Between Choice and Consequence

Chapter 1

Isolde Fairwind narrowed her eyes and quietly reminded, "Your dad's blood pressure is high; don’t upset him."
"…What else can I say?" Cedric Stormrider lamented. "Dad, why are you pushing me like this?"
Evelyn Stormrider, feeling confident, replied nonchalantly, "You can choose for yourself; no one is forcing you. Besides, Little Liu has invited me for tea, and he wants to discuss your deployment situation."
Little Liu was none other than Commander Geoffrey, the highest-ranking officer in the military. Cedric Stormrider’s frustration boiled beneath the surface, but he knew he had to comply; after all, rank had its privileges.
"I... my girlfriend... is pregnant..." Cedric finally managed to squeeze out these words through gritted teeth.
"What?" Both of his parents were astonished.
Isolde Fairwind’s expression brightened. "Whose daughter is it? You’d better bring her home to meet us."
Evelyn Stormrider adopted a serious tone. "Where on earth did you even find a girlfriend?"
Cedric shot back, "Finding a girlfriend is a piece of cake for me."
Evelyn frowned, her face betraying a hint of joy despite her sternness. "How could you be so careless? What are you going to do about it?"
Isolde Fairwind, still beaming, insisted, "You need to hurry and bring her home so we can discuss the wedding."
Cedric glanced at the engagement contract in the back of his mind. "What about Fiona Brightwood's daughter…"
Isolde muttered, "What are we, living in the past? Arranged marriages are so outdated."
Evelyn shot a warning look at Isolde but remained calm. "Let’s focus on the important stuff. Cedric, you’re not a kid anymore. If you’ve created a life, you need to take responsibility."
Cedric swallowed hard. Had he taken this joke too far?
Evelyn turned her back and left a brief, "Bring her home to see us," hanging in the air.
Bring who home for them to see?
On her way home, Luna Brightwood ran into a group led by Alaric Nightingale.
They wouldn’t dare act out at school, but outside was a different story.
However, Luna wasn’t easily intimidated; she counted the number of Thugs. “1, 2, 3… 8, 9—you want to join too, Alaric?”
Alaric Nightingale rolled his eyes. “In ten minutes, we’ll see if you’re still so cocky. Get 'em! Beat her senseless; if anything goes wrong, I’ll handle it.”
Facing a gaggle of nine against one, Luna was immediately mobbed…
At Brightwood Hall, a white Range Rover parked outside—the most understated vehicle belonging to Cedric Stormrider in private life.
“Lord Reginald Stormrider! What a pleasure! When I got your call, I thought I was dreaming!" Hugo Brightwood gushed, shaking Cedric Stormrider's hand. After all, this was his future son-in-law.
The House of Stormrider had long held a prestigious military and political lineage, and Cedric, known as "the ultimate diamond bachelor," had captured attention across the military, politics, and business worlds. At just 26, he had risen to become the youngest brigadier general in the military, accomplishments that overshadowed even his father.
Two years after Evelyn Stormrider’s premature retirement due to illness, there was general admiration for Cedric after he had achieved even greater military honors.
With such an extraordinary figure visiting Brightwood Hall, excitement buzzed in the air like electricity.
Juliana Redleaf tugged at her husband’s sleeve, signaling him not to seem too eager; after all, a stronger maternal family meant respect for their daughter once she tied the knot.
Cedric didn’t shake hands with Hugo Brightwood; instead, he withdrew slightly and nodded respectfully. “Hello, Aunt and Uncle. I was very clear on the phone—where’s she?”
Over the phone, Cedric had earnestly expressed his desire to marry “Miss Luna.” Although Hugo Brightwood was taken aback, he felt honored.
Hugo wisely took a step back, and Juliana beamed with a hint of servility. “Lord Reginald Stormrider, please don’t be so formal or rush. I hear you're here to propose; our daughter is upstairs getting ready.”

