Winters Daughter


It's snowing heavily for the third time.

Snowflakes dance in the air, breath turns into frost and mist, and the end of the year is the coldest time of the year in River City.

Emily Winters stepped out of her car and sneezed into the biting north wind.

"Barely ......"

The cold couldn't be described in a sentence, it could only be conveyed through a sneeze.

Emily rubbed the tip of her nose, slightly sidestepping the snow and wind in her face, and one of her headphones fell down. She casually glanced down and ignored it.

In the other headset, the voices of several boys were noisy, playful and energetic.

"Come on, Ethan, you're a ladies' man, you're not really at a disadvantage, to put it mildly."

"You can't say that, as a drag queen, I can't just let anyone touch me, and intentionally bumping into my boobs, that's just being a hooligan."

"Ethan is right, when it comes to this kind of old rascal with an impure heart, he must be punished, punished ruthlessly!"

"Then he touched the silicone on his hand, he didn't say you cheated."

"Yes, the boobs are silicone, I admit that, but my ass isn't fake!"


After a moment's hubbub, Ethan finally realized the sudden silence on the other end of the line, and immediately changed the subject, "Hello? Cameron, are you there?"


The wind was whistling, snowflakes were getting into her mouth, Emily didn't really want to say much, she just answered vaguely.

Ethan asked again, "Why did you stop talking all of a sudden?"

Emily replied succinctly, "I'm here."

Ethan froze, "Arrived where?"

Emily said, "In the bar owned by the old man who touched your ass."

Ethan: "????"

...... Legendary activist????

"Crap." Ethan blurted out, followed by another barrage of compliments, Emily just listened absentmindedly. Waiting at a stoplight, she glanced sideways, slightly, at the sign for the bar across the street - Elysium.

"Elysium, for pleasure?"

Gee, I'm sure you're a cultural person.

The traffic light quickly turned from red to green, she raised her hand and pulled off her headphones, interrupting Ethan's compliments, lazily tilted her head, and said softly, "Let's go."

Two bodyguards carrying burlap sacks immediately stood at attention, followed closely.

The sky is not yet completely dark, the bar is already bustling, smoke filled, the smell of alcohol, lights shining, neon lights in the hall alternately changing, colorful light and shadow in the glass swaying, as if immersed in a dream world.

All of this is in line with the name "Elysium".

Emily's aim is clear: she enters and heads straight for the bar, without looking up.

The bartender was about to ask, "What would you like to drink, little girl?" Before the words left her mouth, Emily had already grabbed the most expensive bottle of brandy and threw it at the opposite wall.

"Boom!" With a loud bang, the brandy collided with the wall, instantly exploding a beautiful ink painting.


The bartender froze, instantly frozen in place.

The hall seemed to be pressed the pause button, the original lively Elysium instantly quiet, so quiet that even the sound of a needle falling to the ground can be heard, everyone turned their heads in unison, silently staring at the bar in front of this uninvited guest.


The unexpected visitor was a young girl, not very old, she looked about fifteen or sixteen years old.

Looks very beautiful, the features are slightly young, but between the eyebrows there is a hint of depth, like the characteristics of mixed race, the face is as exquisite as the second yuan anime characters, appear slightly unreal.

Probably because the wind outside was too strong, her long black hair was blown a little messy, the hair around her ears fell casually, the rest of her hair was held by a few thin hairpins, dark purple hairpins gently intertwined.

The cold winter wind seems to have no effect on her, she is only wearing a loose black sweater, the edge of the short skirt reveals a little black and purple checkered hemline, her feet stepped on a pair of high-waisted canvas shoes, white legs are not covered.

The whole person is like a sickly girl coming out from a dark Japanese comic, three parts sweet, seven parts rebellious.

Now, this sickly girl with one hand in her pocket, leaning on the bar, the other finger holding a similarly black cell phone, is turning one by one.

The silence in the hall was frightening, and not a single person spoke, as if waiting for her to say something.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Emily spun the phone around and smiled calmly and politely, "Sorry, my hand slipped."

Crowd: "......"

God damn it.

This arrogance doesn't look half as embarrassing at all.

After apologizing in an "I'm not sorry at all" tone, Emily turns around and continues her selection, once again picking out the most expensive bottle of whiskey from the rack with uncanny accuracy, and another splash explodes on the wall.

Crowd: "......"

No more slips this time, right?

You can't slip twice in a row, can you????

And with such precision, you'll get the most expensive bottle on the rack every time.

A few loud bangs in a row, the bartender finally reacted, slowly withdrawing his shocked mouth, and moving his sight from the white wall back to the girl in front of him who managed to achieve two "victories" in just half a minute.

