Growing Up Together


"Son, get up, Aunt Laura's baby sister was born."

"I'm not excited about the birth of a baby. It's immoral to disturb my sleep, Zach!"

Ethan Harper was not happy about being woken up, rolled over, rewrapped himself tightly in the covers, and fell back into a deep sleep.

"The boy has inherited his father's capricious temper, and I can tell he's a Harper by his looks, but he hasn't inherited any of his vivacity of character. Doesn't he realize that if I'm not sunny, who's going to care about me? He's planning for my future, not for my happiness?" Ethan muttered inwardly, unable to keep from getting up - or he'd have to face the fate of having his computer confiscated.

At three years old, Ethan's face was very cute, with a rosy, clean face nourished by good genes, and faint dimples when he smiled. At first, Grace Harper was very worried that her son would inherit his father's high spirits, so she gave him this name in the hope that he would be lively and cheerful every day. But it turned out that this expectation was completely disappointed, Ethan did not seem to understand his mother's good intentions, since he could walk, he refused to be held, and became more and more aloof.

"I know, get up." Ethan thought nothing of it, but of course it was only in his heart, otherwise Aunt Laura wouldn't have known how disappointed he was.

Reluctantly, Ethan got up, ate his breakfast, and followed his parents all the way to Aunt Laura's house.

Speaking of Aunt Laura, she and Grace were roommates and best friends in college, both talented and beautiful women in University D. When they graduated, the two women brought their first handful of students with them. When they graduated, the two women walked out with their diplomas in one hand and their marriage licenses in the other, making a big splash. After they got married, they decided to buy a new house together, which brings us to today's situation.

After Ethan was born, Aunt Laura saw this cute boy and made up her mind to take him as her son-in-law. But the reality of the situation has not always been as planned, as Ethan is now almost three years old and his bride has just been born. But that doesn't diminish the women's enthusiasm for the match.

Entering the master bedroom, Ethan saw Aunt Laura holding her newborn daughter in her arms, with Richard Stone at her side, making for a cozy family of three.

"Grace, this is my little son-in-law here, come and meet our future son-in-law!" As soon as Aunt Laura saw Grace and her little child, she immediately greeted them warmly.

"Let them talk, we'll go to the study, and he'll take lessons from me." Richard said to David Harper, who was almost three years old.

"Let's go, don't bother them here."

Aunt Laura smiled at Ethan, "Sunny, come see my future daughter-in-law."

"Is it really good to instill this so early?" Ethan thought to himself.

He walked over and looked at the baby. In fact, most of the newborn babies were wrinkled, so it was hard to tell if they were good or bad, but Ethan felt a strange stirring at the sight of these wrinkles.

Was it really true that a lover's eye could see the best in a baby? No, no, Ethan desperately tried to shake the thought from his mind, he must have been affected by the relaxed atmosphere, it couldn't be that!

As Aunt Laura placed the baby's legs in his lap, a wonderful feeling came over him, "Soft." Ethan imagined the little baby slowly growing up, and thought of her calling him her brother, and a warmth welled up in his heart.

"Well, I'll protect her from now on." Looking at this little sister, Ethan felt that she was so soft, and seemed to be easily bullied, he must protect her.

The two adults were amused by his words. "Good, I'll let you take care of your little sister from now on," Aunt Laura said with a smile, "I believe you can do it."

"Okay." Ethan agreed.

"Have you got a name yet? What's it called?" He couldn't resist asking.

"Yes, Charlotte Stone."

"Yo, my little girl is something special."

"So is mine, and I get to decide the name." Grace responded.

After lunch, Ethan and his family stayed at Aunt Laura's house until noon, and then they were ready to go home.

Before leaving, Grace took out two silk anklets from her bag and gave them to little Charlotte, and Aunt Laura didn't hesitate to accept them. "Consider it as our Sunny's bride price for her."

"Haha, that's exactly what I want!"

Richard Stone was a bit dissatisfied, "Honey, she was just born, how can I betroth her?"

"It doesn't matter, relationships start at an early age, I don't see the problem. Besides, you and Grace have been talking about it for a long time."

Richard silently shut his mouth, leaving a helpless look on his face.

"Grace always brings Sunny over to play, so that they can develop their relationship."