Chapter 2

Hugo Brightwood pulled his wife gently and said, "Lord Reginald Stormrider, please come in and have a seat."
Hugo, a war veteran, had left a government job after his service to dive into the business world. He once felt deeply grateful for the mentorship he received from Evelyn Stormrider, and now held a particular admiration for her son, Cedric Stormrider.
From humble beginnings, Hugo had made a name for himself as a millionaire, and he was diligently focused on raising his daughters. He relished in attending various events with his oldest daughter, Freya, basking in the compliments others showered upon her. For him, that sense of pride was a delight.
After a moment of silence, Juliana Redleaf descended the staircase with her daughter, Fiona Brightwood. Fiona looked like an ethereal being from a forest, impeccably dressed, with a gentle blush on her cheeks and lips parted slightly as she glided down gracefully.
Cedric Stormrider remained seated, his gaze blank and unyielding.
Suddenly, shouts pierced the peaceful atmosphere—a young girl was lambasting someone outside. The tension in the room thickened as everyone strained to hear the commotion.
“Luna Brightwood, what’s wrong with you? Can’t you walk without tripping? Have you gone blind or are you just daft?”
“Why would I want to go out with you looking like that? I’d rather find someone else. I swear, you’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you? You don’t want to help me!”
“You’re such a pushover. You don’t even defend yourself! I throw a coin into water and hear it echo, but scolding you feels like talking to a wall.”
The voice belonged to Fiona Brightwood, who had just returned, followed quietly by Luna.
“Mom, Dad, I’m back…” Fiona stepped through the door, halting at the sight of everyone gathered. Her sister looked like a goddess descended from the heavens, while her parents wore expressions of concern, and a man in military uniform occupied the sofa.
Fiona's attention was instantly drawn to the man before her. His strong, chiseled features were striking, his long legs positioned at an angle, and his dark green military uniform accentuated broad shoulders and a lean waist. What captivated her most was the halo of golden sunlight that surrounded him, countered by a piercing coldness in his gaze—his aristocratic demeanor reminiscent of a deity overseeing the cosmos.
Noticing Fiona's interest, Cedric Stormrider turned slightly, a displeased frown crossing his face.
The ever-gracious Juliana Redleaf quickly introduced her daughter, “Lord Reginald Stormrider, this is my youngest daughter Fiona. She’s a spirited girl who speaks her mind and brings joy to our home—whenever she’s around, there’s always laughter.”
On the phone, Cedric had simply mentioned marrying “Miss Brightwood,” leaving everyone to guess whether it was Freya or Fiona—most assumed it was the older Freya, considering Fiona was still just twenty, her maturity still in question.

Chapter 3

Halfway into their drive, Cedric Stormrider’s phone rang. It was a call from his mother. He stole a glance at Luna Brightwood sitting beside him. Rather than using the car's speaker, he picked up directly. “Hey, Mom, what's up?”
On the other end, Isolde Fairwind’s eager voice came through, “Son, did you bring her?”
“Great! Hurry back!”
Cedric's eyes darted to Luna again, concern etching his features. “Could we wait until another day? She’s not feeling her best right now.”
“Why? Is she showing signs?” Isolde's voice was a mixture of excitement and curiosity. “Son, it’s fine! More reactions mean a healthier baby. Bring her back! We don't want to leave a bad impression with this girl.”
Cedric was at a loss for words, feeling like he was walking a tightrope of choices. “Just be prepared for anything.”
“Of course, we’re ready.”
At Stormrider Manor, a classic estate full of history and charm, Evelyn Stormrider and Isolde Fairwind perched on one side of the plush sofa, while Cedric and Luna sat on the other. In the center, two freshly minted marriage certificates lay on the coffee table.
Silence hung thick in the air, the tension palpable as time ticked on. The once jubilant Stormrider couple found themselves swallowed by solemnity, their bright hopes extinguished by silent disappointment.
What even was this girl? Disheveled and battered, with multiple piercings embellishing her ears, she wore ripped jeans that were more audacious than trendy.
Evelyn and Isolde couldn't fathom how their son could possess such unusual taste. The words clung to their throats, silencing them.
Finally, after endless moments of awkwardness, Isolde managed to suppress her frustration long enough to ask the first question, “Is it true?”
“I…” Luna began to speak, but Cedric took over immediately, “It’s too early to discuss that right now.”
“Fine, let’s skip that,” Isolde pressed on. “How old are you, young lady?”
Cedric stepped in again, “Age is irrelevant as long as she’s legally eligible to marry.”
Evelyn’s face darkened further. While she hadn’t expected Cedric’s choice to be a perfect match, she certainly hoped for something a bit more refined than what was before her—a true embarrassment.
Isolde felt a tightness in her chest. With a fist on her heart, she asked, “Do your parents know? Do they approve?”
Cedric responded calmly, “Her family’s fine with it. By the way, her dad is Hugo Brightwood; you remember him, right? He helped you back in the day.”
Evelyn pondered aloud, “Hugo Brightwood’s daughter?”
Luna, wanting to answer, hesitated. Seeing the look on Cedric’s face, she decided to keep quiet.
Cedric stood up, pulling Luna with him. “Mom, Dad, you’ve seen her now. We’ll skip the dinner and head out.”
“What kind of attitude is that?”
“Come back here!”
Ignoring his parents' outrage, Cedric hurriedly led the frail-looking Luna out the door, aiming to leave by seven, not a second longer.
From arrival to departure, only a swift ten minutes passed, and throughout, Luna remained in a daze, trying to understand what had just transpired.
As night draped the sky and stars twinkled serenely, Luna failed to make out the details of Stormrider Manor but clearly understood the discontent on the faces of her boyfriend's parents.
It would be strange if they were pleased.
“So…” She didn’t even know what to call him anymore. “Have we really done this? Is this it?”
“We’ve got the certificates, so it’s official. Don’t worry; I can handle my own affairs.”
“Then why me?”
Bathed in moonlight, Luna turned to face him, her gaze shyly diverted, laden with uncertainty that spoke volumes, even more captivating than the moonlight itself.