Sick girl ...... No, the devil girl did not come alone.

Behind her on the left and right stood two big men, like bodyguards, each carrying a sack of things, although I do not know what is loaded inside, but extremely weighty.

Until Emily made a gesture, the two bodyguards quickly opened the sack, grabbed a handful of things from the inside and threw them out.

Only then did the onlookers realize that the sack was full of coins.

One by one, they were all one dollar coins.

While the bouncer kept throwing out coins, Emily smiled and turned back to the bartender who had frozen and said, "Sorry, I spilled your drink, I'll pay for it right away."

Bartender: "......"

I see you've got some nerve.

And, what did you just say?

You call that a "spill"?


At this point in the story, the onlookers finally reacted.

Oh ooh, isn't this just a typical smash up?

And the effect of smashing the scene was very significant, as if the provocation and hatred value had been pulled to the limit in an instant.


The bar is my home, and it's up to you to make money. This night, Emily Winters casually smashed two bottles of wine, worth more than a hundred thousand dollars, the bartender Ethan Harris instant alert, was about to call someone, but saw Emily's look instantly became sad, tears as broken beads, bubbling down.


Ethan's "Boss, someone is deliberately looking for trouble!" The words were stuck in his throat, and it was difficult to vocalize.

"I'm sorry, Ethan, I didn't want this to happen, but I had no choice but to go this far." The girl, with tears on her face, began to complain bitterly, "Actually, I'm your boss's daughter."

Ethan froze, "...... huh?"

Daughter, daughter?

"Your boss forced me to do it, he was too much! After he got rich, he abandoned his wife and children, and ruthlessly severed his relationship with us, for more than ten years, leaving us to be criticized in the village, and forcing my mom to die with a grudge."

Emily's cries were mournful and sad, full of desolation. The customers and waiters were outraged, and they couldn't wait to deal with the scummy man.

"I ran all the way from the village, after a lot of hard work, even walking shoes are broken several pairs, and finally asked my father ...... no, is that ruthless, abandoned me, also abandoned my mother's dead father's news, but he refused to see me. I had no choice but to come to this store to look for him."

Emily was in tears, her voice full of despair, as if she had come to say goodbye to her "dead father", rather than seeking to recognize her family.

The audience sobbed and thought, "This is tragic.

Just as Emily's emotions became heavier and heavier, as if she was going to sleep with her so-called "dead father", someone suddenly raised a question in a trembling voice: "But, but our boss is only seventeen this year, are you sure you can give birth to such a big daughter?"

Emily: "?"

The tears that were flowing immediately stopped.


Seventeen years old?

This information made Emily instantly confused, the sadness of the emotions a lot of time to let go. The onlookers also froze, looked at each other, confused.

At this time, a low soft voice with a bit of teasing drifted from the stairway: "Daughter?"

Emily: "......"

The voice sounded young, and didn't seem very old.Emily couldn't help but follow the voice.

The light of the stairway is dim, the light cast is blurred but can be vaguely seen, standing is a 17 or 18 year old teenager. His body was mostly hidden in the shadows, as if he had been watching for a long time.

The teenager was tall and slim, with a beautiful bone structure, standing there like a bright silver knife, sharp and cold, emitting a kind of sharpness that was hard to hide.

Emily immediately froze. Although she couldn't see his face, judging from his figure, he didn't look like the greasy old man who touched Ethan's ass that day.

She froze for half a second, then turned to the bartender standing behind the bar, "Is this your boss?"

Ethan nodded, "Yeah."

Emily: "......"

Done, she seems to be in the wrong place.


During the time he was frozen, the "boss" as the bartender called him, had already descended the last step of the stairs and was slowly walking towards the bar. The waiters who had gathered in front of the bar quickly stepped aside to make way for him.

Emily finally got a good look at him.

He was a remarkable young man, long-boned and innocent, with features so handsome that they blurred the sexes, but no one would ever recognize him as a girl. His beauty reflected a rare, unfeminine temperament, gentle and cool at the same time.

He was taller than she had imagined, and as he stood in front of her, easily blocking the light from the projector lamps, Emily felt as if a shadow hung over her head, and a strong sense of oppression came over her in an instant. She unconsciously took half a step backward.

At that moment, a soft laugh came from her ear, and Emily subconsciously raised her head.

Jackson lightly glanced at the coins on the ground, and then looked at her with a slightly playful expression, asking, "Girl?"

When he smiled, the narrow tails of his eyes narrowed slightly, and a dreamlike gentleness flowed from them. Although he was smiling, those charming black eyes seemed cooler than the snow falling from the sky.

