Breaking the Alpha Omega Norm

Chapter 1

An Omega wife turns into an Alpha husband after marriage.
Elite Alpha Amelia Everhart (the dominant) x socially anxious gamer Alpha Julian Ashford (the submissive)
As he approaches his 30th birthday, Julian Ashford finds himself being pressured into marriage. Reluctantly, he meets his family’s choice through a data-matching system and ends up matched with the fiancé of a national idol.
Amelia Everhart, the Omega with seemingly flawless qualities—from her background to her achievements and her handling of situations—is simply perfect, even able to escape the relentless criticisms of Julian Ashford’s nitpicking parents.
Perhaps this matchmaking venture isn’t so bad after all.
But someone please tell him…
Why has his gentle and caring Omega wife turned into an Alpha?
Is it too late for him to regret this?
Julian Ashford stood outside The Café, taking a deep breath to steady his nerves. He straightened his buttoned-up suit, trying to shake off the discomfort, and finally pushed the door open.
“Good afternoon, sir! How many in your party? Do you have a reservation?” the barmaid greeted enthusiastically.
“I have a reservation for two, made yesterday on Star Web,” Julian replied, feeling slightly uncomfortable with her cheerfulness as he presented his terminal screen.
“Right this way, please.” After confirming his reservation through the store’s terminal, she led him to his table. “Here’s the drink menu. Would you like to order now?”
“Uh, just a glass of water for now. I’ll order when my guest arrives.”
“Of course,” she said, and with that, she left him alone.
In this advanced society where technology and AI thrived, physical menus were becoming rare. Most restaurants had shifted to digital ordering systems. The Grand Café, which Julian chose at his parents’ insistence, was one of those upscale spots—where even the least expensive afternoon tea set cost as much as half a month’s income from his side job as a game booster.
Sitting at the table, he surveyed his surroundings, feeling out of place in his formal attire, and sighed deeply.
At just past twenty-eight, he found himself facing the significant pressure of marriage. Julian never imagined he’d be subjected to such scrutiny, especially given that he had moved out early to escape his family’s overbearing opinions. Last year, his older brother had married the boss’s daughter and was now celebrated with the arrival of his first child this year. Meanwhile, Julian's parents basked in grandparenthood while he felt like the family’s oddball.
To his relatives, Julian was still considered a failure: no steady job, average Alpha qualities, unable to make friends or attract a suitable partner. His grandfather, in a rare moment of harsh honesty, suggested surgery to transition him into an Omega, hoping that an Alpha or Beta would actually take him.
Julian had always been on the fringes of the family dynamic, playing the outsider early on. His only redeeming trait—his gaming talent—allowed him to scrape by as a professional gamer, keeping his social anxiety at bay by limiting his outings and expenses. He thought he was doing alright.
Then came the visit from his parents just a week ago. They chastised him for not being married by thirty, lamenting about societal expectations, before they hastily submitted a marriage matching application on his behalf at The Archives. With their fervent pressure, Julian found himself cornered into an agreement: get married within a year. Even though he yearned to question, the years of being belittled in his upbringing stifled his voice.
The irony was not lost on him; he was meant to take the leap towards marriage, yet here he was, with no say or even access to choose his own venue for this blind date.
The Grand Café was located in the most bustling part of Town Square, taking ages to travel back and forth from his rented flat. He arrived absurdly early to ensure he made it on time, with nearly two hours to spare.
To avoid awkwardness, Julian spent time pacing the area outside. The socially anxious gamer felt like a sore thumb among the bustling crowd, and he had to psyche himself up before finally heading in to wait. Even then, he had fifty minutes until their scheduled meeting.
Fidgeting with the glass in front of him, he couldn’t help feeling anxious in his ill-fitting suit, stealing glances toward the counter whenever the barmaid walked by, instantly diverting his gaze every time their eyes met.
“Can I help you with something, sir?” The barmaid approached him as she noticed his wandering attention.
