Between Love and Loyalty

Chapter 1

The dimly-lit room exuded an understated luxury, its rich scent filling the air like a sensual mist.
On the king-sized bed, two figures tumbled together. Isabella White opened her sultry eyes, whispering sweet nothings beneath Sebastian Thorn's dominating presence.
Suddenly, Sebastian thrust forward with a fierce intensity. Isabella wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss. Breaking away just slightly, she blinked up at him, “Sebastian, about White…”
Uninterrupted, Sebastian flipped her over, his movements growing more vigorous and forceful. The words Isabella wanted to say faded into incoherent gasps, drowned out by her overwhelming sensations.
By the time Isabella's exhilaration subsided into a muddled haze of exhaustion, Sebastian had already retreated to the bathroom. Through the intricately patterned glass, his flawless physique was a tantalizing sight.
Struggling against her fatigue, Isabella propped herself up on the bed, the sheets clinging to her. She recalled Sebastian's chilly demeanor when she had mentioned White just moments prior and frowned.
But today, she was determined to persuade Sebastian to help with White, no matter what. She couldn't let go of the effort she'd put in to please him over the past few days—it just wouldn’t sit right.
As she slipped into a sheer silk nightgown, Sebastian emerged from the bathroom, a towel draped low around his hips. His toned chest came into view, the sharpness of his features maintained a cool edge, yet remained striking. Water dripped from his hair, adding to his allure.
Even after two months of being mesmerized by his 360-degree perfection, Isabella found herself momentarily lost in his beauty.
In the blink of an eye, a maid was already blow-drying Sebastian's hair.
Sebastian reached for the outfit hanging on the rack, slipping it on effortlessly. Isabella rushed over, eager to tie his tie for him. She couldn't help but adopt a sugary tone that even made herself cringe, “Sebastian, look, we’re married now, we’re family. Can you please help with the situation regarding White?”
Sebastian regarded her hands as she fiddled with the tie, “Hurry up.”
Isabella rolled her eyes in mild frustration but quickly complied. Just as she set her hands down, Sebastian had already turned and made for the door.
Panicking, Isabella hurried after him, blocking his path. Her pent-up anger transformed into a pleading smile, “Sebastian, I know our families are linked, and you may not feel anything for me. But can’t you just help with White—just for all the care I’ve shown you these past few days?”
After her words hung in the air, Sebastian’s emotionless gaze fell upon her. He stepped around her, continuing toward the door.
Isabella felt her fists clench at her sides; this man could be so cold once he left the bed.
But saving White was non-negotiable for her.
With a determined stride, Isabella swiftly grabbed the hem of Sebastian's shirt, inhaling deeply. Just as she was about to voice her carefully crafted appeals, Sebastian cut her off, “You don’t need to worry about White anymore.”
The smile she had so meticulously adjusted froze on her lips. Did that mean he not only refused to help White, but he also wanted to keep her out of it?
She had been married to him for two months, burying her own nature, conforming to the refined standards he expected of someone from the White family, even perfecting her bedroom skills. And all she got in return was that one cold comment.
Fury surged within her. “Forget the pedigree—Sebastian, when our families united, we agreed to support each other, and this is what you mean?”
Sebastian narrowed his eyes, a dangerous glimmer flashing, “You said it yourself—mutual support. What can a White family in financial ruin do for the Thorn family?”
With that, Sebastian strode out of the room.
That infuriating man.

