Between Choices and Consequences

Chapter 1

Before their divorce, they treated each other with respect, their love merely a joke.
When they got back together, he became the epitome of jealousy, and she took on the role of a pampered little woman.
Before their marriage, Eleanor Grey went on a blind date with William Black, convinced that fairy tales were just lies. She refused to be foolish enough to believe in the existence of true love. So, she married the handsome, wealthy, and extraordinarily capable William Black. Six months later, she found herself suggesting a divorce, and William, the alpha male, didn’t even bother to fight for it.
The divorce was finalized, but even after they went their separate ways, William Black couldn’t understand why he felt irritated whenever he saw his ex-wife acting like she wanted nothing to do with him.
He wasn’t a fool and certainly didn’t make losing investments. His lingering desire for his ex suggested that he was more than just accustomed to her – he was likely addicted to her. The sight of other men hovering around her made his blood boil with jealousy. If that was the case, he knew he had to win her back. So what if they were divorced? He wasn't too bothered that she had secretly given birth to their little one; as long as he could sleep with her again and maybe create another bundle of joy, she could say whatever she wanted about not turning back to him. He had plenty of tricks up his sleeve to remarry her.

Chapter 2

In the serene atmosphere of her room, soft piano melodies floated through the air as Eleanor Grey, a voluptuous figure, gracefully twisted and turned through challenging yoga poses, the gentle scent of essential oils enveloping her surroundings.
Eleanor was deeply focused on her yoga practice, her forehead glistening with pearls of sweat. Each movement was slow and elegant, serving to tone her body and calm her mind.
As the music swelled, she felt like a speck of dust in the universe, her body stretching and unfolding, awakening the warmth inside her, slowly releasing it with each breath.
After a forty-minute session, she sat on her mat, controlling her breathing, her hand unconsciously brushing against the extra softness at her waist. With a deep sigh, she muttered, "I feel like I'm missing something."
She stood up and walked to her desk, picking up a glass of water to savor. Ever since giving birth, her figure had changed, and having always prided herself on her looks, she was resolute in not letting herself slip into complacency.
Knock knock. She turned, "Come in."
The door opened, and Sir Edwin entered with a smile, “Miss, there’s someone here to see you.”
“Who?” she asked.
“William Black, sir.”
Eleanor nodded, “Please show him to the living room. I’ll be there shortly.”
“Of course.”
Ten minutes later, a quickly refreshed Eleanor arrived in the living room, her natural look conveying both grace and urgency. As soon as she stepped in, she heard a strained voice call her name, “Eleanor!”
Eleanor looked at a visibly furious William Black, quickly grasping the urgency of the situation. “William.” She shut the living room door behind her, sensing the storm brewing.
William strode toward her, his handsome face shrouded in frost, his eyes burning with intensity. “What the hell is going on?”
Eleanor lowered her gaze, unwilling to meet his fiery stare. She knew he would find out eventually, and while he would be furious, a part of her thought that this was what he wanted. She decided to give in, “Well, you know how it is.”
His aura darkened further, “Oh, you mean you took my sperm and secretly had a baby?”
Eleanor frowned, replying sharply, “First of all, I didn’t take anything; it was given to me.” Her cheeks flushed crimson. “Second, I had every right to have my child. What’s strange about that?”
Silence fell in the living room while William’s eyes narrowed, a cold smile creeping onto his lips. “So I’m just a free sperm donor to you now?”
Eleanor's confidence wavered, but she refused to back down, raising an eyebrow defiantly. “Shut up!” she bit back, her anger flaring. “Without eggs or a womb, how was I supposed to have a baby? You contributed just a tiny bit; why are you angry? You didn’t even want any of this.”
“Shut up!” He suddenly seized her arm, his grip fierce as he locked eyes with her. “We agreed from the start that we didn’t want kids. You asked me, and I never changed my mind. But you... you purposely hid this from me, tricked me into a divorce, and then had a child.”
Eleanor rolled her eyes, “I only found out after the divorce!”
“Eleanor Grey, keep lying to yourself and see how far that takes you!” William released her arm with a force that nearly sent her tumbling.
“William, you…” She turned, watching him storm away like a tempest, her heart racing; it was the first time she had ever seen him this furious, and it terrified her.

