take it?” Martha asked with concern.
Elena shook her head lightly. “It’s alright. It wasn’t essential.”
The medicine wasn’t a real treatment; it was just a tonic Elena had found online. The ingredients were expensive, and she had instructed someone to brew it early this morning in an attempt to maintain appearances after just moving into Blackwood.
Seeing Elena’s good humor, especially in light of the medicine, surprised Martha.
She thought for a moment and gently reassured her, “The children are actually good kids. They were adopted, and since their father isn’t home often, their personalities can be a bit sensitive. But if you treat them well, they'll notice, and things will get better in time.”
Elena politely thanked her, though she couldn’t help but think that the children may have sensitive thoughts but they sure didn’t hold back when it came to action.
After Martha left the garden, Elena basked in the soothing sun and air, riffling through her thoughts about how and when to approach the divorce.
If only she had some money on hand, she could at least ensure herself a decent living for a while and wouldn’t be stuck in this dilemma. But unfortunately, Elena was just a bottom-tier star—ambitious yet struggling and broke…
Lost in thought, a sudden realization hit her. She hurriedly grabbed her phone, her face shifting in alarm. But it was too late.
Though she had been in this world for less than ten minutes, just five minutes ago, several media outlets had simultaneously leaked a swarm of news topics—
#Fading Star Elena Marries into a Top-Tier Family#
#Sirius Blackwood Goes Straight from Single to Hitched#
#A Beautiful Union between a Tycoon and a Bottom-tier Star#
#Shock: Blackwood’s Patriarch Betrayed His Bachelorhood for Her.
Even though “Elena Weaver” wasn’t a well-known name, in the whirlpool of online fame, the names Blackwood and Sirius were already sensational enough, not to mention there were puppet masters pushing the narrative. In just a few minutes, this information had spread like wildfire.
And these topics were just the beginning. As netizens began debating the legitimacy of the claims, a photo of Elena and Sirius’s marriage certificate leaked, along with screenshots of a chat between Elena and her manager that included congratulatory posts celebrating her “new life phase.”
Before long, someone dug into the chat history and uncovered a major revelation—Elena had told her manager, Edgar Thornton, that Sirius had adopted two children, making her their stepmother upon entering Blackwood.
The gossip escalated quickly, giving rise to another topic: #Elena Set to Lead the Rich Family’s Stepchildren in a New Reality Show#...
Elena scrolled through social media for just a minute and her mind circled back to one thought—her manager Edgar Thornton might not be reliable as a manager, but he was a marketing genius, though perhaps he wasn’t in the industry for the right reasons.
With a heavy sigh, Elena dialed Edgar’s number.
But the line was busy.
Frustrated, she sent a WeChat message instead: “Stop it. If this keeps up, the Blackwoods are going to kick me out.”
Worrying Edgar wouldn’t take her seriously and would only fan the flames, she exaggerated her concern.
Edgar hadn’t replied yet, so Elena took a moment to mentally review the original plot.
As a bottom-tier star with dreams of grandeur, the original owner had little more than her looks, an unappealing personality, no acting skills, and a total lack of musical talent. Her only stroke of luck was being discovered by her manager. With no wealthy background or influential supporters, she had spent two years in the entertainment industry without making a name for herself.
She’d tried to marry into the Blackwood family hoping for fame and resources, but by the time she had concocted any plans with Edgar, they hadn’t even obtained the marriage certificate yet. They had discussed countless marketing strategies, determined to use their marriage to gain notoriety and opportunities.

