Bound by Secrets and Desire

Chapter 1

"This is our project presentation, you can take a look," Sir Aidan Hawthorne said politely as he handed over a thick stack of documents.
The man sitting across from him had a slight bulge around his midsection and was bald, but he wore a well-tailored suit with a jade ring adorning his finger. Sir Aidan suppressed the urge to suggest a dental cleaning and patiently explained the details of their proposal.
After a lengthy discussion, the man took the materials back to his company and replied, "I'll consider this carefully and get back to you soon."
"Sounds good, take your time." Sir Aidan quickly stood up to see him off.
As he watched the client's vehicle drive down the street, Sir Aidan began to pack up his things so he could catch a cab back to The Grand Oak Inn. After a busy morning, his smile felt forced, and as he stepped out of The Silver Spoon Tavern, he pulled out his phone—surprised to see it was already past eleven.
Just as he was about to check the live score of the thrilling game against the Spurs, a series of texts from his father dominated the screen.
"Lady Seraphina might be in some trouble," his father texted sternly.
The first few messages were controlled, as Lord Frederick Hawthorne tried to explain how Lady Seraphina had been out and about, mingling with other Alphas during his business trip. But then the tone shifted; he sent multiple voice messages expressing his anger, accusing her of being irresponsible and lacking any sense of family duty.
In defense, Aidan's mother, who was presumably listening nearby, chimed in with her own message, softening the blow. "It’s probably nothing too serious; they were just messing around," she tried to downplay her daughter-in-law’s behavior.
Aidan couldn’t help but chuckle at the exchange, even as taxis whizzed by him, ignoring them for the moment. This was the kind of chaos he welcomed—the whirlwind of Lady Seraphina getting herself into trouble meant another notch in the belt for his impending divorce. He felt empowered; the control was once again his.
Once back at the hotel, Aidan indulged in a soothing shower before wrapping himself in a towel and flopping onto the bed, ready to drift off. Even with no contract signed yet, he felt lighter; fewer burdens meant more peace. He double-checked his phone to ensure he had wrapped up all tasks, noticing his parents had replied with an acknowledgment. With a contented sigh, he finally closed his eyes.
He dozed off until around three in the afternoon when a knock at the door jolted him awake.
“Sorry! The front desk didn’t inform me there was a guest in here, and you didn’t put up a Do Not Disturb sign. I really apologize,” said Martha the Cleaner, her voice hesitant. She’d clearly startled him awake, and he could see her discomfort.
Sir Aidan frowned; not just from being woken, but from the sudden graze of the door being thrown open.
“You don’t need to clean, thanks for the effort, though,” he replied after a pause, his hair tousled and eyes squinting in annoyance.
Taking her cue, Martha quickly gathered her supplies and left, practically scurrying away. Aidan started to reflect—was he really that intimidating? Maybe, just maybe, he had inherited some of his father’s brusque demeanor.
Just then, his phone buzzed, revealing a video call from his father.
“Did Lady Seraphina contact you?” Lord Frederick hawked immediately as the call connected.
Caught off guard, Aidan had no idea what was going on with his wife but quickly recalled her recent indiscretions during his absence.
“No, there’s no rush,” he responded confidently, certain of his advantage. He needed only to mention the divorce for her to comply.
“Your face is practically green, and you’re saying there’s no rush?” his father retorted, not mincing words.