Chapter 4

Many years later, Cedric Stormrider would never forget the cautious way Luna Brightwood had first asked that question. He thought about how helpless and small she had seemed at that moment, gripping onto any semblance of hope, terrified of losing her chance at survival. Cedric didn’t answer her. Although he had been drugged, he couldn’t deny the chaos of emotions swirling within him, nor could he brush away the fact that he had overstepped her boundaries. It was a lingering scar on his moral foundation, a secret he was reluctant to share with anyone.
On a cool early autumn evening, the night breeze carried a chill that made Luna shiver a little.
Feeling the cold, she wrapped her arms tightly around her chest. Cedric subtly slowed his pace, allowing them to walk side by side without her noticing.
Suddenly, she felt a weight on her slender shoulders—a large military jacket, enveloped in the warmth of a stranger.
Startled, Luna jumped, her hands fumbling to remove the jacket. “No, no! You keep it on!” To her, military uniforms were sacred; wearing it would be a disgrace.
His hand gently pressed onto hers, urging her to accept it. “Put it on; it’s chilly out.”
His deep, soothing voice brushed against her ears, and when she turned her head just slightly, she caught sight of his long, elegant fingers—clean and well-groomed. She felt an unexpected flutter in her heart as his warmth seeped into her skin.
Though stern and serious, he had a thoughtful side that shone through.
“Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?”
“No, no.” Luna shook her head demurely. Faced with an older man exuding authority, she turned into a timid mouse, hiding her strength until she deciphered if he was friend or foe. But her rumbling stomach betrayed her.
A smirk played at the corners of Cedric’s mouth. “You say no, but your stomach seems to have a mind of its own.”
“…” It seemed he had this down to an art.
As they drove in search of food, Cedric's phone rang—it was a call from home. He didn’t even need to guess what it was about.
He hung up, only for it to ring again, again, and again. With a sigh, he finally answered, his patience wearing thin.
On the other end, Isolde Fairwind's voice blared with fury, “Your dad confirmed with Hugo Brightwood that Luna isn’t his daughter! Are you trying to drive me insane? You couldn’t find anyone normal, so instead you bring back some freak? She’s young and has parents who divorced when she was little, there’s no one to guide her. She’s just trouble! Your father and I don’t approve, Cedric!”
“It’s too late for that.” He wasn’t backing down.
“Whether she’s having a child is up to her; if she chooses to have it, we’ll take care of it. If she doesn’t want to, she should handle it soon.”
“Mom, that’s going too far.”
“The one being unreasonable is you, Cedric Stormrider,” Isolde’s words were sharp enough to make him wince, and she passed the phone to Evelyn Stormrider.
Cedric braced himself for the onslaught. His sister-in-law’s voice boomed through the receiver, “You think you can throw a tantrum and everything will turn out okay?”
The volume was so loud that Cedric held the phone further away from his ear. In his peripheral vision, he spotted Luna, her expression timid as she gazed at him, her wide, frightened eyes pleading, please don’t leave me behind.