Chapter 4

Elena Weaver had just received her marriage certificate yesterday and moved into Blackwood Manor. Early this morning, Edgar Thornton had already set the wheels in motion, delivering a shocking jolt to those still waking up in their beds.
If this continued according to the original plot, there was no way Elena would benefit at all. Forget about getting any job offers; her path in the entertainment industry would be completely blocked.
After a moment of contemplation, Elena couldn’t quite grasp the original protagonist's reasoning. Rather than wait to reclaim resources from Blackwood Manor after a marriage that could turn bitter, why not ask for what she needed from the start?
Perhaps the original protagonist was too hopeful, viewing marriage as the ultimate solution without considering the harsh realities of the situation.
In any case, this was all unreliable.
Glancing at her phone again, she noticed Edgar Thornton still hadn’t replied to her messages. A second phone call ended in the same disappointment—it remained busy.
Something felt off, and Elena couldn’t shake the anxious feeling creeping in. Recalling the plot, aside from the frantic marketing and rumors circulating for resources, she couldn’t think of any additional “gains.”
In the original storyline, the marketing buzz over this marriage had indeed catapulted Elena into the public eye, yet it didn’t yield any tangible job offers. Once Blackwood Manor caught wind of this, she was forced out of the entertainment world, destined to simply be another face at Blackwood Manor.
According to the original protagonist’s logic, if it weren’t for Blackwood Manor forbidding her from working in the industry, leaving her without purpose in that household, she might not have found herself driven to secretly mistreat her stepchildren out of sheer boredom.
Rumors online continued to swirl, relentless and intensifying while Edgar Thornton remained silent. When Elena called for the third time, the line wasn’t busy, but no one answered.
Finally, an hour later, Edgar called her back.
"Elena, I've got great news!" he chimed eagerly.
Elena Weaver braced herself.
Edgar continued, filled with excitement, "Our company’s popular children’s show, The Family Chronicles, is interested in you! I happened to be at the office right when the news broke, and the production team reached out to confirm it. They said if you can bring those two kids from Blackwood Manor on board, they’d sign you right away. I just signed the contract for us!"
Elena furrowed her brow.
This wasn’t how the story went—the original book didn’t feature any such contract for a children’s show. Even if her involvement in the plot had set off a chain reaction, this rapid twist was shocking.
Not sensing her hesitation, Edgar continued, bubbling over with enthusiasm. "I was so busy earlier—first taking calls and then signing the deal—that I didn’t even notice your missed calls until just now! Did you message me too? I haven’t read those yet."
"Elena, you’re too antsy. Just leave it to me. You don’t need to keep pestering me," Edgar chuckled. "Are you still there? Did you suddenly go mute?"
Feeling drained, Elena asked the most pressing matter. “What’s the penalty for breach of contract?”
According to the terms of their management agreement, while Edgar was her agent, he had signed this contract without her consent. Legally, Elena could back out. But, this situation involved more than just the contract.
Previously, while discussing strategies, they had verbally agreed—if any opportunities arose due to the exposure of her marriage, Edgar could sign on her behalf as long as they weren’t too far-fetched.
After all, missing out was a real concern. Securing a contract with penalties established could provide her with an excuse if Blackwood Manor objected.
The Family Chronicles was a resource they had chased during their marketing push, and now, if it had truly come through, Edgar was only fulfilling their previous agreement by signing the deal.
—This unwritten promise could grant Elena leverage. She could easily dismiss everything and leave it all on Edgar’s shoulders if she chose to reject the show. The breach fee wouldn’t fall on her.
But despite their casual agreement, Elena found it hard to stand firm and back away entirely. Even if Edgar Thornton was unreliable, he had shown commitment ever since taking on the role of her agent. The marketing efforts had cost him—he had invested significantly and executed much of the strategy in his own right.
At the very least, Edgar had genuinely cared about Elena’s career, albeit in his skewed way.
“What?” Edgar replied, stunned.
He hadn’t expected her reaction would be to ask about penalties instead of celebrating.
“Hang on, Elena, what do you mean?” he stammered.
With an odd calmness, she explained, “Edgar, I can’t go.”
“Elena... this is a rare opportunity! What’s going on? Isn’t this the chance we’ve been waiting for? Why else would we have worked so hard to secure it?”
Edgar’s initial excitement was beginning to dissipate as confusion seeped in.
“Is there an issue with Blackwood Manor? Are you worried they won’t let you bring the kids on screen? But this news is fresh! You just found out! Don’t write it off so soon; you haven’t even tried! The penalty for breach is substantial. You should at least consider it more thoroughly.”
After thinking for a moment, he added, “If the people at Blackwood Manor are okay with you marrying Sirius Blackwood, they’ll definitely allow you to take the kids on the show. Just say this is a one-time deal, and you won’t use the Blackwood name for future work... This will create a precedent, even if you don’t mention it again; others will know.”