Emily's eyes widened in surprise, staring at him warily. Though he didn't make any unnecessary movements, she still felt a palpitating sense of oppression, especially the moment he lowered his eyes to look at her, as if a thin blade was pressing down on her.

The thinness seemed unintentional, but there was a sharpness in his dark eyes.

At that moment, the cell phone in her hand suddenly rang, the bright ringtone broke the almost eerie atmosphere. emily did not look at who the caller was, mechanically answered the phone, "hello?"

"Em?" it was Lily's voice on the other end of the line, she seemed a little confused, "Where are you now? I heard Hank say you were here, but I haven't seen you around."

"......" Emily gripped the phone, swallowing hard, "I seem to be in the wrong place."

"Wrong place?" Lily asked, "So where are you now?"

Emily: "West Street."

"Oh, that's okay." Lily said, not really caring, "It's okay if you come over now."

"Something's up." Emily gulped again, her dark eyes fixed on Jackson, and said slowly, "I can't get through."

Lily: "?"

Lily: "Why?"

Emily: "Because I've finished trashing people's stores."

Lily: "......"

Emily: "And the owner of the store is looking at me right now."

Lily: "......"

There's a moment of silence on the other end of the line, then another crisp voice comes through, as if the phone has changed hands. "Em?" this time it was Ethan's voice, he sounded a little frantic, "My darling! Em! I said North Street, not West Street, whose store did you smash up anyway???"

Emily: "......"

Apparently, it was the unlucky kid's store in front of her.

The bouncer's action is very fast, the two sacks of coins have been scattered long before Jackson went downstairs, and now the whole hall of the bar is full of coins. As far as the eye can see, all the places that the eye can see are a piece of silver light flashing, as if the whole hall is covered with a layer of light.


The light from the changing projector lamps is so bright that it hurts your eyes.

"Oops, Emily really can't stand it."

Luckily, the coins were silver, if they were gold, the bar would have been transformed into a magnificent church, and the coins would have instantly turned into rosary beads, providing a spiritual baptism to the people who were engrossed in the noisy scene.

"Ah, what a blinding light ......"

Emily gulped cautiously, her eyes moving to Ethan, who was also looking at her.

The atmosphere became very awkward for a while.

After a while, Emily stammered, holding the cell phone tightly and said, "Sorry, I made a mistake ...... No, I'm in the wrong place."

Said, she could not help but look back at the coins all over the ground, and then like being stung in the eyes, hurriedly don't open the head, and then hurriedly added: "That ...... your store losses, I will compensate."

Ethan did not seem too concerned, initially looked at the mess, and then no longer pay attention to that piece. Hearing Emily say that she would pay for the damages, he asked carelessly, "All of them?"

"Yes." Emily quickly nodded her head, her tone was sincere, "I'll pay ten times."

"Then let's go." Ethan gave her a faint look, turned around and walked out the door.

Emily froze, "? Going? Where are you going?"

But she had a shame in her heart, being smashed by someone else's store, Emily always felt that she had no right to ask. So, she kept her mouth shut and followed silently.

Ethan stopped a cab at the door, bent down to open the backseat door, held the frame with one hand, and turned to Emily, "Get in."

Thinking he was taking her to the bank to withdraw money, Emily silently sat in the back seat.

Ethan didn't follow him in, but closed the door and sat directly in the front passenger seat, and softly reported the address to the driver, "Go to City Psychiatric Hospital."

Emily, who was about to pull out her bank card, froze, "......? Wait, where did you say you were going?"

West Street is not far from City Psychiatric Hospital, the drive takes less than twenty minutes. When the driver heard that it was to a psychiatric hospital, he immediately stepped on the gas with great vigor, and the car sped forward.

Emily was a little confused, not knowing what this driver was so excited about. Could it be that this was the first time he had received a client going to a mental hospital?

Soon, the cab stopped in front of the hospital, Ethan paid the money and got out of the car.

Emily didn't know what the owner of the store she smashed was going to do, and saw that Ethan wasn't going to explain, so she followed him in a confused state of mind.

Into the hall of the first floor of the registration desk, Ethan stopped, sideways head asked her: "Bring your wallet?"

Thinking he wanted money, Emily quickly took out her wallet from her pocket without saying a word.

However, Ethan didn't even look at the bank card inside, he just took her ID card, looked down and scanned the name on it, and faintly pronounced, "Emily Winters?"

Emily subconsciously responded, "Huh?"

Ethan withdrew his gaze, the corner of his mouth slightly raised, "Nice name."

Emily felt a slight uneasiness in her heart, obviously Ethan's voice had no emotion, and sounded very gentle, but she felt a hint of contempt from this familiar name.

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