Bound by Secrets and Desire

Chapter 1

“Miss Linsley, today is your ovulation period. Lord Cedric will be arriving tonight; please prepare yourself for his visit.”
“Understood,” she replied, her voice steady despite her racing heart.
As night settled in, Seraphina Linsley took great care in getting ready, ensuring she was pristine as she lay nude on her bed, enveloped by the soft sheets.
After what felt like an eternity, the sound of a car engine rumbled from below, making her body tremble with nervous anticipation.
The heavy sound of footsteps echoed up the staircase, sending her heart racing and her mind spinning in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.
The door swung open, and a rush of warm air filled the room, carrying with it the deep, intoxicating scent of masculinity. The man stepped inside without turning the lights on, shedding his clothes as he moved purposefully toward her.
“Hmm…” Though she had mentally prepared for this moment, the sudden weight of him pressing down on her elicited an involuntary gasp.
Clenching her fists into the sheets, Seraphina fought to suppress the tension coursing through her body.
“It’s your first time,” he said coldly, yet his warm breath caressed her cheek, igniting a flicker of longing deep within her.
The sensation was maddening—too tantalizing to ignore.
Biting her lip, Seraphina dared not utter a sound, fearing the shame that her voice might betray.
With no wasted words, he wasted no time and pushed through her defenses without any foreplay.
“Ah… it hurts…” she cried out in anguish, tears streaming down her face and dampening her hair as the sharp pain tore through her.
“Please… it hurts…” she pleaded, but her words fell on deaf ears; he continued his relentless pursuit.
Each fierce clash sent waves of conflicting sensations through her—pain intertwined with unexpected pleasure, leaving her unsure of which sensation prevailed.
In the dim light, Seraphina could barely see him, yet the sight of him laboring over her was enough to wrench more tears from her, not just from the pain but from the deep well of humiliation.
She grasped the sheets until she could feel the fabric tearing beneath her fingers, teetering on the edge of despair and exquisite sensation—a realm she never thought possible.
Lost in the tumult of emotions, she found herself arching to meet his rhythm, surrendering to sensations that felt almost otherworldly.
Her dreamlike state shattered as a soft voice broke through her haze.
“Bride, wake up, wake up.”
Startled, Seraphina blinked and shifted her gaze to the mirror, taken aback by her flushed cheeks and glassy eyes, remnants of an enchanting but troubling dream still clouding her mind.
How utterly exhausting it was to doze off while prepping for her wedding day. After this day, she thought, these unseemly dreams would be a thing of the past, wouldn’t they?
“Bride, hurry! The wedding is starting, and Sir Cedric must be getting impatient.”
The makeup artist helped her up, adjusting her veil and delicate gown.
“Thank you,” Seraphina smiled, her eyes brightening as she covered her face with the veil, feeling like a princess ready for her fairytale moment.
With the bouquet in hand, she stepped outside, her heart full of joy.
In the opulent wedding venue, a dapper Lord Cedric seized the microphone from the host, his voice booming, “The wedding is off. I will not marry Seraphina Linsley.”
Gasps filled the air as guests exchanged bewildered glances.
Seraphina, stunned, lifted her veil and stared at the man at the end of the aisle, unable to comprehend his words.
“Cedric, what do you mean?” she called out, her heart racing as she rushed towards him, but a pre-marital examination report tumbled down, smacking her squarely in the face.
“Oh no,” she exclaimed, her hands instinctively flying to her face as panic coursed through her veins, tears pooling in her eyes.
“Seraphina, I can’t bear to see you anymore.”
Fuming, Cedric stormed away without another word, leaving her reeling in shock.
“Stop!” Sir Archibald, her grandfather, stepped forward, his face pale with anger as he shook with rage.
“Grandfather… please don’t be angry,” Seraphina pleaded, wiping her tears.
“Please, Seraphina, just listen,” Lady Eveline, her half-sister, wove through the crowd. “There must be a misunderstanding; let’s take a look at that report.”
As the bodyguard retrieved the report from the ground and handed it to Sir Archibald, both women leaned in to examine it.
“Oh my god, Seraphina is actually a mother…” Lady Eveline's voice rose audibly, ensuring the nearby guests heard.
“Grandfather, I swear I’ve never had a child,” Seraphina protested, shaking her head furiously.
At just twenty-three and still in college, how could anyone believe such a thing was true?
“Right, how could Seraphina have had a child? This must be a mistake from the doctor,” Lady Eveline smirked inwardly, clearly relishing the moment.
“Such a shame for him, to make such a blunder; now, that’s a reputation in jeopardy,” she added casually, stoking the flames of outrage in Sir Archibald.
In an instant, the love he once held for her vanished, replaced by fury at the perceived betrayal.
He turned swiftly, slapping Seraphina hard across the face.
“Grandfather…” she gasped, clutching her stinging cheek, tears streaming down her face uncontrollably.
“I regret bringing you back into this family—like mother, like daughter. You have utterly disgraced us.”
With that bitter proclamation, Sir Archibald marched away, followed closely by his bodyguard, leaving Seraphina alone, heartbroken and confused amidst the stunned silence of the crowd.