Chapter 2

Sir Aidan Hawthorne’s father was completely unaware of the impending divorce; he thought his son was too tied up with work to notice anything amiss. It was hard for Aidan to reconcile his father's confusion with the calm demeanor of his wife, Lady Seraphina Rivers, who seemed unfazed by everything going on.
“Dad, just hang tight. You'll know soon enough,” Aidan reassured him, though his father abruptly hung up the phone.
Now, he was not just irritated by the call but boiling with frustration.
Waking up from his nap was unpleasant enough, but the sticky feeling clinging to his skin made matters worse. Who would have thought a midday rest could leave him drenched in sweat? The air conditioning in this hotel was subpar at best. He muttered under his breath, stepping half into the bathtub. Hot water flowed steadily from the faucet, enveloping him like a thousand soft, unyielding hands.
As the steam filled the air, Aidan's mind began to clear—his annual cycle as an Alpha was fast approaching. The realization hit him like a wave, and he suddenly felt acutely aware of the overpowering scent of cedar surrounding him. The heat from the water wrapped around him; it didn't just warm him but seemed to extract every ounce of moisture from his body.
His throat felt parched as he grabbed the glass door’s handle to steady himself. The floor was slippery, and the water was like a mischievous child trying to make him fall.
His face flushed red as he realized he had a physical reaction to his situation. Fumbling through his suitcase, he pulled out a suppressor—a little vial that could help him regain control—his mind still drifting to thoughts of strawberry milk.
After injecting the medication, he finally managed to collect himself.
“Ah, modern science is truly remarkable,” he remarked, shaking his head.
Not long after he finished his call with his father, Aidan received a FaceTime call from Lady Seraphina. He straightened his tie and slipped on his suit jacket, aiming for an appearance of confidence and authority. It was also a clever way to conceal the signs of his earlier turmoil.
The camera wobbled for several seconds before revealing Lady Seraphina, who finally sat in front of the screen. The background indicated she was in her own room, filled with items he hadn’t seen before.
She looked vulnerable, her soft hair falling limply around her shoulders, her eyes slightly downcast.
“Babe, I messed up,” she confessed.
The sincerity in her voice almost melted Aidan’s heart.
As much as she wanted to resist admitting her mistake, the threat of being lambasted by both their parents left her little choice but to call him “Babe.”
“What happened now?” Aidan adjusted the collar of his shirt, feigning ignorance.
“Well, I ran into my parents while out with some friends yesterday.” As she spoke, her eyes dropped, avoiding his gaze, and she began to nervously scratch the palm of her other hand, resembling a school kid caught in mischief.
“Just some outing and you think you caused a crisis?" Aidan chuckled, bemused. She was always so carefree but now appeared so pitiful.
“One of my friends brought along this Alpha who just wouldn’t leave me alone. I swear, I’m not into that kind of thing. I wouldn’t cheat on you, not before our divorce anyway—rest assured, you have nothing to worry about. There’s not even a hint of anything shady,” Seraphina said, growing animated as she described her predicament.
“Oh, is that so?” Aidan raised an eyebrow, his gaze drifting to her neck, intrigued. “What’s your plan now?”
“Can you help me explain to my dad? I don’t even know how to make him believe me. I worry he’ll just blow up again, and we both know that’s not good for anyone,” she pleaded, anxiety etching her features.