Chapter 3

A year ago, in the early morning at Black Manor, the sound of retching echoed from the bathroom.
Eleanor Grey stood up slowly, cast a glance at her weary reflection in the mirror, and furrowed her brow in confusion. She felt completely fine—so why had she just thrown up?
After washing her face and drying it, she left the bathroom, sitting at her vanity to apply her skincare products. In the mirror, her figure—a perfect hourglass shape with broad shoulders and a slender waist—reflected back. It was a sight that made men want to sweep her off her feet at first glance.
William Black turned away from the wardrobe, his voice calm and steady. "You’re not feeling well."
"I think I overdid it with the sushi last night. Just a bit queasy," she replied, beginning to apply her makeup. Her complexion was far too pale today; without makeup, she might look like a ghost that crawled out of a horror movie, scaring everyone in sight.
"Let’s get you checked out at the hospital later," William replied, nodding as he fastened the silver cufflinks on his deep blue suit, which accentuated his aristocratic air.
Eleanor had to admit, William possessed a face that both men envied and women adored. His style was impeccable, and his carefully selected outfits suited him perfectly, striking a balance that was neither overly flashy nor too understated—just right.
His features could be described as the archetype of a heartthrob: sharp, slightly slanted eyes filled with an alluring charm, a strong, straight nose, and lips that were usually pressed into a serious line. He rarely smiled; his long-standing demeanor was cold and impassive, a waste of those captivating eyes. But it suited his position as the heir to The Black Consortium.
William had the air of a general commanding troops on the battlefield—decisive and tough—but curiously, this iron-willed CEO was the reason The Black Consortium was flourishing. Everyone knew he was ruthless in business and reserved with people; he avoided attending social gatherings, leaving those affairs to the public relations team. Eleanor preferred it that way since the PR staff were always cheerful and charismatic.
Whenever Eleanor interacted with William, she couldn’t shake the feeling of standing in the presence of someone monumental, making her want to retreat from this master of chill. Yet, unfortunately, she was married to this serious man.
However, life with him wasn’t as daunting as she had imagined. They had been married for five months, coexisting harmoniously and treating each other with respect. Within the confines of their home, he was not always serious; his expression notably softened, especially in the mornings. She watched him in the mirror, his face still carries the remnants of sleep. His eyelashes drooped, masking his usually aloof eyes, while the morning light cast a gentle glow across his face. Eleanor turned her gaze back to her makeup.
Dressed impeccably, William stepped into the walk-in closet to choose a watch. After some time, he emerged, securing the watch on his wrist. "I’m heading out now."
Eleanor glanced at him. "Aren’t you eating?"
"Not hungry."
"Ah." She paused, then added, "Aunt Beatrice should have made shrimp sandwiches. Take one to the office."
He nodded and disappeared from their bedroom.
After layering on her primer, Eleanor applied a slick of moisturizing lip balm before choosing a shade of lipstick. After deliberating, she settled on a rosy pink that highlighted her cheeks and gave her a lovely, married glow. Dressed in a cream-colored suit and light blue heels, she nodded to herself approvingly.
As she descended the stairs, the rotund figure of Aunt Beatrice greeted her with a warm smile. "Good morning, Mrs. Black! Breakfast is ready."
"Thank you, Aunt Beatrice," Eleanor replied with a smile. She was not as rushed as William; she had high standards for breakfast, aiming for a nutritious start to the day while planning to have a hearty lunch and a light dinner to maintain her curves.
Taking a seat, she tucked into her plate of bacon. Just as she cut through the succulent meat, her stomach churned again. She set her utensils down, covering her mouth, and forced back a light gagging sound.

Chapter 4

Aunt Beatrice was Eleanor Grey's housekeeper, primarily responsible for preparing meals and keeping the house tidy. After cooking dinner each evening, she would head home, leaving the dishes to be washed the next day. If the hostess wasn’t home for dinner, she could skip cooking altogether and leave early.
Just as she was about to head to the bedroom to tidy up, she heard Eleanor Grey retching, startling her. "Mrs. Grey!"
"I can't eat, I just don't have an appetite," Eleanor said, grabbing a glass of juice and taking a few sips. "I won't be staying for lunch; I'm off to the office."
Aunt Beatrice watched her with concern. "Mrs. Grey, you don’t look well." While she spoke, she began to pack a sandwich at the counter for Eleanor to take to work.
Eleanor nodded slightly. "My stomach's acting up."
Aunt Beatrice scrutinized her for a moment, then passed the paper bag into Eleanor’s hands. Hesitating, she cautiously added, “Mrs. Grey, do you think you should see a doctor? You might be with child.” She felt a flutter of hope—it would be a joy to have a baby in the house, but she didn’t want to get too ahead of herself.
Eleanor squeezed the paper bag, the crinkling sound punctuating the silence. She shot Aunt Beatrice an odd look, her voice rising slightly, “What are you saying, Aunt Beatrice?”
Aunt Beatrice blinked, taken aback. “Uh, I’m just speculating.”
Eleanor blinked back her strange emotions, forcing a gentle smile. “Thanks for your concern. I really have to go to work now.”
“Be careful on the road," Aunt Beatrice called as Eleanor walked out the door.
Driving through the city, Eleanor paused at a red light, her perfectly shaped brows furrowing together as her fingertips drummed impatiently on the steering wheel. "Impossible, impossible, how could it be?" She glanced down at her belly and chuckled softly to herself. "I'm losing my mind. No way I could be pregnant."
She had been married to William Black for five months, and in just one month, they would reach the six-month mark. Their life together had been smoothly synchronized—not only did they share similar living habits, but their ways of thinking also clicked.
Their marriage was a business arrangement, a strategic alliance between The Black Consortium and The Grey Society that had stirred its fair share of controversy. The most heated debates revolved around how their union would impact their respective companies. In many ways, the two organizations had drawn closer together, reaping significant benefits from the partnership.
Before the wedding, Eleanor had met William a few times and been upfront about her views. She had never bought into the tales of fairytales; it was naive to expect love to conquer all. No charming prince or mystical love story awaited her; she was marrying a handsome, wealthy, and capable man. While romantic love was absent, she had learned to appreciate that for what it was and not to be greedy.
She vividly recalled their last meeting, the one where they made the final decision to marry. The atmosphere was heavy with seriousness.
"I won't lie to you," William had stated bluntly at the outset.
If it had been someone else, she might have thought them dishonest, but William had an undeniable sincerity about him. She understood that he was not the type to weave tales. "Alright, go on."
He wasn’t negotiating, nor did he intend to keep her in suspense. He got straight to the point. "I hope we won't have children."
She was blindsided, her mind spiraling as she registered his words. "You don't want kids?"
She had seen ordinary families implementing birth control, but never considered it a decision William might share. They were wealthy enough that raising a child wouldn’t pose financial concerns—elite education and all the advantages were certainly within their means. Especially within affluent families, there was a strong focus on legacy; passing down wealth and lineage was paramount.
"Children are a hassle, and I don’t have the energy to be a good father," he said openly.
She raised an eyebrow, finding his reasoning underwhelming, though his expression was resolute.