Chapter 2

As soon as Sir Archibald left, Lady Eveline burst into laughter.
"How ridiculous is it that you’ve had a child but still keep pretending to be a virgin, Lady Seraphina? Your true colors are finally revealed. What face do you have left to linger here with us at the Shen estate? Just get lost, you shameless harlot! Go back to your old name, Miss Linsley, because you don’t deserve the Shen surname!"
Lady Seraphina ignored her, her trembling hands clutching the pre-wedding check-up report as she read it over again.
Lady Eveline, basking in her victory, taunted, “Miss Linsley, if it weren’t for you, Sir Cedric and I would have been married ages ago. Luckily for me, the heavens didn’t let your schemes succeed. By the way, I have good news—I’m pregnant with Sir Cedric’s child. You better not show up at our wedding, or I’ll consider it bad luck. Hahaha…”
“You framed me,” Lady Seraphina gritted, her teeth clenching in rage.
“Who cares to frame you?” Lady Eveline shot back, her tone brimming with self-righteousness. “Sir Cedric and I were meant for each other from the start.”
“I wish you two sleazebags all the misery you deserve, and may the lowlife fit perfectly with the trash.”
“You’re the sleazebag! You’re the trash! You and your shameless mother—both of you are nothing but vixens!”
Infuriated, Lady Eveline raised her hand as if to slap Lady Seraphina.
“You can insult me all you want, but do not touch my mother.”
With that, Lady Seraphina shoved past Lady Eveline, her heavy wedding gown trailing as she stumbled out of the Grand Palace Inn.
She needed to find Grandpa Shen and explain everything.
“Hey!” Lady Eveline cried out, now on the floor in a mock show of concern. “Seraphina, come back! The past is behind us. Don’t let it upset you… come back…”
Her outcry only added fuel to the gossip fires—and regardless of the truth, Lady Seraphina’s reputation was already in shambles.
Lady Eveline had succeeded in her scheme.
As Lady Seraphina burst out of the wedding venue, she felt a torrent of judgmental eyes upon her as she walked.
She stood dazed on the sidewalk, passersby stealing glances, their eyes lingering in curiosity.
What a beautiful girl she was in that pristine wedding dress, her alabaster skin glowing, shoulders bare, and her figure dainty and graceful. She became a living statue amidst the city bustle; even the drivers slowed down to get a better look.
In a silent moment, a Rolls Royce Phantom glided to a stop in front of her.
Before she could react, a man in a black suit swept her into the car.
“Let go of me! What do you want… help! Someone, help me!”
Lady Seraphina struggled wildly, kicking and clawing at her captor.
The suited man grimaced as her nails grazed his face, unyieldingly tossing her into the seat before slamming the door shut.
“Who are you? What do you want? Kidnappers shouldn’t be driving around in a Rolls Royce Phantom!”
Lady Seraphina forced herself to stay calm, her palms drenched in sweat.
She noticed a handsome man across from her, absorbed in checking stock prices on his iPad; an unsettling familiarity washed over her.
With thick brows and a sharp nose, the man had a chiseled look that could cut glass. His cold demeanor radiated an instinctual danger, like the temperature in the air had dropped to freezing.
He towered over her, imposing, silent, exuding an aura of lordship that dared anyone to approach.
Who had she seen before?
Desperation seized her thoughts; she couldn’t remember.
No time to dwell—she had to save herself.
Pounding on the window, she shouted for help, hoping someone would hear her and call the police.
“Help! Someone, help!”
“Are you done throwing a tantrum?”
The man suddenly seized Lady Seraphina by the wrist, his grip cruel enough to crush bone. He pulled her close, muscles cradling her as if she were nothing but a lost cause.
“Try to run again, and I’ll break your legs.”
His icy words mixed with a rage she didn’t understand.
Why was he angry with her? She didn’t even know him!
Panic surged through her. “Let go of me! You’ve got the wrong person. I don’t know you!”
“We slept together, and now you don’t want to take responsibility,” he stated coldly.
“When did I sleep with you? You’re just another one of Lady Eveline’s pawns trying to frame me.”
“Then I guess you’ll have to sleep with me again to retrieve those memories.”
“Crazy! I’ve never slept with you! I won’t take responsibility for something I didn’t do. Let me go! Help! Someone! This man is a psycho!”
Lady Seraphina completely lost it, kicking and flailing against Lord Hawthorne.
“What a horrible wedding dress,” he muttered, then savagely tore at the fabric as if waging war against it.
The viciousness in his actions sent chills down her spine.
His deep-set eyes were unsettling, like they held a darkness she couldn’t comprehend.
“Please… no… Aahh…”
Protecting her chest with her arms, Lady Seraphina wept in despair.
Yet Lord Hawthorne wouldn’t relent, relentlessly shredding the dress until it became mere scraps, as if declaring war on all his pent-up hatred.
“Stop, please…”
Humiliated and desperate, Lady Seraphina gasped for breath, but the world around her dimmed, and she succumbed to darkness.