“Uh…no, thank you,” Julian stammered, anxiously glancing at the transparent glass walls that surrounded him, as if hoping to find his date among the sea of strangers. He had no idea what they looked like, but avoiding the potential awkward 30-minute silence drove him to lie and creatively mention that he was trying to reach out to them.
“Alright, if you need anything, just hit the button on the side,” she replied before moving on.
Once he was alone again, Julian released a long breath of relief and opened his terminal to check the time once more.
His fingers hesitated over the screen as he tried to communicate. After what seemed an eternity, he finally tapped out a message: ‘Hello, I’ve arrived. Are you on your way?’ But second thoughts flooded his mind. Was his tone too blunt? With a deleted message and a revamped version, he tried again.
As the little bell jingled, the Café door swung open, and amidst his rewording battle, Julian didn't notice the arrival of the guests, though he could hear the barmaid exchanging pleasantries.
Finally, steeling himself, he closed his eyes and pressed the send button. As he stared anxiously at the screen, the indicator reflected as ‘sending,’ his hands nervously rubbing against his pants.
‘You have a new message. Please check.’
The notification sounded in his ears, startling him. He looked up, and the barmaid, with someone in tow, stood at his table. The man at her side raised his wrist, showing off a terminal that chimed as well.
“Sorry I’m late!” he said with a bright smile, seemingly unfazed by Julian’s evident discomfort.

Chapter 2

It was a strikingly handsome man. Clad in a perfectly tailored white suit, with gold-rimmed glasses resting on his nose, Julian Ashford found himself captivated. Even though he wore a pheromone suppressor around his neck, he could still catch the faintest hint of citrus—a sweet and alluring scent typical of an Omega.
"Mind if I take a seat?" The man’s voice brought Julian back to reality, and he quickly signaled for him to go ahead, apologizing for his moment of distraction. The waitress set two menus on their table, smiling as she introduced the café’s afternoon tea specials. When she looked at the handsome man, a shy sparkle lit up her eyes.
"I'll have the usual B set, but swap my coffee for lemon tea—no ice, please." It was clear the man was a regular; he didn’t even glance at the menu before ordering.
Julian wouldn’t dare look at his date. Instead, he fixated on the prices listed, calculating how many months of his rent this meal might cost. After all, he was here for a blind date, and as an Alpha, he couldn't let an Omega pick up the tab.
"I'll go with the premium set, if you could please swap the drink for sparkling water," Julian decided on the most budget-friendly option, trying to appear composed as he handed the menu back to the waitress. Only then did he muster the courage to glance at his date.
No matter how many times he looked at him, he found the man dazzling. With a towering height that far exceeded the norm for an Omega and a refined, almost scholarly demeanor, he seemed more like an artist or an academic. Apart from knowing that his date’s name was Amelia Everhart, Julian knew nothing about him. This was also his first time on a date with an Omega, and he was at a loss for words.
"You must have waited long, Mr. Ashford. Work kept me a bit behind schedule," Amelia broke the silence in a polite manner, instantly making Julian feel at ease.
Julian shook his head hurriedly. Although he had arrived a few hours early out of worry about being late, Amelia had shown up just around their agreed time.
"No, no, not at all, Mr. Everhart. I arrived just about ten minutes ago."
"Really? That's good to hear. You look much younger than your actual age, Mr. Ashford."
"You're too kind, Mr. Everhart." Julian forced a chuckle; in reality, his youthful appearance often led his family to tease him about potentially being better off as an Omega.
"I was surprised when I received your invitation, honestly," Amelia said, pushing his glasses up as he explained, "Considering I'm a few years older than you and have been through a failed marriage…”
"Please, don’t say that. Even though this is our first meeting, it's clear to me that you’re quite impressive." Julian meant every word. Hearing about Amelia's previous marriage took him aback, but he couldn’t help but wonder what kind of Alpha would leave such a remarkable Omega.