Chapter 3

Sir Aidan Hawthorne recalled a story Lady Seraphina Rivers' mother had told him during their first meeting. She explained that since childhood, Seraphina had been remarkably fearless—except when it came to being scolded. The girl who could face the dark and brush aside monsters dreaded nothing more than the sharp words of reproach. At the time, Sir Aidan didn't think much of it, assuming it was just her mother's way of creating a charming image. He never imagined it would turn out to be true.
"So, you’re keen on getting a divorce, right? This is your chance,” he couldn't help but tease her, relishing the way he now held power over her.
"That was in the past... it’s all behind us now," Lady Seraphina replied, blinking innocently and putting on a forlorn expression as she feigned her reluctance. Her bright eyes darted around, and suddenly inspiration struck her. She added sincerely, “Besides, your skills in bed are so good, why would I want to leave you?”
Whoa. What a brilliant Omega! Sir Aidan’s throat tightened, heat rushing through him, as he nearly lost his composure.
With just a glance at Sir Aidan's expression, Lady Seraphina sensed the game was still on. She seized the moment and pouted, “So, can you explain it to them for me... please?”
“Sure,” he agreed without much thought, the words escaping his mouth easily.
Lady Seraphina's face lit up as she sniffed, tears glistening in her eyes, almost ready to spill over in gratitude for Sir Aidan’s approval.
It seemed that a little intimacy between a couple did have its benefits, she thought optimistically.
As Lady Seraphina cheered up, Sir Aidan quickly added, “But it comes with conditions.”
“Fine…” Her enthusiasm dipped again, her head falling in a pout as she sat at the table.
He was honestly going a bit mad. Sir Aidan found himself appreciating this honest and adorably spirited version of Lady Seraphina more than what he had seen at home. Over the past year, she’d seemed almost emotionless, her temperament barely shifting unless they were in bed.
In bed, however, Lady Seraphina was a vibrant whirlwind, her only flaw being that once they were out of the sheets, she could be rather unyielding and distant.
After a minute or two of sulking, Lady Seraphina finally looked up. “Okay, what are the conditions?”
“First,” he held up a finger, “you’ll cook for me every day. From now on, I want lunch when I return home.”
“What’s the time frame?”
“A month, and we can evaluate things after that.” He smirked, feeling rather pleased with himself. If he had a tail, it would be wagging right now.
“Second, all the household chores are yours, including disinfecting the floors with alcohol every day.”
“No way,” Lady Seraphina frowned, immediately refusing. “I can’t stand the smell of alcohol, and that bottle we use at home is way too strong.”
As she spoke, she scrunched her nose in complaint, resembling a sad little puppy. Seeing Sir Aidan frown as well, she decided to milk the pity a bit longer, her eyes shimmering with faux resolve, “I really can’t handle it.”
Gazing at her lovely, sympathetic face, Sir Aidan found himself agreeing despite his better judgment. “Fine.”
“Great, keep going.” Lady Seraphina seized the moment, quickly wiping her eyes dry and adopting a cheerful demeanor, flipping her mood faster than a seasoned actor.
Hmph! He’d let his guard down for a moment. It was apparent that Lady Seraphina needed a bit more discipline. Sir Aidan’s mind raced to think of a third condition that would effectively keep her in line.
“Third,” he loosened his tie, unbuttoning the top button of his shirt. He sank into the couch, adopting a comfortable posture, “I want you at my beck and call.”
There was a long silence on the line, lasting at least two minutes. Lady Seraphina bowed her head, chewing her palm anxiously until her skin turned red.
This last condition felt downright unfair, but only Sir Aidan would think to treat his wife like a servant. She cursed him in her heart a thousand times. Finally, she sighed and gave in. “Okay.”
What else could she do? They weren’t officially divorced yet. As long as they were married, Sir Aidan’s father was still considered Lady Seraphina’s father too. She just knew that old man would find a way to lecture her no matter what. It was ridiculous how much he seemed to care about her lack of children after a year of marriage when he hadn’t been half as concerned before.
“I’ll book your flight for tonight. Get ready to join me.” Before Lady Seraphina could protest, Sir Aidan added, “You haven't forgotten when your Alpha goes into heat, have you?”
With tears brimming, Lady Seraphina crouched down to pack her bags.
I can’t even remember when my heat is, let alone his! How unfair!
Caught between obedience and scolding, Lady Seraphina tearfully chose to submit.
How wronged she felt! In her heart, she vowed to settle the score later.

