Beneath the Old Oak Tree


It was Lily Adams' first time at Western Heights High School, and the campus was filled with small trees and surrounded by a sea of green. The neatly arranged trees on the playground, with their trunks covered with hanging branches, swayed gently in the breeze.

Especially in the back of the campus, there is an old oak tree, the age of the tree seems to be decades. The thick branches rustle in the wind and seem to tell the story of the years.

Western Heights High School in Ashton City is considered a high standard high school, the school strictly prohibits students from falling in love, the school often sends the student council and teachers to patrol the campus, catching those dating boys and girls. The consequences for students who are caught are severe, ranging from demerits to expulsion. Despite this, many parents and students aspire to attend this model high school with its strict rules.

With an annual transition rate of over 90%, students fight so hard to get in that Lily Adams doesn't understand how her grandfather managed to get her in.

Lily Adams, the standard "delinquent", has no love for this high school! It's like a prison for her, a place where she loses her freedom and seems to be wasting her youth away.

The management of this high school is very strict, nothing is allowed. And it was said that the first thing you had to do when entering this high school was to memorize the 500 rules and regulations of Wen Shang High School.

Although Lily is a troubled girl, she reluctantly decides to force herself to adapt in order not to disappoint her grandfather. Since her grandfather must have put a lot of effort into letting her in, let's fulfill the wishes of her elders!

Lily had short hair and was wearing a plaid shirt, underneath was a pair of faded jeans full of holes, together with a pair of white sneakers, she looked like a standard schoolgirl.

She walked into the campus with her backpack, and the first thing she did was to report to the administration office, because she was a transfer student.

There are so many students here, under the trees and in the pavilions, everywhere you can see students of both sexes, all holding textbooks in their hands and concentrating on their studies. A good school is different, this strong atmosphere of reading, as if the surrounding area is occupied by nerds ......

Lily felt a sense of oppression, seems to be out of place in this environment.

Unconsciously, she came to the political education department, first looked at the head of the sign, clearly written "political education department" three words.

"Student Lily Adams reporting for duty!" She exclaimed.

The sudden noise caused everyone in the office to look toward her.

She peeked over her shoulder and saw that everyone was wearing glasses and had a serious look on their faces. In her eyes, they looked like fierce teachers. The word "teacher" seemed to her to be a natural enemy. Just like between a mouse and a cat, the cat always wanted to eat the mouse, and could never live in peace.

Although the teachers didn't seem very nice, Lily wasn't afraid of them at all! After years of experience on the streets, what kind of teachers have she not seen?

"Come in!" After a while, a middle-aged male teacher wearing black-framed glasses said.

After filling out the enrollment procedures, the male teacher handed her a thick book.

"This is the school rules of Western Heights, you must memorize them word for word to be considered a student of this school. Also, I'm your homeroom teacher, my name is Mr. Graham, and you'll be in class 10B tomorrow morning, so don't be late!"


“Got it!” Lily Adams replied lazily, clutching the thick book as she stepped outside.

She flipped through the pages randomly, finding mainly introductions to the school’s background and faculty, along with what seemed like five hundred rules! The image of her homeroom teacher’s blocky face made her feel disgruntled.

“Who does Mr. Graham think he is? Seriously, screw that! It’s ridiculous to expect me to memorize all those stupid rules. He clearly hasn’t had to suffer like this, so why not just get rid of him now?”

Lily sighed, feeling a bit better knowing she didn’t have to play nice because of her grandfather’s reputation.

Before she knew it, her stomach started grumbling. After being active for so long without eating, she was starting to feel like she might starve!

Lily couldn't tolerate being hungry, not even for a second. She decided to head to the Cafeteria to grab something to eat.

Being a transfer student was annoying; adjusting to a new environment was a hassle. Western Heights was quite large, and she wasn't even sure where the Cafeteria was located. After asking several students, she finally found her way there.

“Wait, is someone fighting over there?” she wondered aloud. It seemed Western Heights wasn’t the perfect paradise everyone claimed it to be. Where were the teachers and the student council when a brawl was happening?

As she walked closer, she couldn’t believe her eyes! Four against one? This was outrageous.

Lily had no intention of ignoring this kind of scene.

“Hey! Stop right there! What are you doing? Four against one? Is that how you roll?”

The quartet of girls paused and turned to her, their expressions a mix of surprise and annoyance. A crowd began to gather, eagerly watching the spectacle unfold.

“Who does she think she is, barging into our business?”

“Yeah, who would dare provoke those four? This girl must be asking for trouble.”

“She looks unfamiliar. She must be new here!”

The girl in charge stepped forward, looking down at Lily with her chin held high. “And who are you? Do I look like someone who needs your help? You’d better back off.”

Hmph! Lily recognized that typical arrogant behavior.