"Thank you," Amelia smiled softly, causing Julian to blush deeply. Just then, the waitress arrived with their desserts and drinks. The shy Alpha cleared his throat and raised his glass to ease the tension.
"Everything is served. Just let me know if you need anything," the waitress said cheerfully.
The desserts at the upscale café were exquisite. Even though Julian had ordered the least expensive set, the quality was exceptional.
As Julian clinked glasses with Amelia, the lemon-flavored sparkling water mirrored the citrus scent that lingered around him. Bubbles burst on his tongue, filling his mouth with a sweetness far better than any canned drink he’d tasted.
"Um… hi," said a timid Elena, her voice barely escaping her lips under Amelia's attentive gaze. Her friend Catherine encouraged her, and finally taking a deep breath, she asked, "Are you Amelia Everhart, the professor? We love your interviews and science shows! We're planning to apply for the field of Applied Sciences next year, and, um… would it be alright if we got your autograph?"
The mention of his name jolted Julian back to reality, nearly causing him to choke on the water.
Now he realized why Amelia looked so familiar—he was indeed a well-known military science expert. In his favorite game, there was even a limited-edition mech design inspired by Amelia’s research.
Due to his striking looks and being an Omega, Amelia had made several appearances on various online interview programs, beloved by all—from the older generation to children. He truly was a national idol.
Julian felt a sinking feeling in his gut, convinced he might become an unwitting sensation himself.
"I'm sorry," Amelia turned back to Julian, offering an apology.
"No, no, it's perfectly fine." Julian waved his hand dismissively. Now that he knew who this person was, he was even more curious about how they ended up on a date together, but he didn’t have the nerve to ask.
Amelia noticed the curiosity in Julian's eyes and smiled. "Since this is a blind date, maybe we should get to know each other better. You probably know the basics about me from Star Web, but I submitted my match request hoping to find someone suitable for a family—do you feel the same way, Mr. Ashford?"
Not even close. Julian had gotten used to living alone. However, he couldn’t be brutally honest during a blind date with an Omega. He fumbled for the right words, forcing a nervous smile. "I think it's time for me to find a partner at my age."
"Indeed… it seems we’re meant to be matched." Amelia's gaze bore into Julian's, while Julian kept his eyes lowered out of shyness. A subtle smile tugged at Amelia's lips as he took the initiative. "I've enjoyed our time together so far, and I’m hoping our connection can deepen. What do you think, Mr. Ashford?"

Chapter 3

Julian Ashford's gaze landed on Amelia Everhart for a brief moment, his eyes betraying a clear sense of panic and disbelief before he quickly averted his gaze.
"Thank you. It's just that Mr. Everhart is such an exceptional Omega, deserving of a better partner. I—" Julian knew that Amelia was a fantastic choice, but he was also painfully aware of his own limitations. He could make ends meet as a professional gamer, but the daunting expenses of supporting an Omega and future children were far beyond his reach.
Amelia managed a self-deprecating smile. "…I was just being impatient. At my age, I'm probably not what most Alphas are looking for. I'm sorry for any trouble I've caused you, Mr. Ashford."
"No." Without hesitation, Julian quickly rebutted, "I just feel like this unaccomplished Alpha could never be a good husband or father. It has nothing to do with you, Mr. Everhart. You're remarkable, and I truly admire you... really."
He was genuinely astonished by how impressive Amelia turned out to be. The man exuded elegance, and every gesture seemed to reflect an upbringing steeped in good manners, backed by an enviable social standing. To deny he felt drawn to Amelia would be a lie, but he was equally aware that such a perfect Omega would never be a good match for an unemployed Alpha like him.