Chapter 4

Lady Seraphina pulled her suitcase along the stone pathway of The Fair Meadows, the uneven pebbles making it rattle. Her mother, on the other end of the call, was scolding her about the rocky neighborhood before asking why she was out so late.
“Sir Aidan is going through his heat phase, and he’s away on a business trip. I’m just going to check on him.” She repositioned her suitcase, trying to keep the wheels from skidding over the stones.
She couldn’t afford to risk damaging her suppressants — they were too pricey.
“Just be careful, okay?” Lady Isabella paused, then added, “You need to watch out for yourself in every way.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Lady Seraphina sighed, used to being her mother’s perfect little angel, “I promise I’ll be careful, Mom.”
There was a brief pause on the other end, and she could hear her mom whispering as someone else started asking questions before returning to her, “Little Seraph, you know Candy Stick is already three years old, and your sister-in-law’s baby is due in just a couple of months…”
Lady Seraphina felt exasperated. Her mother had no idea that she and Sir Aidan had even gone to the registry office for a divorce. If she did, she wouldn’t be trying to coax her into starting her own family by mentioning her brother’s child and sister-in-law’s impending arrival. Older generations could be relentless, and without much experience, all she could do was pout, “Mom, that’s a long way off.”
“Alright, alright, I won’t rush you,” Lady Isabella relented, but then turned on her husband, “It’s all your father’s fault, always encouraging me while I’m talking to our daughter.”
Lady Seraphina chuckled softly as she listened to her parents launch into their usual playful bickering. When the call ended, she hopped into a cab heading for the airport.
Gareth the Cabby was quite chatty, filling the ride from The Fair Meadows to the terminal with all kinds of chatter.
After a few minutes, Lady Seraphina couldn’t hold back anymore, “Alright, I’m here, thanks a lot.”
“Ah, sorry, I’m just a bit too chatty,” he said, quickly exiting the car to help with her luggage. As he passed by her, his expression suddenly changed.
“You’re an Omega.”
The abrupt shift in tone caught Lady Seraphina off guard, plunging her into silence as she nodded slightly.
“It’s dangerous for an Omega to be out this late. There’ve been so many taxi accidents lately; you all need to learn how to protect yourselves.” Gareth’s serious tone made her swallow hard as he delivered his safety lecture, and she nodded repeatedly in response.
If it hadn't been for him, she might have just missed her flight.
She quickly texted Sir Aidan, “I’ll arrive in two hours. Can you pick me up?”
The reply came almost instantly, making Lady Seraphina raise an eyebrow in suspicion, wondering if he was truly occupied.
“Not coming.”
What? Is he serious? A mix of frustration and anger swelled up within her as the plane started taxiing down the runway; a beautiful flight attendant reminded everyone to turn off their phones, leaving her with no chance to respond, her thoughts swirling aimlessly in her mind.
The two-hour flight felt incredibly brief; she barely had time to rest before hearing the announcement for their arrival. With her hair a mess from the headrest, she stood groggily on the shuttle bus, calling Sir Aidan, “You’re really not coming to get me?”
“You…” Sir Aidan inhaled deeply, reminding himself that Lady Seraphina was still half asleep, so he adjusted his tone to be gentle, “Just call a cab; I’ll send you the location.”
“But it’s super late now! It’s going to be hard to get a cab.” Lady Seraphina’s voice held a hint of a pout, sounding more like she was begging for a favor.
What is she talking about? Airports are usually teeming with cabs. Sir Aidan almost laughed, thinking she really needed to work on her excuses.
“Just walk outside; they’ll be available right after you reach the arrival hall.” He could hear her dragging her suitcase and directed her from afar to the exit.
The suitcase wasn’t heavy; it mostly contained clothes, some high-dose suppressants, and a few snacks like cookies and chocolates. Lady Seraphina maneuvered it easily with one hand while the other held her phone close to her ear, remaining silent for several minutes.