“I’m not going anywhere! While I may not be some highborn lady, I’m not going to stand by and watch you bully someone—a lone wolf against a pack of predators. I've seen plenty of arrogance, and I won’t let it slide. My name is Lily Adams, and if you haven't heard of me, then consider this your introduction!”

“Oh? Big words from a newcomer. I haven’t had the chance to deal with someone so clueless in a long time. So, how do you plan on helping that poor kid? Looks like he’s had his lunch ruined.” The tall, lanky girl smirked, posing with her arms crossed like a peacock.

Lily rolled her eyes. “It’s simple. Just let him off the hook and move on; what’s with the need to physically attack him?” She glanced over at the bullied boy. “Right, classmate? If I don't have the cash to back myself up, just speak up.”
The boy gazed back at her, completely stunned.

Lily shrugged it off and went to grab her meal.

“Hey, don’t walk away!” the head girl called after her, but Lily had already sprinted off.

A moment later, Lily returned with her tray, sliding it in front of the rude girl. “Here you go. It's just a box of lunch, not a royal decree. Why look down on it? Come on, it’s time to go!”

(End of Chapter)


Lily Adams pushes her lunchbox into Vanessa Powell's lap, then takes Ethan Carter's hand and leaves.

"Wait! Are you guys just going to leave?" Vanessa, obviously still upset, looks at Lily with a puzzled look on her face.

At that moment, a teacher approached, making way for the others.

"What's going on here? Why are there so many people watching?" The visitor was a male teacher, with a pair of glasses on his face.

Lily thought to herself, "Why does everyone at Western Heights High like to wear glasses? Is everyone too blind from reading?

Vanessa indignantly pointed at Ethan and said, "Teacher, he spilled my lunch."

Lily then says, "Teacher, can they please leave? I saw her with that box of lunch in her lap. There's nothing more for them to do here, can they please go?"

"That's it? You can leave, I thought it was something big ......" The male teacher looked a little confused, not realizing it was such a small thing.

With Lily's reasoning, he let them go.

"Teacher ......" Vanessa was dissatisfied, and even pouted at the male teacher, which gave everyone around her goosebumps.

Finally getting rid of the girls, Lily turned to Ethan, "Okay, now that I'm safe, be careful in the future, don't let them bully you again."

Ethan looked at her with gratitude, "Thank you, I'll be more careful in the future, those guys won't let me off easily. The one just now is called Vanessa, she has a nickname, 'the school bully'. Her family is rich, and her parents donate a lot of money to the school. The principal and teachers are very lenient with her, and everyone in the school gives her a pass, even the teachers have to be nice to her. If I mess with her tomorrow, she'll definitely take revenge on me, so I have to be careful."

It was obvious that Ethan was very worried about this matter, this little boy seemed to be younger than her!

His cheeks were flushed and he looked a little chubby, making you want to squeeze him.

Lily shook her head indifferently, "Well, you know who I am right Lily Adams, I've never been afraid of anyone!"

"Well ...... then I'm off." Ethan said.


Looking at Ethan's back, Lily smiled silently, thinking, "This little boy, he looks so nice, he must be a senior.

After Ethan walked a little way, he suddenly turned back, "Oh, right, I forgot to tell you, my name is Ethan Carter." He smiled at her, then blushed and ran away, disappearing from view in an instant.

Lily smiled back symbolically, but was a little embarrassed, silently thinking, Ethan Carter?A strange name indeed.

Then she shook her head and thought back to what had just happened, and couldn't help but feel that on her second day at Western Heights High, she had gotten into trouble with the school's "bully girl".

If Grandpa knew what she was going to do tomorrow, he would probably be furious!

Whatever! Lily Adams never thought about the consequences of her actions.

Where to go now? She thought.

Suddenly, her stomach started to growl again, and Lily remembered that she hadn't eaten ......

So, she ran towards Cafeteria......


"Shit, he's gonna be late!" Lily Adams panicked, she couldn't be so unlucky as to be late for class!

She had to be late for the next day's class! That's a really bad first impression!

"Five, four, three, two, one ......" With a final countdown, Lily finally made it to the door of the classroom at the end of the minute.The students of Class 10B all stared at the uninvited guest with strange eyes.

Lily peeked into the classroom and saw the teacher ...... was her homeroom teacher, Mr. Graham.

"He introduced everyone, this is the new transfer student, Lily Adams," Mr. Graham said in the classroom.

Lily raised her hand and greeted everyone with a smile, "Hey, everyone, please take care of me!"

"Lily, remember to come to class three minutes early from now on. Considering this is the first time you've been late, I'll let you off the hook. However, I would like you to sit in the empty seat in the row in front of you." Mr. Graham's tone was serious yet gentle.

Lily walked to the front row with her backpack. Suddenly, she felt a sharp gaze from the side, she couldn't help but look over there.

The girl looked familiar, seemed to have met somewhere ......

Suddenly, she remembered the girl who chased a boy away from the campus last month, it was Vanessa Powell! How could she be so unlucky to be in the same class with that devil woman?