"Thank you. But the equality movement for our three genders has been around for nearly two hundred years now. I believe a happy family doesn't mean one side must bear all the responsibilities. What's important is whether the two can move forward together, don't you think?" Amelia's views didn't surprise Julian; after all, Omegas had long transcended their historical roles as mere homemakers. With advancements in science, such as scent suppression and gender reassignment technologies, Omegas could now stand shoulder-to-shoulder with everyone else—Amelia was living proof of that.
"Yes, I absolutely agree. It's just—"
Amelia cut him off with a smile, eager to share her thoughts. "Isn't this perfect, then? Since this is our first meeting, if you truly appreciate me and aren’t just being polite, maybe we could explore dating?"
Julian froze for a moment, his mind reeling as he inadvertently blurted out, "Uh, isn't that a bit quick to talk about marriage?"
Amelia burst out laughing, waving her hand dismissively. “I meant establishing a relationship.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry. I just—” Julian felt an overwhelming rush of embarrassment, practically wishing for the floor to swallow him whole as he fidgeted with his fingers.
“It’s fine. I genuinely like your personality, Mr. Ashford. It makes me feel at ease,” Amelia reassured him.
Watching Amelia, Julian began to understand why this remarkable man might be interested in him. Although the gender equality movement had made huge strides, there lingered a significant portion of society that still clung to traditional ideals of family that often involved power dynamics between Alphas and Omegas. An accomplished Omega like Amelia would likely shy away from a domineering Alpha. Meanwhile, Julian, whose presence was so understated that even his pheromone levels rated merely average, surely offered no burden to her.
"…Thank you," he murmured, a mix of gratitude and a sense of disappointment beginning to cloud his thoughts. Deep down, he felt a growing sense of hesitation.
Amelia noticed his changing demeanor and yearned to grasp his hand to clarify her intentions, but reason held her back. Not wanting to scare him away, she opted for a more indirect approach.
"I recall that your matching request… listed your Beta mother as your contact." This was the first time Amelia broached sensitive topics; up until now, he had been careful to avoid anything that might lead to discomfort for either of them. "I completely understand how difficult this situation must be for you. If you're not averse to me as an Omega and currently don’t have anyone in mind, why not give this a try? It could also spare you from the pressure of your parents pushing for marriage. I realize what I'm suggesting may come off as rude, but I believe my social standing can alleviate a lot of unnecessary complications for you—"
Her kindness and foresight concerning potential challenges were both calming and helpful for Julian.
A given smile crossed his face, mixed with a hint of sarcasm as he countered, "That sounds appealing, but what’s in it for you, Mr. Everhart?"
“Do you believe in love at first sight?” Amelia's expression turned serious, devoid of humor, his earnest gaze boring into Julian. This sincerity stirred something within Julian.
“I apologize for my earlier assumptions,” Julian said, his voice softer as he realized he had misjudged her intentions. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to give this a shot.”
“Really?” Amelia leaned in, gently placing her hand over Julian's.
In that moment, Julian caught a whiff of a familiar, yet tantalizing scent that seemed to linger in the air.
“I’m sorry, I was just startled. That was rude of me,” Amelia said quickly, regaining her polite demeanor. She checked her wrist communicator and gave Julian a rueful look. “I have to go now; an urgent matter has come up.”
“No worries, Mr. Everhart. Please take care of your work.”
Amelia stood, raising her wrist communicator as she began to leave. “I look forward to your message, and I hope our next meeting can be less formal.”
With a sigh of relief, Julian gazed down at the untouched dessert before him. Once Amelia had left, he fell back into the role of the practical guy, weighing the merits of finishing the dessert or taking it home. Despite both options seeming challenging, his bank account clearly had more pressing concerns.
He activated the service bell, and the barmaid approached promptly, her polite smile in place. “Good day, sir. How may I assist you?”
“I’d like to settle the bill, please. Thank you.”
“Of course, just a moment.” The barmaid pulled out a tablet from her apron and handed it to Julian. “That will come to a total of 7,400 credits. You may also pay in dollars if you prefer.”