Chapter 5

Usually, Sir Aidan Hawthorne would have hung up the phone long ago, but here he was, still waiting. Lady Seraphina Rivers, not hearing the click of the line disconnecting, felt a swell of satisfaction and playfully whined, “But I want to see you sooner!”
What was up with Lady Seraphina today? She was acting all cutesy and wifey. Sir Aidan’s resolve softened, and he rushed downstairs to hail a cab straight to the airport.
The driver was speeding, slamming down on the gas pedal and turning what should have been a nearly hour-long drive into just over thirty minutes. As soon as Sir Aidan swung the car door open, he spotted Lady Seraphina waiting at the curb. She had her head down, looking tired and was fiddling with her phone. Her suitcase served as makeshift seating.
Before he reached her, Sir Aidan called out, “Seraphina!”
“Hey,” she replied, moving slowly off her suitcase and dragging it toward him. He couldn't quite make out what she mumbled under her breath, but it was likely something like, "Where have you been?"
Not about to lose the banter, he shot back as he opened the taxi door for her, “Just picking you up is a feat. Don’t start with me.”
Lady Seraphina said nothing, leaning her head against the car window, and almost instantly fell asleep.
The driver was less reckless than the one on the way, so Sir Aidan watched Lady Seraphina for a few minutes, keeping an eye on the speed limit, anxious that any bump in the road might wake her.
He was feeling the fatigue himself.
It was a peculiar thought, but neither he nor Lady Seraphina realized it.
An hour later, they pulled up to The Grand Oak Inn. If Sir Aidan hadn’t woken her, Lady Seraphina might have started drooling. Today had truly drained her. It wasn’t just that she had left home at night; she had bounced around in turbulence on the plane for two hours, all to surprise her husband in this unfamiliar city.
The inn was quite nice, and even from the entrance, the luxurious aura was palpable. As they stepped inside, the receptionist politely asked if they’d like to switch to a king-sized bed.
“A king-sized bed? No thanks,” Lady Seraphina mumbled, still dazed. Wouldn’t that cost more? She hadn't budgeted much for this trip.
The receptionist smiled, saying, “It’s recommended for married couples staying together.”
Seems the front desk had an eye for these things, unlike Sir Cedric, her brother. Mentally rolling her eyes at Sir Cedric, she shook her head vigorously, “No, no. I need to cling to him while we sleep; otherwise, I won’t get any rest.”
“I had no idea you were such a talented liar,” Sir Aidan said, wrapping an arm around her shoulder as they stepped into the elevator together.
Going all out, Sir Aidan played along.
“I rarely get the chance to lie. With you around, I have no reason to,” Lady Seraphina replied, perplexed. Her assertiveness didn't require her to fake anything in bed, and beyond that, she had no need to deceive Sir Aidan.
Within moments, they reached the eighth floor, and Lady Seraphina followed Sir Aidan into his single room. His suit jacket was draped over the back of a small couch, while the single chair was cluttered with his belongings. Clothes and files were fine, but there were also scattered items like men’s cologne and a razor on the table, utterly uncharacteristic of Sir Aidan.
A strange thought raced through her mind, and before she could stop herself, she blurted, “Has someone else been here?”
“Excuse me?” Sir Aidan shot her a confused look, sensing her accusatory tone. It felt like she was investigating him.
“Did someone else stay over? Did you sleep with them?” Lady Seraphina's thoughts were always a bit scattered, especially since she had resolved to end their marriage—nothing left to hide now.
The audacity of her question shocked Sir Aidan, anger bubbling within him. He literally flew to the airport and paid for the plane ticket to get her here, and now she wanted to act like a detective?
He plopped into a chair, leaning forward with mock seriousness as he asked, “What about you? Have you been cozying up to another Alpha?”
“I explained it to you already! I haven’t!” Mentioning another Alpha brought back her original purpose for coming; she frowned a little. “I told my parents I was coming to check on you since you weren’t feeling well. They think we’re still happily married.”
“Why didn’t you tell my parents?” he shot back.
“Are you kidding? I wouldn’t dare.” Lady Seraphina dropped her gaze to the floor, suddenly feeling small. It was one thing to avoid the topic, but another when it was brought up. Quickly regaining her composure, she returned to her earlier question. “So, have you?”
“Are you seriously asking this right now?” Sir Aidan exploded, rising from his chair, barely restrained from throwing her out. “Go ahead, smell me and see for yourself!”
He flopped back onto the bed, loosening his shirt, which was haphazardly buttoned, exposing his toned upper body and making his slacks look tighter than before.
She wasn’t afraid of the challenge; with a bold move, Lady Seraphina settled onto his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck and leaning close to his neck. Initially, she was definitely determined to find any scent of another woman on him, but the sudden and unmistakable aroma of pine swept her off her feet.
Oh, right. Sir Aidan had just hit his mating cycle today and had taken suppressants—otherwise, he wouldn’t be here either.
When Sir Aidan flipped her onto the bed, Lady Seraphina playfully nudged him and teased, “So, I’m just a fleshlight, huh?”
“Don’t you think you’re treating me like a toy?” Sir Aidan chuckled, easily raising both her arms above her head with one hand as he leaned in to kiss her soft neck. Lady Seraphina was fragile; the slightest bruise left a reminder of his passion, and none of his kisses ever fully faded away. Little marks lingered, even after their encounters.
After this whirlwind surprise visit, Lady Seraphina realized she would feel just as sore afterward, much like coming back from a vigorous sports session.
If Sir Aidan knew the wild thoughts swirling in her mind as they came together, he might seriously question his skills in bed and wonder about their connection.
To think that, under the intense pheromonal pressure of his heat, Lady Seraphina could still find time for her erratic thoughts—she must truly be a force to be reckoned with.

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