She was so unlucky to be in the same class as that witch! She couldn't help but feel a trace of fear in her heart. Though the devil was always on her side, Lily Adams had never been afraid of them since she was a little girl. At best, they'd fight to the death.

Walking to the front row, Lily placed her bag heavily on the table. At that moment, a boy next to her looked at her with adoring eyes, which made her feel a bit puzzled.

That ...... boy was really good-looking, with longer eyelashes than girls, thin lips, and more unusually, violet eyes with bangs hanging down, he looked really handsome!

Involuntarily, she swallowed a mouthful of water.

"Hey, Mr. Desk, what's my name? Please take care of me from now on." Lily smiled and said, of course, she said "care" is not ordinary care, but help in the exam .......

The boy replied, "My name is Ryan Sullivan, and I must be the Lily Adams who fought so bravely with you that day at Cafeteria."

"Wow! How did I not know you could fight back? Yes, that's me." Lily whispered, checking not to be overheard by Mr. Graham, who was in the middle of his lecture.

At the mention of fighting back, Lily felt very proud of herself.

"How could it be, when the whole of Western Heights High practically knows about it?"

"Ah! Oh dear, isn't he famous then?" Lily suddenly blurted out, immediately catching the attention of Mr. Graham, who glanced at her with a wink, and then resumed the lesson.

She dutifully lowered her head, not wanting the teacher to see her. Those bad students usually sneak around the back and play all sorts of tricks.

It dawned on Lily that it was no wonder that when she arrived at school the next day, the rest of the campus was pointing.

"So what? He just doesn't like it when Vanessa and the others bully each other, that's what she's like, she can't help it, hehehe ......" Lily giggled.

Mr. Graham couldn't hold back any longer, and suddenly threw a piece of chalk at Lily, hitting her right on the head.

Now she shut up, it was time to show some respect to the teacher for her first class.


Ding ----

As soon as the bell rang, Vanessa Powell was in front of Lily Adams.

Lily didn't expect the devil to come so fast! Just as the teacher left, Vanessa followed.

Vanessa's classmate, an equally tall girl, leaned on the table with her hands clasped in front of her, and said with a sneer, "Oh, I can't believe that we're in the same class together, it's really a narrow escape! A country bumpkin, surprisingly can and our class big handsome boy sitting together, really cheap you."

Everyone in the class knew that Ryan Sullivan didn't like to sit at the same table, even though every girl in the class wanted to dine with the man of honor.

But Ryan was the best student in the class, and the teacher let him have a table all to himself so that he wouldn't interfere with his studies.

But Lily sits with him, which makes Vanessa even more jealous.

Lily's anger ignites, and even though her clothes are cheap and her jeans are white-washed, no one can be so insulting!

She immediately slammed her books down on the table and said, "Who are you? Who are you? Old woman, who are you to say I'm from the country? What's the big deal about a few dollars? You don't have long hands and eyes, I'd like to know what you're so proud of!"

When the surrounding students heard Lily's words, they couldn't help but laugh their heads off. In this class, no one dared to talk to those female bullies like this.

This scene made them feel extremely happy.

The girl who was scolded by Lily's face turned red, probably not expecting her to fight back like that.

In her anger, she involuntarily stepped back, and then Vanessa came on.

She said arrogantly, "Look, Lily Adams, if you bully my friend, you're bullying me! Her name is Hailey Bennett, and today I'm going to show you what I'm made of! Don't you dare call her an old woman, you hick!"

With that, Vanessa raised her hand, looking like she wanted to slap Lily.

Lily's face flashed a smug smile, before Vanessa's hand fell, she quickly raised her hand and slapped her first.

It was a case of "first to strike, last to suffer".

Seeing this, the two girlfriends with Vanessa immediately rushed to help, but Lily quickly kicked her with a "flying kick", and the girls instantly stepped back, crashed into the table, and then collapsed on the ground.

The two girls instantly backed up, hit the table, and fell to the ground. The students were so scared that they fled in all directions when they saw the fight.

After Lily finished the fight, she felt that she hadn't had enough, she didn't realize that these vase characters could only pretend to be something they are not, but she was able to get rid of them in just two moves.

Vanessa looked at Lily's strength, she didn't dare to come forward again, she just left her words: "Bumpkin, you'll wait!" After that, she escaped from the classroom with her sisters.

Lily gave a laugh: "So what if I am a peasant? It's much better than you, a peacock who ran away!"

Ryan Sullivan, who had been watching from the side, suddenly clapped his hands, "Good job!"

"Thanks! It's just a small thing. Anyone who picks on you, call me!" At that moment, Lily felt like a heroine again.

In spite of all the excitement, Vanessa didn't show up for the rest of her classes, and after school, Lily was called to the office.

Needless to say, it must have been because of the fight this morning, and those little bitches must have complained about it.

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