Chapter 3

Lord Hawthorne held Lady Seraphina’s almost lifeless form in his arms, slowly calming down. With tender care, he brushed aside the strands of hair that covered her face, whispering softly, “Little Wildcat, you can’t escape me now!”
Lady Seraphina had once again fallen into that strange nightmare that had haunted her for years.
In the dream, she lay on her bed like a mere shell of herself, while a man whose features were forever obscured unleashed an endless assault on her.
His strong physique loomed over her like an immovable mountain.
The weight of his presence made it hard for her to breathe.
Surrounded by darkness, she couldn’t see his face, but she could feel the heat radiating from him.
“Who are you?”
In the dream, she felt disoriented, her voice trembled.
The response was a more vigorous thrust.
She found herself floating, soaring through the clouds, lost in the throes of desire alongside the man.
The suffocating feeling was too vivid, growing increasingly like reality.
Her lips were feverish, and her body burned.
Oh, it hurt so much… she couldn’t bear it…
A sudden pang of pain jolted Lady Seraphina awake. Her mind cleared in an instant.
She opened her eyes to find Lord Hawthorne’s handsome face mere inches away from her. Reflexively, she slapped him.
“Smack!” The sound echoed in the room.
Her palm made clean contact with Lord Hawthorne’s face.
Then, she kicked him, causing him to stop in his tracks.
“Little Wildcat, it’s not cute to be so rough!”
Lord Hawthorne slowly pulled away from her lips, savoring a lingering taste and licking his own.
“Pervert! Taking advantage of me while I was out cold, you scoundrel, you jerk!”
Lady Seraphina struck out wildly at Lord Hawthorne, shouting, “Help! Somebody help me!”
“Don’t push your luck.” He pinned her hands above her head, straddling her legs, rendering her helpless.
The heat of his breath brushed against her face, infused with desire.
Panic and desperation coursed through Lady Seraphina, but she fought to keep her calm. “How much did Lady Eveline pay you to set me up? She already took Sir Cedric from me, why can’t she leave me alone? She’s the Shen family's heiress, while I’m just a nobody; I never wanted to compete with her. Must she go so far as to end me…?”
The more she spoke, the more heartbroken she felt, tears welling in her eyes, threatening to spill.
“Don’t you dare cry!”
He frowned, roughly rubbing away the tears from her cheeks with his thumb.
Lord Hawthorne was possessive and refused to let Lady Seraphina shed tears for other men.
“Let me go, and I’ll pay you back the double whatever Lady Eveline gave you. If you dare touch me, I’ll just end it right here, leaving you to earn money without a life to spend it…”
Lady Seraphina spat her words defiantly, sniffling as she turned her face away, avoiding his gaze.
Thinking about her plight and current situation, tears streamed down uncontrollably.
As she cried, she continued to beat on him.
“Jerk, you big jerk, all of you are jerks! Everyone bullies me, what have I done to deserve this? Waaa…”
“I hate all of you, I hate you! You’re all villains!”
“Mom, Dad, come take me away! I don’t want to live like this anymore... Mom, Dad…”
Her cries pierced Lord Hawthorne's heart like daggers, painfully silent.
He wanted to comfort her, but she saw him as her foe.
The closer he drew, the harder she cried and fought, as if trying to vent all her pent-up frustration upon him.
Lord Hawthorne held Lady Seraphina tightly, refusing to shy away, letting her hit and kick him without resistance.