"Of course."

Five-month-old Charlotte had already started to play by herself, looking around with her big, clear eyes every day. And every time she sees Sunny, she laughs with joy.

Aunt Laura said, "Look, Charlotte loves Sunny, Sunny, you should love Charlotte too."

"Of course, I like Charlotte too."

In fact, Ethan didn't like children very much, when he saw children crying on TV, he always felt slightly disturbed, as if he had forgotten that he was also a child. Charlotte, on the other hand, wasn't fussy, and couldn't resist her sweet smile when she saw him, always grabbing him with her floppy little legs.

In the face of all this, Aunt Laura is happy, while Richard Stone is saddened by the fact that his baby girl is being set up so quickly. However, seeing his wife looking like her daughter was already married off, he could only put up with it willingly.

"Honey, how about giving us another son together?" Richard asked tentatively.

"Why? Didn't I say I only wanted one? Am I really being patriarchal?"

"Of course not, I just want to see if, with another son, I can abduct Charlotte back."

Richard thought to himself, this was a fantastic plan. He couldn't wait to look at Ethan and say, "See, a daughter would be great."

Aunt Laura couldn't help but laugh when she saw Richard's sullen look, "You're so childish."

"Heartbreak ah ......"

Eight-month-old Charlotte has already started to learn to talk, and the first time she called out was "Sunny", she is really a smart and cute little girl. When she turned one, she started to walk. Strangely enough, as long as she is in front of Sunny, she tries hard to walk forward.

All of this learning journey seems to have fallen on young Sunny.

At the age of two, Charlotte could already speak fluently. One day, she came to Ethan's house and saw him focusing on the computer, so she mischievously asked, "Sunny, what are you doing?"

"I told you not to call me Sunny, call me Ethan." Ethan said coolly.

In his mind, he was thinking, "Sunny sounds like a wolf!"


"Because he's older than me, and I have to listen to him."

"Okay, brother Ethan."


This scene marks the budding of a tender and beautiful childhood love story between the two, warm and sweet, with more heartwarming moments perhaps waiting for them in the future.


By the time Yun Luoluo was three years old, she was already a little devil, always making a mess wherever she went.Sophia looked at her daughter who was making a lot of noise, and then she looked at Ethan who was good and calm, and couldn't help but wonder if they were both born in the wrong gender. ......

When Ethan Harper was five years old, he went to kindergarten with his dad, Richard Stone. As a result, Ethan had less time to spend with Charlie.

Charlie realized that her little brother, Xiao Yang, didn't have time to play with her lately, so she asked her mom with her short legs, "Mom, where's little brother, Xiao Yang? Why doesn't he come to play with me?"

"Brother Yang has gone to school, he's going to kindergarten now, to learn."

"Why does Brother Yang have to go to kindergarten?"

"Because he's grown up, and it's time for him to go to school."

"Is school fun? I want to go too, I want to play with Brother Yang." Charlie beamed unhappily, she wanted Brother Yang to accompany her.

"Yes, it's fun, there are lots of kids like me studying there. When you are a little older, you can go to kindergarten with Brother Yang."

"Where did he go? Did he go to find Brother Yang?" Charlie jumped up and down anxiously.

Sophia couldn't help but sigh, Ethan's charm is really huge, her daughter has really grown up!

"Didn't mom say, you're still small, when you're a little older, you can go."

"No, I won't ask, he goes to kindergarten, he goes to Brother Yang." The little girl's mouth deflated, and her tears were about to come out.

Richard, who had just returned home, came over as soon as he saw his baby girl crying. After learning what happened, he couldn't help but cry and laugh. Looking at his daughter's red nose and twitching look, although he didn't want to let his daughter be with a brat, but he was also heartbroken to the core.

"Okay, if you want to go to kindergarten, daddy will take you there, okay? Don't cry."

"Dad you can not say can not be serious, can not lie to children oh."

Richard's heart ached at being doubted. "Of course not, I'll wait."

Charlie finally stopped crying, the rosy cheeks with crystal tears hanging on them, it was really too cute.

"How can she go to kindergarten when she's so young?"