Chapter 2

Isabella White had reached her breaking point. She shouted at Sebastian Thorn's retreating figure, "Sebastian Thorn, I want a divorce."
Sebastian halted, turning to face her. His icy demeanor made Isabella momentarily hesitate. "What did you say?" he asked, his voice sharp.
With a determined spirit, Isabella squared her shoulders. "I said, I want a divorce."
Sebastian's piercing gaze held her captive. "You better think long and hard about that statement. While I’m around, those who would harm White Enterprises will think twice. But if you initiate a divorce…”
Isabella bit her lip, rooted to the spot, unable to find her voice again. She knew all too well that without the Thorn family's backing, White Enterprises would be an easy target for their competitors, eager to tear it apart.
As she watched Sebastian Thorn exit the grand doors of The Villa, her clenched fists finally relaxed. She frowned and retreated inside. Just as she prepared to freshen up, her phone rang.
Seeing Aunt Hazel's name flash on the screen, her brows furrowed tighter. "Hello, Aunt Hazel, what's going on?"
"Isabella, you and Sebastian need to come back to the office," Clara Green's order was firm before she hung up, leaving no room for discussion.
Isabella stared at her darkened phone screen, a bitter smile creeping onto her face. The idea of her and Sebastian returning together was laughable—there was no way that would happen.
Though Sebastian wouldn’t accompany her, she had no choice but to go herself. She quickly dressed and headed to White Enterprises.
The forty-minute drive felt eternal, and when she arrived at White Manor, the atmosphere was painfully evident. Once bustling with life, the estate felt cold and deserted. Even the receptionist barely managed a greeting as she shuffled past.
Reaching the general manager's office, she spotted several older employees leaving with cardboard boxes in hand, their expressions somber.
Before she entered her office, the unmistakable sound of Clara’s voice raised in anger echoed from within. Isabella pushed the door open cautiously. "Aunt Hazel, what happened?"
Clara's face brightened at the sound of her voice, but her expression immediately darkened when she realized Sebastian wasn't with her. "Where's Sebastian?"
"He's busy with work and couldn't make it," Isabella responded, accustomed to saying it even though her heart sank a little.
"Did you get him to agree to help?" Clara's probing stare felt relentless.
Isabella shook her head sadly.
"Isabella, your father and I sacrificed so much to raise you. We provided you with everything you needed; how could you fail so miserably? You can't even keep a man by your side. You’re going to ruin the White family!" Clara's frustration reflected in her furrowed brows.
As Clara’s hand rose, poised to strike her, a deep, cold voice interrupted. "No one is allowed to hurt Isabella White—not while I’m here."
Isabella turned in surprise to see Sebastian, his usually stoic face matched by the gravitas in his tone.

Chapter 3

Clara Green's complexion was pale, but she quickly forced a smile. “Sebastian, I’m glad you’re here. You see, our company’s situation…”
“White Enterprises is none of my concern.” Sebastian Thorn's cold voice interrupted her before she could finish.
Without hesitation, he seized Isabella White’s wrist, pulling her towards the exit.
Isabella shook off his grip with all her strength. “The issues with White Enterprises are my issues. Since you've said they are none of your business, then my affairs are none of yours either.”
Sebastian's gaze narrowed as he regarded her, stormy clouds gathering in his dark eyes. “Don’t forget your current status.”
Just as Isabella opened her mouth to retort, Clara’s sharp voice cut through the tension. “Isabella, how many times have I told you? Go back with Sebastian, now.”
Isabella didn’t need to turn around to know Clara was giving her an urgent look. Ever since her marriage to Sebastian, Clara had schooled her on how to please him.
But the elegance and gentleness she pretended to show him, the very qualities she had worked hard to master for his approval, had proven useless with Sebastian.
Sebastian was the epitome of heartlessness.
Noticing Isabella’s silence, Clara quickly pulled her aside. “Isabella, you must listen to me. If you don’t go back with Sebastian, we’re truly finished. Here at the House of Shen, there are people who might still help us for the Shen family’s sake. If you provoke Sebastian any further, we will not survive.”
Grinding her teeth, Isabella finally turned and strode towards the door.
She understood Clara’s concerns well; this was not the time to escalate matters with Sebastian.
But the moment she swung the car door open, her expression darkened as she turned to Sebastian. “What do you mean by this?”
Sebastian glanced at Sophie Summers, who was seated in the car. “Isn’t it clear?”
Isabella clenched her fists. Ever since their marriage, Sebastian’s rumors had been a constant source of torment. In her attempts to win his favor, she maintained her image of an elegant socialite, never questioning or resenting his actions.
Little did she expect him to push the boundaries so brazenly, bringing his latest rumored girlfriend—actress Sophie Summers—right before her.
“Sebastian, we’re not divorced yet.” Isabella said each word with gritted teeth.
“Therefore, you are still Mrs. Shen, and I still need you as a decorative piece.” Sebastian replied impassively before adding, “You have three seconds to get in the car, or I will ensure White Enterprises declares bankruptcy by the end of the day.”
Isabella bit her lip and opened the passenger door, climbing into the car.
Alright then, Sebastian Thorn was indeed formidable.
“Sebastian, Miss White sure has a fiery temper,” a syrupy voice chimed from the back seat as she settled in, making Isabella feel nauseated.
However, Sebastian thrived on such attention; it was precisely why she had adopted a delicate tone over the past two months.
As the sultry voice continued to playfully engage with Sebastian from the back seat, Isabella cringed but chose to ignore it. After all, Sebastian was not under her control.
Looking back at the receding White Manor through the rearview mirror, a heaviness settled in her heart. How much longer could White Enterprises maintain its façade of prosperity?
On her way to the company, she hadn’t seen her father, which suggested he was out trying to secure loans.
Yet, as the saying goes, when the walls come crumbling down, everyone abandons ship. The cruelty of the business world came into stark focus.
Now faced with insurmountable odds, even if a few might lend a hand out of respect for the Shen family's reputation, it would only be a temporary fix—a mere drop in the bucket against the gaping hole left by White Enterprises’ shattered finances.
Sebastian leaned back in his seat, enjoying Sophie’s seemingly endless massages, his eyes lazily drifting to the worried woman in the rearview mirror.