“Uh… are you sure you didn’t make an error?” Although the bill was well within his budget, the discount seemed surprisingly steep. If memory served, the meal Amelia ordered alone had already cost over twenty thousand credits before any service fees were added.
The barmaid maintained her polite smile. “No mistake, sir. Our owner is a huge fan of Mr. Everhart’s seminars, and he’s a regular here, so this is a customary discount. Which payment method do you choose?”

Chapter 4

“Understood.” The barmaid efficiently processed the transaction on Julian Ashford's wrist and then politely inquired, “I noticed you two hardly touched your meals. Would you like takeaway service?”
“Yes, thank you.” Julian appreciated the attentive service at this café, making the 20% service charge seem somewhat justified.
“Here you go, have a safe trip.”
Julian pushed open the door and stepped outside, letting out a long sigh as he escaped the tense atmosphere he'd just been in. Feeling somewhat drained, he glanced at the notification on his terminal from his parents, urgently requesting an update. Yet, he couldn't find the energy to respond. Clutching the elegantly packaged takeaway, he boarded the return bus.
Meanwhile, in a sleek black car parked by the roadside, Amelia Everhart loosened her tie and finally relaxed, content in watching Julian board the bus. Leaning back in her seat, she closed her eyes to gather her thoughts.
The driver leaned over from the front seat and asked, “Boss, are we ready to go?”
“...Yeah,” she replied, her voice devoid of formality.
At that moment, Amelia lacked any semblance of the poise she'd displayed at the café. She removed the pheromone blocker from around her neck, and instantly, her distinctive Alpha pheromone permeated the entire vehicle. The driver pinched his nose in protest, grumbling, “Boss, I think my nose is going to suffocate. Can you tone it down?”
“Go tell Richard Fairweather that the side effects of the converter he made are significant and the duration is terrible. I nearly got exposed. Also…” Amelia tossed the blocker to the driver. “If you two conspire again to swap my converter without permission, I’ll send both of you to the M191 System to deal with the bug beasts, got it?”
“Yes, Commander, understood. Where to next?” The driver, caught off guard, playfully saluted her.
“First, let's make a pit stop at The Archives, then head to The Third Fleet Dock. I need to talk to Richard's brother about something.”
“Got it. Hang on tight.”
“...Petty,” she scoffed quietly.
Life was tough, and Julian sighed.
Julian Ashford nearly sprinted back to The Lodging House.
After closing the door, he dropped onto the floor beside it. Though the curled-up position made it a bit difficult to breathe, the closed door provided a sense of safety.
The meticulously packaged dessert box was tossed aside carelessly. On the way back, he’d repeatedly thought about detouring to The Archives to check the truth. After all, given Lord and Lady Ashford's usual style, exchanging gifts for opportunities wouldn't be too difficult, although Julian doubted whether the couple could truly “bribe” someone of Amelia's stature.
However, when he reached the transfer station, he hesitated and could only watch the bus leave as he sprinted home instead.
His terminal beeped persistently; he didn’t need to check to know it was his parents impatiently trying to confirm the outcome of today’s blind date. He had already received several calls on the way and dismissed each one.
If he ignored them, they would keep calling. Julian sighed and answered the phone, “Hello.”
“Why haven’t you picked up? How did the date go?”
Sure enough, three sentences in, the conversation spiraled back to the same unpleasant topic.
“...It was nothing much.” In truth, Julian was at a loss for words; his date with Amelia felt little more than two people sitting together and making casual small talk, and afterward, they remained as unfamiliar as ever.
He was not good at communicating with strangers, and he certainly had no idea what to say on a date with an Omega; most of the time, it was Amelia initiating conversation.
The woman on the other end was clearly unsatisfied, pressing, “Nothing much? That’s not enough. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If it weren’t for your link to General Alaric’s brother, do you think I’d bother worrying so much? At the last family gathering, even Julian's illegitimate son got married, and here you are, failing miserably and embarrassing us.”