Chapter 5

Elena Weaver had never been particularly fit; she often felt sluggish, and her easygoing nature reflected that leisurely pace of life.
At that moment, Edgar Thornton was a bundle of nerves, speaking rapidly and with urgency. Elena didn’t rush to interject until he finally paused, at which point she said, “Edgar, I’m not exactly welcome at Blackwood Manor. My relationship with those kids isn’t great, either. The marriage has drained all affection; Blackwood Manor won’t budge an inch now or trust me enough to let me take the kids on a reality show.”
Unlike the original character, Elena Weaver was far from optimistic about their situation.
Edgar stammered, “But…”
Elena’s calm tone was unsettling enough to leave Edgar momentarily speechless, making him hesitate to suggest she push for another chance.
“However…” Edgar continued, frustration evident in his voice, “the penalty for breach of contract is just too steep. I should have consulted you first before getting swept up in my excitement. You’ve called me multiple times, and I didn’t pick up! I had negotiated hard for a raise in your fee—was aiming for a good deal, but thankfully, the penalty is spiraling out of control…”
He groaned, clearly distressed, while Elena remained untroubled. “It’s alright; just tell me, how much are we looking at?”
Edgar wiped his face, tired. “Eighteen million.”
Elena’s expression shifted slightly.
Edgar quickly elaborated, “The Family Chronicles is shooting for an entire month—thirty days. Though you’re not a huge star, you offer quite the spectacle. Originally, the crew offered you two hundred thousand a day, but I managed to push it up to three hundred thousand. So, if you went on this kids' show, you’d pocket nine million before taxes. On top of that, they usually throw in some stipends for clothes and meals.”
“Of course,” he added, “if you don’t participate, forget about the stipends, and the breach fee is calculated based on your pay—doubled.”
The enormity of that sum twisted Elena’s poise for a moment.
She gazed up at the sky, thinking that perhaps death would be easier than facing such a debt. Even in her past life, when she had some money, she wouldn’t have been able to come up with that kind of cash. How would she make ends meet after that?
Eighteen million—even if it were in some less valuable currency—was still well beyond her reach.
Elena sighed. “I guess I’ll have to shamelessly approach someone at Blackwood Manor and give it another shot. If there’s any chance of further resources, let’s not sign anything yet.”
Edgar’s response was a soft murmur. “Got it…”
Setting her phone down, Elena contemplated her next moves.
If she could secure nine million, perhaps each of the kids, Cecilia and Adele Blackwood, could take three million to convince them to join the show.
Raising children at Blackwood Manor was a tricky business; they were strict yet permissive. If the kids wanted to be on the show, convincing the rest of the manor would be much simpler.
But then again, how could four- and five-year-olds fully grasp a sum of millions? They lacked everything but the most critical assumptions—besides, “bribing” them would only heighten their distaste for Elena.
Indeed, raising children was no easy task.
Elena pondered this without a hint of introspection.
Cecilia and Adele were at school, leaving Elena with little to do. After mulling over the situation, she began to feel fatigued. Sitting outside had become uncomfortable, so she decided to head indoors.
As she turned, Elena caught her breath.
The garden of Blackwood Manor had several entrances, and one of them featured an elegant moon gate. Someone stood there, a striking figure in a black dress shirt and pants. He looked at her for an indeterminate amount of time, unnoticed, before he finally spoke.
Unfortunately, that person was Sirius Blackwood, the man who was ostensibly her “husband.”
When she noticed him, Sirius’s expression remained as unyielding as ever.
He spoke slowly, “You’re not taking Cecilia and Adele on the show. Don’t even think about it.”
With that, Sirius turned and walked away, his slender frame moving with such elegance that even the chain of his glasses swayed rhythmically, giving him an air of sophistication that concealed his indifference.
And just like that, Sirius disappeared, neither addressing how he happened to be in the garden nor mentioning the ominous rumors spreading online.
Elena was speechless.
She hadn’t even begun to attempt persuasion when she was met with an outright rejection. An impulsive thought crossed her mind: maybe robbing a bank would be more effective. Alas, her health wouldn’t even allow her to carry the money bags.
Once she was back inside, Elena climbed the stairs, retracing her steps to her room.
Some time later, Martha the Innkeeper knocked on her door, bringing fruit with her. This was when Elena learned about Sirius’s recent trip.
“Mr. Blackwood was abroad for a business trip, just got back. He didn’t rest much and is going to take the afternoon off before he heads back to the office… Too bad, though—the children are at school, so they missed him.”
Martha placed the fruit bowl on the table, hesitating for a moment before speaking up. “Elena… just now, Mr. Blackwood returned, and his assistant was with him. They were discussing your online activities… Were you in the garden when he came home? Did you run into each other, and was there any conflict?”
The estate was vast, dotted with several standalone villas. Without including the help, only a handful of residents remained—Sirius, their parents, and the two kids. Even counting the “new wife” Elena, they barely filled the six houses available.
Among those villas, two were situated close together—where Elena and the kids lived and where Sirius resided—all separated by a sizable garden that hosted a moon gate.
Apparently, Sirius must have seen her sitting there while passing through.

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