Chapter 4

The lavish and immaculate Villa came to a halt, and as Isabella White stepped out of the car, her phone rang once more.
She glanced at the screen and noticed it was her father's secretary. Panic set in as she hastily answered the call.
"Miss White! You need to get to the Company right away! The creditors are here, and the old chairman..."
Before the secretary could finish, there was a loud crash, and Isabella could hear the phone clattering to the ground, followed by a cacophony of shouts. Words like "pay up" and various curses cut through the chaos.
Without a second thought, Isabella pulled Sebastian Thorn’s driver from the car and slammed on the accelerator, speeding away.
Meanwhile, Seraphina Summers had been cozily leaning against Sebastian Thorn as they moved toward the house. Catching sight of the distant car's exhaust, she frowned deeply. Sebastian's expression turned icy as he turned to Seraphina and said, "You should leave."
Taken aback, Seraphina considered complaining, but sensing the tension in Sebastian's voice, she quickly exited the scene.
Secretary Liam Reed approached Sebastian nervously, "Mr. Thorn, about what you requested..."
"Proceed," Sebastian replied curtly before stepping into another vehicle and driving off.
When Isabella arrived at the Company, the gates were besieged by a throng of angry workers.
"White Enterprises is a heartless company; give us back our hard-earned money!" The bright red banner with bold white letters was impossible to ignore.
Isabella squeezed through the crowd, relieved that she rarely disclosed her identity—the chance of being recognized was slim.
Upon entering the building, the visibly shaken receptionist rushed to greet her, "Miss White, the chairman is upstairs dealing with the CEOs, but out there..."
She gestured toward the turbulent mob outside, and Isabella understood that if this continued, the situation could escalate.
"Get me a megaphone," Isabella commanded, her voice steady and resolute. No longer could she hide behind her father's authority.
The receptionist scrambled to find one and handed it over to Isabella with urgency.
Stepping outside, she spotted a high platform and climbed onto it, raising the megaphone high. "I am Isabella White, daughter of Jonathan White!"
As soon as the words left her lips, all eyes turned to her. Although they didn’t recognize Isabella, they knew Jonathan White—the chairman of White Enterprises.
"Though White Enterprises is in trouble, we will never run off with a single cent of your hard work. I, Isabella White, promise that we will repay this debt!" Her voice resonated through the megaphone, and an eerie silence fell over the crowd, replacing the previously chaotic scene.
In a discreet black vehicle nearby, Liam Reed turned to Sebastian Thorn, who had an unreadable expression. "Mr. Thorn, should we bring Lady White back?"
"No need," Sebastian replied, his voice barely changing, his gaze fixed on Isabella on the platform, pondering something deep within.