“...I know.”
The woman continued relentlessly. Julian had long since realized that being a peripheral figure in the family was never due to his parents' goodwill.
This demeaning criticism was something he had endured countless times throughout his life, finding a little peace only after moving out of that house.
“I’m talking to you! Do you hear me? You better perform well, or you can forget about being my son. It’s ridiculous…”
The call abruptly cut off, leaving Julian slumped against the shoe cabinet, a self-deprecating smile on his lips.
He had known this would happen, yet he found himself heartbroken time and again, as if his chest were being crushed. He tilted his head back, taking a deep breath to suppress the unnecessary sorrow.
“Master, master, it’s time to work.”
An elegant cat-like domestic robot approached him. Julian reached out and patted its pleasant faux fur, feeling a small head nuzzle against his palm.
This was the most expensive “luxury” item Julian had purchased since becoming independent—an intelligent home robot that could be customized into various lifelike animal forms. He was not good at interacting with people, and due to the irregular hours that his job demanded, he found it hard to maintain a normal schedule.
In times when he couldn’t even care for himself, Julian found it impossible to take care of a real pet. Thus, he invested in this robot, customizing it to resemble a cat, and had spent the past seven or eight years alongside it.
“Berry, are there any unread messages today? Also, could you organize today’s tasks for me?”
To align with Amelia’s availability, the date had been set for the afternoon. The round trip from The Lodging House to Town Square had already exceeded his regular working hours. Julian began removing his cumbersome formal jacket while heading toward the shower, the cat robot dutifully reporting behind him.
“Master, you have three unread messages, all from user Dashing Knight. The last message was sent an hour and thirty-four minutes ago. According to your reminders, you also have seven Star Pursuit ranking matches, fifteen High Tower challenges, and six bug beast mapping tasks today. After deducting the fixed taxes and platform fees, today’s expected earnings are four thousand nine hundred twenty credit points.”

Chapter 5

“Berry, initiate the Game Chamber preload, prep three bottles of nutrient solution, and set the session for thirteen hours.”
‘Master, prolonged play will lead to excessive strain; adjusting is recommended.’
“Just do it as instructed. I don’t need reminders for dinner tonight; just expedite the preload. I’ll be quick with my shower.” Julian Ashford knew that gaming for more than ten hours straight could take a toll on his body, but it was part of his ‘job.’ With the gaming season closing in, many elite players were seeking his expertise for performance boosts. Despite the exhaustion, the compensation was significant.
Today’s order promised to bring him his highest earnings yet. After factoring in hefty cuts from both Star Web and the gaming platform, nearly five thousand credits would still land in his account. Thankfully, Amelia Everhart had been kind enough to offer him a discount at her luxury shop, ensuring he wouldn’t go hungry in the coming weeks. He was confident he could recoup today’s expenses in just two nights of work, which left Julian feeling quite content.
A bath was his only refuge to unwind. He lay back in the hot tub, enveloped in warm water, alleviating the day’s fatigue; the comfort was so soothing that he sensed sleep closing in.
However, the work hours were upon him, and Julian reluctantly left his sanctuary, changing into comfortable home clothes before heading back to the Game Chamber.
As soon as he logged into the game, a flurry of private messages appeared.
【Dashing Knight】: Master. Master.
【Dashing Knight】: Exciting news!
【Dashing Knight】: Check this out. “Official confirmation of the national Omega's new relationship. Tracer is set for a relaunch, and General Alaric’s mech might reopen soon!" “Star Pursuit Official Maintenance Notice.”
【Dashing Knight】: Tracer is my idol. I have to get it. Master, do you think if my account has Tracer, I could break into the top ten on the power rankings? (#starryeyed)
【Natural】: ……
【Natural】: Let me take a look first.
Dashing Knight was one of his long-term clients in the Star Pursuit game, a minor aristocrat in real life, and he was the one who knew him best. Despite Julian often ignoring his messages, Dashing Knight's enthusiasm never wavered; he would message as soon as he saw Julian online.