"Then I'll talk to the kindergarten teacher, let our daughter and that brat in the same class, so that we can also have a care, as for the study is even more do not need to worry about, our IQ is so high, daughter is certainly not bad! There is no problem at all in kindergarten."

Looking at her narcissistic husband, Sophia said helplessly, "I'll take care of it, don't worry."

"Don't worry, honey, leave it to me."

Early Monday morning, knowing that she would be going to kindergarten with her brother Yang, Charlie rarely stayed in bed, Sophia washed her up and Charlie sat on the sofa waiting for her mom to braid her hair. This kind of behavior made Sophia a little uncomfortable. After all, her daughter has always been a tornado, I wish she could be that good all the time.

As it turns out, Sophia's idea is just that: an idea. There is always a difference between dreams and reality. Over the next few days, Charlie's behavior in front of Ethan didn't mean she would be like that at other times. ......

After breakfast, Richard and Sophia took their daughter to the kindergarten together. as soon as Charlie arrived at the door of her class, she saw her brother, Xiao Yang.

Ethan looked out of place amongst the hustle and bustle of the children, sitting quietly on a small stool, holding a book bigger than his face and reading.

"Brother Yang!" The little girl ran over to him.

"Why are you here?"

Though he said so on his lips, he had to admit in his heart that he felt a tinge of happiness inside when he heard her voice.

"I came to play with you!"


I came to kindergarten to play with you, and that reason left him speechless.

Ethan put down the book in his hand, helped her with her bag, and pointed to the small stool beside him, "You sit here, and be good."

"Okay, brother Yang."

Sophia at the door saw this scene, simply could not believe her eyes. Whose family is this well-behaved little girl, and how come she doesn't recognize her? She also relaxed a lot.

"Baby, Mommy and Daddy will come to pick you up after school. Remember to listen to your teacher and brother Yang."

"I know, mom."

This well-behaved little girl didn't even look at her, Richard's heart was lost.

From that day on, Charlie would follow Ethan around every day, calling "Xiaoyang brother, Xiaoyang brother", and although Ethan found it a bit annoying from time to time, he actually preferred Charlie to the children in his class who cried all the time, but she was just a bit more talkative.

Since Charlie came to the kindergarten, Ethan, the cool little boy, has become a "little housekeeper". He used to say, "Don't be a picky eater, kid. Eat your carrots." Or "Close your eyes, it's your lunch break." Or "All slow down, don't fall down."

After that, Charlie became the envy of all the little kindergarten girls, because Ethan never said so much to anyone else. And they realized that Ethan's smile was also very nice, with two light dimples on his face. His laughter was only for Charlie.

Occasionally, when Richard and Sophia were busy at work and had things to take care of, Charlie would follow her brother Yang home. When there is someone at home, she will go back again, who let the two families live so close to each other?

Childhood is always beautiful but short. For Charlie, apart from her mom and dad, her childhood was filled with her little brother Yang. Her brother Yang would accompany her to school, hold her little hand as she walked home, and play with her. Although he sometimes disliked her, he never really ignored her.

As for Ethan, before Charlie came, he only had to do his own thing in kindergarten, but since Charlie came, he started to take care of her. Although it was very troublesome, he, who was afraid of troubles, miraculously took care of her for two years.

At that moment in time, Charlie didn't realize the significance of her dependence on her yang-brother, and Ethan didn't understand what it meant for him to take care of her and compromise. It wasn't until they both grew up that they realized that unconditional dependence and indulgence was called love.


Month by month, Charlotte Stone and Ethan Harper are growing up.

After two years of kindergarten, Ethan is finally ready to enter elementary school.

I say "finally" because Ethan is tired of learning what he has already mastered with all the other children.

But he was worried that Charlotte was still too young to go to elementary school. If he went to school, Charlotte would have to be alone in the kindergarten.

Thinking about her silly appearance, she can't take care of herself, can't eat well, can't sleep well, what if she is bullied?

So, that afternoon, Ethan thought long and hard in his little room, and finally decided to let Charlotte go to first grade with him.

Even though Charlotte was young, he believed that as long as she was with him, he wouldn't let her be bullied. Even if someone did bully her, it would be him, no one else!

After making this decision, in the morning after breakfast, Ethan solemnly asked his mom about it.