Chapter 5

Eleanor Grey took a moment, then said flatly, “To be honest, I’ve never liked kids.” It was true; children were too loud and too unruly, and her patience was reserved strictly for project proposals and company matters. She didn’t have the time or energy to raise a child.
William Black shared her sentiments, but he had other concerns. “Father Alistair, Mother Margaret…”
He interrupted her decisively, “It’s fine, don’t worry about them. I’ll handle it.”
“I enjoy living freely. I’ll fulfill my responsibilities as a husband, and I won’t interfere with you, as long as you embrace your role as my wife.”
She smiled slowly, realizing he had just laid out his self-serving nature. In essence, he wanted a marriage without children, and to live as amicable partners without betrayal.
“Okay,” she replied with ease.
As it turned out, her choice was wise. Over the months, their life together unfolded smoothly, as if they were old friends sharing an apartment without so much as a quarrel.
Bringing herself back to the present, she glanced at the green light ahead, slowly pressing on the gas pedal as her car moved steadily along the road.
Determined to avoid pregnancy, they always took precautions during their intimate moments. Eleanor had an unusual quirk—she couldn’t swallow pills. Whenever she was unwell, she opted for ground-up medication instead. Birth control pills were a nightmare for her, so she left all contraceptive measures in William’s hands.
He was a man of considerable self-control, and with all precautions in place, it seemed impossible for her to become pregnant. She shook her head, smiling at the thought.
But suddenly, her smile faltered. Hadn’t they had one slip-up? That night when he had a few drinks… Her complexion turned pale as she murmured, “It can’t be that lucky, can it? Just one time?”
When Eleanor pulled up to Grey Keep, she gripped the steering wheel tightly, biting her lip so hard that her pearly whites drew a hint of crimson. She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, pulled out her phone, “Assistant, it’s me. I’ll be a bit late to the office today. Call me only if it's urgent…”
As she sat before Dr. Amelia, Eleanor maintained a serious demeanor. In a short while, the doctor looked up, smiling. “Congratulations! You’re ten weeks pregnant.”
Eleanor felt as if she had been sentenced to death, staring blankly at Dr. Amelia as if she hadn't comprehended the doctor’s words. Sensing her shock, the doctor smiled gently, believing Eleanor simply needed a moment to process the surprise.
After a long pause, Dr. Amelia realized something was amiss. No matter how good the news was, Eleanor shouldn't look as though she'd just bitten into something rotten. Clearing her throat, she finally got Eleanor’s attention. “Are you alright?”
Expressionless, with turbulent emotions swirling inside her, Eleanor finally spoke, “My husband and I aren’t ready for a child yet. I don’t want this baby.”
Surprisingly, Dr. Amelia didn’t seem shocked. Many young people shared that perspective these days. She nodded with a touch of regret. “Alright, I'll have the nurse schedule an appointment for you.”
Eleanor rose, her hands and feet cold. Quietly, she followed the nurse out, who was organizing a timeline for her. “How about next Monday?”
Eleanor nodded, absorbing the details until the nurse provided her with a specific time. She confirmed and then left the hospital with her bag in hand.
The moment Eleanor stepped outside, she was hit with bright sunlight that made her squint. Blinking to adjust to the brightness, she walked slowly to her car. Once inside, she didn’t immediately start the engine; instead, she sat in silence.
She touched her face, surprised to find a light sheen of sweat on her forehead. Her breath came quick and light, each breath echoing like a whisper in her ears as Dr. Amelia’s words repeated in her mind: “Congratulations, you’re pregnant…”
She was pregnant. She really was. Trembling, her hand rested on her knee as her gaze fell instinctively to her still-flat abdomen.

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