Chapter 4

“Mom, Dad…” After a whirlwind of tears, exhaustion, and sheer mental fatigue, Lady Seraphina gradually calmed down.
She closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep, waiting for Lord Hawthorne to let his guard down so she could make her escape.
The moment she shut her eyes, the pain coursing through her body intensified. It was an almost unbearable ache, burning against her most tender skin.
“Little wildcat…”
Lord Hawthorne murmured softly, tenderly wiping away the tear streaks on her face.
He gazed at Lady Seraphina's sleeping visage for a moment longer before standing up to tuck the blanket around her more snugly. With one last lingering look, he exited the room.
Once the door clicked shut, Lady Seraphina opened her eyes slowly.
Waiting for a beat to ensure she was alone, she sprang up from the bed.
The sudden movement tugged painfully at the part of her she was still reeling from Lord Hawthorne's offense, sending a sharp pain through her entire body.
Her legs trembled beneath her, barely able to support her weight.
Gripping the bedframe for support, she bent at the waist, resting for a moment until the wave of discomfort subsided.
She flung open the wardrobe, revealing it overflowing with designer outfits. She hastily grabbed a dress and slipped it on, pleasantly surprised it fit perfectly.
Cautiously making her way to the window, Lady Seraphina's heart raced as she scanned the surrounding area.
Fortunately, the room was on the second floor, about fifteen to seventeen feet from the ground, and beneath her lay a thick expanse of grass. Climbing down the bedsheet wouldn’t be too difficult, and the fall onto the lawn wouldn’t be life-threatening.
As for a rope… the bedsheet would suffice.
Lord Hawthorne stood by the floor-to-ceiling window, a glass of red wine swirling in his hand, the crimson liquid creating ripples.
His deep eyes tracked the white silhouette of Lady Seraphina as she moved further away.
Her running was a bit clumsy; her long legs seemed to struggle with the effort.
Unquestionably, Lord Hawthorne was the reason her legs felt as if they were stuck.
After years apart, her body had matured in places but still felt so small in others.
He had always favored her petite form… the idea of her never truly growing up was ideal to him.
Recalling the suffocating feelings he had experienced, Lord Hawthorne felt a surge of heat in his lower abdomen, a tingling sensation electrifying his scalp.
Ah… little enchantress…
He could almost still feel the bounce of her skin against his palms.
Just then, the door to the study swung open, and the butler entered, bowing respectfully. “Boss, Miss Su has escaped.”
“Keep her protected from the shadows.”
“Yes, sir!”
“Make sure you’re not discovered.”
Lady Seraphina’s flight was entirely within Lord Hawthorne's expectation.
She was a feisty little wildcat, not some gentle lamb.
But this time, he wouldn’t let her slip away from his world again. From now on, her vivaciousness would be for his enjoyment alone.
Suddenly, a four-year-old boy burst into the study, demanding, “Dad, where’s Mom? You said you’d help me find her!”
“She ran away!” Lord Hawthorne pointed at the receding figure of Lady Seraphina with a sigh of helplessness.
“Wow… I want Mom, I want Mom…” The small child plopped down on the floor, crying inconsolably.
Lord Hawthorne knelt, pained as he wiped his son’s tears away. “Dad promises, I’ll bring Mom back.”
“Don’t make me wait too long!”
The boy clung onto Lord Hawthorne’s neck, and the thought of his escaping mother set off a fresh round of tears.
“It won’t be long, Dad will make sure Mom remembers us and comes back to our side!”
Lady Seraphina dashed outside, only to realize just how far Lord Hawthorne’s estate was from the city.
Wearing high heels, she found herself in pain after only a short walk; her feet felt on fire, and the insides of her legs were rubbed raw.
Determined to keep moving, she pressed on, yet not a single car passed by.
By dawn, Lady Seraphina finally reached the outskirts and managed to flag down a taxi back to Shen Estate.