"Mom, how old can a child go to elementary school?"

"That...some elementary schools allow you to take the exam yourself, as long as you pass. Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

"I'm afraid that if I go to elementary school by myself, Charlotte will be bullied in kindergarten, so I want her to come with me. But she's not old enough."

"Son, I'm so proud of you. Your words are enough to make me happy. Son, I will never let them bully Charlotte, I will protect her!"

Why is it that every time she sees Ethan she doesn't think that little Charlotte is smart enough to piss them off half to death, and then Ethan turns out to be a little twit?

Charlotte had inherited her parents' eloquence and sharpness. After all, they were the best debaters in college, but Ethan couldn't hold his own with her.

"Aren't you going to ask Charlotte's opinion, see if she wants to, after all she's two years younger than you."

"Well, I'll go downstairs and ask her then."

...... had to say, this time Ethan was genuinely anxious, Grace Harper had never seen her son so attached to anything. It was as if she saw that sweet little girl beckoning to her.

Ethan went back to his room, grabbed Charlotte's favorite candy, and headed downstairs.

Knocking on the door, it was Sophia Stone who opened it.

"Ethan, come to see Charlotte?"

"Uh, hello Aunt Sophia, hello Uncle Richard."

"Hmph." Richard Stone on the couch let out a cold grunt.

Sophia glared at him, and turned to Ethan, "Come on in."

"Charlotte's upstairs, is it okay if I go get her?"

"Go ahead, but there's something I want to talk to her about."

"Okay, I'll go."

After Ethan went upstairs, Richard was a little upset. "Why should this kid get to see my baby girl if he wants to?"

"What do you mean, I thought good men were plentiful now. Naturally we have to start at a young age, I don't want a man I don't know at all marrying my daughter in the future, of course I have to find a boy I've known since she was a child to keep her company!"

Richard did not want to say more, he felt that his wife has a point, rather than let a strange man to marry his daughter, it is better to be close to the water, find one we all know, even if they are married in the future to meet is also convenient.

"Wife, I suddenly feel that you are really thoughtful. I'll think about that kid." Richard said with a smug look on his face.

Sophia rolled her eyes helplessly.

Ethan arrived at Charlotte's room, and found her door open. He knocked twice and pushed the door in.

Charlotte was standing in front of her desk, looking at an illustration book. She was so happy to see Brother Lamb coming that she threw the book away.

She walked to Ethan's side, and asked sweetly, "Brother Little Sheep, why are you here?"

Ethan had long gotten used to her calling him Brother Sheep, and despite all the corrections she made, she only listened attentively, but never changed her tone. She was the only one in the world who called him that, so he let her.

He picked up her picture book and put it back on the shelf, and slowly said, "Didn't I tell you not to throw books around?"

"Hee hee, I'm so happy that brother lamb is here!"

"I want to tell you something very serious now, you have to be serious."

"Okay, Brother Lamb."

"I want to go to elementary school."

"What's an elementary school, can I eat?" The little girl asked with a serious face.

"...... Of course you can't, Elementary school and kindergarten are pretty much the same place, only there are more things to learn. And it goes on to middle school, high school and college. But those aren't important. What I want to say is, if I go to elementary school, you'll have to go to kindergarten alone. So I want you to go to elementary school with me."

"I want to stay with Little Brother Sheep, and I'll go wherever Little Brother Sheep goes."

Ethan was very happy to hear this.

"Well, that's good. If I go to elementary school, I'll have to take a test, and I'll have to pass it."

"Is the test hard? ......"

"Uh, it's not hard. If I really want to, you can teach me too, I just need to be serious."

"Well, then I'll work really hard, and play with Brother Lamb!"

Ethan looked at the little girl who was seriously conversing with him, looking at her bright big eyes and her little face that turned red because of her excitement, he couldn't help but give her a kiss on her pink little face.

"Little Brother Sheep, why are you kissing me?"

"Because I like you."

"Kiss." The little girl planted a kiss on Ethan's cheek this time.

It was the first kiss between a little boy and a little girl. Charlotte was five, Ethan was seven.

"I like Brother Lamb too."

A blush instantly spread across Ethan's face.

He coughed, quickly changed the topic, and took out the candy from his pocket and handed it to the little girl. "This is your favorite fruit candy."