Chapter 5

As the rowdy crowd of workers quieted down for a moment, Isabella White felt a slight sense of relief, hoping that the situation had finally calmed down.
Suddenly, a voice boomed from somewhere in the crowd, "What time is it? We haven’t seen a glimpse of Jonathan White, and now there’s just this little girl telling us she'll pay us back? Why should we believe her?"
At those words, the workers seemed to ignite, and the atmosphere spiraled out of control once again.
"Yeah! What authority do you have? Just because you say so, we should trust you?"
"Show us the money first!"
"Return our hard-earned wages! Return our hard-earned wages!" The chant echoed, a chorus of anger that drowned out everything else, swelling louder and louder until it roared in Isabella's ears like thunder.
Seeing the furious crowd charging towards her, Isabella bit her lip, grabbing the megaphone once more, "Please! Calm down. Let's talk this through..." Yet even with the loudspeaker in her hands, their unified cries completely overwhelmed her voice.
A deep sense of helplessness washed over her, but she kept shouting while gesturing for them to settle down.
Clearly, the workers weren’t buying it. The jeers grew louder, and someone even hurled a lighter and a pack of cigarettes at her.
For the first time, Isabella's eyes showed a flicker of panic. She wasn't good at handling confrontations like these, but she knew she couldn’t leave. No matter what, she had to stabilize the situation.
The workers continued to throw trash at Isabella, slowly closing in on her, while relentlessly shouting accusations.
From the rearview mirror, Liam Reed glanced at the expressionless Sebastian Thorn, hesitantly asking, "Miss White seems... to be in a dangerous spot. Should I go help her?"
Sebastian Thorn smirked slightly, "What a clueless idiot."
It was unclear whether he referred to Isabella or Liam, as Liam awkwardly dropped his gaze and fell silent, not daring to say more.
"Call the police and then let’s get out of here," Sebastian Thorn said, pulling a cigarette from his pocket and lighting it with a calm, measured grace.
After Liam followed suit and started the car, they pulled away from the chaotic scene.
Meanwhile, Isabella was still surrounded, frantically shouting, "You all need to calm down! Just give me a moment to explain!"
But the workers could only think about their unpaid wages, using Isabella as an outlet for their frustration. Anger washed over their faces as they chanted angrily, "Return our hard-earned wages!"
Despair seeped into Isabella. She slowly crouched down, the megaphone slipping from her hands to the ground, utterly at a loss for what to do.
Just then, the workers lunged at her as if to strike, their hands raised in anger, but were halted by the booming voice of a police officer, “What are you doing? Let her go. No rioting permitted!"
Seeing the police approaching, the workers grudgingly stepped back. "We're not the ones causing trouble! They won’t pay us! We... we have no other choice!"
"Alright, alright, everyone knows about the White Enterprises issue by now, but you can't handle it like this," said the lead officer, an older, experienced cop. With a wave of his hand, he ushered the workers away.
After thanking the officers, Isabella rushed upstairs and entered the Presidential Office.
Upon entering, she saw her father, Jonathan White, slumped in exhaustion, mindlessly flipping through channels on the TV.
The news broadcast showed footage of Isabella cornered by the crowd, with someone throwing objects at her.
Jonathan put down the remote and firmly pressed his hands on Isabella's shoulders, "Are you alright, Isabella?"
Isabella forced a pained smile at the coverage of the incident, where she appeared so helpless. "I’m fine, Dad," she replied, trying to reassure him despite the turmoil she felt inside.

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