Julian clicked the link sent by Dashing Knight. One was the official game announcement, while the other led to a hot discussion thread on Star Web’s largest forum, centered around a single topic.
The buzz was about national fiancée, Amelia Everhart, confirming her new relationship, corroborated by multiple sources.
The thread’s original poster had shared a screenshot from Amelia's social media account, followed by comments from other users who spotted Professor Everhart on a date with an Alpha at a local café that afternoon. Shortly after, players from Star Pursuit indicated that the game would be relaunching certain limited-edition weapons. These were top-tier configurations in the game, which had been secured due to Professor Everhart’s special usage rights. After being pulled from the market before, they had turned into luxury items. The timing of the limited relaunch announcement indirectly validated the speculation in the thread.
The updates rolled in quicker than Julian could read. After glancing through the posts, he was relieved no one had managed to capture any photos, so he closed the thread.
Dashing Knight, however, remained completely unfazed by the national Omega's relationship; all he cared for was his ranking.
【Dashing Knight】: Master. If I can grab it tomorrow when the server opens, can you assist me in the ranking matches?
【Dashing Knight】: Ahhh. I can't wait until tomorrow night!
【Natural】: … Boss, are you still on your route missions?
【Dashing Knight】: Ah. Oh. Yes, Master, just lead the way. My dad is calling me for dinner; I’m conserving energy for tomorrow's weapon hunt. (#thumbsup)
【Natural】: … Alright.
With those two women in the spotlight, Julian had anticipated some upheaval online, but he hadn't expected Amelia to actively disclose it. At the very least, no one had taken photos yet, so it shouldn’t disrupt his life too much.
With this in mind, Julian realized that any future outings would need to be in secluded, private spaces.
Meanwhile, far away at the Airfield, Amelia was scrolling through the trending posts on Star Web with a rare smile on her face, even letting out a small laugh unknowingly.
A knock on the table drew her attention as she looked up at Richard Fairweather, who wore a serious expression. He said gruffly, “Amelia, the strategy meeting starts in two minutes. If you're going to smile, do it afterwards.”
“Got it.”
Amelia quickly tucked her tablet away as the virtual meeting commenced.
[Initiating iris scan… Generating virtual image, please hold on.]
[Identity verification complete. Lieutenant General Richard Fairweather and Major Marlowe Everhart connected…]
Chapter 4: The Unsolicited Invitation
“This emergency meeting has been convened to discuss our response to the locust plague in the M System.” The commander seated at the center spoke first. “The report submitted by Lieutenant General Fairweather has been distributed to each legion; please share your thoughts.”
“Marshal, concerning the joint operation between the Third and Seventh Legions, I acknowledge that the Seventh Legion, designated as the forward guard, has a defensive edge. However, I fail to understand why Lieutenant General Fairweather, the overall commander of this extermination mission, opted to switch from offensive to defensive strategy. Additionally, regarding Major Marlowe's pheromone burst that caused the frontline troops to lose contact for over an hour, I believe standard physical screenings for Alphas in every legion need to be implemented.”
The Marshal nodded and then turned toward the two generals from the Third Legion.
“Does the Third Legion have any explanations?”
As the highest commander of the Third Legion, Richard Fairweather spoke first in response. “In regards to Old Sage's concerns, I've included damage statistics from this extermination mission in my final report. This locust plague featured a variant king locust, and the lack of proper intelligence led to severe losses for the M System's defense forces. Major Marlowe's frontline troops successfully captured the variant king locust; however, my Third Legion also incurred significant combat losses. The Seventh Legion was better equipped for stationed support, which is why I altered the command strategy. Regarding Major Marlowe’s case, I have temporarily pulled him from combat duties to cooperate with the investigation. Given his significant role in capturing the variant king locust, I will address this appropriately.”

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