The little girl put the candy into her mouth and said indistinctly, "Brother Sheep gave me so many candies? I'll eat it in one bite."

"...... You can't eat so much candy at once, it will break your teeth. If I go to school with you, you can have one candy every day."

"Okay, I'll count on it."

"Don't worry, I'll count on it."

So, Ethan and the little girl hooked up.

"Since I want to go to elementary school with you, let's go talk to Uncle Richard and Aunt Sophia and get ready."

"Okay, listen to Brother Lamb." The little girl narrowed her big eyes and showed a bright smile.


Ethan Harper took the little girl by the hand and walked downstairs to sit on the sofa. Richard Stone and Sophia Stone, who were sitting across the room, couldn't help but think something had happened when they saw how serious both of their little faces were.

Until Charlotte Stone softly spoke, "Mommy and Daddy, I want to go to elementary school with Sunny."

"Honey, you're only five, you're not old enough to enroll." Sophia smiled.

"But Sunny said I can!" Charlotte explained anxiously.

Ethan spoke up at the right time, "Auntie and Uncle, that's what I think. I want her to go to elementary school with me. As for the age, there are many five year olds who can go to school nowadays, as long as they pass the exams.Charlotte will go to elementary school with me, and I will take care of her, so she won't have to worry about being bullied at school."

"Well, Sunny brother will protect me, I just want to go to elementary school with Sunny!" Charlotte said firmly.

Richard and Sophia looked at their daughter's serious and determined expression, and couldn't help but laugh and cry, Sophia has always regarded Ethan as her son-in-law, of course, she fully supports him, besides, her daughter also likes him very much. When she thought of having such a calm and understanding person to accompany her daughter, although Richard could not bear to see her daughter grow up, he also knew in his heart that it was better to cultivate a familiar person than to let her get along with strangers in the future.

"Ahem, since you say so, this matter is not impossible. However, if I find out that Charlotte is being bullied at school, I won't let you off easily!" Richard warned seriously.

"Don't worry, uncle, Charlotte will never be bullied if I'm around." Ethan responded frankly.

"Really, don't be so serious, yang yang is also a little kid. ethan ah, the two little kids will be in your hands."

"Yes, I will definitely take care of her."

"That's great! I can go to school with Sunny again!" Charlotte jumped up and down excitedly, smiling especially happily.

Ethan looked at the little girl, and thought in his heart that he would take care of her even if Richard and Sophia stopped talking. Because he loves to see her smile: whether it is when she eats her favorite candy, like a kitten like a fishy smile, or happily call him Sunny's brother when the bright smile, or that light smile, Charlotte's eyes like a bright night sky, sparkling with countless stars. He hoped that Charlotte would always keep smiling, and her beautiful eyes should never shed tears.

Thus, the matter of Charlotte and Ethan going to elementary school together was happily finalized. In order to help Charlotte prepare for her exams, Ethan naturally came to tutor her.

Every night after dinner, Ethan would come to Charlotte's house and tutor her, Charlotte understood the importance of this exam, if she didn't pass, it would mean that she and her brother Sunny would be separated. Children's thoughts are always so simple: companionship is not companionship if you can't see it every day.

So Charlotte studied very hard to be with her brother Sunny every day. On the night before the test, Ethan didn't teach her anything new, but looked her seriously in the eyes and said, "Don't be afraid, it's just a little test."

"Well, I'm not scared at all, I'm sure I'll pass!" Charlotte replied confidently.

"Good, Lolo will pass, don't look at anything today, don't study, sleep well and get enough energy. Tomorrow I'll go with you."

"En En, I'll listen to Brother Sunny."

The next morning, when Ethan came to look for Charlotte, he found that she had already woken up and was sitting at the dining table eating breakfast. Seeing him come in, Charlotte sweetly greeted, "Good morning Brother Sunny!"

"Good morning, you eat your breakfast first." Ethan smiled in response.

"Sunny, your Uncle Richard and I have some things we need to take care of, so you can send Charlotte there later."

"Don't worry, Uncle and Auntie." Ethan stated.

Soon after Richard and Sophia left, Charlotte wolfed down her breakfast. "Brother Sunny, I'm done eating!" She still had bread in her small mouth.