Chapter 5

Lady Eveline awoke in a daze, the sound of shouts from the courtyard jolting her senses. “Miss Su!”
She shot out of bed and hurried to the window, spotting Lady Seraphina standing there, her lips twisted in discontent. What a shameless woman, Eveline thought.
By the time Lady Eveline finished getting ready, chaos had erupted downstairs.
When she finally descended, she found Lady Seraphina's belongings strewn wildly about the yard. A couple of frilly panties had been shredded into ribbons by the two toy Chihuahuas she owned, who were playfully tugging at a pink pair, each aiming to claim it for themselves.
Lady Seraphina stood helplessly at the study door, her voice rising with desperation. “Grandfather Shen, please let me explain! I never had a child! That report must be a fake...”
Inside, Sir Archibald ignored her, fully engrossed in his calligraphy practice.
“Just like her mother—pitiful and adept at playing the victim,” Lady Garrick muttered under her breath, her sharp gaze shifting toward the study while she gracefully spooned bird’s nest soup, the sound of her teeth clicking with irritation.
A servant approached, bowing slightly. “Madam, Miss Su’s things have all been thrown out.”
“Don’t ever call that little sl*t ‘Miss Su’ again. It’s a disgrace to the Shen name,” Lady Garrick snapped. “Search the place! Everything that little harlot has used must be tossed—leave nothing behind!”
“Yes, Madam.”
As the servant turned to leave, Lady Garrick added, “Get rid of all the furniture from her room, reupholster the walls, and replace the flooring as well.”
“Mom, please don’t treat Seraphina like this—Grandfather Shen will be unhappy,” Eveline chimed in, suppressing a giggle as she sat beside her mother, casting a mocking glance at Lady Seraphina, who seemed absolutely powerless at that moment.
For years, Grandfather Shen had shielded Lady Seraphina, who had suffered plenty of indignities. Now, seeing her in distress brought Eveline immense satisfaction.
Look at you now, little harlot!
“I had the servants throw out her wretched things, and your Grandfather Shen hasn’t spoken a word against it. If I had to guess, I’d say he’s the one who despises her most,” Lady Garrick declared confidently, ordering the servants, “Get that little mortification out of our house! Maybe then we can have some peace.”
Though Lady Seraphina was the second daughter of the Shen family, favored by Elder Lord Shen, she had provoked his ire this time. The servants stood frozen, exchanging uncertain glances as none dared to approach her.
“What are you all standing there for? Hurry up and get her out of here! You’re not planning to keep your jobs, are you? If she doesn’t go, then neither do you!"
In a fit of rage, Lady Garrick hurled her bowl of bird's nest soup across the room.
The servants knew the strength of Lady Garrick's fury; silently sharing looks, they ultimately rushed toward Lady Seraphina, dragging her outside.
Lady Seraphina’s long legs scraped across the floor, pain shockingly raw.
Staying or leaving the Shen family didn’t matter to her anymore; she was only concerned about Sir Archibald’s opinion. With her parents gone for many years, he was her only kin, the only one who ever cared for her.
She just wanted to clarify everything before leaving Shen Estate without any baggage.
The servants tossed her out like a piece of trash, and as she stumbled, she fell into the koi pond. Struggling to rise, she found herself drenched in muck, strands of weeds entangled in her hair.
“Ha! Look who's back to her roots so quickly! Seraphina, are you playing Cinderella? That look isn’t great, but it really suits you!” Lady Eveline cackled, unable to contain her amusement.
With a cold glare, Lady Seraphina crawled out of the pond, dripping and filthy.
“Oh dear sister,” Eveline taunted, “don’t waste your energy trying to land a rich husband. Go home to your child and the child's father. You can’t just abandon them because the man is poor. Have a heart-to-heart with Grandfather Shen; maybe he’ll take pity and give you some money. You could live well off that!” Eveline smirked, “You’re shooting too high for a woman like you. Go back to your slums.”

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