Chapter 5

This was the first time Cedric Stormrider saw Luna Brightwood lift her head, the first time their eyes met. He clearly noticed the bruises on her face; her left cheek and the corner of her mouth were swollen, and her left eye was partially closed due to the swelling. No wonder she had been keeping her head down and trying to present her right side to him.
“Dad, a man has to be bold and accountable; that’s the very essence of responsibility. I’m a soldier, and I have an even greater duty. This is a lesson you taught me by example. You can’t hold it against her just because her parents got a divorce,” he said firmly.
“You…” Evelyn Stormrider was left speechless by her son’s rebuttal.
“Dad, this isn’t about opposing you or acting out of spite. If you want to meet her, I’ll bring her home for you to meet. But this isn’t a matter for your approval; it's just a heads-up. Whether you like it or not, she’s the one I’ve chosen, and that’s all that matters.”
“I’ll be calling Captain Liu tomorrow to discuss your deployment,” Evelyn threatened.
Cedric stormed into silence, took a deep breath, and said resolutely, “That’s perfect because I’ve already prepared my application for peacekeeping in the Southern Isles. Please give Commander Geoffrey a heads-up about that.”
“You…” Evelyn was left fuming, barely able to form words. “You think sacrificing yourself is just a game?”
“Suit yourselves. We’re heading out for dinner now. Bye.”
With that, Cedric Stormrider hung up the phone. He turned to Luna Brightwood and gave her an assuring look. “Don’t worry; I’ll handle whatever comes up.”
In that moment, Luna’s gaze sparkled like autumn water, filled with an overwhelming sense of emotion; she felt warm, a bit sour, and had an impulse to cry.
No one had ever treated her like this before…
Brightwood Hall
Hugo Brightwood and Juliana Redleaf had been anxiously awaiting a response from the Stormrider household. When the phone finally rang, Hugo rushed to answer. As he listened to the caller's words, his face fell.
“Yes, yes, alright, I understand,” he said shakily before hanging up.
“What's going on? What did Cedric's father say?” Juliana, beside herself with worry, asked.
Cold sweat broke out on Hugo’s forehead again. “Cedric's father insisted this matter must remain confidential. If anyone spills it, there will be serious consequences.”
“…” Juliana felt her world going black and collapsed on the floor.
“Honey, don’t scare me like that!” Hugo quickly knelt down to support her.
Juliana sobbed, “It’s over. The Brightwood family is finished. That girl will definitely retaliate against us. She's partnered with Cedric Stormrider; how could she not make our lives miserable?”
At that crucial moment, Hugo’s practicality kicked in. “But I still have a relationship with Cedric’s father. She wouldn’t dare act recklessly, and besides, with her personality, it’s likely Lord Reginald will get tired of her after a while. That’s probably why the Stormriders want to keep this quiet; they likely don’t appreciate her either.”
“But they’re already married.”
“So what? Marriage can be dissolved.”
Juliana listened to her husband’s thoughts, her breath gradually easing. “Let’s hope that’s the case…”
To lighten the mood, Cedric Stormrider made a stop in front of The Charred Boar Inn. He hoped that enjoying some grilled meat would help him get to know Luna Brightwood better while also discovering why she had ended up in his bed last night.
The inn was surprisingly cozy, the warmth of the place felt inviting. Luna carefully removed her coat and draped it over an empty chair.
When it came time to order, Cedric said, “You have injuries on your face, so spicy food isn’t a good idea. Let’s just stick to something simple.”
Luna nodded and replied obediently, “Sure, I’m fine with anything.”
Cedric, with a hint of mischief, ordered plenty of food and placed the order.
By that point, it was nearly eight o'clock, and Luna was starving, feeling as if her stomach had turned into a void. The food arrived shortly after, completely filling the table.
Cedric noticed her eyes fixated on the meat and said, “Don’t rush, it will be ready soon.”

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