Ethan poured her a glass of milk, "Have a sip, I told you not to rush, there's still plenty of time."

Charlotte finally swallowed the bread in her mouth with great effort, and said with a smile, "Hey, I'm just afraid that Brother Sunny will be in a hurry."

"Silly, I've always been patient with you." Ethan smiled helplessly, "Let's go after we finish eating."

He put Charlotte's coat on, and even though at seven years old Ethan was already half a head taller than Charlotte, the act of dressing was slightly awkward, as he had never dressed anyone before. Nonetheless, he's very focused, as if he's doing something important.

After putting on his coat, he took Charlotte's hand and walked her to the foyer, where he sat her down on the small sofa. He knelt down and carefully put on her shoes, tying the laces, and Charlotte looked at him with warmth in her heart.

The driver dropped them off in front of the elementary school, Ethan told the driver not to wait here, he would come back later.

"Lolo!" The moment Charlotte looked at him sideways, Ethan kissed her cheek.

"Go on, I'll be right here waiting for you to come out, I'll take you to your favorite cake after the test, go for it, it'll be fine, don't be nervous."

"Yeah, I'll do my best!" Charlotte responded sweetly.

Ethan watched Charlotte enter the exam room, secretly thinking how this little girl didn't turn around at all. In fact, Charlotte's heart was thinking, hurry up and finish the exam so that she can go and eat the cake.

Most of the people waiting at the entrance were parents, the bell rang, the exam was over, Charlotte saw Sunny waiting for her as soon as she stepped out of the door.

"Little sheep brother, the exam questions you have taught me oh, I know all!" she said happily. She said happily.

"En, Lolo is the best." Ethan smiled and praised.

"I want strawberry flavored cake!"

"Okay, I'll take you there."

"Yay! Brother Sunny is the best!"

Ethan watched her eyes narrow to a slit with happiness, and a sense of satisfaction welled up in his heart. He led the little girl into the car, and said to the driver, "Driver uncle, let's go to the cake store we always go to on the street."

"Okay." The driver replied.

When they entered the bakery, Ethan ordered the strawberry cake for Charlotte and a glass of milk for her.

"Aren't you going to eat it, brother lamb?"

"I don't eat, you eat." Ethan said with a smile.

Charlotte dug a spoonful of cake to his mouth, "Brother Sunny, try it, it's delicious!"

Looking at the little girl's expectant look, Ethan could only eat the cake with her spoon. "It's delicious, Lolo didn't lie." After saying that, he took another bite of the cake.

Ethan felt that this kind of sweet cake was actually very good, as if it had sweetened into his heart.


Charlotte Stone, who had just gotten her results that day, was so happy that she couldn't wait to go and tell her lamb brother Ethan Harper.

"Mom, I'm going to find Ethan!" she exclaimed excitedly.

"Go on, walk slowly, don't fall." Sophia Stone said with a smile as she looked at her daughter who was so happy she was about to fly.

Charlotte opened the door briskly, and saw Ethan Harper, who was about to knock on the door.

"Brother Lamb, I'm here! You were looking for me. He passed his test, so we can study together again! I'm coming in!" She shouted excitedly.

"Well, Charlie's awesome." Ethan said as he followed the little girl in.

"Ethan, welcome!" Sophia was so happy every time she saw the little son-in-law.

"Ok, I'll go play with Charlotte over by the couch, there's fruit and snacks on the coffee table." She continued.

"Uh, no, Auntie. I just came to ask Charlie if he passed his test, and then to say hi, I have to go home for dinner." Ethan replied.

"Well then, come and play again sometime, it's so close. It's so close anyway.Charlie, give my little lamb brother a ride." Sophia encouraged.

"Well, bye bye Auntie!" Charlotte said reluctantly.

"Bye brother lamb!" She said with a reluctant face at the door.

"Don't be upset, we'll see each other at school in a few days, every day." Ethan pinched her soft cheeks and comforted her.

"En, I know, little sheep brother remember to miss me oh."

"I know." Ethan responded with a smile.

As the cicadas faded away, so did the hot weather. In the blink of an eye, Ashton City entered the fall.

It was finally time to report to school.

Charlotte and Ethan had a free day and packed their bags early.

Richard and Sophia Stone, along with David Harper and Mrs. Harper, woke up early to take the kids to school.

When they arrived at school, the parents accompanied the little ones to their classes. They were to report tomorrow and receive their new books, and it wasn't long before they were finished.

The four parents decided to celebrate and took them to the cafeteria for a big meal.

At the table, Ethan concentrates on peeling Charlotte's shrimp and placing them one by one on her plate.

"You guys, Ethan will make a great husband in the future, haha." Sophia said jokingly.

"Mom, what's a husband?" Charlotte asked curiously.

"It's like when Daddy and Mommy like each other, and when they get together, Daddy is Mommy's husband."

"So Ethan and I like each other too, and we're together, will Ethan be my husband too?"

"We're too young now, but when we grow up, I'll be Ethan's bride, and he'll be my husband. Of course, if Ethan is willing."

"If Ethan wants to be my groom when he grows up, will I?" Charlotte asked with a serious face.

"Baby, shouldn't Ethan be the one to propose ......" Sophia thought silently in her heart.

David, on the other hand, was heartbroken that the little princess he had worked so hard to raise was leaving him so early.

"Ethan's got his heart set on Charlotte, I'll see to that." Grace Harper teased, looking excited.

Ethan gently picked up a tissue and wiped the stain from Charlotte's mouth, then said lightly, "Okay."

In the back of his mind, Ethan knew that as Charlotte waved her little hands around and wanted to be with him, he was gradually becoming inseparable from her himself. That was why, when he found out that he was going to enter elementary school, he tried his best to make sure that she could go with him as well. He couldn't imagine what it would be like not to see her every day.

If there was one person who would be with him until the end, it would be Charlotte, although he would never say those words.

"Brother Lamb, remember to keep your word."

"Of course, let's eat."

Elementary school life was very different from kindergarten, Charlotte and Ethan were assigned to the second class. The class teacher was a language teacher who had just finished her internship, full of vigor and with a gentle smile.

On the second day of class, Charlotte was very happy. She liked the language teacher.

However, after a few days, she found her life in elementary school boring, not being able to eat or chat with her brother sheep. And she didn't understand a word the English teacher said.

Forget it, let's go back and ask Ethan to tell her, Brother Sheep is so powerful, every time he teaches her something she understands, not like that teacher.

The little girl's classmate is a tomboy-like girl, rumor has it that her parents thought she was a boy until she was born, but from her name to her hairstyle to her clothes, she looks like a tomboy.

"What's my name? My name is Lydia Morgan," she said matter-of-factly.

"Her name is Charlotte Stone, I can call her Charlie," Charlotte replied with a smile.

"I'll call her Lottie then, she likes me, can I be good friends with her?" Lydia had just started school and noticed the spunky little girl.

There's no denying that auras do exist between people. Some people feel attracted to each other the first time they meet, while others don't even want to say a word. Children are more sensitive to this, their understanding and perception of emotions are more direct.

In this simple and pure world, especially in the eyes of children, black or white, like without reservation.

"No, she already has a little lamb brother, she can only like him, she will be the bride of the little lamb brother in the future, she can't like anyone else." Charlotte firmly stated.

"I like her to be my little sheep brother's bride in the future is not contradictory oh, she is not a girl, may not compete with your little sheep brother for the bride." Lydia was obviously confident in her own idea.

"I'm not a girl? Then why the short hair?" She asked suspiciously.

"Probably because her mom likes her with short hair. Now that I know, she's not a boy, so can we be good friends?"

"Well, that's fine, Lydia," Charlotte nodded in agreement.

"Then we'll be good friends from now on." Lydia said happily.

When they were young, they were both very simple and brave, they would say what they wanted, and the way they made friends was also so simple and direct.

The two of them were chatting happily in a corner of the classroom, and the teacher next to them had already noticed.

"Ahem, Charlotte, you answer his question." The teacher called out.

The little girl who was called stood up and answered honestly, "Teacher, he doesn't know."

The English teacher, who was a man, smiled at her honest answer and said, "Charlotte, please pay attention and go back to your seat."

When the little girl returned to her seat, she quietly stuck out her tongue and stopped talking.

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